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International Journal of
Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research
Vol. 8, Issue, 8, pp. 19029-19034, August, 2017
ISSN: 0976-3031 DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR
Research Article
Sweta Das1* and Maheswar Maharana2
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijrsr.2017.0808.0615


Article History: In this present study, the effectiveness of bio enzyme in stabilizing the expansive soils of Puri
th districts is studied through laboratory experiments. Bio-Enzyme namely Terrazyme has been used as
Received 05 May, 2017 stabilizer in this work. The locally available expansive soil was accumulated from field to study the
Received in revised form 08th geotechnical properties. The plasticity index is much more due to the high percentage of clay content
June, 2017 in this type of soil. Various tests were carried out for the virgin soil and bio enzyme treated soils
Accepted 10th July, 2017 with variable dosages. The tests carried out were the consistency limits, compaction properties,
Published online 28st August, 2017 unconfined compressive strength, triaxial test and California bearing ratio. The laboratory tests
results showed a lot of improvement and desirable results in terms of strength of the stabilized soil.
Key Words:
Terrazyme, Enzyme dosages, Consistency
limits, Compaction properties, UCS,
Triaxial test, CBR

Copyright © Sweta Das and Maheswar Maharana, 2017, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION stiffness of soil, enhance workability and constructability of the

soil and decrease the Plasticity Index. For any given soil
Engineers are often faced with the complication of constructing numerous stabilization methods, using different stabilizing
facilities on or with soils, which do not possess adequate agents, may be effectual to enhance the soil properties in-place
strength to bear the loads imposed upon during construction or rather than removing and replacing the material. Availability
during the service life of the structure. Many areas of India or economic considerations may be the determining factor on
composed of soils with high silt contents, low strengths and which a stabilizing agent is chosen. In India the expansive soils
minimum bearing capacity. For effective performance cover almost 20 percent of the total land area. These expansive
of structures constructed on such soils, the performance soils are known by many local names such as Black cotton
characteristics of such soils require to be improved. The poor soils or Regur. There is no regular occurrence of expansive soil
engineering performance of such soils has forced Engineers to in the state. These soils occur occasionally in the districts of
strive to improve the engineering properties of poor quality Puri, Ganjam, Malkangiri, Kalahandi, Nuapada, Bolangir,
soils. There are several methods that could be applied to refine Sonepur, Boudh, Sambalpur, Bargarh and Angul covering an
the performance of poor quality soils. These methods extend area of 0.96 m. ha of lands. Delanga is a village located in the
from replacing with a good quality soil to methods that include Puri district of Orissa state, India. The latitude 19.8129875 and
complex chemical process. The choice of a specific method longitude 85.8311766 are the geocoordinate of the Delanga.
depends generally on the type of soil to be improved, its
properties and the type and extent of improvement required in a Hitam and Yusof et al (1998) [1]conducted field studies on
particular application. Lately bio-enzymes have emerged as a improvement of plantation roads by treating Terrazyme to 27.2
new chemical for soil stabilization. Bio-enzymes are chemical, km of the road, which was having serious problems during
organic, and liquid concentrated substances which are utilized monsoon. After two monsoon seasons the road was found to be
to enhance the stability of soil sub-grade for pavement in very good condition in spite of immense exposure to heavy
structures. Bio-Enzyme is advantageous to use, safe, effectual rainfall. No surface damage was observed, thus demanding no
and dramatically upgrades road quality. Stabilization of soils is repair works to the road section. Brazetti and Murphy et al
an efficacious process for enhancing the properties of soil (2000)[2] conducted field experiments in Brazil to study the use
and pavement system performance. The aims of any of Terrazyme for road construction. The selected soils were
stabilization technique used are to increase the strength and sandy clay, silty clay, sandy silt, plastic and non-plastic clay,

