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Then the supreme power unleashed its well-practiced weapon: they turned to foment
unrest in China and gave it a lot of space in the media. At first, they played up the
fate of the Uygur Islamists, but it had little success. The Uygur are not numerous,
they are not even a majority in their traditional area; their influence in China is
limited. Despite headlines in the liberal Western media proclaiming that millions of
Uygur are locked up in concentration camps, the impact was nil. No important
Muslim state took up this cause.
The anniversary of Tiananmen came (in beginning of June) and went without a hitch.
For good reason: the alleged ‘massacre’ is a myth, as the Chinese always knew and we
know now for certain thanks to publication of a relevant US Embassy cable by
Wikileaks. There were no thousands of students flattened by tanks. A very few died
fighting the army, but China had evaded the bitter fate of the USSR. In China proper
the event had been almost forgotten. A few participants retell of their experiences to
Western audiences, but the desired turmoil did not materialise.
And then came the time for HK. It is an autonomous part of China; it had not been
re-educated; there are enough people who remember the good days of colonial
slavery. The actual spark for the mutiny, the planned extradition treaty, was
exceedingly weak. For the last decade, HK became the chosen place of refuge for
mainland criminals, for HK had extradition treaties with the US and Britain, but not
with the mainland. This had to be remedied.

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