Body Code

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Dr Bradley Nelson’s


The Ultimate Health, Wealth & Happiness Solution

Complete Manual

Disclaimer: “The information contained in these materials is intended for personal use and not
for the practice of any healing art, except where permitted by law. No representation contained in
these materials is intended as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical

Copyright 2009-2016 Dr Bradley Nelson & Wellness Unmasked, Inc.

All rights reserved

I would like to give special thanks to all those who have helped me to revise and increase the
knowledgebase that is now presented to you as The Body Code 2.0.
Special thanks to Natalie Nelson, for her tireless efforts and 18 hour+ days of editing, rewriting,
and Photoshopping; to Jean Nelson for her special writing and proofreading efforts; to Josh
Nelson for his contributions and research; to Connie Barton for keeping everything moving
and on track, and to the rest of our staff for their ideas and suggestions, and for keeping all the
moving parts of the business airborne, allowing me the time to work on this special project.
Special thanks also to our practitioners, for their ideas, encouragement and support, and for
their love of this amazing healing work.
Most of all, I give credit to God, our Father in Heaven, for His love and help, for His answers
to prayer, and for His guidance and divine wisdom. I have learned that anyone can ask and

Introduction & Overview

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................................2
COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................... 11
RESTRICTIONS ON USE .............................................................................................................12
THE BODY CODE 2.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................13
About The Author ..........................................................................................................................14
The Doctor of the Future..........................................................................................................14
The Cause and Prevention of Disease ......................................................................................14
Understanding Energy....................................................................................................................14
A Dual Nature ..........................................................................................................................15
The Energy Body .....................................................................................................................17
Love and Gratitude ..................................................................................................................18
Conscious vs. Subconscious ..........................................................................................................18
The Conscious Mind ................................................................................................................19
The Subconscious Mind...........................................................................................................19
Muscle Testing ..............................................................................................................................20
Muscle Testing Others .............................................................................................................20
Self-Testing ..............................................................................................................................22
Surrogate Testing .....................................................................................................................27
Proxy Testing ..........................................................................................................................29
Working with Animals ...................................................................................................................32
The Present Dilemma.....................................................................................................................33
Chasing Symptoms ..................................................................................................................33
Stress ..............................................................................................................................................37
The “Fight or Flight” Reaction ...............................................................................................37
Six Types of Imbalance Lead to All Disease .................................................................................40
Getting Permission .........................................................................................................................41
Don’t Play Doctor ..........................................................................................................................41
Cancer ......................................................................................................................................42
Healing is a Sacred Calling ............................................................................................................43
Your Belief Determines Your Reality ...........................................................................................44
Ingredients for Success ..................................................................................................................46
The Power of Intention ............................................................................................................47
Magnifying Your Intention.......................................................................................................47
Directing your Intention...........................................................................................................48
Warnings About Magnets ..............................................................................................................49
Tools Other Than Magnets .......................................................................................................49
Nikken Magnets .......................................................................................................................49

Processing ......................................................................................................................................49
ENERGIES ........................................................................................................................................51
Emotional Energies ........................................................................................................................51
Trapped Emotions ....................................................................................................................51
The Emotion Code Chart .........................................................................................................54
Where Emotions Lodge and Why ...........................................................................................55
What You Don’t See ................................................................................................................56
Identifying Trapped Emotions .................................................................................................56
The Trapped Emotion Flow Chart ...........................................................................................57
The Heart-Wall...............................................................................................................................58
Measuring the Heart’s Magnetic Field .....................................................................................59
Emotional Effects of a Heart-Wall ...........................................................................................60
Building Materials of the Heart-Wall.......................................................................................61
The Heart-Wall is a Bomb Shelter ...........................................................................................62
Heart Transplants ....................................................................................................................63
The Heart-Wall Flow Chart .....................................................................................................65
Variations of Trapped Emotions.....................................................................................................66
Inherited Emotions ...................................................................................................................68
Preconception Emotions ..........................................................................................................71
Emotional Resonance...............................................................................................................72
Post-Traumatic Energies ................................................................................................................72
Inflammation ............................................................................................................................72
Miasm ......................................................................................................................................73
Physical Trauma .......................................................................................................................73
Psychic Trauma ........................................................................................................................74
Allergies and Intolerances..............................................................................................................75
Physical Allergies.....................................................................................................................75
Idea Allergies ...........................................................................................................................76
Food Intolerances .....................................................................................................................77
Mental Energies .............................................................................................................................77
Broadcast Messages .................................................................................................................78
Images ......................................................................................................................................79
Memory Field ..........................................................................................................................80
Will to Die ................................................................................................................................81
No Will To Live .......................................................................................................................81
Despair Anchors .......................................................................................................................81
Need for T3 Session .................................................................................................................82
Addictive Heart Energy ...........................................................................................................82

Introduction & Overview


Offensive Energies .........................................................................................................................83

Cording ....................................................................................................................................83
Saboteurs ..................................................................................................................................84
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions ......................................................................................................85
Entities .....................................................................................................................................86
CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS ..........................................................................................................91
Testing for Contentedness ..............................................................................................................94
The Glands ....................................................................................................................................97
Adrenal Glands ........................................................................................................................97
Hypothalamus ..........................................................................................................................99
Ovaries ...................................................................................................................................101
Pancreas .................................................................................................................................102
Pineal Gland ..........................................................................................................................104
Parathyroid Gland ..................................................................................................................106
Pituitary Gland .......................................................................................................................108
Prostate................................................................................................................................... 110
Testicles.................................................................................................................................. 111
Thymus Gland........................................................................................................................ 113
Thyroid Gland ........................................................................................................................ 115
The Organs ................................................................................................................................... 117
Bladder ................................................................................................................................... 117
Colon ...................................................................................................................................... 119
Ileocecal Valve .......................................................................................................................125
Kidneys ..................................................................................................................................128
Liver .......................................................................................................................................131
Small Intestine .......................................................................................................................135
Uterus .....................................................................................................................................141
The Chakras .................................................................................................................................143
The Body’s Energy Centers ...................................................................................................143
Chakra Symbols, Colors and Associations ......................................................................144
The Crown Chakra .................................................................................................................144
The Brow Chakra ...................................................................................................................144

Introduction & Overview


The Throat Chakra .................................................................................................................145

The Heart Chakra ...................................................................................................................145
The Solar Plexus Chakra........................................................................................................146
The Sacral Chakra .................................................................................................................146
The Root Chakra ...................................................................................................................146
The Acupuncture Meridians .........................................................................................................147
The Five Element Theory ......................................................................................................147
The 12 Standard Meridians and Collateral Channels ............................................................150
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians ..............................................................................................162
Disconnections .............................................................................................................................167
Our Dual Nature.....................................................................................................................167
Spirit/Physical Disconnection ................................................................................................168
Spirit Out of Body Disconnection .........................................................................................170
Spirit/Spirit Disconnection ....................................................................................................171
Physical/Physical Disconnection ..........................................................................................171
Physical/Physical Disconnection Evaluation .........................................................................171
Physical/Physical Disconnection Correction .........................................................................172
Morning Sickness Disconnection .........................................................................................172
Systems ........................................................................................................................................173
Circulatory system .................................................................................................................174
Digestive system ....................................................................................................................174
Endocrine System ..................................................................................................................174
Immune System ....................................................................................................................175
Integumentary system ............................................................................................................175
Lymphatic System..................................................................................................................175
Muscular System....................................................................................................................176
Nervous system ......................................................................................................................176
Reproductive System .............................................................................................................177
Respiratory System ................................................................................................................178
Skeletal System ......................................................................................................................179
Urinary System ......................................................................................................................181
TOXINS ...........................................................................................................................................183
Energetic Treatment of Toxins .....................................................................................................184
Heavy Metals ...............................................................................................................................184
Mercury ..................................................................................................................................185
Aluminum ..............................................................................................................................186
Cadmium ................................................................................................................................186

Introduction & Overview


Excesses .......................................................................................................................................186
Stress Hormones ....................................................................................................................186
Metabolic Waste .....................................................................................................................186
Free Radicals..........................................................................................................................187
The Six Pernicious Influences................................................................................................187
Electromagnetic (EM) Toxins ......................................................................................................188
Color .....................................................................................................................................188
EMF/Cellular Radiation .........................................................................................................188
Fluorescent Lights..................................................................................................................189
Radiation ................................................................................................................................189
Scalar Energy .........................................................................................................................189
Sound .....................................................................................................................................190
Food Additives .......................................................................................................................190
Medical Toxins .......................................................................................................................192
Recreational Drugs.................................................................................................................193
Environmental Chemicals ......................................................................................................196
Microbial Toxins ..........................................................................................................................198
Dental Toxins ...............................................................................................................................198
Toxins and Obesity ......................................................................................................................201
NUTRITION AND LIFESTYLE.................................................................................................209
Food Quality ...............................................................................................................................209
Nutrient Deficiency ......................................................................................................................213
Nutrient Deficiency Evaluation..............................................................................................214
Malnutrition .................................................................................................................................215
Physical Malnutrition .............................................................................................................215
Spiritual Malnutrition.............................................................................................................216
Foods Explanation ......................................................................................................................216
Herbs Explanation........................................................................................................................219
Magnetic Field Deficiencies ........................................................................................................221
Nikken Magnets .....................................................................................................................222
Outside Needs ..............................................................................................................................222
Sleep ............................................................................................................................................222
Color Deficiency ..........................................................................................................................223

Introduction & Overview


pH Imbalance ...............................................................................................................................223
MISALIGNMENTS .......................................................................................................................225
History of Chiropractic ................................................................................................................225
Structure Affects Function ...........................................................................................................226
Misalignment (Subluxation) ..................................................................................................227
All is Energy ................................................................................................................................232
Detecting Structural Misalignments ......................................................................................232
Testing For Corrected Misalignments ...................................................................................232
Determining Percentage of Brain Communication ......................................................................232
Correcting Misalignments............................................................................................................233
Recurring Misalignment ........................................................................................................236
Common Misalignments ........................................................................................................236
PATHOGENS ..................................................................................................................................239
Infections Explanation .................................................................................................................239
A New Understanding ............................................................................................................239
Pathogens Evaluation ...................................................................................................................240
Bacteria ..................................................................................................................................245
Fungi ......................................................................................................................................246
Mold .......................................................................................................................................247
Parasitic Infestation................................................................................................................249
Treating Infestations with Remedies................................................................................250
RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................................253
When You Can’t Find the Answers You Need .............................................................................253
Trapped Emotion Flow Chart ......................................................................................................257
Heart-Wall Flow Chart .................................................................................................................258
Psychic Trauma Flow Chart .........................................................................................................259
Hormone Chart.............................................................................................................................260
Herb Chart....................................................................................................................................261
Foods Chart ..................................................................................................................................262
Anti-Fungal/Mold Dietary Suggestions .......................................................................................263
Dental Relationship Chart ............................................................................................................264
Liver Cleanse ...............................................................................................................................265
Liver / Gallbladder Flush .............................................................................................................266
Nutritional Chart ..........................................................................................................................267
Vitamin A ...............................................................................................................................268
Carotenoids, Vitamin D..........................................................................................................269
Vitamin E, K, Thiamin ...........................................................................................................270
Riboflavin, Niacin ..................................................................................................................271

Introduction & Overview


Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Biotin.....................................................................................272

Folate, B12, Choline ..............................................................................................................273
Vitamin C, Omega 3’s & 8’s ..................................................................................................274
Co-enzyme Q10, Probiotics, Prebiotics .................................................................................275
Carnitine, Antioxidants, Protein, Fats ....................................................................................276
Carbohydrates, Fiber, Histidine .............................................................................................277
Lysine, Leucine, Isoleucine....................................................................................................278
Valine, Calcium, Chromium ..................................................................................................279
Copper, Iodine ........................................................................................................................280
Iron, Magnesium, Manganese ................................................................................................281
Molybdenum, Phosphorus .....................................................................................................282
Selenium, Zinc, Potassium.....................................................................................................283
Sodium, Chloride, Sulfur .......................................................................................................284
Flavonoids, Boron, Cobalt .....................................................................................................285
Lecithin, Cholesterol, Lutein, Zeaxanthin .............................................................................286
Fatty Acids, Lycopene, Enzymes, Methionine.......................................................................287
Phenylalanine, Theronine, Tryptophan ..................................................................................288
Tryptophan .............................................................................................................................289
Definitions of Emotions ...............................................................................................................290

Introduction & Overview

10 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

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Introduction & Overview

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 11


The entire contents of The Body Code package are protected by international copyright and
trademark laws. The owners of the copyrights and trademarks are Dr Bradley Nelson and
Wellness Unmasked, Inc., its assigns, affiliates, and third party licensors. You may not modify,
copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any manner the material in
this course, including text, graphics, code, and/or software. You may print and download portions
of material from the different sections of this course solely for your own non-commercial use,
provided that you do not change or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials.
These materials are provided for informational purposes only. They should not be substituted
for professional advice or treatment. All this information has been presented in good faith. The
accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein as within
any publication cannot be guaranteed.
Dr Bradley Nelson and Wellness Unmasked, Inc. accept no responsibility or liability for the use
or misuse of the information provided here. We strongly advise that you seek medical advice
from your medical practitioner as appropriate before making any health decisions. The Body
Code, used in any form, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as
medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given
to you by Dr Bradley Nelson is not intended to create any physician/patient relationship, nor
should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you
have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.
Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the
body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective
compliment to conventional medical care. The Body Code is a self-help method that quite often
produces marvelous results and wonderful benefits, both physical and emotional in nature.
Nevertheless, it is a relatively new discovery and has not been thoroughly studied. This system
is based on the personal observations and experiences of Dr Bradley Nelson. You must take
100% responsibility for your own health, both physical and emotional. Neither the author nor
the publisher is responsible for any consequences incurred by those employing the remedies
or treatments discussed or taught herein. Any application of the material set forth in this course,
video content, manuals, and software, is at your discretion, and is your sole responsibility. Dr
Bradley Nelson makes no claims regarding healing or recovery from any illness. By viewing or
using the information in The Body Code, you consent, in the event of a dispute or disagreement,
to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of a court of competent jurisdiction in St. George, Utah,
USA and to the exclusive use of the laws of Utah.
The information contained in these materials is intended for personal use and not for the practice
of any healing art, except where permitted by law. No representation contained in these materials
is intended as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical treatment.

Introduction & Overview

12 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


The Body Code and The Emotion Code are for both personal and professional use. We provide
a pathway to Certification for those interested in charging a fee for healing services using these
It is a punishable violation for any person or group to represent themselves as a Certified
Practitioner or to charge for Body Code and/or Emotion Code healing sessions  without
Certification by Wellness Unmasked, Inc., or Discover Healing, exclusively. Violation of this
policy may result  in immediate termination of your access to the online Body Code System,
Online Mind Maps and downloaded Mind Maps application.
Our Certification Programs are easily accessed online at Certification
entitles a Practitioner to charge a fee for services rendered to clients. It is the responsibility of
each Practitioner to abide by all laws and licensing requirements pertaining to their locale.

Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 13


Welcome to The Body Code, the most complete self-study course on natural healing ever
devised, created by Dr Bradley Nelson. This system was developed over decades of clinical
and distance healing practice, working with real people suffering from all manner of ailments.
In The Body Code you will learn what to do for imbalances in all 6 major areas: pathogens,
misalignments, nutrition and lifestyle, circuits and systems, toxicity, and energies.

The Body Code has been designed to be a complete health and wellness guide, so that you
can feel confident in your knowledge of the body and how it works. This system will help you find
and eliminate the underlying causes of illness that even health care professionals don’t know
about. You’ll be equipped to prevent seemingly small problems from turning into something
much worse and possibly prevent disease from developing years before it manifests.
The primary purpose of The Body Code is as a wellness aid and a method for disease prevention.
This system should never be used for first aid, or as the primary method of care in cases of
serious disease, and is not designed to take the place of medical care.

Introduction & Overview

14 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


I graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West, in San

Lorenzo, California in 1988. Until 2004, I was in private practice as a
holistic chiropractic physician specializing in treating patients from
across the US and Canada who were suffering from mysterious
and “incurable” diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and
I’ve lectured internationally on the natural healing of chronic illness,
and I’m also one of the world’s foremost experts in the fields of
both emotional wellness and magnetic healing. I’ve developed this
product, The Body Code, a simple yet powerful healing method. Included in The Body Code
is The Emotion Code, which is my introductory level seminar as well as the title of my first book. 
I have been called a pioneer in holistic health care, as my methods find and remove the underlying
imbalances that cause illness and emotional issues. I believe and know that once you remove
the underlying imbalances, the body has an innate power to heal itself.
One of my favorite quotes is from Thomas Edison. He said, “The doctor
of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care
of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
The Body Code is all about finding the causes of disease and caring for
the human body in the healthiest and most complete way. By correcting
any imbalances, I believe that we can do a much better job at not only
preventing disease, but also raising the quality of life in ourselves and
others, leading to a more connected and healthy world.
Solving the puzzle of what causes disease and what to do to prevent it from developing is
what The Body Code is all about. By removing these causes of disease and creating a state
of balance in the body, we create perfect conditions for the body to heal itself and stay healthy.

To truly understand the body and how The Body Code works, we must
understand energy. Absolutely everything in this universe is made of
nothing but pure, vibrating energy. Different things are vibrating at different
frequencies, and this difference in vibration is what makes things appear
and feel different from each other.

Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 15

You are a being of pure energy! Your unique vibration is specific to you and makes your body
what it is. Your vibration also makes your spirit who you are; it is your unique intelligence.
Vibrating energy is the master ingredient in the universe. Invisible
energy is all around us in the form of radio waves, x-ray waves,
infrared energy, thought waves and emotions. You can also think of
our universe as a Lego® universe, made up of little building blocks
called subatomic particles. These are infinitesimally small units of
vibrating energy. Like Legos, differing arrangements of these little
energies will produce atoms of different elements, such as hydrogen,
carbon, and titanium. These atoms can then be arranged to make
molecules like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In your body,
molecules then come together to make DNA, which makes your
cells, which make your body.
Quantum physics is the study of subatomic particles. It was Albert Einstein
and his contemporaries who devised ingenious experiments in an attempt
to discover more about the nature of these little energies. Quantum
research revealed that energies behave in different ways depending on
what the observer is expecting to see. Many physicists believe that the
only explanation for these mysterious behaviors is that the energies within
the atom are themselves intelligent to some small degree.
Physical beings (and even items) have a dual nature consisting of a
physical body and an energy field. Both aspects of our nature are made of pure, intelligent
energy, just vibrating at different frequencies and certainly unique to us. This energy has been
researched and proven real by modern science.

Seeing the Energy Field

The energy fields of people and other living things are, for most people,
invisible to the naked eye. But there is a way they can be visualized,
thanks to a man named Semyon Kirlian. In 1939, Kirlian accidentally
discovered and developed an amazing technique which is now called
Kirlian photography. Ever since its discovery, there have been reams
of studies that have been published about Kirlian photography and
how it shows the hidden energy field in all living things.

Introduction & Overview

16 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Here we have a Kirlian photograph of a living leaf showing its

energy field. The energy field is strong and vibrant, shown clearly
by the light coming from the edges. No light at all is used in Kirlian
photography; this is a picture of the
energy that is being emitted by the leaf.
A number of years ago, Russian
scientists made a declaration that there
exists in all living things a plasma
energy field. I believe that’s exactly
what is shown in these Kirlian
photographs. Here in this Kirlian image
we can see the plasma energy field
around the fingertips of a human being. Healthy, energetic people
emit a brighter energy field than unhealthy people. Healers often
show brighter or larger energy fields than other people.

Kirlian Photograph of a Leaf

My favorite Kirlian photograph is one where scientists took a living leaf off of a tree. They cut it
in two and discarded the upper half of the leaf. They then immediately took the bottom half of
the leaf into their laboratory, made a Kirlian photograph, and the resulting image is what we see
here. The shape of the leaf is intact.

I believe that this upper part of the leaf that we see in ghost form is actually an image of the
energy field of the leaf. Even though the upper part of the leaf was removed physically, the
energy field of the leaf remained intact and complete. I believe that every living thing would
experience the same phenomenon if exposed to a similar circumstance; the energy field would
remain intact no matter what happened to the physical.
This Kirlian photograph of the leaf is analogous to the energy field that is within each of us. This
energy field goes by many different names- the prana, the chi or qi, the life force, the spirit or the
energy body. Call it what you will, I believe all these names are describing the same thing.

Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 17

I believe that God created everything spiritually before he created anything physically- sort of
like an energetic blueprint for the physical body. It is like a template
that the physical body grows into and fills into. I also believe that
the spirit is what defines who we really are; it is our intelligence. If
you go to a funeral and look at the person lying in the casket, it’s
obvious that there is something that has changed. You can feel
the absence of the individual even though the physical body may
appear to be unchanged. It’s just an empty shell without the life
force inside.
There is a theory floating around out there that when measured
on a fine scale, the body supposedly loses about 21 grams of
weight at the moment of death. Many people believe this loss of
21 grams of weight is actually the spirit leaving the body at the moment of death. I don’t know
this is factual, because I’ve never placed a dying person on a fine scale, but it is an interesting
idea. And it does support the idea that the spirit is real. Much of the work you will be doing with
The Body Code is focusing on the imbalances that occur in this energy field of the body; the
incredibly important part that Western medicine pays little or no attention to.
There are a large number of scientists who have been studying for
many decades to try to gain the ability to regenerate human tissue.
Most of them have come to the same conclusion: that there is an
energy field within living things.
Here is an example: These scientists have done many studies on
a small animal called a newt, which has the incredible ability to
regenerate its tail if it gets pulled off. This is a defensive mechanism
to allow the newt to escape predators. Later on when the tail grows
back, it looks exactly like it looked before. How does that happen?
The newt’s energy field, I believe, contains the template for the tail
to grow into, or the blueprint that the physical form simply fills in.

The Spirit Within

Our spirit animates our physical body, in the same way that a hand animates a glove. At death,
our spirit or energy body moves on, and our body decays because it no longer has its life
force. During life, our spirit and body interface in a profound way that we don’t yet understand
completely. Because of this interface, when the energy body becomes imbalanced, the physical
body can be severely affected. Imbalances in the energy body must be corrected for a person
to be able to truly get well.

Introduction & Overview

18 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Messages From Water

One of my favorite books is Messages From Water by Masaru Emoto, who tested water by flash-
freezing droplets of water into snowflakes—a very unique way to test water. Emoto and his team
were measuring water that was taken from different reservoirs, lakes, and
streams in Japan. When they flash froze the water, they observed a variety
of fascinating snowflake patterns, depending from where the water was
taken. They also found that these snowflake patterns would vary according
to what the water was exposed to before freezing. If they played certain
types of music for the water, they would get different kinds of crystals. If
they played acid rock, or hard rock music for the water, they wouldn’t get
any kind of crystals forming at all; there would be blob-like formations
instead. If they played classical music like Bach overnight, they would get
This water was exposed to beautiful, symmetrically formed crystals like the one shown here. Emoto
Bach’s “Air on a G String,” also taped words to vials of water and left them overnight. The next day he
then frozen
and his team created snowflakes from the droplets of this water, and again
found that they would get dramatically different formations depending on
which words were taped to the vials of water.
When they taped the word “Truth”, in Japanese, to the vials of water, they found that the crystals
formed a very symmetrical, beautiful and normal looking snowflake. When they taped the words
“You disgust me, I will kill you” to the vial of water, they would get a “crystal” that would look like
this asymmetrical blob pictured below.
The most beautiful crystal snowflake of all
was obtained when they taped the words
Love and Gratitude to a vial of water and
then left it overnight. Look at the symmetry
and intricacy of this beautiful snowflake.
Love and gratitude are two of the most
powerful forces that exist in the universe
and they’re a very important part of The
“I will kill you” “Love and Gratitude” Body Code. Holding love and gratitude in
your heart while practicing The Body Code
will produce much more profound results
than if you focus on other, lower vibrations of emotion.


If you were a primitive bushman living in the Kalahari Desert, and
a computer parachuted down out of an airplane, you would have
no idea how to make it work to get anything productive out of it.

Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 19

Our bodies are similar. We’ve had them for a long time but they came with no manual!
Luckily, we know now that the body can act like a lie detector. If you’ve robbed a bank, you may
be able to fool people into thinking you’re innocent. But if you’re hooked up to a lie detector or a
polygraph, the technician who is running the machine will be able to see the truth shown clearly
in the polygraph chart. Your body will give measurable responses when presented with truth and
falsehood, and these are displayed by the polygraph.
Most people think of the conscious mind as who they really are. After all, the conscious mind
is the part of you that seems to think, make decisions, listen, remember things, etc. This is the
part of you that would be telling the lie about robbing the bank (and thinking you were getting
away with it). The conscious mind is important, of course, but it is really only about 10% of your
The other 90% of your intelligence is subconscious. Most people give the subconscious little
recognition, but it is actually very active. It’s archiving and
remembering everything! It records everything you’ve ever
done, every face you’ve ever seen in a crowd, everything
you’ve ever eaten, tasted, touched or smelled, and the
whole history of your health or disease. I believe the whole
history of every cell in your body, down to the atomic level,
is actually archived and stashed away in that amazing
holographic computer system that is the subconscious
The subconscious mind is the part of you that would
provide the truth in the event you committed a crime of
some sort. It would produce the correct responses when
presented with truth and falsehood, measurable by the
polygraph. Because the subconscious mind is like a binary computer, we can ask “Yes” or “No”
questions and get answers from the body, just like using a polygraph. We can access all the
information in this amazing computer system by simply using muscle testing. Not only can we
get answers to just about every question we might have about the body, I believe there is a sort
of list in every single person’s mind. This list contains all the things that need to be done to bring
the body back to 100% function, or as close to it as is possible.

Introduction & Overview

20 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

We access the subconscious database through muscle testing.
Muscle testing helps us to get answers from the subconscious
mind because the body gives a physical response when we
tell the truth or a lie. The muscles of the body are instantly
weakened when we lie. They stay strong when we tell the
truth. There are many methods of muscle testing, but we’re
first going to look at the traditional method to be used when
testing another person.
Always ask the person you wish to muscle test if he has pain
in either shoulder. If he does, don’t use that arm as it may
aggravate his condition. If he has trouble in both shoulders or
if he is too young, too weak, or too ill to be tested, you should
find a different way to test him, which we will discuss later.
1. Ask the subject to stand up and hold one arm out directly in front of him, horizontal to the
floor. He should not make a tight fist, but let his hand remain relaxed.
2. Place the first two fingers of your hand lightly on his arm, just above the bump of the wrist.
3. Place your free hand on his opposite shoulder to support him.
4. Tell the subject, “I’m going to have you make a statement, and then I’m going to press
down on your arm. I want you to resist me gently by holding your arm right where it is; try to
prevent me from pushing your arm down.”
5. Have the subject state his name. If the subject’s name is Kim, for example, he would say,
“My name is Kim.”
6. Perform the muscle test by smoothly and steadily increasing the pressure downward on the
subject’s arm, going from no pressure to a fairly firm pressure within about 3 seconds.
7. The shoulder joint should stay ‘locked’ against your firm downward pressure, and should not
give way.
8. Now repeat the test, but have the subject make a statement that is obviously false by using
a name that is not his own. Immediately perform the muscle test again, and you should
notice the arm is weaker, since the statement just made is incongruent with truth, and the
subject’s subconscious mind knows it.
You have just performed what we call a baseline test.

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Proper Finger Placement

Something very important in muscle testing is finger
placement. You’ll notice that everyone has a bony bump on
the wrist, which is part of the ulna bone. Note in the picture
that the tester’s two fingers have come down the arm right
up to that bump, but not over it. If you go over the bump, you
will be on the delicate bones of the wrist. Being on the wrist
bones makes it very difficult to get a proper muscle test,
because every time you press down on those tiny bones,
the brain will automatically weaken the arm muscles and
the arm will go down. This is because the brain does not
want to allow those bones in the wrist to be injured (which
can happen if too much pressure is placed on the delicate
wrist bones). You do want to be as far down on the arm as
you can, for proper leverage, but not over the bump.

Tips for Testing Others

We go over muscle testing in more detail in The Body Code Seminar DVDs, but there are a
couple of other very important things to keep in mind when muscle testing which I will mention
• Use a smoothly increasing hydraulic type of pressure that starts from zero and smoothly
increases. You want to push slowly and gently, giving the muscles time to adjust. Don’t
bounce! As soon as you have your answer and you’re clear that his arm is either staying
strong or weakening, then you should let go. This should take about 3 seconds at most.
• Have the subject resist gently.
• Use only the minimum amount of pressure needed. Think finesse, not force. Muscle testing
is about “sensing” the answer.
• If any muscle testing method hurts, stop and try another method.
• Keep your fingers in the correct position; don’t go over the wrist bump.
• You can experiment with various arm positions to see what works best for you and the
person on whom you are working. Some other options are for the subject to hold his arm
out to the side rather than straight out in front of him, or with the elbow bent at a 90 degree
angle with the forearm parallel to the floor (shown in the Elbow Test method).

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22 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Reasons You Might Be Untestable

There are some reasons why you might not be testable. If you’re dehydrated, you’ll want to stop
and drink a glass of purified water, then try again in a few minutes. If you’re the person doing the
testing and you’re dehydrated, you may have a hard time doing the test.
Using an incorrect amount of force can also interfere with
your muscle testing answers. Pushing too hard, pushing
too soft, resisting with too much or not enough force will
confuse things, so make sure that you find a common
ground with whomever you’re working. Don’t be afraid
to ask them to increase or decrease their resistance if
needed. You can say something like, “Meet my pressure”
and that should help. A surfacing Trapped Emotion or other
imbalance can make someone temporarily untestable. If
you’re working on someone and a Trapped Emotion is
suddenly welling up in them and coming to the surface to
be released, you may not be able to get a clear muscle
test. This is just one reason why knowing a method of self-
testing will come in handy.
If you’re working on someone who has a neck misalignment,
that will make it difficult to test as well. They may need
to see a chiropractor. You can also try rolling a magnet down the spine with the intention of
releasing or correcting whatever imbalance may be present in the neck, and oftentimes that will
immediately make them testable. We’ll go over correcting structural misalignments more later
Self-testing is a convenient and simple way to get answers from your own body. The various
methods of self muscle-testing that we present here can be used to work on yourself and
get answers from your own body, or they can be used as a way for you to get answers about
what another person needs. Self-testing is especially useful if the subject is untestable, or if
you’re working alone and acting as proxy or surrogate. Self-testing does require little bit of extra
practice, but it is definitely well worth it. Since some people learn some of these methods more
easily, at least initially, we’ll be providing a number of different methods in these materials.
The first method that we teach in The Emotion Code is called the Sway Test. The Sway Test
is where the body will respond by swaying forward toward truth, positivity, or congruency. Or it
will sway backward, away from negativity, falsehood, or incongruency. This works because the
human body is an organism like any other.
In fact, you know very well that a plant will naturally grow toward a light source. But did you
know that a plant will also naturally grow toward a speaker that is playing soothing lullabies or
classical music? In fact, studies show that if a speaker blaring harsh music is placed in front of

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plant, it will actually grow away from the speaker, and even the roots will bend away from the
speaker. The human body has this capacity built right into it as well. It will sway forward towards
truth, positivity, or congruency, and it will sway backwards away from negativity, falsehood, or

The Sway Test

To perform the Sway Test, simply stand in a very relaxed way. It’s a
good idea to turn off any music or TV as they can have an imbalancing
effect on you and can interfere with the testing. Drop your arms to
your sides and completely relax. The first thing you’ll notice while
you’re standing there is that there is a little bit of movement going
on all the time. The body tends to sway a little bit forward and a
little bit backward and sometimes it might sway a little to the side,
left to right. That is simply the oscillation that takes place when the
body is trying to maintain a perfect upright posture. The postural
muscles are continuously working to keep the body standing upright
and that’s normal.
Now let’s get a baseline test. Think about war for a moment. Hold
that thought in your mind while you’re standing there in a very
relaxed way. If you think about all the people who have died, all the
families that have been torn apart, all the tragedy, all the people
who have been crippled and maimed, all the destruction of property
and life and limb. Think about all the sorrow and anguish that’s been
happening on earth since the beginning. You should notice that your body will try to recoil away
from this thought that you’ve put out in front of you. It will sway backwards away from the thought
of war, because that thought is so negative.
Let’s try another thought now. Think about unconditional love. Imagine
that you are a being of unconditional love, that your heart is a generator
of unconditional love. That beautiful energy flows out of your heart and
fills the immensity of space. Imagine that you love everyone
unconditionally no matter who they are. Imagine what it would be like
to be loved and accepted unconditionally by others in return. As you
hold the thought of unconditional love in your mind, what you will find
is that your body will want to sway forward towards the positivity, the
congruency and the beauty of that thought of unconditional love.
The Sway Test can be used for any of the questions that you want to
ask the body. You can ask the body for example “Do I have a Trapped
Emotion?” and the body will either sway forward for “Yes”, and backward
for “No”. You can ask the body other questions and get answers in that
same way. The Sway Test is a very useful method of testing and it

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24 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

works for just about anyone. It doesn’t take much practice either.
Now we will discuss some other methods of self-testing. These other methods are convenient
to use but they do take some practice to master. I recommend for most people to practice using
their favorite method for 100 times a day for about 2 weeks or so. That’s simply saying “Yes” and
“No” 100 times a day for 2 weeks. That should only be a few minutes of practice per day and is
well worth the effort!

Hole-in-One Method
To perform the Hole-in-One method, you simply make
a ring with your thumb and first finger, as pictured.
Then you take the thumb and the first two fingers of
your other hand and insert those fingers into the ring.
On a muscle test, you’ll want to try to open the ring
with your other hand by pulling apart your thumb and
two fingers. On “Yes”, or a congruent statement, the
ring should stay closed. For “No”, or an incongruent
statement, the ring should open. You can also use
other fingers to perform this test if you want to.

Hand Solo Method

To perform the Hand Solo method, you choose
one finger to be the resistance finger, and an
adjacent finger to push down on the resistance
finger- we’ll call this the pressure finger. In this
picture, the first finger is the resistance finger and
the middle finger is the pressure finger. You can
place the pressure finger either arched or right on
top of the resistance finger. Once you’re in place, simply
make your statement and then apply pressure on the
resistance finger. The resistance finger should stay
strong for “Yes”, and on “No” the finger should weaken.
It should stay strong when you test a congruent, true
statement as well, just like any other muscle testing method. And of course, when you test a
statement that’s incongruent or untrue, that finger should weaken and go down.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 25

Ring-in-Ring Method
For the Ring-in-Ring method, simply take one hand
and make a ring with your thumb and first finger (you
could really use any finger but I like the first finger
best). Then take your other hand and make another
ring through the first ring, as pictured. To test, make
your statement or question, and try to pull those rings
apart. For “Yes”, truth, congruency and positivity the
ring (or both rings) should stay closed. If you say “No”,
or make a statement that is untrue, one or both of the
rings should weaken and you should be able to pull
your hands apart.

Elbow Test Method

To perform the Elbow Test method, bring the elbow
into the side with your arm bent at a 90 degree angle
out in front of you. Take two fingers from the other hand
and place them on the top of the arm (right before the
bump of the wrist bone). Then you simply press down.
On “Yes”, the forearm will stay just about horizontal to
the floor, and on “No”, your arm should weaken and drop.
This is a very simple method and its advantage is that
your fingers don’t get sore because the muscle you’re
testing is the bicep muscle- a very large muscle that is
easy to test all day long.
There are a few things that you should note about this
Another variation of the elbow test is to bend your arm at a sharper angle, about 45 degrees or
Make sure not to let your fingers bend back very much when you’re applying pressure to the
arm, as this can cause discomfort in the fingers before long.
In fact, the amount of resistance force used in this test is simply the amount of muscle strength
it takes to keep the forearm horizontal, no more.

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26 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Tips for Self-Testing

Keep the pressure light and resist only as much as you absolutely need to. Remember that the
harder you resist, the harder you’re going to have to press down to overcome that resistance, so
you’re really working against yourself. You’ll also probably experience discomfort sooner if you
resist very hard. If it hurts, that means you’re using too much pressure, so stop, and try another
method using less pressure. The goal is not to wear yourself out or hurt yourself, but to find your
perfect strength and resistance settings to make it easy.
In your house, you may have a light switch with a dimmer on it. In the human body, every muscle
has a sort of dimmer switch, and your brain controls how strong or weak a muscle is, or how
hard it resists. What you can do with any of these testing methods is simply play around with the
dimmer switch on the resistance muscles. Just mentally dial in the right muscle strength setting
so that when you say “Yes”, the muscle stays strong. Then at that same strength setting, when
you say “No”, you do get weakness. The more you do this, you’ll find that you can use less and
less pressure and get answers. It does take a little bit
of practice to get it right, but it’s definitely worth doing
and staying with it. And remember to do a baseline test
like a “Yes” and “No” test each time you start testing
yourself or someone else; this is to make sure you’re
Not all methods are for everyone. Find the one or
two methods you like and practice them until you are
proficient. Even if you don’t use self-testing very often,
learn it for a backup method. It’s always a good idea to
always have a back up method, just in case someone
becomes untestable or if you are working on your own.
Thoughts that you might be holding in your mind can
affect the outcome of muscle testing, so it is important
to not have expectations that might influence your
testing. Just have a heart full of love for the person you are testing, and be okay with any answer
that you might receive.
Did you know you can muscle test your food? Your subconscious
mind knows if certain foods are good or bad for you. Use the Body
Code regularly, and get in the habit of tapping into this incredible
source of information that lies within you, your subconscious
mind. Remember also, the more imbalances you remove, the
better your muscle testing will become, and the clearer your
muscle-testing answers will be.

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A Gift from God

Muscle testing is a gift from God, to allow us to help each other. It is not to be used to test for
the winning lotto numbers, and it is not to be used to ask if you should take that job, etc. Asking
about anything unrelated to health probably won’t work anyway, in my experience. You can ask
about the present, but do not try to see the future, as muscle testing is not for that purpose and
the results would be unreliable at best. This kind of testing is for the present, and applies to what
is happening now, in the present, as well as determining Trapped Emotions from the past.

Do Not Use Muscle Testing to Make Big Decisions!

You will have to trust me on this one. Speaking from experience, it has become clear to me that
testing is a gift from God that has a specific purpose, but that purpose is limited. You can muscle
test every decision you make, but you won’t get anything but neurotic, in my opinion. Use muscle
testing to find Trapped Emotions and to help yourself and others to get and stay physically well
and leave it at that.
Don’t be too proud to ask God for help. He already knows the answers you are looking for, and
he wants to help you, but you have to ask. I am reminded of the famous painting of Christ, where
he is standing at the front door of a home, knocking. The funny thing is, the front door has no
doorknob on the outside. He won’t open the door. You have to do it. And believe me when I tell
you that I utter a silent prayer every single time I test anyone, and I ask God to help me, every
single time, and He always does. Try it! Miracles come when we get out of our own way and
allow that Higher Power to work through us. If your ego is so big that you think you don’t need
any help from above, good luck to you, because on your own, your power is very limited. But I
promise you, if you set your ego aside, and draw upon the powers of heaven to help you, you
will see miracles occur!

Surrogate testing is another way to muscle test if the subject (the person or animal you want
to test) is present in the room, but is unable to be tested for some reason. Maybe he is in a
coma, or has shoulder problems, maybe it is a small child or an animal. Dehydration, a neck
misalignment, or a surfacing Trapped Emotion will often make muscle testing more difficult. For
any of these situations, you can use surrogate testing. All you need is a third person to “plug in”
as the surrogate, almost like an extension cord. Before beginning, you’ll want to make sure that
the surrogate is testable, so be sure to do a baseline test by having him say something true or
positive such as, “Yes” or “Up is up.” Make sure you get a strong muscle response. Then have
him say something negative or incongruent, such as, “No” or “Up is down”, and make sure you
get a weak muscle response. Then have the surrogate and the subject hold hands and you’re
ready to begin testing.

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28 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Muscle testing children is difficult until a child is

about 8 or 9 years old, so for testing kids you’ll
want to use a surrogate. This is my youngest
daughter, Elisabeth, who is being tested, with
Natalie again acting as surrogate and being tested
by Jean.
In the picture below we have my wife, Jean, on the
far left acting as the tester. The surrogate in the
middle is my daughter, Natalie, and the subject on
the far right is my daughter, Kristi. By plugging the
surrogate person, Natalie, into the middle, Jean
should be able to test Kristi, the subject without
any trouble. This works just like an extension cord
because the electrical changes that take place in
Kristi’s body literally flow through Natalie, and
Natalie’s arm will stay strong or weaken depending
on the questions being asked. Jean would direct
her questions to Kristi, the subject, and then test
Natalie’s arm to get the answer. Then Jean would release or correct whatever comes up on
Kristi’s body.
Remember that in surrogate testing, questions are
directed toward the subject, but testing is actually
done on the surrogate person. Imbalances are found
by testing the surrogate, but corrections are made on
the subject. However, you can also make corrections
on the surrogate if that is a better option at the moment.
For example, I have released Trapped Emotions
and other imbalances on a surrogate person when
the subject, who happened to be my father, was in
a hospital bed surrounded by tubes and wires, after
having a brain aneurysm.

One of the great things about surrogate

testing is that the answers you get will
often be amplified through the surrogate.
It’s almost as if the surrogate boosts the
signal coming out of the subject, so your
answers will be much clearer than they
would have been otherwise. It’s important
to note that it is not necessary to physically
touch the subject. If the surrogate is within

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6 feet of the subject, you should have no problem testing accurately. Your body will detect the
electrical changes that take place in the subject’s body, and these changes will show up in your
muscle testing as strength or weakness.
If you’re working alone with a subject who isn’t testable, and you don’t have a surrogate person
nearby, you can act as surrogate yourself and use self-testing! Just ask the questions of the
subject’s body, test on yourself using any self-testing method, and then release or correct
whatever comes up on the subject’s body, or on your own body, if needed.

Proxy testing is what we use for healing at a distance,
and it is absolutely indispensable. It enables you to test
someone, and release or correct any imbalances they
have, all from a distance. It is similar to surrogate testing
except that the subject is not physically present. The
person who stands in for the subject is called the proxy,
and, in effect, their body will set aside its own needs
temporarily to help the subject. Once the connection is
made, the proxy person is the subject for all practical
You can think of proxy testing as being similar to a
wireless connection. Although a lot of proxy testing by our
practitioners is done over the phone, it can also be done
via email, where people are not actually on the phone
having a conversation at the time of the treatment.
In the same way that computer screen-sharing can be used to edit or delete information on
another computer anywhere in the world, imbalances that exist in the subjects body can be
accessed by the proxy and can be released, no matter where the subject and proxy may be, and
no matter how far apart they may be.
Muscle testing and releasing or correcting any imbalances is performed on the proxy person,
but the person who is receiving the benefit is the subject, wherever he may be. Distance has no
bearing on how well this works. It’s really quite amazing!

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In proxy testing, the proxy acts in place of, and on behalf of the subject. The work performed
on the proxy happens simultaneously to the subject, no matter the distance. Remember that
permission is always necessary!

The picture above shows the subject on the far left, who happens to be my son Rhett, and on
the right are the proxy, Natalie, and the tester, Jean. Imagine that Rhett is in Brazil and Natalie
and Jean are in the United States. Rhett has telephoned Natalie and Jean asking for help with a
headache. Here is how Natalie and Jean can connect with Rhett to help him with his headache.

Establishing a Connection
To establish a connection with the subject, have the person who will act as the proxy repeat
the following: “My name is (subject’s name).” In this particular case, Natalie, who would be
acting as proxy, would say, “My name is Rhett.” At first this will probably test weak because, of
course, her name is not Rhett. But if she continues to repeat this statement, it will eventually
test strong as soon as that energetic connection is made. In other words, when she connects
up with Rhett she will test strong if she says, “My name is Rhett.” If at that point she says, “My
name is Natalie,” she will actually test weak. Why? Because her body will set aside its own
needs to stand in and act as proxy for Rhett, so Jean can figure out what is going on with him
and help him with his headache. At this point, everything that Jean finds on Natalie will really
be for Rhett’s benefit. Any corrections that are made, anything that’s released or corrected on
Natalie’s body will actually end up manifesting in Rhett’s body. So here, Jean is actually working
on Rhett, through Natalie’s body.

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Breaking the Connection

You always want to remember to break the connection when you’re done. To break the
connection have the Proxy repeat, “My name is _______,” until a strong test is obtained
when she states her own name. In this particular example, Natalie would simply say, “My
name is Natalie.” She would continue to repeat that until she tests strong once again.
Initially, the first time she says it she might test weak because she is still acting as proxy
for Rhett. But if she continues to repeat that, pretty quickly it will test strong again and the
connection will be broken.

Proxy Testing While Alone

Just like in surrogate testing, you can also act as the proxy when you’re working by yourself,
using self-testing. Anything you test, correct or release will be tested on your body, but for the
benefit of the subject. Proxy testing is an amazing tool, and it’s so convenient that the ability to
do it is built right in. This is what you can do if you want to work with clients over the phone, or
if someone calls you and asks for help with something.
Here is my method for establishing a proxy connection with a subject when working alone:
1. Start out by saying a silent prayer to God, asking for His help and thanking him for my
impending success.
2. Then ask, “Do I have a connection to this person?” If I am on the phone with you, for
example, I will ask, “Do I have a connection with you? Can I act as proxy for you?” If I’m
doing a session where I’m actually going to be sending the results to the subject, (let’s say
his name is Jim), I might say, “Do I have a connection with Jim? Can I act as proxy for Jim?”
As soon as those questions both test strong, then I’m connected.
3. Any imbalances that I find on Jim, I would correct on myself. If I find a Trapped Emotion that
needs to be released, I would simply roll from my forehead, over the top of my head, to the
back of my neck 3 times. That releases the energy of the Trapped Emotion on Jim at the
same moment.
4. When I’m done, I’ll break the connection by saying, “My name is Brad” until it tests strong.
The basic rules of thumb for using
surrogate testing or proxy testing
are as follows. If you’re within 6
feet of the subject and he or she is
untestable, use surrogate testing.
If you’re further away from the
subject than 6 feet, use proxy
testing. Either method can be done
when you are working with a
partner or alone.

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32 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


You can easily work with animals using The Body Code. Getting information from an animal’s
body is just as easy as getting it from a human being, and there isn’t much difference.
For example, we use the same chart of emotions to work
on animals because they experience the same range of
emotions that humans do. Animals have the same organs
that people have, in most cases. We can use the same
Body Code Mind Maps, and the same flowcharts as well.
Although some things may be a bit different, the
subconscious mind of the animal will guide you to the
closest human analog it can, making The Body Code a
very effective tool to use with animals as well as human
You can use surrogate testing if the animal is there, and
you can simply talk to the animal just like you would
talk to a person. Even if an animal can’t speak, its body
understands what you say on an energetic level and can
give you the answers just as easily as a human. If the animal is not present, you can use proxy
testing. You can either act as proxy yourself, or have another person act as proxy for the animal.
Then you’ll want to focus on directing your questions to the animal through whoever is acting
as proxy.
Be gentle and careful when working with an animal. Run the magnet down the governing
meridian on its back (or the proxy’s back) to release an emotion, just like you would with a
person. And remember that you always want to get permission from the owner before working
on an animal.
Though we use the same technique that you are accustomed to in working with people,
keep in mind that if you find some kind of nutritional need, the dosage will probably fluctuate
proportionally to reflect the animal’s size. It may need a higher dosage if it’s much bigger, like a
horse for example. If it’s a dog or a cat, it may need a smaller dose.
There are many wonderful stories included in The Emotion Code about the work that has been
done with animals, and the work I did with animals when I was in a brick and mortar practice.
Since then I have worked with animals by proxy, and that works just as well as being there in
person. If you haven’t already read The Emotion Code, I would urge you to read some of those
stories in the chapter about animals.
Working with animals is a lot of fun. They tend to respond very rapidly and positively to this kind
of work, and because they’re animals, we know it isn’t just the placebo effect. I’ve found that 9
times out of 10, the problems that animals experience are actually caused by Trapped Emotions
that they have, whether the problem is emotional or physical in nature. Keep that in mind while
working with animals, as they are such sensitive creatures.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 33


You’ve learned how the health of the energy body is crucial
to the health of your physical body. Ancient approaches
to healing focus on this aspect of your makeup, but it’s
being completely overlooked by western medicine. This
is unfortunate because the price we’re paying for this
ignorance is high. Let’s take a look now at the present
dilemma that we are in—western medicine and sickness
The traditional approach to medicine was really born on
the battlefield in the Civil War and in the World Wars. It was
developed around a concept I like to call heroic measures.
That means if you were a soldier and a cannonball came
bouncing along on the battlefield and took off your leg, you
hoped your doctor performed heroic measures on you. If
he did, hopefully he was able to save your life, because you certainly needed heroic measures
performed at that point. Of course, there have been many doctors on the battlefields and in
the operating rooms who have performed heroic feats and life-saving surgeries, and there are
certainly times when heroic measures are absolutely appropriate.
The problem though is that focusing on medicine and healing in this way has created a situation
where we are prone to wait until there is a crisis that erupts before we do anything about it. As a
result, modern western medicine focuses on external causes of disease, dramatic intervention
and on symptom suppression.
Most people have taken medication at one point in their life to suppress some kind of symptom.
That can be very appropriate at times. The problem is, at least in the west, that we tend to rely
on this method for taking care of ourselves instead of preventing problems. It’s very expensive
and has some big drawbacks.
The dilemma that we face is illustrated quite well by this comic called the last “alternative” laugh!
“Side Effects” or, “Who says the medical system isn’t working?”
The cartoon on page 35 illustrates an idea called “chasing symptoms.” This is a very ineffective
way to take care of the body. Because this happens so frequently, it’s not unusual for people,
especially those over 60 years old, to be on a dozen different medications. Some of those
medications are simply to counteract side effects of other drugs they are already taking!
The end result of all this is that Susie feels lousy, but she feels lucky because her insurance paid
for 90% of all these drugs, and isn’t that the important thing? Important to who? It’s important to
the pharmaceutical companies, of course. This kind of thing happens all the time, but it is not a
good way to take care of the human body.

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Risky and Expensive

Medical errors and prescription drug misuse or overdose are among the leading causes of
death in the United States. Many of the surgeries performed are drastic and unnecessary. In the
United States, we spend the highest amount of money per capita on healthcare than any other
country. In 2010, we spent an incredible 2.6 trillion dollars on health care. What all this money is
buying us is not good health, but a number 1 ranking in degenerative disease. In other words,
there are more sick people per capita in the United States than any other country on the face
of the earth, even though we’re throwing more money at this problem than any other country.

Medical Freedom
Dr Benjamin Rush, who was one of the signers of the United
States Declaration of Independence, said, “Unless we put medical
freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine
will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art
of healing to one class of men and companies, and deny equal
privileges to others, and will constitute the Bastille of medical
science.” Unfortunately, his prediction has come to pass and this is
exactly where we are with western medicine right now.

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The Food and Drug Administration of the United States does the bidding of the pharmaceutical
companies. Any alternative modality that threatens the established order is crushed, if possible.
The problem with this is that, as you can see, Western medicine does not always know what
the best thing is for the body, and indeed, often makes things worse than it would have been
without it.

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Medical Ideas Change

Medicine, and what is considered good for the body, changes over time. For a long time,
bloodletting was a very popular way to take care of people and try to help them regain their
health. The logic was that you had too much blood or that
your blood was bad, and if they let some of your blood out
that would help you. Of course, people often survived this
so they figured that it worked.
When I was young, most of my friends had tonsillectomies,
a surgery where the tonsils are removed from the throat. I’ve
also known many people who have had appendectomies
as well, where the appendix is removed. Both of those were
considered good surgeries in the past. Why? Because the
surgeries weren’t too difficult to do and there was good
money in it. These organs also seemed to be expendable,
not serving any real purpose in the body, and could get
infected or irritated, causing discomfort.
Now we know that the tonsils form part of the ring of
Waldeyer, which is part of the body’s first line of defense
against cancer, being part of the immune system. It was recently discovered that the appendix
also has an important immune function. The normal intestinal flora, of which there is about 3.5
pounds in the human body, can sometimes be wiped out by disease. The appendix stores these
bacteria and keeps them sealed off, so the bacteria can propagate again and repopulate the
colon. If it weren’t for the hiding place in the appendix, regaining intestinal health after a serious
illness might be impossible.
Drugs and surgery are the currently overused “solutions” to health. To be facetious, if we look
back at bloodletting and we contrast drugs and surgery now, instead of having too much blood,
it’s kind of like you have too many organs. Let’s say you were to take your watch down to the
watch repair because it isn’t working suddenly, come back a week later, and the watch repairman
says, “We know what’s wrong with your watch. It had too many moving parts. We took out some
of the moving parts and it should be OK now.” What would you think about that? Would it seem
normal to you? Again, drugs can be appropriate, and surgeries can certainly be appropriate. But
I think everyone will agree that drugs and surgery, especially in the West, are vastly overused.

Entrenched Ideas
Entrenched ideas are difficult to get rid of. The established order is loathe to change. Once an
idea is set in people’s minds, it’s difficult to introduce a new way of thinking. This is a picture of
Galileo, who in 1633 was forced by the Catholic Church to recant his published opinions that
the universe does not actually revolve around the earth. He said the earth was not the center
of the universe, but the earth moves around the sun. He was forced, on threat of inquisition,

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to recant that statement. Yet he was heard to mutter, as he was

leaving that proceeding, “eppur si muove”, which means “and yet
it moves.” Regardless of the fact that they made him recant, he
knew the truth.
What’s going on with medicine in our culture is similar to the
situation I just described. We’ve been trained to think that if you
get sick, you need to visit the doctor and get a prescription and
that will take care of it. We’ve been trained to think that surgery is
the solution for an organ that hurts or malfunctions. We’ve been
taught that we need to get vaccinated to prevent illness. None of these remedies really get to
the root of the problem, and in fact they often make things worse. So why haven’t we realized
this and done something about it? Because these ideas are entrenched and have become
the established order. Millions of dollars are poured into advertising campaigns to support the
established order and keep people thinking that western medicine knows best. What I know is
best is to focus on wellness and disease prevention, and that is exactly why I’ve created this
healing system.