*Corresponding author: Sweta Das

Student, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang
Sweta Das and Maheswar Maharana., An Investigation on “Behaviour of Bio Enzyme Stabilized Expansive Soil’’

sandy loam, loam mixed with clay, soil mixtures with pieces of CEC modifications. They observed that bioenzyme treated
recycled pavement. The field stretches were periodically tested expansive soil exhibit lesser percent of swell and swell
with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer. They reached the pressures. Curing period beyond 30days did not yield any
conclusion that enzyme stabilization is an effective and further significant reduction in swell properties. The structure
economic solution for pavement construction. Bergmann et al of the soil changed from flocculated to dispersed structure. No
(2000) [3] conducted field study on effects of seven different significant changes were observed in cation exchange capacity
soil stabilizers in Wood River accessible fishing site and day values of bio-enzyme treated soil specimen.
use area on Winema National Forest. The temperature varied Venkatasubramanian & Dhinakaran et al (2011) [9] conducted
from -9oC to 38oC. Among the other stabilizers, enzyme tests on three soils with varied properties and different dosages
stabilized section showed significant improvement in soil of Bio-Enzyme. Three soils had liquid limits of 28, 30 and 46%
strength and its surface finish was retained for long. Isaac et al and plasticity index of 6, 5 and 6%. Increase in unconfined
(2003) [4] studied effectiveness of Terrazyme on lateritic and compressive strength after 4 weeks of curing was reported as
clay type soil collected from Kerala. The reactions of the soils 246 to 404%. Agarwal, P and Kaur, S (2014) [10] conducted a
treated with enzyme were recoded for 8 weeks. The CBR value comprehensive study on the effect of bio-enzyme on
increased in all soil typein the range of 136 to 1800 percent that unconfined compressive strength of Black cotton soil .The
of the original value by addition of Terrazyme, which proved UCC strength was evaluated by stabilization with variable
its suitability as a stabilizing agent. Terrazyme is useful for dosages of enzyme (0.0, 0.25ml, 0.5ml, 0.75ml, 1.0ml, 2.0ml,
clay soil and sand but is less significant to silty soils; clayey 3.0ml and 4.0ml/ 5kg of soil) for one and seven days of curing.
and sandy soils had increase in CBR by 700 percent. Manoj The UCC strength of black cotton soil increased effectively.
et al (2003) [5] conducted a study to assess the suitability of Duration treatment of soil with enzyme played a vital role in
Bio-Enzyme as soil stabilizer on five types of soils with low improvement of strength and soil treated with enzyme for 7
clay content to very high clay content. Laboratory tests were days gives higher strength. Puneet and Suneet et al (2014)[11]
conducted to determine the engineering properties and strength studied the effect of terrazyme on the UCS strength of Black
characteristics of soil with and without Bio-Enzyme. The Bio- Cotton soil. Stabilization of the soil using Terrazyme resulted
Enzyme stabilization has shown little to very high in significant increase in the Unconfined Compressive Strength
improvement in physical properties of soil. This little of the Black Cotton Soil up to 200%. Duration of treatment of
improvement may be due to chemical and constituent of the soil with Terrazyme played a vital role in improvement of
soil, which has low reactivity with Bio-Enzyme. In the cases of strength and soil treated with Terrazyme for 7 days gives
highly clay moderate soil, like silty soil to sandy soil, the effect higher strength. The optimum dosage of Terrazyme for
