Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis
Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis
Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis
Objectives To evaluate whether lactate clearance and normalization during emergency care of pediatric sepsis is
associated with lower rates of persistent organ dysfunction.
Study design This was a prospective cohort study of 77 children <18 years of age in the emergency department
with infection and acute organ dysfunction per consensus definitions. In consented patients, lactate was measured
2 and/or 4 hours after an initial lactate; persistent organ dysfunction was assessed through laboratory and physician
evaluation at 48 hours. A decrease of $10% from initial to final level was considered lactate clearance; a final level
<2 mmol/L was considered lactate normalization. Relative risk (RR) with 95% CIs, adjusted in a log-binomial model,
was used to evaluate associations between lactate clearance/normalization and organ dysfunction.
Results Lactate normalized in 62 (81%) patients and cleared in 70 (91%). The primary outcome, persistent 48-hour
organ dysfunction, was present in 32 (42%). Lactate normalization was associated with decreased risk of persistent
organ dysfunction (RR 0.46, 0.29-0.73; adjusted RR 0.47, 0.29-0.78); lactate clearance was not (RR 0.70, 0.35-1.41;
adjusted RR 0.75, 0.38-1.50). The association between lactate normalization and decreased risk of persistent organ
dysfunction was retained in the subgroups with initial lactate $2 mmol/L and hypotension.
Conclusions In children with sepsis and organ dysfunction, lactate normalization within 4 hours was associated
with decreased persistent organ dysfunction. Serial lactate level measurement may provide a useful prognostic tool
during the first hours of resuscitation in pediatric sepsis. (J Pediatr 2015;-:---).
ore than 75 000 US children develop severe sepsis yearly, with US pediatric mortality rates of 10%-20%.1,2 Failure to
recognize and adequately resuscitate shock have been identified as causes of preventable morbidity.3,4 The ability to
initially identify the highest-risk children and to objectively monitor the progression of disease and success of therapy
at bedside is critical to the quality of sepsis care.
Elevated lactate, a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism, is associated with poor prognosis in sepsis, and changes in real time in
response to pathophysiology and resuscitation.5-8 Measuring and re-measuring lactate levels comprise 2 of 7 surviving sepsis
bundle elements whose implementation in adults has decreased mortality.9,10 A single elevated serum lactate level at the start of
emergency department (ED) care in pediatric sepsis is associated with a 5-fold increase in organ dysfunction risk, but no studies
have evaluated lactate clearance or normalization in early pediatric sepsis.6 Thus, this study sought to test whether a decrease in
serum lactate level during the first 4 hours of care is associated with lower rates of persistent organ dysfunction at 48 hours,
among pediatric ED patients with infection and acute organ dysfunction. The hypothesis was that patients with lactate
clearance and normalization would have lower rates of persistent organ dysfunction at 48 hours.
This was a prospective cohort study conducted at Children’s Hospital Colorado,
an academic pediatric referral center that treats >70 000 patients yearly in the ED.
The ED uses a sepsis resuscitation system, in which ED clinicians may activate a
coordinated, standardized, resuscitation response via page when they clinically From the 1Children’s Hospital Colorado; 2Section of
Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
determine that a patient has suspected sepsis with decreased mental status or University of Colorado School of Medicine; 3Colorado
perfusion. Measuring a lactate level is recommended but not required in cases School of Public Health; 4Adult and Child Center for
Outcomes Research and Delivery Science, University of
of suspected septic shock. Internal continuous quality improvement data show Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado; and
Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School
that lactate is tested in 60% of cases of suspected sepsis and 75% of cases of septic of Medicine, Aurora, CO
Supported by the Thrasher Research Fund, Early Career
Award (11363 [PI: H.S.]). The REDCap database used in
this study is supported by Colorado Clinical & Transla-
tional Sciences Institute with the Development and
ED Emergency department Informatics Service Center by the National Institutes of
ICU Intensive care unit Health/National Center for Research Resources (UL1
TR001082). The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
PELOD Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction
REDCap Research Electronic Data Capture 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. Copyright ª 2015 Elsevier Inc. All
RR Relative risk rights reserved.
