Temple Seva Management System.

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The Temple Seva management system is available with internet support to allow devotees to make
online offerings, pooja bookings, and many more useful features. It also offers a complete automation
in billing and accounts, staff management and administration sections. Temple Management solution is
bundled with an excellent accounting system which enables easy operation and efficient reporting.

The Temple Seva Management system is a highly scalable product for Hindu Temples. It helps
temple administrators to provide effective services to devotees and other
stakeholders.The main problems in the temple management in the current world is ...the devotees
gives a fund to the temples and this is writtern in a receipt book and after some days this receipt will be
missing somewhere .so we can solve this problem by using Temple Seva management system.
Management system should know when is the persons birthday date... while entering the any date it
should display the name of the person so management can easily find out on which day the person
having a pooja .
In some temples like thirupathi,dharmasthala there are more then 5000 devotees in a day ,it is
difficult to the management for identifing which person having pooja..so using by using Temple
Seva Management system we can solve this problem.

Existing System :

The Temple Management System is already exist.

Proposed System :

The Temple Seva Management System.

Software and Hardware requirement:

Developing tool: Visual Studio

Front-end : HTML,CSS,JavaScript.

Back-end: Mysql

Ram: Minimum 4GB .

Processor : Minimum 2 gigahertz

Harddisk 60GB

Advantage and features:

Simple user interface to reduce operation time.

Reduce data entries lead to eliminate chances for errors and reduce operator


This module helps to handle the devotees login activities.
Entry of new devotee with their detail profile & contact Information can be done through
this module.
Income :
This module describe the total income of the temple.where Income from different activities
of temple are categorized & managed with simple & user friendly application. Entry of all type of
Income related to donation from devotees, SEVA Income, POOJA & PRASADAM
Income can be managed from here and reports related to income are also generated & Printed as per
requirement with the help of this module.
SEVA of temple can be managed using this module in which it can add new seva
and charge of that seva ,number of Person allowed in seva,schedule of seva

In this module we can easily find the birthday of the devotees.we can select the date
,Month and click on get birthday list,this can list all devotees birthday on that
particular date.

Registration card:
This is used to create a registration card for devotees for a particular event as a entry
Manage Master:
this module has the official powers to control the flow of the data from one part of the
system to the other. He has the power to manipulate the access of the users to the
data.The main purpose of this account is to make the user data relevant and then giving
the inputs to the other interface module and make it work optimistically and get the
timetable according to the wish we want to create for a particular type of inputs.it can
add type of Income,add type of expenses,add details of Staff like personal details.
This module describe the daily works that is going on temple.Reports related to all
modules can be accessed as well as printing can be done by just simple use of filter.
Reports available here are.this module can handle report of devotees,report of
Income,report of expenses,report of salary all in one as well Individual.
This module used to send the email to devotees,connect to with devotees and send
updates about events in a temple to devotees.

. Future Enhance

can be used in university system for student data exchange.

SMS and Email notification for registration confirmation

. Conclusion
Finally in Temple Seva Management system, we have a system where we can a user
who is want to get the darshan of the temple at the time and want to do the specific
task at the any time. As he confirms after doing the necessary payment it will be
forwarded to the management of the temple they get the token to clear and they do the
same with the arrangements done.User comes up to the temple at a time get the darshans

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