Mcom Marketing&Analytics IIIsem19
Mcom Marketing&Analytics IIIsem19
Mcom Marketing&Analytics IIIsem19
(2018-20 BATCH)
Module 1:
Overview - Capital Investments, Phases of Capital Budgeting, Levels of Decision Making,
Facets of Project Analysis, Feasibility Study Capital Allocation, Strategic Planning and Capital
Budgeting, Generation of Ideas, Porter Model, Scouting for Project Ideas, Preliminary
Screening, Project Rating Index, Sources of Positive Net Present Value.
Module 2:
Analysis - Situational Analysis, Collection of Secondary Information, Market Survey, Demand
Forecasting, Market Planning, Technical Analysis, Manufacturing Process / Technology,
Product Mix, Plant Capacity, Location and Site, Machineries and Equipment, Structures and
Civil works, Environmental Aspects, Project Charts and Layouts, Schedule of Project
Implementation, Need for Considering Alternatives, Financial Estimates and Projections.
Module 3:
Project Selection - Survey of Time Value of Money, Survey of Investment Criteria, Project
Cash Flows, Cash Flow Estimations, Survey of Cost of Capital & Capital Budgeting
Techniques, Risk Analysis of Single Investments, Advanced Techniques, Risk Analysis, Firm
Risk & Market Risk, Portfolio Related Risk Measures, Portfolio Theory and Capital Budgeting,
CAPM and capital Budgeting, Choice Between Mutually Exclusive Projects of Unequal Life,
Inflation and Capital Budgeting, Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA – Basics) Judgmental,
Behavioral, Strategic and Organizational Considerations.
Module 4:
Financing of Projects - Capital Structure, Different Forms of Financing, Raising Venture
Capital, Raising Capital in International Markets, Financing Infrastructure Projects, Private
Equity Funding, Venture Capital, Venture Capital Investors, The Venture Capital Investment
appraisal Process and Management, The Indian Venture Capital Industry, Regulation of
Venture Capital Industry in India, Current Concerns of the Indian Venture Capital Industry.
Hybrid instruments – convertible debentures, series A, B,C funding.
Module 5:
Project Implementation and Management: Project Planning, Project Control and
Implementation, Network Techniques for Project Management, Development of Project
Basic understanding of the provisions of the company law and its procedures
Module 1:
Module 2:
Share Capital and Debentures – Kinds of securities – Equity shares, Preference shares –
Debentures- steps involved in the issue, reduction and transfer of securities, Right shares, Issue
of bonus shares, Reduction of Share Capital, Buy back of shares, Issue of Sweat equity shares,
Transfer and transmission of securities, Debenture – Introduction, issue and redemption.
Module 3:
Registration of charges – Duty to register charges, etc., Application for registration of charge,
Satisfaction of charge, Company’s register of charges.
Module 4:
Meetings – Types of General Meeting – Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General
Meeting – transaction of business, Notice of meeting, Calling of extraordinary general meeting,
Resolutions - Ordinary and special resolutions, Resolutions requiring special notice, Resolutions
passed at adjourned meeting Resolutions and agreements to be filed.
Meetings Of Board And Its Powers - Meetings of Board, Quorum for meetings of Board, Place
of holding meeting, Powers of Board, Loan to directors, etc., Loan and investment by company,
Related party transaction.
Module 5:
Audit And Auditors- Appointment of auditors, Removal, resignation of auditor and giving of
special notice, Eligibility, qualifications and disqualifications of auditors, Remuneration of
auditors, Powers and duties of auditors and auditing standards, Auditor not to render certain
services, Auditors to sign audit reports, etc., Auditors to attend general meeting.
Module 6:
r e-Form Purpose of Form
1 II INC-2 Form for Incorporation and nomination (One Person Company)
2 II INC-3 Form for consent of nominee of One Person Company
Application for Incorporation of Company (Other than One Person
3 II
INC-7 Company)
4 II INC-21 Declaration prior to the commencement of business
Notice of situation or change of situation of registered office and
5 II
NC-22 verification
Conversion of public company into private company or private company
6 II
INC-27 into public company
7 III PAS-3 Return of allotment
8 III PAS-4 Private Placement Offer Letter
9 IV SH-7 Notice to Registrar for alteration of share capital
10 V DPT-3 Return of Deposits
11 VI CHG-4 Particulars for satisfaction of charge
Application for registration of creation, modification of charge (other than
those related to debentures) including particulars of modification of charge
12 VI CHG-1 by Asset Reconstruction Company in terms of Securitization and
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securities Interest
Act, 2002 (SARFAESI)
13 VII MGT-14 Filing of Resolutions and agreements to the Registrar under section 117
14 VII MGT-7 Form for filing annual return by a company.
15 IX AOC-4 Form for filing financial statement and other documents with the Registrar
16 X ADT-1 Information to the Registrar by Company for appointment of Auditor
17 X ADT-3 Notice of Resignation by the Auditor
18 XI DIR-3 Application for allotment of Director Identification Number
Intimation of change in particulars of Director to be given to the Central
19 XI
DIR-6 Government
20 XI DIR-11 Notice of resignation of a director to the Registrar
Particulars of appointment of directors and the key managerial personnel
21 XI
DIR-12 and the changes amongst them
22 XXIV GNL-1 Form for filing an application with Registrar of Companies
23 XXIV GNL-2 Form for submission of documents with Registrar of Companies
To acquaint students with the nature and practice of advertising and sales promotion,
functioning of advertising agencies, strategies, designing, developing and execution of
Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 4:
Sales Promotion – Introduction - Scope and role of sale promotion – Definition – Objectives
of sales promotion - sales promotion techniques – Trade oriented and consumer oriented.
