Estimating Settlement in Soft Clay

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Ground Improvement Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers

Volume 167 Issue GI2 Ground Improvement 167 May 2014 Issue GI2
Pages 108–121
Reliability of the Priebe method for Paper 1200012
estimating settlements Received 20/02/2012 Accepted 12/07/2012
Published online 29/11/2012
Douglas and Schaefer Keywords: embankments/foundations/risk & probability analysis

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Reliability of the Priebe method

for estimating settlements
1 S. Caleb Douglas MSc, PhD, PE j
2 Vernon R. Schaefer MSc, PhD, PE
Manager, Special Projects – Geotechnical, Union Pacific Railroad, Professor of Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa,
Omaha, Nebraska, USA USA

1 j

Many estimating methods have been developed for predicting the settlement of stone column reinforced ground.
The Priebe method is the most common method used in practice. Even though the Priebe method does not capture
all the parameters that affect the performance of stone column reinforced ground, the method is preferred due to its
simplicity. An extensive literature search provided data to evaluate the Priebe method. The concept of reliability was
incorporated to provide the framework for analysing the prediction method. The Priebe method was found to have
an approximately 89% probability that the measured settlement will be smaller than the estimated settlement. The
Priebe method was found not always to be conservative, with some possibility of settlement exceeding the
estimated amount.

1. Introduction working loads and measured/estimated soil properties. No allow-

Vibratory ground improvement methods originated in Germany in ances for variability in the loads or resistances are considered in
the 1930s. Initially, the vibratory methods were used to densify settlement analyses.
clean, granular materials at depth, which was termed vibro-
compaction. To improve weak, cohesive soils, the vibro-replace- Since the 1990s, the literature is clear on the inadequacies of
ment technique to construct stone columns was developed using present settlement prediction methods for stone column rein-
identical equipment to that for vibro-compaction. Stone columns forced ground. For example, Allen et al. (1991) stated that
have also been used in granular soils and fill materials. Stone ‘improvements in the semi-empirical settlement prediction meth-
column development, including both the vibro-replacement and ods involving stone columns are needed’. Clemente and Davie
vibro-displacement techniques, has been well described by Barks- (2000) found that ‘the results from full-scale tests show more
dale and Bachus (1983), Charles and Watts (2002), Elias et al. improvement than predicted by theoretical procedures, although a
(2006), and Kirsch and Kirsch (2010). McCabe et al. (2009) large scatter was observed’. Abdrabbo and Mahmoud (2002)
provided a recent description of the construction methods for stated that ‘there is no reliable procedure for settlement calcula-
stone columns. tion of improved geomaterial by stone columns’. Raman (2006)
found measured settlements in stone column treated areas to be
The advantages of stone columns include increasing bearing 42% of the predicted settlements. The lack of a validated design
capacity, increasing global stability, and decreasing settlements. procedure for estimating settlements is best illustrated by the
Design of stone columns is typically done by iteratively determin- results of a settlement prediction exercise for an embankment
ing the most economical layout pattern of columns (triangular or built on weak fine-grained soils summarised by Mestat et al.
rectangular), spacing, and depth of stone columns to meet project (2006). Seventeen participants submitted settlement predictions
requirements. A common purpose of utilising stone columns is to utilising the finite-element method, the discrete-element method,
satisfy project requirements with regard to settlement, and the the Priebe method, and other methods. Mestat et al. (2006)
settlement-specific analysis typically governs the final stone concluded that the exercise showed that ‘the calculation of
column configuration. Bearing capacity and global stability settlement of improved soil by stone columns is complicated and
analyses require ultimate limit state design approaches with remains a problem for practical applications’. McCabe et al.
partial factors based on Eurocode 7 or a factor-of-safety approach (2009) found that confident predictions of settlement performance
in the USA. Whereas ultimate limit state analyses include factor- for stone column treated ground were problematic.
of-safety or reliability considerations, settlements are explicitly
computed using a serviceability limit state design approach with Over 250 literature records were collected that specifically address

