Information Systems For Public Sector Management: Working Paper Series
Information Systems For Public Sector Management: Working Paper Series
Information Systems For Public Sector Management: Working Paper Series
Information Systems
and Public Sector
July 1998
ISBN: 1 902518 02 0
Abstract.................................................................................... 1
2. DEFINING ACCOUNTABILITY.................................................... 6
5. CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................. 21
5a. IT, IS and Accountability .................................................... 21
5b. Achieving Accountability .................................................... 22
5c. Implications for Information Systems Design....................... 23
REFERENCES .................................................................................... 25
Information Systems and Public Sector
Richard Heeks
IDPM, University of Manchester, UK
[email protected]
Public sector reform is, if generally defined, change within public sector organisations
(PSOs) that seeks to improve their performance. As such, public sector reform has
been an ongoing process since the inception of institutions that we might now label
'public sector'.
If all had been well in the public sector, no consistent trend, let alone ideology, of
reform would have emerged. However, a perception of problems with the public
sector, even of crisis in some countries, emerged during the 1970s. The perceived
problems were focused on:
• Outputs. Finally, there was a perceived problem with outputs. Concerns were
widespread in a number of countries that the public sector was not delivering what
it should, from adequate defence and control of crime through support for
agriculture and industry to health, education, housing, social welfare and a hundred
other responsibilities.
The sense of difficulties came to cover both what the public sector was doing (the
public sector's role) and also how it was doing it (public sector organisation and
A renewed ideology
If there had been no ideological peg on which to hang many of the trends of change
within the public sector, reform measures would have been less clearly recognised and
probably less strongly promoted. Such a peg emerged slowly after the Second World
War and with gathering pace from the 1970s in the form of 'neo-liberalism'. Neo-
liberalism is a resurgence in the ideas of liberalism that can be traced back to John
Locke and Adam Smith in, respectively, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It
provides a substantial theoretical framework that can be used to justify a set of public
sector reforms.
In its crudest form - 'market good, government bad' - neo-liberal thinking emphasises
what it sees as the economic efficiency of markets and the forces of competition and
individual decisions. It also emphasises what it sees as the inefficiency of governments
and the forces of collective, planned intervention. Three particulars flow from this
• that, wherever possible, there should be a 'rolling back of the state'; in other words,
the replacement of the state with privately-owned institutions
• that the main justification for the continued existence of the state is its role in
helping markets to function more efficiently
• that, where state institutions remain, they should, wherever possible, be opened up
to true or quasi-market forces of competition.
Neo-liberalism therefore had something to say not just about the role of the public
sector, but also about the way in which it might be organised and managed.
A sense of crisis and an ideology of reform are necessary, but not sufficient conditions
for reform. There must also be a third element: that of the political will and power to
enact reform. Three main components of the political economy in most countries can
be identified that influence this.
• The populus at large has often borne the brunt of public sector crisis, has typically
longed for reform, but has had only limited political capacity to have those reforms
• Politicians and public servants have often been divided, with conflict between
those supporting and those resisting reform.
• Local and global capital has sometimes been divided but has more generally
sought reform in the belief that this will reduce business costs and increase
transaction speed.
These agencies have the political will to pursue reform because they are largely
driven by a neo-liberal agenda. Reform measures concerned with government
policy include: removing trade barriers, encouraging foreign investment, floating
the local currency, privatising government-owned enterprises, and so on. Other
measures - often falling under the wider heading of 'good governance' - are
basically those of public sector reform outlined below in section 1a, which aim to
improve the internal workings of the public sector.
1a. Components of Public Sector Reform
Where public sector crisis prompted the call "Something should be done", neo-liberal
ideology provided the response "Something can be done" and, in some situations,
political driving forces demanded that "Something will be done". This "something"
has come in the form of various measures that fall collectively under the heading of
'public sector reform'.
