Travelling Salesman and Distribution Problems: Ik Ij JK

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1. Introduction
Here, we address the following problems:

1. Travelling Salesman Problem

2. Vehicle Routing Problem

We explain the formulations, concepts and algorithms to solve these problems. These problems
have application in various aspects of Management including Service Operations, Supply Chain
Management and Logistics.

2. The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

This is the most interesting and the most researched problem in the field of Operations Research.
This “easy to state” and “difficult to solve” problem has attracted the attention of both
academicians and practitioners who have been attempting to solve and use the results in practice.

The problem is stated as follows:

A salesman has to visit n cities and return to the starting point. How should he (she) visit the
cities such that the total distance travelled is minimum?

It is assumed that the starting city is included in the n cities (or points) to be visited. Since the
person comes back to the starting point, any of the n cities can be a starting point. Therefore for a
given solution there are n-1 other solutions that are same. The starting city is usually not specified
at all. Any city can be the starting city. For a n city TSP, the person travels exactly n arcs (or n

There is also a travelling salesman path problem where the start and end points are specified.
Here the person travels n-1 arcs and reaches the destination.

Usually in the TSP statement there is also a mention that the person visits each city once and
only once and returns to the starting point. If the distance matrix is made of Euclidean distances,
it satisfies triangle inequality (Given three points i, j, k, dik  dij + djk), which would force the
salesman to visit each city once and only once. If the distances do not satisfy triangle inequality
or if we are considering cost or time instead of distances, these may not satisfy triangle inequality
and we have to mention explicitly that the person visits each city once and only once.

2.1 Mathematical Programming Formulation of the Travelling Salesman Problem

Consider a n city TSP with a known distance matrix D. We consider a 5 city TSP for explaining
the formulation, The distance matrix is given in Table 5.1.

-- 10 8 9 7
10 -- 10 5 6
8 10 -- 8 9
9 5 8 -- 6
7 6 9 6 --
Let Xij = 1 if the salesman visits city j immediately after visiting city i. The formulation is
Minimize  dij Xij

Subject to

 Xij = 1  i

 Xij = 1  j

Xij = 0, 1

Let us verify whether the formulation is adequate and satisfies all the requirements of a TSP. The
objective function minimizes the total distance travelled. The constraints ensure that every city is
visited only once. This formulation is clearly inadequate since it is the formulation of the
assignment problem. For example a feasible solution to a 5x5 assignment problem can be

X12 = X23 = X31 = X45 = X54 = 1. This is not feasible to the TSP because this says that the person
leaves city 1 goes to city 2 from there goes to city 3 and comes back to city 1. He also goes to city
4 (from 5?) and comes back from 5. This is infeasible to the TSP because this contains sub tours.
For example

X12 = X23 = X31 = 1 is a subtour of cities 1-2-3-1. It is also obvious that if there is a sub tour there
is always one more in the solution. We have the other subtour given by X45 = X54 = 1 is another
X12 = X24 = X45 = X53 = X31 = 1 represents the solution 1-2-4-5-3-1 and is not a sub tour. It
represents a full tour and is feasible to The TSP. The formulation should results in solutions not
having sub tours. We need to add subtour elimination constraints.

For a 5 city TSP we can have subtours of length 1, 2, 3 or 4. For example, Xjj = 1 is a subtour of
length 1. We indirectly eliminate subtours of length 1 by considering djj =  (shown as a – in the
distance matrix). Fixing djj =  will not allow Xjj = 1. This will also indirectly not allow a 4 city
subtour because if there is a 4 city subtour in a 5 city TSP, there has to be a 1 city sub tour.

A constraint of the form Xij + Xji  1 will eliminate all 2-city subtours. This has to be added to the
formulation. This will also eliminate all 3 city subtours because a 3-city subtour should result in a
2-city subtour in a 5 city TSP. Therefore addition of the 2-city subtour elimination constraint will
complete our formulation of the 5 city TSP.

The complete formulation is

Minimize  dij Xij

Subject to
 Xij = 1  i
 Xij = 1  j
Xij + Xji  1 1  i, j

Xij = 0, 1

If we consider a six city TSP, we have to add 2-city subtour elimination constraints and also add a
3-city subtour elimination constraint of the form
Xij + Xjk + X ki  1 1  i, j, k.

This increases the number of constraints significantly.

In general for a n city TSP, where n is odd we have to add subtour elimination constraints for
eliminating subtours of length 2 to n-1 and when n is even, we have to add subtour elimination
constraints for eliminating subtours of length 2 to n.