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

stone columns. Existing methods of estimating settlements for 1. Bouassida et al. (2003) and Normes Françaises (2005) are two
stone columns were identified, and case histories with measured additional methods, but these could not be located in English and
settlements were reviewed. Although many methods of estimating are not shown in Table 1.
settlements exist, the Priebe method is the focus of this paper.
McCabe et al. (2009) stated that the Priebe method of estimating The estimation of settlements of reinforced ground using the
settlements is at present the most favoured design approach of Priebe method can generally be broken down into two steps. The
leading stone column designers. Greenwood and Kirsch (1984) first step requires completion of an untreated settlement estimate
concluded that the simplicity of the Priebe method applying an considering the influence of the load. The second step then
improvement factor to conventional calculations is attractive to determines the settlement of the reinforced ground based on an
engineers, which results in the method being widely used. The improvement factor. Each step has the potential for contributing
improvement factor is defined as the untreated settlement divided to the wide range of outcomes for reinforced ground observed in
by the treated settlement. The case histories identified provide the the case histories.
data to allow a comparison of estimated and measured settlement
for both untreated ground and treated ground. The estimated and 2.1 The Priebe method
measured settlements utilised in this evaluation were obtained from Priebe initially published his design procedure in 1976 in Ger-
published case histories and are considered representative of man. Following the initial work (Priebe, 1976), Priebe adapted,
common geotechnical practice. This is a key consideration to extended, and supplemented the design procedure, as reported in
reduce bias in the evaluation because the writers did not have to Priebe (1991), and the process culminated in the procedure set
complete any calculations to develop the data points. forth in Priebe (1995). Priebe (1995) provided design procedures
and design charts for various aspects of stone column design,
Previous evaluations of projects that measured settlements in including settlement reduction, bearing capacity, shear values of
stone column treated areas compared the estimated improvement improved ground, settlement of footings, and liquefaction. Priebe
factor with the field-measured improvement factor (Balaam and (1995) contrasted vibro-replacement with vibro-compaction and
Poulos, 1983; Besançon et al., 1984; Charles, 2002; Charles and concluded that only considerable efforts such as large-scale load
Watts, 2002; Clemente and Davie, 2000; Ellouze et al., 2010; tests can prove the benefit of stone columns. Priebe (1995) stated
Greenwood and Kirsch, 1984; McCabe and Egan, 2010; McCabe that ‘the design method refers to the improving effect of stone
et al., 2009; Meyerhof, 1984). These improvement factor evalua- column in a soil which is otherwise unaltered in comparison to
tions resulted in two classes of data. The first class of data the initial state’. If the installation changes the engineering
resulted from projects in which both untreated and treated areas properties of the soil between the columns, the soil must be
were loaded, which allowed a direct computation of the settle- evaluated before the design of vibro-replacement can be accom-
ment ratio. The second class of data resulted from projects in plished. The assumptions and procedures associated with analys-
which the untreated settlement was estimated, and the settlement ing the reduction in settlements were well documented in Priebe
ratio was determined using the field-measured settlement of the (1995), and the reader is referred to that paper for a description
treated area. The complete process of estimating settlements was of the estimating procedure. Ellouze et al. (2010) provide a
not considered in the evaluations of the improvement factor. critique of the Priebe method. The Priebe method results in an
improvement factor based on the area replacement ratio and
2. Methods of estimating stone column strength of the column material. The estimated treated settlement
settlements is calculated as the estimated untreated settlement divided by the
Greenwood (1991) concluded that, under widespread vertical improvement factor.
loads, ground strengthened by arrays of columns behaves in
complex ways. Early methods of estimating settlements of stone 3. Difficulties of estimating settlements
column reinforced ground were strictly empirical and semi- As Osterberg (1986) stated, ‘[T]he realities of foundation en-
empirical. Theoretical models of the relationship between the gineering are that we never find actual conditions the same as we
stone columns and the in situ soil were presented in the 1970s. anticipated.’ Three areas that can potentially contribute to the
Since the 1970s, 17 or more design methods have been developed wide range of estimate outcomes are (a) design parameter
to estimate the settlement of stone column reinforced soil. The selection, (b) installation effects, and (c) stress distribution.
design methods developed have been based on elastic theory,
limited field data, a combination of theory and field data, 3.1 Design parameter selection
laboratory experiments, and/or numerical modelling studies. Set- Poulos (2000) said in relation to untreated sites that ‘settlement
tlement analyses of stone columns remain semi-empirical for predictions are far more sensitive to the geotechnical parameters
day-to-day designs. and site characterisation than to the method of analysis’. A
quality site investigation is required to properly identify the
The Priebe method is cited most often for estimating settlements geotechnical parameters and variability of those parameters
of stone columns. Methods of estimating settlements that do not across the site. The site investigation should leave no areas of
require advanced computing to complete are summarised in Table serious doubt concerning soil conditions, engineering properties,

