Coaches Handbook, Resources and Forms 14-15
Coaches Handbook, Resources and Forms 14-15
Coaches Handbook, Resources and Forms 14-15
Description Page
The purpose of this handbook is to define the athletic policies and procedures of Beal City Public Schools. The
success of the athletic program depends upon the understanding, teamwork, and cooperation of administration,
staff, athletes, and parents in carrying out the athletic policies. In addition to the local policies as defined in this
handbook, Beal City Public Schools' athletics are governed by the rules and regulations of the Michigan High
School Athletic Association.
Beal City Public Schools in harmony with the home and community will educate our children in a positive
learning environment that meets individual needs and goals in order that all students successfully function in an
ever-changing global society.
Athletics are a part of the extra-curricular educational process of Beal City Public Schools, serving as an arena
for learning. We strive to have each student-athlete enjoy a positive experience while developing competitive
teams. Within this framework, the participation of all student-athletes is encouraged, without compromising
that competitive nature.
o Achieving Personal Fitness
Condition - Run
Condition - Life
Condition - Agility
Condition - Stretching
Condition – Rules Alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs
o Gaining Self-Confidence,
o Self-Worth
o Self-Discipline
o Make Sure Students Learn From Both Their Success And Failures
Give Constructive Criticism
o Learning To Accept Criticism
Positive Reinforcements (Always + With -)
o Learning A Sense Of Pride In Achievement
Weight Lifting Goal Shirts
Certificate For Free Lunch On Bounce Back Points
Team And Individual Goals On Statistics, Posters In Display Cases
o Learning Commitment To A Goal
Signing Form Of Commitment To Athletic Code
Helping Them Keep Up On Academics (Grades)
Do Team Study Hours
o Developing Interpersonal Relationship Skills
Structured Environment
Relays - Practice And Competition
Big Sister/Little Sister
o Demanding Tolerance For Others constant reinforcement of expectations work on an individual basis -
As a member of the Michigan High School Athletic Association, Beal City High School pledges to abide by the
MHSAA constitution and the by-laws that govern its members. As a member of the Highland Conference, Beal
City High School pledges to abide by the conference rules and regulations as put forth by the principals of the
member schools who formulate, regulate, and interpret conference policy.
Use all means possible to bring to the community a full realization of the value of athletics as an educational
tool in training citizens.
Develop district-wide policies that foster good sportsmanship, protect civil rights of all constituents, and
promote maximum opportunities for participation by students.
Create a definite understanding with principals and Athletic Director concerning the school athletic policy and
expect and give mutual support in carrying out that policy.
Evaluate those in charge of the athletic program by the conduct and attitudes of contestants and spectators
rather than on the number of games won or lost.
Advise the board of education of the privileges and obligations of schools' membership in the Michigan High
School Athletic Association, keep the board informed of proposed and adopted changes in MHSAA
regulations, and hold the board accountable for the support and enforcement for its school in the MHSAA.
Develop a complete understanding of the athletic policy of the school system and of the individual
responsibility of all concerned.
Certify eligibility of contestants and base that certification on complete information concerning the student's
athletic and scholastic status. Questionable cases will be referred to the Michigan High School Athletic
Association before the privilege of competition is given.
Support coaches in their efforts to carry out MHSAA and Beal City policies.
Instruct the student body of its responsibilities in making the athletic program a valuable one and require
desirable types of conduct at "home" and "away" games.
Endeavor to foresee possible differences and misunderstandings with other schools and, as far as possible,
settle them or provide means of settlement before they materialize.
Insist that any misunderstanding that may arise be settled privately between official representatives of the
schools concerned.
Have a definite understanding with the Athletic Director about officials, schedules, supervision of coaches,
etc., and give that person assistance in carrying out such duties.
Present promptly and privately to the school involved any information received about possible rule violations
by that school; and if the internal investigation and action by that school is not satisfactory, report that
potential violation to the MHSAA.
Attend as many of the athletic contests of the school as responsibilities will allow.
Commend opposing schools for outstanding examples of fine citizenship and sportsmanship.
a) The high school principal is the administrative head of the school athletic program. He/she is responsible to
the MHSAA for the athletic program. The principal may delegate authority to his/her designee (i.e. Athletic
b) The principal must approve player eligibility and contracts. The principal is held responsible for the
conduct of the students, athletes, coaches, and the fans at all athletic events in which his/her school is
c) The final decision for the scholastic eligibility of our athletes rests with the high school principal, who will
in turn follow MHSAA regulations along with school policy.
d) The principal may authorize payment of claims other than supplies and equipment, which are authorized by
the Athletic Director.
e) The principal shall represent our school in all matters concerning the MHSAA and the Highland
Place the athletic policy of the school district in writing and communicate it often to coaches, athletes,
parents, spectators, and support groups.