We know that stress weakens the body and opens the door to illness. Dr Hans Selye was
nominated for the Nobel Prize for the research that he did on stress and how it affects the
body. He was nicknamed the Father of Stress Science because he gave us so much of the
understanding that we have about stress today.
Imagine you’re walking down a trail in the mountains and
suddenly a bear stands up in front of you. It’s 10 feet tall and
it’s getting ready to charge. What happens in your body at that
point? Besides feeling an emotion of fear or terror or panic,
there are some glands in your body that start producing some
certain hormones. The adrenal glands sit right on top of the
kidneys. They start producing adrenaline and cortisol, the
“stress hormones.” These hormones have some very specific
effects on the body. They begin to suddenly route less blood
to the organs of the body, and more blood to the muscles of
the body. Why? Because you don’t really need to be digesting
that breakfast right now, do you? Because you’re going to
either have to fight this bear or run away. In this case the
hormone-induced stress response would be very appropriate.
Your immune system is also affected; it is actually lowered by
these hormones, because you don’t really need to be putting

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any energy into recovering from that cold or flu right now, do you? You need all the energy you
can get to fight or run. These stress hormones also elevate the blood fat and the blood sugar
levels. Why? Because you need sugar and fat floating free through the blood so you can use it
as fuel to, again, be able to either run away or fight the bear.
This is called the Fight or Flight reaction, and it’s perfectly appropriate for a situation like this
one. The problem however, is that these hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, are damaging to the
body and they will bathe your tissues for up to 48 hours after one stressful event. What exactly
is a stressful event? It doesn’t have to involve a bear, or anything nearly as scary. The reality
is that your body does not differentiate between being threatened by a giant bear or having
an argument with one of your kids or your spouse. A stressful event could be something as
simple as being cut off in traffic, or watching television and hearing a dramatic news story. You
consciously know that the scary movie you’re watching isn’t real and that the killer isn’t chasing
you, but those hormones are still released in your body and you will still experience the fight or
flight reaction. The problem is that most of us go from one stressful event to another in our lives.
Is it healthy to remain in this type of state, with a lowered immune system and high blood sugar
and blood fat levels? Not at all. In this state, the body becomes vulnerable to a host of problems,
and the longer you’re in a stressed out state, the more vulnerable your body is.

Stress Opens the Door to Illness

So this is how stress opens the door to illness and disease. The
more stress you’re under, the more vulnerable you are to things like
infections, parasites, toxins, allergies, structural misalignments,
nutritional deficiencies, Trapped Emotions, and energetic
imbalances. Think of stress as being like turbulence on an airplane.
If turbulence can put an airplane into a spin, stress can basically
put your body into a type of spin. When I took flight training years
ago, I was told not to fly into a thunderstorm because the airplane’s
wings could come off and I could die. I took that advice. If you think
of your health as an airplane that’s flying along, straight and level,
stress is like getting into turbulence. And if you get into too much
or too strong of turbulence, or too much turbulence for too long—in
other words, too much stress for too long—it can put you into a
tailspin and you may not even know it. Airplane pilots call that the
graveyard spiral. The same type of thing can happen with the body
if things aren’t recognized and taken care of.

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The Tailspin
It’s not usually noticeable at first, but there are often
some telltale signs when a person is in this type of
“graveyard spiral”, or “tailspin” as far as his health is
concerned. He’ll say things to you like, “You know, I’d
like to go shopping with you but I just don’t have the
energy.” Or he’ll say, “I’d like to go play golf but I’m just
in too much pain.”
Energy loss and chronic pain are often the first signs
that a person is in this tailspin. If things are allowed
to continue, you’ll soon realize “I don’t just have low
energy, I’m completely exhausted and I’ve felt this way
for months. What is wrong with me?” So you go to the doctor and say, “Doctor, I am chronically
fatigued. I’m exhausted all the time.” The doctor looks up some things in his book and he comes
back and says, “We know what’s wrong with you. We have a diagnosis.”
Naturally, you can’t wait to know what’s wrong with you, so when the doctor says, “You are
chronically fatigued. You have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,” how do you feel? You’re so grateful to
know what the diagnosis is, and you call your best friend right away and say, “I know what’s
wrong with me! I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” And your friend says, “Well, that certainly
makes sense! You said you were chronically fatigued! That doctor is a genius!” If you were to
press the doctor for more information, he most likely would say, “We don’t know what this is. We
don’t know what to do about it. We don’t have any idea what causes it. All we can do is give you
these medications to suppress your symptoms.”
The same thing happens with chronic pain. One
day you wake up and realize, “Wow, I don’t have
just a little bit of pain, I’ve got pain all over and it’s
not going away. I’ve been like this for months now.
There must be something really wrong with me. My
muscles hurt.”
And so you go to the doctor and say, “Doctor, I have
pain in my muscles and it’s not going away. What’s
wrong with me?” And the doctor will poke you and
prod you a little bit and look it up in his book and
come back and say, “We know what’s wrong with you. We have a diagnosis.” And you say,
“Wow, I’m so glad to know. What is it? What’s wrong with me?” And the doctor says, “You have
Fibromyalgia.” The direct interpretation of Fibromyalgia in Latin is pain in the muscles. And you
call your best friend right away and say, “I’m so glad to know what’s wrong with me. I finally
have a diagnosis. I have Fibromyalgia, which means I have pain in my muscles.” And your friend
says, “Well, that certainly makes sense! You said you had pain in your muscles! That doctor is
a genius!”

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Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are two of the most common diagnoses today, for
which medicine has no explanation and nothing to offer except symptom suppression. But they
are the natural end result of increasing imbalance in the body.
Sometimes, though, the first sign of imbalance in the body is a diagnosis with a major disease
which is cancer, diabetes, and so on.
Bottom line? The end result of this graveyard spiral is eventually death. It’s important to note that
it’s estimated that 85% of the population is in this downward spiral at any given time.
Is it possible for this graveyard spiral to be halted? Yes. That is what The Body Code is all about!
Stress breaks the body down, tears down the body’s defenses, and opens the door to disease.
And what is a disease? A disease is nothing more than a collection of symptoms. What causes
symptoms to arise? Imbalances—that’s it. All disease is caused by imbalances. That’s as simple
as it is. Actually, that’s probably the oldest idea in the history of the world. It’s certainly the oldest
idea in the history of healing and medicine of all types. Reversing these problems is what The
Body Code is all about.


When I was practicing as a holistic chiropractic physician, I found I needed a way to categorize
all the different imbalances I was finding on people.

Being a holistic doctor is a bit like being a detective. If you’re a holistic doctor, you don’t prescribe
medication, so you can’t use drugs to suppress people’s symptoms. Instead, you’re faced with

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actually having to figure out what’s really going on with your patient. If you can find what is really
wrong and fix it, then the body will naturally regain its health. I found that there are six different
categories of imbalances that combine to create all disease in the body. Using this map, I could
deal with whatever condition or symptom a person was suffering from. In fact, as time went on,
I realized that it wasn’t all that important to know a persons diagnosis. What was important was
to figure out what the specific underlying imbalances were and correct them.
All the things that can go wrong in the body can be categorized into these 6 categories:
• Energies (emotions and thoughts that have become imbalancing)
• Circuits and systems (the organization of the energy body)
• Toxins such as chemicals and heavy metals
• Nutritional and lifestyle needs and imbalances
• Misalignments of the structural parts of the body (bone and other body tissues)
• Pathogens (infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold and parasites)
We’ll explore each of these 6 different categories in the various sections that follow. There are
some technical things we will discuss first, that way you will be sure to use The Body Code
properly when you have all the tools and information.

Getting permission from someone before working on them is critically
important. Invasion of privacy will occur if you do not get permission.
If it’s a child on whom you will be working, you absolutely have to get
permission from a parent or guardian. If it’s an adult child of your own,
you’ve got to get their permission even though they are your child. If
you’re going to work on someone who is comatose or unconscious,
you’ve got to get permission from his or her next of kin. Working on
someone without their knowledge or permission is unethical. Getting
permission from the subconscious mind of a person in cases where you
could obtain spoken or written permission is unethical.


If you’re not a doctor, you don’t ever want to attempt to diagnose
anything. In The Body Code there are some things we look for that may
seem like you’re diagnosing. For example, if muscle testing seems to
indicate that a client may have an infection of some kind, you would

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want to say something like, “Your body is suggesting that you may have an infection.” Then
you can look up what to do in the Mind Maps and let them know what would be recommended
in order to help with that particular type of infection. Just make it clear that you’re not really
diagnosing this problem, just letting them know what their body is indicating. Don’t ever promise
to cure anything. Even doctors don’t really promise to cure anything, so why should you?
If you think that somebody may need to go and see a doctor, tell them so. Don’t be the reason
that somebody delays treatment for something. Doctors are there for a reason. The Body Code
has been designed for the possibility that someday we may not have access to any doctors or
medicine, but before that occurs, you should make sure you do the safe thing. Remember to
always err on the side of caution. You have access to a lot of incredible information now, and
you’ll be able to do powerful things for your friends, family and clients. Just remember to be
careful with what you say, but believe you can do amazing things and you will!
Don’t ever tell anybody that they do or do not have cancer, unless
of course you’re a doctor. Let me tell you a story that will illustrate
why. I had a patient who came to me who had been diagnosed with
cancer. She’d had a sigmoidoscopy and they found a cancer in her
sigmoid colon that was about the size of a golf ball. Her doctor had
taken photographs of this cancer and she brought those in when she
came to see me. They were color photographs of this bloody mass
in her colon, which they biopsied and found that it was definitely
cancerous. I decided to ask her body some questions about the
cancer and determine why her body was manifesting this symptom.
(Remember, that’s really all that cancer is—a symptom.)
The first thing I thought to do was ask her body if she had a cancer. We already knew that
she did, but I just wanted see what her body would say. So I asked her body, “Do you have a
cancer?” Her body said, “No.” I was surprised to say the least! So then I took the pictures of the
cancer and held them up to her and I said, “Look at these pictures. Do you have a cancer?” and
tested again. We got the same answer, “No.” She would make the statement, “I have a cancer.”
We tried phrasing the question in different ways, but her body would always reply with “No.” It
took me 2 weeks of work before her body would admit that she actually did have a cancer. What
does that tell us? Sometimes the body doesn’t really recognize that it has cancer. Sometimes it’s
disconnected from the cancer for whatever reason. So you can see how it’s best to steer clear
of that subject, unless of course you are a doctor.
If your neighbor comes over and says, “Hey, test me to see if I have cancer,” what should you
do? Let’s say that he does have a cancer and it’s a case like that patient of mine whose body
did not recognize her cancer. What happens if the person you test really does have cancer, and
you tell him “No, you don’t have cancer.” Then what happens if he dies a few months later? At
the funeral, the family is going to be grieving, and they’re going to be talking about you, saying,
“Dad would still be alive if only that neighbor hadn’t told him he didn’t have cancer.” You could

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find yourself being sued, not to mention the guilt you’d feel for making that kind of mistake. This
is not a situation in which you want to find yourself.
You also should not ever tell anybody that releasing their Trapped Emotions is going to cure their
Do NOT tell them that correcting any imbalance we discuss in The Body Code is going
to CURE anything, but especially cancer. Cancer tissues DO always seem to have Trapped
Emotions embedded in them, so clearing Trapped Emotions and other energies can only help,
but you don’t want to make any claims about this or you could find yourself in trouble.
When I was in practice, I made it a habit to never interfere with what steps people were already
taking regarding their recovery. If people were doing chemotherapy or seeing medical doctors,
that was fine and I’d let them go ahead and do it. I would just work to try to help them balance
their bodies and release whatever it was that was making the body manifest those symptoms. I
believe that cancer is really just a symptom like anything else. Still, you want to err on the side
of caution. It is ok to tell people that releasing Trapped Emotions from a cancer can only help,
you don’t ever want to guarantee anything. The more imbalances you can get rid of, the better
chance the body has at healing itself. So you can and probably will see some amazing things
happen, just be careful.


Imagine looking out at the night sky. Now, imagine taking a
piece of notebook paper and holding it up in front of you. Can
you see what is written on the paper? Zoom a lot closer you
can see that the words “The Body Code” are written on this
piece of paper. Can you see the night sky through the hole
punch on the left? Now, take a look at the ”o” in the word
“Body.” Let’s imagine that we’ve punched out the paper inside
of the letter “o” so that we can see the night sky through it.
Now, imagine holding that piece of paper at arms length in front of you. Imagine you could take
a photograph of the tiny area of the night sky that shows through the center of the “o” in the word
Well, not too long ago scientists did something very similar. They focused the Hubble Telescope
on an area of the night sky just about the same size, from which they’d never seen much light
coming. They opened the shutter of the Hubble Telescope for 1 million seconds, or about 11
days. When they developed the photograph of this tiny area of the night sky that they previously
had thought was so dark, here is what they saw.

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I’m told they counted fifteen thousand galaxies in this image,

each galaxy containing billions of stars and planets. I love this
picture because it reminds me of the power and majesty of
God, our Creator. This picture reminds me of who we are. It
reminds me of the knowledge that I gained when I was a
young man and I had a profound spiritual experience. I learned
that there is a God. I learned that He is real, and there is a
purpose to our lives here. When we help people to get well, to
function better and feel better, it’s like dropping a pebble into
the pond of eternity. Those ripples go on and on and spread
out forever. They never stop. You can do a little bit of work on
someone and you really have absolutely no idea what the end result will be many, many years
from now. I believe that it is a sacred calling to help others. The Body Code makes it much easier
for you to help others and yourself, too.


Remember that what you believe determines your own personal reality. So choose a powerful
reality. Don’t choose limitations.
Here is an example: I was doing a workshop once in California, and I was working on a woman
up in front of the class. There were several people gathered around trying to get in closer to
see and hear what was going on. This woman’s husband was there also, and I noticed that he
was trying to keep the crowd back at quite a distance. There was one particular man who kept
trying to come in closer, and the husband kept pushing him back. These two guys almost got
into a fight by the time I fully realized what was going on. As it turned out, the woman’s husband
had been told that you couldn’t have anybody within 10 feet or you couldn’t get a correct muscle
test. Now, what do you think happens if that’s what you believe? If you believe that you can’t
get an accurate muscle test if there’s anyone within 10 feet, then guess what? That becomes
true for you and you won’t be able to test if there is anyone within 10 feet of you. There are all
kinds of dogmas out there about muscle testing. If you believe any of them, they will become
true for you. For example, some people say you can’t wear a watch, or you can’t wear jewelry
when muscle testing. If you choose to believe that, you’re going to have trouble muscle testing
if you’re wearing a watch or jewelry. Beliefs like this will change your reality and limit the things
you can do. If you choose not to believe in limitations like these, this will also change your reality.
Keep that in mind, and choose the most powerful reality that you can because that is what will
become true for you.

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About two months after the death of my father in 2003, I had

a very unusual dream. It was profound to me, and I took it as
a message from God. I dreamed that I was walking down a
hallway in a university or a college. The hallway was filled
with busy people on their own errands. There were people all
around me, but there was something very unusual happening
to me. I was literally walking on air, about an inch off the floor.
The feeling was absolutely incredible. I tried walking faster,
then slower, to see if it would change my altitude. It didn’t
change, I was still walking about an inch off the floor, and the
feeling was indescribable!
No one around me seemed to notice this, as they were intent
on what they were doing. I thought to myself, “If I can walk an
inch off the ground, I’ll bet I can walk a foot off the ground.” As soon as I thought this, it was done!
I was walking a foot off the ground! I looked behind me at that point, and saw a group of small
children, whose eyes were fastened upon me. They were also walking a foot off the ground, just
like me, although no one else seemed to notice what was happening.
I continued walking, and found I could gain altitude as I desired, and before long, my head was
nearly touching the ceiling.
At this point, I noticed that everyone had stopped what they were doing and had turned their
faces up toward me. They were questioning me, saying, “How are you doing that? How can you
possibly be doing what you’re doing?”
The answer I gave them was a message from God to me, and now is a message from God to
you. I said to them, “It’s easy! All you have to do is believe you can do it, and be grateful to God
that you are doing it!”
Then I looked further down the hallway, and saw several large glass doors that led outside.
There were beautiful green rolling hills, more campus buildings, and a vast open sky. I thought
to myself, “When I get beyond those doors, I will be able to fly!”
It was at that moment I awakened. Still in a dreamlike state, I realized clearly what the dream
meant. The fact that I could walk on air meant that I could do whatever I believed I could do, as
long as I was grateful to God that I was doing it. The children symbolized the simple, pure faith
of minds unfettered by a lifetime of learned limitations. The doors had a dual meaning. They
symbolized the limits that we place on ourselves in this mortal life, and they also symbolized
death. Part of the message was that my father was beyond those doors, and that he could fly,
with no earthly limits to his abilities.

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If I express this dream in the form of a mathematical equation, it would look like this:

Would you ever begin anything if you did not believe you could do it? No. Belief is essential to
all you do, and is the necessary first step.
Gratitude is an essential part of this equation, and I can’t overemphasize the importance of the
word doing. In other words, your gratitude to God that you are doing it is significant, because
it is to God that you owe everything that you have and are, and it is to Him that you owe every
opportunity that lies in your path. If you have a goal that you want to achieve, imagine how
grateful you would feel if you had already achieved it. If you can feel it and expect that it will be,
it will be.
As you learn to cultivate gratitude to God for what you already have, your faith and belief will
increase, for you will draw yourself closer to that very source of power from which all things flow.
You will soon find yourself doing the very thing that was once only a dream.
When your heart is full of gratitude, do you think it is possible to feel doubt or fear? I don’t think
so. To be a healer, you must not entertain thoughts of doubt; you must leave your fears behind.
Your heart must be filled with love and gratitude.
All you have to do is believe and be grateful, and you will be able to do it. I mean this very literally!


To have success with The Body Code, it takes 3 main components:
• Intention energy
• Magnetic energy

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• A place to direct the intention

Intention is having a goal or desire to do something. This is a pure
vibration of energy that you create and it is a natural part of your
power as a being of pure energy. Your intention can affect yourself
and others both physically and energetically.
Your intention energy is especially effective when it is:
• Focused and clear
• Loving and grateful
• Amplified with a tool like a magnet
• Directed to the right place
Always begin the process of using The Body Code with a clear mind. Stay focused on the task
at hand and don’t allow other thoughts or expectations to creep in,
as these can affect your muscle testing results among other things.
If a distraction or a memory or thought interrupts you, refocus and
continue. Focusing positive energy on the subject will make your
intention even more effective, because this creates a healing power
beyond just the release or correction of an imbalance.
Make a habit of always feeling LOVE for the person you are working
with as well as GRATITUDE that what you are doing is working.
This makes feeling doubt, fear or failure impossible. Your belief,
focus and thoughts determine your reality and can affect others. If
you feel negative and you work on someone, it’s possible that you
can make them feel worse. Choose a powerful, positive attitude and
watch your success bloom.
The next tool is some form of magnetic energy. Magnetic energy
and magnets are a pure form of energy. When used the right way, a
magnet can act as an amplifier and carrier for your intention energy.
This is a similar concept to how a magnifying glass will visually
amplify whatever is behind it, making it appear larger. In order to
use The Body Code, any magnet works, including the magnetic
energy of your body. Your body emits electromagnetic energy all
the time, so if you don’t have a magnet with you, just use your hand.
Remember that you must identify the imbalance properly first, or
using the magnet won’t make much of a difference. Therapeutic magnets can have a balancing

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affect on the body on their own, but The Body Code requires that you find the imbalance first,
intend to release or correct it, then use the magnetic energy to accomplish that goal.
Having magnified intention energy is really the only tool you need to have, but you do need a
place to direct it. The acupuncture system is the perfect avenue for this. The ancient Chinese
physicians discovered over 5,000 years ago that restoring balance to the flows of energy in the
body influenced health. They mapped out these energetic “rivers”, called meridians, which flow
throughout the body and connect with each other. These maps of the meridians in the acupuncture
system are the same maps that are used today.
The meridians of the body, specifically the governing meridian, are
the perfect channels into which you can direct your intention energy.
This is because the governing meridian is an energy reservoir, like
the main “river” in the “river system” of the meridians. It connects to
all the other meridians, so anytime energy is put into the governing
meridian, it flows directly into other meridians and throughout the
entire energy body. The governing meridian starts at the upper lip,
going up over the nose and forehead, over the top of the head, then
all the way down the spine to the tailbone.
By rolling a magnet over the governing meridian, your intention energy
flows into the body, easily releasing or correcting an imbalance that
has been identified and made ready to be released or corrected.
Using any length of the governing meridian works. Run the magnet
over the forehead and head, down the spine or down the back of the neck. All allow the intention
energy to flow into the body.
Most imbalances only require 3 rolls of a magnet down the governing meridian, but a few require
10 rolls, such as inherited energies and fascial distortion. When you follow this procedure, your
intention energy flows into the body and does not allow the negative energy or imbalance to
When a negative energy (such as a Trapped Emotion) is
released, it is either:
• Neutralized (changed into a positive or neutral vibration)
• Or forced (gently) out of the body
This phenomenon is similar to what a magnet does to a credit
card; the information is erased or changed. Some people have
reported seeing a ball of energy leaving the body upon release.
We believe it is likely that these energies leave the body in a
neutralized state when there is love and gratitude being focused
on the client’s body.

Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 49


Don’t use a magnet directly on anyone who is pregnant, has a
pacemaker or medical device, or is under a doctor’s care. Anyone
who fits any of these descriptions can still be worked on using The
Body Code, but you should use the magnetic energy from your hand
instead, or you can use a surrogate or proxy to do the clearing. A
very small percentage of people are sensitive to magnets. If anyone
appears to be having a negative reaction, stop use immediately.
Magnets do not hold onto the energies they release; like a magnifying
glass, they are a tool to magnify what is right in front of them. They do
not need to be “cleansed” or anything of the sort.
It is also possible to use other energy tools besides magnets. You could use a cold laser or a
zero-point energy tool, for example. Again, if you don’t have any of these tools, you can use the
magnetic energy emanating from your fingertips or your hand.
Nikken is a company that makes wonderful magnetic products. Founded in Japan in 1975, their
magnets are of the highest quality and have many other benefits besides ease of use in The
Body Code. If you’re in pain, you can apply a Nikken magnet to that area and it can help you
dramatically with the discomfort. Nikken is recognized worldwide as a leader in wellness for
their innovative products that combine science, nature, and advanced technology. They have a
reputation for delivering results that people can see and feel, and I have personally found that
to be true. You can sign up as a distributor and get products at wholesale from Nikken, or you
can order products at retail from us. If you are interested in either of those options, please visit:

Processing is the healing period after an emotional or energetic release. Generally, processing
lasts for one or 2 days, and during that time a person may or may not experience some symptoms
of this such as: emotional ups and downs, crying, sleeplessness, a need for extra sleep, vivid
dreams, and in rare cases, nausea or headache. Most often people tend to be slightly more
emotionally sensitive than normal, if anything.
It’s important to note that people will always go through this processing period when emotions
and other energies are released, but only about 20% of the time will they experience these
negative symptoms. As long as you let people know that this might happen, everything will be
okay. But if you don’t warn them and they don’t know what to expect, and they end up crying for
2 days straight, you’re not going to be their favorite person. Just make sure to let everyone you
work on know that they may experience some side effects, and you’ll be fine.

Introduction & Overview

50 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

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Introduction & Overview

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 51

In this module, we’ll be discussing energetic imbalances. The Emotion Code makes up a
large portion of this module, including Trapped Emotions and the Heart-Wall. We will also be
discussing post-traumatic distortions in the energy field, allergies and food intolerances, mental
imbalances and offensive energies that often come from other people and imbalance the body.

Emotional energies include the different variations of Trapped Emotions, the Heart-Wall and a
similar kind of emotional imbalance that is referred to as emotional resonance. Trapped Emotions
are truly an epidemic in our world. They are responsible for the majority of pain and disease that
afflict us.
Emotions are what lend color and interest to our lives. They
are what make us human and help us connect with each other.
Negative emotions can make life harder, of course, but positive
emotions are what make life worth living. Emotions are really
nothing but pure, vibrating energy, like everything else in the
universe. Each emotion that we experience has its own unique
vibrational frequency, determined by the type of emotion as well
as the unique circumstances of that particular event.
In a healthy situation, an emotion is experienced, then processed
or “let go of” automatically. It can be compared to the act of
breathing; the creating and experiencing of the emotion is like inhaling, and the automatically
letting go of the emotion and moving on is like exhaling. Sometimes, emotional energy becomes
trapped in the body, like being unable to exhale completely. This means that the emotional
frequency remains in the body because it was unable to be processed normally. These trapped
energies are called Trapped Emotions.
Usually this happens when the emotion is overpowering or if one is sick, tired, or imbalanced in
some other way. Less intense emotions may also become trapped if conditions are right, even
if the event is not particularly memorable.
Trapped Emotions are literally spheres of vibrating emotional energy, which can be stuck
anywhere throughout the body. They are typically the size of an orange to a cantaloupe. Trapped
Emotions may lodge anywhere in the body, and will distort the normal energy field of the body
wherever they are located.

52 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

This is because our bodies are also vibrating energies, so Trapped

Emotions influence and distort our natural vibration. By distorting the
body’s energy field, Trapped Emotions distort the tissues of the body.
When you distort the tissues of the body, you end up eventually
having physical symptoms like pain or disease. This is just one side
of the problem though; Trapped Emotions are like double-edged
swords because they can affect us both emotionally and physically.
When one has a Trapped Emotion, that part of the body is continually
vibrating at that particular frequency of the emotional energy that is
lodged there. This makes one much more susceptible to falling into
resonance with that frequency and experiencing that emotion much more often.
For example, let’s say that 20 years ago you had an argument with someone and you became
very angry. Say you experienced an emotion of anger that then became trapped in your shoulder.
Now, 20 years later, you probably have shoulder problems, and you may be thinking about
having surgery because your shoulder problem is not going away. You may also be a more
angry person than you otherwise would be, because of the Trapped Emotion of anger lodged in
your shoulder. I believe that those tissues in your shoulder are literally feeling the emotion of
anger all the time. So when a situation arises where you could become angry, you will become
angry much more readily than you otherwise would because part of you was already vibrating
at that frequency.
Remember that all emotions are frequencies, and each
emotion has a unique, individual frequency. Anger has a
different frequency than sadness, and so on. When emotional
energy is trapped in the body, it will cause the body’s tissues
to literally vibrate at that emotional frequency all the time.
Releasing it then causes an immediate change to take place,
relieving the tissues of the negative energetic force. Things
can then return to a state of balance, where it may have been
impossible before. It can be like turning back the hands of
time, in some cases likely preventing serious problems from
occurring years before they may have begun.

Symptoms of Trapped Emotions

Trapped Emotions will always make their existence known in
some way, either physical or emotional. I believe they are the
most unrecognized underlying cause of our physical pain,
as well as diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
syndrome, and even cancer. Every cancer that I have ever
seen has had Trapped Emotions as part of the underlying reason for its existence. Trapped
Emotions disrupt the proper function of the body.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 53

They disrupt blood, lymph and energy flow and interfere with proper organ function. They can
also create pain and fatigue as well as lowering immune system function. Even though they can
destroy the health of the body, Trapped Emotions will remain undiagnosed by conventional
Trapped Emotions may also make their existence known
by emotional self-sabotage and emotional feelings that you

can’t seem to shake. They can cause you to make the wrong
assumptions, overreact, misinterpret behavior and short-circuit
your relationships. Trapped Emotions are also a major driving
force behind emotional and mental issues such as depression,
anxiety, phobias, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Bi-
Polar Disorder and more.
Trapped Emotions may or may not manifest problems such as
these immediately. Sometimes it takes years or decades for a
Trapped Emotion to do enough damage to be noticed. The safest
and healthiest way for Trapped Emotions to make their existence known is to go through this
process of identifying them and removing them with The Emotion Code.

54 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


Notice that on the left side of the
chart, we have two organs listed in The Emotion Code™ Chart
each row, heart or small intestine
for row 1, spleen or stomach for © 2016 Wellness
Unmasked, Inc. Column A Column B
row 2, lung or colon for row 3,
and then in row 4 we have liver Abandonment Effort Unreceived
or gallbladder, kidneys or bladder Row 1 Betrayal Heartache
Heart or Forlorn Insecurity
for row 5, and glands and sexual Small Lost Overjoy
organs in row 6. The organs and Intestine Love Unreceived Vulnerability
glands are frequency generators.
They generate the frequencies of Anxiety Failure
these emotions. Remember that
Row 2 Despair Helplessness
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness
each emotion is a frequency. When Stomach Nervousness Lack of Control
you’re feeling an intense emotion, Worry Low Self-Esteem
what you’re really feeling is the Crying Confusion
effect that the frequency has on Row 3 Discouragement Defensiveness
your body and mind. Your body is Lung or Rejection Grief
Colon Sadness Self-Abuse
taking on a new vibration. And the Sorrow Stubbornness
source of that vibration is coming
from one of the organs listed on Anger Depression
Row 4 Bitterness Frustration
the left side. So as an example, if Liver or Guilt Indecisiveness
you’re feeling an intense emotion of Gall Hatred Panic
anger, that emotion is coming from Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
the liver or gallbladder (see row 4).
Blaming Conflict
The same pattern follows through Row 5 Dread Creative Insecurity
with all of these emotions and all Kidneys or Fear Terror
of the organs on the chart. The Bladder Horror Unsupported
Peeved Wishy Washy
heart or small intestine will produce
the emotions of abandonment or Humiliation Pride
Row 6 Jealousy Shame
betrayal or forlorn, and so on. Glands & Longing Shock
Sexual Lust Unworthy
One thing that I would like to point Organs Overwhelm Worthlessness
out about this list is that there is no
difference between column A and For more information visit:
column B. In other words, emotions that are listed within a certain row could be placed into
column A or column B interchangeably. Most of the emotions listed on this chart are self-
explanatory. However there are a few that may not be familiar to you. The Definitions of Emotions
found beginning on page 292 in this manual will define each of the emotions in detail for you.
While not all emotions are listed on this chart, the full range of human emotion is encompassed
by this chart. For example, “regret” is not found on this chart, but will instead show up as “sorrow.”
The subconscious mind is smart enough to choose the emotion on this chart that is closest to

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 55

the frequency of the actual emotion that you’re after. The nice thing about this is that you don’t
have to go outside of this chart to find any emotions, they are all encompassed on this list.
Emotions usually become trapped in an area that is weak or vulnerable for some reason. Having
an intense emotional experience can cause the organ generating the emotion to become
overloaded. For example, if you become very angry, you can

overload your liver. You can also overload the organs by making
them work harder than they should. For example, if you drink
a lot of alcohol, you can overload the liver that way, and that
will cause the liver to generate excess emotions such as anger.
Emotions that are produced by a certain organ may lodge in
that same organ. For example, an emotion of anger produced
by the liver may not travel very far; it may end up lodging in the
liver where it was created. This is sometimes the case, but not
always. An emotion produced by the liver may end up lodging
anywhere in the body; perhaps it becomes trapped in the spleen
or the right lung or the shoulder. Any emotion can become
trapped anywhere in the body. Often emotions become trapped
in a particular area because there’s some kind of an underlying
weakness in that area. Maybe there is some kind of infection, injury or nutritional deficiency in
the area, so when a strong emotion occurs and becomes lodged in the body, it heads straight
for that vulnerable area. It is always more likely that an emotion will become trapped in an
area where there is some underlying weakness, either a vulnerability as mentioned above, or
because the organ is overloaded with emotion, so the emotion becomes trapped in the organ
that generated it.
Another common type of occurrence is that Trapped
Emotions will lodge in areas that have some kind of a
metaphysical significance. For example, let’s say you’ve
been stressed and overworked and feel like you’re carrying
the weight of the world on your shoulders. Any Trapped
Emotion that you subsequently develop will be more likely
to lodge in one of the shoulders, or perhaps your neck. The
particular emotion doesn’t even need to correspond to your
feelings of being burdened; it may become trapped in a
shoulder solely because the shoulders have been
imbalanced by your ongoing feeling of being burdened. So
the Trapped Emotion of anger that we mentioned earlier
may be about something completely different from your
feelings of being burdened, but it may lodge in one of your
shoulders nonetheless. Another example could be that you
are having money issues. You may be more likely to trap emotions in the low back because of

56 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

the well-known metaphysical connection between low back pain and money trouble.
Trapped Emotions are normally stored under the skin surface,
invulnerable to magnetic releasing. People have asked me before,
“Can’t I just hire someone to roll the magnet down my back
everyday for 6 months, and wouldn’t that release all my Trapped
Emotions?” And the answer is “No”, because Trapped Emotions
need to be brought to the surface; they need to be brought out
into the energy field to be released. As soon as you start talking
about a Trapped Emotion and identifying it, that emotional energy
immediately starts to come to the surface of the body in order to be
released. Because emotions only surface one at a time, they have
to be identified and released one at a time.


As you go through the process of identifying a Trapped Emotion,
it comes to the surface of the physical body as it also comes to
consciousness. Coming to consciousness does not necessarily
mean that the subject (the person with the Trapped Emotion) is
consciously aware of it at that moment. In fact, the subject could
be in a coma or on the other side of the world with no conscious
knowledge about the emotion being identified. As long as the
practitioner is aware of it, that is enough.
Once all necessary information has been identified, the emotion
is vulnerable to being released using the energy of your intention.
This entire process is invisible but the location of the emotion can
be determined through muscle testing. If you touch the energy sphere of the Trapped Emotion,
the subject will instantly weaken. For example, if we were testing the man pictured here, we
might muscle test one of his arms, while we are coming in closer and closer to this ball of energy
with the fingers of our other hand.
His arm will test strong until we touch the edge of the Trapped Emotion. At that point he will not
be able to hold his arm up, no matter how hard he tries, because we are now touching the actual
energy of the Trapped Emotion itself and that weakens him. It’s an amazing thing, if you think
about it, that what we’re looking at here is an actual ball of emotion. It literally is a ball of energy
that is vibrating at that specific rate of energy, that specific frequency of whatever emotion this
is. Once the emotion has come to the surface of the body, it’s vulnerable to being released
magnetically and not until then.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 57

The same process can be duplicated when you are working on

someone by proxy. We have done demonstrations with the subject
and the proxy person standing on opposite ends of a large room.
The Trapped Emotion that has surfaced on the subject’s body will
appear in exactly the same size and location on the proxy person’s

To identify a Trapped Emotion, simply ask, “Do you have a Trapped
Emotion that we can release now?” Then perform a muscle test or
the sway test. A strong muscle test or swaying forward indicates
“Yes”. If there is a Trapped Emotion, determine the correct column by asking, “Is the Trapped
Emotion in Column A on the emotion chart?” or “Is it in Column B?” Once you determine the
column, you’ve eliminated half of the list.
Then ask “Is the Trapped Emotion in an even row?” or “Is it in an odd row?” Once you have
identified an odd or an even row, then you’ve eliminated another half of the list. Once you
identify if the row is odd or even, you can simply ask, “Is it in row 1? Row 3? Row 5?” then you
can identify the cell. Each cell only has five emotions, so now all you have to do is ask, ”Is the
Trapped Emotion _____?” while naming the emotions one by one. If no Trapped Emotion is
detectable then most likely it is an inherited emotion, which we will be covering soon.
You can ask optional questions after you have identified the emotion. You may want to ask when
it occurred. You may want to ask where it’s lodged in the body. A question you should always ask
is, “Do we need to know more about this emotion?” Once you get a “No” answer on that, you
should be able to go ahead and release the emotion. You can roll the magnet down the back
or over the head 3 times for a regular emotion or 10 times for an inherited emotion. Then at the
end of that, you can simply ask, “Did we clear that Trapped Emotion?” If the answer is “Yes”, you
can start at the top of the flowchart again and ask the same question, “Do you have a Trapped
Emotion that we can release now?”

One at a Time
It is very important to remember that each Trapped Emotion must be identified and released
individually. You only have access to one at a time. Identifying and releasing a Trapped Emotion
simply continues the natural emotional process where you left off. This is similar to the inhaling
and exhaling process; releasing a Trapped Emotion is like being able to exhale after all that time.

58 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Trapped Emotions are far more abundant than any other kind
of energetic imbalance we find in the body. I think that an
average middle-aged person probably has about 300-350
Trapped Emotions, but that number can vary drastically
depending on a number of different factors, including age, the
number and severity of traumas experienced, and the person’s
level of emotional control or maturity. That might sound like an
awful lot, but if you think about how easy and fast it is to release
a Trapped Emotion, it’s not so daunting. One of the reasons
why I wrote the book The Emotion Code is so that people could
learn to do it themselves. I have seen as many as 1,000
emotions trapped in a single person, but that’s very unusual.
Young children may only have 1 or 2, depending, of course, on what they’ve been through in life
so far. Working with children is great because you can release all their Trapped Emotions and
periodically go back and clean house to make sure they stay Trapped Emotion free. It’s the best
thing you can do for your kids. I recommend that you try to get rid of all your Trapped Emotions
too, and then periodically check yourself after an emotional event or just every now and then,
simply releasing anything that shows up.

The Heart-Wall was discovered in 1998. I was at a conference
on magnetic healing with my wife and she woke me up early
one morning, saying that she had had a dream. In her dream
she saw an order wheel (like you may have seen in diners),
where the waitress will clip an order to the wheel and spin it
around so the cook on the other side of the counter will be able
to read that order and cook the meal. She saw an order wheel
with three orders clipped to it. When she woke up she knew
that those three orders represented three health issues of hers
that we had not dealt with before.
We quickly found and released the first two “orders”, which were a couple of Trapped Emotions
that needed to be released. When I turned my attention to the third order on the order wheel, I
suddenly had a waking vision. I was looking at an incredibly beautiful hardwood floor. It was like
looking down the hallway of a beautiful hotel from the turn of the century, with hardwood floors
that were highly polished and absolutely beautiful. I was literally seeing this, not in my minds-
eye, but actually in front of me. It was an amazing experience. At the same time that I saw this,
I was also given the understanding that my wife’s heart was somehow underneath this floor. I
had absolutely no idea what this meant, but I told her what I was seeing and what I understood.
We said a prayer for help and began muscle testing, trying to get some answers about what the
meaning behind this was.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 59

What we found was that she actually had a wall around her
heart that was made of negative emotions that she’d picked up
during her lifetime. My wife was born into a family that was
quite dysfunctional. Her father was a very angry man and
would “blow his top” at any time without notice, so all the
children grew up walking on eggshells all the time. When she
was about 2 years old, she started developing this wall around

her heart. I’m sure that you have felt that feeling that we call
‘heartache,’ where you feel a physical sensation in the chest—a
pressure, where those words ‘heartache’ or ‘heartbreak’ come
from. Your spirit does not like that emotion because your heart
is, I believe, the core of your being and the seat of the
subconscious mind, the seat of all of your creativity, and the
center of who you are. Her body didn’t like that feeling, either.
And so it started to create a wall around her heart to protect it
from being totally broken.
We continued asking questions of her body and muscle testing to get the answers. We found
that this wall of hers was thicker than a foot, thicker than a hundred feet, a thousand feet, thicker
than a mile—it was actually five miles thick!
So there we were, with this symbolic wall made of hardwood; a five-mile thick wall of hardwood
around her heart, protecting her heart. This was really bizarre to both of us, but what we’ve
learned since then is that about 93% of people actually have a Heart-Wall because they have
been through some traumatic things in their lives.
Having a Heart-Wall handicaps you in many ways. It
blocks you in your ability to give and receive love freely,
and it will create depression, numbness, a sense of
isolation, and anxiety and self-sabotage. Because
it blocks your creative abilities, it will also block you
from success. Having a Heart-Wall can make physical
healing more difficult as well, since messages of healing
emanate from the heart.

60 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Scientists have done some amazing studies with the heart over the last few years. They can
now measure the magnetic field of the heart using a device called a Magnetocardiogram. When
they use that device, they find that the heart has a
magnetic field that’s about 12 feet in diameter. They
have found that when you’re feeling love or affection
for another person, your heart waves become
apparent in the brain waves of the other person and
your heart rates will synchronize.
When you’re feeling love or affection for another
person, you’re literally sending them electromagnetic
energy—from your heart to his. Remember that
a Heart-Wall is made of negative emotions that
surround the heart. So that love-energy coming from
your heart to his becomes distorted and twisted and
warped by the Heart-Wall. You may have the best
intentions, but if you have a Heart-Wall, your love for
another person will be distorted and changed into
something less pure.

Put up a Wall
When we are experiencing deep grief, hurt or loss, it can actually be an assault on the deepest
part of our being, on our hearts. These feelings of heartbreak can be so uncomfortable, so foreign
and so difficult to deal with, that they often result in the formation of an energetic “wall” put up
to protect the heart from these profoundly negative emotions. Trapped Emotions are arranged
around the heart, layer by layer, like the layers of an onion. This is a protective mechanism to
keep the heart from being hurt or broken.
The Heart-Wall creates isolation or feelings of numbness, and that’s what was happening with
my wife, Jean. She not only felt numb to emotions, but she also had a hard time making friends.
Anytime she was in any kind of a social group, she always felt like she was on the outside
looking in, until the day that the last emotion making up her Heart-
Wall was released. It took us about 2 weeks to clear all the emotions
in her Heart-Wall. We would clear an emotion and then her body
would have to take a couple of days to process that release. After
about 2 weeks, the last emotion was released and she, at that
moment, felt an immediate change. She suddenly felt like she was
on the inside looking out, instead of the outside looking in, and she
has continued to make great strides and great progress since then.
The Heart-Wall will definitely create depression, in my opinion.
We’ve seen people who were suicidally depressed change in a

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 61

matter of days after releasing the Heart-Wall. When you have a Heart-Wall you actually have
what I like to call an “abundance-block.” When you graduate from high school or college they tell
you to “follow your heart.” And that’s true.
Your best self and all of your best creativity and your best potential is found in your heart, in the
heart-brain, not in the brain in your head. And so, if you’re going to achieve everything that you’re
capable of achieving, you need to have a heart that is open, and you need to be able to express

all that is in your heart. But when you have negative Trapped Emotions that are wrapped around
your heart, that are blocking your heart, or acting as a barrier or a wall, it creates an abundance-
block and really stands in the way of you succeeding.

Physical Effects of a Heart-Wall

The physical effects of having a Heart-Wall are neck pain, shoulder
pain, upper back pain and lowered immunity. The Heart-Wall will
affect the communication of the heart with the rest of the body.
This affects the thymus gland because the thymus gland sits
right on top of the heart. This can cause problems like repeated
bouts of infection and difficulty healing in general. We believe the
Heart-Wall is also implicated in heart disease, heart attacks, blood
pressure problems, chest pain and respiratory difficulties.
One of the many jobs of the
subconscious mind is to keep the heart safe and protected. The
subconscious mind understands implicitly that everything in the
universe is energy and it also understands the protective power
that a wall can have around the heart. The subconscious
understands that it can use excess energies in the body to build
this wall, like a bomb shelter to protect the heart from feeling too
much negative, damaging emotion. The most common sort of
excess energy in the body is Trapped Emotions. The subconscious
can arrange Trapped Emotions around the heart to create this
barrier, but it always assigns some kind of symbolic physical
material to represent the “wall”. This is because the subconscious mind is very logical. It is
patently illogical to have a wall made of something invisible, that wouldn’t offer much protection
at all. However, if the subconscious assigns some kind of building material to the wall, it will
symbolize more protection for the heart.

Determining the Heart-Wall Material

You don’t really need to know what substance the subconscious mind chose to build the Heart-
Wall out of in order to release it. Ultimately, all Heart-Walls are made of the energy of Trapped

62 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Emotions, and releasing these Trapped Emotions is what really matters.

On the other hand, determining the material that has been chosen is interesting because of the
symbolism that is often revealed. There is no right or wrong way to ask what material has been
used, but I usually start by asking if the material is wood. If it isn’t wood, I ask if it is a material
harder or softer than wood. If it is harder than wood, I may ask if it is made from metal, etc. You
can narrow it down pretty quickly using the process of deduction.
If you have determined what material the Heart-Wall is made of, you might then want to ask how
thick the Heart-Wall is. They can range in thickness from paper-thin to many miles! All I can tell
you is that this is what we have found in testing. Our subconscious minds are not limited like our
conscious minds are, and can have quite an imagination! Yet I believe that the subconscious
mind takes it all quite seriously, and really does believe that there is a wall there, made of
whatever material has been chosen.
Remember, the subconscious mind likes Trapped Emotions to be brought to conscious
awareness in order to be released. However, there are some exceptions to this. If you’re working
on someone who is unconscious, for example, someone who’s in a coma—or if you’re working
on one of your children, a young child, for example, when they are asleep. When they were little,
my wife and I used to work on our twins when they were asleep because we couldn’t catch them
when they were awake!
The Heart-Wall is a perfect protection when you need it; it is
a natural protective mechanism that we all have. But having
a Heart-Wall long-term is like living in a bunker or a bomb
shelter. It is great for when the bombs are falling, but not
a permanent solution. Living in a bomb shelter long-term
would cause you to miss out on the joys of life, and having a
Heart-Wall is the same concept!
One of the most amazing experiences that I have had with
this was when I was working with a woman who was very
religiously devoted. She was still unmarried at 43 years old
even though she was attractive and single. I found she had a
Heart-Wall. She had a goal to be married within the next year
but she was still alone because of her Heart-Wall. When I started to work with her, first of all I
asked what this wall was made of, because the subconscious mind will always choose some
kind of a material for the Heart-Wall to be made out of. In her case it was clear plastic. When I
arrived at this, she said to me, “Oh, I love clear plastic! When I was a kid, my parents covered
our couches and our carpet and our stairs and everything with clear plastic.”

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 63

This is a perfect example of how there is often some

kind of logic in the material that the Heart-Wall is
symbolically made of. In her case, she was a religiously
observant Orthodox Jew. She was a very pure, kind
person who wanted to keep her heart clean and pure
from all of the dirty things in this world. So her
subconscious created a wall around her heart to suit

that purpose. It was clear plastic because that was a
material that she understood to have the ability to
keep things new and clean. Why else do people cover
things with clear plastic? So that 20 years later they
can take the cover off the couch and it’s like they just bought it!
I was sitting across from this lady, identifying her Heart-Wall emotions one by one. She would
then release each one with a magnet, rolling or sliding the magnet over her forehead to the back
of her neck 3 times. When we cleared the last emotion, I had an amazing experience. It was
like a stone had suddenly been rolled away from in front of her heart and instantly I was being
bathed with this beautiful, incredible feeling coming out of her heart. Imagine spending a long
cold, dark, gray winter inside and then suddenly there is a sunny day, and you walk outside and
you just stand there and soak up that sun. That’s exactly how it felt to me. It was very real, and
something that if I live to be a million years old, I will never forget. It was really amazing. I told
her what I was feeling, and I told her that she would now be better able to create or find that
relationship—better able to find love and get married and reach her goals because now, that
energy from her heart was now radiating out into the universe and filling the immensity of space,
and it was going to start drawing things to her. As I was telling her this, a handsome, single
Orthodox Jewish doctor who I had met earlier walked right by me, right up to her and started
talking with her. I thought to myself, “Wow, this stuff works fast.” It really does!
The heart is an incredible organ. We’ve had the ability to
transplant hearts now for a long time, and we know now
that a lot of people end up receiving not only the heart
from the donor but also many of the donor’s memories
and affinities.
In fact, transplant recipients often report that they have
new food or drink preferences or cravings. Sometimes
even their handwriting will change! It’s not unusual for
their musical preferences to change to match that of the
donor. Sometimes, they inherit memories from the donor
of places that they’ve never been before, yet somehow,
they remember being there!

64 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

For example, I saw a documentary once where a woman had gotten a heart transplant. Her
friends came into the recovery room and said, “Hey, you’ve got your new heart now. When you
get out of here what do you want to do?” And she said, “Well, I’d kill for a beer!” They all looked
aghast and she looked equally shocked herself, because she normally just drank tea! When she
got out of the hospital, she found that she really did like beer and also that she craved green
peppers. And when she would travel to certain towns which she never been to before, she
would have this eerie sensation that she had been there before, and she knew what was going
to be around the next corner. Then she went back to the hospital and found out that a man who
had died in a motorcycle accident was her heart donor. As you might imagine, he loved green
peppers and beer, and had been to all those towns that she had had those eerie feelings about.
Another fascinating transplant story is told of a middle-aged man who
got a heart transplant. After the surgery he had this incredible, insatiable
yearning for classical music. He couldn’t stop listening to it. He would
play classical music loud in his home all day long. He would listen to
certain passages obsessively over and over. His wife thought he was
losing his mind. He’d never liked classical music before. They were
amazed to find out that he had received the heart of a young man who
was a violinist, who was killed in a drive-by shooting on his way home
from a recital, clutching his violin case to his chest.
The heart is full of nervous system tissue like the brain and contains some of our memories.
One of the most astonishing transplant stories is that of a 7-year-old
girl who had recurring nightmares about being killed after receiving
the heart of another child who had been murdered. Her descriptions
of the murderer as well as the murder weapon led to the arrest and
conviction of the killer.
Another story involves a middle-aged man who received a heart
from a younger man who had killed himself by shooting himself in
the head. This man was so grateful to have a new lease on life that
he began writing to the donor’s widow. For 2 years they carried on
this correspondence. When he finally met her face-to-face he said,
“The moment I saw her, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her! It was like I’d known her all my life!”
They ended up getting married, even though there was quite an age gap. This made national
news because, after 12 years of marriage, he killed himself too, by shooting himself in the
head just like the donor did. This particular heart had a lot of negative energy in and around it,
powerful enough to create this horrible outcome twice. If either one of these men had had the
Heart-Wall removed, things may have been much different.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 65

There are all kinds of stories like this about the heart. I like to say that we are now living in the
“age of the heart.” I believe that if we are going to evolve and get to the next level as a civilization,
as a world, it is only going to be through unlocking our hearts
and allowing our heart-brain to direct our lives. We’ve been
using the brain in our heads for thousands of years now and
you can see where it’s gotten us. We’ve advanced technologically
but we still are living like primitive man in many ways. We believe

that it’s okay to bomb people and we believe that war is a
perfectly justifiable way to solve differences between nations.
That’s the kind of thinking that is produced by the brain that’s in
our heads. The heart-brain however, could solve all these
problems by choosing a much higher path. But until we get rid
of enough of these Heart-Walls from people, things are going to
continue as they are.
The flow chart for the Heart-Wall is almost exactly the same as the flow chart for releasing
Trapped Emotions because Heart-Walls are made of Trapped Emotions. You start at the top and
simply ask, “Do you have a Heart-Wall?” If the answer to this first question is “No”, then you will
want to use the word “hidden” because sometimes the Heart-Wall is hidden. Asking if there is
a hidden Heart-Wall will make it reveal its presence. In cases where you have to use the word
hidden, once the Heart-Wall is revealed you don’t need to use the word hidden anymore. You
will only need to use it the first time to get the Heart-Wall to show up if the Heart-Wall is hidden,
but not after that. This is like digging up buried treasure; once it’s dug up, it’s not buried anymore.
The next question is, “Can we release an emotion from the Heart-
Wall now?” That’s an important question because sometimes
people are in a bad situation and their Heart-Wall is needed to
protect their heart, at least for a while. In a case like this, the
subconscious mind will say, “No, I’m not ready to release this yet!”
and you’ll get a “No” answer. Usually though, if you come back in a
few days or a week in cases like this, the answer will have changed
to a “Yes”. Sometimes the subconscious mind needs to think about
it for a while. Most of the time people are ready to start releasing
right away.

Releasing Heart-Wall Emotions

At the moment that the body answers ““Yes”,” that an emotion is ready to be released, that
emotion has already been identified by the subconscious mind, and it’s already beginning to
emerge into the energy field of the body. So at that point, you simply determine what the correct
emotion is, as explained before. Again, if you are taken to a certain column and a certain row
and no Trapped Emotion is detectable, then you can ask if the emotion is inherited. It is possible

66 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

to have an inherited Trapped Emotion be part of a Heart-Wall.

You can optionally ask when the Trapped Emotion occurred,
who is involved, etc. Another good thing to ask is, “Do we
need to know more about this emotion?” When the answer to
this question is “No”, then you’re done. At that point you can
roll the magnet down the back or over the head to release
the Trapped Emotion, 3 times (or 10 times for inherited
Then ask, “Did we clear that Trapped Emotion?” The answer
should be “Yes”, and if so, you have cleared one layer of the
Heart-Wall. The Heart-Wall is made of different layers of
Trapped Emotions, much like an onion.
To clear another layer of the Heart-Wall, start again at the top of the chart and ask, “Do you have
a Heart-Wall?” and “Can we release an emotion from your Heart-Wall now?” and so on. I find
that I can usually release 4 to 6 emotions in a single session, sometimes more, sometimes less.
The average person seems to have 12 to 24 Trapped Emotions making up their Heart-Wall, but
it may be more or less than this, depending on the person.

Other Questions About Trapped Emotions

If you ask, “Do we need to know more about this Trapped Emotion?” and the body says ““Yes”,”
then that means there’s something else that the subconscious mind wants to be brought to
conscious awareness. Usually this will be simple information such as when it occurred (i.e. age
32) or perhaps identifying the circumstances surrounding the emotional event (i.e. when you
were fired) or someone else who was involved (i.e. your mother).
We will now explore the different variations of Trapped Emotions and the different kinds of
information you may need to identify.

When there is more than one Trapped Emotion lodged in a
particular location in the body, it is a phenomenon called “nesting.”
These are like Russian nesting dolls in that they are all stored in
the same place. Other energies can nest too, but we see this most
often with Trapped Emotions. It’s possible for nested emotions
to be completely different from each other and have no obvious
connection, but sometimes they are about a certain event or
relationship, or they are the same emotion- like 4 emotions of fear,
for example. What usually happens when nested emotions are

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 67

released is a decrease in pain in that location of the body for each Trapped Emotion released.
I’ve seen as many as 10 Trapped Emotions nested in one particular area of tissue, and when we
released each emotion, the pain level would drop a little bit, then a little more for each emotion
until the pain was gone.

Absorbed Emotions

Occasionally you will find that you need to identify when an
emotion came from someone else. This means that the emotional
energy was generated by someone else’s body, and subsequently
became trapped in the subject’s body. This normally happens
when Person A is experiencing an intense emotion, and Person B
is either involved in the situation or is physically nearby. These are
called absorbed emotions, because Person B literally absorbed
Person A’s emotional energy into their body, much like a sponge
soaks up water. If this is the case, you may need to identify Person
A, but it is usually enough to identify simply that the emotion was
in fact, absorbed from someone else.

Prenatal Emotions
Emotions that are trapped in the body after conception but before
birth (while in the womb) are known as prenatal emotions. This
usually occurs in the third trimester, for some reason we’re not totally
aware of, but it may be simply because the development of the fetus
and its organs is further along. There are two kinds of prenatal
• Absorbed (usually from the mother)
• Created by the fetus
First, let’s discuss prenatal emotions that are absorbed from the
mother. If a pregnant woman experiences an emotion, it may be
absorbed by the fetus and trapped in its body. (In this situation, the
mother would be Person A, and the fetus would be Person B as described in the Absorbed
Emotions section). An emotion like this does not necessarily get trapped in the mother’s body
as well, but it can.

