2.1 Long Quiz

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Name:___________________________________ Gr & Sec:________________________

Long Quiz 2.1

Test A. Identify the different parts of a compound microscope.

Test B. Answer the following questions:

______________________________________1. reflects light up to the viewers eye.

______________________________________2. use to keep the slide in place.

______________________________________3. sends light up through the diaphragm and through the


______________________________________4. serves as support when holding the microscope and

connects the body tube to the base of the microscope.

______________________________________5. attaches the arm to the pillar and base and allows the
microscope to be tilted.

_____________________________________6. provide the sharper image when a specimen has been


_____________________________________7. the lens where you look through. The standard

magnifying power of an eyepiece is 10x.

_____________________________________8. the first lens you use when doing proper microscope
work. Usually 4x.

_____________________________________9. allows for quick change of objectives.

_____________________________________10. It protects the lenses of the revolving nosepiece.

_____________________________________11. He is considered the father of Microscopy.

_____________________________________12. Re-confirmed and improved on the design of the


_____________________________________13. Types of Microscope


_____________________________________15. is the multiple of the objective times the ocular lens.

Test C. Fill-out the table.

Test D. Enumerate ways how to take care of a compound microscope.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________

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