The False Paradigm Model Is Introduced Under Depen

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The false paradigm model is introduced under dependency theory defined as the

preposition that developing countries have failed to develop because their development
strategies which usually given by foreign ethnocentric economists from developed
countries have been based on an incorrect model of development. In this method, it can
be viewed that the incorrect model mentioned causes underdevelopment of poor countries
around the world. The system designed only to serve the economic interest of countries’
rich and political elites from the four world class distinction by cooperating with one
another to maintain their own wealth. They do not promote development or equal
opportunity, instead the system provides dominants and exploitation. These model is
actually a clearer answer why countries weren't developing aside from the usual and
overuse explanation of not pursuing the correct economic policy or government is
authoritarian and corrupt. However, it is a fact that having a good system, policy or even
government doesn't always follow that there will be a development in the country. The
people have a great part of having a developed county. Furthermore this theory implies
that through the cooperation of the elites people from the four world class distinction:
Center of the Center, Periphery of the Center, Center of Periphery, and the Periphery of
the Periphery who have the control of the resources of each group makes the
development impossible to achieve. It emphasizes that removal of international and
domestic imbalances is the most effective way to deal with the diverse social problems
and accelerate the pace of economic growth through domestic and international reform,
accompanied by a judicious mixture of both public and private economic activity. How
could it be possible if in the past centuries government didn’t even .
it is a fact that having a good system, policy or even government doesn't always follow
that there will be a development in the country. The people have a great part of having a
developed county.

.... Difference sa theories natin

The false paradigm model is introduced under dependency theory defined as the
preposition that developing countries have failed to develop because their development
strategies which usually given by foreign ethnocentric economists from developed
countries have been based on an incorrect model of development. In this method, it can
be viewed that the incorrect model mentioned causes underdevelopment of poor countries
around the world. The system designed only to serve the economic interest of countries’
rich and political elites from the four world class distinction by cooperating with one
another to maintain their own wealth. They do not promote development or equal
opportunity, instead the system provides dominants and exploitation. These model is
actually a clearer answer why countries weren't developing aside from the usual and
overuse explanation of not pursuing the correct economic policy or government is
authoritarian and corrupt. However, this theory only talks about the system but doesn’t
give a concrete explanation of what this system actually is. In contrary to the theory that
we formulated, it is undeniably a fact that system is also accountable for the development
of a particular country, it is also in the shoulders of all the people to take part. A good
example would be the people of China and the China itself. Though this false-paradigm
model says that each group is clear divided between the rich and the poor and only the
rich or elite people have the control to all the resources. China is a actually a great model
of having a developed country. Seeing it in a big picture, its people not just sustain their
wealth but they share and care for one another which make the development grow over
time. They are not being dependent in other countries who belong to the more developed
and less developed countries. It is ridiculous that rich people in China are not only the
one who get wealthier and wealthier over time but all of them by obviously giving equal
development and opportunity to all the everyone. It’s indeed an unquestionable matter
why China is one of the developed countries around the globe. It’s not always the system,
it’s sometimes the people.

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