Indesit wd118sp
Indesit wd118sp
Indesit wd118sp
Commercial code:
General notes
1. Models of same range share the same exploded views, which report the richest set of spare parts:generally, a model does not
necessarly have a related spare part for each particular shown on exploded views.
2. Some spare parts can not be represented directly on the exploded views (instruction booklets, specific kit, etc...). You can find
those codes in the spare parts list with the same reference of particular where spares are installed or with references 099, 999.
Instruction booklets, once managed, appear with 000 reference.
3. On the higher right site of each exploded view there is a serial number which indicates the beginning of the production of
certain range:some models might have more than an exploded view for a given category, each distinguished by a different serial
no.and linked to another spare parts list, In this case, serial no. is required to supply the right spare part code. Exploded view to be
considered is the one with a more recent serial no. but previous than the one of the model that needs assistance.
4.Exploded views might require further updates even after publishing. Addition of new spares will go on following the already
existing numeration references. Revision number of an exploded view is shown into last four digits of serial number into upper
right hand corner.
5.The spare parts list associated to an exploded view shows related codes of spares managed for a certain model; for each spare
part other informations are available:
REF: reference no of spare into a table; SUBSTITUTE: list of spare(s) which can replace a code but that keeps same functional
INDUSTRIAL CODE: list of variables of a model (shown into model label) where such spare is used; NOTICE: code of
information(s) to refer to complete technical intervention, track for changes or to find correct spare part code.
6. Some notices, into a same section are generic therefore cannot be directly linked to a spare part. In order to assist a model in
the best way as possible, it is helpful to pay attention to all notices and constantly verify documentation updates
7.Technical documentation cover shows model name and its commercial codes
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1180110 Exploded views
mod.WD118SP page 3
1180110 Spare parts list
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1180230 Exploded views
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1180230 Spare parts list
mod.WD118SP page 6
1180230 Spare parts list
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1180320 Exploded views
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1180320 Spare parts list
mod.WD118SP page 9
1180320 Spare parts list
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1180320 Spare parts list
mod.WD118SP page 11
1180410 Exploded views
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1180410 Spare parts list
mod.WD118SP page 13
n1040061: Trouble-shooting.
Intervention procedure on 2000 washing machines
E.g.: F03
2. Autotest
Should the washing machine not be signalling an error, you can check it using a serial key and using a particular autotest cycle,
which is to be activated as follows:
1. bring the washing machine to reset position (coloured ball) for at least 5" and wait until the led flashes on reset mode
2. insert the hardware key into the serial outlet
3. position the switch situated on the key in TEST position
4. wait for the door to lock and for the selector to start turning
5. position the switch situated on the key in PC position
the appliance will carry out the following cycle:
· selector moves on up to position 0 (12h if the appliance has a delay, programme 1 if it has no delay)
· loads the wash electrovalve for approx. 10"
· loads the pre-wash electrovalve for approx. 10"
· loads the wash electrovalve and pre-wash electrovalve at the same time until the pressure switch is on full
· heats up to 30° and moves the motor in both directions
· selector moves on for 9 notches
· drains and spins
· the selector knob stops on one of the reset positions
mod.WD118SP page 14
The test cycle can be repeated as many times as you wish following the same procedures
The test cycle can be interrupted by positioning the selector knob on one of the reset positions.
3. Intervention in the event of a Fault
F04: Overflow and Pressure Switch Empty found at the same time (Pressure Switch stuck on Empty)
Overhaul CN1
Overhaul Pressure Switch Contacts
Control CN1/Pressure Switch Continuity
Replace Pressure Switch
Replace Card
mod.WD118SP page 15
Overhaul Resistance Connection
Replace Card
F10: Pressure Switch Empty and Full or neither Empty nor Full Pressure Switch Found
Overhaul CN1
Overhaul Pressure Switch Wiring
Control CN1/Pressure Switch Continuity
Replace Pressure Switch
Replace Card
mod.WD118SP page 16
5. Replace pressure sensor
6. Replace the board
you should:
· fit on a new card (version 32 or above)
· fit on an updated EEPROM to request from the assistance service centre, stating the code (e.g. 80xxxxx0000 or 46xxxxx0000),
the serial number and the washing machine model.