Cooperatively lead the school and community in creating and maintaining an atmosphere which is
conducive to an educationally sound athletic program.
Develop schedules which are educationally and physically sound for the athlete.
Originate contracts with school and officials which are complete and specific.
Hire officials who have the confidence and agreement of both teams, and arrange for their comfort and
Support officials in cases of adverse rulings, and rate officials objectively on the basis of all parts of their
effort and all events, not isolated parts of a single contest.
Provide every athlete on each level in all sports proper equipment and uniforms for practice and
Prepare and maintain the contest site in the best possible condition.
Maintain sidelines for exclusive use of players, coaches and officials, and handle crowds so there is no
encroachment on playing space.
Refuse admission to athletic contests to persons who have shown a lack of sportsmanship.
Provide printed programs which accurately report names of players and help spectators understand the
purpose and rules of the sport and encourage good sportsmanship.
Provide working accommodations for media covering the contest.
a) The Athletic Director acts as the principal's designee in all matters concerning the athletic program. He/she
is charged with the supervision of the athletic program.
b) The Athletic Director should constantly be aware of the need for good public relations with the staff,
administration, patrons, and opposing schools. This also includes maintaining a highly acceptable level of
publicity for the entire athletic program.
c) It is the duty of the Athletic Director to work with the principal and coaches of the sport in season in setting
up a schedule of games that does not conflict with school procedure.
d) Formulates all schedules for interscholastic contests. In so doing, considers suggestions from the head
coach in each sport and makes contracts with the approval of the principal.
e) Contracts and makes payment to all game officials. Considers the coaches' recommendations pertaining to
which officials to hire.
f) Checks and keeps on file scholastic eligibility of each athlete. Reports on same to MHSAA through the
g) Checks and keeps on file athletic physical and parent consent forms. Reports on same to MHSAA through
the principal. These forms are kept on file in the Athletic Director's office.
h) Keeps on file an inventory of athletic equipment and supplies as reported by the head coaches.
i) Keeps records on file pertaining to each sport's won-loss record by season, letter winners, and individual
record holders as reported by each head coach.
j) Arranges all transportation for away athletic contests with the transportation director.
k) Schedules the use of all athletic facilities, with the cooperation of the coaches and advisors involved.
l) Oversees ticket sales and collecting money for athletic contests, home and away as needed.
m) Supervises advertising and publicity for athletic contests. This may be delegated to coaches as appropriate.
n) Supervises the maintenance of athletic equipment and facilities. Facility maintenance will be coordinated
with the maintenance director.
o) Schedules all ticket takers and sellers and supervisory help for home athletic contests.
p) Provides for supervision of all home athletic contests and has responsibility for crowd control.
s) Works with the Beal City Athletic Association in promoting Beal City athletics. Establishes a policy of
funding requests with the coaches to be presented to the boosters club.
t) Evaluates head coaches and makes recommendations to the principal regarding employment.
u) Authorizes payment of equipment, materials, and uniforms ordered and received. No bill for athletic
supplies and equipment will be paid unless the head coach has checked the invoice and approved it. (To
facilitate the checking of invoices, each person who makes a purchase must give the purchase receipt to the
central office administrative assistant, including the name of vendor and the sport designated, on the
To recognize the purpose to athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-
being of the individual players.
To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the standards of eligibility.
To encourage leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment by the players on the team.
To build a winning attitude while also making every effort to involve as many athletes as possible in athletic
Many athletes participate in multiple extracurricular activities, respect this and work together.
The coach is the official representative of the school at interscholastic athletic activities. In this important
capacity, these standards should be practiced:
Develop an understanding of the role of interscholastic athletes and communicate it to players, parents and the
Develop an up-to-date knowledge of the rules, strategies, safety precautions, and skills of the sport and
communicate them to players and parents.
Develop, communicate and model policies for athletes' conduct and language in the locker room, at practice,
during travel, during competition, and at other appropriate times.
Allow athletes to prove themselves anew each season and not base team selections on previous seasons or out-
of-season activities.
Allow athletes time to develop skills and interests in other athletic and non-athletic activities provided by the
school and community groups.
Teach players, by precept and example, respect for school authorities and contest officials, providing support
for them in cases of adverse decisions and refraining from critical comments in public or to the media.
