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Jin et al.

Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130


RESEARCH Open Access

The prevalence of increased serum IgE and

Aspergillus sensitization in patients with COPD
and their association with symptoms and lung
Jianmin Jin, Xiaofang Liu and Yongchang Sun*

Background: Allergy and Aspergillus hypersensitivity (AH) were shown to be associated with severe symptoms or
worse lung function in COPD patients. The prevalence of elevated total IgE (T-IgE) and its association with clinical
symptoms and lung function in COPD have not been studied. The prevalence of AH and its correlation with clinical
characteristics in a COPD cohort of larger sample size is also lacking.
Methods: 273 patients with COPD were evaluated by respiratory symptoms, blood test, chest HRCT, lung function,
serum detection of T-IgE and Aspergillus specific IgE. Patients with T-IgE ≥ 1000 KU/L were further investigated for
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA).
Results: The prevalence of elevated T-IgE and AH in patients with COPD was 47.3% and 15.0%, respectively. Eight
patients (2.9%) met the diagnostic criteria for ABPA. Compared with the normal T-IgE group, patients with elevated T-IgE
had a longer history of dyspnea (p < 0.01), an earlier onset of dyspnea after chronic cough/expectoration (p < 0.01), and
were more likely to wheeze (p < 0.01). They also showed worse lung functions and more severe GOLD staging (p < 0.01).
Analysis of the clinical data in male patients with smoking as the risk factor showed the same results. To evaluate
the clinical characteristics of COPD with AH, patients with elevated T-IgE were further divided into subgroups with
and without AH. When compared with the normal T-IgE group, both the two subgroups showed longer history
of dyspnea (p < 0.01), an earlier onset of dyspnea (p < 0.01) and a worse status of lung function (p < 0.05). Correlation
analysis demonstrated that T-IgE was correlated positively with the time length of dyspnea (r = 0.401, p < 0.001), and
the ratio of duration of dyspnea to that of chronic cough/expectoration (r = 0.59, p < 0.001), but negatively with FEV1/
FVC% (r = −0.194, p = 0.001), and FEV1%predicted (r = −0.219, p < 0.001).
Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of elevated serum T-IgE and AH in patients with COPD. Serum T-IgE level
was correlated with symptoms such as dyspnea and impairment of lung function. Allergens other than Aspergillus may
have similar effects on disease expression or progression of COPD.
Keywords: Immunoglobulin E, Allergy, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Aspergillus

Background COPD, which accounted for 21% or 30% by allergy his-

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is char- tory (doctor-diagnosed hay fever or allergic symptoms)
acterized by persistent airflow limitation, and is a major or allergy testing (increased allergen-specific IgE) in two
cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. COPD is a cohorts. Patients with the allergic phenotype of COPD
heterogeneous disease and can be classified into differ- had more and severe respiratory symptoms and frequent
ent “phenotypes” [1]. A recent study by Jamieson et al. exacerbations, although no significant difference in lung
[2] showed that there was an “allergic phenotype” of function compared to the non-allergic phenotype [2]. Of
* Correspondence: [email protected] the common specific allergens, Aspergillus fumigatus (A.
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital fumigatus) sensitization is of clinical importance in both
Medical University, Beijing, China