Part no.066055 - Serial hardware key for LVB2000 autotest. It has not to be linked to PC. (substituted with 077454);
Part no. 077454 - Serial hardware key for LVB2000-PC White (substituted with 084566);
Part no. 084566 - Serial hardware key for LB2000/EVOI -PC BIANCA (substituted with 095669 LB2000/EVOI, EVOII - PC).
mod.WD118SP page 17
n1040206: Fault F03 - specific for wash-drier
On wash-dryers belonging to 2001 series (and on all wash-dryers), in case of a water lack (e.g. closed tap) during the drying
phase, the machine could present fault F03 because of an excessive heating of tub.
Therefore, when a F03 occurs on a wash-dryer, the first thing to do is:
1) To verify that the machine is correctly installed, that the tap is opened ant the loading tube is not clogged.
2) To control the real working of the drying solenoid valve.
Then the actions, already prevented for the above fault, have to be executed.
n1040211: Serial cable to connect the hardware key with the PC.
To connect the hardware key: LB2000 with the personal computer,you must use
a serial cable, pin to pin 9 pin F/F, to garantee the availability, it was
decided to manage it as a spare part.
mod.WD118SP page 18
Code 086660 = PRESSURE SENSOR 1LEVEL 93 - 68 + ANTI-SPILL;
Code 088393 = PRESSURE SENSOR 1 LEVEL 90 - 65 + ANTISPILL;
Code 087188 = HEATING ELEM.TERMAL CUT-OUT 1700W/230V L= 169,5 mm ;
Code 086661 = HEATING ELEMENT FOR PROBE 1700W 230V L= 212.5 mm;
Code 089416 = MODULE (LESS EEPROM) WM-WD > 1200 RPM.IDC ;
Code 089074 = MODULE (LESS EEPROM) SW 2.22 YELLOW >1200 IDC;
Code 089404 = MODULE (LESS EEPROM) IDC EW-AR-IN<1200.
Wires with IDC connectors can be found directly on spare parts list of models to be repared.
This change has not affected EEPROM which remain the same.
1 – Find the modified particular into spare parts list of model of interest
2 – Check list of models herebelow given and compare with their serial no.
mod.WD118SP page 19
AC96BFR (25816) Matr.20527.0001;
AD1000EX (27764) Matr. 20610.001;
AD1200IT (26694) Matr. 20610.001;
AD1200TK (27199) Matr. 20610.001;
AD1600FR (27157) Matr. 20610.001;
AD1600IT (26834) Matr. 20610.001;
AD1600ITPXU (27163) Matr. 20610.001;
AL107XFR (23684) Matr. 20121.0001;
AL108DAG (24900) Matr.20527.0001 ;
AL108DEX (24901) Matr.20527.0001;
AL108DK60 HZ (24905) Matr.20527.0001
AL108XBE (23648) Matr. 11203.0001;
AL108XSTK (22698) Matr.20121.0001;
AL108XTK (22506) Matr.20121.0001;
AL109SLFR (22495) Matr.20121.0001;
AL109XAUS (26024) Matr. 11217.0001;
AL109XEU (22514) Matr. 11203.0001;
AL109XEX (24734) Matr. 11203.0001;
AL109XIT (22360) Matr. 20121.0001;
AL109XSK (25855) Matr. 11203.0001;
AL118DTK (24902) Matr.20527.0001;
AL128DAUS (24904) Matr.20527.0001;