Present privately, through proper school authorities, evidence of rule violations by opponents; and counteract
rumors and unproven allegations of questionable practices by opponents.
Attend required meetings, keep abreast of MHSAA policies regarding the sport, and be familiar with MHSAA
eligibility and contest regulations.
p) Develop and provide opportunities for out of season training, skill development and team building.
q) Organize and carry out youth programs, including summer camps.
r) Maintain statistics and records to submit at the end of the year.
s) Initiate and attend out of season activities that will promote your sport.
t) Make efforts to attend and support Beal City students at other activities outside of your sport.
u) Cooperation and respect for scheduling facilities with other coaches in regard to use of locker rooms,
practice areas, equipment etc.
v) Fundraise to meet the needs and wants of the program.
w) Conduct a post season banquet.
x) Develop and maintain positive public relations with the media and media personnel.
y) Provide pre/current/post season information to the media and allow access for featured articles to all media
outlets. Submit a school announcement to high school secretary after each contest. Also report contest
results to local media:
Agency Phone Email
Morning Sun 989-779-6060 [email protected]
z) All coaches must park designated parking lots at the school and sports complex.
aa) Coaches must ride the bus to and from away contests, unless otherwise approved by Athletic Director.
bb) Communicate with parents to keep them informed about your program including camps, practices, games,
fundraisers etc. and provide a minimum of one direct communication tool for parents to contact you.
cc) Coaches are not permitted to drink alcoholic beverages while in a supervisory role with children or athletes
even if you are 21 years of age.
dd) Hazing and/or bullying is not tolerated at any level.
ee) Coaches must have a plan for mass team communication in case of inclement weather or emergencies.
ff) Conduct pre-season parent/student meeting which should include: Practice routines, schedule, tryout
information, lettering requirements, practice guidelines/team rules (written form).
gg) Develop assistant coaches including sharing guidance, goals, covenants and focus.
hh) Participation of all students athletes is encouraged, especially at the lower levels of competition.
ii) Nominate student athletes for post season awards.
Student Athletes
Athletic Office
j) See that athletic areas are safe prior to the start of and secure following the conclusion of
their practices.
b) If a coach is sick on a given day, it is their responsibility to notify the Head Coach and Athletic Director.
Whether the coach is able to coach in practice or at a game on that particular day will be at the discretion of
the Athletic Director. General rule of thumb, if you are too sick to work or teach, does not coach. On staff
coaches must supply a doctor’s note if they do not attend their regularly scheduled work schedule.
c) Be present and actively working in a coaching capacity at all practice sessions and contests.
d) Be responsible for the good conduct of your team members.
e) Be visible and energetic to promote a positive image.
f) Treat school equipment and property better than you would your own.
i. -Do not leave anything lying out after practice and return all equipment to proper storage facilities.
ii. -All doors and facilities must be locked up after use.
iii. -Instruct athletes on proper use and storage of equipment.
g) Complete MHSAA Online Rules Meeting.
h) Abide by all binding MHSAA, Highland Conference and Beal City policies and regulations.
i) Attend all athletic department, league and MHSAA required meetings.
j) Attendance at your sports state coaches’ association annual conference is highly recommended.
k) Assist in advanced scouting as assigned by head coach.
l) Be directly responsible to the head coach.
m) Assume responsibility for the teams they are assigned to coach.
n) Continued education within your sport and keep informed as to new coaching techniques, points, plans,
ideas, etc.
o) Never conduct a one-on-one meeting behind closed doors without the presence of a third party. Never
transport a students or athlete outside of athletic contests.
p) Develop and provide opportunities for out of season training, skill development and team building.
q) Assist in all youth camps, including summer camps as directed by head coach.
r) Submit a school announcement to high school secretary after each contest.
s) Maintain statistics and records to submit at the end of the year.
t) Initiate and attend out of season activities that will promote your sport.
u) Make efforts to attend and support Beal City students at other activities outside of your sport.
v) Cooperation and respect for scheduling facilities with other coaches in regard to use of locker rooms,
practice areas, equipment etc.
w) Assist in fundraising activities to meet the needs and wants of the program.
x) Conduct a post season banquet.
y) Develop and maintain positive public relations with the media and media personnel.
z) All coaches must park designated parking lots at the school and sports complex.
aa) Coaches must ride the bus to and from away contests, unless otherwise approved by Athletic Director.
bb) Communicate with parents to keep them informed about your program including camps, practices, games,
fundraisers etc. and provide a minimum of one direct communication tool for parents to contact you.
cc) Coaches are not permitted to drink alcoholic beverages while in a supervisory role with children or athletes
even if you are 21 years of age.
dd) Hazing and/or bullying is not tolerated at any level.
ee) Coaches must have a plan for mass team communication in case of inclement weather or emergencies.
ff) Conduct pre-season parent/student meeting which should include: Practice routines, schedule, tryout
information, lettering requirements, practice guidelines/team rules (written form).
gg) Participation of all students athletes is encouraged, especially at the lower levels of competition.
hh) Nominate student athletes for post season awards.
