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EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2

Part A: FMS Learning Cards

Unit title: Catching crucial learning outcomes Stage of learner: Stage 1 - Year 1

Unit description: Unit rationale:

In this unit, students will refine fundamental This unit is crucial as it skills students with essential
catching skills developed in the foundation year of foundational catching skills through game play. By
school. Catching is a manipulative skill that focusing on the different components of catching,
involves being able to absorb and control the force students better their skills, learn of the importance of
of an object with a part of the body. Students are physical activity and learn to use sports equipment
given the opportunity to experiment and appropriately.

experience working with a variety of balls within a The development of this object control based skill is
game style context. Students will focus on a variety essential in assisting students to develop skills and is
of skill components involving catching different vital in order to play many team games such as netball,
types of balls in different situations. These learning Gaelic football, rugby, baseball, cricket and basketball,
cards have been designed to guide students through as well as playground games such as bounce and catch
a skill based lesson that promotes key learning at a wall, in a circle or aim at a target. 

cues to begin or extend the level of competence of 

the individual.

Learning Activity 1 Learning Activity 2 Learning Activity 3



 - 1x Soccer ball p/ Child
 - Using a size 2/3 soccer
- 1x Basketball p/ Child
 - 40x Coloured cones (Yellow, ball (to replace buroinjin -

 - 30x Coloured cones
 Blue, Green and White)
 made of kangaroo skin) 

 - Bin / large container
 - Hula Hoops

 - Marker for scoring line

- Music Playing device
 - Space (Field, Basketball

 - Space (Field, Basketball
- Space (Field, Basketball court etc..)

court etc..)
court etc..)

EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2


 <— Thrower

 <— Catcher

 <— Catcher

 (Little Kickers, nd) creating

 (Little Kickers, nd) bridge for so

 that team

 mate can


 (NSW Department of Education, 2017) (Australian Sports Commission, 2008)


EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2

 Focus area/s: Content Descriptions and

Movement and physical activity.
Fundamental Movement Skill – Perform fundamental movement
 Catching skills in a variety of movement
Moving our body/Understanding sequences and
Movement/Learning through situations (ACPMP025)

 Active play and minor games.

 - Performing fundamental
Thread/s: Games and Sport
 movement skills involving
Refining movement skills/ 
 controlling objects with equipment
Developing movement concepts and different parts of the body

Rhythmic and Expressive
and strategies 

Activities - Selecting and implementing
different movement skills to be
successful in a game

- Demonstrating balances and
describing what helps to maintain
stable positions

Use strategies to work in group
situations when participating in
physical activities (ACPMP030)

- Working cooperatively with a
partner when practising new skills

- Describing and demonstrating
how to include others in physical

Propose a range of alternatives and
test their effectiveness when
solving movement
challenges (ACPMP031)

- Reflecting on their performance
and identifying and demonstrating
ways they can perform a skill more
General capabilities: Cross curriculum priorities:
Literacy: Students Comprehend texts via the 

listening and viewing of the teachers instructions
and the suggestions from peers
 ! Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and
. (LC 1, 2, 3) Cultures – The Main Game “Buroinjin” is a game that
Critical and Creative Thinking – students will be has been played by the Kabi Kabi people in the South
challenged to think critically about various Queensland. (LC 3)

strategies and tactics via the TGfU approach (LC 2, 


EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2

Sleeping Giant - Warm up - (10 Minutes) (Figure 1.1)
 ACHPE outcomes: 


The teacher acts as a ‘sleeping giant’ and is guiding the treasure (coloured - Perform fundamental movement
cones) at the end of the field. The students are to bounce their balls past the skills in a variety of movement
sleeping giant (at own pace) and take one piece of treasure back to the starting sequences and
point. If the sleeping giant wakes up, the students must catch the ball in their situations (ACPMP025)

hands and freeze until giant falls back to sleep. If the student looses control of
- Use strategies to work in group
the ball they are to return to the start of the field. students repeat until all cones
situations when participating in
have been collected from the sleeping giant. If the sleeping giant wakes up and physical activities (ACPMP030)

the students are still moving then the teacher will chase students back to the 

treasure chest. Adjust game so that other students are the ‘sleepy giant’ if class 

is coping well with technique and understanding of game.
 Assessment strategies: 


Skill Development - (5 -10 Minutes)
 Summative assessment: 


Before continuing onto the main game for the lesson, the teacher is to touch on - Keep a check list of who is moving
the major components of catching through direct instruction. Teacher is going their hands to meet the ball and who
to first demonstrate the exact hand position for catching (and demonstrate isn’t.

keeping your body in line with the ball. The teacher will then remind the
Formative assessment: 

students to keep a close eye on the ball and to ensure your hand grip is

relaxed. Teacher will give the students a few minutes ti practice before leading - Observe students’ first attempt to
into the game.
 catch the ball. Did the child cup their

 hands lightly in preparation for ball?

Skill components (Introductory components marked in bold) - Observe students to see if they
1. Eyes focused on the object throughout the catch. move their hands to meet with the

2. Feet move to place the body in line with the object. - Did the child adjust technique
regarding the movement of their
3. Hands move to meet the object.

4. Hands and fingers relaxed and slightly cupped to catch the object. 

5. Catches and controls the object with hands only (well-timed 


Elbows bend to absorb the force of the object.

