Health Suraksha Silver Plan

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§ Post-Hospitalisation - Pays for medical expenses incurred 90 days immediately FREE LOOK

after the discharge post hospitalisation

§ Day care procedures - Pays for medical expenses for 144 day care procedures You have a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the Policy document to review the
which do not require 24 hours hospitalisation due to technological advancement
§ Domiciliary Treatment - Pays for expenses incurred for medical treatment taken at
terms and conditions of this Policy. If You have any objections to any of the terms and HEALTH
conditions, You have the option of cancelling the Policy stating the reasons for cancellation
home, on the advice of a physician
§ Organ Donor - Pays for medical expenses for an organ donor's treatment in the
and You will be refunded the premium paid by You after adjusting the amounts spent on any SURAKSHA
medical check-up, stamp duty charges and proportionate risk premium. You can cancel Your
event of organ transplantation Policy only if You have not made any claims under the Policy. All Your rights under this Policy
§ Emergency Ambulance - Pays for expenses for utilizing ambulance services in an will immediately stand extinguished on the free look cancellation of the Policy. Free look
emergency provision is not applicable and available at the time of renewal of the Policy.
§ Ayush - Pays for medical expenses for in-patient treatment taken under Ayurveda,
Unani, Sidha or Homeopathy


§ Any treatment within first 30 days of cover except any accidental injury
§ Pre-existing conditions will not be covered for first 48 months

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure before concluding a sale. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to HDFC Ltd. and
ERGO International AG and used by HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company under license. CIN: U66030MH2007PLC177117. UIN : Health Suraksha- Revision-
§ Expenses arising from HIV or AIDS and related diseases.
§ Mental disorder or insanity, cosmetic surgery, weight control treatment
§ Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substance like drugs and alcohol
§ Hospitalisation due to war / acts of war, nuclear, chemical / biological weapon &
radiation of any kind
§ Pregnancy, dental and external aids and appliances unless covered under specific
§ 2 year exclusions for specific diseases
§ Experimental, investigational or unproven treatment, devices and pharmacological
Wellness that you deserve
For a complete list of exclusions, kindly refer our policy wordings


§ Incase of hospitalization, intimation should be provided to the Company

HDFHLIP18019V031718. IRDAI Reg No. 146. Pr Code: HS/BR/0019/Sept18. UID No. 1141.
immediately and not later than 7 days
§ In all other cases, the Company must be informed of any event or occurrence that may
give rise to a claim under this Policy at least 7 days prior to any consequent t r e a t m e n t ,
consultation or procedure being taken and the Company should pre-authorise such
treatment, consultation or procedure
§ Any documentation and information requested to establish the circumstances of the
claim, its quantum or the Company’s liability for the claim, should be submitted within
15 days of our request or discharge from Hospital or completion of treatment, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
whichever is earlier
Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, HDFC House, 165-166
Backbay Reclamation, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate,
§ Cumulative bonus of 5% for every claim-free year upto a maximum of 50% Mumbai - 400 020.
§ Pays upto 1% of Sum Insured, maximum upto Rs. 5000 for a Health Checkup after 4
Customer Service Address: D-301, 3rd Floor, Eastern Business
consecutive claim-free years
District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg, Bhandup (West),
TERMS & CONDITIONS Mumbai - 400 078.

Fax: 91-22-6638 3699

¡ Disclaimer: The above information is only indicative in nature. For details of the coverage
and exclusions please refer to the policy wordings. Toll-free: 1800 2700 700 (Accessible from India only)
¡ Liability of the Company does not commence until the Company has accepted the
proposal and full premium has been paid. [email protected]
¡ Anti-Rebating Warning: As per Section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended, the
practice of rebating is prohibited, as follows: No person shall allow or offer to allow, either
directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an
insurance policy in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown
on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any
rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published
prospectus or tables of the insurer. Violation of Section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938, as
amended, shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to `10 Lakhs.

