Fitting Instruction
Fitting Instruction
Fitting Instruction
The Standard materials of construction are The “O” rings in contact with the product are
stainless steel with a non sparking bush of of Fluoroelastomer (CE), Ethylene Propylene
“Monel”. The faces are Silicon carbide running (BE) or FEP encapsulated fluoroelastomer
against carbon. (Silicon carbide against (LE). The seal plate gasket is in High
Tungsten carbide c an be supplied). Temperature composite.
1. The quench fluid must not react with the 4. Sealing lips are not normally intended to
sealed product and must be compatible run dry.
with the materials of the main and If steam or an inert gas is to be used as the
auxiliary seals. quench fluid, John Crane should be
2. On vacuum applications, the quench fluid consulted.
may contaminate the sealed product.
3. The pressure of the quench fluid at the
sealing lip (tyres U007 and U010) should
not exceed 0.7bar g (10 psig).
Shaft Sleeve Packing
Seal Plate
Cap Screw
Circlip ‘A’
Shaft Sleeve
Drive Collar
Setting Ring
Spring Sleeve
Circlip ‘B’
All necessary steps have been taken It is assumed that the user is aware of the
to ensure, so far as reasonably general requirements of his plant and the
practical, that this seal has been properties of the fluid to be sealed.
designed and manufactured to be Information is available from John Crane to
safe when properly used. advise on the selection and limitations of use
These instructions are, however, of this seal but the choice of seal for a
general in nature and it is important particular duty is solely the responsibility of
that users observe all statutory plant the user. If the user is in any doubt he should
and other safety requirements. consult John Crane before installing the seal.
BEFORE STARTING THE EQUIPMENT, looked at regularly for signs of leakage, a
ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY SAFETY correctly selected mechanical seal will
PROCEDURES ARE BEING OBSERVED. normally run for long periods without attention
In pumping applications, ensure that product and it should not be disturbed unnecessarily.
fluid is present at the seal before start-up. If leakage does occur, it should be attended to
Mechanical seals should not be run dry, even as soon as possible because the leakage
for short periods, if the operating speed is could become a hazard. It should be noted
high. On mixers or low speed applications, the that, whilst the leakage may be due to worn
seal may run dry even without a quench for seal faces or damaged packings, it could also
long periods of possibly continuously. If in be because of some change in duty
doubt contact your nearest john Crane conditions or some change in the equipment
representative. Although the seal should be such as worn bearings or increased vibration.
John Crane market a reconditioning kit for We do not recommend that you refurbish type
FFET seals which should be used when U007 or U010 seals, since the sealing lip
servicing is necessary. The kit contains requires special assembly techniques. In this
replacement faces, packings and circlips case, the complete seal should be returned to
together with the necessary hexagon key and John Crane for reconditioning. These seals
full instructions. Use of the kit will ensure that should not be refurbished without replacing
the seal is restored to full operating capability. the sealing lip.
Alternatively, if you have the facilities to relap Re-fitting the seal follows the same procedure
seal faces, a spares pack is available which as for fitting a new seal. If a setting ring is not
contains all the items listed above, except the available, the axial clearance must be set
replacement faces. before lightening the Cap Screws. When the
We do not recommend taking a seal apart seal is offered to the equipment, the spring
unless an appropriate kit is available. will push the shaft collar towards the seal
However, if this is done the “O” rings must be plate and engage the centring spigot thus
carefully inspected to ensure that they are ensuring concentricity. See figure 2. After the
suitable for further use. It is also possible that seal plate nuts have been tightened pull the
the faces will require relapping. If the seal is shaft collar back top the dimension shown and
removed from the shaft, even if not stripped, then tighten the Cap Screws.
the shaft “O” ring could be damaged and
should be replaced.