© 2014 Jin et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 2 of 12

asthma and COPD. The prevalence of Aspergillus hyper- eczema) or chronic airway diseases (such as COPD,
sensitivity (AH) and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergil- asthma and chronic bronchitis) were collected for detec-
losis (ABPA) in asthma was 28% and 12.9% respectively in tion of T-IgE.
one study [3]. An investigation from Agarwal et al. [4] The patients were diagnosed to have COPD by the fol-
found that the prevalence of AH, defined by the presence lowing criteria: (i) age more than 40 years, (ii) chronic
of immediate cutaneous hyperreactivity to the aspergillus cough, expectoration and/or wheeze for at least three
antigen, and ABPA in COPD without obvious atopy was months in a year for two successive years, (iii) current or
8.5% and 1% respectively. More recently Bafadhel et al. [5] history of smoking (smoking index ≥10 pack-year), and/
demonstrated that AH was present in 13% of COPD sub- or history of exposure to biomass fuel for at least 10
jects and was associated with worse lung function. years, and/or history of occupational exposure to nox-
In the study by Jamieson et al. [2], the “allergic pheno- ious particles and fumes for at least 10 years, and (iv)
type” of COPD was determined in two different cohorts evidence of irreversible obstructive impairment on spir-
by a history of mucosal allergy or positive serum specific ometry defined by postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC <70%.
IgE. However, some patients with asthma or coexisting The enrolled patients were required to have no history
COPD and asthma could not be excluded from the study of doctor-diagnosed allergy such as allergic rhinitis and
[2]. In addition, it is highly probable that detecting only eczema, no obvious food allergy, no family history of
some of the common allergens cannot fully reflect the asthma, and no evidence of parasite infection. The en-
allergic condition of a patient, since there are so many rolled patients with COPD should have no acute exacer-
kinds of potential allergens in the environments and bation of COPD [10] within at least 2 weeks. Patients
some are unknown to humans. In this case, the serum were excluded from the study if they met any of the fol-
total IgE (T-IgE) may be a more sensitive marker for lowing criteria: (i) receiving systemic steroid therapy in
hypersensitive condition of the host. Meanwhile, it is the preceding 4 weeks, (ii) receiving any other immuno-
possible that serum IgE, which was shown to be related suppressive therapy, (iii) with active pulmonary tubercu-
to airway inflammation and remodeling in asthma [6-9], losis, interstitial lung disease, and severe heart failure.
may have effects on symptoms and lung function of Definition of respiratory symptoms: chronic cough and
COPD. Until now, data on the allergic status of COPD expectoration were defined as present if reported for
patients and its association with clinical symptoms and three or more consecutive months. Wheeze was consid-
lung function are scarce. Therefore in a single center ered present if the patient experienced spasmodic dys-
and cross-sectional study, we examined the prevalence pnea from wheezing or “whistling” in the chest. Exertional
of increased serum T-IgE, A. fumigatus sensitization and dyspnea was identified as present if the mMRC (Modified
ABPA in patients with COPD. We hypothesized that Medical Research Council Questionnaire) score was equal
compared with the nonallergic patients, patients with in- to or more than 2 [11]. The duration of history of a symp-
creased serum T-IgE and/or A. fumigatus sensitization tom, for example, the duration of dyspnea history, was de-
may have more severe or longer history of respiratory fined as the time length from the onset of the symptom to
symptoms, and worse lung functions. enrollment in the study. As in patients with COPD, chronic
cough and expectoration generally precedes exertional dys-
Subjects and methods pnea for a different period of time, and dyspnea is a major
Subjects and diagnostic process cause of disability and anxiety associated with the disease,
Patients with COPD visiting Beijing Tongren Hospital we used the ratio of duration of dyspnea history to that of
from July 2008 to July 2013 were enrolled. The subject chronic cough/expectoration history to indicate the relative
selection and diagnostic process were shown in Figure 1. onset of dyspnea during the chronic course of the disease.
The study was approved by the local ethics committee of A. fumigatus sensitization was defined if an elevated
Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, and serum level of specific IgE (>0.35 kUA/L) was detected.
written informed consent was obtained from all patients. Diagnosis of ABPA was made according to the Patterson
To exclude the possible effects of gender and risk factors criteria [12], fulfilling at least six of the following eight
on the symptoms and lung function of COPD patients, criteria: (i) asthma (episode of bronchial obstruction),
male patients with smoking history but no exposure to (ii) positive result of skin prick test (SPT) for A. fumiga-
biomass fuel and occupational dusts were divided into two tus, (iii) elevated serum total IgE (≥1000 kU/L), (iv) ele-
groups according to the serum level of T-IgE, and patients vated serum A. fumigatus specific IgE (>0.35 kUA/L), (v)
with elevated T-IgE were further divided into two sub- elevated IgG antibodies in serum against A. fumigatus,
groups according to whether hypersensitive to Aspergillus. (vi) eosinophilia (the eosinophil percentage of peripheral
Serum samples from 150 age- and gender-matched blood ≥5%), (vii) central bronchiectasis, (viii) transient
volunteers (as the control population) without history of or fixed pulmonary opacities. The diagnosis of ABPA
doctor-diagnosed allergy (such as allergic rhinitis and with central bronchiectasis (ABPA-CB) and that without
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 3 of 12

Patients referred to Beijing Tongren Hospital from July 2008 to July 2013

History taking and physical examination

Suspected patients with COPD

Blood Chest Lung Serum T IgE and Aspergillus

test HRCT function specific IgE

Patients fulfilling entry criteria and

without exclusion criteria (n=273)

T IgE>60kU/L T IgE≥1000KU/L

Yes No

Group with elevated Group with normal

Eosinophil Skin prick A. Fumigatus
percentage by test (SPT) specific IgG
A.Fumigatus A.Fumigatus
manual count
specific IgE specific IgE

negative positive positive negative

No AH group with AH group No AH group with ABPA

elevated T IgE normal T IgE

Figure 1 Selection and diagnostic procedure of study subjects. Definition of abbreviations: HRCT: high resolution computed tomography,
T-IgE: serum total IgE, A. Fumigatus: Aspergillus Fumigatus, AH: Aspergillus hypersensitivity, ABPA: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.