For n =6, the number of 2-city sub tour elimination constraints is 6C2 = 15 and the number of 3-
city subtours is 6C3 = 20.

An exact algorithm can be downloaded from

1. Heuristic Algorithms for the TSP

We have seen that the TSP is an NP complete problem and that branch and bound algorithms
(worst case enumerative algorithm) can be used to solve them optimally. We do not have
polynomially bounded algorithms to get the optimal solutions. The branch and bound algorithms
can solve the problem optimally up to a certain size. For large sized problems, we have to
develop approximate algorithms or heuristic algorithms. In this section, we explain a few
heuristic algorithms for the TSP.

1.1 Nearest Neighbourhood algorithm

In this algorithm, we start from a city and proceed towards the nearest city from there. If we start
from city 1, we can go to the nearest city, which is city 5. From 5 we can reach city 2 (there is a
tie between 2 and 4) and from 2 we can reach 4 from which we reach city 3. The solution is 1-5-
2-4-3-1 with Z = 34.

Starting from city 2 and moving to the nearest neighbour, we get the solution 2-4-5-1-3-2 with Z
= 36.

Starting with city 3, the solution is 3-1-5-2-4-3 with Z = 34

Starting with city 4, the solution is 4-2-5-1-3-4 with Z = 34

Starting with city 5, the solution is 5-2-4-3-1-5 with Z = 34

The best solution is 1-5-2-4-3-1 with Z = 34. This also happens to be the optimal solution.

The nearest neighbourhood search heuristic is a “greedy” search heuristic where the last city to be
added to the list is not optimized. Therefore this can give poor results. The worst case
performance bound for the nearest neighbourhood search is given by

Lh/Lo  1 + (log10 n)/2

This shows that in the worst case, the heuristic will be away from the optimum by a factor of 1 +
log10 n. For a 100 city problem, the worst case bound is 2 indicating that the heuristic can be
twice the optimum in the worst case.

1.2 Pairwise interchange heuristic

We start with a feasible solution and try to improve it by exchanging the cities pairwise. In an n
city problem nC2 interchanges are possible and the best is chosen.

We can start with any sequence, say 1-2-3-4-5-1 with Z = 41. The sequence is represented by 1-2-
3-4-5 indicating that we will come back to the first from the last city. Interchanging positions 1
and 2 we get the sequence 2-1-3-4-5 with Z = 38. This is better and we accept this solution.

We start the algorithm all over again with the starting solution 2-1-3-4-5 with Z = 38. On
interchanging 2 and 5 we get 5-1-3-4-2 with Z = 34. Further exchanges do not improve the
solution and the best solution after evaluating nC2 interchanges is 5-1-3-4-2-5 with Z = 34.

The pair wise interchange heuristic evaluates nC2 interchanges and can take a considerable
amount of CPU time. Sometimes we use an adjacent pairwise interchange where we exchange (n-
1) sequences, take the best and proceed till no more improvement is possible.

4.4 Twice around the tree heuristic

This heuristic uses the minimum spanning tree and constructs a feasible solution to the TSP.
Considering the same example, the minimum spanning tree is constructed and shown in figure

4 8
2 5 3

7 1

The length of the minimum spanning tree is 5+8+6+7 = 26. This is a lower bound to the optimum
TSP. This is because the TSP has 5 edges and removal of an edge from the optimum circuit will
give a spanning tree. This will be greater in length than the MST. As long as all the distances are
non negative, the length of the minimum spanning tree LMST  Lo where Lo is the length of the
optimum TSP.

In this heuristic, we duplicate the edges of the MST. This gives us a length of 52. The graph is
given in figure 5.12
4 8
2 5 3

7 1
From the duplicated graph, we can create an Eulerian circuit. This is given by 1-5-2-4-3-4-2-5-1
with a length of 52. From this Eulerian, we can create feasible solutions by suitably deleting
repeated edges. We get the following feasible solutions to TSP

1. 1-5-2-4-3-1 with Z = 34
2. 1-2-4-3-5-1 with Z = 39
3. 1-4-3-2-5-1 with Z = 40
4. 1-3-4-2-5-1 with Z = 34

We observe that the fourth solution is the same as the first due to the symmetry of the distance
matrix. The best solution with Z = 34 is given as the heuristic solution to the TSP.

4.4.1 Performance of the heuristic

It is possible to have a worst case performance bound for this heuristic. This bound would tell us
that no matter what the problem is in terms of size or the distances, the heuristic will be within a
certain multiple of the optimum.