The interest in accountability within public sector reform was defined above as a desire
to make public sector staff more accountable for their decisions and actions. In more
detail, this means:
• that some set of recipients receives information about the outcomes of decisions
made by identified individuals who are source decision makers
• that those sources can be made to explain their decisions
• and that some sanctions can be imposed if the explanations are unsatisfactory.
• Financial accountability: to those institutions that provide the financing for the
organisation. For example, project managers may be held accountable by a
funding organisation for the expenditure on their project.
Other accountabilities (Lawton & Rose 1991) include the professional accountability
of staff to their professional peer group (e.g. social workers to other social workers);
and legal accountability to the judiciary. All of these accountabilities are illustrated in
figure 1.
Figure 1: Accountabilities in the Public Sector
Senior Judiciary
Managerial Legal
Finance Providers
Donors, Etc.)
Within public sector organisations, accountability is often that of the individual for
decisions made. Where accountability runs outside the organisation to other
recipients, accountability is often aggregated to the level of the whole organisation. In
other words, the whole organisation is somehow seen as accountable for the actions of
its staff. Even in this case, individual senior staff may be held accountable by the
external recipients. Those senior staff, in turn, may hold more junior individuals
responsible within the organisation for externally-reported decisions and outcomes.
To what extent can the use of new computerised information systems support these
various accountabilities? Evidence is drawn here from a number of cases, from which
emerge four principal accountability impacts associated with information systems,
particularly computerised information systems:
• essential support for accountability
• support for less than accountability
• alteration of the balance of accountabilities, and
• undermining of accountability.
These will now be investigated in turn. In each case, an attempt will be made to
disentangle the broader role of information systems and the narrower role of
information technology.
instance, computerisation provided automated monitoring and comparison functions
that would have been very hard to achieve using a non-computerised system (Heeks
However, computers are by no means always needed. One system of bringing local
government officials in India to account used paper copies of financial statements
pasted up in a public place, with no computers involved (Bajaj & Sharma 1995).
Openness Reporting
Information technology has tended to be used mainly to help create reporting or, to a
lesser extent, openness information systems. It is rarely possible for IT to be applied
in a full accountability system that automates control.
This result has been seen particularly in the case of new information systems that are
information technology-based and of powerful groups that are external to the PSO,
such as:
• Donors. Funding agencies have been particularly active in formalising
accountability relationships through the introduction of new computerised
information systems:
Evidence indicates that such computerised systems will tend to drive out other
information systems and channels (Burns 1984, Avgerou & Mulira 1996, Sahay 1996).
This occurs for a number of reasons:
There may also be a shift in focus from internal management to external groups. This
has long been a problem with the external reporting of information in the public sector:
that it consumes a large amount of internal resource, yet tends to undermine internal
information systems and internal management processes (Rathore 1977, Lucas 1994).
Internal information needs may be forgotten or, at best, be satisfied only where they
overlap with the provisions of these external information systems.
This overlap between external information provision and internal information needs
may be limited. Public sector systems for external reporting of accounts, for example,
generally have to adhere to specified strict accounting principles, many of which are
not relevant to internal needs. More than this, as noted below, there are frequent
pressures to falsify externally-reported information.
Some public sector organisations have been driven to maintain two separate
information systems: one for external consumption, and the real figures for internal
use. Examples have been presented to the author from the public sector in one East
African and one South Asian nation. In the former case, senior civil servants used one
set of information for their own management purposes. A different set of information
- mainly personnel and financial - was used to provide donors with a 'rosier-than-
reality' picture of the progress of public sector reform.
In other cases, the situation might be reversed. The imposition of information systems
may derive internally where, for example, a powerful senior manager pushes through
their introduction. Again, there is likely be a growing imbalance of accountability in
these situations, in this case away from external groups and institutions towards
internal senior management.
Three scenarios have therefore been described that result from the introduction of new
information systems, each of which leads to a shift in accountabilities:
• between external groups
• from internal management to particular external groups
• from external groups to internal management.
In all three cases, there is a process of polarisation in which the public at large - as
both citizens and clients - are the 'accountability losers'.