AL128DEX (24903) Matr.20527.0001;
AL128DSAUS (25742) Matr.20527.0001;
AL128XBE (23656) Matr. 20121.0001;
AL129SLBE (23990) Matr.20121.0001;
AL129XAUS (23864) Matr. 11217.0001;
AL129XEU (22515) Matr. 11202.0001;
AL129XSK (25856) Matr. 11202.0001;
AL129XTK (22507) Matr.20121.0001;
AL12SUK (24363) Matr. 11209.0001;
AL12UK (23576) Matr. 11209.0001;
AL149XEX (22516) Matr.20502.0001;
AL149XSK (25857) Matr.20502.0001;
AL14UK (23577) Matr.20502.0001;
AL169XAUS (26458) Matr.20502.0001;
AL169XEU (24897) Matr.20502.0001;
AL67HCGR (23885) Matr.11210.0001;
AL68XEX (23863) Matr. 11211.0001;
AL68XIT (22363) Matr. 11126.0001;
AL68XPT (22485) Matr. 11217.0001;
AL68XSPT (22977) Matr. 11217.0001;
AL88DEX (24899) Matr.20527.0001;
AL88XEU (22512) Matr. 11204.0001;
AL88XPT (22482) Matr. 20121.0001;
AL88XSPT (22483) Matr.20121.0001;
AL89XIT (22362) Matr. 20121.0001;
AL89XSEX (24735) Matr. 11203.0001;
AL89XSIT (22445) Matr. 20121.0001;
AL98XSPT (27630) Matr.20121.0001;
ALD10UK (26092) Matr.20527.0001;
ALD12SUK (26094) Matr.20527.0001;
ALD12UK(26093) Matr.20527.0001;
ALS104XFR (22501) Matr. 20114.0001;
ALS109XEO (26392) Matr. 11217.0001;
ALS109XEU (22520) Matr. 11219.0001;
ALS109XIT (22470) Matr. 20114.0001;
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ALS129XEU (22521) Matr. 20114.0001;
ALS68XIT (22473) Matr. 11217.0001;
ALS88XEO (26391) Matr. 20108.0001;
ALS88XEU (22519) Matr. 20108.0001;
ALS89XIT (22472) Matr. 20114.0001;
ALS89XSIT (22471) Matr. 20114.0001;
AWD10UK (26095) Matr.20527.0001;
AWD12SUK (26097) Matr.20527.0001;
AWD12UK (26096) Matr.20527.0001;
CDE12X (27226) Matr. 20610.001;
CDE12XUK (27227) Matr. 20610.001;
LBE12X (26961) Matr. 20610.001;
LBE12XUK (27155) Matr. 20610.001;
LBE6X (26968) Matr. 20610.001;
LBE8X (26969) Matr. 20722.0001;
SGE12XUK (27241) Matr. 20610.001;
W104TXSBE (25827) Matr. 20128.0001;
W104TXSTK (24746) Matr. 20121.0001;
W104TXTK (23411) Matr. 20121.000;1
W105TXEX (234403) Matr. 20128.0001;
W105XDE (24835) Matr. 20114.0001;
W106XDE (24836) Matr. 20114.0001;
W108XIT (24820) Matr. 20128.0001;
W108XSP (23405) Matr. 20128.0001;
W1215XSDE (24839) Matr. 20114.0001;
W123SUK (23413) Matr. 20121.0001;
W123UK (23369) Matr. 20121.0001;
W123XNL (23416) Matr. 20121.0001;
W124XDE (24837) Matr. 20121.0001;
W124XNL (23418) Matr. 20114.0001;
W125TXEX (23378) Matr. 20128.0001;
W125XDE (24838) Matr. 20114.0001;
W125XSDE (24839) Matr. 20114.0001;
W125XFR (24435) Matr. 20128.0001;
W126XDE (24840) Matr. 20114.0001;
W128XSP (24428) Matr. 20128.0001;
W133UK (24026) Matr. 20121.0001;
W133SUK (24518) Matr. 20121.0001;
W143SUK (27059) Matr.20502.0001;
W143UK (27530) Matr.20502.0001;
W143XNL (23170) Matr.20502.0001;
W144XDE (24841) Matr.20520.0001;