We have seen that LMST  Lo. The length of the duplicated MST is the length of the Eulerian
graph which is 2 LMST. If the distance matrix follows triangle inequality, then the length of every
feasible solution is  2LMST. This is because every feasible solution has been created from the
Eulerian circuit in a certain order in which the vertices appear.

For example, when we create 1-5-2-4-3-1 from 1-5-2-4-3-4-2-5-1, from triangle inequality we
can show that 3-1 has a length (distance)  3-4-2-5-1
The best heuristic solution has a length (distance) Lh. Then Lh  2LMST. Since LMST  Lo,
Lh  2Lo. The solution obtained using this heuristic will always be less than or equal to twice the
optimum. This heuristic is called twice around the tree heuristic.

4.5 heuristic using perfect matching

In this heuristic, we start with the MST solution given in fig 5.13 (This is different from the one
given in fig. 5.11).

4 8
2 5 3

7 1
In the MST, four vertices (1, 2, 3 and 4) have odd degree (in any graph, the number of vertices
with odd degree is even). We now create the complete graph with these four vertices and find out
the minimum weighted perfect matching. The possible matchings are

1-2, 3-4 with weight 18

1-3, 2-4 with weight 13
1-4, 2-3 with weight 19

(in practice, the minimum weighted matching has polynomially bounded algorithms. Here we
have used enumeration because of the small size of the problem). The minimum weighted
matching is 1-3, 2-4 with weight 18. We superimpose these edges on the MST to get a graph that
is Eulerian. This is shown in figure 5.14

4 8
2 5 3

7 1

We have added two edges with a weight of 13 which when added to the MST would give us an
Eulerian 1-4-2-3-4-5-1 (or 1-4-3-2-4-5-1). From this Eulerian, we obtain feasible solutions to TSP
as we did in the earlier algorithm. The TSP solutions are

1-4-2-3-5-1 with Z = 40
1-2-3-4-5-1 with Z = 41
1-4-3-2-5-1 with Z = 40
1-3-2-4-5-1 with Z = 36

The best solution is given as the heuristic solution with Z = 36.

4.5.1 Performance of the heuristic

In this heuristic, we obtain feasible solutions to the TSP from the Eulerian circuit. Assuming that
the distance matrix satisfies triangle inequality, we know that every feasible solution obtained
from the Eulerian has a length less than or equal to the Eulerian. Therefore

Lh  Le (where Le is the length of the Eulerian. We also know that the Eulerian is formed by
adding the minimum weighted perfect matching to the MST. Therefore

Le = LMST + Lmatching. Hence, Lh  LMST + Lmatching. Knowing that LMST  Lo, we have

Lh  Lo + Lmatching.

Let us derive the relationship between Lo and Lmatching. The matching is obtained from a perfect
graph formed out of the vertices of the MST with odd degree. Since in any graph has an even
number of vertices with odd degree, the number of edges in the matching is  n/2 or (n-1)/2
depending on whether n is even or odd.
The optimum Lo has n vertices. In our example, there are five vertices. Four out of them have odd
degree in the MST. In Lo, if we leave out vertex 5 and join the two vertices that are incident to
vertex 5, the length of such a tour will be  Lo (by triangle inequality). We can always find the
weight of the minimum perfect matching from the resultant tour and the length of such a
matching will be  Lo/2. This is because if we have an even number of numbers and we divide the
numbers into two groups with equal cardinality (number in each), the minimum sum will be 
half the total.

The minimum weight perfect matching found from the complete graph having vertices (1 to 4)
will by definition have to be  the minimum weighted matching found from the TSP. Therefore
the weights of the edges added to the MST

Lmatching  Lo/2. Therefore Lh  Lo + L0/2 and Lh/Lo  1.5

This heuristic will give a solution that is within 1.5 times the optimal always.

1. Vehicle Routing Problems

These form an important class of optimization problems that are well researched and have
immense practical application. The simplest vehicle routing problem (VRP) is stated thus:

Given a single depot and a certain number of vehicles, the problem is to meet the requirements of
n number of customers. Each customer requires a certain quantity that is to be delivered from the
depot. There are a fixed number of vehicles available and the capacity of the vehicles are known.
The distance among the customer locations as well as from the depot to the locations are known.
The vehicles start from the depot and return to the depot after meeting customer requirements.
The problem is to deliver the quantities to the customers such that the vehicles used travel
minimum total distance.

