Gate Practice Questions

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Power Measurement c) Friction

d) The frequency
1. Two wattmeter method is employed
6. Two watt meters which are
to measure power in a 3 phase
connected to measure the total power
balanced system with the current
on a three phase system supplying a
coils connected in the A and C lines.
balanced load, read 10.5 kW and
The phase sequence is ABC. If the
-2.5kW, respectively. The total
wattmeter with its current coil in A
power and the power factor,
phase line reads zero, then the power
respectively are
factor of the 3 phase load will be
a) 13.0kW , 0.334
a) Zero lagging
b) 13.0kW, 0.684
b) 0.5 lagging
c) 8.0kW,0.52
c) Zero leading
d) 8.0kW, 0.334
d) 0.5 leading
7. While measuring power in a three
2. A dynamometer tyoe wattmeter with
phase load by two wattmeter method,
its voltage coil connected across the
the reading of the two wattmeter
load side of the instrument reads 250
method, the reading of the two
W. The voltage coil has a resistance
wattmeter method will be equal and
of 2000Ω. If the load voltage is 200
opposite, when
V, what is the power being absorbed
a) Load is balanced
by the load (in W)?
b) Power factor is unity
3. The ratio of the readings of two watt
c) The load is purely inductive
meters connected to measure power
d) Phase angle is between 60​0 ​and
in a balanced load is 5:3 and the load
is inductive. The power factor of the
8. The pressure coil of a dynamometer
load is
type wattmeter is
a) 0.6 lead
a) Highly inductive
b) 0.6 lag
b) Highly resistive
c) 0.917 lead
c) Purely resistive
d) 0.917 lag
d) Purely inductive
4. The power of a three phase, three
9. Assertion (A): General purpose
wire balanced system was measured
dynamometer type wattmeter cannot
by two wattmeter method. The
indicate the correct value of power at
reading of one of the watt meters
low power factors.
was found to be double that of the
Reason (R) : The presence of self
other. What is the power factor of the
inductance in the pressure coil circuit
introduces an error in the indicated
5. A compensated wattmeter has its
value which increases appreciable
reading corrected for error due to
with the decrease in power factor of
a) Power consumed in current coil
the load
b) Power consumed in potential coil
a) A is false but R is true
b) A is true but R is false 440V. The value of line current is
c) Both A and R are true and R is ----------------- A
the correct explanation of A 14. What is the effect of inductance in
d) Both A and R are true but R is the pressure coil on performance of a
not the correct explanation of A. dynamometer type wattmeter?
10. Two watt meters, which are a) It always reads low
connected to measure the total power b) Its reading is not affected at all
of an over excited synchronous c) It reads low on lagging power
motor, read -3.5kW and +8.0kW, factor and high on leading power
respectively. The power factor and factor
input power to the motor are d) It reads high on lagging power
respectively, factor and low on leading power
a) 0.2655, 4.5W factor.
b) 0.2655,11.5W 15. When two watt meters W1 and W2
c) 0.829,11.5W are used to measure power input to a
d) 0.829,4.5W synchronous motor, each of them
11. In the measurement of power on indicates 60kW. If the power factor
balanced load by two wattmeter is changed to 0.866 leading keeping
method in a 3 phase cicuit, the the total power input the same. The
readings of the watt meters are 3kW reading of W1 and W2 are
and 1kW respectively. The latter is respectively.
being obtained after reversing the a) 90kW, 30kW
connections of the current coil. What b) 30kW, 90kW
is the power factor of the load? c) 40kW,80kW
12. Which one of the following methods d) 50kW,70kW
decrease the error due to connections
in dynamometer type wattmeter watt 16. The current and potential coil of a
meter? dynamometer type watt meter were
a) Using bifilar compensating accidentally interchanged while
winding in place of current coil connecting. After energizing the
b) Using non inductive pressure coil circuit, it was observed that the watt
circuit meter did not show the reading.
c) Using a capacitor across a part of This could be due to the
high resistance of pressure coil a) Damage to current coil
circuit b) Damage to potential coil
d) Using a swamping resistance c) Loose contacts
13. A load test on a 3 phase wound rotor d) Damage to both the coils.
induction motor is performed by two 17. In a low power factor wattmeter,
wattmeter method. The two watt sometimes, the compensating coils
meters read +14.2kW and -6.1kW is connected in order to
respectively and the line voltage is a) Compensate for power loss in
pressure coil b) W1 = 500W and W2 = 500W
b) Reduce the error caused by eddy c) W1 = 0W and W2 = 1000W
current. d) W1 = 250W and W2 = 750W
c) Neutralize the capacitive effect of
pressure coil 20.A single phase load is connected
d) Compensate for inductance of between R and Y terminals of a
pressure coil. 415V symmetrical, 3 phase 4 wire
18. A wattmeter reads 400W when its system with phase sequence of RYB.
current coil is connected in the R phase A wattmeter is connected in the
and its pressure coil is connected system as shown in figure. The
between this phase and the neutral of a power factor of the load is 0.8
symmetrical 3 phase system supplying lagging. The wattmeter will read
a balanced star connected 0.8pf
inductive load. This phase sequence is
RYB. What will be the reading of this
wattmeter if its pressure coil alone is
reconnected between the B and Y
phases, all other connections
remaining as before?
a) 400W
b) 519.6W a) -795W
c) 300W b) -597W
d) 692.8W c) +597W
19. The line to line voltage to 3 phase d) +795W
50Hz, ac circuit shown in figure is
100V rms. Assuming that the phase 21. A single phase load is connected
sequence is RYB, the watt meters between R and Y terminals of a
would read 415V symmetrical, 3 phase 4 wire
system with phase sequence RYB. A
wattmeter is connected in the system
as shown in figure. The power factor
of the load is 0.8 lagging. The
wattmeter will read