(seropositive form, ABPA-S) were made based on lung to the manufacturer’s directions. The lower limit of detec-
HRCT findings as previously described [13]. tion (LLD) of serum T-IgE, aspergillus specific IgE, and
aspergillus specific IgG is 2 kU/L, 0.01 kUA/L, and 2 mg/L
Detection of serum T-IgE, A. fumigatus specific IgE and IgG respectively. It was determined as elevation if serum T-
An automatic immunoassay system (ImmunoCap TM IgE > 60 kU/L, A. fumigatus specific IgE >0.35 kUA/L,
100, Pharmacia Company, Sweden) was used according and A. fumigatus specific IgG > 40 mg/L.
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 4 of 12

Skin prick test (SPT) Results

SPT was performed by injecting inhaled allergen extract of Baseline characteristics of the study population
A. fumigates (Allergopharma Company, Germany) intra- The 273 patients with COPD consisted of 174 males (63%)
dermally in the forearm. Histamine dihydrochloride and and 99 females (37%) with a mean age of 77 (51 ~ 90) years.
normal saline served as the positive and the negative con- The baseline characteristics of the patients are shown in
trol respectively. Table 1. The majority of the patients were smokers (82%)
and some patients were exposed to biomass fuel (15%) or
occupational dusts (14%). As for the symptoms, the average
Peripheral eosinophil count
time of history of chronic cough/expectoration and that of
The total leukocyte count and the percentage of eosino-
exertional dyspnea were 19 years and 6.1 years respectively.
phils were initially determined using an auto-analyzer.
The ratio of duration of dyspnea to that of chronic cough/
As for the patients with serum T-IgE ≥1000 kU/L, the
expectoration was 0.32 on average. Most of the patients
percentage of eosinophils was ascertained by counting
(78%) reported a history of wheezing. The majority of the
and classifying 100 WBCs on a peripheral blood smear.
patients (73.2%) belonged to GOLD stage III and IV by the
spirometry criteria.
HRCT of the chest and determination of central
bronchiectasis Prevalence of serum T-IgE elevation in the control
HRCT of the chest was performed using a 64-row, multiple- population
detector CT scanner (Philips Company, Netherland). A Since serum T-IgE level may be influenced by other fac-
radiologist blinded to the clinical and laboratory data tors besides allergy, such as genetic factors, serum level
reviewed the CT scans. The diagnosis of bronchiectasis of T-IgE was detected in a control population of 150
on chest HRCT was made if bronchial wall thickening subjects [percentage of male: 64% (96), average age: 75
was present with the ratio of the diameter of bronchus (9, 51 ~ 95), percentage of smokers: 78% (117)]. No
to that of the accompanying pulmonary artery being
more than 1.1 (signet ring sign), or the lack of tapering Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population
of bronchi (tramline sign). Central bronchiectasis was Variables Patients with COPD
defined as the presence of bronchiectasis in the central (273 cases)
two thirds of the lung field [13,14]. Male, n(%) 174(63)
Age (yr) 77(8,51 ~ 90)

Pulmonary function test Risk factors

Spirometry (JAEGER, MasterScreen-body + diffusion + Smokers, n(%) 224(82)
APS, Germany) was performed to determine the lung Smoking index (pack-yr) 43(23,10 ~ 120)
function measurements and bronchodilator reversibility. Biomass fuel exposure, n(%) 42(15)
Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC% and FEV1 was mea- Biomass fuel exposure history (yr) 27(7,10 ~ 40)
sured 15 min after inhalation of 400 μg salbutamol.
Occupational dust exposure, n(%) 37(14)
Occupational dust exposure history (yr) 25(10,10 ~ 40)
Statistical analysis History of chronic cough/sputum (yr) 19(12,2 ~ 50)
All statistical analyses were performed using a statistical
History of dyspnea (yr) 6.1(5.0,0 ~ 20)
software package (Statistics Package for the Social Sciences,
SPSS 17.0, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data are expressed as Ratio of dyspnea history to chronic 0.32(0.21,0 ~ 1)
cough/sputum history
the mean ± SD (standard deviation). Comparisons of con-
Occurrence of wheezing, n(%) 214(78)
tinuous data between two groups were performed by
T-test (for normal distribution parameters) and Mann– FEV1/FVC% 46(11,22 ~ 69)
Whitney U test (for abnormal distribution parameters). FEV1%predicted 41(13,14 ~ 79)
Comparisons of continuous data among three groups were GOLD stage
performed by ANOVA test (for normal distribution) or Stage II, n(%) 73(26.8)
Kruskal Wallis test (for abnormal distribution). Categorical
Stage III, n(%) 131(47.9)
variables between different groups were analyzed by χ2 test.
Stage IV, n(%) 69(25.3)
Spearman Correlations were used for correlation analysis.
P values less than 0.05 were considered as statistically sig- Serum T-IgE (kU/L) 401(916,2 ~ 7420)
nificant. As for multiple comparisons among three groups Continuous data expressed as mean (standard deviation, range).
Categorical data expressed as number (percentage).
(for χ2 test and Kruskal Wallis Test), P values less than Definition of abbreviations: FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FVC:
0.017 were considered as statistically significant. Forced vital capacity.
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 5 of 12

