Color Game Using Tkinter in Python

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8/28/2019 Color game using Tkinter in Python - GeeksforGeeks

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Color game using Tkinter in Python
Prerequisite : Python GUI Tkinter

TKinter is widely used for developing GUI applications. Along with applications, we can also use Tkinter GUI to develop games.

Let’s try to make a game using Tkinter. In this game player has to enter color of the word that appears on the screen and hence the score increases by one,
the total time to play this game is 30 seconds. Colors used in this game are Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Black, Yellow, Orange, White, Purple and Brown. Interface
will display name of different colors in different colors. Player has to identify the color and enter the correct color name to win the game.
Below is the implementation of above game :

# import the modules

import tkinter
import random

# list of possible colour.

colours = ['Red','Blue','Green','Pink','Black',
score = 0

# the game time left, initially 30 seconds.

timeleft = 30

# function that will start the game.

def startGame(event):

if timeleft == 30:

# start the countdown timer. 1/6
8/28/2019 Color game using Tkinter in Python - GeeksforGeeks

# run the function to

# choose the next colour.

# Function to choose and

# display the next colour.
def nextColour():

# use the globally declared 'score'

# and 'play' variables above.
global score
global timeleft

# if a game is currently in play

if timeleft > 0:

# make the text entry box active.


# if the colour typed is equal

# to the colour of the text
if e.get().lower() == colours[1].lower():

score += 1

# clear the text entry box.

e.delete(0, tkinter.END)


# change the colour to type, by changing the

# text _and_ the colour to a random colour value
label.config(fg = str(colours[1]), text = str(colours[0]))

# update the score.

scoreLabel.config(text = "Score: " + str(score))

# Countdown timer function

def countdown():

global timeleft

# if a game is in play
if timeleft > 0:

# decrement the timer.

timeleft -= 1 2/6
8/28/2019 Color game using Tkinter in Python - GeeksforGeeks
# update the time left label
timeLabel.config(text = "Time left: "
+ str(timeleft))

# run the function again after 1 second.

timeLabel.after(1000, countdown)

# Driver Code

# create a GUI window

root = tkinter.Tk()

# set the title


# set the size


# add an instructions label

instructions = tkinter.Label(root, text = "Type in the colour"
"of the words, and not the word text!",
font = ('Helvetica', 12))

# add a score label

scoreLabel = tkinter.Label(root, text = "Press enter to start",
font = ('Helvetica', 12))

# add a time left label

timeLabel = tkinter.Label(root, text = "Time left: " +
str(timeleft), font = ('Helvetica', 12))


# add a label for displaying the colours

label = tkinter.Label(root, font = ('Helvetica', 60))

# add a text entry box for

# typing in colours
e = tkinter.Entry(root)

# run the 'startGame' function

# when the enter key is pressed
root.bind('<Return>', startGame)

# set focus on the entry box

e.focus_set() 3/6
8/28/2019 Color game using Tkinter in Python - GeeksforGeeks

# start the GUI


Output :

00:17 00:33

Note : Above code may not run on online IDE because of TKinter module.

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