a) W1 = 886W and W2 = 886W

a) 0.4% less
b) 0.2% less c) Power consumed by Z1
c) 0.2% more d) Power consumed by Z2
d) 0.4% more
Energy Measurement
22. The figure shows a three phase
delta connected load supplied from 24. A 230V, 10A single phase energy
a 400V, 50Hz, a 3 phase balanced meter makes 90 revolutions in 3
source. The pressure coil(PC) and minutes at half load rated voltage
current coil (CC) of a wattmeter are and unity power factor. If the
connected to the load as shown, meter constant is 1800
with the coil polarities suitably revolutions/kWh. Then its error
chosen to ensure a positive at half load will be
deflection. The wattmeter reading a) 13.04% fast
will be b) 13.04 slow
c) 15% fast
d) 15% slow
25. The meter constant of a single
phase 240V induction wtthour
meter is 400 revolutions per
kWh. The speed of the meter disc
for a current of 10A at 0.8 pf will
be ______rpm
26. A single phase energy meter is
operating on 230V,50Hz supply
with a load of 20A for two hours
a) 0W
at upf. The meter makes 1380
b) 1600 W
revolutions in that period. The
c) 800W
meter constant is _____rev/kWh
d) 400W
27. An energy meter rated as
23. A wattmeter is connected as shown
5A,230V makes 480 revolutions
in the figure. The wattmeter reads
per kWh. If in a test at full load,
unity power factor, it makes 6
revolutions in 32 seconds. Then
which of the following
statements is true
a) The meter runs slower and
error is 18.4%
b) The meter runs faster and error
a) Zero always
is 22.5%
b) Total power consumed by Z1 and
c) The meter runs slower and
error is 22.5%
d) The meter runs faster and error of shading band
is 18.4% 33. In a single phase induction energy
28.An energy meter is designed to meter, the lag adjustment is done
make 100 revolutions of the disc a) To make the current coil flux to
for 1kWh of energy. It is lag 90​0
connected to a load carrying b) To make the pressure coil flux
40A, 230V and 0.4 power factor to lag 90​0 ​behind the applied
for an hour. The number of voltage
revolutions made by the meter c) To bring the pressure coil flux
will be in phase with the applied voltage
a) 360 d) None of the above
b) 736 34. The pressure coil of an induction
c) 368 type energy meter is
d) 920 a) Purely inductive
29. A single phase energy meter b) Purely resistive
having a meter constant of 200 c) Highly resistive
rev/kWh is operating on 230V d) Highly inductive
50Hz supply with a load of 10A 35. If an induction type energy meter
and at unity power factor for runs fast, it can be slowed down
three hours continuously. What is by
the number of revolutions made a) Light load adjustment
by the meter during this period ? b) Lag adjustment
30. The meter constant of a single c) Adjusting the position of the
phase energy meter is 500 breaking magnet and moving it
rev/kWh. It is found that with a away from the center of the disc
load of 5kW, it makes 40 d) Adjusting the position of the
revolutions in 50 seconds. What breaking magnet and moving it
is the percentage error? closer to the center of the disc
31. An energy meter having a meter 36. The disc of a house service energy
constant of 12000 rev/kWh is meter of 230V, Single phase,
found to make 5 revolutions in 50Hz, 5A, 2400 rev. per kWh
75 seconds. The load power is creeps at 1 rev per min. The
___ W creep error (in percent) of full
32. Creep error may occur in the load unity power factor is
induction type energy meter due a) (-60/2400)*100
to b) (+60/2400)*100
a) Increase in temperature c) (-60/(1.15*2400))*100
b) Incorrect position of brake d) (+60/(1.15*2400))*100
magnet 37. The voltage-flux adjustment of
c) Over voltage across coil certain type of 1 phase 220 Volt
d) Incorrect adjustment of position induction type watthour meter is
altered so that the phase angle b) Both are equally sensitive
between the applied voltage and c) X is more sensitive
the flux due to it is 85​0 ​instead of d) Y is more sensitive
90​0 ​. The errors introduced in the 41. An ammeter of range 0-25A has a
reading of this meter when the guaranteed accuracy of 1% of
current is 5A at power factor of fullscale reading. The current
unity and 0.5 lagging are measured by the ammeter is 5A.
respectively The limiting error is ________%
a) 3.8mW, 77.4mW 42. In a wheatstone bridge, a change of
b) -3.8mW, -77.4mW 6Ω us required to produce a
c) -4.2mW, -85.1mW change in deflection of 2.4mm of
d) 4.2W, 85.1W the galvanometer. The sensitivity
​ rror analysis
E is
a) 2.5mm/ Ω
38. The resistance of a circuit is found b) 0.8mm /Ω
by measuring current flowing c) 0.4mm/ Ω
and the power fed into the d) 5.0mm/ Ω
circuit. The limiting errors in the 43. A resistance is measured by the
measurement of ppower and voltmeter ammeter method
current are 1.5% and 1.0% employing dc excitation and a