Student Athletes
a) Encourage all of our athletes to excel in the classroom as well as in athletics.
b) Do not leave athletes unsupervised.
c) Strive to develop qualities, in our athletes, of sportsmanship and fair play.
d) No athlete may try, neither practice nor play without a physical. Copies of physicals should be carried with
you at all games and practices.
e) You are responsible for the conduct of all your athletes and managers while under your supervision before,
during and after the activity.
f) Follow MHSAA and Beal City procedures for return to play following an injury.
g) Encourage and promote healthy living practices, including hygiene and proper apparel.
h) Advise athletes to lock up their belongings.
i) All athletes must park designated parking lots at the school and sports complex.
j) Athletes must wear appropriate clothing while at school facilities and shirts must be worn at all times.
k) Ensure student athlete safety and well being during all supervised activities.
l) Report ALL injuries to the Athletic Trainer and follow the Beal City emergency procedure when
m) Report any unusual conduct or problems, team or individual, to the Athletic Director.
Athletic Office
a) Team rules and expectations to Athletic Director prior to parent meeting.
b) A facility use form must be completed and submitted to the athletic office for all out of season activities.
c) Prepare daily written practice plans and submit as requested by the Athletic Director.
d) Inform the athletic office of changed, cancelled or added practices.
e) Coordinate tournaments and invitationals in conjunction with the athletic department.
f) Assist the athletic department in submitting proper paperwork for all tournaments.
g) Submit roster list to the athletic department after the first practice. Resubmit your roster list before the first
contest with uniforms and demographic information.
h) Collect physicals, team rules and sport consent forms
i) Practice schedule must be turned into the Athletic Director a minimum of 2 weeks in advance, so it can be
posted to the Beal City Website. Winter schedules will be completed by the Athletic Director.
j) Assist the athletic office in recruiting game workers. Provide lists of such workers to the athletic office.
k) Hold athletes financially responsible for all unreturned school-owned equipment.
a) You are responsible for locker room supervision. Be sure that you are the last to the leave the locker room
and facility after all activities.
b) School issued keys are NOT to be given to athletes for their personal use
c) No cleats are to be worn in the building.
d) Please sign out all trainers’ supplies with the Athletic Trainer.
e) Report any facility and equipment damages that have occurred to the Athletic Director and a plan for
f) Responsible for set up and take down of equipment before and after contests.
g) Keep accurate record of all equipment and supplies issued to their athletes
h) At the conclusion of the season, collect, inventory and store equipment and uniforms.
All banquet arrangements require prior approval from the Athletic Director.
The head coach of each sport shall be responsible for coordinating the awards format for his/her program at
the end of each season.
A facility use form must be completed and on file for banquets hosted at school.
Athletics allows $50.00 for varsity awards and $45.00 for sub varsity awards. Internal account funds may
be used for anything in excess of the amounts listed. Per MHSAA Guidelines, the limit to any award is
$25.00 per individual.
It is strongly suggested that all banquets are kept at minimal fees in order to encourage whole families to
Pot-luck dinner or dessert at school site.
Catered banquet at school site.
Dinner banquet at local restaurant.
Picnic pot-luck at local shelter.
Coaches and parents may determine to meet for awards presentation only.
No alcoholic beverages are to be served and it is recommended to not host a banquet where alcohol is
A first time athlete can earn the following for team membership:
-Varsity Certificate
-Sport Pin
The Beal City Athletic Department provides the following athletic awards:
Letter “BC”
Sport pins
Three (3) end of year individual awards; at the coaches discretion. Anything above and beyond is to come
out of the internal account.
Student Activity Funds (Internal Accounts) Reminders
also refer to
Board Bylaws & Policy 6610 and Administrative Guidelines 6610A/6610B
End of Year Procedures for Internal Accounts
Internal account books should be balanced including any outstanding bills that have not been paid yet and
turned into the internal account secretary at the end of each school year. Once the secretary and the auditor
confirm the balance and all questions have been answered the books can be picked up from the school office.