shock with hypotension.11 Children who presented for care University of Colorado. REDCap is a secure, web-based
to the ED were eligible if they were <18 years old, had a lactate application designed to support data capture for research
level measured by their treating physician, had suspected studies.15 Data were then exported for analysis from REDCap
infection as identified by their treating physician, and met to SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina).
organ dysfunction criteria in the ED. Published consensus Clinicians were blinded to laboratory results collected for
definitions for organ dysfunction were used (Table I; the study and treatment was performed according to
available at Children with inborn errors standard of care.
of metabolism and children whose ED care occurred
between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., which was outside of Measures
enrollment hours, were excluded. Activation of the sepsis When both 2- and 4-hour lactate levels were both
resuscitation system was not required for enrollment in the collected, the 4-hour value was used to determine lactate
study. This study was approved by the Colorado Multiple clearance and lactate normalization status. Lactate clearance
Institutional Review Board. was defined according to published definitions as a
Research assistants identified potential subjects who had a decrease in serum lactate of $10% between first and
lactate level measured during their ED care. Treating second measurement in patients with initial lactate
physicians were then asked to complete a screening form to $2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL), or a second measurement
identify whether infection was suspected and to assess <2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL) in patients with initial lactate
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients meeting inclusion <2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL).13,16 Lactate normalization was a
criteria were then approached for written informed consent second lactate level that was <2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL).16 The
from the parents or guardians of the subjects, and when primary outcome measure was at least one organ dysfunction
appropriate, assent was obtained from the children persisting $48 hours after triage time.
themselves. Organ dysfunction was defined using international
After consenting patients were enrolled, serial venous pediatric sepsis consensus definitions (Table I).12 In this
lactate levels were measured. Attempts to collect lactate levels study, elevated lactate was not considered part of the
occurred 2 and 4 hours after the original (nonstudy) clinical outcome of organ dysfunction. The Pediatric Logistic
lactate level was collected. Although both the 2- and 4-hour Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) score, a validated measure of
measurements were preferred, a collection at a minimum organ dysfunction and mortality risk in children, was
of one of these times was considered acceptable for calculated for the first hospital day to assess severity of
continuation in the study. This approach reflects Surviving presenting illness. PELOD is a score that uses weighted
Sepsis Guidelines that recommend a repeat lactate measures of organ dysfunction to predict mortality among
measurement during the first 6 hours of care but do not pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) patients.17,18
specify a precise timepoint for collection, reflecting clinical
realities of acute resuscitation and challenges of vascular ac- Statistical Analyses
cess.9,13 Consistent with prior studies, venous lactate levels Data were summarized using standard descriptive statistics.
were collected by nurses at the same time as collection of Continuous outcomes were compared with Wilcoxon
other clinical samples, using standard institutional rank-sum, including ventilator-days, vasopressor-days,
procedures for collection of blood samples, and tourniquets organ-dysfunction-days, and length of stay in hospital and
were permitted.6,13,14 Blood gas syringes for measurement of intensive care. Dichotomous outcomes such as mortality,
lactate were immediately placed on ice and levels measured in vasopressor requirement, intubation, and disposition to the
the Children’s Hospital Colorado laboratory, an accredited ICU were compared with the Fisher exact statistic.