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

Method/reference Method details Comments

Unit cell Equal strain Method theory Untreated

idealisation assumption settlement
(Yes/No) (Yes/No) required

Equilibrium method Yes Yes Elastic/empirical No Uses the stress concentration ratio to
Barksdale and Bachus determine stress reduction in soil to
(1983) estimate settlements
Finite-element method Yes Yes Elastic-plastic No Incorporates load-dependent behaviour of
design charts overall system
Barksdale and Bachus
Priebe (1995) Yes Yes Elastic Yes Considers infinitely wide reinforced area
originally, modified for footings in 1995
Greenwood (1970) No No Empirical Yes Empirical correlation with spacing of
columns and strength of clay soil
Hughes and Withers Yes Yes Plastic Yes Early design method for widespread
(1974) loading
Balaam and Booker Yes Yes Elastic Yes Results similar to Priebe method
(1981, 1985) Considered rigid foundation
Incremental method Yes Yes Elastic-plastic Yes Considers load intensity in elastic-plastic
Goughnour and Bayuk behaviour
Goughnour (1983)
Balaam and Poulos Yes Yes Elastic-plastic Yes Results similar to Priebe method. Both
(1983) rigid and flexible loading
Van Impe and De Beer No Yes Elastic Yes Uses plane strain simplification. Design
(1983) charts to estimate settlements
Chow (1996) Yes Yes Elastic Yes Simple method developed for sand
compaction piles. Similar results to Aboshi
et al. (1979) and Balaam and Booker
Alamgir et al. (1996) Yes No Elastic-plastic Yes Allowed surrounding soil to settle more
than stone column
Poorooshasb and Yes Yes Elastic-plastic Yes Priebe method is special case of general
Meyerhof (1997) equation derived for study
Pulko and Majes (2005) Yes Yes Elastic-plastic Yes Considers rigid footings
Ambily and Gandhi Yes Yes Elastic-plastic Yes Similar results to the Priebe method
Borges et al. (2009) Yes Yes Elastic-plastic Yes Results in the range of Priebe method,
and Balaam and Booker

Table 1. Summary of methods for estimating settlements

chemical properties, and groundwater conditions (Slocombe, 3.2 Installation effects

2001). Numerical and analytical models are of limited value for Vibrated stone column installation methods have significant
settlement prediction due to the difficulty of obtaining accurate variation in performance as a result of the construction technique
soil and stone properties (Ashmawy et al., 2000). In the absence (Bell, 2004; McCabe et al., 2009). Case histories confirm the lack
of a site investigation, it is difficult to assign engineering proper- of a consistent response of the in situ soils due to stone column
ties for fill and natural soils as well as for demolition debris and installation (Castro and Karstunen, 2010; Egan et al., 2009;
refuse. Elshazly et al., 2008; Guetif et al., 2007; Kirsch, 2006, 2009;