respectively. Find the limiting voltmeter of very high resistance
error in the measurement of connected directly across the
resistance? unknown resistance. If the
voltmeter and ammeter reading
a) 3.5% are subject to the maximum
b)1% possible errors of ±2.4% and
c)2.5% ±1% respectively, then the
d) 1.5% magnitude of the maximum
39. The maximum percentage error in possible percentage error in the
the sum of two voltage value of the resistance deduced
measurements when V1 = from the measurement is
100±1% and V2= 80±5% is nearly_______%
a) ±4% 44. A voltmeter reading 70V on its
b) ±2.8% 100V range and an ammeter
c) ±6% reading 80mA on its 150mA
d) ±3% range are used to determine the
40. Two meters X and Y require 40mA power dissipated in a resistor.
and 50mA respectively, to give Both these instruments are
full scale deflection, then guaranteed to be accurate within
a) Sensitivity cannot be judged ±1.5% at full scale deflection.
with the given information The limiting error of the power is
a) 3.000%
b) 4.956%
c) 6.266%
d) 2.143%
45. A voltmeter having a sensitivity of
10kΩ/V is used to measure
voltage across an unknown
resistor. The voltmeter reads 75V
on its 100V scale when the
a) Voltmeter P has 40% error
current flowing in the circuit is
while Q has 3.24%
1.5mA. What is the percentage
b) Voltmeter P has 60% error
error due to loading effect.?
while Q has3.24%
46. A current of 10mA is flowing
c) Voltmeter P has 50% error
through a resistance of 820Ω
while Q has 1.73%
having tolerance of ±10%. The
d) Voltmeter P has 60% error
current was measured by an
while Q has 12%
analog ammeter on a 25mA
range with an accuracy of ±2%
49. The following table shows the set
of full scale. What is the range of
of 10 measurements that were
error in the measurement of
recorded by a student working on
dissipated power?
an experiment in the laboratory.
47. A (0-250)V voltmeter has a
guaranteed accuracy of 2% of
full scale reading. The voltage Measurement Measurement
measured by the voltmeter is number value`
150V. The limiting error in
1 98
percentage is _______ %?
48. For the network shown in the 2 101
figure the voltage across the
terminal AB is measured by two 3 102
different voltmeters P and Q. The 4 97
sensitivities of the voltmeters P
and Q are 1kΩ/V and 20kΩ/V 5 101
respectively. Which of the 6 100
following statement is true
regarding the measurement? 7 103
8 98
9 106
10 99
The precision of the 6​th in time.
measurement is
d) It is cheaper.
a) 0.01
b) 0.1 54. In a 3 12 digit voltmeter, the
c) 0.995 largest number that can be read is
d) 0.0049
a) 0999
50. As shown in the figure, a negative
feedback system has an amplifier b) 1999
gain 100 with ±10% tolerance in
c) 4999
the forward path, an attenuator of
value 9/100 in the feedback path. d) 9999
The overall system gain is 55. Integrating principle in the
approximately. digital measurement is the
conversion of
a) Voltage to time
b) Voltage to frequency
c) Voltage to current
a) 10±1%
b) 10±2% d) Current to voltage
c) 10±5%
56. A digital voltmeter uses a
d) 10±10%
10MHz clock and has a voltage
Electronic and digital instruments controlled generator which
provides a width of 10 µsec uses
51. A digital to analog converter with a
per volt of unit signal 10V of input
full scale output voltage of 3.5V,
signal would correspond to a pulse
has a resolution close to 14mV. Its
count of
bit size is________
a) 500
52. What is the number of bits required
to give an output with a quantizing b) 750
error less than 1%.
c) 1000
53. In modern electronic multimeter, a
d) 1500
FET or a MOSFET is preferred
over a BJT because 57.An average reading digital
multimeter reads 10V when fed
a) Its input resistance is low
with a triangular wave, symmetric
b) Its input resistance is high about the time axis. For the same
input an rms reading meter will
c) Its input resistance is high
and doesnot vary with the change
a) 20/√3 125ms. If the input Vt = 0.9V, then
the number of clock pulses counted
b) 10/ √3
into the register will be
c) 20 √3 a) 800
d) 10 √3 is b) 900
58. Pulses of a frequency of 1Mhz c) 750
are applied to the time base
selector of a digital frequency d)600
meter which consists of 6
frequency dividers, each dividing
the incoming frequency by a factor
of 10. The time base setting at the
output of the 4​th frequency divider
starting from the input is
a) 1ms 61. Two 8 bit ADCs one of the
single slope integrating type and
b) 10ms other of successive approximate
c) 100ms type, take Ta and Tb times to
convert 5V analog input signal to
d) 1s
equivalent digital output. If the
59. A voltage of 0.6972 is being input analog signal is reduced to
measured by a 4 12 digit voltmeter, 2.5V, the approximate time taken
then which of the following by the two ADCs will respectively
statements is true? be