of stabilization has improved the CBR and unconfined improvement of UCS of Black Cotton soil was 1ml/per 5kg of
compressive strength. Andrew R. Tolleson et al (2003) [6] in soil. Ramesh and Sagar et al (2015) [12]studied the effect of air
their research conducted a laboratory bench scale testing dry curing and desiccator curing on the index properties ,
program to evaluate the effectiveness of enzyme treatment on compressibility and strength properties of Terrazyme treated
subgrade soil. Their objective was to study the potential black cotton soil and red earth for the curing periods from
applicability of tested enzyme for unpaved road in-situ 7days to 60days. UCS Strength of both black cotton soil and
stabilization. The effectiveness of enzyme treatment was red earth showed tremendous increment with drying than
evaluated on the basis of statistical measurement of change in curing in a laboratory desiccator after treating it with
CBR strength, soil stiffness and soil modulus. It was concluded Terrazyme. Atterberg Limits for both black cotton soil and red
that the CBR test appears to be a relatively poor indicator of earth did not exhibit any difference in drying and desiccator
direct soil strength for testing conditions. Not withstanding, the curing. Both black cotton soil and red earth attained
test results showed CBR strength gain and to a lesser degree hydrophobic nature with drying after treatment. The properties
strength gain measured by the means of the SSG equipment of Black cotton soil showed much improvement by stabilizing
resulting from the application of the enzyme solution on most with Terrazyme dosage of 200ml/2.0m3 of soil and for red
soils tested, indicating a promising potential for subgrade earth by 200ml/3.0m3 of soil. Hence this dosage was
stabilization using the enzyme solution. Ravi Shankar et al considered as the optimum one. Even Unsoaked CBR of both
(2009) [7] studied the effect of enzyme on lateritic soil and black cotton soil and red earth showed better improvement with
blended lateritic soil in terms of unconfined compressive treatment in drying than in desiccator curing. Compaction
strength, CBR, compaction and permeability. Their study found characteristics were not affected immediately after treatment
that Bio-Enzyme stabilization showed medium improvement in with Terrazyme. Compressibility behaviour of black cotton soil
physical properties of lateritic soil. Enzyme was found to be was improved well with treatment from Terrazyme. Black
ineffective for improving the consistency limits of lateritic soil. cotton soil showed more structural stability during oedometer
CBR value showed 300% increment while unconfined test. Free Swell Index of black cotton soil showed drastic
compressive strength increased by 450% and permeability reduction with treatment from Terrazyme especially with
decreases by 42%. Sureka et al (2010) [8] conducted oedometer drying. Air-dry curing (or drying) condition proved more
consolidation tests on expansive soil on both untreated and efficient in treating both the soils than desiccator curing
bioenzyme treated soil specimens. The dosage of bioenzyme condition. Swathy M Muraleedharan1, Niranjana (2015) [13]
was varied from 0.25% to 2%. The swelling potential and conducted laboratory tests on clay of high plasticity treated
swelling pressure were measured in the one dimensional with Terrazyme. The effect of enzyme on soil in terms of
consolidation load cell using swell and load procedure, Plasticity Index, Compaction, Unconfined Compressive
scanning electron microscope studies and cation exchange Strength (UCC), and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) were
capacity tests were conducted to observe the structural and studied. The dosage of bio-enzyme added to the soil was 0ml,