laboratory with quality control procedures, using the The sample size was determined based on the planned anal-
Siemens Rapidlab 1265 (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics ysis for the comparison of presence of 48-hour organ dysfunc-
Inc, Tarrytown, New York). tion between lactate clearance and nonclearance groups,
The consensus definitions for organ dysfunction use using the Fisher exact statistic. Based on pediatric and adult
clinical, laboratory, and physical examination findings.12 studies of lactate in sepsis, it was estimated that 33% of sub-
Laboratory tests required to assess organ dysfunction jects would not have lactate clearance and that 40% of those
were collected 48 hours after the initial lactate. Physical without lactate clearance would have 48-hour organ dysfunc-
examination findings required to assess organ dysfunction tion; 5% of the group with lactate clearance would have
were recorded on a data collection form by the patient’s 48-hour organ dysfunction.6,13,19 With a sample size of 78
attending physician at 48 hours. Patients who were total patients, this would provide 80% power to detect this
discharged from medical care prior to 48 hours had clinical difference with a 2-tailed alpha of 0.05.
and laboratory assessments for organ dysfunction completed To assess potential confounding effects of select variables
immediately prior to discharge. Additional clinical data on the association of lactate normalization with prolonged
including vital signs, laboratory results, hospital course, organ dysfunction, an adjusted relative risk (RR) was
and treatments were obtained via structured chart calculated using the log-binomial model with backward
abstraction. Study data were collected and managed using elimination. Covariates were selected based on biological
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap), hosted at the plausibility, prior studies, and univariate association with
2 Scott et al
the outcome. Covariates were retained in the model that (Figure 1; available at In 8 enrolled
changed the base model RR by 10% or greater. patients, a second lactate level was unable to be collected
Several subgroup analyses were planned a priori, including before hour 4 because of intravenous access and active
of the subgroup of patients with an initial lactate level resuscitation procedures; these patients were excluded from
$2.0 mmol/L (18 mg/dL). In order to test whether lactate analysis (Table II; available at In 1 of
clearance and normalization added prognostic value to clinical these 8 patients, this was noted after study enrollment had
risk-stratification, subgroup analyses of subjects with and closed, resulting in a population of 77 analyzable subjects,
without ED hypotension, and subjects with and without ED instead of the intended 78.
sepsis resuscitation activations were planned a priori. Activation Lactate normalized in 62 (81%) patients and cleared in
of a sepsis resuscitation served as a marker for clinical risk 70 (91%). Study population characteristics, including
assessment, representing the highest level of resources and differences between subjects with and without lactate
care for septic shock available to clinicians at their discretion. normalization are shown in Table III, and differences
between subjects with and without lactate clearance are
Results shown in Table IV (available at The
primary outcome, organ dysfunction at 48 hours, was
Of 600 patients with an initial clinical lactate level collected present in 32 (42%) patients. Consistent with the study
by clinicians, 110 were eligible for inclusion, and 85 subjects hypothesis, lactate normalization was significantly
were enrolled between April 2012 and September 2014 associated with decreased risk of persistent organ
Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis 3
Figure 2. Proportion of subjects with persistent organ dysfunction at 48 hours. The number of subjects with persistent organ
dysfunction out of the total number of subjects in a given group is indicated with a fraction. Fisher exact test used to calculate
P values. *Indicates significant associations.
dysfunction, with an unadjusted RR of 0.46 (95% CI: Of the 48 patients who had both the 2- and 4-hour lactate
0.29-0.73) (Figure 2). Although lower rates of organ level tested, 43 (89.6%) were concordant for lactate
dysfunction were seen in patients with lactate clearance, normalization status between the 2 times, with a kappa of
these differences did not reach statistical significance, with 0.73 (0.51-0.95). There were only 5 (6.5%) patients in
unadjusted RR of 0.70 (0.35-1.41), which did not support whom lactate normalization status differed between 2
the study hypothesis. These associations were similar in the and 4 hours; with so few patients driving the difference, the
subgroup of patients with an elevated initial lactate 2- and 4-hour lactate normalization groups were not
(Figure 2). analyzed separately. In 4 of these 5 cases where the 2- and
The initial variables included in the log-binomial model 4-hour lactate normalization status differed, the 4-hour
were: age, PELOD score, chronic medical condition, time lactate level correctly predicted 48-hour organ dysfunction.