statistical difference was shown in gender (p = 0.96), age Comparison between COPD patients with elevated serum
(p = 0.08), and smoking history (p = 0.31) of the control T-IgE and those with normal serum T-IgE
population when compared with those of COPD pa- There was no significant difference in gender, age, the per-
tients. Elevated T-IgE level was found in 18.0% of the centage of smokers, smoking index of the smokers and
population (27/150), and the average level of T-IgE was history of chronic cough/expectoration between the group
48(71,2 ~ 340) kU/L. with elevated T-IgE (n = 129) and that with normal T-IgE
(n = 144). Compared with the normal IgE group, patients
with elevated T-IgE had a longer history of exertional
Prevalence of serum T-IgE elevation, A. Fumigatus dyspnea, an earlier onset of dyspnea after chronic cough/
sensitization and ABPA in patients with COPD expectoration, and were more likely to wheeze. COPD
The prevalence of increased serum T-IgE, A. Fumigatus patients with elevated serum T-IgE also showed worse
hypersensitivity and ABPA was shown in Figure 2. Ele- pulmonary functions, as demonstrated by lower values of
vated serum T-IgE was found in 47.3% (129/273) of the FEV1/FVC% and FEV1%predicted, and by more severe
COPD patients, and the average level of T-IgE was 401 GOLD staging (see Table 2).
(916,2 ~ 7420) kU/L (see Table 1), both of which were Among the male patients with smoking as the risk
significantly higher when compared with those of the factor, no significant difference was found in age, smoking
control population (p < 0.001, and p < 0.001, respect- index and history of chronic cough/expectoration between
ively). A. Fumigatus hypersensitivity was confirmed in the group with elevated T-IgE (n = 75) and that with
15.0% (41/273) patients, all of whom had an increased normal T-IgE (n = 67), but patients with increased serum
level of serum T-IgE, i.e. 31.8% of the COPD patients T-lgE were more likely to wheeze, had a longer history of
with elevated serum T-IgE (41/129) were hypersensitive dyspnea and earlier onset of dyspnea on the background
to A. Fumigatus (see Table 2). Eight patients (2.9%, 8/ of chronic cough/expectoration history. They also had a
273) met the diagnostic criteria for combined COPD worse pulmonary function (see Table 4).
and ABPA, 5 (1.8%, 5/273) with ABPA-CB and 3 (1.0%, A. Fumigatus is one of the major specific allergens be-
3/273) with ABPA-S. Among COPD patients with ele- lieved to have an impact on chronic airway inflammatory
vated serum T-IgE, the occurrence of ABPA, ABPA-CB diseases such as asthma and COPD. Therefore, we further
and ABPA-S was 6.2% (8/129), 3.9% (5/129) and 2.3% divided the 75 male patients with elevated serum T-IgE
(3/129) respectively. Among COPD patients with A. into two subgroups, one with A. Fumigatus hypersensitiv-
Fumigatus hypersensitivity, the prevalence of ABPA, ity (AH) [Af(+)/IgE(+), n = 24] and another without AH
ABPA-CB and ABPA-S was 19.5% (8/41), 12.2% (5/41) [Af(−)/IgE(+), n = 51], and compared the clinical data of
and 7.3% (3/41) respectively. The clinical data of the 8 the Af(+)/IgE(+) subgroup, the Af(−)/IgE(+) subgroup, and
patients with combined COPD and ABPA were shown the group with normal serum T-IgE [Af(−)/IgE(−), n = 67].
in Table 3. There was no significant difference in age, smoking index
and history of chronic cough/expectoration. When com-
pared with the Af(−)/IgE(−) group, both the Af(+)/IgE(+)
subgroup and the Af(−)/IgE(+) subgroup showed longer
history of dyspnea, an earlier onset of dyspnea and a worse
COPD patients (total n=273)
status of lung function (FEV1%predicted). The severity by
GOLD stages and the prevalence of wheezing were signifi-
IgE(+) IgE( )
n=129 n=144
cantly different among the three groups, but no statistical
difference was found between any two groups. There was
AH(+) also no difference in the clinical data between the Af
(+)/IgE(+) subgroup and the Af(−)/IgE(+) subgroup (see
Table 5).