As noted, these shifts can take place without the introduction of information
technology. However, many of the new information systems are computer-based, and
computerisation seems to give a boost to the imbalances of accountability that
develop. This is ironic since much has been made of the potential for IT to create a
greater direct accountability of PSOs to the public. There are, for instance, systems
that provide public sector information via the Internet in many countries. Yet the
information provided in such systems often consists of details about how to apply for
public services; regulations governing business; and rose-tinted press releases
('cyberganda'). The presence of all this information helps divert attention from the fact
that only rarely do such systems provide the type of information that allows public
servants to be held to account.
This imbalance against the public is unlikely to be redressed unless the mass media
plays a role (Roy 1996). This role must be that of receiving, interpreting and
publicising accountability information, and then of pressurising public officials on
behalf of citizens.
3d. Undermining of Accountability
From the previous sub-section, we may conclude that information systems in general
can skew the balance of public sector accountabilities. Computerised information
systems seem especially likely to contribute to this skew. Continuing the specific
focus on information technology, potential impacts are discussed below which may
sometimes undermine the whole process of accountability.
Computerisation may be associated with a loss of paper records, and this can have a
significant impact on accountability. As Cain (1996) points out, computerised records
currently provide a far poorer basis for accountability than paper-based records
because of their intangibility and malleability. Unless there is a concerted and
continuing effort to maintain paper records, accountability can be undermined with the
advent of computerisation.
Where they know they are being judged by others on the basis of the data provided,
sources will tend to provide inaccurate data (Whetton 1986, Chambers 1996,
Chepaitis 1996). The expectation is therefore that large amounts of the information
provided by accountability information systems cannot be relied upon.
The problem with computerisation is that the introduction of IT per se has little effect
on data quality. Worse, the - often inaccurate - data within computerised
accountability systems is given credibility because of the perceived objectivity of
computers. Computerisation can lead recipients to believe in inaccurate accountability
information, thus undermining the process of accountability.
Even if the data is accurate, there may be problems because of the way in which
computerised systems tend to drive out other information channels. Where
accountability IS are computer-based, recipients may increasingly take the
accountability IS data at face value and may base accountability decisions on it alone.
Where recipients ignore other information channels and fail to cross-check via informal
consultations, the validity of the accountability process is likely to suffer.
Increased opportunities for corruption
Although one might look forward to the day when PCs are locked up in jail for their
misdemeanours, information technology cannot be held accountable for its actions.
Mistakes are frequently and conveniently blamed on 'computer errors' or 'software
bugs' but, in law and in current reality, this is not reasonable. Such mistakes can
almost always be traced back to a human root.
The problem for accountability, to the delight of the lawyers, is the difficulty of which
human root to trace it back to. A faulty decision outcome arising from use of a typical
management support system (MSS) could derive from many sources, including:
• MSS development problems, such as poor analysis or poor specification or poor
design of the system
• MSS implementation problems, such as the introduction of a software bug or
inadequate training
• sub-standard manufacture of the MSS hardware, such as the installation of a faulty
• MSS operational problems, such as mistyping or poor maintenance or virus
• MSS use problems, such as human error by the manager making use of the system
Each source in itself can be many-layered. For example, if the software system has a
bug that leads to damaging decisions, who is to be held accountable: the programmer
who put in the bug; the system tester who failed to spot it; the system designer who
chose that particular programming language and complex software design; the project
manager overseeing the whole process; the PSO manager who commissioned the
system; etc.?
The use of computerised information systems in decision making can therefore cloud
more than clarify accountability.
Political Economic
Strategies Structure
Information System
People Processes
Hardware Software
Data Knowledge
Politics Culture
Each one of this diagram's factors, alone or in combination, can be seen to have an
effect on accountability outcomes. Here, the factors will be discussed under four
Source factors
• People. Over and above most other factors, there must be a motivation of public
servants to act accountably. This, in turn, depends on many other factors such as
current rewards within the job for performing well; the likelihood of detection and
punishment for wrong-doing; and the organisational culture's viewpoint on
Recipient factors
• People. Those wishing to hold public servants accountable must have the skills to
access information systems and interpret results. They must also be motivated to
hold public servants accountable. This last point cannot always be assumed: some
public information systems in the West are marked less by the enthusiasm of a
minority of citizens than by the apathy and disinterest of the majority.