NO Petty Cash
Petty cash cannot exist with an internal account. All money (cash or check) must be deposited into the internal
accounts. Individuals will be reimbursed for expenditures only when receipts of purchase are provided.
Internal account funds shall not be used for any purpose which represents an accommodation, loan, or credit to
board employees or any other persons. Postdated checks will not be accepted and all checks and cash must be
deposited into the internal account.
Do not pay bills from money collected. All money (cash or check) should be turned in and then checks will be
cut to pay all expenses. We must have a paper trail of all transactions.
All incoming checks to the internal account fund for fundraisers, donations, or sponsorships, etc… must be
made out to Beal City Public Schools or they will not be able to be cashed.
All monies collected should be secured in one of the School offices or in a designated depository within
twenty-four (24) hours of the collection or the next business day following the last business day of that week.
Mileage Reimbursement
Mileage reimbursement is done at the IRS mileage reimbursement rate. Internal accounts cannot reimburse gas
receipts or requests for reimbursement of gas purchases.
Fundraising should be done in accordance of with Board policies 5830 and 9700.
Fund-raising projects for any student activity shall, in general, contribute to the educational experience of
students and shall not conflict, but add to, the instructional program.
All fundraising, sales projects or programs must be approved by the principal and the Superintendent at least
two (2) weeks prior to the sale or event. Please turn in the fundraiser form to Mr. Joe Judge, so it can be
approved. Please put a “budgeted” amount on the form prior to the event. That way, someone externally
reviewing deposits can use the approval form to better help determine if all of the funds made it to the school.
It can be difficult to guess how much a fundraiser or event will bring in, but if you have done the event on a
regular basis you have a pretty good idea of what to expect to make. Again this will help you and the school.
summer camps) If the internal account holder is asking for a stipend for a volunteer helper that should also be
approved by a supervisor to make sure all of the procedures are being followed.
Auditor’s recommendation
When our employees are compensated for work performed for the school, they MUST be paid through
the payroll system. We cannot pay them with an accounts payable check. The employees are responsible for
paying taxes on those wages and retirement costs.
When an employee is being compensated with funds from internal accounts rather than the district's
general fund, an invoice will be prepared to bill the internal account fund for the wages and benefits paid to the
employee. The internal account will pay the wages as well as the employers portion of retirement and FICA
The Board of Education has formulated Policy 6610 which governs the management and control of all student
activity funds. The following guidelines should be used to implement this policy.
A. Principals shall approve the sponsors of each activity group and present this information to the
Superintendent for approval.
B. The Board shall authorize, by resolution recorded in the official Board minutes, those student
activity programs it wishes to be operational.
C. A system of internal controls should be implemented in order to safeguard the assets of the student-
activity funds to ensure that the student will receive the benefits sought.
D. Monthly and annual financial reports for student-activity funds shall be prepared by the internal
account secretary and submitted to the Superintendent's office. Funds must be accounted for on a
fiscal-year basis and financial reports furnished to each sponsor on a regular basis.
E. Fundraising must be done in accordance with Board policy 5830 and 9700. Fund-raising projects for
any student activity shall, in general, contribute to the educational experience of students and shall
not conflict, but add to, the instructional program.
F. All Fundraising, sales projects or programs must be approved by the principal and the
Superintendent at least two (2) weeks prior to the sale or event.
G. Investments shall be approved by the Superintendent. Interest earned on the investment of these
monies should be handled in accordance with State law.
J. Student-activity funds shall not be used for any purpose which represents an accommodation, loan,
or credit to Board employees or other persons. Postdated checks will not be accepted and all checks
and cash must be deposited into the internal account.
K. Board employees or others may not make purchases through an internal account in order to take
personal advantage of the internal student activity account purchasing privileges.
L. No student –activity organization shall be obligated for purchases made by students, faculty, and/or
others unless approved by the internal account holder’s supervisor. Then Individuals will be
reimbursed for expenditures only when receipts of purchase are provided.
M. No purchase may be made unless there is sufficient cash in the fund to pay for that purchase, plus
outstanding orders.
N. All monies collected should be secured in one of the school offices or in a designated depository
within twenty-four (24) hours of collection or the next business day following the last business day
of that week. Internal account holders are prohibited from having a Petty Cash account.
O. Payments from a student-activity fund to an employee are subject to standard payroll deductions.
P. The disposition of unspent activity funds will be determined by the class officers, activity sponsor,
and the principal.