a) The voltmeter will display a) Ta,Tb

0.6973 on a 1V range b) Ta/2, Tb
b) The voltmeter will display c) Ta, Tb/2
0.697 on a 10V range.
d) Ta/2, Tb/2
c) The voltmeter will display
0.697 on a 1V range. 62. The simplified block diagram
of a 10 bit A/D converter of dual
d) Both A and B slope integrator type is shown in
60. A ramp type A/D converter is figure. The 10 bit counter at the
shown in the figure given below. output is clocked by a 1MHz clock.
The clock generator has a Assuming negligible timing
frequency 1MHz and the ramp overhead for the control logic, the
generator produce a ramp voltage maximum frequency of the analog
that increases from 0V to 1.25V in signal that can be converted using
this A/D converter is d) 01110100

a) 2kHz
b) 1kHz
63. A 4- digit DVM with a 100mV
lowest full scale range would
have a sensitivity of how
much value while resolution
of this DVM is 0.0001
a) 0.1mV
b) 0.01mV
c) 1.0mV
d) 10mV
64. An analog voltage signal whose
highest significant frequency
is 1kHz is to be coded with a
resolution of 0.01% for a
voltage range of 0-1V. the
minimum sampling frequency
and the minimum number of
bits should respectively be
a) 1kHz and 12
b) 1kHz and 14
c) 2kHz and 12
d) 2kHz and 14.
65. A successive approximation A/D
converter has a resolution of
20mV. What is its digital
output for an analog input of
a) 01101100
b) 01101101
c) 01101011

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