TAR REK Aces For E: Umans

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Antennae. Andorians have a pair of antennae that are

HUMANS useful for detecting their surroundings. You have
Humans have the following racial traits. advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally,
Ability Score Increase. Each of your ability scores even when blinded, you know the location of every living
increase by 1. creature within 30 feet of you that isn’t taking steps to
Age. Humans reach physical maturity at around age 18, hide itself (such as by the Dexterity (Stealth) skill),
but usually aren’t considered full adults until age 21. though you still have disadvantage on attack rolls made
Thanks to the advanced medicine available in the against them.
Federation, humans can live upwards of 120 years, Surefooted. You are trained in the Strength (Athletics)
sometimes even longer. skill, and have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Size. Humans generally stand a little less than 2 meters checks to keep your footing.
tall, although taller and shorter specimens than this Environmental Resilience. Your tolerances for both
average exist. Your size is Medium. heat and cold are better than a human’s. You have
Speed. Human base land speed is 10 meters. advantage on Constitution saving throws against extreme
Subraces. Humans have no appreciable subraces. heat and extreme cold.
Although they have spread far and wide across the
Galaxy, in addition to independently evolving on
countless worlds, almost all humans conform to the same TELLARITES
norm. However, the Continuum may sometimes allow Tellarites have the following racial traits.
you to choose to play as a Variant human instead. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.
VARIANT HUMAN Age. Tellarites age at the same rate as humans.
Probably. We don’t actually know. This upsets the
With the Continuum’s permission, you can run a Variant
human instead of a normal human. This has the following
Size. Tellarites tend to be short and stocky. They
average only about 1.5 meters tall, though they can weigh
Ability Score Increase. Two of your ability scores
nearly as much as a human. Your size is Medium.
increase by 1. This replaces standard human ability score
Speed. Tellarite base land speed is 8 meters.
Darkvision. Tellarites are pretty dwarfy so they
Bonus Trained Skill. You begin the game with an
probably have darkvision. You can see in dim light
additional trained skill at 1st level.
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
Bonus Feat. You begin the game with a bonus feat at
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color
1st level.
in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Scent. That nose isn’t just for show. Tellarites
ANDORIANS have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on scent.
Andorians have the following racial traits.
Scathing Rebuttal. Tellarites greatly prize arguing
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
with one another and have a culture built around debate
increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
– and insults. You are trained in the Wisdom (Insight)
Age. Andorians have a rapid metabolism that means
skill. Furthermore, you may as an action designate a
they age somewhat faster than humans, reaching maturity
target within 10 meters that can hear you and proceed to
at around 15 years. This rapid maturation also means they
make rude comments, possibly concerning their
don’t tend to live quite as long even with advance
parentage. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving
Federation medicine – few live past 100 years.
throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
Size. Andorians stand at around the same height as
modifier) or be Stunned for 1 round.
humans, but tend to be something thinner. Your size is
Speed. Andorian base land speed is 10 meters.
Sex. Andorians have four biological sexes, not two.
Vulcans have the following racial traits.
This has no mechanical effect on your character, the
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
Continuum just wanted to remind you of this fact whilst
by 1, and your Intelligence score increases by 2.
encouraging you to play a shen.
Age. Vulcans reach maturity at about the same speed
as humans, but they can live to be older, 200 years or KLINGONS
more. Klingons have the following racial traits.
Size. Vulcans stand around the same height and have Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
about the same build as humans. Your size is Medium. by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base land speed is 10 meters. Age. Klingons age much faster than humans, reaching
Logical Mind. You are trained in one Intelligence- maturity at age 13. However, they can also live longer
based skill of your choice at character creation, lives, upwards of 150 years, although few die of old age.
Mind Meld. By touching a creature, you can initiate a Size. On average, Klingons tend to stand taller than
mind meld. Doing so requires 3 rounds of uninterrupted humans, 1.1 or 1.2 meters. Their dense bones and
contact and a successful Intelligence check (DC 10). A muscles coupled with their general build means they also
creature can resist the mind meld by making an Wisdom tend to weigh a bit more. Your size is Medium.
saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Speed. Klingon base land speed is 10 meters.
Intelligence modifier); on a success, the meld attempt Chosen of Kahless. You are trained in the Strength
fails, though you may try it again. He or she can repeat (Athletics) skill.
this saving throw each round to break the meld; otherwise Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
you may end it as a free action on your turn. While mind- determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
melded, you can communicate telepathically with your can push, drag, or lift.
target and he or she with you. You can also peruse the Redundant Organs. If you would be reduced to 0 hit
target’s memories. points, you can instead choose to be reduced to 1 hit
Vulcan’s Forge. You have advantage on Constitution point. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
checks against extreme heat, and require only a quarter until you finish a long rest.
as much water per day as a human. Warrior People. You may add your proficiency bonus
to damage rolls for any weapon you wield.
Language. Klingons speak Klingon because they’re
fucking nerds.

Romulans have the following racial traits. Yes, the
Continuum has decided they’re a wholly separate race,
not just a Vulcan subrace.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Romulans mature and can live as long as their
Vulcan counterparts.
Size. Romulans stand around the same height and have
about the same build as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Romulan base land speed is 10 meters.
The Declared. All Romulans are highly resistant to
mental manipulation. You are proficient in Wisdom
saving throws.
Spycraft. All Romulans are good at intrigue and
treachery. You are trained in the Wisdom (Insight) and
Charisma (Deception) skills.
Warrior People. You may add your proficiency bonus
to damage rolls for any weapon you wield.

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