1. S. H. H. Kazmi and Satish K Batra, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Excel Books, New Delhi,
2. George E Belch and Michel A Belch, Advertising & Promotion,McGraw Hill, Singapore
, 1998.
3. Kenneth Clow. Donald Baack, Integrated Advertisements, Promotion and Marketing
communication, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
The course aims at making students understand the concept and techniques of international
marketing and train them to develop and implement plans and marketing strategies for entering
into international markets and managing overseas operations.
Module – 1:
Module – 2:
Module – 3:
Module – 4:
Module – 5:
Module – 6:
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management – meaning, Concept: Global sourcing,
Global manufacturing, managing global logistics, components of global logistics management,
Global logistics management process. Guidelines for developing a Global logistics Strategy.
Supply Chain Management - Meaning, Significance, Objectives,decision phases in a supply
chain, process viewof a supply chain, Global Supply Chain Management Vs Domestic Supply
Chain Management, Problems and challenges facing Global Logistics and Supply Chain
1. Cateora, Philip R. and Graham John L.(2005). International Marketing. Tata McGraw-
Hill Edition.
5. Kotabe Masaaki and Helsen Kristiaan (2nd Edition, 2001). Global Marketing
Management. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.
6. Onkvisit, Sak and Shaw, John J. (2004). International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy,
Edition, Prentice Hall.
The aim of the subject is to improve an in depth study of the business of banking management
and technology used.
Module 1:
Balance Sheet Management – Understanding Bank’s balance sheet- components of assets and
liabilities- Asset Liability Management- Asset Classification- Provisioning, NPA Management-
Effect of NPA on profitability, Prudential norms- Capital Adequacy- Basel II and Basel III
Disaster Management - Disaster Recovery, Business Impact Assessment, RTO, RPO, Testing,
Maintenance, IT Act 2000. Legal Issues, Cyber crimes and law
Module 4:
1) Khan M.Y., Indian Financial System, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private limited
2) Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF), Principles and Practice of Banking,
Module 1:
HYPOTHESIS TESTING I - Basics, parametric testing: One sample testing: Tests for mean and
variance: z test, student’s test, Chi square test and test for proportions.
Module 2:
HYPOTHESIS TESTING II - Parametric testing: Two sample testing: Paired – comparison tests:
Test the difference between two means (equal and unequal known variances), Test the
difference between two means (equal and unequal unknown variances), Contingency table
tests, and F test.
Module 3:
Module 4:
Module 5:
Module 6:
Module 7:
Module 8:
Non Parametric Hypothesis Testing: Mood’s Median Test, Levene’s test, Wilcoxon Signed
Rank Test, Kruskal Wallis one way ANOVA test, Mann Whitney U test, Spearman Rank
Correlation coefficient test.
Data Reading, editing - Data interpretation - Sampling size selection and sampling error -
Use of mini tab
The proposed course is conceptualized to impart knowledge and skills essential for managers to
achieve success in today’s business environment. The course is an attempt to equip students with
the real business communication concepts and build skills that are necessary for professional
Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 3:
Business Writing And Creative Expression: (Work place Messages & Employment
Messages) - Email writing (Netiquette), Memos, Minutes of a Meeting, Curriculum Vitae
writing, Application Letters, Job-Inquiry Letters.
Module 4:
Business etiquette & protocol - Understand how business etiquette has evolved from its
earliest days to today's modern concepts and why actions speak louder than words. Etiquette
awareness : Cubicle etiquette, Dress etiquette, Business Etiquette, Handshake Etiquette, Guest
Etiquette, Party Etiquette, Business dining Etiquette, Gift giving and International business
Role-Plays, Cases, Lectures, Individual & Group Exercises, Films, Presentations by Students and
1. Eats, Shoots & Leaves (The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation), Lynne Truss,
Profile Books, Indian Edition: Viva Books, 2007.
2. The Power of Now, 1st Edition, Eckhart Tolle, Hodder Mobius, 2001
3. I’m O.K., You’re O.K., 1st Edition reprint, Dr. Thomas A. Harris, Harper Collins, 2004.
4. High School English Grammar & Composition, Revised Edition, Wren & Martin, edited
by: Prof. Dr. N.D.V.Prasad Rao, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 2006.
5. Advanced English Grammar, Revised Edition, Martin Hewings,Cambridge University
6. Common Errors in English, 1st Edition, Prof.S.Jagadisan & Dr. N. Murugaian,
Neelkamal Publications, 2002.
7. Concise Oxford Dictionary, 11th Edition, Edited by Catherine Soanes & Angus
Stevenson,Oxford University Press, 2004.
8. Roget’s Pocket Thesaurus, 10th Edition, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2008