to antibiotics, and volume of isotonic fluid delivered/patient The median ED length of stay in the study population was
weight. Inclusion of initial lactate in the model was hours (IQR 2.4-5.8 hours).
considered, but it demonstrated collinearity with the Median initial lactate levels were similar when collected
predictors, and models including initial lactate did not satisfy from central and peripheral venous catheters, overall and
maximum likelihood convergence criteria so it was not when grouped according to initial PELOD score (Table V;
included. After iterative removal of variables that did not available at In addition to starting at a
change the base RR by at least 10%, the final model included: lower median lactate level, there was a larger median
age, initial PELOD score, chronic medical condition, as well absolute and relative decrease in lactate level between the
as lactate clearance or lactate normalization. The adjusted RR first and final measurements in the lactate normalization
for the association between lactate normalization and pro- group than in the lactate non-normalization group
longed organ dysfunction was 0.47 (95% CI 0.29-0.78). The (Table VI; available at
adjusted RR for lactate clearance was 0.75 (95% CI 0.38-
1.50). Discussion
Among patients with ED hypotension, failure to normalize
lactate was associated with a significantly increased risk of This study provides evidence that serial lactate measurements
persistent organ dysfunction (Figure 3). Among patients may add useful prognostic information in the first hours of
without sepsis activations, failure to normalize lactate was pediatric sepsis care in a non-ICU setting. These are critical
also associated with an increased risk of persistent organ hours when lapses in care, and subsequent preventable
dysfunction (Figure 3). morbidity, are frequently due to failure in recognizing
4 Scott et al
Figure 3. Subgroup analyses: lactate normalization and percent of subjects with persistent organ dysfunction at 48 hours in
subjects with and without ED hypotension and with and without an ED sepsis resuscitation activation. A sepsis activation
indicates that a clinician has identified the patient as requiring emergent critical resuscitation. The number of subjects with
persistent organ dysfunction out of the total number of subjects in a given group is indicated with a fraction. Fisher exact test
used to calculate P values. *Indicates significant associations.
severity of illness.3,4 It is also a time when advanced, invasive hours of emergency pediatric sepsis care. Normalization of
monitoring techniques may be physically unavailable or not lactate by 4 hours of arrival may be more easily adopted by
yet in place. The current study demonstrated that lactate clinicians than levels over the first 6-24 hours after admission
normalization is associated with a decreased risk of or area under the lactate curve, which previous studies have
prolonged organ dysfunction at 48 hours in ED patients used.7,8,23
with suspected sepsis and organ dysfunction. Recent studies converge to highlight the critical need for
In addition, this study suggests that lactate normalization objective measures with which to diagnose pediatric septic
remains associated with prolonged organ dysfunction among shock and monitor progression of disease and response to
patients in clinically relevant subgroups. In the cohort of therapy. Research sheds doubt on the ability of the physical
patients considered lower-acuity by physicians (in whom examination and Systemic Inflammatory Response
physicians did not activate the sepsis resuscitation system), Syndrome vital signs to diagnose septic shock and identify
failure to normalize lactate was significantly associated with the precise hemodynamic state of a patient.24-26 Concerns
persistent organ dysfunction, demonstrating the potential that intravenous fluid resuscitation may cause harm in
for lactate clearance measurements to identify patients not certain populations highlight the need for precise tailoring
identified by physicians at this site for sepsis resuscitation. of fluid resuscitation to each patient.27 Although lactate
Similarly, failure to normalize lactate conferred significant normalization does not precisely describe a hemodynamic
additional risk in patients with hypotension in the ED. state, it is an objective, inexpensive, and minimally invasive
Patients with hypotension and failure to normalize lactate measure capable of informing bedside clinicians in
were the highest-risk cohort in this study, consistent with real-time whether a patient is grossly improving or worsening
adult sepsis studies.20 As a high-morbidity cohort, this is an in their care. The addition of lactate clearance as a clinical
important group to identify clinically and could be target of care to a bundle of resuscitation elements
well-suited for future prospective research trials. implemented in the care of adults with septic shock reduced
These findings are consistent with previous studies of the risk of death; further studies are needed to determine
lactate. Lactate clearance has been associated with improved whether its use would improve outcomes in pediatric septic
outcomes in wide-ranging populations and conditions shock as well.10
including adult sepsis, trauma, and pediatric cardiac Central venous oxygen saturation monitoring and
surgery.13,21-23 The current study lends insight into the first ultrasound-based monitoring during pediatric sepsis
Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis 5
improved outcomes.28,29 Although promising, these tech- well. Although in the study there were lower rates of organ
niques require specialized equipment and technical dysfunction in patients with lactate clearance, the association
proficiency. Lactate testing requires little skill and is widely was not statistically significant; given the lower rates of lactate
available, making it more likely to be implemented as an clearance seen in the study than used in the a priori power
approach to enhanced monitoring. calculations, a larger sample size might have better powered
In this study, there were not significant differences in the study to determine the significance of this association.