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

Kirsch and Kirsch, 2010; Watts et al., 2000; White et al., 2002). ture review confirms the conclusion by Barksdale and Bachus
Specific equipment operating on a specific site using a specific (1983) nearly 30 years ago, and more recently by McCabe et al.
installation method will result in a unique effect on the in situ (2009), that there is a lack of field studies that appropriately
soil properties post installation. No clear accepted means of capture all the information required to develop a complete
anticipating installation effects has been identified, but what is understanding of the behaviour of stone column reinforced
clear is that the installation effects influence the performance of ground.
the stone columns (Egan et al., 2009). An advantage of the Priebe
method in this respect is that the method quantifies the improve- The case histories varied greatly with regard to the information
ment that results from the inclusion of the stone column without provided for site conditions, soil parameters, design considera-
any quantification of the densification of the soil between stone tions, construction process, and settlement monitoring. The initial
columns. However, the problematic installation effects of stone goal was to identify case histories that provided detailed site and
columns in sensitive soils have been well documented (Gue and design information, which would allow completion of the Priebe
Tan, 2003; McKenna et al., 1975; Oh et al., 2007a, 2007b; design method and comparison with measured settlements in the
Wijeyakulasuriya et al., 1999). field. Even with the numerous case histories found, very few case
histories provided sufficient details to allow completion of the
3.3 Stress distribution Priebe method. Fortunately, case histories were identified that
Settlement estimates typically include both the treated zone and contained settlements estimated with the Priebe method and
the underlying untreated zone. An initial consideration in evaluat- measured settlements.
ing the stress distribution is whether the foundation is rigid or
flexible. Balaam and Poulos (1983) found the reduction in 4.1 Evaluation of estimating settlements in untreated
settlement of a flexible foundation supported by stone columns to areas
be slightly less than that of a rigid foundation. The behaviour of An evaluation of settlements in untreated areas was completed
stone columns differs quite significantly, from an isolated stone based on reported estimated and measured settlements found in
column supporting a footing to a group of stone columns the literature, as detailed in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 1.
supporting a rigid footing, to a large array of stone columns This comparison showed that six of the 12 measured settlements
supporting an embankment (Wehr, 2004, 2006). Although not were more than estimated, or unconservative. A similar compari-
explicitly discussed in Priebe (1995), matching of the stresses in son of 124 footing settlements on sands developed by Duncan
the example calculations provided in Priebe (1995) indicate that a (2000) resulted in a similar data trend and spread. The 12 data
Boussinesq-type analysis was used to estimate the stresses in the points do trend along the estimated-equals-measured line, which
untreated soils. Approximations of stress distribution were pre-
sented for similar aggregate column systems by Aboshi et al.
(1979), Bowles (1982), Lawton et al. (1994), Fox and Cowell 120
Greenwood (1970)
(1998) and Sehn and Blackburn (2008). Litwinowicz and Smith (1988)
Clemente and Davie (2000)
One of the details not identified in the literature search is to what 100 Clemente and Parks (2005)
depth settlements should be determined below an embankment or
at ent
Estimated settlement: cm

tim m

structure constructed on stone column reinforced soils. In the

es ttle

an se

design of footings, Eurocode 7 allows the analysis to consider

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only the zone where the increase in effective stress is greater than

20% of the in situ effective stress (Bond and Harris, 2008). 60


Common US practice is to consider the zone to where the


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increase in effective stress is greater than 10%. Numerical


es ttle


modelling does offer the benefit of providing information regard-

an se

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ing distribution of stresses and strains (Ashmawy et al., 2000;


Barksdale and Bachus, 1983).


4. Evaluation of settlement estimates

Over 100 stone column case histories were identified during this 0
study. Case histories where stone columns performed satisfacto- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Measured settlement: cm
rily are summarised in the supplementary data and sorted by the
following conditions: predominantly fine-grained soil case his- Figure 1. Comparison of estimated and measured settlements in
tories, predominantly coarse-grained soil case histories to miti- untreated areas. This figure illustrates that current methods of
gate static settlements, predominantly increasing resistance to estimating untreated settlements appear satisfactory based on the
liquefaction case histories, and predominantly improvement of limited data set
fill/demolition debris/refuse case histories. This extensive litera-

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

Reference Project Type of project Soil type(s) Estimating Estimated Measured

method settlement: cm settlement: cm

Greenwood (1970) Bremerhaven test Embankment Soft peat and clay Not stated 6.7 7.7
over fine sands
Litwinowicz and Schulz Canal/ Embankment Soft clays over One-dimensional 110 97
Smith (1988) Pound Creek, mudstone consolidation
Brisbane, Australia
50 a 39 a
30 25
Nundah Creek, Embankment Soft clays over One-dimensional 19 a 23 a
Western mudstone consolidation
Brisbane, Australia
16 a 25 a
22 a 21 a
Clemente and Test Site 1, 2.5 m square Sands underlain Elastic 4.4 9.5
Davie (2000) Area C footing by soft silts and
Test Site 2 4 m square Silts and clays Elastic 4.5 5.9
footing underlain by loose
silts and sands
Test Site 3 3.6 m square Heterogeneous fill Elastic 2.0 0.7
footing underlain by sands
2.6 1.2
Clemente and Parks Power plant, UK Storage tank Heterogeneous fill Elastic 3.5 4.7a
(2005) underlain by sands
Settlement shown taken as the average from range of the values reported.