68 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Now let’s discuss prenatal emotions that are created by the fetus. A
fetus, although somewhat insulated by the womb, has a certain level of
awareness about the outside world, especially as it pertains to the
experiences of the mother. An unborn child can certainly generate and
experience its own emotions, and these emotions can become trapped
in its body. Usually these emotions will be in response to distress of the
mother or less often, the father or perhaps someone else who is close
to the mother. Both types of prenatal emotions are released with 3 rolls
down the governing meridian just like any other Trapped Emotion.
Inherited emotions are Trapped Emotions just like any other except
for one very important difference. The difference is that an inherited
emotion became trapped during an emotional event that occurred in
the life of an ancestor. That Trapped Emotion is then passed down
to the offspring, at conception, from either the mother or father. The
term “inherited” means it is passed down from one of the biological
parents, similar to inheriting DNA and other genetic material. Inherited
emotions can be passed down multiple generations.
The passing down of the emotion occurs at conception, when sperm
and egg unite and fertilization occurs. The emotion is passed from a
parent to the fertilized egg and becomes part of the fetus. A Trapped Emotion can be passed
from the mother at conception. A Trapped Emotion can be passed from the father at conception.
It is possible to inherit multiple different emotions from each parent. It is not generally possible to
inherit the same exact emotion from both parents, unless your parents are related somewhere
up the ancestral line and each inherited the same exact emotion from the same exact ancestor.
This would be very rare but it is possible. Inherited emotions are like recessive genes in that not
all descendants will inherit the same emotion.

Discovering Inherited Emotions

Inherited emotions are usually discovered when you are taken to a certain column and row
on The Emotion Code Chart, and at that point, the emotion cannot be determined. You will
probably find that all the emotions test strong for “Yes” or weak for “No”. You may also test strong
for 2 emotions and weak
for the other 3 in that cell,
or something of the sort.
Generally anytime there is
confusion when trying to
determine an emotion, it is
a dead giveaway that the
emotion is inherited. Until

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 69

you ask, “Is this emotion inherited?” you simply will not be able to get any clear answer.
If an emotional energy is strong enough, it can be passed down anywhere from several to many
generations. This chart shows a family gene tree. Emotions are handed down in the same way.
Like recessive genes, not all descendants will inherit the emotion; it may be passed to all
descendants or only a few.
When identifying an inherited Trapped

Emotion, it is important to find the exact
genealogy. This is also called the line
of inheritance, or in other words, with
whom exactly it originated. It is easiest
to start this identification process
working backward from the subject. You
might ask, “Did you inherit this emotion
from your mother?” or, “From your
father?” then ask if it goes back further,
i.e., “Did your father inherit this emotion
from his mother?” or, “From his father?” Continue in this fashion until you identify the ancestor
who it originated with, making note of each generation as you go along. We don’t usually see
inherited emotions that go back more than a few generations, but we have seen them go back
as far as 20 generations or more.

Clearing from Multiple Recipients

The exciting thing about these emotions is that we can release them from multiple people
at once. When you release an inherited emotion from someone, it automatically releases all
the way up the ancestral line. This means that if Susie inherited a Trapped Emotion from her
mother’s mother, releasing the emotion from Susie will automatically clear the emotion from her
mother and grandmother as well. This is an automatic thing that happens every time you release
an inherited emotion. What is not automatic is releasing the same emotion from other relatives
who also received the same Trapped Emotion. For example, if Susie has an aunt and a cousin
who also received the Trapped Emotion from the grandmother, they would not automatically be
affected by the release from Susie’s body. It is possible, however, to release it from everyone,
including the aunt and cousin, at the same time if you intend to.
Holding the intention to release the Trapped Emotion from everyone who has ever received it
will do exactly that. All this entails is focusing on your goal to release the emotion from everyone
who ever received it. If you don’t focus on this goal, you will only release it from Susie, her
mother and her grandmother.
I and several of my students have had experiences that suggest that people take their Trapped
Emotions with them when they die. If that is the case, it indicates that our ancestors who have
passed on are also in need of emotional release just like we are. If you intend to release an
inherited Trapped Emotion from anyone who ever received it, living or dead, that would be a way

70 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

to indirectly release it from ancestors who have passed on.

It would not be realistic to try to obtain permission from all the recipients of an inherited Trapped
Emotion. You can still attempt to clear it from everyone, this being the only type of situation when
it can be considered ethical to release an emotion from someone without their knowledge or
consent. The emotion will likely release from everyone unless somebody is holding onto it for
some reason.

Inherited Hopelessness
I have had several inherited emotions released from my body, but one in particular made a
huge difference. One day, my daughter Natalie was working on me long distance and found
an inherited Trapped Emotion of hopelessness. For some unknown reason she immediately
started feeling very emotional. She traced it back 22 generations to a grandmother of ours.
Then suddenly, she could feel the presence of this female ancestor standing next to her. Natalie
could feel this ancestor’s immense gratitude towards her, for doing this work. At the same time,
she could feel how desperately this ancestor wanted this emotion released from her posterity.
Natalie released the emotion from me and also from herself. It was an amazing experience for
both of us.
For my part, the results of this emotional release are a bit hard to describe. Imagine living next
to a loud factory all your life, and suddenly the factory shuts down. You would be so used to
the noise that suddenly the silence would be deafening. That’s what it was like for me when
Natalie released that inherited hopelessness. Suddenly, I realized that the background feeling
of hopelessness that had always been there was suddenly gone. I didn’t even know that it was
there, but when suddenly it was gone, I could feel an incredible difference.
Natalie had her own experience from this emotional release, too. She had been painting for 8
years and loved it, but had a very hard time finishing a painting and sharing her work with others.
All of a sudden, she signed up for art classes on a whim, and a few months later she proudly
showed 3 of her paintings in a gallery show. She also started her business working with clients
using The Body Code and T3 long distance. She had been proficient in both techniques for
years, but always had the same kind of background hopelessness that kept her from using her
skills to make a living.

The Veil of Memory

I believe that before we come here to this world, we lived with God as spirit beings. I believe
that we all lived there, in that wonderful place, that we were
conscious, that we could make decisions and act for ourselves.
I believe that when we come into this life, we are born into a
state of complete and total amnesia. I refer to this as the “veil of
memory” that is somehow placed over us and divides us from
our memories of that life before, where we lived with God.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 71

When I was 18 years old, I had an experience where I was quietly meditating and suddenly, it
was as if this veil was parted from me just for a few seconds—for probably about 5 seconds
total. The result of that was that I was instantaneously taken from a place of total relaxation and
meditation to a place of the most intense and overwhelming homesickness that I’ve ever felt
in my life; homesickness to be back to that place where we all came from. It lasted for about
5 seconds and then it was over, but it left me reeling with awe. I learned some things from
this. I learned that this is really not our home here. We came from another place that we have

forgotten. I learned that it’s a good thing that we have this veil of memory because I honestly
believe that we could not stand it here in this place for more than 5 minutes if we didn’t have this
veil of memory that divides us from that place where we once lived.
This leads us to the next topic, which is what we call
Preconception Emotions. These are Trapped Emotions that
become lodged in the spirit body prior to conception. The first
time I saw this on someone, I was tracking down a Trapped
Emotion and it went back earlier than 10 years, and earlier
than 5 years, and even earlier than birth. I asked, “Is this a
prenatal emotion that became trapped during pregnancy?”
The answer was, “No.” So I asked, “Is this an inherited
emotion?” The answer was, “No.”
I thought to myself, “Hmmm, well, if the spirit existed before
it came into the body, maybe it came from that other world,”
and it did in this case. If you do very much work with The
Emotion Code, you will see this as well, but probably not very
often. I think that perhaps, before we come to this world, sometimes we’re given a glimpse of
where we’re going. I think that sometimes, we have fear about that. We look at where we’re going
and we panic, and think, “Oh my gosh. I’m going there? You’re sending me there? He’s going to
be my dad?” The typical things that we see with preconception emotions are usually fear related
about coming to earth, or grief related emotions about leaving our home with God. These are
cleared with 3 rolls, just like any other Trapped Emotion.

72 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Now let’s talk about emotional resonance. Sometimes,
intense emotional energy can leave our DNA ringing like a
bell. If you were to walk up to a bell and hit it with a hammer,
it would ring for a time and then the ringing would fade from
hearing. If you were to come back an hour later, you wouldn’t
hear any ringing at all. If you were to put a fine instrument
up to that bell and measure what’s going on, you might see
that the bell is still resonating, just not audibly. Sometimes,
intense emotional experiences can affect our body in the
same way. This ringing can last for many years, if not all our
lives. This emotional resonance can even be inherited, although that seems to be quite rare.
Remember that this is not the same as a Trapped Emotion at all. It’s not a ball of energy. It’s
actually a vibrational resonance in the DNA of the body. In a sense, the DNA is actually left
“ringing” with the vibration of the emotion.
You can let these show up by regular use of The Body Code Mind Maps, or you can look for
these directly by asking, “Is there an emotional resonance that we can clear?” If there is and
the body says ““Yes”,” you would simply use The Emotion Code Chart and go down the list, “Is
it in column A or B?” and so on. Even though it’s not a Trapped Emotion, you will use the same
emotion list because those same emotions can, instead of creating a Trapped Emotion, leave
the body ringing with a particular frequency. This phenomenon is cleared with 3 rolls with a
magnet down the governing meridian unless it’s inherited, in which case it would be 10 rolls.

Post-Traumatic energies are another category of energies that distort the energy field of the
body, usually after some sort of trauma has occurred. This category includes such energies as
inflammation, miasms, physical traumas and psychic traumas.
Inflammation, as most people understand it, is often the
result of injury, irritation or infection, and is a chemical
process in the body tissues. However, inflammation is also
an energy that can become stuck in the body. Usually,
inflammation energy does develop from injury, irritation
or infection, and the body lets go of the inflammation
energy as the body heals and the physical inflammation
resolves. Sometimes however, the body will hold onto the
inflammation energy. When this happens, it can prolong
physical inflammation and prevent proper healing.
Releasing inflammation energy can reduce physical

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 73

inflammation and pain or resolve it altogether. This is released with 3 rolls down the governing
meridian, like almost everything else.
I have found that DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) can be very helpful with inflammation as well. DSMO
has been used for many years for reducing inflammation for racehorses, and I have used it in
my own family and on my own body with good results. It is available at most health-food stores.

Miasms were discovered by Samuel Hahnemann, the 18th
century founder of Homeopathy. Basically, a miasm is an
inherited distortion of the energy field that originated from
some kind of a suppressed disease. In other words, say
that one of your ancestors had some sort of disease that
they suppressed with drugs or other remedies, but was
never fully healed. That created a distortion in their body’s
energy field, and that distortion of the energy field was
passed on to their posterity. Miasms can cause all kinds
of problems both physical and emotional in nature, and
they are always inherited. If you do see one of these, be sure to find the genealogy of the miasm,
the same as you would if it were an inherited Trapped Emotion. Miasms are cleared with 10 rolls
down the governing meridian.
Physical trauma energy occurs when some kind of a physical
blow is received or when the body is under some kind of
extreme stress. Usually, energy like that will do its damage and
then be processed and released from the body automatically.
Sometimes, however, the energy from a trauma can actually
become lodged in the physical body.
For example, let’s say you’re sitting at a stoplight and you are
rear-ended. There are hundreds of tons of kinetic energy that
are released in an accident like this, energy that crumples
the fenders and damages both cars. This is also the energy
that gives you whiplash or injures you in some other way.
Being punched or hit anywhere on your body can also cause
physical trauma energy. It is less common but also possible for an extreme emotional event to
cause physical trauma energy to occur. This likely happens when there is some kind of a shock
that is sustained. Extreme physical illness can also create physical trauma energy.
Physical trauma energy can become stuck in the body as a sphere of energy, similar to a
trapped, typically baseball to cantaloupe-sized. Wherever physical trauma energy lodges in the
body, it will distort the energy field just like a Trapped Emotion, and will interfere with healing and
may cause noticeable symptoms, just as a Trapped Emotion can.

74 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

I remember right after I discovered this phenomenon, I had a patient who came to me who had
been in an auto accident 4 years before. He’d seen multiple different doctors, but his pain was
just as bad as the day of the accident. We found that he had a physical trauma energy that was
lodged in his neck from the accident. We released that energy with 3 rolls down the governing
meridian and instantly his pain level decreased by 80%, just from releasing this physical trauma
energy. Physical trauma energy is released with 3 rolls down the governing meridian.
After 9/11/2001, I had patients coming to me that had
some kind of emotional imbalance that I had never seen
before. It wasn’t a Trapped Emotion, yet it was definitely
similar. After praying for help to understand what was
happening, the answer came. This kind of energy is
called a psychic trauma.
These develop when two or perhaps three powerful
emotions are felt simultaneously and become trapped
together into one ball of energy. If you remember 9/11, of
course everyone was feeling a wide range of emotions,
such as anger, shock, terror, sadness, fear, grief, sorrow
and so on, and a lot of psychic trauma was created that
Usually psychic traumas originate from emotional
traumas like this where feelings are extreme and tensions are high. They can certainly occur from
everyday stresses however, if someone is not in very good control of their emotional choices.
Psychic traumas would look very similar to Trapped Emotions if we could see them, but the main
difference is that they are not made of one pure frequency. Whereas a Trapped Emotion is one
pure frequency of emotion (i.e. anger), a psychic trauma is 2 or 3 frequencies that are mixed
together (i.e. anger and fear). This is similar to mixing red and yellow paint together to make
orange. You can see that red and yellow are the ingredients, but you can’t separate the paint
into pure red and yellow again. In this way, for example, you cannot release only anger from this
psychic trauma. You must also identify the fear, and any other necessary info and then you can
release it.
Sometimes it is not possible to identify both emotions in a
psychic trauma, but other times it may be necessary. Just simply
ask, “Do we need to identify the individual emotional vibrations
that make up this psychic trauma?” and go from there.
The process is similar to finding a Trapped Emotion. There is a
flow chart located in your Mind Maps as well as in The Body Code
Manual under the Resources section. In the example shown
here, you cannot release only Anger from the Psychic Trauma,

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 75

you will release both emotions simultaneously Sometimes it is not possible or necessary to
identify both emotions.
Psychic traumas will tend to cause all the same kinds of problems that Trapped Emotions
cause, but will only show up if you use those words “psychic trauma.” They are fairly common,
occurring about once for every 8-10 Trapped Emotions, depending on the person of course.
These can also be inherited or absorbed just like Trapped Emotions, although this seems to be

rare. Psychic traumas are released with 3 rolls down the governing meridian, unless they are
inherited in which case it takes 10 rolls.


This section includes physical allergies, idea allergies and intolerances. Most people think that if
they are intolerant or allergic to something, they will always be intolerant or allergic to that thing.
This is not necessarily true. Changes can occur in how the body reacts to substances when the
energy of the allergy or the intolerance is released. In that same vein, allergies and intolerances
can develop when the body is imbalanced in other ways. Allergies and intolerances may create
difficulty ranging from mild to severe.
Physical allergies are negative energies that develop from changes in the way our energy field
reacts to the energy of certain foods such as certain proteins, nuts and dairy, organic material
like pollen, tree bark, wool and cat dander, and chemicals such as medications, cleaners, and
cosmetics. Sometimes the allergen is obvious and causes hives, swelling or sneezing. Other
times the affects of an allergy may not be obvious at all. Don’t be surprised if you find an allergy
but the person doesn’t show typical allergy symptoms. In fact, one of the most common signs of
an allergy is loss of energy after encountering the allergen.
If you find that someone has the energy of a physical allergy, you
will want to identify what substance it is that he or she is allergic to
so you can release the allergy. The person may already know what
it is, but if not, you will have to figure it out. The easiest way to do
this is to identify what category of allergen it belongs to, the most
common being foods, organic materials and chemicals. Sometimes
it is enough to simply identify the category.
As soon as you identify what the allergy is to, you may want to identify if there are any underlying
causes. For example, a Trapped Emotion could be imbalancing the stomach, which may have
had a difficult time digesting a certain food as a result. The body may then have developed the
allergy as a protective mechanism to launch an attack on that food as soon as it enters the
system again. Having a lowered immune system function will also tend to result in the formation
of more allergies, causing the body to overreact when certain substances enter the body. This
kind of overreaction usually results in typical allergy symptoms.

76 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

As soon as you identify and remove any underlying causes, release the energy of the allergy
with 3 rolls down the governing meridian. After an allergy is released, it is a good idea to avoid
any contact with that particular substance for about 24 hours. This allows the body to completely
process the allergy release and regain balance.
Idea allergies are simply trapped negative energies in the body that create a negative reaction to
whatever idea it is that you’re allergic to. Whereas an allergy to a substance or a food will typically
cause a physical allergic reaction, an allergy to an idea will typically cause an emotional reaction
of some kind. These reactions include emotional upset and avoidance or sabotage behaviors.
Idea allergies are often created during a difficult emotional time where there were negative
feelings surrounding the idea.
It is possible to be allergic to any idea, whether it is negative, positive or inherently neutral.
All idea allergies are negative energies. Identifying the specific idea that the allergy is about
requires intuition, common sense and deductive questioning. You may begin by asking if the idea
is inherently negative, positive or neutral. Common positive ideas that people have allergies to
are: love, relationships, marriage, exercise, eating healthy, getting well, etc. Common negative
ideas are: feelings such as heartbreak or failure, being abused, being fired, being poor, being
abandoned, divorce, etc. Common neutral ideas are ideas such as: women, men, a particular
person, sex, money, having money, making money, etc.
Idea allergies always develop because there has been
negativity surrounding the particular idea. For example,
someone might be allergic to the idea of love because love is
something they have felt hopeless about, or maybe they were
in love but were hurt as a result. If someone has an allergy to
the idea of being abused, it is likely that they have been abused
in the past or were afraid of being abused. If someone has an
allergy to money, this means that there were negative feelings
about money or a negative relationship with money at some point in the past.
The effect that allergies can have is threefold. First, allergies are negative energies that have
a distorting effect on the energy field and therefore the body. Second, idea allergies influence
emotional choices by causing negative feelings about the particular idea. Third, allergies cause
you to subconsciously focus negativity on that particular idea, drawing more of that specific
negative energy to you. Remember that your focus determines your reality whether it is conscious
or subconscious.
If you feel stuck and are having a hard time figuring it out, it can be helpful to say a prayer
asking for help from your Higher Power, then refocus your efforts and keep going. Ask as many
questions as you need to, and allow yourself a few quiet moments so you can intuit if you are
going the right direction or not.
Once you identify the idea, you will want to identify if there are any underlying causes. Because
negative feelings are usually the driving force behind the creation of idea allergies, there will
likely be an underlying cause for any idea allergy that you find. Most often, these underlying

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 77

causes will be Trapped Emotions or some other kind of energy. Once you identify and release
any underlying causes, you can release the idea allergy with 3 rolls down the governing meridian.
This removes the negativity surrounding that idea, neutralizing it so it no longer creates a
negative reaction. Confirm that the idea allergy has been released, and if you want to you can
also confirm that the idea has been neutralized by asking, “Are you okay with (the idea)?” If the
answer is “No”, there may be more emotional or other energies to clear surrounding the idea.

Food intolerances are energies that cause the digestive system
to have a negative physical reaction to a certain food or type of
food. The most common symptom of food intolerance is sudden
exhaustion shortly after eating. Digestive upset including gas,
bloating, diarrhea and/or acid reflux are also common. Headaches
can also occur, most often with intolerances for chemicals such as
food additives. Food intolerances are much more common than
food allergies. The body can develop an intolerance for anything.
Some common intolerances are to: lactose, casein, gluten, nuts,
meat, mushrooms and nightshade plants such as eggplant, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes. In
order to release the energy of the food intolerance, you will need to identify what the intolerance
is to. Use common sense, intuition and deductive questioning to arrive at your answer. The client
may have an idea of what it is, especially if this is something that has bothered them in the past.
As soon as you identify what the intolerance is to, you may want to also identify and remove
any underlying causes. For example, if the small intestine is unhappy, it can help to create an
Keep in mind that it is normal for the human body to be intolerant to foods that are poor quality
or toxic. Genetically modified foods, processed foods and chemical food additives such as food
colorings and monosodium glutamate will always be toxic to the body. Treating a food intolerance
to a toxic or poor quality food and then continuing to eat that food is simply abusing the body.
If you mistakenly eat a food that contains a toxin and you have a reaction, you can treat the
intolerance and it may help you recover faster. For more information on food quality, see the
“Conspiring Men” DVD.
Food intolerances are usually correctable by rolling 3 times down the governing meridian.
Avoiding the food for 24 hours afterward does not seem to be necessary, but may be a good
idea anyway,

The mental imbalances section includes energies such as broadcast messages, despair
anchors, images, memory fields, will to die, no will to live, and need for a T3 session. The
energies in this section generally come from negative thought patterns that are either severe,
repetitive or both.

78 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Broadcast messages can be either negative or positive.
A broadcast message is energy that is continually being
sent out from the body to other people, who receive it
subconsciously and form opinions and decisions based
on what the message says. It can influence one’s ability
to form and keep relationships, and can attract the right
or wrong people and behavior. It is possible to find and
remove a negative broadcast message, then replace it
with a positive broadcast message if necessary.

Negative Broadcast Messages

There are generally two types of negative broadcast messages:
Command messages
Command messages are generally stated as “commands” such as:
• “Stay away”
• “Take advantage of me”
• “Abuse me”
• “Ignore me”
Descriptive messages
Descriptive messages are statements that say something about the subject, whether
true or untrue. Some examples are:
• “I’m easy”
• “I’m hurt”
• “I’m a fake”
• “People hurt me”
It is most common to have short sentences such as these samples, but it is also possible that a
message could be longer. If you find a negative broadcast message on someone, you will want
to identify the wording of the statement before you can release it. Ask what kind of message it
is: command or descriptive. It is usually helpful to think about what kinds of issues the person
is having and what’s going on in their life. Let your intuition guide you and ask questions to
find the right wording. Negative broadcast messages are released by running a magnet up the
governing meridian 3 times.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 79

Positive Broadcast Messages

After you release the negative broadcast message, ask, “Do we
need to install a positive broadcast message?” If the answer is
“Yes”, you will need to identify the correct wording for a new positive
broadcast message. The subconscious mind will know exactly
what it wants for the positive broadcast message. These are often

the opposite of what the negative broadcast message was, but
not always. You can always ask the client if there is a particular
message they would like. Keep your mind open and listen to your intuition, and muscle test to
confirm. The message that the subconscious mind wants may surprise you. If you feel stuck,
ask for a little help from upstairs, and it will flow into your mind a lot more easily. To install a
positive broadcast message, roll down the governing meridian 3 times.
An image is essentially the energy of “picture” in the subconscious
mind. The subconscious (being a goal-seeking computer)
will attempt to fulfill this image, and will direct or misdirect your
behavior to make sure that this image comes to pass. For example,
if you have an image of yourself as being really overweight, the
subconscious will try to fulfill this goal and will make it much harder
for you to lose weight. No matter what kind of image you have,
the subconscious mind will attempt to fulfill that picture in order to
match it to your reality. Images generally make it more difficult to
live the life you want to live and be as healthy as you want to be.
They can also have a profound effect on relationships and how you see the world around you.
In order to release an image, you will usually need to identify some information about it. Keep in
mind the particular client and the issues they are going through. For example, if you are working
on depression in that session, the image probably has something to do with depression or
related feelings. Perhaps the image is of the client feeling depressed, or maybe the image is of
the client being isolated from others. You can ask questions such as, “Is this an image of you?”
or “Someone else?” or “Is the image of you feeling certain emotion?”
Occasionally, the image will be of some kind of item that symbolizes something to the client,
such as a toy from childhood, a key, or something of the sort. In cases like this, it would be
unrealistic for you to try to figure out the exact image, unless you have a very developed gift of
visualization. One way to identify more information about an image is to ask, “Does this image
symbolize a certain emotion to you?” If the answer is “Yes”, you can go to The Emotion Code
Chart and identify the emotional frequency. You can also ask at what age the image developed
as well.
Some common themes in images are being overweight, being ignored in a crowd, being poor,
being alone and being sick. Sometimes people who have had trouble getting well will have an
image of themselves being sick and sometimes even being taken care of by others. Sometimes

80 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

the theme of an image will be generally positive, but not helpful. For example, someone may
have an image of their ex-spouse and will be unable to move on even after getting a divorce,
because this image keeps getting in the way.
Once you have identified all the information necessary about an image, you can release it with
just 3 rolls down the governing meridian.
Memory fields are simply “clouds” of energy related
to events of the past, which are located around the
body, somewhere in the energy field. It seems that
when we recall memories and focus on events of the
past too often, a memory field can be created in front
of the body where it does not belong. Memory fields
should usually be located behind the body, and are
not generally problematic if they are. When memory
fields are located behind the body, they may help to
propel one forward with the knowledge and wisdom
gained from past life experiences. When memory fields are located in front of the body, they
can prevent us from moving forward and progressing. Another problem that memory fields can
create is blocking us from visualizing the future and creating and fulfilling our goals. Getting to
the future by going “through” the past is generally not a good plan for success in life.
The phrase “put the past behind you” is quite literal. If you find a memory field, you may need
to identify some information about it before it can be corrected. You can ask questions about it
such as, “is this about all your memories in general?” or “is this about a specific event?” or “Is
this about a certain type of event from different times in your life?” It may help to identify the age
these memories occurred that, or if there was a common theme of different events that these
memories are about, such as relationships or maybe a particular emotion like sadness.
There are two possible processes for correction. Most of the time you will need to simply move
the memory field so it can be stored behind the body in the energy field. Simply hold an intention
to move the cloud to the rear of the body, and roll 3 times down the governing meridian. The
other possible process is that you may need to release this memory field from the body and
energy field completely. This is usually the case when the memories are extremely negative,
painful or damaging. Simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing your
intention to release the memory field completely. It may also be helpful to identify and remove
any other imbalances that are related to the memory field, as this can help the client move past
the negative memories and avoid creating a new memory field about the same subject. (Note
that moving or releasing a memory field does not cause one to forget the actual memory).

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 81

Will to die energies are vibrations that are specifically about
wanting life to be over, or feeling like it would be better if you were
dead. Even if this kind of feeling is experienced very briefly, the
energy can become trapped in the body. Will to die energies can
create many different kinds of problems ranging from depression

to disease. Having an energy such as this will make it much more
difficult to enjoy life. Will to die energies are similar to Trapped
Emotions, but are specifically about wanting to die. Note that
because it is possible to experience a feeling of wanting to die multiple times throughout life, it is
possible to trap it multiple times. Identify any necessary information such as age of occurrence,
and release with 3 rolls down the governing meridian.
No will to live energies are vibrations that are specifically about giving
up on life. These can develop from a long period of depression or
from simply being too overwhelmed with life. They can also develop
during shorter periods of physical pain or emotional pain such as
humiliation or grief. Even if this feeling is experienced very briefly, it
can become trapped in the body and exert a powerful effect, similar
to a Trapped Emotion. Because it is possible to experience this type
of feeling more than once in life, it is also possible to trap it more
than one time. Identify any necessary information such as age of occurrence or related event,
and release with 3 rolls down the governing meridian.
A despair anchor is the energy of a negative statement that is
perceived as a truth by the subconscious mind, which will
seek to verify or fulfill that truth. These develop from repeated
or severe negative thinking. When you find a despair anchor,
you will need to figure out what the wording of the statement
is. Think about the issues that the client is having in their life.
Often times, despair anchors are self-abusive statements
such as “I’m an idiot”, “I’ll never succeed”, “I’m stupid”, or
“Nobody likes me.” Other times, despair anchors are related
to general despair about life, such as, “It’s hopeless,” or “It’s
too difficult,” or “I’ll never get well.”
To figure out what the wording on the despair anchor is, start by asking a silent prayer for help
and then use your intuition to feel what the general feeling of the statement is. Allow the words to
flow to you. If you need to, you can use deductive questioning such as, “Does this statement start
with I?” “I can’t?” etc. Remember that your client created this energy, so they may have an idea
what it might be about. Occasionally, a despair anchor is just the name of an emotion such as,
“depression.” You can use the Chart of Emotions to figure out what the emotion is in these cases.

82 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

If necessary, you can identify when in life the despair anchor was created or if there is a related
event. As soon as you identify all necessary information, you can release the despair anchor by
rolling 3 times down the governing meridian.
T3 Therapy, also known as Three Dimensional Therapy, is
all about finding and releasing the negative belief systems
that operate the subconscious. This is the most advanced
energy psychology method for removing core beliefs. T3 is
based on concepts and teachings in The Emotion Code and
The Body Code, and blends perfectly with them to provide
extensive healing for the beliefs of the subconscious mind.
T3 Therapy was developed by Gwen Legler, MSW, and Leilani
Alexander. These two powerful healers have been involved in
our work with The Emotion Code and The Body Code since
the 1990s. You can find more information on T3 Therapy at
If you have a client who shows a need for a T3 session, visit us online to find a certified T3
practitioner who can help. T3 Therapy should never be attempted by anyone who is not certified
in the technique, as T3 requires specialized knowledge and skills.
The heart is designed to experience love, joy and peace. I
believe the heart remembers the joyful and loving place we
came from and longs desperately to experience those feelings
again. When many of us are born into this world, we begin a life
that is not conducive to experiencing these positive emotions.
The heart instead experiences negative emotions such as
heartache and abandonment. Many people form a Heart-
Wall, further blocking the heart from being able to experience
love and joy. In its desperation to find some semblance of that
joy that it once knew, the heart may create a specific type of
imbalancing energy called Addictive Heart Energy.
Addictive heart energy is an intense attractor field in the heart, which draws inappropriate,
harmful and/or pleasurable things to the heart as a substitute for love and joy. ln the same way
that the gravitational field of a black hole is so intense not even a beam of light can escape it,
an Addictive Heart Energy is a driving force behind addictions of all kinds. Common addictions
that are created by Addictive Heart Energy are addiction to: experiencing negative emotions,
sugar, food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, and even illnesses. Addictive heart energy
can cause obsessive, addictive and destructive behaviors and problems that often don’t cause
pleasure at all.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 83

We have found that it is not possible to have Addictive Heart Energy without first having a Heart-
Wall at some point. The Heart-Wall may be removed, but this will not automatically remove the
Addictive Heart Energy. lt appears that sometimes the Heart-Wall needs to be removed before
the Addictive Heart Energy can be removed, but this is not always the case.
To find Addictive Heart Energy, simply ask, “Do you have Addictive Heart Energy?”  Next, ask,
“Can we release it now?” lf the answer is “Yes”, remove it with 3 rolls down the governing meridian.

It is not possible to have multiple Addictive Heart Energies; only one of these is possible at a
time. If you find this energy on a client more than one time, it means that he or she has recreated
it. In this and every other case, you should always ask, “Is there an underlying reason why you
have created this Addictive Heart Energy?” Then find and remove the underlying imbalances.
If a client is suffering from an addiction, you can also treat it directly by asking, “Is there an
underlying reason for your addiction to _____?” Addressing addiction in this way can also help
to remove the future possibility of re-creating the Addictive Heart Energy.

Offensive energies are distortions in the energy field that are often created by the subconscious
minds of other people. This section includes cords, saboteurs, post-hypnotic suggestions,
entities and curses.
A cord is an energetic connection between two
people. When you find this using The Body Code,
it indicates that there is an abnormal or negative
cord with another person. Cords can be positive or
they can be negative. An example of a healthy cord
would be a heart-to-heart connection with a loved
one, meaning that there is an energetic cord going
from one person’s heart to the other. A heart-to-
heart cord allows positive energy and love to flow
freely between the corded people. Another example
of a normal cord is an umbilical connection from the
baby to the mother. When a baby is born and the umbilical cord that connects the baby to the
mother is cut, the physical cord is cut, but the energetic cord still remains. I believe this may be
how mothers can feel and sense the energy of what’s going on with their children, and know
intuitively when their child is in trouble. Energy flows through that unseen, invisible cord, even
if they’re on the other side of the planet. Remember that energy knows no barriers of distance.
An energy cord connecting two people who love each other heart-to-heart is a good thing most
of the time. The only time when this can be potentially damaging is if the client needs to move on
from that relationship and let go of that loved one from the past. Most of the time when you find

84 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

a cord, it will be a negative cord. The most common type of negative, damaging cord is a gut-to-
gut cord. This type of cord allows negative energy to flow between the two people. It is common
for one person to pick up the negative emotions and stress of the other person because it flows
through this cord. This flow of energy can go both ways. Digestive difficulties are also common
with gut-to-gut cords.
It is less common, but also possible to find negative cords that attach to the body in other
locations. Usually you will find that there is some symbolism with the body part. If someone is in
a controlling relationship, for example, you might find that the cord attaches to the back of their
neck or the head. You will often need to identify who is connected at the other end of the cord.
Sometimes, this information will be unavailable either because the person is a stranger or for
some other unknown reason. You can also identify what the location of the cord is on the client’s
body, what age it was created that, or which party created the cord.
Negative or undesired cords can be removed with 3 rolls down the governing meridian. If desired,
a new, healthy cord can be created by intending to connect both parties heart-to-heart, and then
rolling another 3 times down the governing meridian. In the photo of the couple sitting on the
couch, they would benefit if that gut-to-gut cord was instead changed so that it was connecting
them heart-to-heart. This would enable love and positive energies to flow between them instead
of negative energy.
A saboteur is an energetic weapon or sometimes
a wound that is placed or created by another person
or an entity in a person’s energy body. Saboteurs can
cause pain and irritation of tissues as well as emotional
difficulties if the weapon/wound is affecting an organ or
gland. The most common type of saboteurs are knives
and hooks.
Saboteurs are nearly always placed by the subconscious
mind of another person or an entity. Occasionally,
however, the subject himself may also place them, like
a self-inflicted wound or weapon. This is usually done by
the subconscious mind when the person is having self-
abusive thoughts and feelings.
To identify the location in the body, you can ask, “Is this
saboteur located above the diaphragm? On the left side? In the spleen?” etc. You can identify
the type of weapon using intuition and deductive questioning, such as, “Is this a knife? A bullet?
A hook? A wound” You can identify who it came from by asking, “Did this come from a person?
An entity?” Keep in mind that saboteurs are created and placed subconsciously by other people,
usually as a manifestation of negative feelings such as anger or jealousy. It may or may not be
beneficial to identify the exact person who the saboteur came from. If the client is in danger of
receiving more saboteurs from this person, it will usually be more beneficial than not to know

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 85

who the person was. Entities create and place saboteurs in an attempt to hurt us and sabotage
our efforts to heal and improve our lives. Their reasoning is generally more malicious than the
saboteurs that come from people. You can remove any saboteur by rolling 3 times down the
governing meridian with intention to release the “weapon” or heal the “wound.”
Post-hypnotic suggestions are the energies of negative

statements, which are placed into the mind by entities. These
are typically placed into the mind while we’re listening to some
kind of repetitive or negatively charged music or playing some
kind of a video game with the same type of music. Listening
to music with a very repetitive beat will tend to put the brain
into a semi-hypnotic state. This makes the mind vulnerable and
open to suggestions from outside sources. If a suggestion is
absorbed into the subconscious mind, it can greatly influence
the thoughts and feelings of the person.
In ancient Greece, music that had a very repetitive beat was
outlawed because they understood something about this process. Post-hypnotic suggestions
often result in long-term depression and suicidal thoughts and feelings. Most post-hypnotic
suggestions are extremely negative statements such as, “I hate myself,” and “I want to die.” You’ll
need to ask for help from the Creator before you begin identifying post-hypnotic suggestions.
Identify the wording using intuition and effective questioning such as, “Does this statement start
with I? My? People?” etc. Once you have identified the correct wording, you can release it with
3 rolls down the governing meridian.

Inversion is a dangerous state that is caused by post-hypnotic suggestions. Much of the musical
entertainment that is popular now has the effect of putting the mind into a semi-hypnotic or
trance-like state, which opens the mind to suggestions. Since the 1960s, a lot of the music that
has been popular has this attribute.
If a person listens to enough of this music for long enough, and they collect enough post-
hypnotic suggestions, they can become inverted, which means that they will test strong for evil
and weak for good; they will test weak for their own name and strong for example, if they say,
“My name is Satan.” They will test positive for foods that are bad for them, that would normally
test negative. Everything that would normally test positive on a normal person will now test
negative on an inverted person.
Teenagers especially are suffering from this phenomenon. If you look at the rate of teenage
depression and suicide and you look at the kind of music that kids are listening to, you can start
putting two and two together. It’s a fascinating thing and I believe that it’s actually a little glimpse
into one aspect of the workings of the forces of darkness in this world, a glimpse into something

86 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

that we are not generally aware of. Removing all post-hypnotic suggestions will usually correct
Is there really a spiritual world around us? Are “ghosts” real? Are the stories of Jesus’ casting
evil spirits out from people that we read about in the New Testament true? I firmly believe
that the answers to these questions are ““Yes”.” I have had personal experiences with entities
myself, and I personally know many others who have had experiences with them. There are
even stories from my own family history about ancestors who’ve had encounters with these
invisible personalities. I won’t share those stories here, but if you are interested in reading from
the Nelson Family History book, there are some very interesting life experiences recorded,
some containing entities, which may give you some perspective about what they are like. The
following link will take you to the Nelson History book, in which you can read some dramatic
stories of miraculous healings and angelic visitations, as well as run-ins with dark spirits (free
There are two types of entities, disembodied spirits or ghosts and evil spirits.

Disembodied Spirits
Disembodied Spirits or “ghosts” are individuals who were once human beings but have passed
away or died and are still hanging around in spirit form. They are generally dark or negative in
nature because of the choices that they made and the frequencies that they generated while
they were living. For one reason or another, they are not willing to give something up in the
world. Disembodied spirits will do anything to experience, even
if only temporarily, and even in a muffled way, the pleasures of
the flesh. These are often people who suffered from addictions
in their mortal life, to things like cigarettes, alcohol, sex, porn,
or drugs. Those addictions still exert influence over the
decisions that they make now. They might struggle desperately
to experience something that they had while in their own body
by trying to use someone else’s body. They might be haunting
a place or disturbing the peace of a living person because of
their own negative issues. They can really be a disturbing
influence and be injurious to whomever they attach to or try to

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 87

Evil Spirits
Evil Spirits are different in that they have never had a body
of their own. They were never granted that privilege by the
Creator, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t desperately
want to have one. Evil spirits are truly miserable and would
like to spread their misery to anyone that they can. They have

a very low vibration and they tend to hang around individuals
who are actively doing things that are immoral, low, mean,
destructive, hurtful, dishonest, deceitful and anything
despicable. They are very dark and encourage bad choices
in others that they have influence over. They want to enslave and have power over the enslaved.
They want to have power over others’ bodies since they don’t have their own. They will try to
live through the living and then because of their very nature, they will do whatever they can to
destroy those that they attack or inhabit, even to drive them to suicide.
The fact is that entities are abundant. There are lots of them around us, just as there are angels
around us, too. Some entities have specific evil agendas or goals. It is useful to know that entities,
especially evil spirits, tend to attack us when we are about to make some sort of breakthrough
that will bring more light into the world or be a big step forward in our own personal life. They want
to hold us back however they can. They might attach to someone’s body to create pain or use a
saboteur to inflict pain and injury. They might yell or scream with their silent voices or surround
us with a feeling of darkness and despair. They do this to try to stop us from doing good, to
distract our energy, and I think they do it because they hate us for the light and goodness in us.
Knowing about them is important because if and when they are discovered, we can send them
away and be free of their influence.
Entities are especially attracted to us when we are experiencing negativity or any low vibration.
That’s the kind of company they like to keep. They love to kick you when you are down so that
they can hurt, capture, and destroy you. When we choose to dwell on emotions of negativity, we
attract them to us. If we listen to really negative, low vibrational music, play dark video games,
view pornography, or watch really frightening or depressing movies, we attract these spirits to
us. I have learned from my own experience that they have the capacity to make us depressed.
I’ve also learned that they cannot seem to stay around if we are focusing on high vibrations,
especially if we are praying; if we are invoking the name of Jesus Christ, and so on.
The Body Code and The Emotion Code are nondenominational but they are based in faith. I
believe that these methods will work for you even though your beliefs may be different than
mine. If it is your desire, faith, and intent to do good to help yourself and others, it is my hope
and belief that you will have great success. I know with absolute certainty that entities are real.
I know what has worked for me to get rid of them so that is what I share with you.
We don’t have to be doing anything wrong or dark to end up having some of them attached to us
or to have them following us around. There is something we can do about them, though. Here
is what we recommend:

88 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

To identify and release entities, ask, “Are there entities attached to you?” If the answer is “Yes”, do
the following: while rolling UP the governing meridian, say these words, addressing the entities
directly: “Entity/Entities - In the name of Jesus Christ, (or the Creator) I command you to depart
from this person and never bother him/her again.” We have actually tried using this method by
proxy with success, too. We are powerful beings and with God on our side, anything is possible!
It’s also a good idea to identify and remove any imbalances that are making your client vulnerable
or attractive to entities, keeping in mind that they are attracted to low vibrations such as scary
movies, much of the music that has been popular since the 1960s, violent video games and so
on. Your clients can certainly benefit to know about this.
In the physical world, we’re all too aware of people hurting each
other. There’s far too much hatred and contention in this world
that we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears.
In the spiritual world, there is another kind of battle going on.
People become spiritually injured, and weapons of one kind or
another are used to inflict wounds on others. We have also found
that a specific kind of very negative energy can be attached to
a person; this is what we refer to as a “curse.”
A curse is essentially a sphere of very negative energy that has
been deliberately placed into a person’s energy field by another
person or by an entity. These will often be located in the body in an area that corresponds to the
intended result of the curse. For example, if the curse is intended to shut your mouth, the curse
will be found in the jaw. Curses, like Trapped Emotions, can be found anywhere, and will often
cause severe pain or self-sabotage.
To identify a curse, ask, “Do you have a curse?” If the answer is “Yes”, ask, “Do we need to know
more about this curse?” If the answer is “Yes”, there are some optional questions that you can
ask. The first question will help us determine where this curse came from. You might start by
asking, “Did you receive this curse from another person? Did you receive this curse from an
If you still need to know more about the curse, you might ask what the intention of the curse was.
For example, “Is the intention of this curse to stop my healing progress? To prevent my success?
To interfere with my relationships? To disrupt or interfere with my relationship with my creator?”
If the subconscious mind still has more information that needs to be brought to conscious
awareness about this curse, you might ask about its physical location. Once the subconscious
mind is satisfied and the answer to the question “Do we need to know more about this curse?”
is “No”, you can simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian, while saying these words: “I
release you from this curse (in the name of Jesus Christ, or the Creator, as you choose).” Once
you’ve done this, retest to confirm the curse is gone.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 89

Its possible to absorb negative energy from
other people. To help prevent this, it’s often
useful to put up a “shield” around yourself.
Shielding is something that can help to
protect you from absorbing the negative

energies that comes from other people or
entities, and from everyday stresses more
effectively. Having a shield is like having an
invisible force field around your body; a bubble
made of pure protective energy. Some people
already have a shield, but most do not. Note
that having a shield like this does not protect
you against cellular radiation or other harmful
EMF energies.
Shielding is something that can help to
protect you from absorbing negative energy
that comes from other people or entities.
Having a shield is like having an invisible force field around your body; a bubble made of pure
protective energy. Ask, “Are you shielded from negative energies?” If the answer is “No”, follow
these steps. While rolling with a magnet down the governing meridian, say the following words,
“I am placing a shield around you. It covers you completely and is permanent. It will block all
negative energies out but will allow positive energies in.” Then simply retest by asking again, “Are
you shielded from negative energies?” The answer then should be ““Yes”.”
Make sure to continually roll the magnet down the meridian while saying the shielding paragraph.
One of the things you also need to be aware of is that sometimes at night the shield will go
down for some reason and you’ll need to reactivate it in the morning. You can bring it up again by
simply saying, “Shields up.” This sounds kind of corny, but it actually does work. It can be helpful
for you, as a practitioner of The Body Code, to make sure you always have your shield up before
you work on people. This can help to prevent you from absorbing their negative energies that
you release. It is also helpful to have a shield when one is in a stressful or volatile situation with
others. Having a shield can allow the negative energy to bounce right off. This seems to lower
the stress level for people, and can also help them make better emotional choices.

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The purpose of this module is to help you understand:
• How the organs and glands each have an electrical circuit that can be blown
• How the circuits in the body connect the organs and glands with certain muscles
• The moving energy of the Chakras
• The energy flow of the acupuncture meridians

Circuits and Systems

• The arrangement of the different body systems
• The nature of the connections in the physical body and the spirit body
This picture shows an electrical circuit. On the left there is a battery. The
positive pole of the battery is connected to a wire that is going across
the top of the picture. The negative pole of the battery is connected to a
light bulb. The right side of this diagram shows that the switch is open
and the circuit is not complete, which means that no electrical power is
going to the light.
In this picture, the circuit is connected. There is electricity flowing through
the completed circuit, giving power to the light bulb. You will learn in this
module that the body operates in a similar way, with electrical circuits
that need to be working properly in order to have good health and
correct function.

Circuit Breaker
This picture shows a circuit breaker, divided into different circuits that
together make up the electrical supply of a building. You probably have
something very similar in your house. If you plug in and run too many
machines from an electrical outlet, you will draw too much power, which will
blow a circuit.
Suddenly the lights and all the electrical items in that room will turn off, or
the power may go out in that entire section of the house. If the lights go out
in the room you are in at the time, is it possible that in the next room, your stereo, which may be
playing your favorite song, may suddenly shut off as well? How does that happen? It can only
happen if the stereo is on the same circuit as the electrical outlet you just overloaded.

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92 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

The Organs and Glands Have Circuits

In your body, every organ and gland has the equivalent of an electrical circuit. If you overload
any organ or gland, you can blow its energetic or electrical circuit. Here’s how this can happen in
our bodies. Let’s use the liver for this example. The liver’s job is to detoxify the body. How could
you overload it? One of the ways that you might overload the liver is by taking things into your
body that are toxic.
If you are exposed to pesticides, herbicides, drink too much alcohol or eat toxic food additives,
you can overload the liver, which will blow its circuit. What will happen then is that the liver won’t
be able to function at its full performance capability. There are other problems that come along
with this too, which we’ll discuss now.

The Organs / Glands / Muscle Connections

Blowing an organ’s circuit will also imbalance certain muscles that are connected because they
are on the same circuit. In this example with the liver being overloaded, the muscles between
the shoulder blades will become imbalanced and will probably end up feeling painful, because
they are on the same circuit as the liver. Every organ and most of the glands have this kind of
connection with a muscle or muscles in the body.
Imbalance in an organ or gland will often cause pain in the connected muscles or in the
immediate area. But it can also cause muscle weakness, making that particular part of the body
vulnerable and prone to injury. For example, right knee injuries are common in people who have
imbalanced gallbladders, because the gallbladder is on the same circuit as the muscles of the
right knee.
If any organ imbalance is not corrected, problems can result in a few different areas. Most
notably, long-term imbalance can lead to breakdown or disease of the organ and arthritis or
premature aging of the body parts affected by the imbalanced muscles. We are going to go
through all the connections between the organs and the muscles so you can spot the signs of
organ imbalance before serious problems arise. By the end of this chapter you will understand
how to look at the body in a completely different way than ever before.
There is always a muscle imbalance associated with an organ or gland imbalance, with the
exception of a couple of the glands. There may or may not be symptoms such as pain or
weakness, but there will be some level of malfunction or imbalance there nonetheless.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 93

Paired Organs and Glands

The paired organs and glands are the kidneys, lungs, adrenals,
ovaries and testicles. In the paired set of organs or glands, the
organ or gland on the left is always the “main” and the right
side organ or gland is always the “back up” or the “reserve.”
As a result, the left side organ or gland will usually become
imbalanced first, because it is bearing a heavier load than its
right-sided sibling.
The paired organs and glands all have connections with muscles
located on both sides of the body. The left side organ/gland is

Circuits and Systems

directly connected with the associated muscle on the left side.
Therefore, when the left organ/gland becomes overloaded, the
left muscle on that same circuit will become imbalanced. Accordingly, when the right organ/
gland becomes overloaded, the right muscle on that same circuit will become imbalanced.
For example, let’s take a look at the adrenal glands. When a person is under too much stress
for too long, it will take a toll on the adrenal glands, which are the “stress glands” of the body.
The left adrenal gland will tend to become imbalanced first, since the left-sided organs are
the “mains.” As a result, the muscles across the left knee joint, which are connected to the left
adrenal gland, will become imbalanced the moment the left adrenal gland becomes imbalanced
or “blows its fuse,” and the result will be discomfort or pain in the left me. If the stress continues,
the right adrenal gland may eventually “blow its fuse,” also, resulting in right knee pain as well.
In this particular instance, we can see the inner workings of the body, and now we understand
a little better why one of the very first signs of too much stress is left knee pain!

The Organs and Glands Generate Emotions

Every organ and almost every gland in the body act as emotional frequency generators. The
emotions that we experience are not produced solely by the brain or by the heart, as some
people believe. Rather, a specific emotion is generated by a specific organ or gland when we
have an experience that requires an emotional response. The Emotion Code Chart shows the
organ/gland/emotion relationships but we will also discuss them in this section.

The Nature of Things

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. It has always existed in some form or
another. I believe that all life was created spiritually before it was created physically. Intention to
create always precedes actual creation. I believe that all life has been designed to experience joy
on some level. Indeed, I believe that experiencing joy is the ultimate purpose of our existence.

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Happy Organs
Our bodies and even individual body parts (such as organs)
were made to experience joy. The ancient physicians
looked upon the organs and glands as separate ‘officials’
in the ‘kingdom’ of the body. Some organs and glands
were subservient to others and some were dominant over
others. There were intricate relationships between them
all, and each organ and gland was viewed as a separate
intelligence. If you simply ask an organ or gland or any
part of the body if it is ‘contented’ or ‘happy,’ the body will
tell you. This can reveal imbalances that otherwise may
not show up for a long, long time, because an organ may be ‘unhappy’ or ‘discontented’ for years
before it finally blows its circuit or develops major problems.
It is easy to identify if an organ or gland is imbalanced. All you have to do is ask the right
questions and the body will give you the information that the subconscious already knows. You
don’t have to word the questions exactly the way we’ve worded them in this manual. Be aware
however, that the way you word your questions will influence the answers that you get. Be
aware of any limitations you might be creating with the wording you use. For example, there is a
difference between asking, “Is there an imbalance in your thyroid?” and, “Is there an imbalance
contributing to trouble for your thyroid?”
It may be better to use the second form of questioning because the imbalance might not be
literally in the thyroid. The underlying imbalance may be affecting the thyroid, but not necessarily
in the thyroid. In this example, the thyroid is strongly influenced and controlled by the pituitary
gland. So the underlying imbalance may literally be in the pituitary, which is therefore creating
imbalance for the thyroid. To avoid confusion and facilitate simplicity, we have designed the
following line of sample questions for you to use. There is no need to be limited to these specific
questions, but we encourage you to be thoughtful about the wording that you use.
The easiest way to identify if an organ or gland is balanced or imbalanced is to ask your client’s
“Is your ______ happy?”
This is called testing for contentedness or testing for happiness. To understand how this works,
you need to understand the nature of our bodies and what they were created for.

Testing for Happy Organs

You can simply ask, “Is your (organ or gland name) happy?” For example, “Is your heart happy?”
or, “Is your parathyroid happy?”

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 95

Asking this broad type of question may be a way of digging deeper for answers because it
leaves all possibilities open.
This is similar to asking a friend how he is doing. His automatic response may be, “Fine.” But if
you look him in the eye and ask, “No, really. How are you?” he may open up to you and tell you
all about his current situation. When you ask the body if an organ or gland is ‘happy’ or ‘content,’
you are really asking that organ or gland, “No, really. How are you? Are you really happy right
now?” When you ask in this way, you will find things that you otherwise may not find!
When you ask, ”Is your _____ happy now?” and perform a muscle test, you’ll get a “Yes” or a
“No” answer. If the muscle response is strong, this indicates a congruent or a “Yes” answer,
which means that the organ is likely doing fine. If the muscle response is weak, indicating “No”,

Circuits and Systems

this indicates that the organ is having some kind of trouble. What is causing this trouble may be
directly or indirectly affecting the organ. If the answer is “No”, and the organ is unhappy, begin
removing the causes for the organ’s unhappiness. (This procedure is described further in the
Correction section which follows.)
Occasionally, an organ or gland will test as being “happy”, even when it is not. There may be
obvious symptoms of organ or gland imbalance, or maybe your intuition will lead you to suspect
that there is something wrong. If this happens, you might ask,
“Is there a hidden imbalance causing trouble for your _____?”
If you still get a “No” and you still suspect there is a problem with the organ/gland, you may also
“Is there a disconnection blocking us from getting answers about your _____?”
If you find a disconnection, you may need to correct it before you can get clear answers about
the organ/gland in question. After correcting the disconnection, you should be able to determine
easily if the organ/gland is happy or not. Then you can begin to work at correcting any underlying
imbalances and restoring happiness to the body part.
Organ and Gland Imbalance Correction
When an organ or gland is unhappy, there are almost always underlying causes. These underlying
causes can be anything on The Body Code Mind Maps; sometimes they will be surprising
to you, so always approach correction with an open mind. The best way to begin correcting
unhappiness or imbalance in an organ or gland is to ask,
“Is there an underlying cause for this (name of organ/gland) unhappiness?”
If the answer is “Yes”, go to the main mind map in The Body Code Mind Maps, showing all 6
areas of imbalance. Then simply narrow it down using a process of elimination until you find the
specific imbalance, and correct or release it as detailed on that mind map. As soon as you have
removed the first underlying imbalance, go back and ask the same question again, “Is there
an underlying cause for this organ/gland balance?” Continue until you don’t find any further

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96 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

underlying imbalances or causes for the unhappiness.

If you don’t find any underlying causes at all for the organ/gland imbalance, this likely indicates
that the organ/gland became stressed or overloaded at some point, but the underlying causes
are no longer an issue. Maybe the initial underlying cause (i.e. a toxin or a Trapped Emotion)
was already eliminated at some point, but the organ/gland was not quite able to regain its
balance. You can then simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and
gratitude for the client and the imbalanced body part. The next question to ask is,
“Is the _______ happy now?”
If the answer is “Yes”, the imbalance in the organ or gland has been corrected, and you likely
don’t need to do anything else at that time. It may still be a good idea to follow up with this
organ or gland the next time you do a session for this client, especially if the organ or gland
has been severely imbalanced. If the answer is “No”, and the organ or gland is still not happy,
you can roll 3 times down the government meridian, focusing love and gratitude on the client
and the unhappy body part. Then try asking again,
“Is the organ/gland happy now?”
If the answer is still “No”, ask,
“Is there anything else we can do for the organ/gland at this time?”
If this answer is “Yes”, continue to remove the underlying causes with The Body Code Mind
Maps. If the answer is “No”, ask,
“Is there a hidden imbalance that we can remove to help the organ/gland at this time?”
If the answer is “Yes”, you should now be able to identify any remaining causes of imbalance and
remove them. If the answer is still “No”, and you still suspect there is more to do for the organ/
gland, you may ask,
“Is there a disconnection blocking us from getting answers about your _____?”
If the answer is “No”, this indicates that the organ or gland is still in distress, but that there is
nothing else that you can do for it at the time. This will likely occur only when you are working
with an organ that is in an advanced stage of imbalance or degeneration.
It is also possible that the organ or gland may simply have more imbalances to correct at a later
date. If this is the case, you may get the answer that the organ/gland is happy, meaning that the
organ/gland is happy for now.
Most of the organ/gland imbalances you find will be able to be corrected easily, bringing the
organ/gland into a “happy” or balanced state.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 97

We will now discuss each of the glands, their functions, their connections with the muscles and
the most common symptoms of gland imbalance.
The adrenal glands are the ‘stress glands’ of the body. There are two, a left and a right, each
situated atop one of the kidneys. They are part of the Endocrine System.
The adrenal glands are responsible for producing the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.
When you’re under stress, the adrenal glands kick
into gear, producing these hormones, which create

Circuits and Systems

a fight or flight reaction. This reaction is very
appropriate in the short term, especially if you need
to fight or run away. Most of the time we experience
this reaction to everyday stresses that don’t require
such a drastic response. If the body is under too
much stress for too long, the adrenals can become
overloaded and the body tissues will be bathed in
toxic levels of adrenaline and cortisol.