19030 | P a g e
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 8, Issue, 8, pp. 19029-19034,
19034, August, 2017

0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.3ml and 0.4ml per kg soil on bio-enzyme

bio Grain Size Analysis Test [IS: 2720 (Part 4) - 1985]
stabilized soil .The soil properties showed improvement in
The grain size analysis test results for the expansive soil are
stabilizing with enzyme dosage of 0.2ml/kg. The treated soil
tabulated in Table 3. The soil carries Sa
Sand 10 %, Silt 42 % and
was observed to be having lesser plasticity index values. For
Clay 48%. Hence the soil is classified as CH.
the optimum dosage
sage of 0.ml/kg, the MDD of the soil increases
up to 6% and OMC decreases up to 19%. At the optimum
dosage, there was an increase of 351%in the UCC strength and
352% in CBR value of soil.
Based on the detailed literature review, the objectives of the
ent work is to evaluate the various geotechnical
engineering properties of Bio-enzyme
enzyme stabilized soil and to
judge the suitability as a better engineering / construction
Dosage of Enzyme
The majority of the research studies have been done based on Figure 1 Particle size distribution curve
the dosage proposed by the suppliers. In this experimental
investigation dosage of 200 ml per 3.5 m 3, 3 m 3, 2.5 m 3, 2 m3, Experimental investigations, analysis and discussion of test
0.5 m3, 0.25 m 3, 0.15 m3 and 0.075 m3is compared. results
Testing Programme for Basic Properties Effect of consistency limit on enzyme treated soil
Tests are conducted to determine the consistency limits, The enzyme treated soil consistency limits test results are
compaction properties, unconfined compressive strength, tabulated in Table 3 and the variation of liquid limit, plastic
cohesion and angle of internal friction by triaxial test and limit and plasticity index values with different dosages of
California bearing ratio. The details of testing programme enzyme are graphically presented in Figure 4, 5 and 6
respectively. As the percentage of enzyme dosage increases
Table 1 Testing Programme for basic properties of soil from 0% to 0.3% there is decrease in the liquid limit from 66.4
Soil Type Enzyme Enzyme Dosages
Tests Performed
% to 45.35 %, plastic lim limit from 31.5% to 21.28%. The
Percentage plasticity index decreased from 37.01 % to 24.07 %. Terrazyme
200 ml per 3.5 m 3 of soil 0.006 reduces the plasticity index of the expansive soil.
200 ml per 3 m 3 of soil 0.007 1. Consistency
200 ml per 2.5 m 3 of soil 0.008 limit Table 3 Consistency limits values for different dosages of
Expansive Terrazy 200 ml per 2 m 3 of soil 0.01 2. Compaction enzymes
soil me 200 ml per 0.5 m of soil 0.04 Test
200 ml per 0.25 m 3 of soil 0.08 3. UCS Enzyme Liquid Plastic Plasticity
200 ml per 0.15 m 3 of soil 0.15 4. Triaxial Test Sl.No Enzyme Dosages
Percentage Limit Limit Index
200 ml per 0.075 m of soil 0.3 5. CBR 1 200 ml per 3.5 m 3 of soil 0.006 61.20 26.25 34.95
2 200 ml per 3 m 3 of soil 0.007 60.20 25.61 34.59
Table 2 Geotechnical properties of soil 3 200 ml per 2.5 m 3 of soil 0.008 55.34 24.90 30.44
Sl. No Property Expansive soil 4 200 ml per 2 m 3 of soil 0.01 55.82 24.76 31.06
1. Specific Gravity 2.7 5 200 ml per 0.5 m 3of soil 0.04 55.20 24.35 30.85
2. Free Swell Index 100% 6 200 ml per 0.25 m 3 of soil 0.08 54.20 22.26 31.94
Grain size distribution 7 200 ml per 0.15 m 3 of soil 0.15 48.20 21.70 26.50
Sand (%) 10 200 ml per 0.075 m 3 of
3. 8 0.3 45.35 21.28 24.07
Silt (%) 48 soil
Clay (%) 42
Consistency limits
Liquid limit (%) 66.4
Plastic limit (%) 29.382
Plasticity Index (%) 37.018
5. IS Soil Classification CH
Engineering Properties
IS Light Compaction
Max dry density (KN/m3) 15.5
OMC (%) 23
CBR Value
[ OMC condition ](%) 0.479
Unconfined Compressive Strength-
[IS Light Compaction ](KN/ m2) 52.9
Triaxial Shear strength parameters Figure 2 Variation graph of liquid limit value for different dosages of
9. 20
øC (KN/ m2) enzymes

for the basic properties of soil and geotechnical properties of A reduction in plasticity is usually accompanied by reduced
soil are tabulated in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. potential for swelling of an expansive soil. Terrazymecan

19031 | P a g e
eta Das and Maheswar Maharana., An Investigation on “Behaviour of Bio Enzyme Stabilized Expansive Soil

reduce the expansion of the soil. Soil becomes more workable

and non expansive.