• Management. Those wishing to hold public servants accountable must have the
authority to demand explanations from public servants, and to affect those public
servants with their subsequent actions. Appropriate structures must therefore be in
place to permit this. Taking a UK example, one of the aims of the Citizen's
Charter - besides publicising information about performance - has been to create an
easy-to-use complaints and feedback system.
• Processes. Comparison and control processes must exist that allow recipients to
interpret accountability information in the light of performance standards; to
communicate with public servants in order to supplement the formal accountability
information with informal contextual information; and then to decide upon and
implement appropriate control actions.
Returning to an earlier example, the rural poor in the state of Rajasthan in India
undertook an accountability action (Roy 1996). Here, the people components were
definitely in place as regards the recipients, who had a deep desire to hold public
servants accountable for money that was being corruptly diverted from development
projects. However, the management authority, structures and processes to then call
the public servants to account and affect them with actions were not present. This is
therefore a case of openness without accountability: new information flows made
citizens aware of wrong-doing by public servants, but they had little ability to interact
with the public servants and little power to correct those wrong-doings.
The method of design strongly shapes the design and operation of the information
system it produces (Bhatnagar 1986, Braa 1996). The designers of an accountability
information systems must therefore themselves be accountable to the intended
recipients of accountability information.
In some cases, this is so. Where central government or donor organisations introduce
an accountability information system, for example, they often fund it and 'call the shots'
as far as system design is concerned.
The same is less likely to be true of managerial or public accountability systems. Here,
the systems designers may have little meaningful interaction with the intended
recipients. Instead, they design the information system to the requirements they
believe the recipients have, or to the requirements of the source decision makers. In
either case, the resulting information system may not support accountability.
Taking the Indian case (Roy 1996) once again, accountability information systems
were largely shaped by an organisational politics of self-interest and a culture of
corruption prior to the actions of a non-government organisation (the MKSS:
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan) in pressurising government for more access to
information. In theory, before the MKSS' actions, there were accountability systems
passing information up to higher levels within the public sector organisations involved
and to external, central government institutions. In practice, the politics and culture
ensured there was no accountability because the information transmitted was largely
false and because higher levels were not motivated to try to hold development staff
The actions of institutions in this case - the MKSS on behalf of the rural poor of
Rajasthan and, probably much more importantly, the mass media that picked up the
story and publicised it - changed the external environment, and led to changes at the
level of the state government. However, this did little to effect the ongoing politics
and culture. Overall, then, negligible progress was actually made in holding public
servants accountable.
Information technology may not be essential to accountability, but the same is not true
of information and information systems. Information flows (hence, information
systems) enable accountability and are essential to it. Nevertheless, like IT,
information systems are flexible and have no pre-determined impact on accountability.
In some cases, new information systems have been associated with positive
accountability outcomes for certain stakeholders. In other cases, though, even when a
working information system is produced, there may be components of IS failure, such
• goals unattained for particular stakeholders: this will occur, for example, if the
new IS only assists reporting rather than accountability, or if the new IS
undermines accountability by giving credibility to inaccurate data
• undesirable outcomes for particular stakeholders: this will occur, for example, if
the introduction of a donor-oriented IS leads to a reduction in accountability to the
In all, we may conclude that information systems, particularly their technology
component, have had only a limited positive impact on accountability initiatives in the
public sector.
Thus, not surprisingly, accountability outcomes associated with IT are not equal
across all types of accountability but have tended to follow existing distributions of
power. As a generalisation, computerised accountability IS initiatives in the public
sector appear to have supported:
• financial accountability to some extent
• managerial accountability to a limited extent
• political accountability to a very limited extent, and
• public accountability hardly at all.