Symptoms of Adrenal Gland Imbalance

The most common signs of adrenal gland imbalance are:
• Pain in the left knee
• Pain in the low back
• Low immune function
• Fatigue
• Sensitivity to light
• “Joint noise”
• Inability to cope with stress
• Brain fog
I saw a patient once who was a young girl about 12 years old who was suffering from ‘joint noise’.
Her parents brought her in and they said, “Everywhere she walks, her joints creak and pop. It’s
odd. Is that normal?” It was not normal, of course, and it was happening because her adrenal
glands had become really imbalanced. By correcting her adrenal gland imbalance by removing
the Trapped Emotions that had lodged in the area, her adrenal glands were brought back into
balance, and her joint noise stopped immediately.

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98 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Adrenal Emotions
The adrenal glands produce the emotions listed in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Adrenal Gland Muscle Connections

The muscles associated with the adrenal glands are the:
• Calf muscles left and right
• Sartorius left and right
• Gracilis left and right
All these muscles keep the legs stable. The Sartorius and Gracilis muscles cross the knee joint
and when imbalanced, they create instability in that knee. The pelvis can also be affected by
imbalance in these muscles.

The left adrenal is likely to become imbalanced before the right side is affected. Therefore, the
left side muscles will typically become imbalanced more often, resulting in left knee pain and
sometimes, lower back pain stemming from pelvic imbalance on the left side. Of course, if
the stress continues, eventually the right adrenal may become imbalanced as well, most often
resulting in pain in both knees. It is also possible for the right adrenal to become imbalanced
before the left one does, especially if a Trapped Emotion or other energy lodges in the area.
A number of years ago I was snow skiing, and I could feel that my left knee was very unstable.
I could tell that if I wasn’t very careful, I was going to injure that knee and really hurt myself.
So I stopped right there on the slope and tested my body to see what I could do to solve the

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 99

problem. I quickly found that my left adrenal gland was imbalanced, but I could not determine
that there was any Trapped Emotion or other underlying cause that needed to be released. So
I rolled 3 times with my hand over my governing meridian (I didn’t have a magnet), to bring the
gland back into a state of balance. This immediately tightened up those muscles and corrected
that weakness, and the instability was gone. I was able to ski the whole weekend without any
more worry about my knee.

Adrenal Evaluation
To identify if both of the adrenals are balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the
question as,

Circuits and Systems

“Is your left adrenal happy?” and “Is your right adrenal happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the adrenal.

Adrenal Correction
If you find that the adrenal is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying
causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the adrenal will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions
or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the adrenal imbalance, simply roll
3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client and his
adrenal gland(s). Then ask,
“Is the adrenal happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the adrenal. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The hypothalamus is a gland located in the brain between the left and right thalamus. It is part
of the Endocrine System as well as the Central Nervous System.
The hypothalamus gland has several varied purposes. The
hypothalamus secretes hormones that:
• Regulate body temperature
• Regulate hunger mechanism
• Regulate thirst mechanism
• Regulate circadian rhythm (the sleeping and waking
rhythms of the body)

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Symptoms of Hypothalamus Imbalance

The most common symptoms of a hypothalamus imbalance are:
• Insomnia
• Chilling, or inability to stay cool or warm
• Disruption of the thirst mechanism (never feeling thirsty)

Hypothalamus Emotions
There are no known emotions that are produced by the hypothalamus.

Hypothalamus Muscle Connections

The hypothalamus is connected energetically with the muscles
of the pharynx. These are the muscles that control swallowing,
and also have an affect on breathing and vocalization.

Hypothalamus Gland Evaluation

To identify if the hypothalamus is balanced, all you have to do is
ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your hypothalamus happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the hypothalamus.

Hypothalamus Gland Correction

If you find that the hypothalamus gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the hypothalamus will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the hypothalamus
gland imbalance, you can simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love
and gratitude for the client and his hypothalamus. Then ask,
“Is the hypothalamus happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the hypothalamus.
If the answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland
Imbalance Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 101

There are two ovaries, left and right, located in the lower
abdomen on either side of the uterus, at the upper
ends of the fallopian tubes. They are part of the Female
Reproductive System as well as the Endocrine System.
They are analogous to the testicles in the Male Reproductive
System. The ovaries are also energetically connected to the
Sacral Chakra, and imbalance stemming from either one
can affect the other.
The ovaries are responsible for:

Circuits and Systems

• Producing ova or eggs (which can then be fertilized by a male’s sperm and grow into a
• Secreting estrogen and progesterone (which are the primary female hormones.)

Symptoms of Ovary Imbalance

The most common symptoms of imbalance in either or both of the ovaries are:
• Difficult or irregular menstruation (due to hormonal fluctuations)
• Pain in the lower abdomen (between belly button and hip on either side)
• Ovarian cysts
• Infertility
• Ectopic pregnancy
• Lowered sex drive
• Lowered initiative

Ovary Muscle Connections

There are no known muscle connections between the ovaries and the muscles.

Ovary Emotions
Emotions produced by the ovaries are in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

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102 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Ovary Evaluation
To identify if both of the ovaries are balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase
the question as,
“Is your left ovary happy?” and “Is your right ovary happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the ovary.

Ovary Correction
If you find that the ovary is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying
causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the ovary will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions
or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the ovary imbalance, simply roll 3
times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client and her ovary.
Then ask,
“Is the ovary happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the ovary. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The pancreas is located beneath the liver and sits between
the liver and the stomach. It is a part of the Endocrine System
as well as the Digestive System. The pancreas gland is also
energetically connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra, and
imbalance stemming from either one can affect the other.
The pancreas is responsible for:
• Secreting insulin
• Secreting digestive enzymes
Insulin is a necessary component for our bodies because it allows sugar to absorb into our
cells. If the pancreas malfunctions we can end up with Diabetes because it will not be producing
enough insulin to help us digest and metabolize sugar. The pancreas also secretes enzymes
that help us digest our food.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 103

Symptoms of Pancreas Imbalance

Some of the most common symptoms of pancreas imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the mid back
• Discomfort in the left shoulder
• Discomfort in the low back
• Discomfort in the neck
• Discomfort in the wrist
• Discomfort in the thumb

Circuits and Systems

• Indigestion
• Bloating and gas
• Ulcers
• Diabetes (major malfunction)

Pancreas Emotions
Emotions produced by the pancreas are in Row 2 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Pancreas Muscle Connections

The pancreas is connected with the:
• Triceps muscles
• Latissimus muscles
The Triceps muscles are located in the back
of the upper arms. The Latissimus muscles
are the ones you can see here in the lower
and mid-back area. These muscles in
particular are quite large, which is why pancreas imbalance has so many different possible

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104 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Pancreas Gland Evaluation

To identify if the pancreas is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question
“Is your pancreas happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the pancreas.

Pancreas Gland Correction

If you find that the pancreas gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the pancreas will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the pancreas
gland imbalance, you can simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love
and gratitude for the client and his pancreas. Then ask,
“Is the pancreas happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the pancreas. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The pineal is a brain gland, located near the center of the
brain. It is part of the Endocrine System as well as the Central
Nervous System. The pineal gland is also energetically
connected to the Brow Chakra, and imbalance stemming from
either one can affect the other.
The pineal gland’s purpose is to:
• Produce melatonin (a hormone that helps stabilize the circadian rhythm and facilitates
proper sleep)

Symptoms of Pineal Gland Imbalance

The symptoms of pineal gland imbalance are:
• Insomnia
• Difficulty planning ahead
• Eye pain
• Vision problems

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 105

The pineal gland is very much affected by the amount of sunlight we receive. People who live
in the far Northern or Southern latitudes sometimes suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective
Disorder, which is caused by long dark winters and not enough sunlight. This can be helped by
getting more sunlight, of course, but you can also achieve the same balancing affect by directing
the beam of a flashlight at the center of the forehead.

Pineal Gland Emotions

There are no known emotions that are produced by the pineal gland.

Pineal Gland Muscle Connections

Circuits and Systems

The tiny muscles that control eye movement are connected on
the same circuit with the pineal gland, as you can see here.
An imbalance in the pineal gland will tend to imbalance these

Pineal Gland Evaluation

To identify if the pineal is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your pineal happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the pineal.

Pineal Gland Correction

If you find that the pineal gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the pineal will be imbalanced by Trapped
Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the pineal gland imbalance,
simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client
and his pineal. Then ask,
“Is the pineal happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the pineal. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The parathyroid gland actually consists of four small
glands situated on the backside of the thyroid as shown.
The responsibility of the parathyroid gland is to:
• Produce parathyroid hormone (a hormone that
controls the amount of calcium in the blood and the

Symptoms of Parathyroid Gland Imbalance

The symptoms of parathyroid gland imbalance vary,
depending on whether the parathyroid is over producing
parathyroid hormone, or under producing it.

Symptoms of Hypoparathyroidism (Low Function)

• Low blood calcium levels
• Muscle Spasms, especially in hands and feet
• Tetany
• Fatigue
• Headaches
• Insomnia
• Tingling around mouth or extremities
• Symptoms of Hyperparathyroidism (High Function)
• Kidney stones
• Gall stones
• Fatigue
• Nausea
• Bone pain
• Osteoporosis
• Elevated blood calcium levels

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Hyperparathyroidism (High Function)

• Kidney stones
• Gall stones
• Fatigue
• Nausea
• Bone pain
• Osteoporosis
• Elevated blood calcium levels

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In addition, because the parathyroid gland connects to the levator scapula muscle, any imbalance
in the parathyroid will tend to result in neck or shoulder discomfort.

Parathyroid Gland Emotions

The parathyroid produces the emotions listed in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Parathyroid Gland Muscle Connections

The parathyroid gland is energetically connected to the
levator scapulae muscle. This muscle is most active when a
person shrugs their shoulders, and will tend to result in neck
and shoulder discomfort if imbalanced.

Parathyroid Gland Evaluation

To identify if the parathyroid gland is balanced, all you have
to do is ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your parathyroid gland happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the parathyroid.

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Parathyroid Gland Correction

If you find that the parathyroid gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the parathyroid will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the parathyroid
gland imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and
gratitude for the client and his parathyroid. Then ask,
“Is the parathyroid happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the parathyroid
gland. If the answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland
Imbalance Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying
The pituitary is a brain gland located in the lower part
of the front half of the brain. It is part of the Endocrine
System as well as the Central Nervous System. The
pituitary gland’s purpose is to secrete hormones
that regulate the body balance, or what we call
homeostasis. It secretes hormones that influence
other glands to control:
• Growth
• Blood pressure
• Thyroid gland function
• Metabolism
• Water and hydration regulation
• Water absorption by the kidneys
• Temperature regulation
• Sex organ function in both sexes
• Aspects of childbirth and pregnancy
• The production of breast milk
As you can see, the pituitary gland is very important as it does so many things!

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Symptoms of Pituitary Imbalance

The most common symptoms of pituitary gland imbalance are:
• Hormonal imbalances
• Thyroid problems (see Thyroid Gland section)
• Dehydration
• Fatigue
• High blood pressure
• Weight gain (usually due to thyroid gland imbalance)

Circuits and Systems

Pituitary Emotions
There are no known emotions that are produced by the pituitary gland.

Pituitary Muscle Connections

There are also no known muscle connections.

Pituitary Gland Evaluation

To identify if the pituitary is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question
“Is your pituitary happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the pituitary.

Pituitary Gland Correction

If you find that the pituitary gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the pituitary will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the pituitary
gland imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and
gratitude for the client and his pituitary. Then ask,
“Is the pituitary happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the pituitary. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The prostate gland is a small muscular organ about
the size of a chestnut located just below the bladder.
It is part of the Male Reproductive System and is
analogous to the uterus in the Female Reproductive
System. The prostate is energetically connected to
the Root Chakra, and imbalance stemming from
either one can affect the other.
The purpose of the prostate is to:
• Produce Prostatic Fluid (a thin zinc-containing
opaque secretion which helps to nourish the
sperm cells)
• Propel ejaculate fluid via muscular contractions

Symptoms of Prostate Gland Imbalance

Symptoms of prostate gland imbalance may include:
• Sterility
• Pain in the low back
• Pain in the left hip
• Decreased urine flow
As men age past 50 they often begin to suffer from Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH, which
tends to reduce the flow of urine. It’s one of the reasons why when men get older, they will often
report that they have to get up a number of times every night urinate, and their urine flow is also
reduced. I believe one of the reasons for this is a zinc deficiency because every time a man
ejaculates, he loses a good deal of zinc contained in the prostatic fluid.

Prostate Emotions
The prostate produces the emotions listed in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

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Prostate Gland Muscle Connections

The prostate is connected with the:
• Gluteal or buttock muscles
• Adductor muscles, located on the inner sides of the thighs.

Prostate Gland Evaluation

To identify if the prostate is balanced, all you have to do is ask.
You might phrase the question as,

Circuits and Systems

“Is your prostate happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the prostate.

Prostate Gland Correction

If you find that the prostate gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the prostate will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the prostate
gland imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and
gratitude for the client and his prostate. Then ask,
“Is the prostate happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the prostate. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The testicles (aka testes) are 2 glands (right and left)
located in the scrotal sac between the legs where it’s a little
bit cooler, as sperm thrive better in cooler temperatures.
The testicles are part of the Male Reproductive System
and the Endocrine System. They are analogous to the
ovaries in the Female Reproductive System. They are
also energetically connected to the Sacral Chakra, and
imbalance stemming from either one can affect the other.

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The testicles are responsible for:

• Producing sperm
• Producing male hormones (especially testosterone, the most significant of the male

Symptoms of Testicle Imbalance

The most common symptoms of testicle imbalance are:
• Sterility
• Lowered sex drive
• Lowered initiative (due to reduction in testosterone)

Testicle Emotions
The testicles produce the emotions in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Testicle Muscle Connections

There are no known muscle connections between the testicles and the muscles.

Testicle Evaluation
To identify if both of the testicles are balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the
question as,
“Is your left testicle happy?” and “Is your right testicle happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in that testicle. You can work on one testicle at a time or
both at a time if the body allows. Keep in mind that imbalances such as Trapped Emotions can
certainly imbalance a large enough area as to affect both testicles, and the same is true for
other problems like pathogens or nutritional deficiencies.

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Testicle Correction
If you find that the testicle gland(s) is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove
any underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the testicles will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the testicle gland
imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for
the client and his testicles. Then ask,
“Is the testicle happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the testicle(s). If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

Circuits and Systems

The thymus gland is located in the chest, and sits right on
top of the heart. In a newborn baby, the thymus is quite large
in relation to the heart. As the heart grows, the thymus stays
the same size. It is part of the Immune System. The thymus
gland is also energetically connected to the Heart Chakra, and
imbalance stemming from either one can affect the other. Note
that the thymus gland will suffer energetically when a Heart-
Wall is present, and this is another reason for lowered immune
function in Heart-Wall cases.
The thymus is responsible for:
• Helping T-cells to mature. (The T in T-cell actually stands for thymus). T-cells protect the body
from infection. These cells help to protect against autoimmune disease as well.

Symptoms of Thymus Imbalance

The most common symptoms of thymus imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the shoulder
• Lowered immunity
• Autoimmune problems

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Thymus Emotions
The thymus produces the emotions in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Thymus Muscle Connection

• Teres major muscles
These are the muscles that lie on the bottom half of the
shoulder blades and connect the shoulder blades to the
shoulder. They help to rotate the shoulder externally and also
bring the shoulder and the arm backwards.

Thymus Gland Evaluation

To identify if the thymus is balanced, all you have to do is ask.
You might phrase the question as,
“Is your thymus happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the thymus.

Thymus Gland Correction

If you find that the thymus gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the thymus will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the thymus gland
imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for
the client and his thymus. Then ask,
“Is the thymus happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the thymus. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The thyroid gland is situated in the lower part of the front of
the throat. It is part of the Endocrine System. The thyroid gland
is also energetically connected to the Throat Chakra, and
imbalance stemming from either one can affect the other.
The thyroid’s purpose is to secrete hormones that:
• Control metabolism
• Control blood calcium
The thyroid produces a hormone called Thyroxine. When the thyroid is imbalanced and is not

Circuits and Systems

producing enough Thyroxine, it creates symptoms that are grouped together as a condition
known as Hypothyroidism. On the other side of the coin is what we call Hyperthyroidism, where
the thyroid is producing too much thyroid hormone. In severe cases, this is a condition called
Grave’s Disease.

Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance

Some common signs of hypothyroidism or low thyroid function are:
• Weight gain
• Fatigue
• Thin, brittle nails
• Cold intolerance
Some common signs of hyperthyroidism or high thyroid function are:
• Cold
• Nervousness
• Hair loss
• Rapid heart rate
• In extreme cases, Grave’s Disease.
One of the hallmarks of Grave’s disease is eyes that seem to pop out.
Other signs of general thyroid imbalance (either high or low function) are:
• Discomfort or weakness in the shoulder
• Discomfort or weakness in the wrist

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• Discomfort or weakness in the elbow

Many people have thyroid imbalances that are not so extreme as to show major symptoms;
more often, the symptoms will be on a more minor scale.

Thyroid Emotions
The thyroid produces the emotions listed in Row 6 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Thyroid Muscle Connection

The thyroid is connected with the:
• Teres Minor muscles (in both the right and left
The Teres Minor is a small muscle that crosses from the
bottom side of the shoulder blade over to the shoulder joint
itself, to the head of the Humerus bone.
When the thyroid becomes imbalanced, the teres minor
muscle on either or both sides will also become imbalanced.
This can create weakness, tension and/or pain in either or
both shoulders. Shoulder injury is also common because
the stability of the joint has been compromised.

One of the examples of this that I remember very well from practice was a young man who
played high school sports. He would frequently wake up in the middle of the night screaming
because his shoulder would dislocate very, very easily when he rolled over in his sleep. This
is an extreme example, but can certainly happen! What we found was that this young man
had a thyroid imbalance, which was severely weakening his shoulder muscles. We were able
to correct the thyroid imbalance, and simultaneously reverse the weakness in the teres minor
muscles. That was all it took to stop his shoulder coming out of the joint. I remember when we
found this imbalance he said, “You know, my mother has a thyroid problem and so does my
grandmother.” Some things do run in the family, but that doesn’t always mean they can’t be fixed
and the problem reversed!

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Thyroid Gland Evaluation

To identify if the thyroid is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your thyroid happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the thyroid. It may be obvious whether the thyroid is
functioning too high or too low depending on what the symptoms are. If this is unclear and you
want to know, you can simply ask,
“Is your thyroid functioning too high? Or too low?”
Identifying this information is generally not necessary for most clients; usually it is fine to simply

Circuits and Systems

identify that the thyroid imbalanced, then go from there.

Thyroid Gland Correction

If you find that the thyroid gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the thyroid will be imbalanced by Trapped
Emotions or other energies, or an underlying imbalance in the pituitary gland. The pituitary
has a strong and direct influence on the function of the thyroid. If you don’t find any underlying
causes for the thyroid gland imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while
focusing love and gratitude for the client and his thyroid. Then ask,
“Is the thyroid happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the thyroid. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

We will now discuss each of the organs, their functions, their connections with the muscles and
the most common symptoms of organ imbalance.
The bladder is a very muscular and elastic hollow
organ, located in the lower abdomen. It is part of the
Urinary System. The purpose of the bladder is to:
• Store urine that is produced by the kidneys
• Eliminate urine through urination

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Symptoms of Bladder Imbalance

Common symptoms of bladder imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the low back
• Discomfort in the knee
• Discomfort in the ankle
• Discomfort in the foot
• Nocturia or interrupted sleep due to frequent urination
• Urgency, frequent urination
• Bed-wetting
• Incontinence
• Urinary Tract Infection
• Bleeding with urination (blood in urine is #1 sign of bladder cancer)

Bladder Emotions

Emotions produced by the bladder are in Row 5 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Bladder Muscle Connections

The bladder is connected on the same circuit with the:
• Paraspinal muscles
• Tibialis Anterior muscles
• Peroneus Longus and Brevis
The Paraspinals are several muscles that lie along
the spine on both sides along its entire length,
from the base of the skull all the way down to the
very bottom of the lumbar spine.

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The Tibialis Anterior muscles are the muscles that are involved with shin-splints. The Peroneus
Longus and Brevis muscles are also in this same area in the lower legs, controlling balance in
the ankles.

Bladder Evaluation
To identify if the bladder is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your bladder happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the bladder.

Circuits and Systems

Bladder Correction
If you find that the bladder gland is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the bladder will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the bladder gland
imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for
the client and his bladder. Then ask,
“Is the bladder happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the bladder. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes
The colon is also known as the large intestine, and is
a large organ located in the abdomen. It is part of the
Digestive System. There are different sections of the colon:
The ascending colon begins on the right side of the body
in the lower abdomen, just above the appendix, and then
travels up. The transverse colon swoops across from the
right to the left side of the body. Then the descending colon
comes down on the left side of the body. The sigmoid colon
makes a small loop back up again. The last section of the
colon is known as the rectum, which terminates in the anus
where fecal material is eliminated from the body.
The colon’s responsibilities are to:
• Absorb water and salt from fecal material
• Eliminate fecal material

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I read recently about some people who were stranded in a desert. The only water they could
find was very brackish water that they could not drink. However, they had some kind of device
that allowed them to get the water into their colons via an improvised enema. They were actually
able to survive because their bodies could absorb the undrinkable water through the colon. So
there’s a tip for you if you ever get stuck in the desert with undrinkable water!

Symptoms of Colon Imbalance

The most common symptoms of colon imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the low back
• Discomfort in the hips
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Change in bowel habits or changing stool quality or consistency
• Stools with mucous
• A feeling of incomplete defecation or a reduction in the caliber of feces
• Bloody stools, black stools or rectal bleeding
Bloody stools, black stools or rectal bleeding are definitely indications that it’s time to see a
Colon imbalance that is prolonged or severe also tends to cause common conditions such as
colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis and diverticulosis.

Colon Emotions
The emotions produced by the colon are in column 3 on The Emotion Code Chart:

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Colon Muscle Connections

The colon is on the same circuit as:
• The Hamstring muscles
• The Tensor Fascia Lata muscles
The Hamstring muscles are the large muscles at the backs
of the thighs. The Tensor Fascia Lata muscles run along
the outside of each of the legs, starting at the hip area and
then traveling down to the outside of the knee.

Circuits and Systems

Colon Evaluation
To identify if the colon is balanced, all you have to do is
ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your colon happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the colon.

Colon Correction
If you find that the colon is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying
causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the colon will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions
or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the colon imbalance, simply roll 3
times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client and his colon.
Then ask,
“Is the colon happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the colon. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The gallbladder is located in the right side of the abdomen
under the rib cage, nestled into the underside of the liver. It is
part of the Digestive System.
The purpose of the gallbladder is to:
• Secrete bile, which helps to absorb and digest fat
Bile could be considered as the body’s detergent. If you’ve ever put a drop of detergent into a

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sink full of greasy or oily water and seen how it breaks up the grease or oil immediately, you will
understand this. When we take fat into our body, the gallbladder injects bile into the intestine.
There the bile breaks down the fat so it can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Symptoms of Gallbladder Imbalance

Common symptoms of gallbladder imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the right knee
• Discomfort in the right shoulder
• Discomfort under the right rib cage
• Pain in the right side of the chest
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Gas
• Bloating
Typically these symptoms will become worse after eating Foods that are high in fat. Discomfort
under the right rib cage, nausea and vomiting are more rare symptoms than the other symptoms,
and usually result from stones, inflammation or congestion in the gallbladder, indicating a more
severe or long-term imbalance.

Gallbladder Emotions
The gallbladder produces the emotions listed in Row 4 on The Emotion Code Chart:

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Gallbladder Muscle Connections

The gallbladder is on the same circuit as the:
• Anterior Deltoid muscle in the right shoulder
• Popliteus muscle located on the back of the right knee

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When the gallbladder becomes imbalanced, these muscles also become imbalanced,
destabilizing the right knee and the right shoulder. Right knee trouble is the most common
symptom of gallbladder imbalance, with discomfort in the right shoulder occurring less frequently.

Gallbladder Evaluation
To identify if the gallbladder is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question
“Is your gallbladder happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the gallbladder.

Gallbladder Correction
If you find that the gallbladder is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the gallbladder will be imbalanced by
Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the gallbladder
imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude
for the client and his gallbladder. Then ask,
“Is the gallbladder happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the gallbladder. If
the answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The heart is a muscular pump located in the chest, about the
size of your clenched fist. It is the powerhouse behind the
Circulatory System, keeping the body tissues well supplied
with blood and vital nutrients.
The heart not only pumps blood, but is also is a second brain.
It puts out a much larger energy field than the brain itself; a
magnetic field that extends out from the body up to 12 feet in
diameter. I believe that the heart is the seat of the subconscious
mind, the seat of the soul, and the core of your being. It’s also the source of all your creativity
and love. This is one of the reasons why it so important to get rid of the Heart-Wall if you have
one, so that creative energy isn’t blocked.
The heart’s physical responsibility is to:
• Pump blood throughout the body
• Be the center of your being, the core of who you really are!

Symptoms of Heart Imbalance

Heart malfunction causes such symptoms as:
• Low energy or exhaustion
• Skipped beats (palpitations)
• Discomfort in the chest and shoulders
• Trouble giving and receiving love (usually indicates a Heart-Wall)
People who have a very difficult time just walking up a flight of stairs often have imbalance in
their heart. Palpitations are where the heart suddenly stops beating for an instant and then
starts again.

Heart Emotions
The heart emotions are listed in Row 1 on the Emotion Code Chart:

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Heart Muscle Connections

The heart is connected with the:
• Subscapularis muscles, which lie on the underside of the
shoulder blades

Heart Evaluation
To identify if the heart is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You
might phrase the question as,
“Is your heart happy?”

Circuits and Systems

Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the heart.

Heart Correction
If you find that the heart is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying
causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the heart will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions,
a Heart-Wall or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the heart imbalance,
simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client
and his heart. Then ask,
“Is the heart happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the heart. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The ileocecal valve is sphincter that connects the small intestine
and the colon together. The reason it’s called the ileocecal valve
is because it joins the cecum to the ileum, the ileum being the
last part of the small intestine. It is part of the Digestive System.
This is probably the most easily imbalanced circuit in the body
and is often a location where Trapped Emotions lodge.
The ileocecal valve is responsible for:
• Controlling and regulating the flow of fecal material from the small intestine into the colon

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Symptoms of Ileocecal Valve Imbalance

The most common symptoms of ileocecal valve imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the appendix area
• Discomfort in the low back
• Discomfort in the right hip
• Sinus problems and drainage
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Bloating and gas
Discomfort in the appendix area is very often caused by ileocecal valve imbalance, but it’s hard
to spot unless you know what you are looking for. In fact, a lot of people end up having their
appendix taken out because of an ileocecal valve irritation. These are the occasions you hear
about where the doctor comes back, and says, “We didn’t find anything in there. Your appendix
looked okay. We took it out anyway but it didn’t seem to be infected.” I believe that the culprit here
is often an irritated ileocecal valve.
Sometimes the ileocecal valve becomes imbalanced and locked shut, not allowing fecal material
to pass from the small intestine into the colon as it should. This will cause constipation and poor
elimination of toxins (metabolic waste). Toxins from fecal material will start to be reabsorbed into
the blood stream, so the body will try to get rid of them by shedding them through the nasal
sinuses. The result is post-nasal drip or sinus problems (including recurring sinus infections).
Sinus drainage due to ileocecal valve imbalance is what I call “false allergies.” Typically when
people have sinus problems like this, they’ll go to their doctor and the doctor will diagnose them
with allergies and prescribe allergy medication. But if you correct the imbalance in the ileocecal
valve, often these sinus drainage problems will go away, often immediately or within hours.
I’ve seen cases where people’s sinuses simply dried up immediately, within 30 seconds! It is
very likely that about half (or more) of the people taking allergy medication actually don’t have
allergies at all, just an ileocecal valve imbalance.
More often than not, when the ileocecal valve is imbalanced, it will tend to lock open. This allows
fecal material in the colon to go back into the small intestine, in the direction it shouldn’t be going.
When that happens, the symptoms listed above will tend to become even more intensified.

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Ileocecal Valve Muscle Connections

The ileocecal valve is connected with the:
• Right iliacus muscle
The ileocecal valve is on the same circuit as the iliacus muscle
on the right side. Keep in mind however, that the colon and/or
the small intestine circuits can also become imbalanced when
the ileocecal valve is imbalanced. This means that imbalance
in the ileocecal valve could potentially lead to several different
muscles becoming imbalanced.

Circuits and Systems

Ileocecal Valve Emotions
The emotions produced by the ileocecal valve are listed with the small intestine in Row 1 on The
Emotion Code Chart:

Ileocecal Valve Evaluation

To identify if the ileocecal valve is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the
question as,
“Is your ileocecal valve happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the ileocecal valve.

Ileocecal Valve Correction

If you find that the ileocecal valve is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the ileocecal valve will be imbalanced
by Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the ileocecal
valve imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and
gratitude for the client and his ileocecal valve. Then ask,
“Is the ileocecal valve happy now?”

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When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the ileocecal valve.
If the answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland
Imbalance Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying
There are two kidneys, left and right. The kidneys are
retroperitoneal, meaning they are located behind the rest of
the abdominal organs and are closer to the back of the body
than the front. They are part of the Urinary System and the
Endocrine System.
The purpose of the kidneys is to:
• Cleanse and filter the blood (toxins in the body all eventually
end up in the kidneys as they are filtered out from the blood)
• Create urine
• Regulate blood pressure
• Store energy (in Chinese medicine, the kidneys are known as energy reservoirs)

Symptoms of Kidney Imbalance

One of the most common reasons why people have back pain is because of kidney imbalance.
Symptoms of kidney imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the low back (most common)
• Discomfort in the mid back
• Discomfort in the lower rib area
• Discomfort in the lower neck
• Discomfort in the hip (usually associated with kidney imbalance on that side)
• TMJ pain
• Fatigue
More serious symptoms of kidney malfunction are:
• Leg pain
• Swelling in the ankles or face
• A foul or metallic taste

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• Lack of urine production

If you look at the kidney muscle connections, you’ll see the area where the psoas muscle begins
at the very top of the lumbar vertebrae. Oftentimes people will get pain in the area at the top of
the psoas and in the ribs coming out from here.
Kidney imbalance can also cause discomfort in the lower neck because of the connection with
the upper trapezius muscles. In addition, I have found the TMJ (temporalmandibular joint) can
be imbalanced and aggravated by a kidney imbalance, apparently due to the connection of the
trapezius muscles and the function of the cervical spine and the TMJ.

Kidney Emotions

Circuits and Systems

Emotions produced by the kidneys are in Row 5 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Kidney Muscle Connections

The muscles associated with the kidneys are the:
• Upper Trapezius muscles
• Psoas muscles
The upper trapezius muscles (on both the right and left) attach to the base of the skull and
then come down and attach to the shoulder blades on both sides. Imbalance in either of these
muscles will tend to create trouble in the shoulders or in the neck.

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The kidneys are energetically connected with the psoas muscles deep in the lower back and
the pelvis. Notice that the psoas muscles originate near the lumbar vertebrae and then connect
with the pelvis, hooking into the hip joint at the bottom. When either of the psoas muscles
becomes imbalanced, it can have a severe effect on the stability of the lower body. Disc injuries
and disc problems are much more likely to occur with kidney / psoas imbalance. In all the years
that I practiced in my brick and mortar chiropractic business, I saw hundreds of low back pain
and disc patients. Every single disc patient that ever I saw had a kidney imbalance. When we
corrected their kidney imbalances, we were able to help every patient get well, except for two
cases that were too far gone, who we had to send out for surgical intervention.

Kidney Evaluation
To identify if both of the kidneys are balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the
question as,
“Is your left kidney happy?” and “Is your right kidney happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in that kidney.

Kidney Correction
When you find that one of the kidneys is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Remember that caffeine toxicity is a common underlying
cause of kidney imbalance, so consult with the client about their caffeine intake. You may want to
suggest that they stop using caffeine and drink more water instead, which will help flush toxins
out of the kidneys and restore balance. Keep in mind that there may also be other underlying
imbalances, so use The Body Code as needed to track them down. If you don’t find any underlying
causes for the kidney imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing
love and gratitude for the client and his kidney. Then ask,
“Is the kidney happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the kidney. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The liver is a very large organ located under the rib cage on
the right side, just above the gallbladder. It is part of both the
Digestive and Immune Systems.
The purpose of the liver is to:
• Support the immune system
• Cleanse and detoxify the blood from foreign substances
• Break down chemicals and toxins

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Symptoms of Liver Imbalance
The most common symptoms of liver imbalance are:
• Discomfort between the shoulder blades
• Discomfort in the right shoulder
• Headaches
• In severe cases, you may also see:
• Jaundice (a yellowish tint to the skin and eyes)
• Loss of appetite leading to weight loss
• Swelling under the right lower ribs
The last 3 items are a dead giveaway that there’s some kind of a severe liver problem. If you
notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to see a medical doctor.

Liver Emotions
The liver produces the emotions listed in Row 4 on The Emotion Code Chart:

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Liver Muscle Connections

The liver is on the same circuit with the:

• Pectoralis Major muscles in the middle of the chest
• Rhomboideus Major, or the Rhomboid muscle on the right side
The rhomboid muscle goes from the thoracic vertebrae in the center of the spine (the second,
third, and fourth thoracic vertebrae) and it travels right at an oblique angle and connects to the
inside edge of the shoulder blade.
When I was in college, I worked in the chiropractic college clinic. I had a patient who would
come in to have me work on him every week. His upper thoracic vertebrae were always out of
alignment, but I would realign him each week and he would leave feeling much better. But then
next week he’d be back again and his vertebrae would be out of alignment in the same way.
After several weeks of this, I found myself wondering, “What is going on here? Why can’t I fix this
fellow? Is it him? Is it me? I don’t understand.” It really bothered me that I could never get this
area of his spine to stabilize. What I found later was that he had a liver imbalance, which was
destabilizing the right rhomboid muscle, causing his vertebrae to slip out of alignment.

Liver Evaluation
To identify if the liver is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question as,
“Is your liver happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the liver.

Liver Correction
If you find that the liver is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying causes
for the imbalance. Most of the time, the liver will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions or other
energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the liver imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the
governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client and his liver. Then ask,

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“Is the liver happy now?”

When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the liver. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The lungs are large organs located in the chest cavity, one on
either side of the heart. The lungs are the main component of
the Respiratory System. Their responsibility is to:
• Bring oxygen into the body to oxygenate the blood

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• Eliminate carbon dioxide

Symptoms of Lung Imbalance

Lung imbalance can result in:
• Discomfort between the shoulders
• Discomfort in the ribs
• Discomfort in the upper back
• Asthma
• Shortness of breath
• Decreased ability to exercise
• A persistent cough
• Coughing up mucous or blood
• Pain or discomfort when breathing

Lung Emotions
The lung emotions are listed in Row 3 on the Emotion Code Chart:

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Lung Muscle Connections

The lungs are connected with the:
• Deltoid muscles of the outer shoulders
• Coracobrachialis muscles in the under the arms, which draw the Humerus forward towards
the torso
• Serratus Anterior muscles, which are in the sides of the chest and ribs

Lung Evaluation
To identify if both of the lungs are balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the
question as,
“Is your right lung happy?” and “Is your left lung happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is strong on
either question, that indicates an imbalance in that lung.

Lung Correction
When you find that one of the lungs is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the lungs will be imbalanced by Trapped
Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the lung imbalance,
simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client
and his lung. Then ask,
“Is that lung happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the lung. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The small intestine is a very long skinny organ located in the
abdomen. Due to the special nature of its lining, the small
intestine has a surface area about the size of a tennis court! It
is part of the Digestive System.
The small intestine’s purpose is to:
• Absorb nutrients from food. The food that you eat travels
from the stomach into the small intestine where it is further
digested and the nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream.

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Symptoms of Small Intestine Imbalance
The most common symptoms of imbalance in the small intestine are:
• Pain in the low back
• Pain in the knees
• Bloating
• Gas
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Skin problems due to lack of nutrients. When the small intestine is imbalanced, it is often
less able to absorb nutrients that the rest of the body tissues need in order to function
optimally. The skin is one of the last organs to receive the nutrients absorbed by the small
intestine, and because of this, the skin may show symptoms of nutrient deficiency in the
form of a rash, dryness, flaking and/or cracking.

Small Intestine Emotions

The small intestine emotions are listed in Row 1 on the Emotion Code Chart

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Small Intestine Muscle Connections

The small intestine is energetically connected with the:
• Abdominal muscles
• Quadriceps Femoris muscles

When the small intestine becomes imbalanced, all of the abdominal muscles also become
imbalanced because they are on the same circuit. Any personal trainer will tell you that you
need to have strong abdominal muscles in order to have a stable core. Having a small intestine
imbalance will automatically create weakness in the abdominal muscles, destabilizing the core,
which can lead to lower back pain.
The small intestine also connects with the Quadriceps Femoris muscles, which are the large
muscles in the front of the thighs. Both of these muscles can lead to trouble in the knees and
the low back if they are imbalanced.

Small Intestine Evaluation

To identify if the small intestine is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the
question as,
“Is your small intestine happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the small intestine.

Small Intestine Correction

If you find that the small intestine is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any
underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the small intestine will be imbalanced
by Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the small

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intestine imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and
gratitude for the client and his small intestine. Then ask,
“Is the small intestine happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the small intestine.
If the answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland
Imbalance Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying
The spleen is located in the upper abdominal cavity, at the left

Circuits and Systems

side of the stomach. It is part of the Immune System as well as
the Lymphatic System. The spleen’s responsibility is to:
• Dispose of old red blood cells
• Perform important immune functions such as detecting
pathogens in the blood
• Hold a reserve of blood
• Recycle iron
People who have had ruptured their spleen and had it removed can still survive without a
spleen, but life is better with it, of course. When the spleen is imbalanced or has been removed,
it tends to create increased susceptibility to infection and anemia.

Symptoms of Spleen Imbalance

The most common symptoms of imbalance in the spleen are:
• Discomfort in the mid-back
• Discomfort in the left shoulder
• Lowered immunity
• Pain in the upper left abdomen
• Repeated bouts of infection
• Excessive bleeding
• Anemia
• Dizziness
• Fatigue

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• Headaches

Spleen Emotions
Emotions produced by the spleen are in Row 2 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Spleen Muscle Connections

When the spleen becomes imbalanced it will affect the:
• Trapezius muscle, specifically the mid and the lower parts of
the trapezius.

Spleen Evaluation
To identify if the spleen is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You
might phrase the question as,
“Is your spleen happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the spleen.

Spleen Correction
If you find that the spleen is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying
causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the spleen will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions
or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the spleen imbalance, simply roll
3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client and his
spleen. Then ask,
“Is the spleen happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the spleen. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

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The stomach is a hollow muscular organ located in the
abdominal cavity. It is part of the Digestive System.
The purpose of the stomach is to:
• Secrete protein digesting enzymes
• Secrete hydrochloric acid
• Secrete mucous
• Churn up swallowed food so that it can begin the digestive process

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Symptoms of Stomach Imbalance
The most common symptoms of stomach imbalance include:
• Discomfort in the neck
• Discomfort in the shoulders
• Discomfort in the elbows
• Discomfort in the wrists
• Hiatal Hernia
• Acid reflux
• Stomach pain
• Ulcers
• Gas
• Bloating
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
Hiatal hernia is a condition where part of the stomach protrudes upward through an opening
in the diaphragm. This can cause stomach pain, acid reflux, belching and other unpleasant
symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, surgery is not always necessary to correct hiatal hernia.
It is very common for stomach imbalance to create a hiatal hernia, so often, correcting the
stomach imbalance will also correct hiatal hernia. You can muscle test a person to see if they
have a hiatal hernia by simply asking the body. This will be explored further in the Evaluation
and Correction sections which follow.

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Stomach Emotions
The stomach emotions are listed in Row 2 on The Emotion Code Chart:

Stomach Muscle Connections

The muscles that are associated with the stomach are known as
• Pectoralis major clavicular muscles
• Neck flexor muscles
• Brachioradialis muscles
The pectoralis major clavicular muscles are the
uppermost section of the pectoralis muscles that attach to the
clavicle, or the collarbone.
The neck flexor muscles are located deep within
the neck. Collectively they are made of 2 groups
of several little muscles called the longus capitis
muscles and the longus colli muscles.
The brachioradialis muscles are located in the
forearms and elbows. Imbalance in these muscles
will tend to affect the elbow and/or the wrist on either
or both sides. The brachioradialis muscles, when
imbalanced, will tend to cause painful and persistent
problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome. You may
notice that you see clients who suffer from both stomach imbalance and carpal tunnel at the
same time, because those muscles and the organ are on the same circuit.

Stomach Evaluation
To identify if the stomach is balanced, all you have to do is ask. You might phrase the question
“Is your stomach happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the stomach.

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To confirm if a client has a hiatal hernia, you can ask in the same way,
“Do you have an hiatal hernia?”
If the answer is “Yes”, you can look for underlying imbalances by asking,
“Is there an underlying cause for the hiatal hernia?”

Stomach Correction
If you find that the stomach is imbalanced (or that there is a hiatal hernia), the next thing to do is
identify and remove any underlying causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the stomach will

Circuits and Systems

be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes
for the stomach imbalance, simply roll 3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love
and gratitude for the client and his stomach. Then ask,
“Is the stomach happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the stomach. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.
The uterus is located in the lower abdomen and the center of
the pelvic cavity. It is also known as the womb. Extending from
the uterus on the upper left and right are the fallopian tubes. The
opening of the uterus, which protrudes into the vagina is known
as the cervix. The uterus is part of the Female Reproductive
System. The uterus is also energetically connected to the Root
Chakra, and imbalance stemming from either one can affect
the other.
The purpose of the uterus is to provide a growth environment for the fetus, assists the sexual
response by directing blood flow to the other parts of the female system, and delivery.

Symptoms of Uterus Imbalance

The most common symptoms of uterus imbalance are:
• Discomfort in the low back
• Discomfort in the lower abdomen
• Discomfort during or after intercourse
• Discomfort in the left hip
• Infertility

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Uterus Emotions
The uterus emotions are listed in Row 6 on the Emotion Code Chart:

Uterus Muscle Connections

The muscles connected on the same circuit with the uterus are
• Gluteal or buttock muscles
• Adductor muscles of the inner thighs

Uterus Evaluation
To identify if the uterus is balanced, all you have to do is ask.
You might phrase the question as,
“Is your uterus happy?”
Then you can perform a muscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is weak, that
indicates unhappiness or imbalance in the uterus.

Uterus Correction
If you find that the uterus is unhappy, the next thing to do is identify and remove any underlying
causes for the imbalance. Most of the time, the uterus will be imbalanced by Trapped Emotions
or other energies. If you don’t find any underlying causes for the uterus imbalance, simply roll
3 times down the governing meridian while focusing love and gratitude for the client and her
uterus. Then ask,
“Is the uterus happy now?”
When the answer to this question is “Yes”, you have successfully rebalanced the uterus. If the
answer is “No” but you can’t find anything else to correct, see the Organ and Gland Imbalance
Correction section for more instructions on identifying difficult-to-find underlying causes.

The “Usual Suspects”

Over the years I have learned that the most common organ and gland imbalances that create

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discomfort can be arranged into a table like that shown above. This can be useful in knowing
which organs or glands to check if you are attempting to address a specific problem.
For example, let’s say your friend is suffering from low back discomfort. You might begin by
checking the balance of the kidneys, both left and right. If they are testing okay, you might check
the ileocecal valve, then the uterus and the adrenals. You can test these organs and glands in
any order you want, but the organs and glands are arranged here by frequency or likelihood
of your finding them to be part of the problem. In other words, kidney imbalance is the most
common cause of low back trouble, followed by ileocecal valve, followed by uterus, followed by
Remember that this is not cast in stone, this order simply reflects my own experience, and I

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share it here simply to save you time. This list is not all-inclusive, but it gives you a great place
to start.
"The Usual Suspects"
Low Back Pain Kidney – IleoCecal Valve – Uterus – Adrenals
Knee Pain Adrenals (Left Knee) Gallbladder (Right Knee)
Mid – Back Pain Liver – Spleen – Gallbladder
Wrist/Elbow Pain Stomach – Spleen – Pancreas
Shoulder Pain Thyroid – Gallbladder – Heart
TMJ Pain Kidney

The purpose of this module is to help you understand what the Chakras are and how to detect
and correct the imbalances that can occur in the Chakras.
There are seven Chakras that make up the powerful group of energy centers in the body.
“Chakra” is an Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel” or “disc.” These seven energy centers
emanate from the center of the body; the crown Chakra emanates from the top of the head and
the lower 6 Chakras emanate from the spine. I like to think of the Chakras as being the power
sources or ‘force centers’ of the body’s energy field. Each Chakra is believed to have an influence
over the organs or glands in its vicinity. Western medicine does not generally acknowledge the
existence of the Chakras, but we know that they can certainly become imbalanced and result in
imbalances in the body. The most common reason for Chakra imbalance is Trapped Emotions.
A balanced Chakra should have an energy flow that is open and moving; an imbalanced Chakra
is generally though to be “closed” or wound up, and the movement of energy is more stagnant.

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Every Chakra is symbolized by a lotus containing a specific number of petals. Each chakra
also has its own particular color. This gives us an indication for which color crystal we can use
to open and balance the Chakra, if necessary. This can be done by wearing jewelry containing
this crystal, or simply holding the crystal. Generally, all that is necessary to balance a Chakra is
to correct it energetically, however, the healing power of crystals has been used for centuries to
assist in strengthening the balance of the Chakras. Every Chakra has a certain association with
an aspect of our being, or a part of our life: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
The Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra
is “Sahasrara.” The ancient symbol for this
Chakra is the image of a lotus flower with
a thousand petals. To assist in opening
up and balancing the Crown Chakra you
might use a violet colored crystal, as
violet is the associated color. The Crown
Chakra is associated with the concept of pure consciousness, inner
wisdom and our connection to universal intelligence.
It is believed that the energy emanating from the Crown Chakra
connects you with the energy of the universe and the energy of the universe also enters your
body through the Crown Chakra. The location of the Crown Chakra is right at the top of the
head, where the soft spot is on the head of a newborn baby. Physically, the Crown Chakra
is connected with meditation. Emotionally, it is associated with “beingness” or that particular
sensation of being who you truly are and living your truth. Mentally, it is connected with unity; not
only the unity of yourself and others but also of yourself and the universe. Spiritually, the Crown
Chakra is associated with our connection to the divine.
This energy center has a link with the
pineal gland in the brain. The Sanskrit
name for the Brow Chakra is “Ajna,” and
the ancient symbol is that of a lotus with
two petals. The colors associated with
the Brow Chakra are white, indigo and
deep blue. Crystals in these colors may have healing properties
that can help balance this Chakra. The Brow Chakra is connected
with balance of self as well as intuition. It’s associated with the “third-eye,” which has to do
with your ability to see and plan the future. If the Brow Chakra is imbalanced, it could make
it harder for you to see your path clearly, and could potentially even halt your progress. The
Brow Chakra is located right between the eyes and is also frequently referred to as the “Third-
Eye Chakra.” Physically, the Brow Chakra is associated with absorption of light. (Recall from

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an earlier discussion that the pineal gland can be treated by directing the beam of a flashlight
in between the eyes). The connection with the pineal gland is quite direct. Emotionally, the
Brow Chakra is connected with clarity and intuition. Mentally it is connected with the concept of
wisdom, and spiritually with perception.
The Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra is
”Vishudda.” It has a link with and influence
over the balance of the thyroid gland.
Its symbol is a lotus with 16 petals. The
associated color is pale blue or turquoise.
The Throat Chakra is associated with

Circuits and Systems

communication or speaking your truth. If
we have not spoken our truth, or been unwilling to speak up
about something, the Throat Chakra can become imbalanced.
Trapped Emotions that lodge in the throat will also imbalance the Throat Chakra. The Throat
Chakra is located exactly where it sounds - the throat. Physically, this Chakra is connected with
the idea of communication, emotionally the idea of independence, mentally with fluent thought,
and spiritually it’s connected with the sense of security (this may be connected with speaking
your truth).


The Heart Chakra is located right at the
center of the sternum. Physiologically, it
is associated with the thymus gland. The
thymus gland sits right on top of the heart
and is responsible for autoimmunity and
with the maturation of T-cells, white blood
cells that are very important for immune
defense. The Sanskrit word for the Heart Chakra is “Anahata,”
and it is symbolized by the image of a lotus blossom with 12
petals as you can see here. The associated colors are green
and pink. Connected with the Heart Chakra are the ideas of unconditional love, compassion and
a feeling of well-being. Physically, the Heart Chakra is associated with circulation. Emotionally,
it’s connected with unconditional love. Mentally, it’s connected with passion. Spiritually, it’s
connected with devotion to both our loved ones and the higher power.

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The Sanskrit word for the Solar Plexus
Chakra is “Manipura,” and it is symbolized
by a lotus with 10 petals. It’s linked to the
pancreas and specifically to the eyelet
cells in the pancreas. The eyelet cells
are the cells that produce insulin and that
enable us to metabolize sugar. When the
eyelet cells cease functioning the diagnosis is diabetes, and
insulin must be supplied artificially. The color linked with the
Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow. This Chakra is associated with personal power, with introversion,
and also with growth of self. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the solar plexus just below the
bottom of the sternum. Physically, it’s connected with digestion. Emotionally, it’s associated with
the idea of expansiveness or growth. Mentally, it’s associated with personal growth. Spiritually,
it’s associated with growth in all aspects.
The Sanskrit word for the Sacral
Chakra is “Svadisthana.” It’s linked
to the testes or the ovaries. It is
symbolized by a lotus with six petals
and the associated color is orange.
This Chakra is all about relationships,
emotional needs and pleasure. The
Sacral Chakra is located between the umbilicus and the
pubic bone. Physically, this Chakra has a direct connection
with reproduction. Emotionally it is linked with joy, mentally with creativity, and spiritually with
The Sanskrit name for the Root Chakra
is “Muladhara.” It’s linked to the prostate
or uterus. Its symbol is a lotus with
four petals and the associated color is
red. This Chakra is all about instinct,
survival, and potential. The Root Chakra
also connects you to the energy of the
earth; if this Chakra is imbalanced you may not be able to feel
“grounded.” Imbalance in The Root Chakra is often involved in creating lower back pain. The
Root Chakra is located in the perineum, between the sex organs and the tailbone. Physically,
it’s associated with sexuality, emotionally with sensuality, mentally with stability, and spiritually
with a sense of security.

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Detecting and Correcting Chakra Imbalances

Chakra imbalances will often be detected when you’re using The Body Code Mind Maps. Once
you determine which Chakra is imbalanced, you might ask, “Is there an underlying cause for
this Chakra imbalance?” Removing the underlying cause(s) will usually correct the Chakra
imbalance automatically.
The most common cause of imbalance is Trapped Emotions. The second most common cause
of Chakra imbalance is psychic traumas. Sometimes no underlying imbalance will be detected.
In other words, sometimes the Chakra will just need to be “reset” with your intention energy.

Resetting a Chakra

Circuits and Systems

You can reset a Chakra by running a magnet down the governing meridian 3 times, with the
intention to correct the imbalance. It is important to correct Chakra imbalances because they
have a lot to do with how we function in our lives. For example, if the Heart Chakra is imbalanced,
it’s going to make it harder to feel joy. Having a Heart-Wall will, of course, imbalance the heart
Chakra tremendously. If the Throat Chakra is imbalanced, that will usually be because you’ve
been unwilling to speak out about something. Balancing the Throat Chakra will tend to make
you more willing to speak out, to make yourself heard. Balancing the Brow Chakra will free your
third eye so that you can be more intuitive. The Crown Chakra is one of the most important ones
because it connects you with the energy of the universe, God, and so on.


Here we have an acupuncture model that shows the various meridians.
The meridians were first discovered around 5,000 years ago and have
been mapped out more recently using radioactive isotopes and tracers.
Acupuncture is a very sophisticated method of balancing the energy
in these meridians using fine needles. By using The Body Code you
will be able to find and correct imbalances in these meridians using
magnetic energy instead of needles. The acupuncture meridians
were known and used by the ancient physicians in China. What is
not common knowledge is that the meridians were also known to
the ancient Mayan people in the Americas. The points that they used
matched the Chinese points. The meridians were also known to the
Inca medicine people as steles, or rivers of light that flow within the
luminous body.
Before we look at the individual meridians, let’s discuss the Five Element Theory and the Diurnal
Cycle. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Five Element Theory states that everything that

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exists is made of a combination of one or more of these five elements: wood, metal, earth, fire
and water. Every one of the meridians that we will discuss has a corresponding element.

The Diurnal Cycle

The Diurnal Cycle shows the activity levels of the meridians throughout the day. The energy flow
is stronger in a meridian during its designated peak time of day or night, with the least amount
of energy being focused on the same meridian 12 hours later.

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The Diurnal Cycle Explanation

If a meridian or its associated organ is imbalanced, negative symptoms are more likely to occur
during the peak time of day or night when the most energy is being focused on the meridian. For
example, let’s say that a client of yours continually wakes up in the middle of the night between
3 and 4 o’clock in the morning. The chart shows that the liver (LV) and the lungs (LU) are the
organs that are, respectively, fading from or coming into prominence at that hour. You could ask
if those organs or the associated meridians are happy, and correct any imbalances that show

Yin and Yang

Circuits and Systems

Yin and Yang are two complementary energetic forces in the universe.
One cannot exist without the other. The flow of both Yin and Yang in the
acupuncture meridians must be balanced in order for the body to remain
totally healthy. Certain meridians control the flow of Yin energy, while the
others are responsible for the flow of Yang. Yin is a passive, darker energy
while Yang is an aggressive, brighter energy. It is possible to have an
imbalance in the flow of Yin or Yang energy, which will almost always be
due to an imbalance in one or more of the meridians.