W144XNL (23419) Matr.20502.0001;
W144XSNL (24743) Matr.20502.0001;
W145TXEX (23379) Matr.20521.0001;
W145XDE (24842) Matr.20520.0001;
W146XDE (23843) Matr.20520.0001;
W146XSDE (26461) Matr.20520.0001;
W165TXEX (24796) Matr.20502.0001;
W165XNL (24764) Matr.20502.0001;
W166XDE (26464) Matr.20520.0001;
W682XSIT (24813) Matr. 20114.0001;
W683XGIT 24812) Matr. 20114.0001;
W68XIT (24408) Matr. 20114.0001;
W68XSIT (24409) Matr. 20114.0001;
W842XSIT (24818) Matr. 20128.0001;
W843XGIT (24820) Matr. 20128.0001;
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W84TXEX (23401) Matr. 20114.0001;
W84TXTK (23410) Matr. 20121.0001;
W84XSP (23409) Matr. 20114.0001;
W84XSP (24469) Matr. 20114.0001;
W857XSPT (26661) Matr. 20128.0001;
W857XSPT (26661) Matr. 20128.0001;
W88XIT (23395) Matr. 20128.0001;
WA10XIT (26883) Matr. 20128.0001;
WA6XIT (26881) Matr. 20114.0001;
WA8XIT (26882) Matr. 20128.0001;
WA8XSIT (26919) Matr. 20128.0001;
WAS6XIT (27052) Matr. 20204.0001;
WAS8XIT (27053) Matr. 20205.0001;
WD104TEX (24908) Matr. 20603.001;
WD105TEX (24909) Matr. 20603.001;
WD105TEX220-60 (27603) Matr. 20603.001;
WD106FR (25691) Matr. 20603.001;
WD10UK (25056) Matr. 20603.001;
WD118SP (26335) Matr. 20603.001;
WD11UK (25058) Matr. 20604.001;
WD125TEX (24910) Matr. 20604.001;
WD125TSEX (27152) Matr. 20604.001;
WD12SUK (25538) Matr. 20604.001;
WD12UK (25057) Matr. 20604.001;
WD12XUK (27233) Matr. 20610.001;
WD84EX (24906) Matr. 20603.001;
WD84TEX (24907) Matr. 20603.001;
WDE12X (27232) Matr. 20610.001;
WE105XR (26953) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE10UK (24459) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE11UK (24460) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE125XEX (24789) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE12SDE (27149) Matr. 20610.001;
WE12SUK (24462) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE12SUK (27154) Matr. 20610.001;
WE12UK (24461) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE12XNL (24762) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE13UK (24463) Matr. 20603.0001;
WE145XEX (24792) Matr. 20610.001;
WE14DE (27080) Matr. 20610.001;
WE14SDE (27150) Matr. 20610.001;
WE14SUK (27153) Matr. 20610.001;
WE14UK (24464) Matr. 20610.001;
WE14XNL (24763) Matr. 20610.001;
WE14XSNL(27752) Matr. 20610.001;
WE16DE (27151) Matr. 20610.001;
WE16UK (25162) Matr. 20610.001;
WE16XNL (27765) Matr. 20610.001;
WE8XR (26952) Matr. 20603.0001;
WES9XR (26892) Matr. 20603.001;
WH96TXE (25376) Matr. 20128.0001;
WS105TXEX (23356) Matr. 20205.0001;
WS682XSIT (24826) Matr. 20204.0001;
WS683XGIT (24822) Matr. 20204.0001;
WS84TXEX (23355) Matr. 20204.0001;
WS88XIT (23349) Matr. 20205.0001;
mod.WD118SP page 22
Models of Teverola factory.