This hierarchy typically reflects the hierarchy of political will and power identified in
section 1.
For any type of accountability to be achieved, there must a fit between all the factors
identified in section 4, including:
• the process of information systems design
• the technology; the skills and processes of the information system
• personal motivations of the stakeholders
• management strategies and values
• organisational structures, politics and culture.
Within each of these changes, there will be inertia at work that will tend to reinforce
the status quo, such as:
• a technological inertia because of the high financial and skills costs of introducing
IT or of changing the current computing architecture
• a management inertia because managers are used to making work decisions,
including those on information systems, in a particular way
• a political inertia because those involved will not wish to give up their information
and power by becoming more accountable.
It is possible to overcome such inertia, but only where change is driven from an
environmental and organisational level. In other words, referring back to figure 3,
change will be driven from the outer shells inward far more easily than it can be driven
from the inner shells outward.
In practice, this means that successful accountability initiatives will require consensus
amongst the key stakeholders about the desirability of accountability. Such consensus
may derive from factors within the organisation (such as self-interest, and reward and
punishment systems) or from outside the organisation (such as pressure from
politicians, international organisations, or the public via the mass media). Where such
consensus is absent, the risk of failure is high for any accountability IS project.
The role of the IS design method in determining accountability outcomes has been
described above. In this final section, though, the focus will be on stakeholder
perceptions of likely accountability outcomes, and the impact of those perceptions on
IS design.
Although the impact may be limited in practice, public servants often perceive that
new information systems - especially computerised information systems - are going to
have a have significant effect of increasing accountability (and, hence, reducing
corruption). These perceptions will feed into the process of planning any new
information system. The effect of these perceptions is likely to be particularly marked
where a new computer system is being introduced in the presence of practices that are
currently unaccountable.
For instance, in one Asian government's pensions office, studied by the author,
computerisation was roundly resisted. Many factors were at first seen to underlie the
resistance including:
• fears of loss of jobs
• fears that staff would not have the necessary skills
• health and safety concerns.
What emerged during investigation, however, was that the main fear lay around the
issue of corrupt incomes. Pensions staff had the power to deny claimants access to
pension payments or to provide claimants with access to certain types of higher-
income pension. The staff were using this power to extract bribes from pensionable
claimants. They feared that computerisation would create accountability in the
pension payment process and would therefore remove this power. Hence, their true
reason for resistance.
Where resistance and lack of accountability are linked, there are three possible
• if the new information system will not have an effect, make this (subtly) clear
• if the new information system will increase accountability and the stakeholders are
not that powerful, then 'tough it out', i.e. push on in the likelihood that resistance
can be overcome
• if the new information system will increase accountability and the stakeholders are
powerful, change the IS design plans so that the key unaccountable processes are
not computerised or are not exposed to monitoring by the computerised
information system.
'Toughing it out' can also be tried in the last case, and this would seem to be the
morally-correct route to take. However, it will greatly increase resistance to the new
information system and the risks of IS failure.
Whatever the reaction, it is clear that the link between new information systems and
accountability will have to be recognised in the planning of some information systems.
This link must also be teased out as a component of resistance to computerisation.
Bajaj, J.L. & Sharma, R. "Improving government delivery systems," Economic and
Political Weekly, 27 May 1995, pp. M73-80
Cain, P. "Making the transition to the electronic age," Information Technology for
Development, 7(4), 1996, pp. 159-67
Chambers, R. "The self-deceiving state," IDS Bulletin, 23(4), 1992, pp. 31-42
Lawton, A. & Rose, A. Organization and Management in the Public Sector. Pitman,
London, 1991
Treasury Board Secretariat. Working Together for Better Public Services. Treasury
Board Secretariat, Government of Canada, Ottawa, 1994
Whetton, J. "The politics of information: the case of an urban renewal programme,"
Paper presented at the 1988 UK Development Studies Association annual conference,
University of Birmingham, Sept 6-9 1988