Sharing Waters in The Mekong River
Sharing Waters in The Mekong River
Sharing Waters in The Mekong River
Waters in
the Mekong
Chavez, Morales, Nepacina
● Quick Facts
● Significance of the
Mekong River
● Issues of the Mekong
● Mekong River Today
About the Mekong River
- Longest river in Southeast Asia, the 7th longest in Asia and the
12th longest river in the world
- length of about 2,700 miles (4,350 km)
- Rising in southeastern Qinghai province, China, it flows through
the eastern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Yunnan
province, after which it forms part of the international border
between Myanmar (Burma) and Laos, as well as between Laos and
- One of the most biologically diverse areas in the world next to the
Amazon River
- It contains full of natural resources including fishes and other
aquatic diversities living in that region
Significance ● Geographical
of the
● Natural
Mekong Resources
River ● Fisheries
Geographical Location
- Starting from the Tibetan Plateau, it spans
4,909km through the territories of Myanmar,
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
- the MRC has cooperated with - The two parties have also explored
Myanmar in improving the MRC’s potential for future technical
hydro‐meteorological coverage by cooperation.
exchanging relevant monitoring
and water-quality data and sharing
technical expertise in flood
prevention and management.
Cooperation Agreements (Partners)
The MRC works with many different partners under jointly funded
projects, under formal Memoranda of Understanding or in a research
● AFD Francaise De Developpement ● International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
● ASEAN Secretariat Asian Disaster ● IUCN - The World Conservation Union
Preparedness Center’ Asian Disaster ● National Center of Competence in Research
Preparedness Center (ADPC) North-South
● Australian Centre for International ● Center for Development and Environment; University
Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Consultative of Berne
Group on International Agriculture Research ● National Institute of Rural Engineering (NIRE), Japan
● Canadian Space Agency and the Natural ● Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA)
Resources Canada ● Network of Asian River Basin Organisations,
● European Commission Permanent International Navigation Association
● Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN ● Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre
● German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Southeast Asia START Regional Center (SEA START RC)
● Intergovernmental Organisation of the ● UN ESCAP (UN Economic and Social Commission for
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific Asia and the Pacific)
(NACA) ● UNESCO/IHE Institute for Water Education
● International Network of Basin Organisations Cooperation WorldFish Centre
International Network for Water and ● World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
Ecosystems in Paddy Fields (INWEPF) ● World Wide Fund for Nature
1. 1995 Mekong Agreement: the Agreement for the
Cooperation on the Sustainable Development of the
Mekong Basin, signed in April 1995
Ho Chi Minh City Declaration 2014 - Water, Energy and Food security
in the context of climate change for the Mekong River Basin
Themes of discussion:
- water governance
- monitoring and managing healthy rivers
- river food systems
- healthy landscapes and ecosystems
- and natural resources management/ conflict-prevention