Virtual Instruments and Experiments in Engineering Education Lab Setup With Hydraulic Pump
Virtual Instruments and Experiments in Engineering Education Lab Setup With Hydraulic Pump
Virtual Instruments and Experiments in Engineering Education Lab Setup With Hydraulic Pump
Abstract — Fluid machinery courses demand, besides transmitters are built-in and implemented in LabVIEW
theoretical approach, also good practice and laboratory exercises. application made for this purpose [3, 4]. Students perform
After course completion, students should be aware of all aspects of experiments in the laboratory and then generate diagrams and
good practice and possible problems. Focus of this paper is on electronic report.
hydraulic pumps and designed demonstrational-educational test
rig. It is possible to demonstrate and educate students in In addition to these real experiments, two virtual ones may
following: Bernoulli equation, Euler equation for turbomachinery, be also performed – demonstrations of two pumps operating in
hydraulic losses, Venturi flow meter - geometry and a serial and parallel mode. Pump characteristic curves can also
measurements, cavitation and swirling flow phenomena, as well as
be changed by variation of pump speed. This type of regulation
in practical issues such as pump testing after international
standard ISO 9906, pump control and energy efficiency issues, may be compared to the valve throttling regulation. Students
determination of hydraulic system characteristics, volumetric can measure pump duty points and observe flow rates in each
calibration of the Venturi flow meter, and etc. Students are pipe.
educated how to choose and connect pressure transmitters, as well
as how to calibrate them, how to apply and upgrade developed II. DEMONSTRATIONAL-EDUCATIONAL SETUP
LabVIEW application. In addition, many components of the
installation are transparent, such as pipes at the pipe inlet and A. Test Rig
pressure side, Venturi flow meter, main and calibration tank, as The demonstrational-educational setup for determination of
well as pump spiral casing. Flow visualization and application of pump characteristic curves applies standardized procedure of
modern measurement technique, such as particle image measurement defined by ISO 9906 [5]. The variety of pump
velocimetry are possible in this way. Following experiments of this control possibilities is presented in Fig. 1.
test rig, students are motivated to generate technical electronic
report. In addition are presented virtual experiments, designed in
LabVIEW for testing pumps in parallel and series modes.
Keywords — hydraulic pump; LabVIEW; measurements.
Hydraulic pumps are among the most frequently used
machines and as such deserve special attention. They are
studied in fluid mechanics courses, as well as in more specific
engineering subjects. At the University of Belgrade Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering Hydraulic Machinery and Energy
Systems Department (UB FME HMESD) a small
demonstrational and educational setup has been designed and
manufactured with the aim to demonstrate application of many
theoretical issues, such as Bernoulli equation and Euler
equation for turbomachinery, as well as to educate on fluid
flow phenomena of cavitation and swirling flow [1]. On the
other hand, engineering issues, such as pump testing,
characteristics of the hydraulic system, pump energy
efficiency, calibration of the Venturi meter, etc. are
demonstrated [2]. Many components of the installation are
Fig. 1. Original educational installation [6].
transparent and a flow is always visualized. Calibrated pressure
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1139
Components shown in the previous figure are: 1 – pump x Pump cavitation test.
with the transparent casing, 2 - elbow, 3 - transparent pipe, 4 - x Pump transports water on the specific geodesic height
transparent Venturi flow meter, 5 and 6 - valve for emptying Hgeo = const (Fig. 3). In this case valve V.30 is closed.
the upper tank, 7 - scale on the calibration reservoir, V.10 - x Pump circulates water in the main, lower reservoir
suction valve, 11 - suction pipe, 12 - lower reservoir (volume is Hgeo = 0 (Fig. 4).
250 l), 13 - T-joint, V.20 - valve, 21 - pipe for filling the upper x Pump regulation with by-pass. In this case pipes on the
reservoir, 22 - nozzle, 23 - upper reservoir (volume is 55 l), pump pressure side are in parallel and regulation is
V.30 - valve, 31 – pipe to lower reservoir. performed by valve V.30.
Grundfos pump model UPE 50-120 F, in-line type, is the x Energy efficiency issues: Comparison of pump
heart of the hydraulic system (Fig. 2). Its original casing is regulation with throttling valve, pump speed and by-
replaced with a new transparent classical one, with axial inlet pass.
and radial outlet. Flow direction is drawn in Fig. 2. Main parts
of the pump unit presented in Fig. 2 are: 44 - electric motor, 50
- pump impeller, 51 - transparent spiral casing, 60 - connection
for pressure measurements at the pump inlet, 61 - connection
for pressure measurement at the pump outlet, 62 - differential
pressure transmitter, 63 - connection for motor regulation. Two
control modes could be applied (proportional or constant
pressure), but in these applications pump rotational speed could
be controlled manually on the pump or by infrared remote
controller, type R-100.