Correlation of serum T-IgE with dyspnea history and

pulmonary function measurements
As there were significant differences in history of exertional
Figure 2 Prevalence of increased serum IgE, Aspergillus
hypersensitivity, and ABPA in patients with COPD. The prevalence dyspnea and pulmonary function measurements (FEV1/
of increased serum IgE, Aspergillus hypersensitivity, and allergic FVC% and FEV1%predicted) between patients with ele-
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in patients with COPD was shown vated serum T-IgE and those with normal T-IgE, we
with a disproportional Venn diagram. Definition of abbreviations: IgE(+): performed correlation analysis of serum T-IgE with these
increased serum IgE, IgE(−): normal serum IgE, AH: Aspergillus
parameters. Serum T-IgE was shown to be correlated posi-
hypersensitivity, ABPA: allergic brochopulmonary aspergillosis.
tively with the time length of dyspnea history (r = 0.401,
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 6 of 12

Table 2 Comparison of participant characteristics between two COPD groups

Varibles Group with elevated serum Group with normal serum P value
T-IgE (129 cases) T-IgE (144 cases)
Male, n(%) 89(68.9) 85(59.0) 0.09
Age 76(9.2,51 ~ 90) 77(6.2,58 ~ 89) 0.12
Non smokers, n(%) 20(15.5) 29(20.1) 0.32
Smoking index of smokers (pack-yr) 43(22,10 ~ 100) 42(23,10 ~ 120) 0.52
History of chronic cough/sputum (yr) 19(11,2 ~ 45) 20(12,2 ~ 50) 0.42
History of dyspnea (yr) 8.0(5.2,0.5 ~ 20) 4.3(4.2,0 ~ 20) <0.01
Ratio of dyspnea history to chronic cough/sputum history 0.47(0.19,0.07 ~ 1) 0.20(0.15,0 ~ 0.67) <0.01
Occurrence of wheezing, n (%) 113(87.6) 101(70.8) <0.01
FEV1/FVC% 43(11,23 ~ 67) 49(12,22 ~ 69) <0.01
FEV1%predicted 36(11,14 ~ 68) 45(14,20 ~ 79) <0.01
GOLD stage <0.01
Stage II, n(%) 20(15.5) 53(36.8)
Stage III, n(%) 62(48.1) 69(47.9)
Stage IV, n(%) 47(36.4) 22(15.3)
Serum T-IgE (kU/L) 818(1205,69 ~ 7420) 28(20,2 ~ 60)
AH, n(%) 41(31.8) 0(0)
ABPA, n(%) 8(6.2) 0(0)
Continuous data expressed as mean (standard deviation, range).
Categorical data expressed as number (percentage).
Definition of abbreviations: AH: Aspergillus fumigatus hypersensitivity, ABPA: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second,
FVC: Forced vital capacity.

Table 3 Clinical characteristics of COPD patients complicated with ABPA

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8
Gender Male Female Male Male Female Female Male Male
Age (yr) 78 73 81 57 73 80 54 67
Chronic cough/sputum history (yr) 30 30 25 8 30 20 3 27
Dyspnea history (yr) 10 20 15 5 15 15 3 20
Ratio of dyspnea history to chronic cough/sputum history 0.33 0.67 0.60 0.63 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.74
Occurrence of wheezing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Eosinophil of peripheral blood (%) 11.7 8.6 7.5 8.0 5.1 5.0 16.3 5.5
Serum T-IgE (kU/L) 7420 1239 5000 2049 1187 2272 1279 1160
Serum aspergillus specific IgE (kUA/L) 4.89 62.3 6.91 2.07 3.58 2.30 22 0.70
Serum aspergillus specific IgG (mg/L) 121 ND 102 ND ND 92 ND 68
SPT (grade) (++) (+++) (++) (++) (++++) (++) (++) (++)
Chest HRCT
Central bronchiectasis Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Mucoid impaction No No Yes No No No No No
Pulmonary opacities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lung function (postbronchodilator)
FEV1/FVC(%) 31 30 30 23 35 67 42 42
FEV1%predicted 35 26 25 14 39 36 30 23
Definition of abbreviations: ND: Not detected, SPT: Skin prick test, HRCT: high resolution computed tomography, T-IgE: Total IgE, FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in
1 second, FVC: Forced vital capacity, CB: Central bronchiectasis, S: Seropositive.
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 7 of 12

Table 4 Comparison of participant characteristics between two COPD groups in 142 males with smoking
Variables Group with elevated serum Group with normal serum P value
T-IgE (75 cases) T-IgE (67 cases)
Age (yr) 75(10,54 ~ 90) 77(7,58 ~ 89) 0.19
Smoking index (pack-yr) 48(22,10 ~ 100) 48(25,10 ~ 120) 0.85
Chronic cough/sputum history (yr) 18(13,2 ~ 45) 19(12,2 ~ 40) 0.56
Dyspnea history (yr) 7.7(5.3,1 ~ 20) 3.7(3.7,0 ~ 20) <0.01
Ratio of dyspnea history to chronic cough/sputum history 0.49(0.20,0.07 ~ 1) 0.19(0.14,0 ~ 0.5) <0.01
Occurrence of wheezing, n(%) 65(87) 45(67) <0.01
FEV1/FVC% 44(11,23 ~ 67) 48(11,22 ~ 69) 0.03
FEV1%predicted 37(12,14 ~ 68) 44(14,20 ~ 79) <0.01
GOLD stage <0.01
Stage II, n(%) 12(16.0) 22(32.8)
Stage III, n(%) 37(49.3) 35(52.2)
Stage IV, n(%) 26(34.7) 10(14.9)
Continuous data expressed as mean (standard deviation, range).
Categorical data expressed as number (percentage).
Definition of abbreviations: FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FVC: Forced vital capacity.