The above problem is called the single depot vehicle routing problem. There are multiple depot
vehicle routing problems where the customer can be served from any vehicle (from any depot). In
this chapter we will consider only the single depot vehicle routing problem. Here there are three
types of problems:

1. All the vehicles have to be used (It is assumed that every vehicle will have at least one city
(customer) attached to it).
2. Using the minimum number of vehicles.
3. Using enough number of vehicles such that the total distance travelled is minimum.

Let us explain the algorithms and the various problems using an example

1.1 The numerical Example and optimal solutions

We consider a six customer (city) VRP. The depot is denoted by 0 (zero) and the distance matrix
is given in table
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 -- 20 18 14 16 12 19
1 20 -- 22 18 30 26 28
2 18 22 -- 32 26 24 29
3 14 18 32 -- 20 22 21
4 16 30 26 20 -- 30 32
5 12 26 24 22 30 -- 26
6 19 28 29 21 32 26 --

(The depot and cities are numbered in bold).

The requirement in the six cities are [4 6 3 2 3 2] respectively and the vehicle capacity is 10.

Let us find optimal solution to some problem instances. Let us assume that the vehicle capacity is
sufficiently large to hold the requirements of any number of customers. The problem of finding
the minimum distance VRP for a given number of vehicles (say 4 vehicles) is given by solving a
TSP created as follows:

1. Add as many rows and columns as the number of vehicles (in this case we get a 10x10 TSP).
Rows 1 to 6 represent the cities and rows 7 to 10 represent the vehicles (depot)
2. Distance between cities and distance between depot and city is taken from the given table.
3. Distance between any entity and itself is infinity
4. Distance between any two depots is infinity.

The resultant 10 city TSP is given in table 5.21

1 2 3 4 5 6 D7 D8 D9 D10
1 -- 22 18 30 26 28 20 20 20 20
2 22 -- 32 26 24 29 18 18 18 18
3 18 32 -- 20 22 21 14 14 14 14
4 30 26 20 -- 30 32 16 16 16 16
5 26 24 22 30 -- 26 12 12 12 12
6 28 29 21 32 26 -- 19 19 19 19
D7 20 18 14 16 12 19 -- -- -- --
D8 20 18 14 16 12 19 -- -- -- --
D9 20 18 14 16 12 19 -- -- -- --
D10 20 18 14 16 12 19 -- -- -- --

A feasible solution to the TSP is D-2-1-3-D-4-5-D-6-D with Z = 166

We solve this TSP optimally by applying Little’s algorithm. The sum of row minimum is
18+18+14+16+12+19+12+12+12+12 = 145. We also observe that some columns do not have
zeros and subtracting column minimum gives us a lower bound of 164.
The maximum penalty is for 1-2 with a value of 2. Branching on this variable we get the branch
and bound tree shown in figure 5.18

LB = 164
X12 = 0 X12 = 1

LB = 166
LB = 166
Fathomed by
Fathomed by
The branch X12 = 0 has LB=164+2 = 166 and fathomed because we have a feasible solution with
Z=166. The branch X12 = 1 creates a new table with one of the columns not having a zero. The
minimum number is that column (value=2) is subtracted from every element. The lower bound
increases to 166. This node is also fathomed by feasibility and the feasible solution d-2-1-3-d-4-
5-d-6-d with Z = 166 is optimal. Vehicle visits cities 2-1-3 in that order, vehicle 2 visits 4, vehicle
3 visits 5 and vehicle 4 visits city 6.

Here we assume that a vehicle has enough capacity to meet the requirements of 2, 1, 3 and has a
capacity of 13 or more. If capacity constraints are to be rigidly considered, the branch and bound
algorithm should be modified to handle capacity constraints.

Consider the capacity constraint of 10 per vehicle, a minimum of 2 vehicles are needed and the
only possibility is that one vehicle goes to 1 and 2 and the other goes to 3,4,5 and 6. Solving the
second as a TSP we get the optimal solution d-1-2-D-4-3-6-5-D with Z = 155. If we ignore the
capacity constraint and solve for 2 vehicles we get the optimal solution D-4-2-1-3-6-D-5-D with
Z = 146.

For 3 vehicles without capacity restrictions we have the optimal solution D-2-1-3-6-D-4-D-5-D
with Z=154.

1.2 Heuristic Solutions

One of the most popular heuristics is the savings based algorithm of Clarke and Wright (1963).
The method is based on the possible gain by combining cities i and j. If a vehicle has to go
separately to city i and city j from the origin, the total distance covered will be 2[d0i + d0j]. If a
vehicle leaves the depot goes to i and then j and returns to the depot, the distance covered will be
(d0i + d0j + dij). The saving will be the difference between them. The saving Sij is given by

Sij = (d0i + d0j - dij).