Table 2. Summary of estimated and measured settlements in

untreated areas

represents the state where estimated settlements equal measured two case histories where more settlement was measured than
settlements. predicted by the Priebe method.

4.2 Evaluation of the Priebe method in treated areas A correlation coefficient of variation (COV) of 63% was
The evaluation of the Priebe method involved comparing esti- determined for the estimated-equals-measured line in Figure 2.
mated and measured settlements, as detailed in Table 3 and The correlation COV determination considered the expression
illustrated in Figure 2. From the review of the case history ‘measured settlement equal to estimated settlement’, based on the
information, the Priebe method was used most commonly. No method for computing COVs of empirical correlations, as
distinction was made in this study of which Priebe method (1976, described by Duncan et al. (1999) from the work of Ang and
1991, 1995) was utilised in the case history, as each revision Tang (1975). This determination is similar to an evaluation of 54
extended the previous procedure. The Priebe method under- footings on unreinforced sands with measured settlements greater
predicted the settlements for six of the 38 data points, which than 1.3 cm, which resulted in a correlation COV of 67%
resulted in field settlements of 110% to 143% of the estimated (Duncan, 2000).
settlements. For the 32 of the 38 data points that overpredicted
the settlements, the settlements were overestimated up to about In order to evaluate the Priebe method, the 18 data points with
300%. Although most of the data points in Figure 2 are above the measured settlements greater than 1 cm and less than 8 cm were
estimated-equals-measured line, which indicates a conservative selected. This range represents settlements that would be typical
estimation, the writers acknowledge that projects with more of a serviceability limit state analysis where limiting settlements
settlement than estimated can be considered unsatisfactory and is a project requirement. A typical settlement limit is 5 cm
commonly result in the case histories not being published. For according to Bond and Harris (2008). In US practice, structural
example, Raju (1997) mentioned, but did not explicitly detail, and embankment settlements are typically limited to 2.5 cm and

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

Reference Project Soil type(s) Settlement Estimated Measured

measurement settlement: cm settlement: cm

Greenwood and Kirsch Silo, Germany Clays and silts over Foundation 5.3 6.5
(1984) marl
Embankment fill, Very soft clay and Centre of loaded area 22.2 30.0
Hampton, VA, USA silt over sand
Meade and Allen (1985) US 42, Very soft silts and Embankment 20.3 25.4
KY, USA clays
Kirsch et al. (1986) Tank A Loose/soft very Tank shell 3.0 0.8
sandy silts
Tank B Tank shell 3.2 1.0
Tank C Tank shell 3.1 1.3
Tank D Tank shell 3.1 0.8
Tank E Tank shell 2.9 0.5
Tank F Tank shell 2.9 0.8
Tank G Tank shell 2.9 1.1
Tank H Tank shell 2.9 0.8
Tank I Tank shell 2.9 1.9
Tank J Tank shell 2.4 0.8
Tank K Tank shell 2.4 0.5
Water tank Silty sand Tank shell 6.2 3.2
Clemente and Davie (2000) Test site 4 Loose sands and Footing test 1.6 0.2
Edge of tank 9.6 2.9a
Renton-Rose et al. (2000) Plant, Bahrain Sea-dredged sand Footing test 1 0.7 0.4
and gravel underlain
by marine sands
Footing test 2 1.7 0.6
Footing test 3 0.7 0.2
Footing test 4 1.3 0.6
Maduro et al. (2004) Multiple buildings, Sand fill, weak silt, Villa area 12.5 9.1
Puerto Rico sand and peat
S/E building 38.0 19.0
Clemente and Parks (2005) Power plant, UK Heterogeneous fill Combination turbine 4.2b 0.9b
underlain by sands
Generator 4.4b 1.1b
Steam turbine 3.7b 1.9b
Raman (2006) Railroad, Malaysia Soft clays and Embankment 8.3 4.8
loose sands
Embankment 6.4 3.2
Embankment 8.8 2.9
Embankment 6.8 2.4
Embankment 5.6 2.0
Mestat et al. (2006); Wehr Class A embankment Fill, compressible Centreline 6.4 5.0
and Herle (2006) settlement prediction fine-grained soils
10.0 12.0
Top of slope (at 6.4 4.5b
10.0 11.0b
Table 3. Summary of Priebe method estimated settlements and
measured settlements (continued on next page)

