Ei CPD Record Form
Ei CPD Record Form
Ei CPD Record Form
2. About the key professional development activities you have undertaken during this period
Please add additional lines to the table if required
Date CPD area (e.g. The type of activity you undertook (workplace What did you learn and how will you apply it?
Professional, learning, formal learning etc. – see guidance
technical, non-
technical - see
guidance note) and
Signature Date
As a professional member we ask that you keep records of your CPD (your ‘continuing professional
development’, in other words the actions you take to keep your knowledge up to date and moving
forward). Each year in accordance with the Code of Conduct we ask a group of members to submit their
CPD records. These are then reviewed by our CPD Panel. In some cases we provide individual feedback
on records, and we also produce an annual report giving tips on CPD and professional development to
help members as they move forward with their learning.
In requesting your annual CPD submission, we want to understand the ways in which you are keeping
your knowledge current as a professional, continuing to develop your expertise in areas relevant to your
practice and maintaining your general professional development.
The key things that the CPD Panel will be looking for are that
you are maintaining your CPD in a range of areas – that is, all your CPD isn’t all concentrated on
one topic
you are maintaining a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of your CPD activities;
your CPD includes a mixture of learning activities relevant to your current or future practice (there
is more about learning activities below)
your CPD has benefitted the quality of your practice
your CPD has benefited the users of your work (employee, customer, student etc.)
you have a reflective approach to your development.
It’s up to you to decide what specific CPD would benefit you most – you might want to develop a
particular skill or update your knowledge of a topic or area of expertise, or explore something new.
However you should try to make sure that your development covers more than one area so that the CPD
you undertake in any given year includes some activities in relation to some or all of the following broad
CPD areas:
CPD isn’t just about more formal experiences such as attending training courses. It can include any
activity which has helped you to take forward your development as a professional, so we are looking for
you to view your learning broadly and for your record to show a range of activities. This should include a
range of learning activities from the following:
Work based learning This could include taking on projects in new areas, working in new contexts
or roles and reflecting on your experience
Professional activity. This could include being involved in a professional body in some way, for
example as part of a branch, committee, panel or network, mentoring others or being mentored.
Formal / Educational This could include writing articles or papers, further education, training or
qualifications, attending courses and conferences.
Self-directed learning This is deepening your understanding through reading and research
around a subject which could include reading journals, reviewing books / articles, internet
research and so on
Other This could include voluntary work or public service activities which have nevertheless
helped you to develop skills which you use in your professional life
We also look for evidence that you are thinking about the value you are getting from your learning activity,
and so the right hand column asks you to briefly reflect on the learning activity; professional learning
tends to focus on a specific purpose, so what did you get out of the activity, how useful was it to you, and
are there other things you need to follow up as a result?
We are looking for succinct records, so we are asking you to tell us about your key learning, not
necessarily everything you have done during the year. The CPD Panel will mainly be looking at the way in
which you have met the CPD requirements.
No, you can use a form from another professional body, or from your employer, as long as your records
show the information as we ask for in the CPD record. However, the Panel has found that those
submissions using the EI template are more likely to meet the CPD requirements, because the form gives
prompts about the information we need.
Your CPD form and any other information you supply as part of the annual audit will be treated as strictly
confidential. It will be reviewed by the EI’s CPD Panel, who operates to a strict code of conduct in their
assessment activities, and will be stored securely.
Please return this form by the date given in the accompanying correspondence to