The Twelve Standard Meridians and Collateral Channels

The twelve standard meridians are all energy pathways that have a corresponding organ and a
collateral channel. In the diagrams you will notice that the meridian itself is outlined in black and
dark blue, and the collateral channel is highlighted in lighter blue and white. These meridians
and their collateral channels are symmetrical on both sides of the body. For example, the Lung
Meridian is shown on the left side of the body with the collateral channel on the right, but a
mirror image of this exists, with the meridian running down the right side of the body and the
collateral channel on the left. Imbalances such as pathogens usually first affect the collateral
channel, then the meridian and finally the organ. Energies such as Trapped Emotions however,
can lodge anywhere along the pathway of the meridian and imbalance its energy flow.

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Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand

The Taiyin Lung meridian of the hand is a Taiyin meridian, which is a greater Yin meridian. The
associated element is metal.

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Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand

The Shaoyin Heart Meridian of hand is a Shaoyin meridian, which means lesser Yin. In the Five
Element Theory, it is associated with fire and, of course, connects with the heart.

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Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of the Hand

The Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of the Hand is an absolute Yin meridian. associated element
is fire. It is involved with the Pericardium or the fascial lining around the heart.

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Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian of the Hand

Shaoyang means lesser Yang. The five elements association is fire. This particular meridian is
also known as the ‘Triple Heater’ or ‘Triple Warmer,’ which is an acupuncture theory that divides
the human body into 3 areas of ‘burning’ or metabolism, namely the (1) chest cavity; (2) the
upper abdomen and (3) the lower abdomen.

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Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of the Hand

The Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of the Hand is a Taiyang meridian, which means greater
Yang. So in other words, this particular meridian is a Yang meridian. The five element correlation
is fire.

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Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of the Hand

Yangming means Yang brightness or warmth. The associated element is metal.

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Taiyin Spleen Meridian of the Foot

The Taiyin Spleen Meridian of the Foot’s Five Element connection is earth and it is connected
of course to the spleen and nourishes the spleen. All of these meridians nourish the individual
organs that are listed.

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Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of the Foot

Shaoyin means lesser Yin and the Five Element Theory association here is water. It connects
with and nourishes the kidney.

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Jueyin Liver Meridian of the Foot

Jueyin means absolute Yin. The associated element is wood.

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Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian of the Foot

Shaoyang means lesser Yang. The associated element is wood.

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Taiyang Bladder Meridian of the Foot

Taiyang means greater Yang. The associated element is water.

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Yangming Stomach Meridian of the Foot

Yangming means Yang brightness or warmth. The associated element is earth.

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The 8 Extraordinary Meridians are considered to be storage meridians or energy reservoirs
that can supply the 12 Standard Meridians with extra energy if needed. They can also provide a
place for the 12 Standard Meridians to offload excess energy. The Extraordinary Meridians are
not associated directly with organs, nor do they have collateral channels. Six of these meridians
have a symmetrical right and a left version. The Conception and the Governing Meridians do
not have a right and left. The Governing Meridian, which we use in The Emotion Code and The
Body Code is one of these meridians.

Governing Meridian (Du Mai)

This meridian influences the flow of Yang energy.
If imbalanced, it will tend to create trouble in the brain, bone marrow, spinal cord, nervous
system, stroke, psychological issues and headaches. It is used as the main entrance point for
intention energy in The Body Code.

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Conception Meridian (Ren Mai)

This meridian influences the flow of Yin
energy in the body.
If it is imbalanced, it will tend to create
trouble in the reproductive system (for
both male and female), impotence, trouble
with the face, lips and eyes, and digestive

Circuits and Systems

Penetrating Meridian (Chong Mai)
This meridian influences flow of energy
and blood in whole body and the 12 main
meridians. It is associated with major
arteries, circulation, kidneys and the
Imbalance creates trouble in the abdomen,
female system, gastrointestinal system,
heart and circulatory system. Can also
create depression and spiritual issues.

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Girdle Meridian (Dai Mai)

This meridian is like a “belt” that binds the Yin and Yang
energy in the body, influences circulation to the legs and
supports the lumbar region.
Imbalance creates weakness in the lumbar area, a
fullness of the abdomen and weakness in the legs.

Yin Linking Meridian (Yin Wei Mai)

This meridian influences the balance of the Yin meridians.
It is associated with the Leg Taiyin and Arm Jueyin
Imbalance creates trouble with blood circulation,
depression, headaches, chest pain, gastric pain, and
loss of willpower.

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Yang Linking Meridian (Yang Wei Mai)

This meridian influences the balance of the 12 Main Yang
Meridians. It is particularly associated with the Shaoyang
Imbalance creates lack of energy, chills, fevers and lower back

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Yin Heel Meridian (Yin Qiao Mai)
This meridian influences the balance of Yin and Yang
in the body as well as the ascent of fluids and the
descent of energy.
Imbalance creates cold, weakness or numbness in
the lower limbs, lumbar imbalance, digestive issues,
urogenital problems, respiratory issues, excessive
sleepiness, eye issues, hot flashes and lower
abdominal pain.

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Yang Heel Meridian (Yang Qiao Mai)

This meridian influences the balance of Yin and Yang,
and the ascent of fluids and the descent of energy. It
is associated with the bladder meridian.
Imbalance creates visual disorders, insomnia, trouble
walking, lower limb trouble, epilepsy with seizures

The Dental Meridians

The Dental Relationship Chart lists the connections
between the various teeth and their corresponding
meridians. If you have a client who has a problem
with a specific body part, you may want to ask if the
related tooth (or teeth) is happy and vice versa. The
Dental Relationship Chart is located on page 266 in
this manual.
Let’s say you are having difficulty with your right upper
1st bicuspid tooth. Using this chart, you will find that
this particular tooth is related to the right Lung and
the right side of large intestine (or the ascending
colon). You will also see that there is a connection
with the pituitary gland, and that trouble with this
tooth is often associated with joint problems in the
right shoulder, elbow, and hand, as well as the foot
and big toe. This can give you some significant things
to check out if you are trying to solve a tooth problem.
Remember that it is possible for a single tooth to
become misaligned, or to have a Trapped Emotion
creating imbalance in it as well.

Meridian Evaluation
If you find that a meridian is imbalanced, you can ask, “Is this meridian imbalanced on the
right? On the left?” (Remember that this question does not apply to the conception and the
governing meridians.) You can go back to Mind Map home page and simply ask, “Is there an
underlying cause for the imbalance in this meridian?” Then you can identify and remove any
underlying causes. Very often you’ll find that Trapped Emotions create imbalances in these
energy channels, as do psychic and physical traumas.

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Meridian Correction
Simply identify and release any underlying causes for the meridian imbalance. Often, the
meridian imbalance will be automatically corrected by removing the underlying cause. If it does
not automatically correct, you can roll 3 times down the governing meridian to correct the energy
flow in the meridian.

The purpose of this module is to help you understand what disconnections are, the types of
disconnections that can occur and how to detect them and correct them.

Circuits and Systems

To understand this phenomenon of spirit/physical disconnection,
you have to understand a little bit about our dual nature. I
personally believe that each of us have always existed as
separate and distinct intelligences, without beginning. Ages
ago, God, our Creator, organized our intelligences into spirit
bodies. Your spirit body is in the express perfect image of your
physical body but the substance of your spirit is finer. In other
words, if you could take the spirit out of your physical body and
put the two side by side and actually see the energy of your
spirit, it would look exactly like your physical body looks, in the
most minute detail.

The Spirit-Body Template

The spirit-body is like a blueprint for the physical body. It is a template
that your physical body grows into. Your spirit body fills your physical
body and animates it. It is the life force that operates the physical body
in the most intricate ways. To illustrate, if you put your hand into a glove
and move your fingers, the glove will suddenly appear to be animated.
There is no life in the glove by itself, when it is without the hand inside
of it. In that same way, our spirits animate our physical bodies when
they are together, connected, and interfacing with each other normally.
If you’ve ever been to a funeral and you look at the person lying there in
the casket, it’s obvious that something has gone out of his body. I believe that is simply that their
animating spirit has left him, just as when the hand is removed from the glove.

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The Interface
The question that I had for many years was “How does it work?” How does the spirit actually
act as the hand inside the glove? What is the interface? What is the connection? How does the
physical body connect with the spirit body and vice versa, and is it possible that this interface
itself is susceptible to imbalance? Although we still do not understand the interface fully, it can
indeed break down.
When the physical body becomes disconnected from the spirit body, we refer to it as a spirit
physical disconnection. The spirit is where it should be, but its ability to communicate with the
physical body is somehow broken down.
The result of disconnection between the spirit body and
the physical body is misalignment of bones, lowered
immunity, organ and gland malfunction and pain. I believe
it can be a contributing factor in cancer as well. Think
about it this way, the spirit is the intelligence within you.
The physical body is really just the hardware; it’s the
walking, talking computer system, if you will, and if there
is a disconnection that occurs so that the physical body
and the spirit are no longer communicating, then it can
create a situation where cancer and other disease may
arise unchecked.
Any part of the physical body can become disconnected
from the spirit body. Likewise, the spirit can become disconnected from any part of the body.
Now, of course if your spirit disconnects from your physical body completely, we call that death,
and they’re going to be planning your funeral. It is possible for the spirit and the physical body
to be partially disconnected, even to quite a large degree sometimes, and you will still be alive.
You may not be feeling very well if this happens, as the physical body definitely needs the
intelligence of the spirit to operate efficiently.
When I discovered this, one of the first patients that I saw was a woman who had pain at a 9½
on a 0 to 10 scale. She had pain from the base of her skull all the way down her neck, and all the
way down her chest, in the back all the way down to her low back. When I checked her, her head
and her neck, her chest and her abdomen were all completely disconnected from the spirit. By
simply reconnecting the spirit to the physical body, she was able to go from a 9½ in pain to about
a 2, within about 3 or 4 minutes.

Spirit/Physical Disconnection Evaluation

To check for this problem you might ask something like this:
“Is your spirit fully communicating with your body?” If the answer is “No”, to dig deeper you might

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ask, “Is your spirit fully communicating with your head? With your abdomen? Etc.” Most often,
the regions that will be disconnected will be the: head, neck, thorax, abdomen, right arm, left
arm, left leg, and right leg. You can become disconnected in any part of the spirit and the body,
however, so if there is pain somewhere, or if disconnection shows up, you can ask about it
anywhere, even in small areas such as in an eye or a tooth. You can also use the Systems or the
Organ or Gland chart if you need to narrow it down to a specific body part.
If you want to, you can test how connected the spirit and body are. Ask, “How connected are
your spirit and body? More than 50%? More than 75%?” You can narrow this number down until
you get an exact percentage.
The interface between the spirit and the body is a two-way communication. Your spirit has

Circuits and Systems

to communicate with your physical body and your physical body has to communicate with
your spirit. The disconnection can happen in one direction or the other and sometimes in both
directions. You will want to ask, “Is the body fully connected to the spirit?” and “Is the spirit fully
connected to the body?”

Reconnecting the Spirit and Body

I had a patient once who came to see me for pain in her right foot. She walked in with quite a
limp. We tested to see what was wrong. She had a misaligned bone in her foot. She also had a
disconnection between the spirit and the body, and it just so happened that it was that entire leg
that was disconnected. We reconnected it by simply rolling down the back, down the governing
meridian 3 times, and immediately she was able to walk with no limp. It just took a matter of
seconds to make this reconnection, and she was able to get up and walk without any limp at all.
After taking a few steps she whirled around and exclaimed, “How did you do that? What did you
do?” All I had done was roll a magnet down her back 3 times with intention, but the result was
an instant reconnection of her spirit with her physical leg, resulting in immediate self-correction
of the misalignment in her foot.
When the spirit and the physical body become disconnected, it allows misalignments to continue
and to remain uncorrected. If the brain really wanted to, couldn’t it reconnect or realign bones that
are out of alignment? Why doesn’t it do it? I believe that one of the big reasons why it doesn’t is
because of this phenomenon of disconnection where the spirit and body aren’t tracking together.

Spirit/Physical Disconnection Correction

After you have identified exactly what is going on with the disconnection, you will want to identify
and remove any underlying causes. Then you can reconnect the spirit and the body.
If it’s the spirit that is disconnected from the physical body, then you’ll correct by rolling down
the governing meridian 3 times. If it’s the physical body that is disconnected from the spirit, it’s
corrected by going up the governing meridian 3 times. If you discover that the disconnection
is occurring in both directions, roll the magnet in one direction 3 times first, then in the other

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direction 3 times with intention to correct each problem individually.

Just think of the spirit as being a higher vibration. So to connect spirit to body you are going from
a higher vibration (spirit) to a lower vibration (physical body) and so you roll down the governing
meridian. By the same token, if some part of the physical body is not communicating with the
spirit then you’d roll from the bottom and go up from the physical body to the spirit, ascending
to the higher vibration.
Death is the complete separation of the spirit and the
body, but what about partial separation of spirit and body?
This is different from a disconnection where the interface
is broken down. This is when the spirit actually comes
partially out of the body or is displaced out of the body to
some degree.
The spirit may actually become dislodged from the physical
body due to some kind of a physical trauma such as a fall,
a car accident or some other kind of injury, or from some
intense emotional stress such as combat, abuse, torture
and extremes of that sort. People handle stress differently, and some have more of an emotional
load, so if they have experienced significant stress of any kind, they may exhibit this problem.
If a portion of the spirit is outside of the physical body, the lack of communication and other results
will be similar to a disconnection of spirit and body. The distinction involves the location of the
spirit. In simple disconnection, the spirit body is where it should be, but it’s not communicating
to the physical body. This kind of disconnection is where the spirit is partially displaced out of
the physical body to some degree. Symptoms may include pain, persistent misalignment of
structural components of the body, lower community, organ and gland malfunction and possibly

Spirit Out of Body Disconnection Evaluation

You can simply ask, “Is 100% of your spirit within your physical body?” If not, ask how much of
the spirit is within the physical body, and determine a percentage.

Spirit Out of Body Disconnection Correction

To correct the disconnection, simply roll down the governing meridian while you’re saying, “I now
bring your spirit back 100% into your physical body where it belongs.” Then retest the percentage.
If it doesn’t test at 100%, you may need to dig deeper for underlying causes. Alternately, you may
find and remove the underlying causes before you attempt to correct the disconnection.

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The disconnection of different parts of the spirit could be
thought of as a break or tear in the spirit or energy body.
This almost always affects the heart, but it is also possible
that it can affect other body parts or the whole spiritual
body. A spirit / spirit disconnection of the heart would be
considered a “broken heart,” This would indicate the heart
the heart was broken into 2 or more “pieces,” which are now
not communicating with each other.

Circuits and Systems

Spirit/Spirit Disconnection Evaluation:
Identify the affected body part using intuition and muscle
testing, referring to the Systems, Organs or Glands charts if
necessary. Consider the symbolism when identifying the affected body part or region. If desired,
identify the level of connection between the 2 parts of the spirit that are disconnected (i.e. there
is 54% connection between the 2 halves of the spiritual heart).

Spirit/Spirit Disconnection Correction:

There are almost always underlying causes, and it is a good idea to find and remove them
before continuing. Then roll 3 times down the governing meridian, while focusing lots of love
and intention to heal the disconnection completely. Retest to check the level of connection. If
you did not reach 100%, use The Body Code Mind Maps to identify any other underlying causes
or needs. You can also use your intuition to sense if there is anything else needed to heal the
disconnection further (i.e. forgiveness, spiritual nourishment).
This kind of disconnection is a breakdown of communication and connection between two parts
of the physical body. Usually these two parts are in the same
immediate area, (i.e. two different muscles of the left knee).
There will always be an underlying cause for this type of
disconnection, and most often it will be some kind of Energy
or perhaps something else on the Circuits and Systems chart.
Physical/physical disconnections will nearly always create
inflammation and pain.
Identify the affected body part(s) or region using intuition and muscle testing. Consider the
symbolism when identifying the affected body part or region. If desired, identify the level of
connection between the 2 parts of the body that are disconnected (i.e. there is 78% connection
between the muscles of the left knee).

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Identify and remove any underlying causes, then roll 3 times down the governing meridian to
reconnect. Retest to check the level of connection, and use The Body Code Mind Map to identify
if anything else is needed to heal the connection further.
Morning sickness affects millions of pregnant women worldwide. The cures or supposed cures
for morning sickness don’t really work. As far as the world knows, there really is no cure for
morning sickness. There are medications that you can take but those are potentially harmful to
the fetus and the mother since nearly all medications are toxic.
When my wife Jean was pregnant with our youngest daughter Elisabeth, she was suffering very
badly with morning sickness. She begged me to help her so I started thinking of all the things
that I knew that were supposed remedies. There’s a long list of things that you can try and some
of those things do help a little, but none of them really fix the problem. Without any real viable
options that I knew of, I decided to turn to the higher power and ask for some help. The answer
that came to me was that morning sickness is caused by a disconnection between the mother
and the growing fetus.
What I found was the brain is sometimes not initially connected with this new life that is growing
within. Essentially, the mother has to be connected both energetically and physically with all
parts of the fetus.
Here we see in list form the various components of the mother and the unborn child that may
become disconnected from each other. On the mother’s part, her spirit, her body or her brain
may become disconnected from the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, or umbilical cord, and the
disconnection may be from the physical or spiritual aspect of these components.
Unborn child parts:
• Spiritual fetus
• Spiritual placenta
• Spiritual amniotic fluid
• Spiritual umbilical cord
• Physical fetus
• Physical placenta
• Physical amniotic fluid
• Physical umbilical cord

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Mother parts:
• Spirit
• Body
• Brain

Morning Sickness Disconnection Evaluation

There are several different possibilities for morning sickness. The first thing you want to do is
identify if the mother is disconnected from the fetus or the fetus is disconnected from the mother.
If the disconnection originates with the fetus, click that Mind Map and then determine whether

Circuits and Systems

the disconnection originates with the spiritual or physical unborn child. Then you can determine
which part of the unborn child and its immediate environment is disconnected from which part
of the mother. The process is the same if the disconnection originates from the mother. You will
want to identify which part of the mother the disconnection originates with: her spirit, body or
brain. Then simply identify it if it is the spiritual unborn child or the physical unborn child, and
then which part of it or its environment is disconnected from the mother. This probably sounds
more complicated than it actually is, but the Mind Maps make it easy.

Morning Sickness Disconnection Correction

As soon as you identify a disconnection between the mother and the fetus, ask if there are any
underlying causes. Then identify and remove any that you find. Then reconnect the disconnected
parts of the fetus and the mother by rolling 3 times down the governing meridian. It is common
to have multiple disconnections creating morning sickness, so make sure to identify and correct
all disconnections that you find.
I’ve seen a good number of morning sick women over the years since I was led to this knowledge
and I haven’t seen anyone yet that this has not helped. Often the effect is immediate and quite
dramatic. As soon as you make those connections, generally the morning sickness will be gone
instantly. Typically what women say is, “I feel better, I’m going to go eat something.” They’re
hungry because they haven’t been able to eat due to the morning sickness. I think that you’ll
enjoy this one. This can really come in handy and it’s something that you won’t find anywhere
else but The Body Code.

The body is made up of multiple different systems, with some parts playing roles in more than
one system. The purpose of this section is to outline the different systems so that you understand
what they are, how they work and how to identify and correct any imbalances in them. The Body
Code Mind Maps outline the main components of the various systems. If you find that there is

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an imbalance affecting one of the systems, you may choose to identify which specific part of
the system is being affected, if necessary. Then identify and remove any underlying causes,
restoring balance to the system.
The circulatory system facilitates the movement of blood, lymph and
nutrients throughout the body. This helps to provide nourishment
to the body tissues, fight infection, regulate body temperature and
maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system includes not only the
heart, but also all of the miles of vessels, including arteries, veins and
capillaries, that carry blood to and from all parts of the body. In the
Mind Maps, these are broken down into upper limb vessels, thoracic
vessels, lower limb vessels, abdominal vessels, and head and neck
vessels, and are broken down even further from there in most cases.
The digestive system is responsible for the breakdown and extraction of nutrients from the food
and drink that we consume. Digestion begins in the mouth, where the teeth grind up the food
and mix it with saliva, which contains salivary amylase, an enzyme that begins to break down
and digest starch that we’ve eaten.
The muscular action induced by swallowing propels the food
down the esophagus, through the cardiac sphincter, which
relaxes to allow the food pass, and into the stomach. Churning
of the stomach and secretion of Hydrochloric acid and Pepsin,
an enzyme that digests protein, continues the digestive
process. Hydrochloric acid in particular can be very damaging
to the walls of the stomach, so the stomach secretes a layer of
mucous to act as a barrier to its contents. After an hour or two,
the stomach contents (now referred to as chyme) pass through the pyloric sphincter and enter
the small intestine, where digestive enzymes from the pancreas are secreted into the mix. 95%
of nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine, while water and minerals are reabsorbed
back into the blood from the colon. The next step is for the fecal matter to be eliminated from the
colon through the rectum and the anus.
The endocrine system is a series of glands that secrete
hormones directly into the bloodstream. Hormones are
responsible for regulating all sorts of functions in the body
including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function,
sleep and mood. The endocrine system includes glands such
as the hypothalamus, pineal, pituitary, adrenal glands, testicles,
ovaries, thyroid, pancreas, parathyroid glands, and kidneys.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 175

The function of the immune system is to protect the body against disease,
particularly against disease caused by outside invaders such as bacteria,
viruses, mold, fungi, and parasites. The immune system includes the liver,
spleen, appendix, bone marrow, Peyers patches (specialized lymph nodes
that are attached to the surface of the small intestine), the lymph nodes,
tonsils, adenoids and the thymus gland.
I’ve always believed that determining how well the immune system is
actually functioning is a wonderful indicator of how healthy a person really is. During the years
that I was in practice, I found that people who had been diagnosed with some sort of major

Circuits and Systems

problem such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, cancer, etc. would typically have an immune
system that was functioning below 10%. This is easy to determine through muscle testing, and
it’s also fascinating to watch the immune system improve as you make corrections using The
Body Code. I have seen the release of a single Trapped Emotion improve a person’s immune
function by as much as 20%. It’s important to note that any imbalance that is listed in The Body
Code will have the effect of lowering immune function, and the correction of any imbalance will
serve to improve immune function.
The integumentary system serves as a protective barrier between the external environment and
the remainder of the body. It includes the hair, nails and the skin.
The skin is comprised of three different layers, the epidermis,
dermis and hypodermis. The hypodermis is the deepest layer
of skin, which attaches to bone or muscle and houses the fat
deposits for adipose tissue of the body.
The dermis, the middle layer of the skin, contains connective
tissue and blood vessels that nourish the skin and carry away
waste products. The glands and hair follicles originate in the dermis.
The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin, the layer that forms the protective barrier between
us and the harsh world around us. It consists of many layers of epithelial cells that replace
themselves every 2 to 2½ months.
The lymphatic system filters out disease-causing organisms,
produces white blood cells, and generates disease-fighting
antibodies, and consists of a network of ducts and glands that
carry a clear fluid known as lymph. Lymph fluid is actually formed
from blood plasma, which filters into the lymph system from the
circulatory system. The lymphatic system plays an important role
in immune function, as it produces different types of white blood
cells, or lymphocytes, and is important for the removal of toxic
waste products from cells.

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176 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Note that the lymphatic system includes the adenoids, tonsils, appendix, bone marrow, lymph
nodes, Peyers patches, spleen and thymus gland.
The muscular system includes skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle tissue.
Smooth muscle is considered to be an involuntary type of muscle, since you can’t consciously
make it contract like you can a skeletal muscle. It’s found in the walls of blood vessels, lymphatic
vessels, the bladder, uterus, male and female reproductive tracts, the digestive system, the
respiratory system, the skin (muscles make your hair stand on end when you get gooseflesh),
and the iris of the eye.
Cardiac muscle tissue is a highly specialized type of muscle that only exists in the heart. It’s
designed to contract automatically relax in a continuous cycle that lasts your whole life. Skeletal
muscle, unlike the first two types, is under conscious control, and is what moves the skeleton,
enabling us to run and jump and walk, comb our hair, and do everything else we do. In the
mind maps, muscles are divided into head, neck, thoracic, back, upper and lower limb, and
abdominal muscles.
Note that most muscle imbalances are actually the result of an
imbalance in an organ or gland. In other words, an organ or gland
becomes overloaded and unhappy, and the muscle that is
energetically connected to that organ and gland also becomes
imbalanced. I’ve included many specific muscles in this section,
but because there are so many muscles in the body, some areas
of the body are referred to simply by region. If you are brought to
one of these maps, and then to a specific region of the body that
does not have specific muscles listed, remember that the
subconscious mind of the individual that you are testing knows
perfectly well what muscle is imbalanced. What is more important than identifying the exact
muscle in this case, is identifying the imbalance that is making that muscle unhappy. If there
does not seem to be an underlying cause of the imbalance, roll a magnet down the governing
meridian 3 times while holding an intention to correct the imbalance, then retest.
The nervous system is the body’s communication system. It
coordinates all of the activities of the body, whether voluntary
or involuntary, and enables communication and the relay of
information between different parts of the body. It consists of
the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the
peripheral nervous system (the nerves that connect the central
nervous system to the rest of the body).
The peripheral nervous system is divided up into the autonomic
nervous system and the somatic nervous system. The somatic

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 177

nervous system is responsible for carrying impulses and information to and from the central
nervous system to all the muscles and other tissues of the body. The autonomic nervous system
is divided into three parts, the sympathetic, enteric, and parasympathetic nervous systems.
The sympathetic nervous system is most responsible for the fight or flight response, but is also
responsible for helping us to maintain homeostasis, and thus it is always active to some degree.
The parasympathetic nervous system is the division of the autonomic nervous system that is for
the activities that occur in the body when we are at rest, including digestion, sexual activities,
urination, salivation, defecation, lacrimation (crying) and so on.
The enteric nervous system is responsible for both secretion and motility, and is basically
considered a separate, stand-alone nervous system that belongs solely to the digestive system.

Circuits and Systems

Although it functions on its own, it may be modified by the sympathetic or parasympathetic
nervous systems.
The reproductive system is what allows us to produce children.
Sperm from the male fertilizes the female’s egg, or ovum, in the
fallopian tube. The fertilized egg then travels from the fallopian
tube to the uterus, where it implants itself in the uterine wall. The
fetus then develops over a period of 9 months.
In the female, the reproductive system includes vagina, uterus,
ovaries and fallopian tubes. In the male, the reproductive system
includes epididymis, vas deferens, accessory glands, seminal
vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands and penis.

The vagina is an elastic muscular sheath in the female system that facilitates both sexual
intercourse and childbirth.

The epididymis, a whitish mass of tightly coiled tubes cupped against the testicles, acts as a
maturation and storage area for sperm before they pass into the vas deferens, that carry sperm
to the ampullary gland and prostatic ducts.

Vas deferens
The vas deferens, also known as the sperm duct, is a thin tube approximately 43.2 centimeters
long that travels from the epididymis to the pelvic cavity.

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178 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Accessory glands
Three accessory glands provide fluids that lubricate the duct system and nourish the sperm
cells. They are the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands (Cowper

Seminal vesicles
Seminal vesicles are sac-like structures attached to the vas deferens at one side of the bladder.
They produce a sticky, yellowish fluid that contains fructose. This fluid provides sperm cells
energy and aids in their motility. 70% of the semen is its secretion.

Prostate gland
The prostate gland surrounds the ejaculatory ducts at the base of the urethra, just below the
bladder. The prostate gland is responsible for the proof semen, a liquid mixture of sperm cells,
prostate fluid and seminal fluid. This gland is also responsible for making the semen milky
in appearance by mixing calcium to the semen coming from seminal vesicle (semen coming
from the seminal vesicle is yellowish in color); the semen remains cloudy and clumpy until the
prostatic profibrinolysin is formed into fibrinolysin and lysis of the fibrinogen from the seminal
vesicle fluids occurs.

Bulbourethral glands
The bulbourethral glands, also called Cowper glands, are two small glands located on the sides
of the urethra just below the prostate gland. These glands produce a clear, slippery fluid that
empties directly the urethra.1
The respiratory system brings oxygen in the body and
removes carbon dioxide through the act of breathing. Air
enters the body through the nose and mouth, passes down
the trachea or windpipe, is diverted into either the left or
right bronchial tube and passes into progressively smaller
tubules, referred to as bronchioles, until eventually it ends
up in the alveoli, where option is actively absorbed across
the alveolar membrane into the blood, and carbon dioxide
passes from the blood and is exhaled. The respiratory
system includes the nose, trachea, lungs, bronchial tubes, bronchioles and alveoli.


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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 179

The skeletal system is made up of bones and connective tissue such
as ligaments and tendons, which shape the body and protect the
organs. The skeletal system works with the muscular system to help
the body move.

Connective tissue
There are four categories of connective tissues in the body: discs,
fascia, ligaments and tendons. Tendons connect muscle to bone, and
are found on both ends of every muscle in the body. Ligaments connect

Circuits and Systems

bone to bone, and are found throughout the body, wherever two bones
adjoin. Fascia looks like that thin, clear, filmy, plastic-wrap like coating
between the skin and meat of a raw chicken breast. Fascia covers and
separates all the muscles in the body, one from another. In addition,
fascia provides a protective coating for every bone, organ, artery, vein, and every tissue of the
body. For example, the fascial tissue that covers the lungs is called the pleura. When it becomes
inflamed, we call that pleurisy. The fascial coating over the brain is called the dura. That’s where
the word epidural comes from.
The great osteopath, Dr Robert Fulford made tremendous strides in
discovering that the fascia can become distorted, or hold abnormal
tension. Strong emotions, physical traumas, and other insults that
the body may endure can all distort and twist the fascial tissue. The
fascia then holds those energies within itself, causing imbalance to
occur in the body. If the fascial network in the body is distorted, will
the structure of the body be pulled out of alignment? Of course. If
the fascia is distorted around the organs in the body, will the chemical
processes and reactions taking place in those organs function as
efficiently? I don’t think so. Because of the electrical nature of fascia,
fascial distortion also seems to affect the energetic makeup of the
body and electrical transmission. In his research, Dr Fulford found
that by using a mechanical device called a percussor, (essentially a
heavy duty percussing vibrator) he was able to instill motion into the fascial tissues and get them
to actually unwind and unravel. The results that Dr Fulford and others have obtained using
percussors to unwind the fascial tissue have been nothing short of miraculous. Long-standing
physical problems have immediately resolved themselves upon percussion. After experimenting
with Dr Fulford’s technique in various ways, I began to think that perhaps there might be a better
way. At any given time in the body, there is a certain amount of fascial distortion. The subconscious
mind, amazing computer that it is, is fully aware of this distortion, and comprehends it in the
most minute detail. By finding and correcting the underlying imbalances, the fascia is allowed to
return to a balanced state.

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180 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Discs are the shock absorbers of the body. You can think of each disc as being like a “jelly
doughnut” made of concentric layers of cartilage, surrounding a gelatinous center called the
nucleus pulposus. It’s really a brilliant design, because the gelatinous center acts like a ball
bearing between each of the vertebrae, transferring weight down the spine in a very efficient
Sometimes discs bulge. When they do so, they invariably
put pressure on the spinal nerve nearby. When the nerve is
compressed, the result is usually either pain, or some sort of
numbness or tingling, usually in the arm or leg. The general
rule of thumb is that the more pressure there is on a nerve,
the worse the numbness or tingling will be. If the pressure gets
bad enough, there will be total anesthesia, or complete lack of
feeling. This is never something to play around with, of course.
If you ever have a client that is dealing with this kind of problem,
or having this sort of symptoms, if he doesn’t improve right
away from what you do, you should refer him to a chiropractor.
There are all kinds of things that can make a disc bulge. In my experience, the most common
thing is actually some sort of organ imbalance. The reason for this is that the organ imbalance
will always cause muscle imbalance. If the right organ is imbalanced, muscles that support
the spine may actually be compromised. The biggest culprit here is the kidney because of
its connection with the psoas muscle, which supports and holds up the lumbar spine. Just
remember that anything can cause anything. I have seen infection in discs before, and I have
seen Trapped Emotions in discs before, causing them to bulge.

The Skeleton
The skeleton can be broken down into two main divisions, referred to as the axial skeleton and
the appendicular skeleton.

Axial Skeleton
The axial skeleton consists of the skull, the teeth, and the vertebral column including the
cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, as well as all of the ribs and bones that make up the
sternum. This includes the sternum, the manubrium, which is situated at the top of the sternum
and makes up the bulk of the breastbone, and the xiphoid process, which is at the very bottom
of the sternum.
In the axial skeleton, the skull is a dynamic, amazing structure that is capable of far more
movement than the medical or dental profession believes. As the skull expands and contracts
between 6 to 12 times per minute, each cranial bone moves a very minute amount. Sometimes
cranial bones become misaligned very slightly. Sometimes the movement between one cranial
bone and another becomes impinged. The biggest underlying cause of this sort of problem

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 181

is Trapped Emotions. As a former craniopath, I understand the dramatic difference that it can
make to have all of the bones of the skull functioning normally.
Alignment of the spinal vertebrae is especially important because the spinal column houses the
spinal cord, which is like the freeway connecting the brain to the rest of the body. If a vertebra is
out of alignment, it can impede the communication between the brain and the body.

Appendicular Skeleton
The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the upper limbs, including the shoulder blades
or scapulae, and the collarbones or clavicles, as well as the bones of the upper and lower arms,
wrists and hands In addition, it includes the bones of the pelvis and the bones of the lower

Circuits and Systems

limbs, including the femur bones, tibia, fibula and the bones of the ankle and foot.
The urinary system is responsible for eliminating waste products
from the body in the form of urine. All the blood in the body passes
through the kidneys every few minutes. The kidneys filter the blood
and form urine, which is then passed down the ureters into the
urinary bladder. When the bladder becomes full, urine is then passed
through the urethra and is eliminated.

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182 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

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The purpose of this module is to help you understand toxicity, how
to detect it and what to do to correct or eliminate it. There are many
different types of toxins that affect our bodies. The types of toxicity
discussed in this module include: heavy metals, excesses such as
free radicals and metabolic waste, electromagnetic frequencies
like microwaves, chemicals, prions, microbial toxins which are the
byproducts of infections, and dental toxins.
Toxicity is the accumulation and buildup of toxins, or toxic materials, in the bodily tissues.
For the most part, toxicity is a relatively new phenomenon. Most toxins were introduced into
our environments and subsequently into our bodies around the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution. This problem continues to increase as the health of planet earth declines. Toxicity is
now a worldwide problem, and unfortunately there aren’t many places you can go on the earth
where you don’t find some kind of toxins.
A huge amount of the toxins that we are exposed to comes from the food we eat. The average
person takes in about 14 pounds of chemicals per year in the form of food additives: humectants,

preservatives, food colorings and so on. The more processed food you eat, the more these toxic
food additives will build up in your bodily tissues. These toxins are damaging to the body and
interfere with the normal function of the immune system, but they can be eliminated. We call this
process of elimination detoxification.
An important thing to remember is that if Trapped Emotions and other energetic imbalances
are present, they will tend to make detoxing more difficult. For example, if you have a Trapped
Emotion that is lodged in the liver, a major organ of detoxification in the body, every chemical
reaction now taking place in the liver is going to be interfered with. The liver function will not be at
100% by any means, and getting rid of harmful toxins is going to be difficult or even impossible.
Similarly, if you have Trapped Emotions in the small intestine, which houses a large part of
your immune system, you’ll also have a hard time getting rid of toxins. The immune system is
responsible for clearing, removing and breaking down toxins, and if it is being compromised it
won’t work as well. A single Trapped Emotion can decrease the function of your entire immune
system by up to 20%.
Toxins can be spread homogenously throughout the body or accumulated in a certain organ.
Toxins can also be concentrated in fatty tissues like the fat overlaying the stomach. There is
more information about toxins and obesity at the end of this module.

184 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


All toxins consist of nothing but pure energy, so you can treat them as such with The Body Code.
Think of toxins as clouds of energy in body, just like Trapped Emotions or other energies. When
you find a toxin, you can identify what kind of toxin it is and any other necessary information,
including the location of the toxin in the body if desired. Then roll 3 times down the governing
meridian with intention to release the toxin.
In some cases, treating energetically in this way may be enough, and the body can handle any
remaining detoxifying on its own with no other help. This will usually be the case if the toxic load
is minor and the body’s organs are functioning well. Other times however, the body will need
some extra help, and you may need to suggest some kind of a detoxification product or cleanse
for your clients.

Types of Toxins
There are many different types of toxins that affect our bodies. The types of toxicity discussed
in this module include: heavy metals, excesses such as free radicals and metabolic waste,
electromagnetic frequencies like microwaves, chemicals, prions, microbial toxins which are the
byproducts of infections, and dental toxins.

Heavy metals are elements that have no benefit to the human body. When introduced to the
body and accumulated, heavy metals can be extremely damaging to the body tissues and
create interference with metabolic processes. Sources of heavy metals include contaminated
food, vaccines, polluted air, water, cosmetics and more.
If you were born in the 1970’s or earlier, you may remember that at every gasoline pump at
every gas station, there was a sign that read: “For use as motor fuel only-contains lead.”
Leaded gasoline was common from the 1920’s until the 1980’s. Lead
was considered an important compound to mix in with gasoline
because it helped the engine run more smoothly. Leaded gasoline is
still used in certain countries, and on a very limited basis for people
who drive and maintain historic cars. (This is because old cars won’t run
very well at all on gasoline that does not contain lead.) When leaded
gasoline was being heavily used, millions of tons of lead were put into
the atmosphere in the form of exhaust. As a result, many people in the
industrialized world now have a very high lead content in their bodies.
Lead has also been an ingredient in paint for thousands of years, even though making and
using lead based paint was a known danger. In fact, the paint makers and painters often came

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 185

down with paralysis and nervous system disorders. Although banned in the United States in
1978, much of the world still produces and sells lead based paint. Even though many places
don’t use lead based paint anymore, old paint chips and dust from buildings and toys poses a
threat. Children are at risk the most because old paint chips or dust have a sweet taste.
Another very dangerous heavy metal is mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to
man. It is said that only radioactive plutonium is more poisonous than mercury!
Mercury is found in metal dental fillings, also known as
amalgam. These fillings contain about 50% mercury, which
leaches out into the body and can cause all kinds of problems.
Mercury also comes from air pollution, mainly from coal-fired
plants, which let off smoke into the atmosphere. This toxic
smoke gets absorbed into the ocean water and is consumed
by fish. Larger ocean fish can contain very high levels of
mercury because they’ve eaten all the smaller fish which
contained mercury, and it’s built up in their bodies. The larger
the fish, generally speaking, the higher the level of mercury.
Mercury has also been used in many vaccines over the years,
and may still be found in many of them today.

The largest source of mercury exposure is amalgam fillings. I have seen several cases where
people were diagnosed with a major disease, and by simply getting rid of their amalgam fillings,
they were able to recover their health in a very dramatic manner. Amalgam fillings should always
be removed very carefully, because when a dentist goes to drill out these old mercury fillings,
clouds of mercury vapor are released. If you have dental fillings like this and you’re going to
have them removed, make sure that your dentist uses a dental dam, which is a rubber dam that
protects you so that you don’t get exposed to this toxic vapor. You also need to be on a nasal
breathing system to make sure you don’t breathe in any of the toxins.
I had my own experience with this once, before I understood how dangerous mercury is. I went
to a dentist and asked him about getting an amalgam filling removed. It was many years ago,
and he thought the filling wasn’t a big problem, but I wanted it replaced anyway. So he went
ahead and drilled out just one mercury filling and replaced it with a white ceramic composite
filling. I felt fine after the procedure, drove home, walked through my front door, walked up the
stairs to my bedroom, and when I got to the top of the stairs, I suddenly collapsed.
The next day, I had a tumor that had suddenly appeared on my finger! It was a malignancy that
had to be removed surgically. It just kept growing and growing and growing. I tested myself later
and found that I had received about 10 years worth of mercury exposure, just by having that one
filling removed without the proper precautions. So you can see that you have to be really careful
if you are going to have your amalgam fillings removed. Go to somebody that knows what he or
she is doing and will use every possible precaution.

186 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. It is
also another damaging heavy metal that causes malfunction in
the body. One of the most common sources of aluminum is
commercial antiperspirant deodorant. Aluminum cookware and
foil is also unsafe to use because it leaches aluminum into food
as you cook. Packaged table salt often contains sodium
silicoaluminate, which contains aluminum, and is used in many
baking mixes and baking powders as an anti-caking agent as
well. If you start reading labels, you will be amazed at how many sources of aluminum there are
in seemingly harmless everyday products. Aluminum has been linked with Alzheimer’s Disease,
so if you want to keep your mind young, try to eliminate as many sources of it as possible.
Cadmium is another heavy metal that is also very dangerous.
It can be found in batteries, as a stabilizer for plastics, and
in air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels and municipal
wastes. Tobacco smoking is a huge source for cadmium
exposure, and tobacco smokers have been found to have 4
to 5 times the blood cadmium concentrations of non-smokers.
Cadmium is a known carcinogen that is also used in artist’s

This category of toxins results from too much of a particular thing which is not necessarily toxic
in smaller amounts. When there is too much exposure to any of the things in this category, it can
become toxic to the body. We refer to these as excesses.
Adrenalin and cortisol are considered to be the “stress hormones”
of the body, and can be produced in excess during difficult times,
becoming toxic to the body if they are not used or eliminated
efficiently. Note that vigorous physical exercise is the best way to
clear these toxic hormones from the tissues on a regular basis.
Metabolic waste refers to the byproducts of all metabolic processes in the body. If the organs
of elimination are compromised in any way, or are working less efficiently than they should be,
metabolic waste can build up in the body. To prevent this kind of issue, drink plenty of water,
exercise regularly, and keep the organs of elimination in good shape so they are functioning as
they should.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 187

If you find there is an excess of metabolic waste, you can correct it by finding and clearing any
imbalances in the organs of elimination (specifically the Colon, Ileocecal Valve, Small Intestine,
Kidneys and Liver). Then do any kind of cleansing necessary to eliminate the built up toxins.
Colon hydrotherapy treatments are an excellent way to cleanse metabolic waste, as are liver
and kidney cleanses.
Free radicals are basically unstable atoms that are created by oxidation,
which disrupt the healthy living cells and accelerate the aging process and
breakdown of the body. Our bodies naturally create free radicals, but tend
to create more free radicals when we’re exposed to radiation, too much
direct sunlight, tobacco smoke, pollution, when we overeat or when we eat
foods that are high in fats and sugar.
The damage that free radicals cause could be illustrated with a saying:
“It’s how the body rusts.” This chair, for example, has been outside for
too long, and you can see that it’s rusting. Metal breaks down by rusting;
the body breaks down by being exposed to free radicals. Both are
processes of oxidation. Studies show that periodic fasting and eating
fewer calories slow down the rate of oxidation and free radical formation,
thus slowing the aging process and keeping the body younger and



This Chinese medicine concept refers to “Six Pernicious Influences” that can disrupt the normal
function of the body. Included are the energies of heat, dampness, dryness, wind, summer heat
and cold.
These elements of nature are not inherently toxic, of
course, they are simply forms of energy that exist to
make our world the diverse place that it is. If any of these
energies enter the body and become trapped, however,
the body will consider it a toxic energy like any other.
These energies can create pain, achy joints, lowered
immune function, and other problems because they
interfere with the balance of the energy field. You can
find this kind of toxin by using The Body Code Mind Map, and eliminate it by rolling 3 times down
the governing meridian.

188 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


Another form of toxins come in the form of electromagnetic energy. All of these are different
wavelengths of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. What is actually toxic are the frequencies
of radiation because they distort the energy field and are, therefore, damaging to the body. You
can release any EM toxin by rolling 3 times down the governing meridian.
Remember that colors are simply energy, each having
a particular wavelength. If you get too much of a
certain color, it can become toxic, however that does
not mean that the color will always be considered a
toxin by the body. It will most likely be that the person
has been surrounded by too much of that color for too
long. However, there may be an underlying imbalance
that is causing the body to perceive the color as a
toxin, usually something that creates a subconscious
association of a certain color with negativity in the
body. For example, a Trapped Emotion about an ex-boyfriend who always wore green could
cause you to subconsciously associate the color green with negative emotions that you have
about the ex-boyfriend. The color green then can become synonymous, in a way, with the
negativity of those emotions. You can find out if this is the case by asking, “Is there an underlying
imbalance causing this color to be perceived as a toxin?” Then release whatever you find, and
repeat the process if necessary. Then you can release the toxic color energy by rolling the
magnet down the governing meridian 3 times. It may be a good idea to avoid that color for a few
days afterward, but is often not necessary.
Electromagnetic fields that are toxic come from electronic
equipment like cellular phones, microwaves and computer
screens. Radiation from cell phones is a huge problem in
our day, as you can’t go many places where there isn’t cell
phone coverage, and most people, including children, now
have their own personal cell phones. There is enormous
vested interest in keeping any negative studies that come
out about this as quiet as possible, because there’s a
huge amount of money in the cell phone industry. I’m very
sensitive myself to cell phone radiation. I try to use a corded headset, to keep the cell phone
away from me as much as possible.
When you’re first calling someone on your cell phone and it is making the connection, this is
when the radiation emitting from the phone is the highest. Keep the phone away from you until
it has made the connection. My advice is to use a cell phone as little as possible. There are
also some great devices available that you can attach to your cell phone that will decrease the

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 189

radiation to a great degree. If you don’t do that, you may end up like a friend of mine who actually
developed a brain tumor that was almost the exact same size and shape as her cell phone
antenna. There are more and more people developing auditory nerve tumors, or brain tumors
from the use of cell phones.
Scientists have done studies and discovered that food cooked in a microwave will not be as
healthy for you as food that is cooked in a traditional oven. This is because the toxic microwave
energy actually breaks down structures in the food, causing it to be less healthy, and even toxic
for your body. You can try this yourself. Boil a cup of water on the stove and boil a cup of water
in the microwave. Hold the cup that’s been in the microwave and muscle test yourself for the
water. You’ll test weak. Then if you hold onto the cup of water that’s been heated on the stove,
you’ll test strong.
You can release EMF energy with 3 rolls down the governing meridian, but keep in mind that
when this shows up, the body is telling you that it has been exposed to toxic levels of EMF
energy and you need to be more careful in the future.
Fluorescent lights emit a frequency that can be toxic. Many people are sensitive to fluorescent
light and don’t even realize it. Simply release this toxic vibration by rolling a magnet down the
governing meridian 3 times. Also consider getting new light bulbs. There are several other types

of light bulbs on the market that emit normal frequencies of light and aren’t harsh or toxic to the
I’m referring to “ionizing radiation” here, radiation that is
powerful enough to actually knock electrons out of their orbits
which damages the DNA, creates mutations and so on. This
is the kind of radiation that comes from nuclear power plants,
and is what caused the horrible mutations and diseases after
the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster in the 1980’s. You can
also be exposed to radiation levels that are cumulative on a
lower level, whenever you receive an x-ray at the dentist’s
office or if you fly at a very high altitude for hours at a time during the day. Normally, the body
is able to repair this kind of damage without too much trouble, but if the exposure is too great,
the damage caused to the atoms and the DNA can be too difficult to overcome. You can release
radiation energy with 3 rolls down the governing meridian.
Nikola Tesla is generally recognized as being the father of
scalar electromagnetics, or scalar energy. “Scalar energy”
and “zero point energy” are two terms that mean the same

190 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

This pure energy is what fills the immensity of space, located in between the electrons in
atoms. It is the energy that we don’t use to power our vehicles or to run our appliances, yet it
is an enormous potential source of energy. Princeton University’s John Wheeler and Richard
Feynman famously calculated that one cup of zero point or scalar energy is enough to bring all
the oceans of the world to the boiling point!
Normally, scalar energy is not a problem for us, it simply exists within us and everywhere else
in the universe. It can even be used as a healing tool because it is such a pure form of energy,
and can magnify intention just as a magnet can. There are indications that scalar energy is now
being used to magnify ill intentions as well. It is now apparently being militarized, weaponized,
and used for nefarious purposes. It can also be used on a large scale to control the weather
and even to remotely trigger earthquakes. Is beyond the scope of this manual to go into this any
further, but if you’d like more information start by researching the word HAARP on the Internet.
If scalar energy shows up as an imbalance, release it by rolling down the governing meridian 3
Sound can also be toxic. This might include music, construction noise,
buzzing, etc. These are all just frequencies of energy, and the body
doesn’t discriminate. If it’s toxic, it’s toxic. Simply release this toxic energy
by rolling the magnet down the governing meridian 3 times. And avoid
that toxic sound in the future if you are able to!

Chemical toxicity is a huge problem, especially in the United States and other industrialized
nations. Most chemical toxicity can be easily avoided if you are careful about what you eat,
touch and breathe. You can attempt to clear any chemical toxin by rolling 3 times down the
governing meridian, then by avoiding that toxin in the future. Note that you may also need to do
some sort of cleanse to completely clear that toxin from the body.

Aspartame is a very toxic substance that can be found in
chewing gum and in diet foods and drinks. It is marketed as
a sugar substitute under the brands Equal and Nutrasweet.
Aspartame is an excitotoxin and when ingested can cause
headaches, stomachaches, seizures and a long list of other
problems. It works very well as a pesticide to kill ants, so that
is likely a good sign that you shouldn’t eat it! Aspartame can be
found in over 9,000 different products now, and that number is

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 191

climbing. We go into more detail about this in the presentation in the DVD called “Vitality Secrets
Exposed: Conspiring Men,” one of your Body Code bonuses.

Food Coloring
Food coloring makes foods look good, but it’s also a toxin. Many common
foods such as oranges and salmon are actually dyed so they will look
more “palatable.” This is done because of the natural variation in color
that some people don’t find appetizing. The problem with this is that food
coloring is generally toxic. It has long been suspected in the aggravation
of behavioral disorders such as ADD and ADHD, and has also been suspected to cause further
problems for those suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorders. It can also cause typical toxin
related issues such as headaches, stomachaches, etc.

Humectants are used to preserve moisture and keep products from
drying out before they’re purchased. Humectants are used in both
foods and cosmetics. One of the most common humectants is called
propylene glycol - found in anything from deodorant to cake mix.
Propylene glycol is generally recognized as a safe additive, however

it can cause skin and eye irritation, and more severe reactions like
nausea and vomiting with long term exposure. Regardless of the symptoms, we know that
humectants on the whole are toxic, building up in the body to cause a lowered immune system
and other problems.

Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is present in a wide variety of different foods and is disguised
under a slew of different names. The most common key words to watch for are: glutamate,
hydrolyzed, autolyzed and modified. These compounds do different things to food, but they are
all toxic and they generally produce the same physical reaction in those who are sensitive to
MSG. The reason for these symptoms is that MSG is a type of excitotoxin, which means that it
excites nerves to death.
You may have heard of “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”, which includes
symptoms such as headache, muscle tightness, fatigue and nausea
following a meal laced with MSG. Most people don’t even realize they
are sensitive to MSG, they just know they feel sick a lot of the time. MSG
tends to be addictive, is mood influencing and causes weight gain. In
fact, that’s how scientists do studies on obesity in the laboratory; they
create obese rats by feeding them MSG. These animals are called
MSG treated rodents.

192 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Preservatives are used to extend the shelf life of foods, to keep
them from spoiling. Preservatives are toxic and can interfere with the
metabolic processes in the body. This can cause energy loss, weight
gain and many other problems including the creation of abnormal
You can talk to any mortician who has been around for very long and they will tell you that 30
or 40 years ago, when a person would die their body would have to be embalmed right away,
because the body would start to decompose immediately. Now, because everyone is somewhat
pickled with all the preservatives that are in the food that we eat, the morticians can actually
let the body lay there for 2 or 3 days before they have to start embalming it. This may make life
easier for the morticians, but it’s not a good thing for the human body at all.

Sugar is probably the biggest food additive there is and the most
commonly ingested toxin. In its natural and unrefined form, in
fruits, grains and dairy, sugar is not too bad. The problem is that
it’s easy to find refined sugar everywhere now. Most people eat
far too much sugar for the body to process, causing weight gain,
mood disturbances, and an overload on the pancreas, which can
eventually lead to diabetes. Excess sugar also causes oxidation of
cells and the formation of damaging free radicals. There are a couple of books about sugar that I
recommend you read if you want an in depth analysis of sugar and its effects on the body. Sugar
Shock! by Connie Bennett, and Sugar Blues by William Duffy, will both really open your eyes to
how damaging sugar really is.

All medications are toxic to the human body- we call these medical toxins.

Medications are used to suppress symptoms or to achieve a
certain effect, but there are also unintended or unwanted effects-
these are called side effects. Side effects are a byproduct of
toxicity in the body. They range from skin irritation to headache
to nausea to death.
The liver and kidneys are especially vulnerable to medical toxins
because they are the organs that are trying to detoxify the body
of the toxic medications. Some drugs are so toxic that people have to go in to the doctor every

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 193

week so they can test the liver and kidneys to see if they are starting to fail yet. Medications are
far too overused in western medicine.
Millions of people, particularly the elderly, are using dangerous combinations of medications
that are untested, yet they are still being prescribed every day without full knowledge of the
possible complications that could take place. A colleague of mine had a patient who was taking
a certain medication that was so powerful, one of the side effects was a syndrome that’s known
as furry tongue. The medication actually created fur or hair growing all over this person’s tongue!

Vaccines contain very toxic components, such as aluminum,
formaldehyde and mercury, which are additives that weaken the
organism or preserve the vaccine. For the most complete information
on vaccinations, their true history and why you should avoid them,
read Vaccination is Not Immunization by Dr Tim O’Shea, available on
Recreational drugs are a scourge of the world in our day, destroying
countless lives. They’re also extremely toxic and do their damage

to the body quickly and sometimes permanently. All toxins are
damaging to the body as a whole, but especially damaging to the
liver and the kidneys because it’s the liver and the kidneys that
have to purify the blood. With repeated exposure and no detoxing,
toxins will build up in the liver and kidneys, causing a multitude
of problems. I believe that drugs (excluding caffeine and tobacco)
open the body to invasion by entities as well.

Taken sparingly, alcohol doesn’t do too much damage, but if abused or taken in excess, it can
cause a lot of problems. The main problem that alcohol causes is interference with the liver. The
liver has to work overtime to detox alcohol from the body, but in cases of repeated use with little
or no recovery time, like alcoholism, the liver function can actually decrease until it is hardly
functioning at all. If this persists, liver disease and eventually cirrhosis of the liver result, leading
to death, since you need a working liver in order to keep living.