P< 0.001), and the ratio of duration of dyspnea to that of on the prevalence of allergy in a larger sample size of pa-
chronic cough/expectoration (r = 0.590, P< 0.001) (Figure 3), tients with COPD and its association with clinical charac-
but negatively with FEV1/FVC% (r = −0.194, P = 0.001), and teristics are lacking. Our study showed for the first time to
FEV1%predicted (r = −0.219, P< 0.001) (Figure 4). our knowledge that increased serum total IgE, a sensitive
marker for allergy, was prevalent in patients with COPD
Discussion and associated with earlier onset and longer duration of
Previous studies have demonstrated that allergy was associ- dyspnea in the course of the disease and more severe lung
ated with decreased lung function in general population, function impairment. Furthermore, Aspergillus sensitization
smokers and mild COPD patients [15-18]. However, data was common in COPD patients with increased levels of

Table 5 Comparison of participant characteristics among three groups in 142 males with smoking
Variables Af(+)/IgE(+) (24 cases) Af(−)/IgE(+) (51 cases) Af(−)/IgE(−) (67 cases)
Age (yr) 76(11,54 ~ 90) 74(10,55 ~ 88) 77(7,58 ~ 89)
Smoking index (pack-yr) 47(20,10 ~ 90) 48(23,10 ~ 100) 48(25,10 ~ 120)
Chronic cough/sputum history (yr) 19(13,2 ~ 40) 17(13,2 ~ 45) 19(12,2 ~ 40)
Dyspnea history (yr)♦ 8.8(5.6,1 ~ 20)* 7.1(5.2,1 ~ 20)* 3.7(3.7,0 ~ 20)

Ratio of dyspnea history to chronic cough/sputum history 0.52(0.22,0.2 ~ 1)* 0.47(0.19,0.07 ~ 1)* 0.19(0.14,0 ~ 0.5)
Occurrence of wheezing, n(%) 21(88) 44(86) 45(67)
FEV1/FVC% 44(13,23 ~ 67) 43(10,28 ~ 64) 48(11,22 ~ 69)
FEV1%predicted♦ 37(14,14 ~ 68)# 37(11,19 ~ 64)* 44(14,20 ~ 79)
GOLD stage♣
Stage II, n(%) 3(12.5) 9(17.6) 22(32.8)
Stage III, n(%) 12(50.0) 25(49.0) 35(52.2)
Stage IV, n(%) 9(37.5) 17(33.3) 10(14.9)
*Compared with Af(−)/IgE(−), P < 0.01.
Compared with Af(−)/IgE(−),P <0.05.
♦Overall comparison among three groups, P <0.01.
♣Overall comparison among three groups, P <0.05.
Definition of abbreviations:
Af(+)/IgE(+): Aspergillus fumigatus hypersensitivity with elevated serum total IgE.
Af(−)/IgE(+): no Aspergillus fumigatus hypersensitivity but with elevated serum total IgE.
Af(−)/IgE(−): no Aspergillus fumigatus hypersensitivity with normal serum total IgE.
FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FVC: Forced vital capacity.
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 8 of 12

Figure 3 Relationship between T-IgE and ratio of dyspnea history to chronic cough/sputum history in 273 patients. *Correlation
between log10 (T-IgE) and ratio of dyspnea history to chronic cough/sputum history.

Figure 4 Relationship between T-IgE and FEV1%predicted in 273 patients. *Correlation between log10 (T-IgE) and FEV1%predicted.
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 9 of 12