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1140
x Fill up with approximately 3.5 l of water. p II - p I c II2 - c I2
x Close the cap on the T-joint 2 (Fig. 1). H= + + ( z II - z I ) , (3)
x Start the pump. ȡg 2g
x Open the valve on the pump suction side V.10. where p is an average pressure, c is an average velocity, z is a
x Slowly open the valve(s) V.20 and/or V.30. geodesic height of the cross-section center, ȡ is a fluid density,
Closing procedure is: g is an acceleration due to gravity, indexes I and II denote
x Close the valve(s) V.20 and/or V.30. Remark: All pump inlet and outlet measuring cross-sections, respectively.
valves on the pump pressure side should be closed. Measuring cross-sections are defined after ISO 9906 [5].
x Close the valve V.10. Pressure difference is measured by use of the differential
x Turn off the pump. pressure transmitter 9 (Fig. 4). Average velocity (c) is
calculated in the following manner:
Pump pumps water from the lower reservoir (12) through
suction pipe (11) with valve V.10, pipe (3) and Venturi flow ci = Q / A i , (4)
meter (4) to the T-joint (2) to both reservoirs, if valves V.20
and V.30 are open (Fig. 1 and Fig. 3). where Ai is a surface of the inner cross-section ( Ai = Di2 ʌ / 4 ,
where Di is an inner diameter in the measuring cross-section,
C. Venturi Flow Meter Calibration DI = 56.2 mm and DII = 30 mm) and i = I, II. Difference in
Venturi flow meter (4 in Fig. 1), in-built in the test rig, geodesic heights is constant and is ǻz = zII - zI.
doesn't have a standard geometry, so it needs to be calibrated.
This is performed on the test rig with closed valve V.30 and Flow rate is measured by Venturi flow meter, i. e. by
one adjusted pump rotational speed (Fig. 3). Calibration is differential pressure transmitter 8 (Fig. 4).
conducted by comparing flow rate, which is precisely Electric motor consumption (P) is measured with electric
measured in reservoir 23 (Fig. 3), with flow rate which is power meter. After all these measurements pump unit
proportional to the signal from the pressure transmitter 8 (Fig. efficiency (Ș) could be determined as follows:
Ș = ȡ Q H g / P. (5)
Flow rate is measured in upper reservoir by definition as
follows: Now, valve V.30 is open slowly, in steps, to the fully open
Q = ǻV/ǻt, (1) position. Pump characteristic curve could be determined now
for the specified rotational speed. This could be repeated for
where ǻV is filled volume in measured time interval ǻt. Upper other rotational speeds. In Fig. 5 are presented experimentally
reservoir (23) was previously calibrated by graduated cylinder, obtained data at the UB FME HMESD for the maximum and
what resulted in the following function: minimum pump rotational speed.
ǻV = 0.12005 ǜ ǻH, (2)
where ǻH is a reading on the reservoir level meter between
two successive measurements. Flow rate obtained in this way
is compared with reading on the pressure transmitter
connected to the Venturi flow meter and its calibration
coefficient is determined. This is repeated for the same flow
rate, and afterwards for additional flow rates adjusted with
pump frequency regulator. Final calibration coefficient is
obtained on the basis of all averaged.
Demonstration of the Venturi flow meter calibration is done
with opened valves V.10 and V.20 and closed V.30. Volume of
the upper, calibration tank (23, Fig. 1), is known and it is
correlated with the water level meter in the upper tank (2). Fig. 5. Experimentally obtained pump characteristic curves
Students read water level in the upper tank and measure time. Q-H for maximum and minimum rotational speed.
Volume flow rate is determined by dividing measured volume It is obvious that the whole pump characteristic curve can't
with measured time (1). This is then done for various flow be tested, but only the part for smaller flows (Fig. 6).
regimes. Pressure drop is measured using the differential
transmitter on the Venturi flow meter (4). Based on this value, This is intended to be improved on the upgraded test rig,
the Venturi flow meter coefficient is then calculated and the what is presented here with the pump modeled curve (Fig. 6).
device is ready for measurements. So, it could be concluded that a pump characteristic curve is
obtained by closing the valve V.30 from fully closed to
D. Pump Characteristic Curve Experimental Determination completely open position and following the instructions
Valve V.20 is closed (Fig. 4). First, pump rotational speed defined by ISO 9906. Students can afterwards
is adjusted and valve V.30 is also closed, so the flow rate is decrease/increase pump rotational speed and observe another
zero. Pump head (H) is defined as follows: pump characteristic curve.