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

Reference Project Soil type(s) Settlement Estimated Measured

measurement settlement: cm settlement: cm

Bouassida et al. (2009a); Oil tank, Tunisia Loose silty sands Edge of tank 2.1 3.0
Ellouze et al. (2010) underlain by marl
Bouassida et al. (2009b) 2 m high Soft alluvial clay Embankment 3.0 1.8
Mohamedzein and Embankment Soft clay underlain Centre of 27.0 24.3
Al-Shibani (2011) by sands embankment
Reported average settlement.
Settlement shown taken as the average from range of the values reported.

Table 3. Continued

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es ttle
Estimated settlement: cm

an se

th ore



Greenwood and Kirsch (1984)


Meade and Allen (1985)

Kirsch et al. (1986)
Clemente and Davie (2000)
10 Renton-Rose et al. (2000)
Maduro et al. (2004)
Clemente and Parks (2005)
Raman (2006)
Wehr and Herle (2006)
Bouassida et al. (2009a)
Bouassida et al. (2009b)
Mohamedzein and Al-Shibani (2011)
0 10 20 30 40
Measured settlement: cm

Figure 2. Comparison of estimated and measured settlements in

treated areas using the Priebe method. This figure illustrates all of
the data found for the Priebe method and the wide range of
measured settlements reported, which range from less than 1 cm
to about 30 cm

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

5 cm, respectively. Where settlements exceed 8 cm, stone col- previously found the Priebe method to provide conservative
umns are likely providing stability to the structure or embank- results.
ment, and settlement determinations do not always control the
final configuration. Figure 3 illustrates the data points in this Upon initial study of Figure 4, a simple conclusion would be that
range. A correlation COV of 61% for the estimated-equals- the Priebe method could be improved. One could hypothesise that
measured line was determined for the data shown in Figure 3. an acceptable, or even ideal, method would have a regression line
along the estimated-equals-measured settlement line. However,
A linear regression for the selected data was completed and is this hypothetical method would result in approximately 50% of
shown in Figure 4. With an r 2 value of 0.27, the correlation is the data points in the unconservative range. Would a prudent
poor. To enhance the usefulness of the regression, 95% con- engineer use that hypothetical method to estimate settlement on a
fidence intervals were added to the plot. The 95% confidence project with strict settlement requirements? To address this
intervals shown do not contain 95% of the data, but illustrate the question, the concept of reliability is introduced to further
bounds of 95% of the possible regression lines. Based on the evaluate the Priebe method.
location and trend of the regression line and confidence intervals,
the Priebe method is shown to provide a conservative design up 5. Reliability of settlement estimates
to settlements of 5–6 cm. The regression line trends somewhat The prediction of settlements is still difficult. Kirsch and
parallel to the estimated-equals-measured line and indicates that Sondermann (2003) estimated reinforced ground settlements
the Priebe method typically overestimates settlements by 150– below an embankment using the Priebe method to be 192 cm
200%. Elias et al. (2006) and McCabe et al. (2009) have compared with 240 cm estimated with a finite-element model and

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es ttle
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es ttle

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Estimated settlement: cm

th ore



Greenwood and Kirsch (1984)

Kirsch et al. (1986)
2 Clemente and Davie (2000)
Clemente and Parks (2005)
Raman (2006)
Wehr and Herle (2006)
Bouassida et al. (2009a)
Bouassida et al. (2009b)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Measured settlement: cm

Figure 3. Estimated settlements using the Priebe method for

measured settlements greater than 1 cm and less than 8 cm. This
figure illustrates the data found for the Priebe method indicative
of a range of settlements where minimising settlements is a
project requirement. The data in this figure were used to draw
the conclusions regarding the Priebe method

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

(2000) approach elicited much discussion (see Discussion to

Duncan, 2000), Christian and Baecher (2001) described Duncan’s

95% confidence

intervals approach in the discussion as ‘a straightforward exposition of

8 reliability methods without mystification’. Prior to discussing the

Priebe method in terms of reliability, observed variations from

Estimated settlement: cm

ed reported projects can provide a reference framework for compar-

ing the expected variability inherent to the estimating process to



r 2 ⫽ 0·24
the variability of site conditions.