HDFC ERGO brings to you Health Suraksha, a unique health insurance plan, providing § No Sub-limits on any disease, room rent, hospital charges and doctor fees *If pre-policy check up would be conducted in our empanelled diagnostic centre, 50% of the
optimum health coverage at an affordable price. Health Suraksha covers not only § Cashless Treatment at Network Hospital standard medical tests charges would be reimbursed, subject to acceptance of proposal and
hospitalisation in the event of an accident or sickness but extends to cover pre and post- § 5% bonus on Sum Insured for every claim-free year policy issuance.
hospitalisation expenses, day care procedures, domiciliary treatment, organ donor § No limit for age at entry
expenses. Moreover, you get a renewal bonus for each claim-free year. § Offers one year or two years policy coverage period WHAT IS COVERED
Get “Health Suraksha” today and protect your tomorrow! § Option to cover on individual sum insured basis and on family floater basis
§ Avail a family discount of 10%, if 2 or more members of a family are covered under § In-patient Treatment - Covers hospitalisation expenses due to an illness or accident.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS the same policy on Individual sum insured basis Pays for medical expenses incurred for room rent, boarding expenses, nursing, intensive
§ Life Long Renewability care unit, medical practitioner, medicines or drugs and other related expenses.
§ Tax Benefit under section 80D* Children below 5 years would be covered provided both the parents are covered under our § Pre-Hospitalisation - Pays for medical expenses incurred due to an illness 60 days
§ No Medical Check-up upto 45 years policy. (* Subject to the change in Tax Laws) immediately before hospitalisation.