Q. An internal audit of the financial accountability and compliance of student activities policies shall
take place on an annual basis. A formal report shall be presented to the Board. Internal account
books should be balanced including any outstanding bills that have not been paid yet and turned into
the internal account secretary at the end of each school year. Once the secretary and the auditor
confirm the balance and all questions have been answered the books can be picked up from the
school office.
R. All incoming checks to the internal account fund for fundraisers, donations, or sponsorships,
etc… must be made out to Beal City Public Schools or they will not be able to be cashed.
S. Millage reimbursement will be done at the IRS millage reimbursement rate. Internal accounts
cannot reimburse gas receipts or requests for reimbursement of gas purchases.
General Description: The internal accounts at Beal City are intended for sport specific athletic teams to use
toward added amenities inclusive to their program. They are intended for the things that are above and beyond
what the school annually budgets. All cash, check and invoice transactions must be completed through the
internal account.
1. All requests for spending of the internal accounts must be approved by the Athletic Director and
2. Purchase orders and/or internal account request form must be completed and pre-approved before
anything is ordered.
3. When requesting payment or reimbursement from an internal account, a coach must fill out an Internal
Account Deposit/Withdrawal Requisition (carbon copied from his/her particular sport’s ledger).
The Internal Account Deposit/Withdrawal Requisition Form must be signed by the Athletic Director
before the funds can be deposited or withdrawn.
*When asking for a reimbursement, receipts must be accompanied with the request form (found in the coaches’
mailbox room).
A facility use form must be filled out by a single individual that is willing to take responsibility for the
open gym times requested. This individual will be the facility supervisor.
The facility supervisor will be responsible for those individuals attending the open gym as well as children
that may be present. All children must remain in the gymnasium and will not have free roam of the
remainder of the school.
The facility supervisor will be responsible for turning in a schedule of the individuals who will be
supervising the open gyms (preferably a staff member) if the facility supervisor happens to be unavailable.
This schedule must be turned in to the Athletic Director at the time of the request for the facility.
The gym may be signed out 1 month at a time. This would be the 1st day through the last day of each
At the start of open gym, the doors will be unlocked for 15 minutes. When the 15 minute window has
ended, the doors will be locked. The doors should be locked during the open gym time with exception of
the 15 minute start-up period. For example, if open gym begins at 5:30 p.m., the main door (one door
only) will be unlocked until 5:45 p.m. There should not be any other doors open at this time. If an
individual shows up late for open gym (beyond the window of opportunity) then they must go around to
another door of the gym and will need to be let in with coach’s knowledge.
Be sure to check the doors so that they are not propped open. Failure to do so will result in loss of
privileges regarding the open gym time. If it cannot be determined who is guilty of leaving doors propped
open, then all those that were scheduled for gym time will lose their privileges. Do not leave the doors
Treat school equipment and property better than you would your own.
o Properly store all equipment and clean up facility of garbage..
o Lock up everything, every open gym.
o Instruct athletes on proper use of equipment.
You are responsible for the conduct of all your athletes while under your supervision.
Always be the last to leave the building. Do not leave athletes unsupervised. Be sure that the athletes are
gone before you leave.
School issued keys are NOT to be given to athletes for their personal use.
If athletes use the locker rooms, be sure that they are clean before you leave the facility.
All athletes must park in the main parking lot in front of the school.
Young children must be supervised. Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges regarding the open
gym time.
All MHSAA and Beal City Public Schools adopted policies will be followed.
Threatening Weather/Watch
Practice should be held on campus under close supervision. All athletes should be kept within an area where
they can be called in if necessary.
When games are started or are in progress when the watch is in effect, the coaches and officials will monitor
the change in weather and if it becomes at all questionable the contest will be suspended.
Lightning or Thunder
When lightning is visible practice or contests will be suspended and all athletes and coaches will take cover for
a minimum of 30 minutes from the last thunder heard or lightning seen.
All practices and contests will be canceled when a warning occurs. All athletes will be directed to a safe
location under supervision of the coach or coaches. Visiting team will be encouraged to take cover at the site
of the host school. All athletes will be kept in a safe place until the "all clear" is issued.
See MHSAA Heat and Humidity information in the Coaches Forms and Resources packet for more
Good Judgment
Always use good judgment when dealing with the weather. Take no chances with lightning. If there is a doubt
- cancel.
Athletics and Winter Weather Procedures
The following guidelines in conjunction with the Board of Education policy will be used when determining
whether or not athletic events are to take place in the event of a weather related school delay or closing.
All decisions will be made by the Athletic Director in conjunction with the superintendent, high school
principal, Athletic Director, transportation director and/or varsity coaches. A minimum of three of the above
mentioned individuals must be in communication before a final decision is determined.