5.1 Field variability from case histories

The results of monitoring an untreated water storage tank
described by Clemente and Parks (2005) yielded settlements
ranging from 2.5 to 6.8 cm across the 17.5 m diameter tank.
2 Settlements were estimated to be 3.5 cm. The measured settle-
ments were 71–193% of the estimated settlement for the
untreated water tank. This example is provided to illustrate (a)
0 that much larger settlements than predicted are possible across an
0 2 4 6 8 10 individual project site, and (b) that the probability of settlements
Measured settlement: cm
in excess of 175% of the estimated settlements is real as
Figure 4. Linear regression and 95% confidence intervals for modelled using reliability by Duncan (2000).
possible linear regressions using the Priebe method for measured
settlements greater than 1 cm and less than 8 cm. This figure The field test for stone column reinforced ground in Hampton,
illustrates the traditional statistical analysis of the data set. The Virginia, USA included a loaded area 6.1 m by 6.1 m, as
95% confidence intervals do not relate to future data points, but presented by Goughnour and Bayuk (1979b). Settlements were
indicate the range for probable linear regressions based on future monitored below the centre and at the four corners of the loaded
data. This figure shows the Priebe method to be in the area. The settlements at the four corners after 130 days were
conservative range 8.1 cm, 9.7 cm, 12.5 cm, and 13.2 cm. From these four readings,
the site COV for settlement was 22%. This value compares well
with an untreated case history by Wu et al. (2011), which found a
concluded that the match ‘appears satisfactory’. Example calcula- site COV for settlement of 21%. The site COV is due to the
tions presented by Priebe (1995) estimated a final settlement of change in soil parameters and profiles across the site. Note that if
38 cm where Greenwood (1991) measured settlements of the rate of consolidation is included in the evaluation, a much
40–41 cm. Thus, even the example calculation shown by Priebe larger site COV will result due to the variable drainage conditions
(1995) underpredicted the known settlement by 5–8%. (Alonso and Jimenez, 2011).

The Priebe method data shown in Figures 2 and 3 resulted in 5.2 Reliability of the Priebe method
correlation COVs of 63% and 61%, respectively. Considering the With a correlation COV of 60% for the Priebe method consider-
reliability approach presented by Duncan (2000) with a 60% ing the estimated-equals-measured line, Figure 5 illustrates how
COV for the Priebe method, there is a 10% probability that the probabilities of exceedance of 1%, 5% and 10% compare with
settlement may be larger than 175% of the estimated settlement. the selected data from the case histories. These probabilities
With this 10% possibility of much larger settlements than result in estimated settlements 175–300% of the values along the
estimated, a prudent designer would be compelled to consider the estimated-equals-measured line. Figure 5 represents the highest
following questions. likely COV from the Priebe method.

(a) How much variation is inherent in the estimating method? Inherent site variability results in a site COV of 20–25%,
(b) How much variation is inherent to in situ properties? regardless of the analysis method. This site COV represents the
(c) Should estimated settlements be presented as a single number lowest variation that could be reasonably assumed in a settlement
or a range? evaluation. Considering a COV of 25%, Figure 6 graphically
(d ) What are the consequences if the settlements are under illustrates how probabilities of exceedance of 1%, 5% and 10%
predicted? compare with the selected data from the case histories. Con-
(e) What percentage probability for exceeding a settlement sideration of these probabilities results in estimated settlements
threshold is the designer or owner willing to accept? 135–175% of the values along the estimated-equals-measured
The concept of reliability can be used to provide the framework
to assist in answering these questions. Although the Duncan Through iteration of lines similar to the probability lines of

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

10 10









. 1%




of e



8 8










Estimated settlement: cm

Estimated settlement: cm



of e


6 6




4 4

2 2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Measured settlement: cm Measured settlement: cm