Amphetamines are chemically engineered psychostimulant drugs that act to speed up the
nervous system, causing euphoria, increased concentration, hyperactivity and many other
more agitating symptoms. Speeding up the natural rhythms of the body is very harmful to the
adrenal glands, the kidneys and the liver. Amphetamines include pharmaceutical drugs such

194 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

as Adderall, but also include methamphetamines, an illegal street drug commonly called meth
or speed. Amphetamines in any form are toxic, and when introduced to the body, the liver
will attempt to break down the chemicals into hopefully less toxic components. The physical
effects of Amphetamine use are harmful, and include weight loss, insomnia, increased blood
pressure, numbness, tachycardia, increased heart attack risk and many more. Psychological
effects include: anxiety, false sense of confidence, strength or well-being (all of these being
dangerous to the user’s safety), and possible psychosis.

Caffeine is one of the most common toxins people ingest. I’m
classifying it as a recreational drug because it’s addictive, toxic,
and so many people rely on it for its drug-like effects on the body.
Because caffeine creates imbalance in the kidneys, it will also
tend to create low back pain. In fact, I believe it is the largest
single factor that causes low back pain today! Caffeine is more
dangerous than just this however. It causes Fibrocystic Breast
Disease as well as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy- a condition
where the prostate becomes enlarged and creates difficulty with urination.

Cocaine is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system and is both very harmful and
incredibly addictive. Just like any other drug, cocaine causes health problems that become
worse with prolonged or excessive use, which can result in heart and blood pressure problems,
paranoid delusions, seizures and strokes- which we know can cause death, and often do in
cocaine users. Cocaine also destroys the cells of the body, which you can see clearly when you
look at an addict- they always seem to look 10 or 15 years older than they really are because
their cells have been weakened or destroyed and the process of oxidation has been accelerated.

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA is a really dangerous psychoactive amphetamine street drug
that also happens to be very toxic. It causes an imbalance in the serotonin transporters in the
brain, which unfortunately makes you feel great while you’re on the drug, but the side effects
can be difficult to devastating. At the lesser end of the spectrum, Ecstasy will cause increased
depression and anxiety, even after a user has quit using it. This is because the serotonin levels
in the brain have been depleted and they don’t automatically go up to normal again. On the other
end of the spectrum is disaster. I had a patient from California who had tried Ecstasy twice.
The first time she tried it, she didn’t notice much of anything, but the second time she tried it,
it basically destroyed her health completely. When she came to me, she was 23 years old and
had such terrific fatigue and such terrible Fibromyalgia that she couldn’t work anymore. It was
all she could do to get to the store to buy enough food to survive on each week. The ecstasy
had done irreparable damage to her body, and because of that there wasn’t much I could do to

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 195

help her, sadly.

Heroin is an incredibly addictive and very damaging drug, made from the opmium poppy.
Psychological dependence is what makes heroin so addictive, because of the euphoria
experienced when the drug is taken. Like other drugs, it is toxic and destroys the body, causing
respiratory problems that are often what kills the user, as well as decreased liver function and
heart problems.

Ketamine is a drug used medically as an anaesthetic, but used as a street drug as well. It
causes impaired senses, hallucinations and problems with respiration and circulation. It is both
addictive and toxic, like other drugs.

LSD, or Lysergic acid diethylamide is a psychedelic drug invented for medicinal and psychiatric
purposes but now more frequently used as a street drug. It causes hallucinations, paranoia and
euphoria. LSD as a substance is considered to be non-toxic, however, it shows up as a toxin in

the body because its energy is very toxic.

Marijuana is widely thought of as being fairly harmless, but this
is not true at all. Marijuana creates a kind of mold in the body
when it is smoked. The mold seems to have an affinity for the
joints, which it gradually damages and destroys over time. Just
like any drug, prolonged and excessive use causes more of the
problem- so the more marijuana used, the higher the probability
for joint problems. If you have a client who uses marijuana, you
can actually ask their body which of their joints will be destroyed
first. Usually it will be one of the larger joints like the shoulder or the knee. Often the joint that
you’ve found will be destroyed first will already be causing problems for the person, and this is
usually quite eye opening for them.
My opinion is that people who use marijuana long-term often end up in wheelchairs because
their joints get destroyed, their vertebral disks deteriorate, they end up in constant pain, and
they most often continue to use the marijuana to help them to deal with the pain, which really
makes the problem worse. There was also an apocryphal study done in Miami, Florida in the
1980’s that showed long-term marijuana users developed a “crust” over the brain, with the
brain actually shrinking to about the size of a softball. So there are some real health problems
associated with marijuana, besides the more widely recognized lack of motivation and paranoia

196 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


Mescaline is a psychedelic drug that targets the peripheral nervous system. Like LSD it is
considered non-toxic but it has toxic energy and shows up as a toxin in The Body Code.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms, or Psilocybin mushrooms are used as another hallucinogenic drug.
They are also considered non-toxic but show up as a toxin in the body.

Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas also shows up as a toxin. It is used as a street drug as well as
for medicinal purposes and can cause several health problems with prolonged use, as well as
death from anoxia, or deprivation of oxygen.

The most commonly known toxic nightshade is the psychoactive “deadly
nightshade” or belladonna. Tobacco is also a nightshade, as are edible
plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Nightshades are
known to cause inflammation and pain, due to the alkaloid chemicals they
produce. The most common include nicotine in tobacco, the hallucinogenic
and deadly tropane alkaloids in belladonna, and the mildly irritating alkaloids
in tomatoes, potatoes, and other food nightshades. I often advise sensitive
individuals to avoid nightshades altogether because they can cause such
irritation of the tissues, although most people tolerate edible nightshade
plants very well.

Tobacco is one of the top three most popular toxins out there, along with alcohol and caffeine.
Tobacco is a recreational drug in and of itself. It would require an additional presentation about
tobacco and the thousands of different toxic chemicals that it contains. One of the chemicals
that tobacco contains is actually an insecticide, called hydrogen cyanide- the same drug that
was used in Nazi Germany in the gas chambers.
Environmental chemicals are chemicals and toxins that you are exposed to in your own personal
environment where you live and work.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 197

Building Materials
Building materials often contain toxins in flooring, carpets, formaldehyde, paint fumes, and other
harmful chemicals that are released into the air. New buildings, or buildings with fresh paint
and carpet should be aired out as much as possible to keep the air breathable. Getting fresh
air is imperative to your health. In fact, a study done not too long ago that showed the air inside
most homes to be more toxic than the air in the most polluted cities in the US.
makes what are arguably the best indoor air cleaners to eliminate this problem, and I highly
recommend them.

Pesticides and Herbicides

Pesticides are chemicals that are sprayed on fruits and
vegetables to keep bugs from eating the produce before
they are sold. These chemicals are very harmful to the body,
causing all kinds of problems. Herbicides are chemicals that
are used to kill weeds. Roundup is a highly toxic and widely
used herbicide you may have heard of. Studies clearly show
that Roundup, as well as genetically modified Roundup
Ready plants are toxic and lead to birth defects and other
serious problems including loss of energy, autoimmune disease and more. Watch a YouTube

documentary called “Genetic Roulette” for more information about this very important topic.
Millions of tons of herbicides and pesticides are used in the industrial farming industry in the
western world every year. This is just one reason why organically grown foods are better for your

GMO Foods
GMO stands for “Genetically Modified Organism.” As you are probably aware,
modern scientists are combining the DNA of foods like tomatoes, corn, wheat
and so on, with all kinds of other DNA, including DNA from insects, poisonous
plants, etc. For example, 90% of the soybeans and 70% of the corn that is
grown in the United States is genetically modified under the label “Roundup
Ready.” This means that these plans have been genetically modified to be
able to withstand being drenched with Roundup, a very potent herbicide mentioned above.

Cosmetics like makeup, lotions, perfumes, deodorants and hair products can also be very toxic.
They might seem harmless, but many contain toxic chemicals and even heavy metals. It’s also
been observed that a lot of the big name brand cosmetics that you pay the most money for
are the most toxic ones of all. Once you know what to look for and avoid, you can begin using
products that are actually doing your body good, not damaging it.

198 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Cleaning Supplies
The chemicals in cleaning supplies may get the job done, but they are
very toxic to the body, not to mention the environment. Coming in contact
with fumes from toxic cleaning supplies can cause respiratory problems,
headache, muscle aches and fatigue, in addition to other various long-
term effects with repeated exposure. There are several healthy alternatives
to commercial cleaning supplies, and a lot of them actually work better
than their toxic counterparts. Some natural products are so completely
non-toxic that they’re safe enough to drink, believe it or not. Vinegar and baking soda are also
natural alternatives that are non-toxic, cheap and environmentally friendly. Cleaning supplies do
not have to be toxic to do the job.

Prions are deformed or mutated protein molecules that wreak havoc in
the tissues of the body. There are differences of opinion about whether
prions are alive or not, I believe that these dangerous proteins are
usually derived from normal proteins in the body that are then damaged
by toxins, particularly by heavy metals. They can be ingested by
consuming tainted meat products and byproducts, and are implicated
in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow

Pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, fungi and mold all produce their own specific toxic waste,
and people can be very sensitive or allergic to these toxins. Microbial toxins refer to the waste
products of infections and infestations but can also refer to the dead organisms themselves.
When you find microbial toxins, you will want to identify the type of pathogen that created them.
You can clear these toxins with 3 rolls down the governing meridian. Then you want to find out
if the infection is active or not. If it is active, refer to the Pathogens module for more instruction.

Since modern dentistry causes so many problems for so many people, and since there is a
great dearth of information about this topic, I hope to address the key issues here.

A cavitation is an encapsulated pocket in the upper or lower jaw that
is infected with anaerobic bacterial organisms, which produce very

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 199

powerful toxins. Cavitations are caused by trauma to the jawbone, most often a tooth extraction
or a root canal. It is estimated that 70 to 90% of all tooth extractions result in cavitations.
Cavitations are often difficult to detect, and most often go undiagnosed during the lifetime of
the sufferer. The same extremely toxic anaerobic bacteria that are found in cavitations are also
found in root canal teeth. Correction requires surgical intervention.
Most dentists are vaguely aware of cavitations, but only a tiny handful of true holistic dentists
make a practice of finding and removing them. I would estimate that for every 5,000 “Biological
Dentists,” you will find one that understands this problem and knows what to do to deal with it.
These dentists are truly few and far between! Please contact our support staff at support@ if you would like us to send you the list that we’ve compiled of these dentists.

Root Canals
If you look at the surface of a tooth under a very powerful
microscope, you will see that it actually looks nothing like
you might imagine. You could compare it to taking a handful
of drinking straws and looking at that handful of straws on
end. Each tooth is composed of very small tubes known as
microtubules. The average adult tooth contains between 4 to 8
miles of these micro-tubules.

A root canal is performed when a tooth has died. By definition, that tooth is infected, and the
microtubules that make up that tooth contain living bacteria. Root canals cannot be done safely
because it is impossible to sterilize the miles of bacteria-containing microtubules found in a
typical tooth.
When a root canal is performed, the dead tooth is sealed off, and the bacteria are now left
trapped in an environment that produces no oxygen for them. As a result, these bacteria continue
to survive, but they change their nature from “aerobic” to “anaerobic” bacteria. Simultaneously,
they begin producing very powerful toxins.
The toxins produced by both root canal teeth and cavitations have been demonstrated in
laboratory studies to stop up to 67% of the reactions in the Krebs Cycle, the most basic chemical
reaction in the body that produces the energy that we need to live.
These toxins cause heart and circulatory diseases, arthritis and rheumatism, diseases of the brain
and nervous system, and even cancer. In fact, 95% of breast cancers will have corresponding
root canal(s) or cavitations on the same side as the cancer, according to thermographic studies!
In our experience, root canal teeth always need to be extracted, and cavitations are usually
found underneath the root canal, which also need to be surgically cleaned out and sterilized.
This is highly specialized dental work that is performed by very few dentists.

200 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

A cavity is an area of tooth surface that is decayed. Bacterial invasion
has always been thought to be the cause of tooth decay. However,
we now know that there is a continuous flow of fluid from the inside
of a tooth to the outside of the tooth via the microtubules. When
sugar is present, (even if it bypasses the mouth and is introduced
directly into the stomach, bypassing the teeth entirely,) this flow of
fluid will reverse direction immediately. This is thought to be a major
mechanism leading to tooth decay.
Cavities can be healed, contrary to popular belief. Ask if the tooth is happy, if it is not, find out
why, fix what you find, and watch what happens. In the event that nothing you do works, you can
test for dental materials that are compatible, and of course, avoid amalgam fillings at all costs.

Fluoride is a toxic by-product and an industrial waste produced by the nuclear, aluminum, and
phosphate fertilizer industries. In what is probably the greatest marketing coup ever performed,
the public has been deceived into believing that fluoride is essential for health. Fluoride, of
course, is widely used by the dental industry, but has never been proven to prevent cavities,
contrary to popular belief and conventional wisdom.
Fluoride causes fluorosis, which is a white mottling of the teeth, and it also
makes bones more brittle. Fluoride is found in teeth whitening treatments,
dental fluoride treatments, fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, bottled water,
vitamins, etc. To find if fluoride toxicity is problem, ask, “Do you have fluoride

Mercury Amalgam Fillings

The only thing more toxic than mercury is plutonium, yet it has been widely used in dental
amalgam fillings for many years. Metal fillings typically contain 50% mercury. Conventional
wisdom says that the mercury in amalgam fillings does not leak from the tooth and that no
mercury vapor escapes from metal fillings. To see how false this is, simply go to YouTube and
search for “smoking tooth.”
Please note that removal of metal fillings must be done by qualified
dentist using all possible precautions against further mercury
exposure, including a dental dam and nasal cannula.
For more information about the teeth and their connection with
the organs, glands and the acupuncture system, see the Dental
Relationship Chart located in the Mind Maps.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 201


One of the fascinating things about toxicity is that it actually is perhaps the biggest reason for
obesity. The reason for this is that the process of clearing toxins from the body is not 100%
efficient. Even though the liver and the kidneys do the best job they can, they can’t always
remove every toxin, especially if there are a lot of toxins present. As a result, the excess toxins
are encapsulated by fat cells, which act as cold storage to protect the body from these poisons.
The problem is, the more toxins you accumulate, the more fat you need to buffer you from those
toxins. Here’s essentially what happens:
An obese person will have more fat to protect the body from all the
toxic impurities in their body. If they go on a diet, their body
becomes smaller because it loses the fat, but it doesn’t necessarily
lose the toxins, which means the relative concentration of toxins
in their body now is actually higher. The body will sense that
increased level of impurity and go into an emergency fat production
mode, causing the fat to be piled right back on. In fact, sometimes
people will end up having more fat than they had before. In my
experience, the best way to get rid of fat is to first use The Emotion
Code to find and remove any Trapped Emotions that are preventing weight loss. Then determine
the best way to cleanse the body, and complete that cleanse. When you cleanse the body of

toxins, the body sheds excess fat because it doesn’t need the fat to act as a buffer anymore.
Then after that you simply maintain the body weight by preventing the intake of all these toxins
we’ve just discussed.

202 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Dealing With Toxins

I have known a number of people who’ve lost over 100 pounds simply by cleansing. In fact, if you
go on the right kind of cleanse, you can lose weight safely and quickly. Typically, men can lose
a pound of fat per day just by cleansing. Women can typically lose about a pound every other
day. You can’t lose weight that fast on any kind of a diet that I know of.
The Emotion Code is very important to weight loss because if you have Trapped Emotions that
are preventing you from losing weight, or preventing you from releasing toxins, no matter what
you do your body will hang on to that weight. You can cleanse and you can diet but the weight
will come back if you have these kinds of emotional blockages. Make sure that is not an issue,

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 203

and then you can continue with a cleanse. There are many different kinds of cleanses that you
can do. There are specific organ cleanses like liver, gallbladder or colon cleanses, whole body
cleanses, and more. There are also cleanses that deal with specific toxins such as heavy metals.

Heavy Metal Cleanses

One of the best heavy metal cleanses that I have found is IV
(intravenous) Chelation, which is intense but great if the problem is
very bad. This is where you go to a clinic and they cleanse your blood
before putting it back into your body. There are also oral chelation
supplements that you can take. One of the best oral chelation products
is called ACZ-Nano, which is also known as Zeolite. This seems to
work very well to chelate heavy metal toxins. A client who was taking
ACZ-Nano to chelate the mercury out of her body told me that within
a couple of days her vision suddenly improved quite dramatically. She
was able to see colors that she didn’t realize she was missing before!
There are other methods of cleansing heavy metals, but this is one of
the most effective I have seen. In addition, infrared saunas are very
effective at cleansing heavy metals from the body.

Colon Cleanses
Colon cleanses can help rid the body of toxins safely and quickly.
One of the best ones on the market is this one called Colonix by Dr
Natura. Colon cleanses are typically kits that include any combination
of herbs, natural laxatives and binding agents like bentonite clay
to pull toxins out of the colon. Colonic therapy, also called colon
hydrotherapy is also very effective in cleansing the colon. Instead
of doing an enema at home, in which you use about a gallon of
water, a colon hydrotherapy session is done by a professional and
will typically last about 45 minutes. This involves rinsing out the colon with about 10 gallons or
more of water. Sometimes the water used is oxygenated to help kill microorganisms. Colonic
therapy is offered as a standard therapy at every worthwhile health recovery spa. Cleansing
the colon can make an enormous difference in how you feel. The average person is carrying
around a lot of toxic impacted fecal material in the colon, which can cause energy loss, weight
gain, a protruding gut and many other health problems. Removing all this toxic sludge can help
the colon to do its job right, raise your immune system, and help you feel more energized and
healthy all around.

204 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Optimum Health Institute

For cleansing all different kinds of toxins from the body, there is a
health recovery center called the Optimum Health Institute, which
has 2 locations, one in Lemon Grove, California near San Diego,
and another near Austin, Texas. They have a wonderful holistic
program where you can stay between 1 to 3 weeks at a time. Their
program consists of cleansing through eating live fresh fruits and
vegetables and very liberal use of wheatgrass. They grow their
own produce and feed you just about the healthiest diet there
is, while educating you about nutrition and cleansing, among other things. It’s really quite an
amazing place. When I was practicing in Southern California my parents would go to this facility
every year, and I was always amazed at the transformation that took place in them in such a
short time. I would see them on their way down and then I would see them on the way back a
week or 2 later. My mother especially always looked like she was 10 years younger after her
stay there. Her skin always just glowed after all the cleansing. I’ve stayed at the Optimum Health
Institute myself, and I highly recommend it, especially if you’re dealing with any kind of major
health problem. Their website is

Isagenix is another full body cleansing program that for most people
works very well. Isagenix was designed to help people lose weight
and cleanse, while providing ultimate nutrition and high energy
levels. They have 2 main packages: the 9-day cleanse or the 30-day
cleanse. You can simply test yourself or your clients to see which one
is needed. People who are very overweight or toxic will sometimes
need two or three 30-day cleanses back to back. We’ve gotten great
results with Isagenix and have used it for many years now.
Of course, there are other cleansing programs out there that
are great, but Isagenix and the Optimum Health Institute are the two that I’ve had the most
experience and the best luck with. You can always muscle test yourself or your clients to see
what other cleansing program would be the best option. For more information send an email
with your request to our support team at [email protected].

Liver/Gall Bladder Cleanse

Here we have a picture of a gallbladder that has been
opened up. What you’re seeing inside the gallbladder are
a bunch of gallstones, made of hardened cholesterol and
bile salts. Gallstones are the reason why most people end
up having the gallbladder removed when it has trouble, but
there is a natural way to get rid of gallstones called the

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Liver and Gallbladder Flush (Cleanse). This cleanse will help to flush both toxins and gallstones
out of the liver and the gallbladder. I want to caution you that you should use this only under
supervision of your doctor. Your medical doctor probably hasn’t heard of this cleanse, so consult
your alternative doctor before beginning it (or any type of a cleanse).
The liver and gallbladder flush is an important detoxifying agent which will help restore the
normal functional capacity of these organs. It is not recommended for clients under 25 years of
age or clients with known large stones. Listed below are the steps that should be followed:
• Monday through Saturday noon, drink as much apple juice as your appetite will permit in
addition to regular meals and any supplements that may have been prescribed. The apple
juice should preferably be organic to assure there are no additives.
• At noon on Saturday, you should eat a normal lunch.
• Three hours later, drink 1 bottle of magnesium citrate laxative (widely available in the US at
drug stores) this will begin to flush the intestines of toxic waste materials, so plan on staying
home or near a bathroom.)
• Two hours later, repeat step 3.
• You may have grapefruit juice, grapefruit or other citrus fruits or juices for your evening

• At bedtime, you may have 1 of the following: a cup of unrefined olive oil followed by a small
glass of grapefruit juice, or a cup of warm unrefined olive oil blended with a cup of lemon
juice. (Unrefined olive oil may be purchased from any health food store. It is best to use
fresh citrus juice, but canned or bottled are permissible).
• Following step 6, you should go immediately to bed and lie on your right side with your right
knee pulled up close to your chest for 30 minutes.
• The next morning, 1 hour before breakfast, drink 1 bottle of magnesium citrate laxative.
• Be sure to continue with your normal diet and any nutritional program that has been
prescribed for you.
Some clients have occasionally reported slight to moderate nausea when taking the olive oil/
citrus juice. This nausea will slowly disappear by the time you go to sleep. If the olive oil induces
vomiting, you need not repeat the procedure at the time. This occurs only in rare instances.
This flushing of the liver and gallbladder stimulates and cleanses these organs as no other
method can. Clients who have chronically suffered from gallstones, biliousness, backaches,
nausea, etc. occasionally find small gallstone-type objects in the stool the following day. These
objects are light green to dark green in color. They are very irregular in shape, gelatinous in
texture, and vary in size from grape seeds to cherry seeds. If there seems to be a large number
of these objects in the stool, the flush should be repeated in 2 weeks.

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Liver Cleanse
This 3 day program will help to cleanse the liver and the lymphatic system.
• Drink 2 cups of unsweetened black cherry juice daily, 1 in the morning and 1 at night.
• Take 10 tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll daily, splitting them up through the day, or taking 5
in the morning and 5 at night.
• Make the following drink and drink it throughout the day:
• 2 quarts of grapefruit juice mixed with the juice of 8 lemons and 2 quarts of distilled water.
Drink this mixture at 30-minute intervals throughout the day.
Get a colon hydrotherapy treatment each day during the 3 days you are on the cleanse. If you
start to feel sick or have a fever or headache, it means your colon has toxic material in it and the
toxins are being reabsorbed into your blood stream, causing your symptoms. If this happens, an
enema or colonic will quickly help to get the toxins out of the colon.
You must remember that the first function of the liver is to detoxify your body. You cannot be
healthy and feel good if your liver does not function as it was intended to function. Lemon juice
and grapefruit juice are two of the best stimulants that help the liver to cleanse its tissues and
stimulate it to greater efficiency. Caution should also be observed as too much grapefruit and
lemon juice over too long a period of time can be dangerous to the body. Please consult a
holistic physician if you are intending on continuing this cleanse for a longer than 2 weeks, or if
you have any question about usage or safety.

Kidney Stone Flush

Like the liver, the kidneys are responsible for filtering toxins from the body. Sometimes toxins
accumulate in the kidneys, along with dissolved urinary minerals that form what are called kidney
stones. Most of the time these kidney stones are small enough that they can be eliminated
with no symptoms through the urine, but sometimes they are too large to pass through the
urinary tract, causing incredible pain and malfunction of the urinary tract. The pain is typically
experienced in the lower back, the hip and around the front of the lower abdomen, on the side
of the kidney with the stones.
You should always check with your alternative doctor before beginning any type of cleanse. That
being said, the kidney flush is easy, effective and fast.
• Simply drink six 12-ounce bottles of Classic Coca-Cola (if at all possible, use Mexican Coca-
Cola or other that does not contain high-fructose corn syrup, that certainly do not drink the
kind with aspartame.) within 1 hour
• Follow with 4 ounces of pureed asparagus. The combined acids in the Coca-Cola and the
asparagus is often enough to dissolve the stones.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 207

Gallbladder Cleanse
Please note that none of these cleanses should be performed if you are in pain. In that case,
you should see an alternative doctor and follow their instructions.
In the event that you don’t need to cleanse both the liver and gallbladder, this gallbladder cleanse
usually works quite well.
Note that this cleanse is to be used under the supervision of an alternative doctor only. Here’s
how it works:
• Drink a glass of organic apple juice every waking hour for 2 days, eating only fruits and
vegetables during your cleanse.
• If possible, eat beet greens during these 2 days. Beet greens are quite tasty if steamed
• At the end of the second day, drink 1 to 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts dissolved in water.
• Next, blend 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1 cup of Mexican Coca-Cola or unsweetened grape juice
with the juice of 1 lemon. Mexican Coca-Cola is recommended over regular Coca-Cola,
because it does not contain high fructose corn syrup. The purpose of the Coca-Cola, or the
grape juice, whichever you prefer is to make it more palatable to drink the oil.

• As soon as you have drunk this combination, immediately get in bed and lie down on your
right side with your knees pulled up to your chest. Stay in this position for at least half an
hour before you go to sleep.
• The next morning, drink 1 bottle of citrate of magnesium and take the morning off. Watch
your stools for stones that have passed from your gallbladder. It may surprise you!

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The purpose of this module is to help you to understand what nutritional imbalances and lifestyle
needs are, how to detect them, and how to correct them. This section discusses vitamins and
minerals, herbs, what pH imbalance is, dehydration and how it affects you, how to test different
foods, how to test for magnetic field deficiency and what to do about it. This module also includes
a section on how to identify other needs: things that may need to be incorporated into the diet
and or lifestyle in order to find complete balance.

The Food Pyramid

The Food Pyramid, which was first published by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) in 1992, and the more recent My Plate,
are pictorial diagrams showing guidelines for a proper diet. Although
it has been updated over the years, there continue to be some major
problems with this approach. First, it is an overly broad system that
ignores the fact that different bodies have different needs, both for
calorie intake and type of food. The next issue is that this approach
focuses on ratio and quantity while saying nothing about the quality
or purity of the foods.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Eating organically grown food is vital to our health, and becoming more and more so as time goes
on. While it is often better to eat conventionally grown fruits and vegetables rather than none at
all, this is not always the case. For example, conventionally or commercially grown bell peppers
(capsicum) are often sprayed so heavily with toxic pesticides that you’re better off leaving them
on the shelf! Unfortunately, pesticides and herbicides aren’t the only thing you need to watch
out for. Many fruits, vegetables and grains are also being genetically modified (GMO), meaning
their DNA has been altered to achieve a certain affect. These organisms are usually read as
toxins by the body, even though they may look just the same as their organic counterparts. In
fact, genetically modified foods may even appear prettier, fresher and without the bruising that
you sometimes see in other produce, but don’t be fooled. This is because their DNA has been
specifically altered so the produce will be tougher, to survive the often long, rough road from
farm to store. If your fruits and vegetables still seem fresh 2 weeks after you buy them, you may
want to question how healthy for you they really are. Many are also altered so they will grow in
unnatural conditions such as a colder or warmer climate. For example, scientists combined the
DNA of tomatoes with the DNA of the flounder fish. This allowed them to grow tomatoes in an
unnaturally cold climate, where normal tomatoes would not be able to grow. These tomatoes
may look normal, but your body knows better!

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Avoiding toxins is a good reason to eat organic, but it’s

certainly not the only reason. Organically grown fruits and
vegetables have been proven to be many times more
nutrient rich than commercially grown ones in almost all
cases, too. There was a study done a number of years ago
by Rutgers University. Their hypothesis was that there might
be a difference in mineral content in organically grown
versus commercially grown vegetables. The results of their
study were astounding. They found that organically grown
snap beans had 73 parts per million of boron and 227 parts per million of iron. Commercially
grown snap beans had 10 parts per million of boron and 10 parts per million of iron. Organically
grown tomatoes contained almost 2000 parts per million of iron. Commercially grown tomatoes
had only 1 part per million! All of the mineral contents were dramatically higher in the organically
grown vegetables than in the commercially grown vegetables.
Eating organic is by far the best way to nourish the body and give it all the nutrients it needs.
Your body is an incredibly sophisticated machine, so why would you give it fuel that is subpar
or contaminated? You wouldn’t put cheap, diluted fuel in your expensive Ferrari, would you? Of
course not, you’d make sure it had the proper fuel in order to keep the car functioning correctly.
Your body is the same, it needs a certain balance of nutrients in order to remain in balance and
function optimally. What your body needs is probably a little different than what my body needs,
of course, depending on any number of factors. But at the end of the day, organic food is best
for all of us.
If you are able to, I highly recommend that you grow some of your own vegetables and fruits. If
you’ve ever grown your own food, especially tomatoes—they taste heavenly compared to the
tomatoes that you can buy at the store. If you don’t have a garden of your own, I would highly
recommend that you read a book called Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. In that
book, you’ll learn how you can have a garden, even if you live in an apartment and you don’t
have any land.

Nutritional Ideas Change

If there’s one thing that is for certain, it is that ideas about
nutrition change continually. You may remember the great
egg scare during the 1990’s. Scientists published the idea
that eggs were causing heart disease because of the
cholesterol, and recommended that no one should eat
more than one egg per week. Of course, a few years later,
they discovered that their published ideas were actually
wrong, and they had to recant their statements. Keep an
open mind when you hear about what foods you should
and shouldn’t eat – you never know what information
might be outdated, incorrect or just part of the story. Remember that what is really best for the

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body is different for everyone so use muscle testing to determine what you need and what you
should avoid.

Speaking of cholesterol, it has never actually been proven that cholesterol creates heart disease
or hardening of the arteries, which is known as Arteriosclerosis. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical
industry is raking in the money from all the sales of cholesterol reducing medication. In reality,
cholesterol isn’t all bad! It is produced naturally by the liver, and is necessary for the body to
function properly.

Fats are also quite demonized in our society, and wrongfully
so. Low-fat diet foods were the craze in the US at the beginning
of this century, showing how misinformed the public has been
about fats and what role they really play. Generally speaking,
foods high in sugar and starch are what cause people to gain
weight, not healthy fats! There is a lot of misinformation out
there about what kinds of fats are good and what are bad. The
good kinds of fats are necessary for the function of the body and the health of our tissues.
Deficiency in these fats can cause big problems! Eating too many bad or unhealthy fats can
cause inflammation, formation of free radicals and other problems. Keep in mind that the closer
a fat is to its natural state, the healthier it will be. For example, the fats found in raw nuts and
seeds, avocados and raw, cold-pressed coconut oil help support the body tissues. Processed

Nutrition and Lifestyle

fats like canola oil (rapeseed oil) can be harmful and toxic to the body and should be avoided.
Many oils also become unstable and harmful when heated too high. Olive oil, for example, is
beneficial at room temperature, but should not be heated. Use olive oil on salads and choose
coconut oil for cooking instead.

Milk has been put on a pedestal in Western society, for no good
reason. When milk is raw, in its natural form straight from the cow,
it seems to be healthy food for a lot of people. In fact, there are
cases where diseases have disappeared when people included
raw cow’s milk in their diet. The problems arise when cow’s milk
is pasteurized, which means that it’s heated hot enough and long
enough to kill the bacteria that is in the milk. This changes the nature of the milk and kills its
valuable enzymes. Milk is also usually homogenized, which means that the fat content has
been altered. If you’ve ever seen raw milk that has come straight from a cow that hasn’t been
homogenized, what you’ll see is a thick layer of cream on the top. When they homogenize milk,
they blend the cream into the rest of the milk so that very fine microscopic droplets of fat from
the cream are spread throughout the milk, held in suspension. The problem with that is that the

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fat particles go into the blood stream too easily, which is not handled very well by the body. This
is the kind of unhealthy fat that contributes to hardening of the arteries. If you’re going to drink
milk or any other dairy product, make sure it’s raw!

There is a lot of controversy about grains and whether they are healthy or not. Conventional
wisdom proclaims that grains are healthy, and the food pyramid suggests multiple servings of
breads and cereals per day. Maybe this would be okay for some people, but the evidence shows
that many, many others are unable to digest grains, and experience all kinds of symptoms and
health problems as a result.
There are any number of possibilities for being unable to digest
grains, one being that many grains on the market now are
genetically modified. Scientists manipulate the DNA of a grain to
produce a desired effect, such as a higher yield or a longer
growing period. While this may mean more money for the grower,
it can spell disaster for the consumer. Commercially grown wheat
in the United States, for example, has a very different molecular
structure than it used to when our parents and grandparents
were growing up. Back then, problems such as gluten intolerance weren’t well known or
understood, partially because the medical research wasn’t there, but also because most people
digested wheat with relative ease and didn’t have the trouble with it that demanded any medical
attention, quite unlike today. Wheat today contains several more types of protein than the heritage
wheat you could find in the 1960’s, before genetic modification of food really began. Our bodies
do not understand what these foreign proteins are, simply because they are not natural. When
this kind of foreign molecule is introduced into the body, particularly the digestive system, an
allergy or intolerance can develop almost immediately. This is a natural reaction, similar to the
immune reaction that takes place when a foreign invader such as a bacterial or viral pathogen
enters the body. This means that the body has understood this molecule to be negative, and the
immune system will be on the lookout for this invader in the future. The side affects of this can
be almost anything, but the most common are fatigue after eating, digestive upset, headaches
and skin problems. Genetically modified organisms look so similar to the regular organisms, that
even if you go back to eating only organic wheat, for example, your body still may perceive it as
an invader that requires immune intervention. Releasing an intolerance or allergy to the grain
can help to eradicate this problem. See the Energies section on Allergies and Intolerances for
more information about this.
Another reason for difficulty digesting grains is that grain crops
are often heavily sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Similar
to the GMO issue, this can cause the body to perceive the grain
as a toxin or invader, in addition to the poisonous chemicals it
contains. Eating organic grains can prevent this from happening
in the first place, but if an allergy or intolerance has already

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developed and is not cleared, the body will likely continue to react negatively to the grain, even
if you eat only organic in the future. So in other words, if you have eaten wheat that has been
sprayed with pesticides, and your body has developed an intolerance to wheat, you could eat
organic wheat but you may still continue to react negatively to it.
Another problem with grains is that they are often highly processed. This usually means that the
high-fiber, nutrient containing parts have been removed, leaving the starchy, high-glycemic parts
of the grain. The purpose of this is usually for practical reasons, so as to make baked goods
lighter and fluffier, to help oatmeal cook faster and so on. Some grains are even bleached to
make them whiter and therefore, more visually attractive, which is very harmful to the digestive
system. In short, if our bodies were intended to eat a grain, we should eat the whole grain, not
just certain parts.
Whether our bodies are intended to eat grain is another big controversy. Many people believe that
our bodies don’t digest grains well because our ancestors were hunter-gatherers for thousands
of years, not farmers. We simply haven’t had time to evolve into the grain-digesting machines
that we’ve tried to force our bodies to be. This may be why so many people begin a grain-free
diet such as Paleo and never go back, because they feel so much better!
There are legacy grains like Quinoa, which actually a seed, and Amaranth, which is an ancient
form of wheat, and I find that many people can consume them without having any problems.
That may or may not be the case for you.

What’s Right for Your Body

The perfect diet does exist, but it will never be a one-size-fits-all type of plan. It is the diet that is

Nutrition and Lifestyle

specifically for you, the one your subconscious mind already knows all about! Your body knows
exactly what it does and does not want, what will nourish you and what will cause problems if
you eat it. All you have to do is ask, “Does my body want ____?” and see what answers you
get. You can get as specific as you want, even creating complete and extensive meal plans.
Remember that if you have trouble with a certain food, there may be an underlying reason
(especially if the food is not inherently toxic), so just use The Body Code Mind Maps and clear
whatever you find. Keep in mind that your dietary needs will likely change over time, depending
on what is going on in your body and in your life. So keep an open line of communication going
with your body and keep giving it the proper fuel.

Most Western diets are deficient in vitamins and minerals. Factory
farming practices have depleted the soil so that the vegetables and
fruit growing from it are not rich in nutrients like they once were. In
addition to that, most people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables
as it is, so it should be no surprise that many people have nutrient
deficiencies. The body’s organs and tissues need a certain amount

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of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly. When they don’t have the nutrients they
need, imbalance and eventual breakdown is the result.
Finding nutritional deficiencies is very easy because the body knows exactly what it needs.
Ask, “Do you have a nutritional deficiency that needs to be addressed?” If the answer to that is
“Yes”, find the nutrient on the Nutritional Chart. You can divide the nutrient list into columns and
odd and even rows, then narrow it down to the nutrient when you get to a certain box. This is
the same kind of process as finding a Trapped Emotion. For example, ask “Is what you need in
column A?” or “Is what you need in column B?” then, “Is it in one of the odd rows?” or “Is it in an
even row?” The Nutritional Chart is located in your Mind Maps.

Nutrient Deficiency Correction

Most dietary nutrient deficiencies are correctable with supplementation, but some times eating a
certain food can also correct the deficiency. Consult the nutrient chart for more information about
obtaining nutrients from food. As soon as you identify the nutrient that is needed, you want to
test for dosages of supplements (or what source of food to eat, if this is a possibility). If someone
has had a deficiency for a very long time, he may need to take more than the recommended
daily allowance of a particular supplement until the deficiency is corrected. Be aware however,
that it is possible to take too much of certain vitamins and minerals, so consult The Body Code
Nutritional Chart for recommended daily allowance information, and recommend that your client
consults his doctor if he has questions or concerns.

Appendicitis or Nutritional Deficiency?

This story will illustrate how valuable muscle testing for nutrition can be. I had a patient who had
been hospitalized for about 5 days with pain in her right lower abdomen. When she was first
admitted to the hospital, the doctors assumed it was appendicitis, but when they ran the tests,
her appendix appeared to be doing fine.
She was there in the hospital for 5 days while they ran all the
other tests that were available. All tests came back negative.
They finally told her, “We don’t really think there’s anything
wrong with you. We think it’s all in your head because we
can’t find anything on our tests, and we can’t keep you here
any longer. You have to leave now.”
The next Monday she came into my office and we found,
among other things, that she had a need for chromium. I
assumed it was an incidental finding, and didn’t really think too much about it at the time. I said,
“You know, it’s showing up that you need chromium, so you need to get a chromium supplement
at the health food store.” I didn’t really think that it had anything to do with her pain, because it

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didn’t make sense to me. So I corrected everything that I could find on her and she went home.
The next day, she came into my office feeling even more pain. I was concerned that something
must have been missed in the hospital, and that she was far more ill than was realized. I asked
her body what it wanted. The very first thing that showed up when I started testing her was that
she had some kind of nutritional need.
We went to the Nutritional Chart, to Column B and Row 1, and right to chromium again. I
suddenly remembered that chromium had shown up the day before, and I asked her, “Did you
get the chromium supplement yesterday?” and she said, “No.” So I said, “Okay, I want you to
leave the office right now and I want you to go to the health food store and buy some chromium.”
She went to the health food store, and about 25 minutes later was back in my waiting room,
literally jumping up and down saying, “I am fixed! That fixed it!” She told me that the moment
she took the chromium at the health food store, the pain was instantly gone. She asked me
how I figured it out and I said, “Well, it wasn’t me that figured it out. It was your body. Your body
knew exactly why you needed it!” And she asked, “Can you explain why that happened, why the
chromium deficiency apparently was creating so much pain?” I said, “Frankly, I have absolutely
no idea, but apparently your body really needed it, and luckily we were able to tune into your
body and hear what it was saying.” Quite an amazing thing, isn’t it?


Nutrition and Lifestyle

Physical malnutrition refers to a group of conditions that are generally related to poor quality or
insufficient quantity of nutrient intake, absorption, or utilization.
There are two major types of malnutrition:
• Protein-energy malnutrition, which results from deficiencies in any or
all nutrients that are normally available
• Micronutrient deficiency, which results from a deficiency of specific
micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and so on.
In Third World countries, protein-energy malnutrition is most common.
Most people in the Western world suffer from micronutrient deficiency.
This just indicates that the quality of food in the diet is not nutrient dense
enough to provide proper nourishment. This can be corrected with
supplementation and making appropriate changes to the diet. See the
previous section on Nutrient Deficiency for more information.

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We have a dual nature, or in other words, we are beings with both spirit
and a physical body. It is possible for either the physical body or the spirit
to become malnourished. Spiritual malnutrition is very different from
physical malnutrition. If we go very long without eating physical food,
our body lets us know in no uncertain terms that it’s time to eat. If we
neglect to feed our spirit however, we do not receive strong messages
like the ones we can receive from our physical body. Nevertheless, it’s
vitally important for us, if we want to live joyful and truly balanced lives,
to feed our spirits on a regular basis.
Our testing shows that worldwide, roughly:
• 53% of people are in a state of spiritual starvation.
• 32% of people are in a state of spiritual malnourishment.
• The remaining 15% of people are feeding their spirits regularly enough that they can be
considered spiritually well-nourished.
So, if you are spiritually malnourished, what can you do? It’s really all about vibration. There is
a wonderful word in the English language that helps to describe the kind of spiritual food that
our spirits really can use. That word is “edify.” We need to edify our spirits, which means that we
need “to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually; uplift.” Anything that you can read,
listen to, watch or do that brings you to a higher level is likely spiritually nourishing. It can be
anything that raises your vibration. Enjoying nature and watching entertainment with a positive
message about love and hope can be beneficial on a more minor level. The best sources of
spiritual food come from earnestly striving to create and nourish a relationship with your Higher
Power. Prayer, meditation, scripture reading, and acts of service to others have the power to
raise our vibration like nothing else can. It may be beneficial to ask the body what type of “food”
the spirit needs.

Sometimes eating a certain food may be necessary for proper healing, or proper function of the
body tissues and organs. Hippocrates said, “Let your food be your medicine.”

Foods Evaluation and Correction

Simply ask, “Is there a particular food on this page that would benefit me?” Or, “Is there a
particular thing on this list that would help me to heal?” If the answer is “Yes”, use a process of
elimination to identify the column, row, cell and finally the food. You can use muscle testing to
determine how much of the food, how often to eat it, and for how long (e.g. one sweet potato per

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day for 3 days). You might be surprised at what shows up!

The Price-Pottenger Institute

The Price-Pottenger Institute has been publishing very important
information about nutrition and the importance of eating raw foods for many
years. This is a transcript containing some really interesting information.

Male: “Dr Weston Price was a dentist and

dental researcher whose search for the causes
of physical degeneration and dental decay
took him all over the world to live with and
investigate the diets of those traditional native populations who were
pictures of exceptional health. This included the Swiss, Eskimos,
Polynesians, Africans, New Zealanders, and many others, but always
in remote tribal communities, which have remained on their traditional
diets as they were still far removed from industrialized society and
modern refined foods. He found that these populations continued to
exhibit perfect physical and dental health into old age. He wrote
about the traditional foods that they consumed which kept them in
such fabulous condition. His book, Nutrition and Physical
Degeneration, which the foundation continues to publish and sell
every year, is still the only book of its kind, and his research is still
being quoted at current scientific medical and nutritional conferences around the world.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Male: “What made these people so healthy? Why is it that they didn’t have the degenerative
diseases that we have today? There are many reasons of course. But again, getting back to
whole foods and regardless of what kind of diet one has, because Price says people were all
different in terms of their diet, depending on where they live, what the climate was, what kind
of soil, for example, but the underlying, unifying factor with all of them was that they were not
eating refined, revitalized foods. They were eating foods which were grown in the area in which
they lived, which meant they ate foods that were seasonally ready to eat.
Female: “When Dr Price began his travels back in the
1930s, he found degenerative disease was on the rise
back then.”
Male: “Price looked upon the mouth—being a dentist of
course, he looked upon the mouth as being the window
to the rest of the body and because teeth were more
readily accessible and easier to photograph and spot, he
obviously emphasized that in his pictures. Most of Price’s
pictures are people with their mouth open for that very reason. But that was only the tip of the
iceberg because the high incidence of cavities was indicative not only of just poor oral health,

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but it was indicative of overall skeletal health, and overall body health as well. Price took the
foods of the societies he investigated back to his laboratory. He had samples sent back there,
and he analyzed them, and he found, for example, that the food values in those foods, in many
of the very important nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are, as you know, finally
being “rediscovered” almost 10 times higher than what we have in today’s diet. Our diets today
are very high in omega-6s which come primarily from grains and grain seed oils. It’s a total
reversal of the balance between omega-3s and 6s that Price’s people had.”
Male: “Dr Francis Marion Pottenger, Jr was a medical doctor who was best known for his famous
10-year nutritional feeding study that he carried out with many hundreds of cats. The cats were
divided into different groups where they were fed either cooked or raw animal based foods such
as cooked meat versus raw meat, pasteurized dairy versus raw dairy. The study describes in
detail all of the physical and emotional problems which developed in the cooked diet animals
that never occurred in those on the healthy raw foods. The cooked diet cats never ever got past
the third generation since they lost fertility and the ability to reproduce. Just as today, we have
more and more clinics specializing in using drugs to help people who have become unable to
give birth to children.”
“The study and the book we sell, which describes it, still stands alone in its ability to show the
effects of consuming denatured foods as the population does at every meal.”
Female: “Pottenger found that 30% raw and 70% cooked didn’t fly. It wouldn’t maintain health but
50-50, you still felt you could get along.”
Male: “So those cats fed on a 100% raw diet thrived. The third
generation looked just as healthy as the first generation. That’s all
documented in the Pottenger book called Pottenger’s Cats.”
Female:“Pottenger found with the cats the same types of
degeneration from the impoverished food, or in his case, cooked
food as well. Price saw where the trading posts and modern people
coming in to help the primitives were destroying them.”
Male:“The fascinating thing about the Pottenger cat studies is that in
many ways they tied in with some of Dr Price’s research. Pottenger
found that in the three groups of cats, which he isolated and fed
diets ranging from all raw to one-third raw and two-third cooked
exhibited certain skeletal changes over the generations of the cats. The groups that were fed
more of the cooked diet less proportionally of the raw diet started developing and showed
skeletal deformities, primarily in the skull itself. And this is interesting because Price found the
same thing with the primitive groups that he visited when they had gone on refined foods. He
also noticed, and you’ll see the pictures in his book, Nutritional and Physical Degeneration, the
narrowing of the jaw, the lifting of the upper palate, and the crowding of the teeth, which shows
that the diet for cats that were fed the more proportions of the cooked food was not proper for
that particular kind of animal. They weren’t getting some of the nutrients that were needed to

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 219

build proper skeletal shapes and it was the same thing with the people. Now when one looks
around today, we can see a lot of evidence of the kind of diets that we have degenerated into
as a society to a greater or lesser extent and those reflect back again on what Price was talking
about and that is the more food that we use that is displacing those foods that have nutrient
value. The more we are likely to be prone to things like osteoporosis and skeletal deformities
and cavities of the teeth, things of that nature.”
For more information about the Price-Pottenger Institute you can go to

Nearly all herbs have healing or medicinal qualities. If
you’d like to do more extensive research about herbs, I
recommend The Complete Medicinal Herbal: A Practical
Guide to the Healing Properties of Herbs, with More Than
250 Remedies for Common Ailments” by Penelope Ody
and Mark Blumenthal, and Herbal Home Health Care by
John R. Christopher. I would strongly recommend that you
purchase one or both of these books as a guide to using
herbs correctly.
Before recommending that a person take any certain herb, be certain that you are aware of any
possible problems that may result, even if the body indicates that it wants the herb. Always err
on the side of caution.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Sometimes the body will need to avoid an herb, and this is the only chance the body has to bring
it to your attention! Be sure your questions are clear so you get the right answer.

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220 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Herbs Evaluation
You can simply ask, “Is there a particular herb on this chart that my body needs?” or “Is there a
particular herb on this chart that I need to avoid?” Then find the herb on the Herbs Chart in The
Body Code Mind Maps, using a process of elimination to find first the column, then the row, then
identify which herb it is out of the 6 listed in that box.

Avoid During Pregnancy

Alkaloids/Bitter Principles Essential Oils Passion Flower
American Mandrake Fennel Pennyroyal
Barberry Feverfew Periwinkle
Black Cohosh Flaxseed Poke Root
Bloodroot Goldenseal Rhubarb
Blue Cohosh Juniper Rue
Calamus Lady's Mantle Senna
Cascara Sagrada Lavender Tansy
Cayenne Licorice Thuja
Celandine Make Fern Thyme
Cinchona Marjoram Uterine Stimulants
Cotton-Root Bark Mayapple Wild Cherry
Emmenogogue Mistletoe Wormwood
Ephedra Oregano Yarrow
Note: There may be other herbs to avoid that are not listed here. If there is any doubt at all
about the safety of any herb taken during pregnancy, seek professional advice!

Herbs Correction
Identify the immediate dosage necessary, and the long-term dosage if desired. Again, make it
clear to your client that these are only suggestions and that it is a good idea to consult a doctor
before taking anything, especially if she is in poor health, pregnant or lactating or on medication.
Here is a list of herbs that should be avoided during pregnancy because of what they do to
reproductive organs or because of naturally occurring substances found in them.

The human body is about 74% water. Water is necessary for good
conductivity in the body, as well as many other body processes.
Dehydration is a common reason for a person to become difficult
or impossible to muscle test. Many of us don’t drink enough
water but it is essential to do so for proper functioning of the
body and for good health. Common symptoms of dehydration

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 221

are headache, joint pains, low back pain, neck pain, foggy thinking and constipation.
Tap water often does not correct dehydration. It is believed to be a homeopathic blend of many
different kinds of negative energies including industrial waste, agricultural runoff, artificial
hormones, medications and antibiotics.
A comprehensive line of questioning is outlined in the Dehydration Mind Map, but suffice to say
here that you should be sure of three things for your client:
• She is drinking enough water
• She is drinking the right quality of water
• Her body is able to absorb the water properly
An underlying imbalance such as a Trapped Emotion or a stomach or kidney imbalance can
block the body from being able to absorb water properly. If you find that this is the case, remove
the imbalance, then test for those 3 factors again to make sure dehydration will not continue to
be a problem.


Magnetic field deficiency is like any other deficiency. If you don’t get enough magnetism, then
you need to somehow supplement that need. Interestingly enough, the earth’s magnetic field
is now about 10% weaker than it was back in 1845 when the German mathematician, Carl
Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it. Because of the nature of our lives and our loss

Nutrition and Lifestyle

of contact with the soil, as well as our constant exposure to negative electromagnetic fields,
Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome, or MFDS is a very common problem.
There was a study done on Fibromyalgia using magnetic mattress pads. This was a randomized,
double blind pilot study that was done at Tufts University in Boston. This study concluded that,
“Sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad with a magnet surface field strength of 1100 plus or minus
50 gauss, delivering 200 to 600 gauss at the skin surface provides statistically significant and
clinically relevant pain relief and sleep improvement in subjects with Fibromyalgia. No adverse
reactions were noted during this 16-week trial period. All that, simply from sleeping on a magnetic
mattress pad!
Another study using magnetic mattress pads was carried out over
a one-year period in three of Japan’s foremost hospitals, using 431
patients. The conclusion was that sleeping on magnetic mattress
pads proved effective in helping relieve neck pain, shoulder pain,
back pain, lower limb pain, insomnia, and fatigue. In fact, as I recall
from the study there was an average 83% improvement in all those
ailments. There were no harmful side effects either, because these
patients were simply getting what their bodies needed in order to

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222 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

return to a state of balance, with nothing else (like medication toxins) getting in the way.
Of course, refrigerator magnets are widely available and work just fine for releasing Trapped
Emotions and correcting energetic imbalances, but the Nikken magnets work best for treatment
of MFDS and for a lot of other problems as well. One of the reasons we recommend Nikken
products is because if you’re going to be doing The Body Code and working on people, you will
be using magnets constantly and they are very well-made, are of the highest quality, will last a
very long time and are professional strength, so they are well worth the investment.

Enroll as a Nikken Wellness Consultant

To enroll as a wellness consultant, you can simply visit this website:

If your body or lifestyle is lacking in some crucial area, your subconscious mind will communicate
those needs to you through the use of the Mind Maps. The category “Outside Needs” refers to
anything else that can help achieve balance and ultimate healing, apart from the imbalances
and needs listed elsewhere in The Body Code Mind Maps. These outside needs can be anything
from mental health care to massage to homeopathy.
We have grouped this enormous list into the following six categories so the imbalances will be
easier to identify. Adjunctive Therapy includes common therapies such as Homeopathy and
Essential Oils. Energy Techniques and Energy Work both include other kinds of energy healing
techniques and practices apart from The Emotion Code and The Body Code. You may find
that you end up in the Physical Needs section most often, as it includes crucial activities such
as Body Work, Detoxification and Exercise. Mental and Emotional Fitness includes activities
to help balance thinking and emotions, and may assist in avoidance of the formation of new
Trapped Emotions. The last, but certainly not least, is Chiropractic Care – a practice essential
for proper spine and organ health. The items in these 6 categories in Outside Needs does not
constitute an exhaustive list, but we have done our best to make it as far reaching as necessary.
Keep in mind that some items may show up in more than one category because they technically
fit in more than one place. The subconscious mind knows exactly what the body and spirit need
– you just need to ask!

Sleep is a restful state that allows for accelerated healing, growth and a general rebalancing
of the mind, body and spirit. Many people have an imbalance or deficiency in sleep. Many of

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 223

these people spend enough time in bed but are still not getting proper restorative sleep. If this
imbalance shows up, you can ask, “Am I getting enough restful sleep?” or “Is there anything
interfering with my ability to sleep properly?” Keep in mind that there could be multiple underlying
causes, so use The Body Code Mind Maps to find and eliminate them.

Occasionally, the spirit or body may become deficient in a certain color, or the vibration of that
color. Keep in mind that colors are just frequencies, which can have an effect on the overall
energy field and therefore the body. In some situations, the vibration of a color can be the perfect
remedy for restoring balance.
Color deficiency can be corrected in various ways. Most often, the best way is to start wearing
clothing of that color, but looking at things that are that color could also work. In some cases,
using colored light therapy is the best method. As with everything else, just ask and the body
will tell you!

One common problem for many people is pH imbalance. The relative measure of the acidity or
alkalinity of a substance is its pH. Pure water is considered to be a neutral pH, or a pH of about
7.0. A number smaller than 7.0 indicates acidity, while numbers that are greater than 7.0 are

Nutrition and Lifestyle

alkaline. A pH of 7.3 to 7.5 is considered normal for the human body.

Gastric fluid, or hydrochloric acid, is extremely acidic. Carbonated
beverages are incredibly acidic too. Coca-Cola has a pH of
around 2.46. Pure rain, (which is water that’s in equilibrium with
atmospheric carbon dioxide) comes in at just between 6 and 5.
And distilled water comes in at right at 7, or neutral pH.

Seawater has a pH of about 8. Baking soda is about an 8.2 or so. Milk of Magnesia is about 10.5
or so, household ammonia is very alkaline, between 11 and 12. Household bleach is between
12 and 13, and you know how caustic bleach can be. You can put bleach on concrete and it will
actually etch the concrete away if you leave it very long. Then even more alkaline than that is
household lye. Even though we know lye is used to make soap, you don’t want to ever get lye
on your skin!