Figure 5 Variation graph of OMC values with different dosages of

Variation graph of plastic limit value for different dosages of
Figure 3Variation
Variation of MDD

MDD (KN/m3)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

Admixture %

Figure 4 Variation graph of plasticity index for different dosages of Figure 6 Variation graph of MDD values with different dosages of
enzymes enzyme

Effect of Compaction on Enzyme Treated Soil This may be due to the reaction of enzyme with clay which
The IS Light compaction test results for enzyme treated soil results in cementation effect. The maximum unconfined
samples are tabulated in Table 4 and the variation of OMC and compressive strength is 125.7 KN/m2 with 0.08% of Enzyme
MDD values with different dosages of enzyme are graphically dosage.
presented in Figure 7 and 8 respectively. There is a decrease in Table 5 UCS and Shear strength values for different
OMC till 0.08% dosage. This may be due to the water dosages of enzymes
reduction capacity of the terrazyme. For enzyme treated
samples there is an increase in MDD and the values remain Enzyme UCS Strength of
nearly same at all dosages. From the test results it can be Sl.No Enzyme Dosages
Percentage Value,KN/m2 Soil
concluded that the
he optimum dosage to get maximum MDD is KN/m2
0.08%.With terrazyme a high dry density is gained with lesser 1 200 ml per 3.5 m of soil 0.006 77.2 38.6
2 200 ml per 3 m 3 of soil 0.007 81.7 40.8
compaction. 3 200 ml per 2.5 m 3 of soil 0.008 84.8 42.4
Table 4 OMC and MDD values for different dosages of 4 200 ml per 2 m of soil 0.01 94.8 47.4
5 200 ml per 0.5 m3of soil 0.04 121.3 60.6
enzymes 6 200 ml per 0.25 m 3 of soil 0.08 125.7 62.8
Enzyme OMC MDD(KN 7 200 ml per 0.15 m of soil 0.15 87.3 43.6
Sl.No Enzyme Dosages 200 ml per 0.075 m3 of soil
Percentage (%) /m3) 8 0.3 85.0 42.5
1 200 ml per 3.5m 3 of soil 0.006 23 15.5
2 200 ml per 3 m 3of soil 0.007 23 16.5
3 200 ml per 2.5m 3 of soil 0.008 20 15.9
4 200 ml per 2 m3of soil 0.01 20.5 16.5
5 200 ml per 0.5m 3of soil 0.04 19 16.2
6 200 ml per 0.25m 3 of soil 0.08 19 16.4
7 200 ml per 0.15m 3 of soil 0.15 20.5 16.2
8 200 ml per0.075 m 3 of soil 0.3 22 16.0

Effect of Unconfined Compression Strength Test Results on

Enzyme Treated Soil
Based on the test results which are tabulated in Table 5 it is
obtained that the unconfined compression strength increases
with enzyme dosages when compared to the original soil.
Figure 7 Variation graph of UCS values for different dosages of enzymes

19032 | P a g e
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 8, Issue, 8, pp. 19029-19034,
19034, August, 2017