PREMIUM TABLE (All premium are Excluding GST) PREMIUM TABLE (All premium are Excluding GST)
Sum Insured - 300,000 1 Year Policy Sum Insured - 300,000 2 Years Policy
Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C
0-17 2,414 0-17 4,345
18-35 3,312 4,968 6,416 7,865 4,339 5,864 18-35 5,962 8,942 11,549 14,157 7,810 10,555
36-45 3,986 5,979 7,427 8,876 4,879 6,369 36-45 7,175 10,762 13,369 15,977 8,782 11,464
46-50 6,178 9,267 10,658 11,723 6,450 7,440 46-50 11,120 16,681 19,184 21,101 11,610 13,392
51-55 7,414 11,121 12,789 14,068 7,730 8,856 51-55 13,345 20,018 23,020 25,322 13,914 15,941
56-60 8,897 13,345 15,347 16,882 9,290 10,219 56-60 16,015 24,021 27,625 30,388 16,722 18,394
61-65 12,455 18,683 20,925 22,793 12,885 14,173 61-65 22,419 33,629 37,665 41,027 23,193 25,511
66-70 16,815 25,222 27,745 29,762 17,394 19,134 66-70 30,267 45,400 49,941 53,572 31,309 34,441
71-75 22,700 34,050 36,604 38,817 23,482 25,831 71-75 40,860 61,290 65,887 69,871 42,268 46,496
76-80 29,510 44,265 46,921 49,134 30,527 33,580 76-80 53,118 79,677 84,458 88,441 54,949 60,444
>80 35,707 53,561 56,239 58,381 36,938 40,631 >80 64,273 96,410 1,01,230 1,05,086 66,488 73,136
Sum Insured - 400,000 1 Year Policy Sum Insured - 400,000 2 Years Policy
Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C
0-17 3,018 0-17 5,432
18-35 4,140 6,210 8,073 10,091 5,550 7,493 18-35 7,452 11,178 14,531 18,164 9,990 13,487
36-45 4,983 7,474 9,342 11,211 6,166 8,016 36-45 8,969 13,453 16,816 20,180 11,099 14,429
46-50 7,723 11,584 13,322 14,654 8,063 9,300 46-50 13,901 20,851 23,980 26,377 14,513 16,740
51-55 9,267 13,901 15,986 17,585 9,662 11,069 51-55 16,681 25,022 28,775 31,653 17,392 19,924
56-60 11,121 16,681 19,184 21,102 11,612 12,773 56-60 20,018 30,026 34,531 37,984 20,902 22,991
61-65 15,569 23,354 26,156 28,492 16,106 17,716 61-65 28,024 42,037 47,081 51,286 28,991 31,889
66-70 21,019 31,528 34,681 37,203 21,743 23,917 66-70 37,834 56,750 62,426 66,965 39,137 43,051
71-75 28,375 42,563 45,755 48,521 29,353 32,288 71-75 51,075 76,613 82,359 87,338 52,835 58,118
76-80 36,888 55,331 58,651 61,418 38,159 41,975 76-80 66,398 99,596 1,05,572 1,10,552 68,686 75,555
>80 44,634 66,951 70,299 72,977 46,172 50,789 >80 80,341 1,20,512 1,26,538 1,31,359 83,110 91,420
Sum Insured - 500,000 1 Year Policy Sum Insured - 500,000 2 Years Policy
Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C
0-17 3,621 0-17 6,518
18-35 4,968 7,452 9,688 12,110 6,660 8,991 18-35 8,942 13,414 17,438 21,798 11,988 16,184
36-45 5,979 8,969 11,211 13,453 7,399 9,619 36-45 10,762 16,144 20,180 24,215 13,318 17,314
46-50 9,267 13,901 15,986 17,585 9,675 11,160 46-50 16,681 25,022 28,775 31,653 17,415 20,088
51-55 11,121 16,681 19,184 21,102 11,595 13,283 51-55 20,018 30,026 34,531 37,984 20,871 23,909
56-60 13,345 20,018 23,020 25,322 13,935 15,328 56-60 24,021 36,032 41,436 45,580 25,083 27,590
61-65 18,683 28,025 31,388 34,190 19,327 21,260 61-65 33,629 50,445 56,498 61,542 34,789 38,268
66-70 25,222 37,833 41,617 44,643 26,091 28,701 66-70 45,400 68,099 74,911 80,357 46,964 51,662
71-75 34,050 51,075 54,906 58,226 35,223 38,746 71-75 61,290 91,935 98,831 1,04,807 63,401 69,743
76-80 44,265 66,398 70,382 73,701 45,790 50,370 76-80 79,677 1,19,516 1,26,688 1,32,662 82,422 90,666
>80 53,561 80,341 84,358 87,572 55,406 60,947 >80 96,410 1,44,614 1,51,844 1,57,630 99,731 1,09,705
Sum Insured - 750,000 1 Year Policy Sum Insured - 750,000 2 Years Policy
Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C Age Group 1A 2A 2A1C 2A2C 1A1C 1A2C
0-17 4,707 0-17 8,473
18-35 6,458 9,688 12,594 15,742 8,658 11,689 18-35 11,624 17,438 22,669 28,336 15,584 21,040
36-45 7,773 11,659 14,574 17,489 9,619 12,504 36-45 13,991 20,986 26,233 31,480 17,314 22,507
46-50 12,048 18,072 20,782 22,860 12,578 14,509 46-50 21,686 32,530 37,408 41,148 22,640 26,116
51-55 14,457 21,686 24,939 27,433 15,073 17,268 51-55 26,023 39,035 44,890 49,379 27,131 31,082
56-60 17,349 26,023 29,926 32,919 18,115 19,926 56-60 31,228 46,841 53,867 59,254 32,607 35,867
61-65 24,288 36,432 40,804 44,447 25,125 27,638 61-65 43,718 65,578 73,447 80,005 45,225 49,748
66-70 32,789 49,183 54,102 58,036 33,919 37,311 66-70 59,020 88,529 97,384 1,04,465 61,054 67,160
71-75 44,265 66,398 71,378 75,693 45,790 50,370 71-75 79,677 1,19,516 1,28,480 1,36,247 82,422 90,666
76-80 59,758 89,637 95,015 99,497 61,817 67,999 76-80 1,07,564 1,61,347 1,71,027 1,79,095 1,11,271 1,22,398
>80 75,893 1,13,839 1,19,531 1,24,084 78,508 86,359 >80 1,36,607 2,04,910 2,15,156 2,23,351 1,41,314 1,55,446
*Taxes will be applicable. *Taxes will be applicable.

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