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224 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Testing pH with Acid/Alkaline Scale

In this picture we have a typical scale for testing body pH.
This type of scale will vary a bit in color, but if you go to any
drugstore, you can buy a pH test kit, which is usually a little
bottle containing pH test strips. You’ll see that on this scale,
the colors vary depending on how acid or how alkaline your
body is. It is best if your pH is right in the middle, at about
7.0 to 7.5.

Testing Your pH
Here is how to test your pH. First, wait 2 hours after having anything in your mouth. The purpose
of this is to test the pH of the saliva being produced by the body, without confusing it with the
varied pH of different foods. Try to fill your mouth with saliva, then swallow. Repeat this 2 more
times and then apply the saliva to a piece of pH test paper. Wait about 20 seconds and then
compare the resulting color to the pH color chart. The pH color chart will be on the back of the
bottle or package of pH strips that you will buy at the pharmacy. If your pH is about 7.5, your body
fluids are in a healthy range. If your pH is between 6 and 6.5, you’re acidic and therefore you
are at a higher risk of developing a degenerative disease. Causes of acid pH include excessive
stress and too many acid-producing foods. Meat is very acidic. If your pH is lower than 6.0, then
you’re highly acidic, probably mineral deficient, and you probably are manifesting symptoms
of a degenerative disease. Degenerative diseases include things like cancer and autoimmune

Muscle Testing for pH Imbalances

It’s also possible to test pH via muscle testing. You can simply ask, “Is my body pH too acid?” or
“Is my body pH too alkaline?” The body will usually give you a pretty reliable answer. It may not
be as exact as using the test strips, but it is certainly faster.

Changing Your pH
Most people become too acidic in their pH, and not too alkaline. To change your pH rapidly from
an acid to a more alkaline state, you can mix a teaspoon of baking soda into an 8 ounce glass
of water and drink it 3 times a day for 2 days. This is a general guideline, so keep in mind that
you may need to do this for longer than 2 days if your pH is very acidic. To get the right dosage
for your body, simply ask, “How many teaspoons of baking soda do I need per day? One? Two?”
etc. Then ask, “How long should I continue this? One day? Two?” and so on.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 225

Structural misalignments are a major source of imbalance in the body. The purpose of this
module is to help you understand what structural misalignments are, how they affect us, and
how to detect and correct them. These corrections can often be done energetically when no
doctor of chiropractic is available.
I’ve designed The Body Code to be a sort of “first aid kit,” so that you can be empowered to
take your health into your own hands if you are ever without access to the professional care of
a doctor. The purpose of this module is certainly not to teach you how to be a chiropractor or
how to replace proper chiropractic care, but instead to teach you how to help your body attain
and retain proper alignment and balance. When you use The Body Code to create structural
balance, you will likely find that you are able to hold your chiropractic adjustments for much

Let’s talk a little bit about the history of chiropractic. This is a picture
of Daniel David Palmer, who is the founder of chiropractic in our
modern era. I think he could really be called the re-discoverer of
chiropractic, because manipulation of bones in the body to achieve
better health has been around since the time of the Egyptians.
In 1891, Dr Palmer was working as a magnetic healer in Davenport,
Iowa. Back in those days there was a tremendous amount of
medical freedom in the country. There were many different kinds
of doctors and healers, and Dr Palmer used magnets to heal. One
day, the janitor who worked in Dr Palmer’s office building came
into the office to clean. This man’s name was Harvey Lillard, and
he had been mostly deaf for a number of years. Dr Palmer asked
him how he became deaf. Lillard explained that, years before, as he was bending over to pick

up a bucket, he felt a pain in his neck and all of a sudden his hearing went away.
Dr Palmer examined him and found what he felt was a misaligned vertebra in Lillard’s neck. Dr
Palmer reasoned that maybe this misaligned bone had created some kind of imbalance in the
body that had lead to the deafness. He had the idea that perhaps if he realigned this bone, the
deafness might go away.
He gave this man the first chiropractic adjustment in the modern era, and it did restore his
hearing! So although chiropractic started out as a cure for deafness in its very early stages, it
came to be known far and wide as a fantastic way to relieve all kinds of ailments and restore

226 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

balance to the body.


The scientific basis of chiropractic lies in the fact that structure affects function in the body. In
chiropractic, the structural alignment of the bones in the spine is the primary focus. But any
part of the physical body is capable of becoming misaligned, including but not limited to bones,
muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, organs, even the eyeballs.

Take a look at this picture of the spine, brain and organs. The blue lines that are passing from
the spine to the various organs represent the nerves that are carrying communications from the
brain to the organs and glands, and from the different organs and glands back to the brain. The
spinal cord is like the freeway where all these messages travel back and forth from the brain
to the various organs. The spinal cord is housed and protected by the vertebrae in the spinal

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 227

This picture illustrates a closer look at the vertebrae in the spinal
column, with the colored lines representing the nerves that branch
out from the spinal column and attach to an organ or gland on the
other end. Good alignment of the vertebrae allows the messages to
flow freely along the nerves, back and forth between the brain and
the various organs and glands.
This picture illustrates what happens to the spinal nerves when there
is a misalignment in the spine, also referred in chiropractic as a
subluxation. The middle vertebra is misaligned and irritating the nerve
passing out of the spine just below it, which results in poor nerve
transmission. This results in reduced communications between the
brain and that organ or tissue on the other end of the nerve. That
often results in poor health of the organ or tissue, and even eventual disease.
Because all body tissues are ultimately made of pure energy
(including the bones of the spine), they are susceptible to distortion
and interference by other imbalancing energies. Trapped Emotions
are the most common underlying cause of misalignments, because
they irritate and distort the tissues, often leading to muscle imbalance
and misalignment of tissues and bones. If a Trapped Emotion is
allowed to remain in a particular area, you may find yourself visiting
the chiropractor repeatedly, but your bones may not stay aligned for
Let’s take a look at the spine located in between the shoulder blades. If
we get a misalignment in that area, it may put pressure on the nerves
that are traveling from the brain to the lungs. If you have less than 100% communication between
the brain and the lungs, will the lungs be able to function at 100%? The logical answer is no,
they won’t. So if the lungs are not functioning at 100% because they’ve got this interference
going on, what kind of symptoms might you notice? If the lungs start to malfunction, one of the
most common things that develop is asthma. I have had a lot of success correcting and relieving
asthma simply by realigning the bones in that upper area of the spine.


228 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

The Lungs

I remember a woman who came in to me with her three-year-old son. When he was born he
had a very difficult delivery. He was born with the aid of forceps, which oftentimes will result in
misalignment of the upper bones in the neck. As a newborn he started getting ear infections,
and for the first year of his life, he had ear infections continually. When he turned 2, he started
having asthma symptoms. He was prescribed various medications for the next 2 years, one
asthma medication after another, and when she brought him in to see me, he was on two
non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, and he was also on steroid medications, two inhalers
and two oral medications. This was a very sick little boy. What I found was that he simply had
a misalignment at the third thoracic vertebra, creating interference between the brain and the
lungs. I only had to adjust him three times before the asthma symptoms completely went away.
I don’t ever recall having a patient with asthma that I was not able to help, simply by correcting
these misalignments, and there are many, many other chiropractors that will tell you the same

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 229

The Gallbladder

When there is interference in the nervous system that affects the gallbladder, it has a harder
time knowing what it is supposed to do, an as a result, it’s more likely that the gallbladder will
have trouble. Gallstones are one possible result, which often leads to unneccessary surgical
removal of the gallbladder if more natural methods of cleansing are not used.


230 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

The Liver

The liver is the body’s major organ of detoxification and if the brain and the liver are not
communicating very well, then the liver is going to have a harder time detoxifying the body. The
immune system is going to suffer as a result. If the immune system is depressed because there
is poor communication between the brain and the liver, it will become more difficult to process
and eliminate toxins, clean the blood and maintain proper health.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 231

Uterus and Ovaries

Let’s take a look at the uterus and ovaries and the reproductive system. If you’ve got misalignment
in the low back, you’re going to have a harder time maintaining good function in the uterus and
ovaries. If you’re a man, misalignment in this same area will interfere with the male reproductive
system. Do you think that good brain-organ communication might have anything to do with the
ability to reproduce?
Realize that the brain connects to all your organs, glands and tissues, and that any misalignment
of any tissue is dangerous, especially misalignments of the spine, due to its intimate relationship
with the spinal cord.


232 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Remember that all structures, whether they are muscle,
tendon, ligament, nerve, organ, or bone, are all made of
pure energy and are therefore capable of being corrected
energetically, even at a distance. Also remember that I’m
not trying to turn you into a chiropractor, but what I am
trying to help you gain is a tool so that if you don’t have
access to chiropractic care, you will still have ways to
correct chiropractic misalignments that otherwise might be
uncorrectable. It is all dependent on your own belief, faith and intention.
First of all, to detect structural misalignments, you can simply ask this question, “Do I have a
structural misalignment that is helping to create this symptom?” Or you might state, “I have a
structural misalignment.” Then do a muscle test and swaying forward or a strong muscle test
means that’s positive.
Optionally, you might add, “Do I have a structural misalignment in my low back, or do I have
a structural misalignment of a particular bone or organ, etc.?” Let’s say for example, you are
working on a friend who has low back pain. You could simply ask, “Do you have a structural
misalignment that is affecting your low back?”
If the body answers “Yes,” to correct it, you’d simply roll the magnet down the governing meridian
3 times with the intention to correct whatever structural misalignment is going on in that area.
You can recheck by simply asking, “Did we correct that misalignment?” It’s really quite simple,
and if you can get your mind around the fact that everything is energy, then suddenly it frees
you from the normal physical limitations of your mind. The belief that structural things are just
physical and are not really energy is limiting and is not really true. Everything is energy and
anything can be manipulated or corrected energetically.
If you’re dealing with a particular organ, one of the things that you can ask is, “What percent of
the messages being sent by the brain to this organ are arriving on average?” You can determine
the percentage before and after structural correction is made energetically, and I think you will
be amazed. For example, one of the things that I used to routinely do with people who were
suffering from asthma is ask, “What percent of the communications from your brain are actually
arriving at your lungs on average?” And then we would test, “Are 50% of those messages getting
through?” No. “Are 40% of those messages getting through?” “Yes”. It is possible to trace it down
that way and get an actual number, so that you can determine exactly what percent of the
communications from the brain are actually arriving at that organ.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 233

Once you make the correction—by either releasing a Trapped

Emotion for example, or by actually making an energetic,
magnetic correction to whatever misalignment is there—if you
retest this, you’ll find that the percentage jumps dramatically.
This is a very interesting thing that you can do. And you’ll
be amazed how often a simple correction like this can make
immediate changes.
My recommendation is for you to find a chiropractor in your
local area and have a relationship with him or her, and get
adjusted frequently. But if the day comes when you can’t leave
your house, and you can’t get to a chiropractor, and you’re on
your own, remember that corrections like this can be made
simply through intention and energy. It’s all about your level of
faith. It’s all about what you believe is possible. Remember, “All things are possible to him that
believeth.” (Mark 9:23)
When I was in practice, I found that it wasn’t only bones that became misaligned. In fact, I found
that any tissue of the body can become misaligned!
Can the brain become misaligned? Certainly. What about the heart? Definitely. I’ve seen it
happen. Let me share with you a couple of stories.
I once had a patient come to me who had been in an auto accident.
She had a consistent and nagging left-sided neck pain that radiated
down into her left shoulder. I realigned all the bones in her spine and
in her neck. I worked with her consistently for several weeks, but the
pain in her neck and shoulder was not going away. In fact, it was the
same, according to her, as it was right after the accident. This was
puzzling to me. I had no idea why she wasn’t getting well. I sent her out
for a magnetic resonance image, or MRI, of her neck, which showed
that her neck was about as perfect as it could possibly be. At this time
I was just learning about asking questions and getting answers from

the subconscious mind. So, being at a loss as to what else I could do
to help her, I started asking questions, and it didn’t take long before I
found the answer.
Her heart had somehow gotten misaligned forward toward her breastbone. I was beginning to
understand how our intention makes things happen, and I thought that, if I could put some kind
of an opposite force into her body with the intention of moving her heart back into its normal
position, it should work.

234 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

So, with her permission, I placed the flat of my hand on her breastbone
and then simply gave the back of that hand a good thump with my
other hand, while holding an intention to realign that part back to its
normal position. It worked! The pain in her neck and shoulder, which
had been so relentless and impossible to fix, was instantaneously
gone, never to return.
Another example of this fascinating phenomenon, and one that I
will never forget, came about when a patient of mine was suffering
with a severe migraine headache. After correcting everything that I
could find, the headache was still there. In fact, I’d seen her several
times and it wasn’t going away. I was puzzled by this, and asked my
Heavenly Father for some additional guidance about what to do. I
started doing some more testing and asking more questions and soon found that she had a
misalignment in her left big toe. I corrected that misalignment, and believe it or not, her headache
was gone within a matter of seconds.
Remember, the old saying of the holistic physician is, “Anything can cause anything.” Never was
that more true than in this case!
Another example of how any tissue can become misaligned was a case where another patient
of mine was suffering with a headache. I corrected everything I could find, but her headache
was still there. I walked out with her to the front desk where we continued our conversation. As
I spoke with her, it suddenly dawned me what the problem was. One of her eyeballs actually
had become very slightly misaligned. This was not a visible misalignment, but it was my intuition
speaking to me, telling me what she needed.
Using muscle testing, I figured out in what direction her eyeball had become misaligned, and
asked her to close her eyes. I applied some very gentle pressure to her eyeball, and gently
tapped on that finger in the opposite direction of her misalignment. Would you believe what
happened? The headache was suddenly gone. (Today, I would simply use a magnet down the
governing meridian to correct that misalignment with intention, and I could even do it from the
other side of the planet, and so could you!)
Here’s one more example for you. I found out during my years in practice that one of the most
common misalignments in the body actually happens to the kidneys. Each kidney sits in a
“suction cup” of fatty tissue. Many things can cause a kidney to misalign, including exposure to
sudden trauma, prolonged stress, dehydration, caffeinated drinks (coffee, black tea, Coke,
Pepsi, etc.), or other toxins taken into the body. Toxins like these will end up in the kidneys to be
filtered out of the blood, but may toxify and imbalance the kidneys, often misaligning them. The
most commonly misaligned organ in the body is actually the left kidney, because we tend to
ingest a lot of toxins, which end up in the kidneys, and the left kidney becomes imbalanced first
because, once again, left-sided paired organs are the first to become imbalanced, with the right
side organs being held in reserve as a backup.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 235

When the kidney becomes imbalanced it will often “drop” out of its normal position slightly. If
you take a look at the kidney in your Mind Map you’ll see that the kidney connects to the upper
trapezius muscles as well as the psoas muscles in the lower back. This is the reason why it
is so common for people to have low back pain when the kidney becomes misaligned. I have
observed that these are quite often the very same people that are most often using caffeine on
a regular basis.
When either one or both kidneys become imbalanced or drop
out of their normal position, low back pain is not far behind,
and the discs in the lumbar spine are placed at great risk of
being damaged or bulging.
In all the years that I was in practice, I treated many patients
suffering from low back disc problems, and I had to send very
few of them out for surgical intervention. Why? Because I knew that the secret to the low back is
actually the kidneys. I never saw a single disc injury in the low back that did not have a kidney
imbalance as a major underlying cause.
I remember at the end of one day when I was finished seeing patients, a man walked in off the
street. He was hunched over forward, and was also leaning to one side, which is a common
position that people will assume if they have nerve impingement in the low back. They are
basically leaning away from the “pinch” to take the pressure off the nerve that is being squeezed.
He asked me if I could help him. I replied, “I don’t know. How long have you been in this position?”
He said, “Two years!”
I brought him back into my treatment room and found that both of his kidneys had actually
dropped out of their normal position. I manually brought his kidneys back up into their normal
alignment, and then I asked him to stand up. When he stood up, suddenly his posture was
perfect. He shouted, “I’m straight! I’m straight! How did you do that!?”
Of course, knowing what I know now, I could’ve corrected his kidney misalignment energetically,
and I could have done it from the other side of the planet, and gotten the same exact results.
Isn’t that amazing? Remember that any tissue can become misaligned. But the beauty of The
Body Code is that, if you find any misaligned tissue, you can simply correct it in the same way
that you correct anything else, with 3 rolls of a magnet or your fingertips down the governing

One other thing that I would like to point out about misalignments is that they are often caused
by Trapped Emotions or other energetic imbalances. So, when you find a misalignment, you can
ask if there is an underlying cause of that misalignment. If the answer is “Yes”, go to the main
page of The Body Code Mind Maps and track down the underlying cause. You will find that it is
nearly always in the Energy area, but it could be anywhere. Just remember that. Anything can
cause anything. But don’t let that stress you out, okay? Just trust implicitly in the subconscious
mind, have a heart full of love for the person with whom you’re working (even if it’s yourself),
ask the Higher Power for help, believe you can do it and be grateful that it is going to work, and

236 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

there will be no stopping you. Just fix whatever you find! You’ll find that when a misalignment
has an underlying cause, the correction of that underlying cause will almost always result in an
immediate correction of the misalignment.
Let’s say that you’re working with someone who has some kind of a shoulder problem, and let’s
say that you find a Trapped Emotion and release it and then the body says, “No, there aren’t
any other Trapped Emotions,” but the person is still having a problem. You might simply ask, “Is
there a structural misalignment that’s helping to create this symptom?” There might be some
kind of misalignment of the shoulder or some of the other tissues in the shoulder. The nice
thing about it is you don’t really need to be an expert in anatomy to be able to do this, because
his subconscious mind is an expert in anatomy, and it knows exactly what is structurally out
of alignment. It knows exactly how to apply that energy that you’re going to put into his body
to make that correction. You don’t need to be an expert, although it’s good to have some know
ledge of anatomy. In a case like this, if you get an answer that is affirmative, you simply would
correct the structural misalignment by rolling 3 times down the governing meridian, or if you’re
working on yourself you can roll from the forehead, over the top of the head to the back to the
neck 3 times. It’s really quite amazing!
If a structural misalignment comes back over and over, the most common reason will be a
Trapped Emotion or some other energy. Remember to think on your feet and if you’re trying to
fix a problem, be open to all possibilities.
Here are some common misalignments of organs. The kidneys will very often misalign, creating
back and knee pain. Remember that any tissue can become misaligned. Organs commonly
become misaligned but are almost never realigned. Kidney misalignment or imbalance is the
single biggest cause of back pain that exists, in my opinion. In 17 years of practice I never saw
one low back disc patient that did not have a kidney imbalance. Remember that in the body
when we have paired organs—for example, the kidneys, the adrenal glands and the lungs—the
left side organ is always the “main” and the right is always the “reserve,” so the left sided organs
will tend to become imbalanced first.

Kidney Misalignment
Let’s say that you’re working with someone who has low back pain. You could ask this question,
“Is your kidney out of alignment?” And if you get a “Yes” answer, then you can simply roll 3 times
down the governing meridian with the intention of correcting that imbalance energetically. Then
just watch and see what happens. I always like to have people walk for a few seconds after
making a correction like this, so the changes we have made can take effect a bit more quickly,
and so they can feel the those changes right away.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 237

Uterus Misalignment
The uterus often misaligns, creating left hip and/or low back pain, which is very common. Also,
when the uterus misaligns, a woman usually has a harder time conceiving. Try rolling 3 times to
correct this. Don’t forget to remove any underlying imbalances such as trapped emotions that
are often the cause of misalignments.

Stomach Misalignment
The stomach will often protrude upward through the diaphragm and create acid reflex because
the cardiac sphincter muscle of the top of the stomach quits working as well as it should. These
imbalances can all be corrected, oftentimes energetically.
Remember that the most common reason for all of these misalignments is Trapped Emotions
that have lodged in that area. But if you release the Trapped Emotions and there are still
problems or symptoms, check for structural imbalances and fix them, because they CAN exist
all by themselves!

Fascial Distortion
We’ve already talked about fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds
and protects all the tissues of the body. Sometimes the fascia can
become distorted due to emotional or physical stress. If it shows up
on The Body Code mind map as an issue, first ask if there are any
underlying causes for the fascial distortion, find them and correct them.
Then, recheck to see if the fascial distortion has been corrected. If
not, and there are no other underlying imbalances creating this fascial
distortion, correct it by rolling 10 times down the governing meridian.

Disk Misalignments
The disks are the shock absorbers of the body, and are found in-
between every two vertebrae of the body with the exception of the
space between the first and second cervical vertebrae.

When disks become misaligned, they will cause pain that may
radiate from that area to nearby structures. In addition, disc bulging
will often put pressure on adjacent spinal nerves causing pain to
radiate down and arm or leg.
If a specific disk shows up as you are using The Body Code Mind
Map, ask, “Is there an underlying cause of this disk misalignment?”
Find and remove any underlying imbalances in this way. If there are no underlying imbalances,
and the disc is still showing that it is misaligned, simply roll down the governing meridian 3 times
with the intention to correct that disk misalignment, then retest.

238 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Misalignments of Other Tissues

Remember that any tissue can become misaligned. The brain (or
part of the brain) may become misaligned, particularly after some
sort of accident or physical trauma. The same causes may result in
misalignment of a breast, a muscle or a region of tissue. Luckily, The
Body Code makes identifying and correcting these misalignments
quite simple.
In fact, let me share a story with you. One day my son Joseph’s front
upper teeth collided with his brother’s head. His right front tooth was
bent backwards. I quickly brought it back into a more normal position,
but wondered what was going to happen.
As you might guess, that tooth turned a dark shade of gray. I called our family dentist and
explained what had happened. He assured me that the tooth was dead, there was nothing that
could be done. But he said that since it was a baby tooth anyway, it didn’t matter.
A couple of weeks went by, and I kept having a nagging feeling that
something might be done to help Joseph’s tooth. I finally decided to
do some more detailed checking. Muscle testing myself, I found that
tooth was still showing that it was out of alignment, but not to the
naked eye. I found that the tooth had been rotated a tiny amount in
one direction. So, using just a fingernail, I made a small correction in
the opposite direction. The next misalignment that manifested through
my self-testing was that the tooth was pushed up into the upper jaw a
bit too far. I gently grasped the tooth and gave it a gentle tug downward.
Next, I discovered that the tooth was still misaligned slightly backward,
and a small flick of a fingernail in the opposite direction seemed to
correct that misalignment as well. There were two other tiny
misalignments that I was able to pick up and correct. This was in the
The next morning, I was shocked to see that Joseph’s tooth was back to normal. It apparently
wasn’t dead after all, but it certainly wasn’t getting any circulation, and must have been close
to dead, indeed. If you think about the tiny capillaries through which blood flows into our teeth,
it is easy to see how a misaligned tooth might disrupt that blood flow. Today, if I was faced with
the same situation, I would simply roll a magnet or my fingertips down the governing meridian 3
times, with intention to fix the misalignment. In a complex case like this, I might have to do that
a number of times, to correct each specific component of the misalignment. But it could also be
done at a distance with no trouble.
I hope this section has been interesting and enlightening for you! Remember, the subconscious
mind knows exactly what is needed. Just believe, ask for help from above, and have a heart full
of gratitude and love that your attempt to help will succeed, and you will see miracles!

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 239

The purpose of this module is to help you to understand the different kinds of pathogens, how
to detect them, and what to do to eliminate them naturally. Pathogens include infections like
viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold, and infestations, which refers to parasites.
Infections are the number one killer worldwide. Over 2 million people die from infections every
year, far more than from any other cause of death.
In order to prevent and eliminate infections efficiently, the body’s immune system must be
functioning properly. Anything that imbalances the body will tend to interfere with the immune
system and hamper its natural ability to recognize and eliminate infections. For example,
Trapped Emotions and other energetic imbalances can actually enable infections by distorting
and imbalancing the bodily tissues, which can allow the infection to grow and proliferate. Toxicity,
acupuncture (meridian) imbalances, structural misalignments, and indeed, any imbalance that
is listed in The Body Code Mind Maps will have a tendency to lower immune function and
interfere with the body’s ability to fight infections or infestations.
Most of the time, at least in first world countries, what we see are low-grade infections. Low-
grade means it is not necessarily life-threatening. Low-grade infections often won’t show up
in medical testing, but they can cause a lot of problems in the body, appearing as lack of
energy as in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, muscle pain as in Fibromyalgia, stomach ulcers or acid
reflux, skin rashes, and other bothersome problems. On the other hand, we often find low-grade
infections and/or infestations as an underlying cause of very serious problems such as cancer.
The traditional treatments for infections and infestations are primarily based on antibiotics, anti-
viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic drugs. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the creation of
superbugs, bacteria that are becoming resistant to every known antibiotic. Another problem with
drugs such as these is the negative side effects that they cause, and the damage that they do to
the physical body. It is said that the body needs 7 years to recover from taking a single antibiotic
prescription. Broad-spectrum antibiotics often wipe out the healthy intestinal flora, leading to
lifelong problems with digestion.
I once had a patient who came to me and told me that she had been diagnosed with Epstein-
Barr virus. I immediately started thinking of the traditional ways and methods that I had used to
treat this condition in the past. I couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps there was a better way than
what I had known in the past. Having gotten my best information from prayer before, I prayed

for help. My prayer went something like this: “Heavenly Father, is there a better way than what I
currently understand, to take care of a problem like this? Please help me to understand, so that

240 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

I can help this woman to get well.” An answer immediately flowed into my mind was that there
was another, entirely different way to view this infection. If I could view this infection as a “cloud”
of energy in the body, it would free my mind, and enable me to manipulate this energy in the
same way that I could release the energy of a Trapped Emotion!
I once had a patient who came to me with a chronic cough that she’d
had for over a year. The cough was so bad that her husband had
actually moved to a different part of the house to escape from her
coughing, and she was afraid that their marriage could end because of
it. Every time she took a deep breath, she would begin to cough
uncontrollably. I muscle tested her using The Body Code and detected
a viral infection in her lungs. We released the viral energy by rolling
down the spine a few times with a magnet. She then took a few breaths
and felt fine with no coughing for the first time in over a year! I then
walked her up to the front desk, and the whole time she raved about
how much better she felt and how excited she was.
After she left, I walked back into my treatment room, and as I walked through the door, I felt
something enter my chest. It was a subtle yet unmistakable feeling that something had just
come into my body that wasn’t there before. Suspicious, I took a deep breath, and immediately
started coughing uncontrollably. Somehow, I had picked up the energy that I had released from
my patient. Apparently it stayed suspended in the air until I walked into it. I released the viral
energy on myself and was able to quit coughing right away.
This experience helped me to understand that pathogens are really just pure energy, something
that regular western medicine doesn’t acknowledge or understand. For a viral infection to
immediately start causing a problem like a severe cough just doesn’t make any sense if you
think about it in terms of traditional microbiology, which would dictate that viruses need time to
physically incubate and grow. Yet, it is just as valid to view viruses, and indeed, any infection or
infestation, as an energy as well.
The best way to identify an infection is simply to ask, “Do I have a (mold, bacterial, fungal,
viral) infection?” and perform a muscle test. Alternatively, you may ask, “Do I have a parasitic
infestation?” If the answer to either of these questions is strong, this indicates that there is an
infection or infestation present. At this point, you may want to ask where the infection is located
in the body, by process of deduction, asking if is in the left half of the body, upper half, front,
back, etc.

Pathogens Correction
To correct an infection, there are two things that you can do:
• Release the energy of the pathogen (which may be all that is needed, depending on your
own level of faith and belief, and the level of faith and belief of your client)

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 241

• Identify and suggest a remedy to eliminate the pathogen

Treating Pathogens as Energies

Releasing the energy of a pathogen may not be quite enough to take care of a low-grade
infection or infestation every time, but it is a good place to start. I always recommend that you
attempt to handle all infections and infestations with the correct herbs or other remedies when
In order to release the energy of a pathogen, you’ll first want to identify the kind of pathogen (i.e.
virus, parasite). Then simply focus on the pathogen as being just a cloud of energy in the body.
You can identify the location of this pathogen cloud if you wish. As you identify it, the pathogen
energy will come to the surface of the body, in the same way that a Trapped Emotion emerges
into the energy field to be released. Then you can simply run the magnet over the governing
meridian 3 times to release it.

Treating Infections with Remedies

There are a few different remedies that you may use for any kind of infection. The body will tell
you which remedy is the best if you just ask. Sometimes it is beneficial to take more than one
remedy at a time. For example, a mold infection could be treated with both neem and coconut
oil. We will discuss the different pathogens later, and list the remedies that are best for that
specific type of infection.
The best remedies for infections are:
• Wild oregano
• Olive leaf extract
• Neem leaf
• Organic virgin cold-pressed coconut oil
• Colloidal silver
• Activated sodium chlorite
• Tai Ra Chi and T4

Wild Oregano
Wild oregano is a little different from the kind of oregano that you buy in the spice aisle at your
grocer. This herb grows in the foothills of the Mediterranean and is sold in capsules containing

the crushed leaves, and also processed into oil, which is sold in dropper bottles or in liquid gel
capsules. There are several different wild oregano products you can find in the health food store
or online. Just muscle test to see which one the body wants.

242 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract is made from crushed olive leaves and is sold in capsules or liquid form. It is
easy to find in stores or online.

Neem leaf
Neem is a tree from India that has leaves which are gentle and cleansing to the body, but tough
on infections. It should be easy to find at most health food or supplement stores, or online. Some
people test to need up to 40 Neem capsules per day, a high dosage that usually isn’t necessary
for longer than 6 days. When taking a high dosage like that, the fungal mold organisms will die-
off quickly, and may create flu-like symptoms including muscle aches, headache, nausea and
vomiting. More commonly, people will test to need a lower dosage over a longer period of time.
This might be something like 10 or 20 Neem capsules per day for 2 or 3 weeks, or even longer
depending on how bad the fungal or mold infection is.

Organic, virgin cold-pressed coconut oil

Coconut oil can correct and prevent infections, as well as keep your skin, organs and other
tissues healthy. Coconut oil can be taken internally by the spoonful, rubbed on the skin or used
in cooking. The molecules of coconut oil remain stable at high temperatures, making this just
about the only oil you should use for cooking. You can simply ask which method of administration
would be the best for the body and for the type and location of the infection. For instance, a
skin rash caused by mold could be treated by either rubbing coconut oil on the affected area,
by taking it internally, or both.

Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is another very powerful, antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal compound. Colloidal
silver is simply silver ions that are in solution. It doesn’t look much different than water to the
naked eye. When babies are born, the nurses will put drops of silver nitrate in their eyes, to
prevent blindness and other complications in case the mother has some kind of infection or
sexually transmitted disease. If you get an eye infection, you can put a drop or two of colloidal
silver in there, every few hours for a day or so, and it will usually take care of the problem very
rapidly. Colloidal silver is a remedy I’ve used for many years, and it has always been reliable,
whether used orally or topically. It’s a good thing to have in your medicine chest as it’s multi-
purpose and lasts a very long time on the shelf. There are ways to make colloidal silver at home,
however it is also very easy to find in stores. I caution you to be careful with colloidal silver
because it is possible to take too much of it, which may turn your skin blue. The nano-particle
colloidal silver doesn’t seem to do this however. Be sure to muscle test the body for the correct
dosage, not going too far beyond the recommended intake listed on the label.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 243

Activated Sodium Chlorite

Also known as MMS, Miracle Mineral Solution or chlorine dioxide, activated
sodium chlorite has been widely used in the alternative cancer community
for many years. Activated sodium chlorite appears to be highly effective
against all invasive organisms, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold
and fungal infections. Unlike other supplements, activated sodium chlorite
“builds up” in the body over time to the dose that you need. It’s important
to start off slow as it can be very hard on the stomach and can create
nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting. If these symptoms occur, discontinue
use, or cut back on your dosage. Activated sodium chlorite works best
on an empty stomach, partly because vitamin C, various antioxidants,
immune builders and food have a neutralizing effect on it.
This product is normally sold as 2 bottles: 1 bottle of 50% citric acid solution and one bottle of
28% sodium chlorite solution.
To make 2 drops of activated sodium chlorite:
1. Put 1 drop of 50% citric acid solution into a glass.
2. Put 1 drop of 28% sodium chlorite solution into the same glass.
3. Stir them together periodically for 3 minutes. The solution will turn brown.
4. Add 6 to 8 ounces or more of purified water and drink the water.
Muscle test for the appropriate ultimate dosage, and start off slowly. Start with no more than 1
drop of activated sodium chlorite per day (if you’re following the instructions above, drink half
the glass of water and throw the rest away). You can also test to see if a person needs to take
this supplement more than once a day, for example a person might test that they need 2 drops,
3 times a day. A good internet source for this is www.

Tai Ra Chi and T4

Tai Ra Chi and T4 are two supplements that we use together to treat fungal infections. They
are both made by Systemic Formulas, a trusted company I have worked with for years. This
company sells only to doctors, but you can purchase these supplements on
and have them sent to you.

Determining Dosages
Here is how to determine the dosage of any remedy for any kind of infection or infestation:

Ask “Is ______ the best remedy or herb for the ______ infection/infestation?” When you find
the type of remedy or herb that tests good, you’ll want to find out what dosage the body needs.
So you’d ask, “Do I need 5 capsules per day?” or “Do I need 10 drops per day?” If the answer is

244 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

“Yes,” or strong, this indicates the body needs at least this amount, so you’ll want to go higher to
test for the maximum dosage, like this: “Do I need 10 capsules a day?” and so on. If the answer
is still strong, test again, “Do I need 15 capsules? 20 capsules? 25 capsules?” etc. Eventually,
you’ll get to the dosage that you need and if you go on beyond that, suddenly you’ll get a weak
muscle test. For example, if you need 25 capsules a day and you ask, “Do I need 25 capsules a
day?” you should get a strong muscle test. If you ask, “Do I need 26 capsules a day?” You will get
a weak muscle test. After you determine the daily dosage, you can determine how many days or
weeks you need take the remedy or herb, that way you will know how much to buy.
Keep in mind that muscle testing can be subjective. It is always a good idea to consult the label
on the bottle for the recommended dosage to get a general idea of how much of a particular
remedy is typical.

The word virus is Latin and means toxin or poison. This is
appropriate considering how destructive viral infections can
be to the body. Viral organisms are extremely small, about
1/100th the size of the average bacterial cell. They cannot be
seen with the average microscope. Viruses include influenzas
(the flu, H1N1 or the swine flu), the common cold, the herpes
viruses, the Hepatitis viruses, and HIV or the AIDS virus.
Viruses multiply by invading and destroying the cells of your
body, one by one. Each little virus has the ability to invade a
cell, where it makes a copy of itself, destroying your cell in the process. Viruses mutate over
time, so the medicines and vaccines created to cure them are often ineffective by the time they
are produced and made available. There are a lot of people who feel that the new emerging
viruses are being created either accidentally or on purpose in laboratories. There’s a book that
you can read about this if you’re interested, called AIDS, Ebola, and Emerging Viruses by Dr
Leonard Horowitz.

Viral Infection Symptoms

The most common symptoms of a viral infection are fever, fatigue, rash, muscle aches and
digestive upset.

Viral Infection Evaluation

To test for the presence of a viral infection, you could simply ask, “Do I have a viral infection?”

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 245

Viral Infection Correction

The best remedies for viral infection are:
• Wild oregano
• Olive leaf extract
• Colloidal silver
• Activated sodium chlorite

Bacteria are larger, single celled microorganisms, such as strep, staph, salmonella, E. coli, and
H. pylori. These organisms can create diseases and problems like Tuberculosis, Pneumonia,
Cholera, Syphilis, Anthrax, Leprosy, stomach ulcers and Bubonic Plague. Bacterial infections
can be deadly, as you can tell from the diseases just mentioned.

Bacterial Infection Symptoms

The most common symptoms of a bacterial infection are
fever, fatigue, rash, muscle aches, digestive upset and

Bacterial Infection Evaluation

Simply ask, “Do I have a bacterial infection?” A strong
muscle test indicates that there is a bacterial infection
Remember that any kind of infection is potentially dangerous, so I would advise you to seek
medical assistance if it is available to you. If you are on your own, you can use one of the natural
home remedies in this program.

Bacterial Infection Correction

The best natural treatments for bacterial infections are:
• Wild oregano

• Olive leaf extract

• Colloidal silver

246 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

• Activated sodium chlorite

Fungal organisms and fungal spores are omnipresent, including in the air that we breathe. Fungi
in general are opportunistic organisms, which means that they are everywhere and if given the
opportunity to grow, they will. Fungal organisms have a natural environment in the intestinal
flora, but their growth is usually held at bay by the immune system. If the immune system
becomes imbalanced, the fungal spores can begin to grow and proliferate. This overgrowth
becomes a fungal infection.
The most common type of fungal infection we see is Candidiasis,
or Candida. Candida is called “the great mimicker,” because it can
mimic many different kinds of other problems in the body. As a
result, Candida is often misdiagnosed as something else. Because
these organisms exist naturally in the body, it is also difficult to
detect with traditional medical testing. Muscle testing, however,
can show us quite easily when there is a fungal infection present.

Fungal Infection Symptoms

Fungal infections often create anxiety, panic attacks, abdominal gas or bloating, brain fog or
cloudy thinking, and cravings for sugar, starchy foods and/ or alcohol. This last symptom occurs
because the fungi feed on simple sugars like sweets, flour, baked goods and alcohol. In fact,
fungal infection is often a large contributing factor in alcohol dependency. Alcohol breaks down
into sugar in the body, feeding the fungal infection and allowing it to grow even more. This can
create a sort of downward spiral unless there is some kind of intervention. Ideally the intake of
alcohol should stop and some kind of remedy should be administered to eliminate the infection
and get the intestinal flora back into a state of balance. These symptoms are all common for
mold infections as well.
Other symptoms of fungal infection include constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, skin infections
or skin problems such as eczema, depression, irritability and mood swings, excessive fatigue,
dizziness, learning difficulties, poor memory, headaches or migraine headaches, rectal itching,
sensitivity to fragrances and/or chemicals, thrush (shown by a white coating on the tongue), and
vaginitis or yeast infections (usually because fungal and mold infections proliferate well in the
dark, moist areas in the body.)

Fungal Infections Causes

Fungal infections like Candida and mold are common after hormone treatments. For example,
going on birth control pills or receiving contraceptive injections or implants often disrupts the

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 247

normal hormone balance, creating an environment where these opportunistic organisms can
start to flourish. Pregnancy also disrupts the balance because of the hormonal fluctuations that
occur during pregnancy. Using antibiotics will also create imbalance, allowing fungi and mold
to grow. The average person has up to 3 and a half pounds of healthy flora or healthy bacteria
in the intestinal tract. These healthy bacteria assist the immune system by keeping fungal and
other infections at bay. Antibiotics, particularly broad-spectrum antibiotics, will tend to kill off
not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria that live in your gut, thus weakening the
immune system. Then when a fungus or a mold is introduced to the body, it is allowed to flourish
without much interference. High sugar, starch or alcohol intake in the diet will also tend to create
an environment where mold and fungal infections can flourish. The more fuel they have the
more they can proliferate and the stronger they become. Diabetes also creates an environment
that is perfect for these fungal and mold organisms to take off because the blood sugar levels
are high.

Fungal Infection Evaluation

To test for the presence of a fungal infection, you could simply ask, “Do I have a fungal infection?”
A strong muscle test indicates that there is a fungal infection present.

Fungal Infection Correction

The best remedies for fungal infection are:
• Neem leaf
• Coconut oil
• Tai Ra Chi and T4
• Activated sodium chlorite
• Follow the anti-fungal/mold dietary suggestions which can be found in the Resources
section, at the back of your manual.

Mold vs Fungus
Fungal and mold infections are addressed separately in The Body Code, although they cause
the same symptoms. Technically, mold is a type of fungus, but mold infection in the body will
show up separately from fungal infection. Because of this, you’ll want to test for mold and fungal
infection individually.

Like any fungus, mold is an opportunistic organism, meaning it will start growing wherever it is

248 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

allowed. It’s also omnipresent, meaning that mold spores are in the air around us, everywhere
on earth. Mold is an increasingly more pervasive problem in the world. Mold can grow inside
the body, on the brain, in the lungs, in the blood, and just about anywhere else you can think of,
even inside the joint spaces.

Mold Infection Symptoms

Mold infections can create a wide variety of symptoms and
problems, many of which are the same as other fungal
infections. Of these symptoms, especially common are
joint and muscle pain, fatigue, and brain fog, along with
cravings for simple sugars, starches and alcohol. For other
mold infection symptoms, refer to the list of fungal infection
symptoms. Mold can be very dangerous to the body but it
is difficult to diagnose a mold infection with regular medical
testing. For some reason, we’re seeing more and more mold infections than we ever have in
the past. This may be because the traditional Western diet is so high in the foods that feed
mold organisms, and our immune systems are often compromised from other imbalances as
well. The worst mold infections usually arise because of constant and repeated exposure to a
mold source, such as mold growing in a house from a water leak or mold in a ventilation system
where the spores are breathed in repeatedly. Mold grows particularly well in environments that
are either very humid or very dry, so controlling the humidity level in your home can be helpful
in preventing this type of issue.

Mold Infection Evaluation

To test for the presence of a mold infection, you could simply ask, “Do I have a mold infection?”
A strong muscle test indicates that there is a mold infection present.

Mold Infection Correction

Mold infections seem to be best corrected with:
• Neem leaf
• Coconut oil
• Tai Ra Chi and T4
• Activated sodium chlorite
• Follow dietary recommendations which can be found by visiting the Mold Mind Map and the
Resources section of this manual

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 249

Infestations refer to the invasion of the body by parasites.
This is an extremely common problem and can cause a lot
of difficulty, pain and imbalance in the body. It is estimated
that 85 to 90% of the population in the United States has
some kind of parasite, but it may even be higher than that.
Parasites are difficult to identify through medical testing. In
fact, most of the parasites that infest the body don’t show
up at all. The body can become infested with parasites from
water, food, insect bites, contact with animals and even
stepping outside on the grass with bare feet. Parasites
include common offenders such as the tapeworm, pinworm, hookworm, protozoa, and single cell
amoeba. Parasites ravage the body by stealing nutrients, invading bodily tissues and creating
poisonous toxic waste in the form of uric acid.

Infestation Symptoms
Some common problems caused by parasites include intestinal problems such as constipation,
bloating and diarrhea, as well as muscle pain and weakness, fatigue, anxiety, and frequent skin
rashes. Chronic and prolonged parasitic infestation can lead to severe and dangerous diseases
such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

Infestation Evaluation
Simply ask, “Do I have a parasite infestation?” A strong muscle response indicates a parasite
infestation. I have found that it is more important to identify the specific remedy needed than
to identify the organism itself. This is fortunate, because there are so many different kinds of
parasitic organisms that can infest the body.

Infestation Correction
To correct an infestation, there are two things that you can do:
• Release the energy of the pathogen
• Identify and suggest a remedy to eliminate the pathogen
Releasing the energy of a parasite is a good place to start, but it is likely that you will also need
to find and suggest a remedy.

To release the energy of the parasite infestation, simply focus on the parasite as being just a
cloud of energy in the body. You can identify the location of this pathogen cloud if you want to,
but it is not necessary. Then simply run the magnet over the governing meridian 3 times release

250 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

There are 5 preferred remedies for eliminating infestations:
• Activated sodium chlorite
• VRM1
• VRM2
• VRM3
• VRM4
The VRM formulas are herbal blends made by Systemic Formulas Laboratories. These 4
supplements are each created to address a different group or size of parasite, to kill the entire
spectrum of parasites. You can simply muscle test the body to see which VRM formula and how
many bottles total are needed. The correct dosage will depend on the specific formula, which
we’ll discuss in a moment.

VRM1 is made for the treatment of larger parasites in the large intestine, such as
tapeworms. I usually recommend that it be used in a 60-day program, with four
cycles of 15 days, a cycle being 10 days of taking the capsules and 5 days not taking
the capsules. However, 90 days, or six cycles may sometimes be required. More
directions are provided in the Mind Maps.

VRM2 is for the treatment of small, blood-based, foreign life forms and small parasites
in the gastrointestinal tract and in the outer tissues. These are usually used in a 60-
day program, four cycles of 15 days, a cycle being 10 days of taking the capsules
and 5 days not taking the capsules, but again, you might need to do 90 days. More
directions are provided in the Mind Maps.

VRM3 is for microscopic microorganisms in the intestinal tract. This herbal vermifuge
assures good health in the intestinal tract by helping the body eliminate microscopic
organisms. There are 30 capsules in a bottle like this. VRM3 and VRM4 are the two
formulas that seem to be needed by most people. More directions are provided in the
Mind Maps.

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 251

VRM4 is for amoebas and other protozoan microorganisms. This herbal vermifuge
is effective in treating cases of cellular microorganisms, and is also excellent for
handling microorganisms in the internal organs. More directions are provided in the
Mind Maps.

Dosages for VRM Formulas

Most people will need between 1 and 6 bottles of the VRM3 or VRM4 formulas. For these, the
dosage is just about the same for everyone- 3 capsules per night, to be taken at bedtime 3
hours after a protein meal. I don’t recommend that anyone ever take more than 3 capsules per
night because the parasitic die-off can cause some uncomfortable symptoms of nausea and
diarrhea if more than 3 capsules are taken. In fact, I usually recommend beginning the program
with only 1 capsule at bedtime on the first night. Then, if no nausea is experienced, bump the
dosage up to 2 capsules the second night, then to 3 the third night and remain at 3 capsules per
night until all the bottles have been consumed. This dosage is high enough to be effective but
not so high that it causes a lot of discomfort, although diarrhea is fairly common at this dosage
level. Again, this recommendation applies to the VRM3 and the VRM4 Formulas only.
Remember that you should never recommend that a pregnant woman take anything, especially
any of these parasite supplements, as they are not proven safe for pregnancy. If there is a
possibility that a woman is pregnant or may become pregnant, she should not take these
supplements. If there is any doubt about whether any supplement that we have discussed is
safe during pregnancy, and that includes any of the things discussed or listed in this module or
the module on nutrition, please consult a physician.
Another thing to keep in mind is that parasites can develop a tolerance and become almost
immune to the herbs in these formulas, so it is important to remember to take them as scheduled
every night. If you miss a dose just take the normal dosage the next day so you stay on track.


252 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 253

What do you do when you are muscle testing someone with The Body Code and your muscle
testing doesn’t seem to be working? What if you are getting inconsistent or wrong answers? What
do you do when you just can’t figure out what the underlying imbalances are? This happens
from time to time. There may be a number of reasons that you might get stuck or not able to find
the answers. Here are some ideas to help you understand why and what you can do about it.
When answers are not forthcoming, we have found that it is worth a try to check yourself with
a baseline test to make sure that you are currently testable. One common reason that people
become untestable is dehydration. You can think of water as being the conductive fluid for the
electricity of the body. The nerves are like the wiring of the body and the synapses are like the
electrical connections jumping from one nerve to another along their pathway. Drinking water
is a good habit for so many reasons! Also, when your neck is out of alignment, the electrical
flow from your brain to all of the organs and other parts of your body is hampered and the
connections are compromised. Your nervous system is actually a communication system. If
your neck is out of alignment, or if your client’s neck is misaligned, it is probably  interfering
with either your nervous system or theirs, causing communication to break down. When that is
happening, muscle testing doesn’t work very well. The signals just aren’t getting through and the
body cannot communicate accurately.
These are two of the most basic reasons for muscle testing to give inconsistent answers.
The structure of the body needs to be correctly aligned for flow and the body needs water for
conductivity. If muscle testing fails because of misalignment and/or dehydration, consider what
else in the body might be compromised. The body needs the proper flow of communication to
be able to do all of the many processes that it does to maintain and restore health. Chiropractic
adjustments are valuable to align the structure of the body. Energetic adjusting with intention
also can work in many cases, and of course it’s easy to drink water. 
Circumstances certainly don’t have to be perfect to muscle test someone, but it does help to
be prepared and ready. It helps to have a calm and quiet atmosphere without distractions.
The environment around you is important but even more important, is your own internal
environment. If you aren’t focused or don’t really want to be doing the work because you are either
tired, distracted, hungry, or sick, you may struggle to find answers. If you are on medications or
drugs or substances that alter your mind in any way, you will probably struggle, as well. If you
are stressed or blocked emotionally, you may find that you need to release an emotion or some
other kind of energy on yourself before you can muscle test accurately. If you are processing
emotions, you probably won’t be able to muscle test effectively until you are finished processing.
You may have imbalances surface once in a while, sometimes unknowingly, so it doesn’t hurt
to check to see if this is your problem. It helps to take care of your own needs before working
with others to help them. It is important to create healthy boundaries so that you can work with

254 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

others when you really want to and are ready and able. Its very purpose is to help yourself and
others, but when you need time for yourself for other things and you aren’t fully present, you may
have difficulty until you take care of your real needs first. Respect your time, honor your personal
needs, and set priorities so that you can enjoy the time you spend working to help others. 
When the person you are working with is unwilling to be tested for any reason, he can certainly
block you from being able to get answers. Make sure that he has given you conscious permission
to work with him before you try to test him. If you are having trouble getting answers, make sure
that his subconscious mind is okay to be tested by you, too. Sometimes a client may simply
have a reason to hang on to his problem. This can be unknown even to him. He might think
he wants to get well but has a need to stay sick. For instance, if he were to get well, he might
have to assume responsibility for some things that are frightening to him. The pressure of taking
responsibility might overwhelm the benefits of getting well. There are other possible scenarios,
too. He might believe that others pay more attention to him if he is sick. He might think that if he
were to get well, he wouldn’t be loved or noticed or taken care of anymore. Beliefs, ideas and
programs such as these can be conscious or subconscious. You can test your client to see if he
wants to be well. Test to see if he feels that he needs to have this problem. Just ask, and let his
subconscious give you a “Yes” or “No” answer. Helping him to become more conscious of these
kinds of fixed ideas can assist him to work through his feelings and let go of whatever doesn’t
serve him so that he can be tested and worked on more easily.
You may find it a bit more difficult to work on your spouse and close family members. You might
want the answers to be simple, when in reality they may be complex and may require more time.
Some problems reveal themselves in layers, a little at a time. Sometimes it takes effort to change
important life choices and results are more gradual than we might like. You might want to fix
them now but part of their equation for healing might be that they need to work through some
things mentally, forgive someone, give something up, or learn something. They might even feel
a need to hide an answer from you to spare your concern. You might project what you think the
answers are if you think you know the person and understand his problem. Your opinion and
perspective might actually get in the way. It’s important to be willing to accept the findings and
not project what you think the answers ought to be. Let those that you are close to own their
issues themselves and take responsibility for their own healing and growth. When you become
too emotionally involved in their problems, you can potentially influence the answers, and run
the risk of becoming part of the problem of not being able to truly figure things out.
 Another thing that we have noticed is that when a client has a hidden imbalance or a disconnection
of some kind, it is harder to find. When imbalances are hidden, they require for you to use the
word “hidden” in your questions to find what you are seeking. Once discovered, they can be
cleared just as if they weren’t hidden. Disconnections can be difficult to discern because the
body isn’t interfacing with the spirit like it should, so it isn’t tracking what is going on. If you are
unable to figure out what is going on, ask if there is a disconnection. Communication between
the body and the spirit can be broken down in a fairly major way, preventing you from finding
these so it’s good to know that you need to check for this. If a person is in pain for no apparent
reason, ask if there is a disconnection. If you find one, ask if there is a reason for it, and fix the

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 255

underlying reason(s). If there are other imbalances beyond that, they will more likely show up
when they are reconnected. When the spirit body and the physical body aren’t in sync, they just
can’t work as well together. This is why we often find pain when there is a disconnection.
Entities are another problem that show up when it is difficult to find specific imbalances but
when you know that there definitely is a problem. Entities are either disembodied spirits or evil
spirits and can be a real nightmare if not discovered and cast away from the individual. They
love to create unhappiness, take control, and rob individuals of their personal freedom. They can
cause emotional problems such as depression and anger and can be quite severe. They can
also cause illness, pain and inversion. When inversion happens, the person will test strong for
“No” answers and weak for “Yes” answers. When we cast entities out from the person and send
them away, inversion will sometimes correct. If it doesn’t, you could test for other imbalances such
as post hypnotic suggestions, resonances, and Trapped Emotions, etc. that might be causing it.
I suggest telling them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Entities will leave if you believe that
they will, and when you tell them to go in the name of Jesus Christ. He is an authority that they
don’t like to acknowledge but they have to obey and go, when commanded in his name. This has
always worked for me. If this is outside of your belief system, you may want to try whatever you
feel is appropriate. When you are doing this Body Code work, you are releasing problems that
create darkness in the lives of those on whom you are working. Darkness is dispelled with light
and with our love. Entities don’t want you to help anybody get well and happy. Entities may try
to thwart your efforts if they can, by influencing you to feel doubt, hopelessness, or some other
negative thought or feeling if they are around you or your client. It’s good to be aware of entities
and get rid of them early so you can find the answers that you are seeking.
People have differing belief systems and we recognize and appreciate this. We  recommend
starting each session with a prayer, asking God for help because this is how we have found
success.  Prayer is a communication to God from your heart. It can be offered silently if
desired. Prayer helps because God, who knows all truth, can direct your thoughts and enlighten
your mind to help you to find the answers you need for yourself or your client. This is how The
Emotion Code and The Body Code came to be over time. God loves us and wants to bless our
lives. He says to ask and we shall receive. If you have asked but are still stuck, it doesn’t hurt to
ask again, focusing on your faith and intent to receive.  
If you are still having trouble after trying all of these things, remember that there is a coaching
program, and there are other practitioners out there with the same goals as yours. We are all
trying to help people to heal. We can connect to help one another, work together, and to refer to
one another when necessary to help our friends and clients. A connection that you make with
another practitioner might make the difference. We each have varying degrees of understanding
and experience with different kinds of issues. Be sure to take advantage of the ongoing webinars
and forums to keep enriching your knowledge base, too. You will learn more as you listen more
I hope these ideas prove to be worthwhile tips for you if you ever find that you are stuck. I know
that these things have helped me when I have been unsure of what to do temporarily. There are

256 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

always reasons for imbalances - just ask. It’s your job to ask the  right questions  and then
see how the answers fit together. It really can feel like finding the pieces to a puzzle and putting
it all together. When you have found the answers you need to help someone, it’s always worth
the effort. 
It’s my hope and prayer that God will bless in your healing efforts!
Dr. Bradley Nelson

Start Here
Ask if Hidden

If yes,
Ask: "Did we release that Do you (I) have a NO use
Trapped Emotion we (I) Ask if there is a Heart-Wall Heart-
Trapped Emotion? Wall
can release now? flowchart

YES Is the Trapped

Slide Magnet down Release NO
Emotion in Column A?
back or over head 3X Determine
(10X for inherited Trapped
Trapped Emotion Flow Chart

emotions) Emotion Correct Column Is the Trapped

Emotion in Column B?