If the distances satisfy triangle inequality, the savings will be non negative. There will always be
a non negative saving by combining cities. The feasibility in terms of vehicle capacity has to be
ascertained when routes (cities) are combined together.
The savings for our example (in descending order) are given in Table 5.22. The requirements are
assumed to be [4 6 3 5 3 6] and the vehicle capacity is 15.

i-j Sij i-j Sij

1-2 16 1-5 6
1-3 16 2-5 6
3-6 12 5-6 5
1-6 11 3-5 4
3-4 10 4-6 3
2-4 8 2-3 0
2-6 8 4-5 -2
1-4 6
The negative savings indicates that the distances do not satisfy triangle inequality. We start
assigning cities to vehicles. Cities 1 and 2 are allotted to vehicle 1. Since 1-3 has the next best
saving, city 3 is added since it does not violate the capacity constraint. Pair 3-6 has the next
highest saving. City 6 cannot be added because it violates the capacity constraint. The next
feasible pair is 5-6 with a saving of 5. Next feasible pair is 4-6 with a saving of 3. This is added to
the second vehicle to result in a feasible solution D-2-1-3-D, D-5-6-4-D with a total distance of
72+86 = 158.

If a vehicle goes to every city from the depot and comes back, the total distance would be equal to
DIS = 2[d01 + d02 + d03 + d04 + d05 + d06] = 2 (20+18+14+16+12+19) = 198. The savings based on
the assignment is 16+16+5+3 = 40. The total distance is 198-40 = 158.

The Clarke and Wright method is a heuristic algorithm and need not guarantee the optimal
solution. It is also a single pass algorithm where cities once allocated cannot be reallocated to
other vehicles. We also explain the refinement by Holmes and Parker (1976).

6.2.1 Holmes and Parker refinement

We explain this algorithm using the same example. The Clarke and Wright solution is first
obtained with a total saving of 40. The first allocation 1-2 is permanently labelled at zero, and the
savings algorithm is now applied to result in a saving of 42 (the allocations are D-1-2-6-D and D-
3-4-5-D). This is a better solution than the first solution. Since this is the best solution, the first
fixed allocation 1-2 is disabled and the savings algorithm results in a saving of 32 (D-3-4-6-D and
D-1-2-5-D). The best incumbent solution with a savings of 42 is branched further by fixing 3-6 to
zero. This gives a solution with a saving of 41 (D-3-1-6-D and D-5-2-4-D). This is the best
solution and here another branch is created by fixing 1-6 to zero. This gives a solution D-1-3-4-
Dand D-5-2-6-D with a saving of 40. The original solution is now branched further by setting 1-3
to zero. This gives a solution D-1-2-5-D and D-3-4-6-D with a saving of 44. Thus the Holmes and
Parker extension can result in better solutions (savings) than the original savings algorithm. The
branching tree is shown in figure


(1-2) S=0 1-2


(1-3) 1-3 5-6,4-6
S=0 S=40
1-6, 2-4 1-3 3-6, 2-
(1-6) 3-4 2-5 S=41 4, 2-5
3-6, 2-5 S=42
(1-3) 3-6, 3-4, 2-
3-6, 3-4, 1- 5, 1-5 S=44
(3-6) 3-6
5, 3-5
S=27 S=28
In the above figure, we have taken into account feasibility of the allocation. For example, we
cannot allocate 1, 2 and 6 to the same vehicle.

6.2.2 Other forms of savings based method

Instead of defining Sij = (d0i + d0j - dij), we can define

Sij = (d0i + d0j - dij). By defining  suitably, we can get different feasible solutions to the VRP.
For example =0.15 gives us a solution D-1-4-6-D, D-2-3-5-D with a saving of 27. The original
Clarke and Wright method with =1 gives a better value in this case.

1.3 Other forms of vehicle routing problems

Vehicle Routing problems have a wide range of application in supply chain management,
distribution problems and in school pickup problems. When we want all the people to arrive at
the same time at work or in a school, we use more vehicle so that the maximum time spent by a
vehicle is minimized. In distribution problems, when vehicles have to be hired, we use minimum
number of vehicles. When we do not have any additional constraints we try to minimize total

Additional problems are with time windows where a customer has to be serviced between a given
time window. These problems occur when supermarkets deliver goods to customers or if there is
a mail delivery in an office. There are also problems with back hauls where the vehicle not only
delivers a certain quantity but also picks up from the customer locations. Considerable research is
going on to develop heuristics for these problems using search algorithms.

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