volume of fluid resuscitation between cohorts with and The difference in time to antibiotic, which was longer but
without lactate normalization, suggesting that normalization not significantly so in the non-normalization cohort, might
was not only a direct reflection of volume of fluid be statistically significant with a larger sample size. Adult
delivered. Shock resuscitation depends on tailoring fluid definitions for lactate clearance and normalization were
delivery and vasoactive choice and timing to individual adopted for this study; a larger study could potentially
patient condition, and it may be that the patients who discern thresholds with improved test characteristics for
normalized lactate were receiving therapies better targeted pediatrics.
to their specific hemodynamic state, not simply receiving This is an observational study in which results have
more. potential to be confounded by the care delivered. However,
Patients included in this study met strict organ measures of the quality of care such as volume of fluid
dysfunction definitions in the ED, making them more resuscitation and timeliness of antibiotic delivery were
severely ill than many patients who benefit from sepsis included in the original binomial model before
treatment but who are not yet demonstrating end-organ refinement, and these variables did not significantly
effects. In addition, patients were enrolled after a clinical influence the association between lactate normalization and
lactate specimen was collected. Thus, the study results reflect outcome.
the utility of lactate normalization only in a population in Sample collection at both 2 and 4 hours was not possible in
whom physicians are concerned enough to measure a lactate all patients. Although research assistants were prompting
level. Practices in measuring lactate vary, thus, potentially sample collection, difficult intravenous access and competing
adversely affecting external generalizability of the study, needs of critical resuscitation prevented collection in many
although diagnosis and treatment of sepsis currently depend cases. The characteristics of patients excluded from analysis
upon physician suspicion. The study population is similar to because of difficulty obtaining the sample are similar to the
the populations of previous studies of tertiary pediatric ED overall study population (Table II). Using samples
patients with sepsis, including age, mortality rates, infectious collected at 2 or 4 hours in this analysis is consistent with
source, and proportions with medical complexity.30-32 The adult literature, in which a repeat lactate level was
use of clinical impression of infection as part of the measured at any point within the first 6 hours of care.13,19
framework to identify patients with sepsis reflects all The significance of the lactate measurements in this study,
published sepsis treatment guidelines because patients must despite the imprecision of sample collection in the first
receive lifesaving treatment before a microbiological hours of critical resuscitation, suggests that these
diagnosis is available.9,33 measurements may be effective in a chaotic ED setting.