Ask, "When did

this occur?" Is the Trapped Emotion
in an Even Row?
Ask, "Did you absorb Optional Trapped
this emotion from Emotion Determine Is the Trapped Emotion
someone else?"
Questions... in an Odd Row?
Correct Row

Ask where it is lodged Is the Trapped Emotion
in Row 1, 3, 5 (2, 4, 6)

Do we need to know more Is the Trapped
Emotion ______?
NO about this emotion? (Name emotions one by one)
Exact If answer is
unclear, ask
Emotion if YES, deter-
"Is this an
mine genealogy

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 257

FlowChart - 6/7/13 - Mindjet

Start Here

If NO, ask if there is a

Do You(I) have a Heart-Wall? Hidden Heart-Wall
258 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Heart-Wall Flow Chart

ASK: Can We(I) Ask again

release an Emo- later
tion from the Heart- YES
Ask: "Did we release that Wall now?
Trapped Emotion?

Is the Trapped
Determine NO
Slide Magnet down Emotion in Column A?
back or over head 3X Release Trapped Correct Col-
(10X for inherited Is the Trapped
Emotion umn... Emotion in Column B?

Ask, "When did this occur?" FlowChart Is the Trapped Emotion
Optional in an Odd Row?
Ask, "Did you absorb this Questions...
from someone else?" Determine Is the Trapped Emotion
in an Even Row?
Correct Row
Is the Trapped Emotion
YES in Row ___ (1,3,5 or 2,4,6)?
Ask: "Do we need to know
NO more about this emotion?"
Is the Trapped
Emotion ______?
(Name emotions one by one)
Exact Emotion If answer is unclear, ask "Is this an
Inherited Emotion?" If YES,
determine inherited emotion
and genealogy

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved
FlowChart - 6/7/13 - Mindjet
Start Here

Ask: "Did we release that

Psychic Trauma? ASK: Do You(I) have a Ask if
Psychic Trauma Flow Chart

Psychic Trauma We(I) can

release now? YES
Release Psychic Trauma
Slide Magnet down back or over head 3X
(10X for inherited psychic trauma (v. rare!) Note: There
Ask "How many trapped are nearly
always just
emotions are there in this 2 trapped
Psychic emotions,
Ask "When did Psychic Trauma?"
this occur?" Trauma rarely 3.

Ask, "Was this absorbed from Optional
someone else ?"
If Yes, focus on one
Determine where emotion at a time
it is lodged Ask "Do we and identify each
YES one as you would a
need to identi- regular trapped
fy these emo- emotion, by column,
YES row, etc.
Do we need to know more about tions?"
NO this Psychic Trauma? NO

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 259

FlowChart - 6/7/13 - Mindjet

260 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


The Body Code 2.0™

Column A Column B

Adiponectin Atrial-natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Adrenaline (epinephrine) Betatrophin
Row 1 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Calciferol (vitamin D3)
Amylin Calcitonin
Androgens (e.g., testosterone) Calcitriol
Angiotensinogen Cholecystokinin (CCK)

Corticotropin-releasing hormone
Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 (FGF19)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Row 2 Erythropoietin (EPO)
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Estrogens (e.g., estradiol)
Glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol)
FGF-23 (phosphatonin)

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH) Insulin
Growth hormone (GH) Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)
Growth hormone-releasing hormone Irisin
Row 3
(GHRH) Leptin
Hepcidin Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) Melatonin

Mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldosterone) Progesterone

Neuropeptide Y Prolactin (PRL)
Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) PYY3-36
Row 4
Osteocalcin Retinol Binding Protein 4
Oxytocin Secretin
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Serotonin

Somatostatin Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)

Row 5 Thrombopoietin Thyroxine (T4)
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Vasopressin

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 261

The Body Code 2.0™
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Alfalfa herb Comfrey leaf Horsetail herb Propolis resin
Angelica root Corn Silk Immortal root Pulsatilla flower
Row Arnica flower Cotton Root bark Juniper berry Quassia wood
1 Aspen bark Cow Parsnip root Kava-Kava root Raspberry leaf
Astragalus root Cramp bark Kelp frond Red Clover flower
Baptisia root Damiana herb Kola Nut Red Root

Barberry root Dandelion root Lavender leaf Rosemary leaf

Bayberry root bark Desert Willow bark Licorice root Sarsaparilla root
Row Benzoin gum Devil's Claw root Lily of the Valley root Saw Palmetto fruit
2 Betony flower Dogbane root Lobelia herb Shepherd's Purse herb
Black Cohosh root Dong Quai root Ha Huang stem Skullcap herb
Black Haw root Echinacea root Maravilla root Spikenard root

Black Walnut hull Elecampane root Marshmallow root Stillingia root

Blessed Thistle herb Elder flower Matarique root Storksbill herb
Row Bloodroot Eucalpytus leaf Milk Thistle seed St. John’s wort flower
3 Blue Flag rhz. Eyebright herb Menta Poleo herb Thuja leaf
Blue Cohosh root False Unicorn root Mormon Tea Toadflax herb
Blue Vervain herb Fennel seed Motherwort herb Usnea lichen

Blueberry leaf Feverfew flower Mullein leaf Uva Ursi leaf

Boneset Fireweed herb Myrrh gum Valerian root
Row Brickellia herb Fringetree bark Nettles herb Virginia Snake root
4 Buchu leaf Garlic bulb Oat seed White Oak bark
Bugleweed herb Gentian root, green Ocotillo stem bark White Sage leaf
Burdock root Gingko leaf Oregon Grape root White Willow bark

Burdock seed Ginseng root, Wild Am. Osha root Wild cherry bark
Calendula flower Golden Seal root Pansy herb Wild Ginger root
Row Cascara Sagrada root Gotu Kola herb Partridge Berry Wild Yam root
Catnip herb Gravel Root (Squaw Vine) Witch Hazel leaf
5 Cayenne fruit Grindelia flower Passion Flower Yarrow flower
Celandine, Greater Guarana seed Pau D'Arco bark Yellow Dock root

Chamomile flower Hawthorne flower & Pennyroyal herb Yerba Mansa root
Chaparral leaf berry Pipsissewa herb Yerba Santa leaf
Row Chastetree berry Hops strobules Pleurisy root Yohimbe bark
6 Cinnamon bark Horehound herb Poke root Yucca root
Clematis herb Horse Chestnut bark Prickly Ash bark
Cleavers herb Horseradish root Prickly Poppy

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

262 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

The Body Code 2.0™
Column A Column B Column C Column D

Beef Cauliflower Jicama orange

Liver Celery Lentils Papaya
Row 1 Veal Cilantro Lima Beans Peach
Chicken Collards Other Beans Pear
Duck Cucumber Parsnips Persian Melon

Eggs Dandelion Greens Peas Persimmon

Fish Endive Potato Pineapple
Row 2 Shellfish Eggplant Sweet Potato Plum
Goose Garlic Turnip Pomegranate
Lamb Green Beans Winter Squash Raspberry

Nuts Jerusalem Artichoke Acorn Strawberry

Seeds Kale Butternut Tangerine
Row 3 Tofu Leek Hubbard Watermelon
Turkey Bibb Lettuce Spaghetti Amaranth
Cheese Other Barley

Cottage Cheese Butter Lettuce Yam Bran Flakes

Cream Iceberg Lettuce Apple Buckwheat
Row 4 Cream Cheese Red Leaf Lettuce Apricot corn
Kefir Romaine Lettuce Banana Millet
Milk Blackberry Oat-bran

Yogurt Mung Bean Sprouts Blueberry Oatmeal

Corn Mushrooms Boysenberry Quinoa
Row 5 Rice Bread Mustard Greens Cactus Fruit Rice
Rice Cakes Mustard Spinach Cantaloupe Melon Rye
Rye Radish Casaba Melon SOY

Sour Dough Okra Cherimoya Wheat

Wheat Onions Cherry Other
Row 6 Other Breads Parsley Cranberry Butter
Pasta Scallions Crenshaw Melon Mayonnaise

Alfalfa Sprouts snow Peas Dried Fruit Nut Butters

Other Sprouts Spinach Elderberry Oil
Row 7 Artichoke Squash Fig (fresh)
Asparagus summer Gooseberry

Avocado Yellow Grapefruit

Bamboo Shoots Zucchini Grapes

Beet Greens Swiss Chard Guava
Row 8 Bell Peppers Tomato Honeydew
Bok Choi Turnip Greens Kiwi
Broccoli Watercress Kumquat

Brussel Sprouts Vegetable Starch Lemon

Cabbage Beets Lime
Row 9 Napa Carrots Loganberry
Red Corn Mango
Savoy Garbanzo Beans Nectarine

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 263


The Body Code 2.0™  

Anti-Fungal/Mold Dietary Suggestions    

AVOID These Foods

Sugar Sugar Syrup Chocolate

Honey Molasses Artificial Sweeteners

Alcohol Wine and Beer Spirits Liquors

Grains, Gluten Wheat, Rye Oats, Barley Corn, Rice

Fruit Fresh Dried

Vegetables Root vegetables Peas

Meats Pork Cured meats Processed meats

Fish All except wild salmon Shellfish

Dairy Products Cheese Milk and Cream Whey Products

Beverages Coffee, Tea Sodas, Energy drinks Juices

Beans Soy (all products) Beans Legumes

Nuts Cashews Peanuts Pistachios

Condiments Ketchup and Mayo Relish Soy Sauce

Fats, Oils Peanut and Corn oil Canola oil Soy oil

EAT These Foods

Vegetables All non starchy vegetables (grows above the ground)

Live Cultures Yogurt (no added sugar) Sauerkraut Other fermented

Kefir Kimchee vegetables

Meat Beef, Chicken Lamb, Turkey *All organic free range

Fish Wild Salmon, Anchovies Herring Sardines

Nuts and Seeds Almonds, Flax Hazelnut Sunflower Seeds

Coconut meat Pecans Walnuts

Grains (non-gluten) Buckwheat, Oat bran Quinoa Millet

Herbs and Spices Any

Fats, Oils Virgin Coconut Oil Flax Oil Butter

Olive Oil Sesame Oil

Sweeteners Stevia Xylitol

Beverages Probiotic drinks Herbal teas Lemon water

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

Dental Relationship Chart
By Fritz Kramer, with some changes by klinghardt/williams
Right: Shoulder, Right: TMJ, anterior hip/ knee, Right: Shoulder-elbow-hand Right: Posterior Right: posterior Left: posterior Left: Posterior Left: Shoulder-elbow-hand Left: TMJ, anterior hip/ knee, Left: Shoulder,
elbow, hand medical ankle (radical), foot, big toe knee, hip, later- knee, sacrococ- knee, sacrococ- knee, hip, (radical), foot, big toe medical ankle elbow, hand
Joints (ulnar), S.I. joint, cygeal joint, cygeal joint, (ulnar), S.I.
al ankle lateral ankle
foot, toes posterior ankle posterior ankle joint foot toes

R i g h t B r e a s t L e f t B r e a s t
264 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Endocrine Anterior Posterior Intermediate Intermediate lobe Posterior Anterior

Parathyroid Thyroid Thymus Pineal Pineal Thymus Thyroid Parathyroid
Glands pituitary pituitary lobe of pituitary of pituitary pituitary pituitary

Right side Left heart,

Right kidney, Left kidney,
Right heart, of liver, gall Left side of left side of
Pancreas, right side of stomach, Right lung, right side of large bladder, uterus, bladder, uterus, Left lung, leftt side of large Spleen, left side of stomach,
Organs right duoderi- bladder, right liver, biliary duoderium,
esophagus intestine prostate, prostate, intestine esophagus
um, terminal side of biliary ducts jejunum,
rectum, anus rectum, anus
ileum ducts ileum


Right Right Left Left

Right upper Right upper Right upper Right upper Left upper Left upper 1st Left upper Left upper
Names of Right upper Right upper upper upper upper upper Left upper Left upper
3rd molar 2nd bicuspid 1st bicuspid canine canine bicuspid 2nd bicuspid 3rd molar
lateral central central lateral

Teeth 2nd molar 1st molar 1st molar 2nd molar

(wisdom) (pre-molar) (pre-molar) (cuspid) (cuspid) (pre-molar) (pre-molar) (wisdom)
incisor incisor incisor incisor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

Right Right Left Left
Right lower Right lower Right lower Right lower Left lower Left lower Left lower Left lower
Names of Right lower Right lower lower lower lower lower Left lower 1st Left lower
3rd molar 2nd bicuspid 1st bicuspid canine canine 1st bicuspid 2nd bicuspid 3rd molar
Teeth 2nd molar 1st molar lateral central central lateral molar 2nd molar
(wisdom) (pre-molar) (pre-molar) (cuspid) (cuspid) (pre-molar) (pre-molar) (wisdom)
incisor incisor incisor incisor


Right side of Right kidney, Left kidney,
Right heart, Left side of Left heart, left
Pancreas, right side of stomach, Right lung, right side of large liver, gall bladder, bladder, uterus, bladder, uterus, Left lung, leftt side of large Spleen, left side of stomach,
Organs terminal ileum, liver, biliary side of jejunum,
pylorus esophagus intestine right side of prostate, rectum, prostate, rectum, intestine esophagus
Ileo-cecal ducts ileum
biliary ducts anus anus

Ovaries, testicles Adrenals Adrenals Ovaries, testicles
R i g h t B r e a s t L e f t B r e a s t
Right: Shoulder, Right: Posterior Right: posterior Left: posterior Left: Posterior
Left: Shoulder,
elbow, hand (ulnar),
Right: TMJ, anterior hip/ knee, Right: Shoulder-elbow-hand knee, sacrococ- knee, sacrococ- Left: Shoulder-elbow-hand Left: , anterior hip/ knee, elbow, hand
Joints knee, hip, knee, hip, lateral
medical ankle (radical), foot, big toe lateral ankle cygeal joint, cygeal joint, ankle (radical), foot, big toe medical ankle (ulnar), S.I.
S.I. joint foot toes posterior ankle posterior ankle joint foot toes
[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 265


The Body Code 2.0™ 

Liver Cleanse

This three day program will help to cleanse the liver and the lymphatic system.

• Drink two cups of unsweetened black cherry juice daily, one in the morning and one at
• Take ten (10) tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll daily, splitting them up through the day,
or taking them five (5) in the morning and five (5) at night.
• Make the following drink and drink it throughout the day .
• (2) quarts of grapefruit juice mixed with (8) lemons and (2) quarts of distilled water.
Drink this mixture at (30) minute intervals throughout the day.

• Get a colon hydrotherapy treatment each day during the 3 days you are on the
cleanse. If you start to feel sick or have a fever or headache, it means your colon has
toxic material in it and the toxins are being reabsorbed into your blood stream, causing
your symptoms. If this happens, an enema or colonic will quickly help to get the toxins
out of the colon.

• You must remember that the first function of the liver is to detoxify your body. You
cannot be healthy and feel good if your liver does not function as it was intended to
function. Lemon juice and grapefruit juice are two of the best stimulants that help the
liver to cleanse its tissues and stimulate it to greater efficiency. Caution should also be
observed as too much grapefruit and lemon juice over too long a period of time can be
dangerous to the body. Please consult a holistic physician if you are intending on
continuing this cleanse for a longer than 2 weeks, or if you have any question about
usage or safety.

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266 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


The Body Code 2.0™

Liver/Gallbladder Flush
The liver and gallbladder flush is an important detoxifying agent which will help restore the normal
functional capacity of these organs. It is not recommended for clients under 25 years of age or clients
with known large stones. Listed below are the steps that should be followed:

1. Monday through Saturday noon, drink as much apple juice as your appetite will permit in addi-
tion to regular meals and any supplements that may have been prescribed. The apple juice
should preferably be purchased from a health food store to assure there are no additives.

2. At noon on Saturday, you should eat a normal lunch .

3. Three hours later, drink one bottle of magnesium citrate laxative (widely available in 

the US at drug stores) this will begin to flush the intestines of toxic waste materials, 

so plan on staying home or near a bathroom!)

4. Two hours later, repeat step 3.

5. You may have grapefruit juice, grapefruit or other citrus fruits or juices for your 

evening meal.

6. At bedtime, you may have one of the following: 

- a cup of unrefined olive oil followed by a small glass of grapefruit juice; or

- a cup of warm unrefined olive oil blended with a cup of lemon juice.

(Unrefined olive oil may be purchased from any health food store. It is best to use fresh citrus
juice, but canned or bottled are permissible).

7. Following step 6, you should go immediately to bed and lie on your right side with your right
knee pulled up close to your chest for 30 minutes.

8. The next morning, one hour before breakfast, drink one bottle of magnesium citrate laxative.

9. Be sure to continue with your normal diet and any nutritional program that has been prescribed
for you.

Some clients have occasionally reported slight to moderate nausea when taking the olive oil/citrus
juice; this nausea will slowly disappear by the time you go to sleep. If the olive oil induces vomiting,
you need not repeat the procedure at this time. This occurs only in rare instances.

This flushing of the liver and gallbladder stimulates and cleanses these organs as no other method.
Clients who have chronically suffered from gallstones, biliousness, backaches, nausea, etc. occa-
sionally find small gallstone-type objects in the stool the following day. These objects are light green
to dark green in color. They are very irregular in shape, gelatinous in texture, and vary in size from
grape seeds to cherry seeds. If there seems to be a large number of these objects in the stool, the
flush should be repeated in two weeks.

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 267


The Body Code 2.0™

Column A Column B

Vitamin A Calcium
Row 1 Carotenoids Chromium
Vitamin D Copper
Vitamin E Iodine
Vitamin K Iron

Thiamin B1 Magnesium
Row 2 Riboflavin B2 Manganese
Niacin B3 Molybdenum
Pantothenic Acid B5 Phosphorus
Pyridoxine B6 Selenium

Biotin B7 Zinc
Row 3 Folate B9 Potassium
Cobalamin B12 Sodium
Choline Chloride
Vitamin C Sulfur

Omega 3 Flavonoids
Row 4 Omega 6 Boron
Co-Enzyme Q10 Cobalt
Probiotics/ Prebiotics Lecithin
Carnitine Oxygen

Antioxidants Cholesterol
Row 5 Protein Lutein / Zeaxnthin
Saturated Fatty Acids Monounsaturated FA
Carbohydrates Polyunsaturated FA
Fiber Lycopene

Histidine Enzymes
Row 6 Lysine Methionine
Leucine Phenylalanine
Isoleucine Threonine
Valine Tryptophan

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268 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


The Body Code 2.0™


Vitamins: The name vitamin was proposed in the 20th century, it was originally called
vitamines from “vital amines” from an organic functional group in chemistry. The name
was later shorted to vitamin as we see it today.

itamins can be classi ed into t o di erent gro s ater sol ble and at sol ble.
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble and the rest are water soluble.

The recommendations listed here are from the DRI or Dietary Recommended Intake.
These should be used only as a guide as the dosage may exceed the “recommended”
amount. Dr. Weston Price found in his studies of traditional cultures that the diet of the
primitives contained three to ten times the amount of the recommended dosages.
Hypervitaminosis refers to a state in the body where the vitamin levels are high and can
constitute a toxic or poisonous state. This state is not achievable when the vitamins are
procured from food, as is recommended. It is possible to achieve this state though, by
very high dosages of “supplement” vitamins; so caution is advised.


Vitamin A:
Infants: 400-500 mcg/ day (mcg=microgram. 1 microgram= 0.001 milligrams)
Children: 300-400 mcg /day
Adults: 600-900 mcg / day
Pregnant/ lactating: 700-1300 mcg/ day

General Purpose:
Vitamin A is an important vitamin that acts as a catalyst on which innumerable
biochemical processes depend. It is also an important anti-oxidant in the body.

Food Sources:
Best source is animal products because it is preformed Vitamin A (Retinol). In
other words an active form that the body can use immediately without processing.
Animal: Liver, Eggs, Milk, Cod liver oil, Fish, Butter (real butter), Cheese, beef.
Plant (See carotenoids): Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, squash, kale,
spinach, broccoli, or dark leafy vegetables.
*when using plant sources it is important to eat that source with a high
quality fat, like butter. Because vitamin A is fat soluble it will not be absorbed in the
small intestine without the presence of fats and bile. Similarly the conversion of plant

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 269


The Body Code 2.0™

carotenes into Vitamin A is best achieved in the presence of vitamin A, so for people
ho are de cient a high ality animal so rce is recommended.

No recommend dosages.

eneral r ose
arotenoids are basically the inactive orm o itamin A. he body can se
carotenoids to make vitamin A, b t it m st be in the resence o a high ality at to be
absorbed and converted. arotenoids are also a great so rce o anti o idants.

Food o rces
eet otatoes, carrots, m kin, s ash, kale, s inach, broccoli, or dark lea y

Vitamin D:
In ants mg day
hildren mg day
Ad lts mg day
regnant lactating mg day

eneral r ose
Needed or calci m and hos hor s absor tion and th s essential to bone
health, strong teeth, and normal gro th.

Food o rces
Animal Fish, ilk, ggs, liver, od liver oil. Im ortant that these are atty
so rces other ise there is no at carrier or absor tion.
kin synthesis itamin D can be received thro gh skin synthesis. ssentially a
cholesterol molec les is converted to itamin D by U radiation cholesterol levels m st
be s cient to s ort this . Im ortant to note that s nscreens, clothing, and seasons
o the year ill a ect and block this reaction rom occ rring. Recommendation
min tes o s nshine day itho t the s nscreens may need to b ild sa ely rom
s ring to all

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270 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


The Body Code 2.0™

Vitamin E:
Infants: 4-5 mg/ day
Children: 6-7 mg/ day
Adults: 11-15 mg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating: 15-19 mg/ day

General Purpose:
Needed for circulation, tissue repair, and healing. Also a powerful anti-oxidant.
Helps with sterility problems, PMS, and muscular dystrophy.

Food Sources: (Alpha- tocopherol most active form)

Wheat germ, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes,
avocados, as arag s, olives, corn, nre ned vegetable oils, b tter, and organ meats.

Vitamin K: (two forms: Phylloquinones K-1, plant sources; and Menaquinones K-2,
animal sources.)
Infants: 2-3 mcg/ day
Children: 30-50 mcg/ day
Adults: 60-120 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating: 75-90 mcg/ day

General Purpose:
Needed for blood clotting and plays an important role in bone health and

Food Sources:
Milk, Eggs, liver, Butter, grains, dark green vegetables

Infants: 0.2-0.3 mg/ day
Children: 0.5-0.6 mg/ day
Adults: 0.9-1.2 mg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating: ~1.4mg/ day

General Purpose:

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 271


The Body Code 2.0™

All the water soluble B vitamins work as a team to promote healthy nerves, skin,
eyes, hair, liver, muscle tone, and cardiovascular function. They protect us from mental
disorders, depression, and anxiety. Sugar consumption depletes B vitamins. Thiamin is
needed for hydrochloric acid production, and is used to treat constipation, fatigue,
herpes, and multiple sclerosis.

Food Sources:
rains, shrooms, s inach, fla seeds, t na, green eas, br ssel s ro ts,
broccoli, Black, into, and lima beans, sesame and s nflo er seeds, and the germ layer
of grains.

Infants: 0.3-0.4 mg/ day
Children: 0.5-0.5 mg/ day
Adults: 0.9-1.3 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 1.4-1.6 mg/ day

General Purpose:
Related to the conversion of nutrients into energy, making other vitamins and
minerals available to the body, and acts as an anti-oxidant.

Food Sources:
Grains, liver, venison, yogurt, milk, mushrooms, spinach, eggs, almonds.

Infants: 2-4 mg/ day
Children: 6-8 mg/ day
Adults: 12-16 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 17-18 mg/ day

General Purpose:
De ciency res lts in ellagra, characteri ed by dermatitis, tremors, dementia and
diarrhea. Niacin helps in the conversion of food to energy and aids in the digestive
system, skin and nerve function.

Food Sources:
Grains, meat and organs meats, mushrooms and asparagus are also great sources.

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272 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Biotin

The Body Code 2.0™

Pantothenic Acid:
Infant: 1.7-1.8 mg/ day
Children: 2-3 mg/ day
Adults: 4-5 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 6-7 mg/ day

General Purpose:
Essential for adrenal gland function. Plays an important role in cell metabolism
and cholesterol rod ction and aids in the body s ability to ithstand stress. De ciency
signs are fatigue, listlessness, weakness, and numbness and tingling.

Food Sources:
Found in organ meats, egg yolks, whole grains, avocados, mushrooms, and
ca liflo er.
Infants: 0.1-0.3 mg/day
Children: 0.5-0.6 mg/ day
Adults: 1.0-1.7 mg/day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 1.9-2.0 mg/day

General Purpose:
Contributes to enzyme functionality, required for the synthesis of
ne rotransmitters like serotonin, nore ine hrine and myelin ormation. De ciencies
linked to diabetes, nervous disorders, and coronary heart disease.

Food Sources:
Mostly animal products, also grains, legumes, carrots and spinach.

Infants: 5-6 mcg/day
Children: 8-12 mcg/ day
Adults: 20 - 30 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 30-35 mcg/ day

General Purpose:
Helps in energy formation from food and is necessary for body to process sugars
and fats.

Food Sources:

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 273

Folate, B12, Choline

The Body Code 2.0™

Grains, and animal products

Infants: 65-80 mcg/ day
Children: 150-200 mcg/ day
Adults: 300-400 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 500-600 mcg/ day

General Purpose:
Necessary for DNA and RNA creation and strengthening the chromosomes,
plays critical role in developing healthy red blood cells, it also protects DNA from
damage. De ciency d ring regnancy can res lt in s inal bi da.

Cobalamin B12:
Infants: 0.4-05 mcg/ day
Children: 0.9-1.2 mcg/ day
Adults: 1.8-2.4 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 2.6-2.8 mcg/ day

General Purpose:
Plays important role in the metabolism of all cells, especially those in the GI tract,
bone marrow, and nervous tissue. Often related to fatigue.

Food Sources:
iver, idney, milk, eggs, sh, cheese and meat. nly o nd in animal rod cts.

Infant: 125- 150 mg/ day
Children: 200-250 mg/ day
Adults: 375-550 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 450-550 mg/ day

General Purpose:
An essential component of structural tissue, a promoter of lipid transport and an
im ortant com onent o ne rotransmitters. It also nctions as an em lsi er in bile and
thus aiding with digestion and absorption of fats.

Food Sources:
ggs, b tter, meat, fla seeds, sesame seeds, and ca liflo er.

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274 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Vitamin C, Omega 3’s & 8’s

The Body Code 2.0™

Vitamin C:
Infants: 40-50 mg/ day
Children: 15-25 mg/ day
Adults: 45-90 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 80-120 mg/ day

General Purpose:
Serves as an anti-oxidant, aids the adrenal glands in steroid synthesis, promotes
resistance to infections through involvement with leukocytes and interferons. Also helps
to maintain lung function.

Food Sources:
Fruits, vegetables, and organ meats.

Omega 3’s

Omega 3 also referes to EPA and DHA. Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be synthesized by
the body and thus must be obtained in the diet. There are some conversions of other
fatty acids in the diet to the needed omega 3’s, but because of the lack of overall good
nutrition in most people it recommended that they take a supplement for this. The
omega 3 is a long chain fatty acid and thus acts as an important component of cell
membranes and precursors to cellular communication via prostaglandins,
thromboxanes, leukotrienes, paracrines and other hormonal signals. They can modify
the rocess o inflammation and are im ortant in brain nctions.

In regards to Omega 6’s and Omega 3’s it is important to maintain a proper ratio
between the two. Recommended is 2:1 (6 to 3).

Children: No rx,
Adults: 650mg-2000mg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating: No Rx

Sources: Flaxseeds and oils, marine sources: Krill, Cod liver, Mackerel, and Salmon.

Omega 6

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 275

Co-enzyme Q10, Probiotics, Prebiotics

The Body Code 2.0™

Note: This will rarely show up as a nutritional need, but more of an indication that
someone is getting too much. In which case it is best to recommend they increase their
omega 3 dosage!

Omega 6 fatty acids help the body with skin issues and proper function of cellular
metabolism. Most people get more than enough omega 6 in their diet. Elevated levels
of omega 6 actually do harm. You want to maintain a ratio between Omega 6 and 3
about 2:1.

Children: 4.4 to 4.6g/ day
Adults: 10-12g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: No rx

Sources: Vegetable oils

Co-Enzyme Q10

Also known as Ubiquinones this enzyme has 10 side chains, (Co-Enzyme Q10). The
ubiquinones are essential components of the mitochondrial electron transport chain
(The process of making ATP or energy in the body) and can be needed by people with
low energy. It also acts as an anti-oxidant in the body!

Adults: 3-6mg/ day

Source: Meat and animal products

Probiotics/ Prebiotics

No Rx:

Probiotics - microbial foods or supplements that can be used to change or reestablish

and romote the gro th o bene cial intestinal flora bacteria .

Prebiotics - nondigestible foods products that stimulate the growth of bacteria already
present in the colon; improves gastrointestinal health.

rebiotic so rces Whole grains es ecially oatmeal , fla and barley greens berries,
bananas, and other fruits; legumes; onions, garlic, honey, leeks.

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276 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Carnitine, Antioxidants, Protein, Fats

The Body Code 2.0™

robiotic ood so rces ive c lt re rod cts s ch as og rt, ke r, b ttermilk and other
ermented dairy rod cts ermented vegetables s ch as kim chi and sa erkra t,
ermented soy rod cts s ch as miso and tem eh.


No Rx:

Used in the body to trans ort long chain atty acids FAs across the mitochondrial
membrane or o idation energy tili ation . he h man body has limited ability to
synthesi e this en yme. lant oods are generally very lo so rces or obtaining
carnitine, so meat and dairy rod cts are recommended


No R ee vitamins A, and

Antio idant molec les s ch as some vitamins itamin and that inhibit action o
activated o ygen molec les ree radicals that can damage cells.


rotein, a class o the macro n trients, is a large biological molec le consisting o one
or more amino acids. roteins er orm a vast array o nctions in the body

hildren g day
Ad lts g day
regnant lactating g day

All com lete roteins contains all essential amino acids come rom animal so rces.
lant so rces are great too, b t m st be combined ro erly to ens re all essential
amino acids are resent

Saturated Fatty Acids

R o daily calories

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 277

Carbohydrates, Fiber, Histidine

The Body Code 2.0™

Another class of the macro nutrients fats, saturated fatty acids are more important than
for just energy needs. Saturated fatty acids help to improve bone, heart, liver, lungs and
brain health. They are also important for proper nerve signaling and for a strong
immune system. Saturated fatty acids usually carry with them the essential fat soluble
vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, and K).


Rx: 40-60% of daily calories

The third class of macro nutrients, carbohydrates are manufactured by plants and area
a major source of energy in the diet. Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen in a ratio of C:O:H2.


No Rx:

Fiber - nondigestible carbohydrates that have been extracted or manufactured from

lants that have a bene cial hysiologic e ect in h mans.

he role o ber in the I tract is com le and varies based on the sol bility o the ber.
Insol ble ber generally increases the ecal vol me and decreases the transit time in
the I tract. n the other hand, sol ble bers can orm gels res lting in slo ed I
transit time and slowed or decreased nutrient absorption.


In ants mg kg day
Children: No Rx
Ad lts mg kg day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products

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278 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Lysine, Leucine, Isoleucine

The Body Code 2.0™


Infants: 103mg/kg/day
Children: 44-64mg/kg/day
Adults: 12mg/kg/day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products


Infants: 161mg/kg/day
Children: 44-74mg/kg/day
Adults: 14 mg/kg/day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products


Infants: 70mg/kg/day
Children: 44-73mg/kg/day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 279

Valine, Calcium, Chromium

The Body Code 2.0™


Infants: 93mg/kg/day
Children: 25-38mg/kg/day
Adults: 10mg/kg/day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products


Infants: 210-270mg/ day
Children: 500-800mg/ day
Adults: 1000mg-1300mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 1000-1300mg/ day

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, makes up about 1.5% to 2% of the
body weight and 39% of total body minerals. Approximately 99% of the calcium exists in
the bones and teeth. he remaining o calci m is in the blood and e tracell lar fl id
and within the cells of all tissues, where it regulates many important metabolic functions.

Food sources: Dairy products are the most concentrated sources of calcium and where
the highest level of absorption is achieved. Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale,
collards, turnip greens, mustard greens, and broccoli; organ meats such as adrenals
and liver are great sources as well.

In supplements there are a few common forms: Calcium carbonate, calcium citrate,
calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium phosphate, etc. The most common is
calcium carbonate which is relatively insoluble and is not absorbed as well as calcium
citrate. Calcium phosphate is the form found in milk and has a high bioavailability, but
not in supplement form. Calcium citrate or lactate is recommended for supplement


Infants: 0.2-5.5 mcg/ day

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280 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Copper, Iodine

The Body Code 2.0™

Children: 11-15 mcg/ day
Adults: 20-30 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating: 20-45 mcg/ day

Chromium is considered an ultratrace mineral because of the low amounts needed. It

aids in gl cose metabolism by otentiating ins lin action and there ore infl ences
carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism.

Sources: Brewer’s yeast, oysters, liver, and potatoes have high chomiium
concentrations; seafood, whole grains, cheeses, and meats have medium

Chromium is removed in processed foods.


Infants: 200-220 mcg/ day
Children: 340-440 mcg/ day
Adults: 700-900 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 1000-1300 mcg/ day

Copper, a normal constituent of blood, is another established essential micronutrient.

Concentrations of copper are highest in the liver, brain, heart, and kidney. Muscle
contains a low level of copper, but, because of the its large mass, skeletal muscle
contains almost 40% of al copper in the body.

o er is a com onent o many en ymes, and sym toms o co er de ciency are

attributable to enzyme failures.

o rces o er is distrib ted idely in oods. Food high in co er are shell sh,
oysters, organ meats, muscle meats, chocolate, nuts, grains, and legumes.


Infants: 110-130mcg/ day
Children: 90 mcg/ day
Adults: 120-150 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 220-290mcg/ day

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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 281

Iron, Magnesium, Manganese

The Body Code 2.0™

Iodine is stored in the thyroid gland, where it is used in the synthesis of triiodothyronine
(T3) adn thyroxine (T4).

o rces ea oods s ch as clams, lobsters, oysters, sardines, and other salt ater sh
is the richest so rce o iodine. Fresh ater sh contain less b t are still great so rces o


Infants: 0.27-11 mg/ day
Children: 7-10 mg/ day
Adults: 8-18 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 9-27 mg/ day

The functions of iron relate to its ability to participate in oxidation and reduction
reactions. Because of this redox property, iron has a role in the blood and respiratory
transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide and in the electron transport chain and energy
creation in the mitochondria.

Sources: Best sources are Liver, seafood, kidney, heart, lean meat, and poultry. Beans
and vegetables are the best plant sources.


Infants: 30-75mg/ day
Children: 80-130mg/ day
Adults: 240-420mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 310-420mg/ day

The major function of magnesium is to stabilize the structure of ATP in ATP dependent
enzyme reactions. It is a cofactor for more than 300+ enzymes reactions. It is needed
for the synthesis of proteins and fatty acids, and plays an important role in the glycolytic
pathway. It also plays role in cell communication via second messengers (cAMP).

Sources: Pretty abundant in most foods, but good sources: seeds, nuts, legumes,
grains, dark green vegetables, and dairy products and meat.



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282 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Molybdenum, Phosphorus

The Body Code 2.0™

Infants: 0.003-0.6mg/ day
Children: 1.2-1.5mg/ day
Adults: 1.6-2.3mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 2.0-2.6mg/day

ym toms o manganese de ciency incl de eight loss, dermatitis, change in hair color
and gro th, and occasionally na sea and vomiting. It can also a ect the re rod ctive
system, ancreatic nction and several as ects o carbohydrate metabolism.
anganese lays an im ortant role in en yme activity, es ecially those o the
mitochondria and the en ymes ith anti o idant ro erties. In addition, manganese is
sed to activate many en ymes. It sed in the ormation o connective and skeletal
tiss es, gro th and re rod ction, and carbohydrate and li id metabolism.

o rces Whole grains, leg mes, n ts and tea. Fr it and vegetables are modest
sources. Animal products contain less manganese are poor sources.


Infants: 2-3 mcg/ day
Children: 17-22 mcg/day
Adults: 34-45 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 50 mcg/ day

olybden m is im ortant in o idation red ction redo reactions. It aids in the

breakdo n o key amino acids and in the ormation o others.

o rces eg mes, hole grains, dairy rod cts, meat and dark lea y greens.


Infants: 100-275 mg/ day
Children: 460-500 mg/ day
Adults: 700-1250 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 700-1250 mg/ day

hos hor s ranks second to calci m in ab ndance in h man tiss es. It artici ates in
n mero s essential nctions in the body. DNA and RNA are based on hos hate. he
ma or orm o energy, A , contains high energy hos hate bonds. It as acts in cell lar
comm nication via cA and other secondary messengers. It is sed to orm the

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 283

Selenium, Zinc, Potassium

The Body Code 2.0™

phospholipid membrane in every single cell. It is used in the buffer system of the body
to control pH. Finally it forms with calcium to strengthen teeth and bones.

Sources: In general good sources of protein are good sources of phosphorus. Meat,
o ltry, sh, and eggs are e cellent so rces. ilk, leg mes, and grains are other great


Infants: 15-20 mcg/ day
Children: 20-30 mcg/ day
Adults: 40-55 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 60-70 mcg/ day

A rather narro dietary intake range e ists or seleni m, belo hich de ciency occ rs
and above hich to icity can occ r. eleni m is necessary or ro er nction o
gl tathione ero idase, hich rotects against o idative damage ree radicals . It aids
in the conversion o to thyroid .

Sources: Selenium content in foods is completely dependent on the selenium content

of the soil. Supplementation is best with selenium.


Infants: 2-3 mg/ day
Children: 3-5 mg/ day
Adults: 8-11 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 11-13 mg/ day

Zinc, primarily an intracellular ion, functions in association with more than 300 different
enzymes. It participates in reactions involving either synthesis or degradation of
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. It serves as a signaling agent in the

o rces he most ab ndant so rces o inc occ r in animal flesh. ilk, sea ood,
whole grains, and legume are also fair sources.


Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

284 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Sodium, Chloride, Sulfur

The Body Code 2.0™

Infants: 0.4-0.7 g/ day
Children: 3.0-3.8 g/ day
Adults: 4.5-4.7 g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 4.7-5.1 g/ day

Potassium is responsible for maintaining normal water balance, osmotic equilibrium,

and the acid-base balance. It is important in neuromuscular activity and promotes cell

Sources: As a rule fruits, vegetables, fresh meats and dairy products are all great
sources of potassium


Infants: 0.12 - 0.37 g/ day
Children: 1.0-1.2 g/ day
Adults: 1.2-1.5 g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 1.5 g/ day

Sodium is important in maintaining acid-base balance, neuromuscular function, and

plasma volume.

Sources: Sodium Chloride or Salt. Recommended Real Salt or Sea Salt.


Infants: 0.18- 0.57 g/ day
Children: 1.5-1.9 g/ day
Adults: 1.8-2.3 g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 2.3 g/ day

Similar to sodium and potassium, chloride acts as an electrolyte and aids in acid-base
balance, neuromuscular function and plasma volume.

Sources: Sodium Chloride or Salt. Recommended Real Salt or Sea Salt.


Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 285

Flavonoids, Boron, Cobalt

The Body Code 2.0™

No Rx:

Although a mineral, sulfur mainly exists as a molecule in the body as a constituent of

three amino acids: cystine, cysteine, and methionine. As such it exists as part of these
molecules which aid in cellular reactions, connective tissue, redox reactions, etc.

o rces eat, o ltry, sh, eggs, beans, broccoli, and ca liflo er.


No Rx:

Flavonoids - pigments that act as free radical scavengers in the plants, contribute to
maintenance of heart health and boost anti-oxidant defenses.

Sources: Berries (especially dark colored), cherries, red grapes, green tea, cocoa,
onions, and apples.


Infants: no rx
Children: 2-6 mg/ day
Adults: 11-20 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 17-20 mg/ day

Boron de ciencies a ect to ma or organs the brain and bone. Boron de ciency alters
brain composition and function and reduces bone composition, structure, and strength.

Sources: Good sources include: noncitrous fruit, vegetables, nuts, and legumes.


See Vitamin B12 recommendations:
Infants: 0.4-05 mcg/ day
Children: 0.9-1.2 mcg/ day
Adults: 1.8-2.4 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating: 2.6-2.8 mcg/ day

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

286 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Lecithin, Cholesterol, Lutein, Zeaxanthin

The Body Code 2.0™

Most of the cobalt in the body exists with vitamin B12 stores in the liver. The essential
role of cobalt is in vitamin b12. This vitamin is essential for the maturation of red blood
cells adn normal function of all cells. In addition to B12 the enzyme methionine
aminopeptidase, an enzyme involved with DNA to RNA translation, is the only other
known need for cobalt.

Sources: Cobalt exists in most food as an ultra trace mineral, but only microorganisms
produce B12. Therefore animal organs or meat are recommended.


No Rx:

Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) - a phospholipid containing choline; found in the

membranes o biologic organisms. It is a art o bile, here em lsi es ats, and is art
of lipoproteins, where it transports triglycerides and cholesterol.

Sources: Liver and egg yolks are rich sources. Soybeans, peanuts, legumes, spinach,
and wheat germ are also good sources.


No Rx:

Cholesterol is the basis for all steroid derivatives made in the body, including cortisone
and aldosterone from the adrenal glands and testosterone and estrogens from the
testes and ovaries, repectively, and bile acids made in the liver. Vitamin D hormone is
made when ultraviolet rays cleave cholesterol. Cholesterol is also important in cell
membranes here it aids in str ct ral and fl idity.

Sources: Animal products.

Lutein / Zeaxanthin

No Rx:

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the two most abundant carotenoids. They have antioxidant
properties and promote eye health.

Sources: Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, turnips, lettuce, broccoli, zucchini,

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 287

Fatty Acids, Lycopene, Enzymes, Methionine

The Body Code 2.0™

Mono and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

No Rx:

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MFAs) contain only one double bond and polyunsaturated
fatty acids (PUFAs) contain two or more double bonds. Because fatty acids with double
bonds are easily oxidized human store lipids as saturated fats, mostly triglycerides.

Fats are energy rich and thus be an easy source of calories in the diet. In addition the
fat soluble vitamins are usually present in high quality fat sources. They play a role in
cell membranes, cellular communication and cell structure and protection

Sources: Animal products, nuts, seeds, and grains.


No Rx:

Lycopene - one of the carotenoid phytochemicals; appears to act as a free radical

scavenger. Has high potential to reduce the risk for heart disease and prostate cancer
in men.

Sources: Tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon, and guava. Tomatoes should be eaten with
a fat to increase bioavailability through absorption.

Enzymes (digestive)

No Rx:

There are many enzymes that participate in the digestive process; they can originate
from the pancreas, stomach, and small intestine. Most of these enzymes are released
in an inactive form that is activated by a low pH. (High pH in the stomach will lead to
digestive roblems . When the body is ma ed o t it may be bene cial to se digestive
enzymes as a way to allow the body to heal.

Sources: Supplements!


Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

288 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Phenylalanine, Theronine, Tryptophan

The Body Code 2.0™

Infants: 58 mg/ kg/ day
Children: 22-27 mg/ kg/ day
Adults: 13 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products


Infants: 125mg/ kg/ day
Children: 22-69 mg/ kg/ day
Adults: 14 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products


Infants: 87mg/ kg/ day
Children: 28-37 mg/ kg/ day
Adults: 7 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products


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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 289


The Body Code 2.0™

Infants: 17 mg/ kg/ day
Children: 3.3 - 12.5 mg/ kg/ day
Adults: 3.5 mg/ kg/ day

Synthesis of proteins requires the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore must be obtain in the diet.

Sources: All animal products

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

290 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Definitions of Emotions

The Emotion Code

Definitions of Emotions
by Dr. Bradley Nelson

The list of emotions that follows encompasses the range of human emotion. There are
many more emotions in the dictionary besides the ones listed here, but we choose to
use a simplified list to keep things easy and quick. You do not need to add to this list-
every emotion that can be experienced will fall under an emotion listed below (e.g.
Embarrassment would fall under Humiliation, Bewildered would fall under Confusion,

Abandonment: Physical abandonment is being left alone; left behind or deserted (this
is the type of abandonment that we most often see in childhood). Emotional
abandonment is being given up on; withdrew from; emotionally deserted or separated
from; a feeling of being “left behind” in a non-physical form.

Anger: A strong displeasure and belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong;

wrath. Anger is often used as a cover-up or form of denial for emotions of hurt or fear.

Anxiety: A generalized feeling of uneasiness and foreboding; a fear of the unknown;

fear without a subject (e.g. she feels anxious and fearful all the time for no apparent

Betrayal: Betrayed is to have your trust broken, to be deserted or hurt by a trusted

one. Betrayal of another is to be unfaithful in guarding or fulfilling a trust; to be disloyal
or violate a confidence, to desert someone who trusts you. Betrayal of the self is to
break integrity; act against one’s morals, to abuse the body or soul.

Bitterness: A harsh, disagreeable or cynical attitude. Being angry or resentful because

of hurtful or unfair experiences.

Blaming: Being Blamed is to be held responsible; accused; or held guilty for

something. Blaming another is to hold responsible; accuse; find fault with. Putting
responsibility on someone or something else to avoid taking responsibility. This is a key
emotion in creating a victim mentality and can cause a deterioration of personal power.
Blaming the self is finding fault with oneself, which can lead to feelings of self-abuse,
depression, etc.

Conflict: Internal Conflict is a mental and emotional struggle within the self, arising
from opposing demands or impulses. (e.g. He was feeling conflicted about whether or
not to take the new job) External Conflict is to fight; to disagree or be disagreeable; to
struggle or battle against; to antagonize. Prolonged strife or struggle. (e.g. She and her
ex-husband experience continual conflict about custody of their children).

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 291

Confusion: A disoriented feeling; foggy thinking; chaos; lack of distinctness or

clearness; perplexity; bewilderment; a disturbed mental state.

Creative Insecurity: Feeling unsafe or untrusting the self about the creation or
development of anything- relationships, family, health, money, career and/or artistic
endeavors. A feeling of insecurity that arises and blocks the creative process. (e.g.
writer’s block).

Crying: The (often) involuntary act of expressing a strong emotion; a response to pain
or suffering (emotional or physical). A response to or expression of helplessness. A
physical sensation felt in the throat, chest and/or diaphragm. Often becomes trapped
when one does not allow him herself to cry (i.e. suppressing this reaction or stuffing it

Defensiveness: A state of resisting attack or protecting oneself; being sensitive to the

threat of criticism or injury to one's ego; being on guard against real or imagined threats
to one's person, physical and/or emotional.

Depression: A state of being sad, gloomy, low in spirits, dejected. Often a secondary
emotion caused by “anger turned inward” at the self and feelings of shame and guilt,

Despair: A complete loss of hope; misery; difficult or unable to be helped or comforted.

Discouragement: eeling a lack of courage, hope or confidence; disheartened,

dispirited. Losing the nerve to try or attempt something.

Disgust: A feeling of loathing; when good taste or moral sense is offended; a strong
aversion. (e.g. She felt disgusted when the killer was acquitted).

Dread: Fear of something that is about to happen; apprehension as to something in the

future, usually real but sometimes unknown. (e.g. He dreaded going to the high school
reunion and facing the bullies who had tormented him).

Effort Unreceived: When one's work, achievement, attempts or endeavors are not
accepted or recognized; when one's best effort is not considered good enough; a feeling
of being unappreciated. Not feeling approved of or validated.

Failure: When one falls short of success or achievement in something expected,

attempted, or desired; (e.g. The failure of a marriage or other relationship, being fired,
bankruptcy, performing poorly in athletics, art, academics, etc.).

Fear: A strongly distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain; the
threat may be real or imagined.

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

292 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

Forlorn: Miserable; sad and lonely by reason of abandonment, desolation or

emptiness; hopeless; forsaken.

Frustration: Exasperation; being stuck or unable to progress; feeling blocked from

causing a change or achieving an objective or goal.

Grief: Intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc.; an acute
sorrow and deep sadness. A universal reaction to bereavement. Also can be feeling
harassed, vexed or exasperated (e.g. if someone gives you grief).

Guilt: The feeling of having done wrong or committed an offense. Feeling responsible
for the harmful actions of another (e.g., abuse, parents' divorce, death, etc.) Often
accompanied by feelings of depression, shame and self-abuse.

Hatred: To loathe; despise; great dislike or aversion. Often comes as a result of “hurt
love”. Often hatred is of a situation rather than a person (e.g. hatred of another’s
behavior, unjust circumstances, etc.) Self-hatred creates destructive behaviors and

Heartache: Anguish and pain of the heart; distress usually as a result of difficulty or
sadness in a relationship. Felt as a crushing or burning physical sensation in the chest.

Helplessness: Being unable to help oneself; being without the aid or protection of
another. Having little strength or personal power. A common emotion for those
suffering from a “victim mentality”. Feeling unable to change one’s circumstances or

Hopelessness: Devoid of hope; having no expectation of good; having no remedy or

cure; no prospect of change or improvement.

Horror: A strong emotion of alarm, disgust, or outrage caused by something frightful or

shocking (e.g. an event of extreme violence, cruelty, or macabre.)

Humiliation: A painful loss of pride, dignity or self-respect; to feel mortified;


Indecisiveness: An inability to make a decision; wavering back and forth between one
choice or another. Stems from distrust of the self or doubting the ability to make a good

Insecurity: A lack of confidence; self-conscious; shy. eeling unsafe from danger or


Jealousy: Resentful and envious of someone's success, achievements, or

advantages. Having suspicious fears; fears of rivalry or unfaithfulness. Results from a
fear of not being loved and/or from insecurity.

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 293

Lack of Control: Lacking restraint or direction; unable to regulate or command; a

feeling that someone or something else determines your course.

Longing: To have a strong desire or craving; a yearning or pining; aching for; to miss
someone or something; to want something you do not have (e.g. She longed for a
different life).

Lost: Unable to see the correct or acceptable course; having no direction. Physically
lost most often shows up from childhood- (e.g. being lost in the woods and can’t find the
way home, etc.) Emotionally lost refers to a feeling of being unable to see what the
right decision or direction, being unable to find emotional stability (e.g. He felt lost after
his wife died; She hasn’t done anything with her life, she seems really lost.)

Love Unreceived: A feeling that love expressed is or has been rejected. Feeling
unwanted, not cared for; not accepted; a lack of love where it is desired.

Low Self-Esteem: A low appraisal of one’s own worth or value; feeling and focusing on
one’s flaws; holding a feeling of disrespect for the self; not confident; lack of self-love.

Lust: Intense sexual desire or appetite; an overwhelming want or craving (e.g., lust for
power); passion; to covet.

Nervousness: Unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive; fearful; timid; to feel

jumpy or on edge.

Overjoy: Intense delight or elation which is too overpowering for the body; joy that it is
a shock to the system. Joy that is inappropriate or wrong.

Overwhelm: To be overpowered in mind or emotion; extreme stress; feeling

overpowered with superior force; feeling excessively burdened.

Panic: A sudden, overwhelming fear that produces hysterical behavior, unreasonably

fearful thoughts or physical symptoms such as trembling and hyperventilation; a strong
feeling of impending doom.

Peeved: Irritated; annoyed; exasperated; irked; aggravated; ticked off.

Pride: An overly high esteeming of oneself for some real or imagined merit or
superiority; vanity (an excessive desire to be noticed, praised, or approved); feeling
better than others; haughty; non-teachable; has to be right; expects more credit than
earned; or treats others with disdain or contempt. Having a healthy amount of pride
(self-respect or self-esteem) is a good thing, and this type of pride usually doesn’t show
up as a trapped emotion unless it is injured.

Rejection: Feeling denied, refused or rebuffed; discarded as useless or unimportant;

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

294 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]

cast out; unwanted; forsaken.

Resentment: A feeling of displeasure or indignation at someone or something

regarded as the cause of injury or insult; bitter for having been treated unfairly; unwilling
to forgive. Often this emotion comes along with animosity (ill-will that displays itself in
action, strong hostility or antagonism).

Sadness: Unhappy; sorrowful; mournful; affected by grief.

Self-Abuse: Abusing the self emotionally includes negative self-talk (e.g. “I’m such an
idiot.”), blaming the self, etc. Abusing the self physically includes mistreating the body
or mind by use of addictive substances or behaviors; to not care for the body by lack of
sleep, proper diet or nutrition; to work beyond what one can or should endure; to punish
or tax oneself excessively. This abuse may help atone for "sins", real or imagined, and
usually is driven by anger. Illnesses can be forms of self-abuse (e.g., "I don't deserve to
be healed.")

Shame: A feeling of being wrong, defective or disreputable. The painful feeling of

having done or experienced something dishonorable, improper or foolish; disgrace;
humiliation; a cause for regret. The lowest vibration of all the emotions. Leads to guilt,
depression and even suicide.

Shock: A sudden or violent disturbance of the emotions or sensibilities; extreme

surprise; to feel traumatized or stunned.

Sorrow: A sad regret; distress caused by loss, disappointment or grief; to feel or

express grief, unhappiness, or sadness.

Stubbornness: Being difficult; unbendable; unable or unwilling to forgive; obstinate;

headstrong; resistant.

Taken for Granted: Feels treated with careless indifference; not given thanks or for
something accomplished, similar to ignored.

Terror: Intense, sharp, overmastering fear; extreme fright; alarm.

Unsupported: A lack of support, help or encouragement; not provided for by another;

not defended when help is needed; feeling the burden is too heavy to bear alone, etc.

Unworthy: Not good enough; beneath the dignity of; not commendable or credible;
undeserving; not valuable or suitable; unbecoming.

Vulnerability: Feeling susceptible to harm, either emotional or physical; unsafe;


Wishy Washy: Weak, spiritless; undecided irresolute; without strength of character. To

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 295

lack conviction; without a backbone.

Worry: Dwelling on difficulty or troubles; unease or anxiety about a situation or a

person; extreme concern over potential problems; concern about a loved one in
possible distress.

Worthless: f no importance or value; without excellence of character, uality or

esteem; serving no purpose.


Amen, Daniel .. hange our Brain, hange our ife The Breakthrough Program for

on uering Anxiety, Depression, bsessiveness, Anger, and mpulsiveness. st

ed ed. new york Three ivers Press, . Print.

House, andom. ebster s niversal ollege Dictionary. New ork ramercy, .


Truman, arol .. eelings Buried Alive Never Die. th ev ed. Nashville Brigham

Distributing, . Print.

ebster s New orld Dictionary of the American anguage. New ork Prentice Hall

Press, . Print.

Handwriting Analyisis, wen S. egler, S , .

Copyright 2008-2016, Wellness Unmasked, Inc., & Dr. Bradley Nelson. All rights reserved

296 [THE BODY CODE 2.0]


[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 297



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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 299



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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 301



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[THE BODY CODE 2.0] 303



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