2. If students are sent home during the school day, due to weather conditions, all events will be
cancelled without consideration of open gyms.
3. When high school teams do not have a scheduled contest the immediate day following the day
school was closed, open gyms will not be considered.
4. In the event, a high school team has a scheduled contest the immediate day following a school
closing, the approval of an open gym will be considered, not to begin before 3:00.
5. “Open gym” means that any athlete unable to attend the session will not have any team sanctioned
rules held against him/her.
6. Morning practices: we will attempt to address possible weather related issues the day before the
practice. If school is cancelled or delayed early enough, we will attempt to contact coaches to
cancel practice. In the event that a practice does not get canceled, it is imperative that the coach
stays until all athletes have been picked up.
Junior High: In the event that school has been canceled, all contests and practices will be canceled and there
will not be any consideration of an open gym.
In case of serious injury, the following plan shall be implemented.
Policy for Team Selection
In accordance with our overall athletic philosophy and our desire to see as many student/athletes as
possible participate in the athletic program while at Beal City High School, we encourage our coaches to
keep as many student/athletes as they can without unbalancing the integrity of their sport. Obviously, time,
space, facilities, personal preference and other factors will place limitations on the most effective squad
size for any particular sport. However, when developing your individual sport policy in this area, please
strive to maximize the opportunities for our student/athletes without diluting the quality of your program.
B. Procedure
1. When a team cut becomes necessary, the process should include
these important elements:
I. Policy
Beal City Public schools will provide transportation to all games scheduled Monday – Friday and all
MHSAA tournament events. Parents are responsible for transporting their son/daughter to and from
regular season contests scheduled on Saturday.
A. When Beal City Public Schools provides transportation it is required that all athletes ride to the
event with the team and it is highly recommended the athlete ride home on the team bus. In
extreme situations, this may be exempt with the completion of the driver approval form. First,
to be completed and signed by a parent/guardian, secondly, signed by an administrator.
1. School buses
2. Van and/or car (when available)
3. Mileage to coaches when in a supervisory role.
C. When parents are unable to make arrangements for their child to be transported to the event, the
coach will meet the athlete and transport him/her, NEVER ALONE.
E. Coaches driving their own vehicles for authorized travel, transporting athletes, or required
meetings will be reimbursed at the current federal rate.
F. In the event, there is an abundance of athletes that do not have parental transportation, school
bussing may be considered.
1. Completing “transportation request” forms and turning them into the Athletic Director
by the end of your sports first week of practice.
2. Seeing that assistants, team members, and managers are aware of the departure time and
that all team members, coaches, and managers ride school transportation versus private,
unauthorized transportation.
3. Seeing that no unauthorized person rides on team transportation.
B. Coaches are encouraged not to authorize any unscheduled stops by the bus.
C. Athletes may leave an away athletic event only with a parent or legal guardian, providing the
driver approval form has been properly completed.
IV. Bus Courtesy
A. Coaches will require team members to use respect and courtesy with all drivers. Common sense
dictates that we will treat those that help us with respect.
B. If radios are "allowed" by the coach, please see that the noise level is kept down.
C. On returning, buses must be picked up by the team and/or coaches. Please leave the bus in
satisfactory condition.
1. Muddy cleats or shoes should be taken off before boarding the bus.
2. Extremely muddy jerseys should be taken off -- when and where possible.
3. If the team is allowed to eat on the bus, please have all waste paper put in a proper
Athletes at Beal City High School are allowed to participate in more than one Sport during a particular season.
If a student decides to participate in more than one sport at a time, a coach shall in no way discourage this
decision. Rather, the coaches involved should work together to make this situation as smooth as possible.
Realizing that there is potential for conflicts arising when an athlete is participating in two sports at the same
time, the following guidelines will be adhered to:
_________________________________ __________________________________
(Student Athlete) (Parent/Guardian)
_________________________________ __________________________________
(Primary Sport) (Secondary Sport)
______________________________ _______________________________
(Primary Sport Coach) (Secondary Sport Coach)
Beal City Athletics
Team Roster
Sport________________ Year________________ Coach_______________
Jersey # First Name Last Name Height Weight Position Grade
Beal City Athletics
Sport Equipment Inventory
(Eg. Basketballs, baseballs, etc.)