During study enrollment, an updated PELOD-2 score was There was good agreement between a 2- and 4-hour lactate
published. Because a major innovation in the new score was level. Research samples were collected along with clinical
the addition of a lactate level, the original PELOD score was samples, reflecting that this test is effective when collected
retained for this study so as to avoid collinearity in the under real-world clinical conditions and is consistent with
model.34 The inclusion of lactate in the PELOD-2 score is prior studies validating that lactate levels are meaningful
in keeping with our findings that lactate levels add additional and accurate despite tourniquet use, prolonged in vitro
prognostic value to existing risk factors. time, and venous sampling.35
The power of the study was limited by the size and the fact Preventable pediatric deaths from sepsis are frequently due
that rates of lactate clearance were higher than estimated in a to failure to recognize or aggressively treat a shock state. A
priori sample size calculations. Sample size calculations were physiologic measure of the progression of disease and success
based on a previous study of lactate in pediatric sepsis, of therapy has potential to improve sepsis treatment at the
conducted prior to pediatric sepsis quality improvement bedside. This study suggests that measurement of serial
programs, which have improved care, likely resulting in lactate levels in the first 4 hours of treatment of pediatric
higher rates of lactate clearance than had been present sepsis may be a useful indicator of prognosis. As research
historically.6 Compared with published studies of lactate to better characterize and precisely target therapies in
clearance in adult patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, pediatric sepsis to individual hemodynamic states continues,
this study population had higher rates of lactate clearance, future trials might be designed to test the use of serial lactate
likely because of lower overall illness severity.5,10 However, measurements to guide therapy. n
lactate levels reflect multifactorial perfusion and metabolic
processes, and the pathophysiology of sepsis changes with We acknowledge the contributions of Kendra Kocher, Kathleen Grice,
age, so there may be physiologic reasons that lactate clearance and Mimi Goodwin (University of Colorado; funded by the
might be more easily achieved in a pediatric population as Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award [11363]) in training
6 Scott et al
and supervising research assistants, supervising data entry and 17. Leteurtre S, Martinot A, Duhamel A, Gauvin F, Grandbastien B,
compliance, and assisting with manuscript preparation. Thi Vu N, et al. Development of a pediatric multiple organ dysfunction
score: use of two strategies. Med Decis Making 1999;19:399-410.
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accepted Nov 24, 2015. Cotting J, et al. Validation of the paediatric logistic organ dysfunction
(PELOD) score: prospective, observational, multicentre study. Lancet
Reprint requests: Halden F. Scott, MD, Children’s Hospital Colorado, 13123 E
16th Ave, B251, Aurora, CO 80045. E-mail: halden.scott@childrenscolorado. 2003;362:192-7.
org 19. Jones AE, Shapiro NI, Trzeciak S, Arnold RC, Claremont HA, Kline JA,
et al. Lactate clearance vs central venous oxygen saturation as goals of
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Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis 7
(n = 546, 91.0%)
(n = 110, 20.1%)
(n = 85, 77%)
7.e1 Scott et al
Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis 7.e2
Continuous and ordinal variables reported as median [IQR], categorical variables reported with (percentage). P values calculated with Fisher exact statistic for categorical variables and Wilcoxon
rank-sum for continuous variables.
All microbiologic sources and chronic conditions in all subjects are listed, with some subjects having multiple sources and conditions.
*Indicates significance to the level of P < .05.
All patients, and patients with PELOD score #10 and >10 are shown.
7.e3 Scott et al
Table VI. Absolute and relative change in lactate level from the first to the final lactate level, by clearance and
normalization status
Lactate clearance Lactate nonclearance Lactate normalization Lactate non-normalization
(n = 70) (n = 7) (n = 62) (n = 15)
Absolute change in lactate level 0.73 mmol/L [ 0.3, 1.55] 0.55 mmol/L [0.47, 1.69] 0.58 mmol/L [ 0.27, 1.44] 0.33 mmol/L [ .19, .58]
% change in lactate level 32.1% [ 19.5, 55.2%] 35.3% [16.0, 61.9%] 33.4% [ 19.4, 58.1%] 11.9% [35.2%, 30.6%]
Lactate Clearance and Normalization and Prolonged Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Sepsis 7.e4