Effect of Triaxial Test Results on Enzyme Treated Soil Effect of California Bearing Ratio Test Results on En
treated soil
The unconsolidated undrained tests were conducted on treated
soil with enzyme dosage of 0.006% , 0.007% , 0.008 % , The CBR test is conducted with 0.006%, 0.007%, 0.008 %,
0.01% , 0.04% , 0.08% , 0.15% and 0.3%.The cell pressure 0.01%, 0.04%, 0.08%, 0.15% and 0.3% Enzyme dosage. The
considered were 200 KN/m2 , 250 KN/cm2 and 300KN/m2 .The CBR test results for the enzyme dosage are tabulated in Table 7
triaxial test results for the enzyme dosages are tabulated in the and the variation of CBR results are graphically presented in
Table 6. Figure 10 and 11 plot the variation of cohesion and Figure 12. CBR-value
value is used as an index of soil strength and
angle of internal friction
ion obtained for soil for different dosages bearing capacity. There is a substantial improvement in CBR
respectively. It is noticed that cohesion increases with increase value with the increase in enzyme percentage. This may be
in enzyme %. Rate of increase in cohesion for dosages 0.006%, because soil treated
reated with enzyme shows improved density by
0.007%, 0.008 %, 0.01%, 0.04% and 0.08% are higher than reducing the void ratios. The maximum CBR value is 1.474 %
that for increase in dosages 0.15% and 0.3%. The angle of with 0.08 % of enzyme dosage.
internal friction determined from triaxial test increases for all
Table 7 Variation of CBR values for different dosages of
enzyme percentage and it is normally 10- 40 higher than for that
soil. For dosage 0.007% it increased by 40 and for dosages
0.008 %, 0.01%, 0.04%, 0.08% and 0.15% 5% it remained constant Enzyme CBR Value
Sl.No Enzyme Dosages
and increased by 20. Further for enzyme dosage 0.3% it started Percentage (%)
1 200 ml per 3.5 m3 of soil 0.006 0.766
decreasing. 2 200 ml per 3 m 3 of soil 0.007 0.810
3 200 ml per 2.5 m3 of soil 0.008 0.884
The vital parameters which control the shear strength of soil are 4 200 ml per 2 m 3 of soil 0.01 1.167
cohesion and angle of internal friction. By increasing cohesion 5 200 ml per 0.5 m3of soil 0.04 1.215
and angle of internal friction of the soil, the shear strength is 6 200 ml per 0.25 m 3 of soil 0.08 1.474
increased. 7 200 ml per 0.15 m3 of soil 0.15 1.253
8 200 ml per 0.075 m 3 of soil 0.3 1.142
Table 6 Cohesion and Angle of internal friction values for
different dosages of enzymes
Angle of
Enzyme Cohesion
Sl.No Enzyme Dosages internal
Percentage (KN/m2)
friction (ø)
1 200 ml per 3.5 m 3 of soil 0.006 40 7
2 200 ml per 3 m 3 of soil 0.007 30 10
3 200 ml per 2.5 m 3 of soil 0.008 42 8
4 200 ml per 2 m 3 of soil 0.01 35 8
5 200 ml per 0.5 m 3of soil 0.04 40 8
6 200 ml per 0.25 m 3 of soil 0.08 40 8
7 200 ml per 0.15 m 3 of soil 0.15 29 8
8 200 ml per 0.075 m 3 of soil 0.3 30 7

Figure 10 Variation graph of CBR values for different dosages of


Based on the tests conducted in laboratory the following
conclusions have been drawn.
1. Consistency Limits: The Liquid limit, plastic limit and
plasticity index decreased by 47%, 28% and 54%
respectively for the higher dosage of 0.3 %. Thus
terrazyme can reduce the expansion of the soil.
Figure 8 Variation graph of Cohesion values for different dosages of 2. Compaction: The MDD and OMC of expansive soil,
after treating with optimal 0.08 % enzyme, is found to
be 16.4 KN/m3 and 19 % respectively. With Terrazyme
which has water reduction capacity, a high dry density
can be obtained with minor compaction.
3. Unconfined Compression Test Test: From the test results it
is observed that for expansive soil treated with optimal
0.08% enzyme the Unconfined Compressive Strength
increases more than 138% when compared to virgin soil.
This indicates reaction of enzyme with clay results in
cementation effect.
4. Triaxial Test: A comparison of UU triaxial test results
Figure 9 Variation graph of Angle of internal friction values for different conducted on various enzyme dosages of soil showed
dosages of enzymes increase in cohesion and friction angle. The cohesion
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Sweta Das and Maheswar Maharana., An Investigation on “Behaviour of Bio Enzyme Stabilized Expansive Soil’’

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How to cite this article:

Sweta Das and Maheswar Maharana.2017, An Investigation on “Behaviour of Bio Enzyme Stabilized Expansive Soil’’. Int J
Recent Sci Res. 8(8), pp. 19029-19034. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijrsr.2017.0808.0615


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