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1141
c 2I
pI + ȡ – pD
NPSH3 = 2 , (6)
where pD is vapor pressure.
x The whole procedure is repeated for the new position of
the valve V.30.
x Curve NPSH3 = f(Q) could be now determined.
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1142
acceleration due to gravity, 7- efficiency, 8- power, 9- head, transmitters calibration curves and import them into the
10- flow rate, 11- valve position, 12- torque, 13- water presented LabVIEW application.
temperature, 14- pump maximum pressure in kPa, 15- pump
speed in percents, 16- pump speed in rpm, 17- simulated pump The second important screen is the one for data acquisition
characteristic curve. Pressure transmitters' calibration curves (Fig. 9) where: 1 - stop, 2 - start, 3 - pause, 4 - record, 5 - chart
are imported into the generated software and connected to the for experimentally obtained pump characteristic curve, 6 -
eight channel input module National Instruments NI-9203. pump efficiency, 7 - differential pressure transmitter for
USB CompactDAQ chassis cDAQ-9174 is connected to a measuring pump head, 8 - pump head, 9 - flow rate and 10 -
laptop. Students can now follow the procedure described in the differential pressure transmitter on Venturi flow meter.
previous chapter and record signals from various differential
pressure transmitters. In this case these are two transmitters
In Fig. 7 is presented also simulated pump characteristic
curve (17).
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1143
Diagrams, as well as results in table format, can be valve, 3-8 are ball, i. e. on/off valves, 9 test rig inlet reservoir,
exported for students’ electronic reports (Fig. 10). In this 10 and 11 are pumps and 12 is flexible return hose. This test rig
LabVIEW application could be determined what, in addition, would be operational in both modes. It is also possible that
to be exported for students' data processing necessary for single pumps operate. Pumps could be tested here, as well as
reports and oral exam. valves or flow meters.
Fig. 13. CAD model of the new test rig [3, 4].
In the case, when only valve 5 is closed, pumps work in
parallel, while when only valve 7 is closed they work in series
Fig. 11. Pump characteristic curves for three various pump operation mode. In both cases valve 2 is a regulating valve.
speeds [3, 4]. Additional versions of installation have been designed.
In addition to pump characteristic curve determination, Pump characteristic curves are defined and imported into
students can determine system characteristic curves. This can the designed LabVIEW application. In the first case - series
be done, for example, for the installation without geodesic mode, a summed performance curve is obtained by adding their
height for various positions of the valve V.30. Three system heads at the same flow rate, while in the second case by adding
characteristic curves are presented in Fig. 12. pumps’ flow rates at the same head. Students can import
Diagrams, as well as results in table format, can be various pump characteristic curves, as well as the same ones.
exported for students’ electronic reports (Fig. 10).
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1144
is the sum of the individual pumps' heads, while the flow rate This case is represented in Fig. 17. It is even easier if the
remains the same, as follows: same pumps operate in parallel mode.
H = H I + H II , Q = Q I = Q II . (8)
This operation mode is used in practice when there is a
necessity for higher pressures in systems.
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2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1145
Energy efficiency is demonstrated for various regimes. REFERENCES
Energy saving could be demonstrated by comparison of the [1] Z. Protiü, M. Nedeljkoviü, Pumps and Fans - Problems, Solutions,
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In addition, two virtual experiments are developed. [3] M. Petroviü, Project of the Pump Installation for Serial Mode and
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [5] ISO 9906:2012 Rotodynamic Pumps -- Hydraulic Performance
Acceptance Tests -- Grades 1, 2 and 3
The work presented in this paper was partly funded by the [6] M. Lapadatoviü, Demonstrational-Educational Setup for testing Pumps,
SCOPES project IZ74Z0_160454 / 1 “Enabling Web-based Dipl. thesis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade,
Remote Laboratory Community and Infrastructure” of Swiss Belgrade, 2000.
National Science Foundation and by Project TR 35046 of [7] National Instruments: Basics II: Development, Course Manual, Course
Ministry of Science and Technological Development Republic Software Version 8.0, May 2006 Edition.
of Serbia, which is gratefully acknowledged. We also [8] D.-H. Hellmann, Centrifugal Pump Lexicon, KSB, Frankenthal, 2009.
acknowledge the help of students in presented experiments:
Dipl.-Ing. M. Lapadatoviü, M. Sc. M. Petroviü and M. Sc. N.
978-1-5386-2957-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 17-20 April, 2018, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 1146