Nptel: Infrastructure Finance - Video Course

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NPTEL Syllabus

Infrastructure Finance - Video course


This main objective of the course is to provide an understanding and

appreciation of a financing technique that is widely used to finance
infrastructure projects today.

Project Finance, as it is called, differs quantitatively and qualitatively in many

ways as compared to the traditional corporate finance.

This course will provide an exposure to this innovative financing method -

Project Finance, and its applicability and utility across industries. Management
The objective of this course is to give an exposure to the world of project
finance on the following areas:

Project structuring. Pre-requisites:

Understand the complexities of accurately constructing and evaluating 1. Financial Management.

cash flows.
2. Micro Economics / Managerial
Risk assessment and management in infrastructure projects. Economics.

Financing and valuation of infrastructure projects.

Additional Reading:
PPP's in infrastructure.
1. Modern Project Finance, A Case
Book - By Benjamin C. Esty.
2. Mega Projects and Risk - An
anatomy of ambition, by Bent
S.No Topics No.of Hours Flyvbjerg et al.

3. Policy, Finance & Management for

Public Private Partnerships, Ed. By
1 Introduction to project finance. 1 Akintola Akintoye and Matthias

4. Corporate Finance, by Ross,

2 Uses of project finance. 1 Westerfield and Jaffe.

3 Motivations for using project finance. 2 Hyperlinks:
4 Unique features of infrastructure projects. 2
Dr. A. Thillai Rajan
5 Essential elements of project financing. 1 Department of Management Studies IIT

6 Trends in project financing. 2

7 Market for project finance. 1

8 Project finance in the power sector. 2

9 Project finance in the roads sector. 1

10 Project finance in airports. 1

11 Sources for project finance. 1

12 Equity. 1

13 Multi lateral agencies and financial institutions. 1

14 Debt. 2

15 Project leasing. 2

16 Special purpose vehicles. 1

17 Structuring the project company. 1

18 Financial analysis. 5

19 Valuation - Free Cash Flows, Equity Cash Flows. 4

20 Project Risk identification, assessment, 3


21 Public Private Partnerships. 1

22 Case studies in Infrastructure Financing-Bangalore 3

International Airport and Cochin International
Airport; Alandur Sewerage Treatment Plant,
Hyderabad Outer Ring Road.

23 Summary. 1

Total 40


Project Finance in Theory and Practice, by Stefano Gatti, Academic Press

(an Imprint of Elsevier). Indian Reprint ISBN: 978-81-312-1664-4.

Reference texts:

1. Project Finance, by Freshfields.

2. Introduction to Project Finance, by Andrew Fight, Elsevier Publications.

Indian Reprint: ISBN-13: 978-81-312-0849-6.

3. Project Financing - Asset based financial engineering, by John D.

Finnerty, John Wiley & Sons.

4. Principles of Project Finance, by E.R. Yescombe, Allied Press.

A joint venture by IISc and IITs, funded by MHRD, Govt of India

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