Figure 5. Reliability of the Priebe method estimates considering a Figure 6. Reliability of the Priebe method estimates considering a
COV of 60% with regard to the variation of the data from the COV of 25% with regard to site soil conditions. This figure
estimated-equals-measured line. This figure illustrates the illustrates the probability of exceedance using the Priebe method
probability of exceedance using the Priebe method and the and the lowest likely site COV, which is 25%. The realistic COV
highest likely correlation COV, which is 60% value to use lies somewhere between the 25% and 60% range

Figures 5 and 6 and determination of the correlation COV of each

possible line using the Ang and Tang (1975) approach, the best- at ent
tim m

fit line shown in Figure 7 was produced and resulted in a

es ttle
an se

correlation COV of 48%. In order to answer the question posed at

th ss

the close of Section 4, the concept of reliability provides an 8

assessment of the conservativeness of the Priebe method. Consid- ed t

at en
Estimated settlement: cm

tim m

ering a correlation COV of 50% for the best-fit line, there is an

es ttle


an se

89% probability that settlements will be smaller than those

n C ne

th ore
Es latio -fit li


estimated with the Priebe method. Stated differently, the Priebe

rre est

method tends to overestimate measured settlements by approxi-



mately 160%.


The evaluation included case histories where stone columns were

utilised to reinforce clay, silt/sand, and sand soils. Figure 7 also Clay soil sites
illustrates the performance of stone columns in the different soil 2
Silty sand soil sites
types. Clear conclusions regarding the Priebe method and the Sand soil sites
applicability to different soil types could not be developed from
Figure 7. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Measured settlement: cm
6. Conclusions
The stone column case histories identified varied greatly with Figure 7. Priebe method best-fit line and data sorted by site soil
regard to the information provided for site conditions, soil conditions. This figure illustrates the best-fit line using the
parameters, design considerations, construction process, and reliability approach. The best-fit line corresponds to a reliability of
settlement monitoring. This study confirms the work of previous the Priebe method resulting in overpredicting settlements 89% of
authors in that there is a lack of detailed, research-oriented case the time. The data points have also been sorted by soil type to
histories that fully document the design, construction, and per- visually indicate that no conclusions could be developed for the
formance of stone column reinforced ground (Barksdale and Priebe method based on the soil type
Bachus, 1983; McCabe et al., 2009). Settlement predictions of

Ground Improvement Reliability of the Priebe method for
Volume 167 Issue GI2 estimating settlements
Douglas and Schaefer

both untreated and treated ground are highly dependent upon the Alonso JA and Jimenez R (2011) Reliability analysis of stone
quality of the site investigation data upon which they are based. columns for ground improvement. In GeoRisk 2011: Risk
Assessment and Management. Geotechnical Special
The Priebe method is used most commonly for estimating Publication 224. ASCE, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 493–500.
settlements of stone column reinforced ground. Even though the Ambily AP and Gandhi SR (2007) Behavior of stone columns
Priebe method does not capture all the parameters that affect the based on experimental and FEM analysis. Journal of
performance of stone column reinforced ground, the method is Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE
preferred due to its simplicity. Since no safety factors or margin 133(4): 405–415.
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the case histories and the reliability study, the Priebe method is In Advances in Grouting and Ground Modification.
not always conservative, and settlements may exceed those Geotechnical Special Publication No. 104. ASCE, Reston,
estimated. As more complicated models and methods continue to VA, USA, pp. 281–295.
be developed, the geotechnical community should consider Balaam NP and Booker JR (1981) Analysis of rigid rafts
whether less conservative methods than the Priebe method should supported by granular piles. International Journal for
be used to estimate settlements of stone column reinforced Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 5(4):
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Balaam NP and Booker JR (1985) Effect of stone column yield on
In closing, a philosophical statement from Terzaghi (1936) over settlement of rigid foundations in stabilized clay.
75 years ago may be the best reminder to practising engineers International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods
when contemplating settlements: ‘Whoever expects from soil in Geomechanics 9(4): 331–351.
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problem strictly precludes such rules.’ the 8th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
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Program 2 of the National Academies, with Dr James Bryant as Stone Columns, Vol. I, and Vol. II, FHWA/RD-83/026.
programme manager. The opinions, findings and conclusions Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, USA.
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reflect those of the research sponsor. technique in deep vibratory ground improvement. In Ground
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