Tay Tay
Tay Tay
Tay Tay
Friends, I introduce you to Taytay Tiangge. I first heard about this place last year, and
has since been hell bent on coming over to check out their goodies. When I first got
there, I went crazy. THERE WAS JUST TOO MUCH CLOTHES. Item-wise, it's not as
diverse as Divisoria. But if you're looking to score clothes on a tigh budget, then, Taytay
Tiangge is the place for you. With that, I'd like to share a few things you may want to
know when you go there. Let's begin!
1. Dress comfortably.
The shopping stalls are not located inside a mall, unlike Divisoria wherein you have 168
or 999, and a fully air-conditioned mall to boot. In Taytay Tiangge, stalls are built on
make-shift tents made of canvas and the passageways can be pretty narrow and
extremely humid. Make sure your moves are not constricted by the type of clothes you
wear 'cause it can get crazy in there! Well, at least for me cause I was overwhelmed
with everything, hehe. Bring a fan if you can 'cause it can get too hot as well.
5. Buy in bulk.
Most stalls slash the price if you buy clothes in bulk, or wholesale as they call it. Some
of the stalls I've visited would have a minimum of 3, some 6 and the others 12. You'd
love the amazing amount of discount you'd get when you buy in bulk. Stores always
carry several colors of the same style anyway so this wouldn't be a difficult choice, lol.
Those are just some of the things I have in mind right now. I've attached a video
showing my recent haul from Taytay. I only got a few items from this visit, but promise
I'll go back and give you guys a virtual tour so you'd have some idea what the place
looks like, For now, I recommend visiting the place and drowning yourselves in
affordable but quality clothes, and local at that! #SupportLocal Happy shopping!