Beal City Athletics
Uniform Inventory
Jr. High
Beal City Athletics
Uniform Distribution Form
Jr. High
Jr. High
Beal City Athletics
Season Summary
Sport________________ Year________________ Coach_______________
Opponents Score Outstanding Performances
and Accomplishments
(ex. All league, conf., state)
1. ______________________ ___________ W/L/T
I intend to return to coach at Beal City Public School next year in the same coaching position. (Please
circle) YES NO
I intend to apply for a different coaching position next year, if available. YES NO
If you answered yes to the above question, then which position would be of interest to you?
I understand that answering the above information is not a coaching contract. The above information is
merely to aid the Athletic Director in determining my intent for coaching next season so that he/she may
prepare accordingly.
Coach: Assignment:
Needs Not
Improvement Satisfactory Applicable
I. Professional Relationships
1.1 Cooperation with A.D in regard to submitting
participant lists, parent permission and physical
slips, year-end reports, program information
relative to your sport.
Needs Not
Improvement Satisfactory Applicable
II. Coaching Performance
2.1 Develops respect by example in appearance,
manners, behavior, language, and interest.
III Related Coaching Responsibilities
Needs Not
Improvement Satisfactory Applicable
Comments: .
* The signature of the coach does not necessarily indicate agreement with the appraisal on the preceding pages, but
indicates he/she has read the material. The coach may attach a memo explaining his/her disagreement regarding any
aspect of this evaluation.
Beal City Athletics
Sub-Varsity/Assistant Coach Evaluation
Name: ______________________ Sport: __________ Level: __________ Date: _______
All items listed below will be rated by the head coach, with input from the athletic director as needed, based on
the rating scale listed below:
3 = Highly Effective
2 = Effective
1 = Minimally Effective
0 = Ineffective
NA = Not Applicable
_____ Manage all matters relating to the organization and administration of the team under his/her direction.
_____ Enforces all rules of the Michigan High School Athletic Association related to his/her sport
_____ Maintains a complete and accurate roster including, but not limited to submission to athletic office and changes
on the roster throughout the season
_____ Maintains supervision of student/athletes including: before, during and after the event including the locker room,
playing arena, transportation, equipment rooms, etc
_____ Ensures proper storage and care for all equipment and facilities; problems are reported to head coach and/or
_____ Assists with the preparation and presentation of team awards through the athletic office/head coach in advance of
_____ Aids the athletic director/head coach with scheduling and facility use as needed
_____ Enforces rules and regulations concerning conditioning of players, their health and safety, and conduct pursuant
to safety and training guidelines
_____ Reports injuries promptly and exercises great care in dealing with all injuries in conjunction with the medical
orders and trainers recommendations
_____ Following injures in which a student/athlete is under a physician’s care, the coach secures or ensures the signed
approval of the physician has been secured by the athletic trainer before any athletic activity may take place
Coaching Performance
_____ Develops respect by example in appearance, manners, behavior, language, and conduct
_____ Develops a well-organized practice schedule which utilizes all staff, facility, equipment and team to its
maximum potential
_____ Establishes the programs fundamental philosophies, fundamentals, and knowledge the athletes are to be taught
_____ Shows understanding, tolerance, empathy, and patience with team members
_____ Innovative in implementing and assessing new coaching techniques and ideas
_____ Expresses support and interest in student/athlete’s academics and out of season activities
_____ Provides leadership and demonstrates attitudes that produce positive efforts by participants
_____ Delegates authority with responsibility while remaining accountable for such delegations
_____ Models behaviors which reflect the values of good sportsmanship, fair competition, and ethical behavior
_____ Provides opportunities for all members of the team to participate, consistent with their abilities, effort, and level
of teams participation
_____ Completes mandatory pre-season trainings and administrative paperwork for employment
_____ Develops rapport with the athletic coaching staff, teachers, administrators, and support staff
_____ Participates in expected professional development and meetings necessary to the welfare of interscholastic
_____ Develops sound public relations by cooperating with newspaper, radio, television, Booster Club, and other
interested spectators
_____ Promotes all sports in the athletic program and shows support for other student extra-curricular involvement
_____ Communicates and cooperates with parents including: providing contact information, introduction letter, team
guidelines, pre-season meeting, banquet, etc.
Evaluator’s Comments
Improvement Comments
* The signature of the coach does not necessarily indicate agreement with the appraisal on the preceding pages, but
indicates he/she has read the material. The coach may attach a memo explaining his/her disagreement regarding any
aspect of this evaluation.
Sub Varsity/Assistant Coach’s Signature Date
______ Recommended for re-assignment provided an understanding can be reached in areas where improvement
is suggested.
Beal City Athletics
School Accident Form
1. School Accident Forms can be accessed online at
2. It is located under the property/casualty tab.
3. Then the forms tab.