IgE, and some patients were confirmed to have combined of ABPA in COPD patients, in those with elevated serum
COPD and ABPA. IgE, and in those with Aspergillus sensitization was 2.9%,
The increased serum level of T-IgE may result from al- 6.2%, and 19.5% respectively, indicating that the occur-
lergic inflammation at other parts of the host, and may rence of ABPA in COPD was lower than that in asthma
be associated with genetic factors and even smoking his- [3,19]. The reason for different prevalence of ABPA
tory [19,20]. In our study, the increased level of serum reported by us and Agarwal et al. may be explained by dif-
IgE was considered to mostly reflect the allergic inflam- ferent disease severity and demographic features of the pa-
mation of the airways. Since firstly, the prevalence and tients. The GOLD stages of the patients in our study were
the level of IgE elevation were much lower in the control more advanced, and they were older (76 years vs. 57 years),
population when compared with those of the COPD pa- had a longer course of disease(19 years vs. 6.1 years) , and
tients. Secondly, no allergic inflammation of other systems there were more females (37% vs. 10%).
such as the skin was noted, and parasite infection was ex- We found no significant difference in the history
cluded in our study subjects according to history taking, length of chronic cough/expectoration between patients
physical examination and accessory examinations. Thirdly, with elevated serum IgE and those with normal serum
all the patients with positive Aspergillus-specific IgE IgE, but the former group was more likely to wheeze,
showed elevated serum T-IgE, and no positive result of which was similar to the result of Jamieson et al. [2]. Be-
Aspergillus-specific IgE was found in patients with normal cause exertional dyspnea is the hallmark symptom of
serum T-IgE, suggesting a high consistency between COPD and closely associated with quality of life of the
serum T-IgE and airborne allergen specific IgE in our co- patients, we examined the potential implication of IgE in
hort. The results demonstrated that the prevalence of ele- the development and progression of this symptom. We
vated serum T-IgE was 47.3% (129/273) in patients with showed that COPD patients with elevated serum IgE
COPD, implying that even among COPD patients without suffered for a longer history of dyspnea, had an earlier
obvious atopy, hypersensitive inflammation of the lower onset of dyspnea on the background of chronic cough/
airways may exist, probably representing the real propor- sputum, and had a worse lung function. To exclude the
tion of the allergic phenotype in patients with COPD, a effects of gender and different risk factor exposures, we
much higher prevalence as compared to those reported by further compared the symptoms and lung function only
Jamieson et al. [2] and Bafadhel et al. [5]. The reason for in male patients with smoking as the risk factor, and
the difference may be easily understood, since firstly, the reached the same results. This suggested that serum IgE
criteria for “allergy” were different. Just as mentioned above, level might, to some degree, have an effect on the pro-
measurement of serum T-IgE may be more sensitive than gression of COPD, or could be a useful marker to reflect
results of specific IgE and SPT for the common allergens. the severity of disease. In Jamieson’s study, no significant
Allergic sensitization in adults is generally believed to be difference in lung function (FEV1%predicted) was found
stable over time [2]. We also observed that several results between the “allergic phenotype” and the “nonallergic
of serum IgE of the same patient measured at different time phenotype” of COPD patients [2]. We demonstrated that
were usually consistent [data not shown]. However, we compared with COPD patients with normal serum IgE,
could not exclude the possibility that some patients might patients with elevated serum IgE had a worse lung func-
have a mild increase of serum T-IgE only for once, because tion (FEV1/FVC and FEV1%predicted). The reason for
we did not follow the IgE changes in all the patients. the discrepancy could be as follows: firstly, the diagnos-
Aspergillus sensitization and occurrence of ABPA in tic criteria of COPD were stricter in our study, while
COPD patients are receiving considerable interests. some patients with asthma or combined asthma and
Agarwal et al. reported that the prevalence of Aspergillus COPD could be involved in Jamieson’s study [2]. Sec-
sensitization and ABPA in a cohort of COPD patients ondly, the criteria for “allergic” were different. The pa-
without atopy was 8.5% and 1% respectively [4], while in tients allergic to allergens other than what was detected
the study by Bafadhel et al. the prevalence of Aspergillus in Jamieson’s study might be identified as “nonallergic
sensitization in COPD was 13% [5]. Our study showed phenotype”. Thirdly, the sample size of the two studies was
that the prevalence of Aspergillus sensitization in pa- different (273 cases vs. 77 cases). Finally, our patients were
tients with COPD was 15%, similar to that reported by older (75 years vs. 69 years). It is believed that the impacts
Bafadhel et al., but higher than that by Agarwal et al. Be- of allergy on lung function may be increasing with age [23].
sides the different study subjects, different methods to IgE is not only a sensitive marker for the presence of
determine Aspergillus sensitization may be a main rea- allergic inflammation, but also correlated positively with
son for the discrepancy, because detection of specific airway inflammation and remodeling in asthma [6-8].
IgE (used in our study) has been shown to be more sen- Zedan et al. reported that the shortness of breath (SOB)
sitive than SPT (used by Agarwal) to identify Aspergillus group of asthma patients showed significant increase in
sensitization [12,21,22]. We showed that the prevalence total serum IgE when compared with both the cough
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 10 of 12