(NSW Department of Education, 2017)


Keep the Balls Alive - (30 minutes) (Figure 1.2)


Refer to figure 1.2 that illustrates the layout for the game. Students are situated 

in groups of five or more, spaced out 3 metres apart in a circle. Place a large 

container or bin in the middle of the circle and allocate each group 3 balls. 

When the music begins, students throw the balls in a clockwise direction 

around the circle. If a student drops the ball then it is to be placed in the bin 

and the student is to return to their position in the circle. The team with the

least amount of balls in the bin/container when the music stops wins. It is 

important to remind the students of the introductory skill components - 

including to keep their eyes focused on the ball at all times when it is being 

passed around the circle and to move hands to meet the ball when thrown in

different directions from peers. Teacher to adjust distance between each 

student and quantity of balls going around the circle to make more 

challenging. (NSW Department of Education, 2017)




EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2

EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2

Holiday Game - Warm up - 10 Minutes (Figure 1.3)
 ACHPE outcomes: 


Set out four different circles using different coloured markers. Explain - Perform fundamental movement
skills in a variety of movement
to the students that each colour represents a skill to perform s a sequences and
basketball. Blue (Beach) = Shiver while bouncing the ball, Yellow situations (ACPMP025)

(Desert) = Throw ball into air and catch, Green (Rainforest) = Move 

ball around waist, White (Snowy Mountains) = Swap ball with - Use strategies to work in group
another student by throwing / catching (after gaining the attention of situations when participating in
physical activities (ACPMP030)
the other player) Give every student a basketball and have them
bouncing the balls around the room (placing emphasis on avoiding - Propose a range of a TGfU
collisions with other students). When the teacher blows the whistle, all ernatives and test their effectiveness
students stop, catch the ball and wait for a response from the teacher. when solving movement
When the teacher says a colour, the students must bounce the ball to challenges (ACPMP031)
that colour and then perform the appropriate skill. The teacher is to Assessment strategies:
inform the students when to start dribbling around the room again.

 Summative assessment:
Skill Development - (5 -10 Minutes)

The teacher is to demonstrate through direct instruction the bouncing Self and Peer written assessments of
the skill components of catching.
and catching and the appropriate technique that follows (Two hands
firmly wrapped around ball - firm push towards ground with hands Formative assessment:
following through after pass). The teacher will then emphasise to the
students that ensuring you have the ball firm in your hands after During the class discussion, evaluate
catching is essential before moving the ball elsewhere (Save time from student feedback based on if the
student moves feet to place them in
ball flying away)

line with the ball to catch,

Skill components (Introductory components marked in bold)
1. Eyes focused on the object throughout the catch.
2. Feet move to place the body in line with the object.
3. Hands move to meet the object.
4. Hands and fingers relaxed and slightly cupped to catch
the object.
5. Catches and controls the object with hands only (well-
timed closure).
6. Elbows bend to absorb the force of the object.

(NSW Department of Education, 2017)

Eggs in the Basket - Main Game - 30 Minutes (Figure 1.4)

Class is divided into four even groups. Team members are numbered
and line up on each side of the diamond (Refer to image). Balls are
placed in the centre of the diamond. On ‘Go’ student one runs to the
centre, picks up a ball and uses a bounce throw towards student two
who catches the ball and puts it on the ground in front of their team.
Student two then runs into the centre and throws the ball to student
three. Continue until all the balls are gone. The team with the most
balls is the winner. It is important to remind the children to keep their
eyes on the ball as it come and to keep their hands relaxed to catch the
ball. (NSW Department of Education, 2017) After each game, teacher
is to prompt students to reflect on what techniques they used as a team
and with the help of the teacher brainstorm other possible ideas.
EMR408 201830 – Assessment 2


Bounce tag - Warm up - 10 Minutes (Figure 1.5)
 ACHPE outcomes: 


Refer to figure 1.5 which illustrates the layout for the game. Two or Perform fundamental movement
skills in a variety of movement
three students are designated ‘throwers’. Throwers are allocated a ball sequences and
and stand in the middle of the playing area. The rest of the class scatter situations (ACPMP025)

in the space. On the teachers signal, “bounce ball”, the throwers pass 

the ball to an available student in the playing area, if the student drops Use strategies to work in group
the ball then they have to form a bridge with their hands and feet so situations when participating in
physical activities (ACPMP030)

that a friend can free them by sliding underneath the body bridge. A 

player cannot be hit in any way while freeing another player.
 Propose a range of alternatives and

 test their effectiveness when
Skill Development - (5-10 Minutes)
 solving movement

 challenges (ACPMP031)

After the students have warmed up the teacher is going to demonstrate
Assessment strategies: 

some of the harder learning components of catching through direct 

instruction before starting the next game. The teacher will first rehash Formative assessment:

the relaxed, slightly cupped positioning of the hands. The teacher will Teacher to take observational notes
then explain his/her movements prior to catching the ball (legs arm on the students ability to incorporate
moving feet to be in line with the
width apart, direct line of the pass if possible, remind to always keep
ball and catching and controlling the
focused on the ball). The teacher will finally touch on catching the ball ball with only their hands (well-
with hands only (explain that it is useful for the following game in timed closure)

keeping possession of the ball).

 Summative assessment:

Skill Components
 During Buroinjin, create a check list
that assesses the students ability to
1. Move feet to place the body in line with the object. incorporate each of the skill

2. Hands and fingers relaxed and slightly cupped to catch the object.

3. Catches and controls the object with hands only (well-timed 





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