and the wheezy groups [24]. Since asthma and COPD One earlier study showed that the median time to recov-
shared some pathological characteristics [25], we specu- ery was 6 d (1–14) for peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
lated that elevated serum T-IgE might promote the airway and 7d (4–14) for symptoms, but recovery of PEFR to
inflammation and remodeling, and then resulted in more baseline values was complete in only 75.2% of exacerba-
serious symptoms and worse status of lung function. As tions at 35d [34]. In our study, 18% (51/273) of the COPD
expected, our results showed that the serum IgE level was patients were enrolled within 2 ~ 4 weeks after an exacer-
correlated with the length of dyspnea history and lung bation, when the lung functions were still recovering at
function parameters (FEV1/FVC and FEV1%predicted). It least in some of the patients. We performed an analysis
was suggested by Vroling et al. [26] and Tsai et al. [27] after exclusion of this small proportion of patients, and
that the effect of allergy on airway inflammation in COPD reached the same results as those of the whole population
was due to locally enhanced inflammation. (data not shown). Therefore, we believe that the time
Previous studies have shown that lung function is more interval we chose to enroll our patients had little effect on
severely impaired in COPD patients with Aspergillus the association of IgE with symptoms and lung function
sensitization [5]. Our study confirmed that significant measures.
difference existed in dyspnea history and lung function
(FEV1%predicted) between patients with Aspergillus Conclusions
sensitization and those with normal serum IgE. However, In conclusion, to our knowledge, this is the first study to
no significant difference in dyspnea history and lung fun- investigate serum T-IgE level in patients with COPD and
ction was found between patients with Aspergillus its association with the symptoms and lung function. It
sensitization and those with elevated serum IgE but with- is also a study of the largest sample size for the investi-
out Aspergillus sensitization. This suggests that allergens gation of the prevalence of Aspergillus sensitization in
other than Aspergillus may have similar effects on COPD, COPD patients. There was a high prevalence of elevated
but further study is needed for a final conclusion. serum T-IgE in patients with COPD but without obvious
COPD combined with ABPA is believed to be rare, al- atopy. Serum T-IgE level was found to be associated
though more cases were reported recently [28-30], pos- with symptoms such as dyspnea and impairment of lung
sibly due to an increased awareness of this condition. function. Recurrent exacerbation of COPD is believed to
In our patients, eight were confirmed to have combined accelerate disease progression and impairment of pul-
COPD and ABPA, including five patients with ABPA-CB. monary function, and related to increased disability and
It is noteworthy that all the eight patients with ABPA mortality [35,36]. Acute exacerbation of COPD can be
showed much worse lung function measurements, with precipitated by several factors, but the most common
FEV1%predicted ranging from 14 to 39. It is postulated causes appear to be viral or bacterial respiratory infec-
that ABPA developing in patients with COPD may present tions [37]. However, the cause of about one-third of se-
with a slightly different clinical profile as compared to pa- vere exacerbations of COPD cannot be identified [37].
tients with asthma [29]. Because the allergic phenotype of COPD was shown to
There are several limitations to our study. As a cross- have an increased risk of exacerbations [2], whether air-
sectional study, serum T-IgE and Aspergillus specific IgE way allergy plays a role in the susceptibility to, or is an
were not followed in all the patients, although allergic unidentified trigger for exacerbation is worth further
sensitization in adults is generally believed to be stable. speculating. Finally, longitudinal studies may also be
Because of the retrospective nature of the study, more needed to examine the potential role of allergy in disease
measures of patient reported outcome (PRO) such as expression or progression of COPD.
COPD Assessment Test (CAT), and history of exacerba-
tions which might have an association with allergy in a Abbreviations
COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IgE: Immunoglobulin E;
proportion of patients, had not been collected and ana- T-IgE: Total IgE; A. Fumigatus: Aspergillus Fumigatus; AH: Aspergillus
lyzed. We did not analyze the difference in long-term hypersensitivity; ABPA: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; ABPA-
drug therapy, particularly inhaled corticosteroids in CB: ABPA with central bronchiectasis; ABPA-S: Seropositive ABPA; HRCT: High
resolution computed tomography; mMRC: Modified Medical Research
these patients. Medication use and compliance of the pa- Council Questionnaire; FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second;
tients may affect symptoms and lung function, although FVC: Forced vital capacity; GOLD: The Global Initiative For Chronic
it is possible to have a similar effect on level of serum Obstructive Lung Disease; LLD: Lower limit of detection; PRO: Patient
reported outcome; CAT: COPD Assessment Test.
IgE [24]. Finally, the time interval between an exacerba-
tion and the enrollment of the patients to our study Competing interests
needs to be mentioned. The recovery time of an exacer- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
bation varies considerably among patients, although a
Authors’ contributions
number of studies on stable COPD recruited patients JJ completed the recruiting of patients, performed the collection and
without an exacerbation in the previous 4 weeks [31-33]. analysis of all data, and was a major contributor in study design and
Jin et al. Respiratory Research 2014, 15:130 Page 11 of 12

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Cite this article as: Jin et al.: The prevalence of increased serum IgE and
Aspergillus sensitization in patients with COPD and their association
with symptoms and lung function. Respiratory Research 2014 15:130.

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