AB103TK (27113) Matr. 20408.0001
AB104IT (27913) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB107PT (27094) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB63EX (23909) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB83TK (22503) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB84IT (27914) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB84PT (22484) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB95AUS (23879) Matr. 20408.0001;
AB95EU (23781) Matr. 20408.0001;
AL102PFR (27299) Matr. 20408.0001;
AL109K (23910) Matr. 20408.0001;
AL10UK (23590) Matr. 20408.0001;
AL65PT (27093) Matr. 20408.0001;
LNA855FR (27595) Matr. 20325.0001;
W103NL (24600) Matr. 20314.0001;
W103TTK (23337) Matr. 20408.0001;
W103UK (23334) Matr. 20408.0001;
W104DE (24834) Matr. 20408.0001;
W104FR (23340) Matr. 20408.0001;
W104NL (23386) Matr. 20408.0001;
W104SP (24415) Matr. 20325.0001;
W104TBE (25474) Matr. 20408.0001;
W104TEX (23332) Matr. 20408.0001;
W105FR (27700) Matr. 20408.0001;
W113UK (23335) Matr. 20408.0001;
W63TAUS (25885) Matr. 20408.0001;
W63TEX (24768) Matr. 20408.0001;
W73FR (23329) Matr. 20408.0001;
W83DE (24833) Matr. 20408.0001;
W83NL (24599) Matr. 20313.0001;
W83SP (23317) Matr. 20312.0001;
W83TAUS (25886) Matr. 20408.0001;
W83TEX (23310) Matr. 20318.0001;
W83TK (23320) Matr. 20408.0001;
W83TTK) (23321) Matr. 20408.0001;
W83UK (23302) Matr. 20408.0001;
W85FR (27699) Matr. 20408.0001;
W93TEX (23308) Matr. 20408.0001;
W93UK (23330) Matr. 20408.0001;
W9521E (25379) Matr. 20408.0001;
WA10IT (26880) Matr. 20408.0001;
WA10PT (27641) Matr. 20408.0001;
WA6IT (26878) Matr. 20408.0001;
WA6PT (27639) Matr. 20408.0001;
WA8IT (26879) Matr. 20408.0001;
WA8PT (27640) Matr. 20408.0001;
WP100EX (27761) Matr. 20408.0001;
WP67EX (27757) Matr. 20402.0001.
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From the registration no. 11107.0001, the washing machines and Washer-Dryers produced in the Comunanza factory Plant, have
used modified shock absorbers with the bracket that fixes onto the cabinet.
The codes for the new shock absorbers are:
Code 086372 - Shock absorber 120 N (11105);
Code 086515 - Shock absorber 80 N (11105);
The modification also involved the cabinets in the fixing area that for the shock absorbers represent a different type of slotting
(see enclosed figure).
To avoid the proliferation of the codes, the modified cabinets are handled with the same SAT code as the pre-modification, when
replacing the cabinet you will need to check the registration number of the appliance.
In order to perform a proper task the intervention of the cabinet replacement it is recommended, that at least in the initial phase, to
keep both the combination of shock absorbers in stock. The shock absorbers code 066184 and 064503 will continue to be
normally handled.
mod.WD118SP page 24
This modification also regards the wiring code 088448 which as with all the LB 2000 models, is managed only by request, i.e.
without stock, in order to always manage the interchangeable one with the last modification.
Due to the simplicity of the modification, the images of the wiring diagrams used remain the same as the IDC wiring diagrams
already available on the WEB.
The modification will be also extended to other models which from time to time will be listed below.
mod.WD118SP page 25
AL98XSPT (27630) Matr. 20318.0001;
ALS104XFR (22501) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS109XEU (22520) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS109XIT (22470) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS109XIT (22470) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS129XEU (22521) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS68XIT (22473) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS869XIT (24887) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS88XEO (26391) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS88XEU (22519) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS89XIT (22472) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS89XIT (22472) Matr. 20311.0001;
ALS89XSIT (22471) Matr. 20311.0001;
L687XIT (24890) Matr. 20318.0001;
L687XIT (24890) Matr. 20318.0001;
LE1069XIT (27895) Matr. 20318.0001;
LE869XIT (24884) Matr. 20318.0001;
LES669XIT (24886) Matr. 20311.0001;
W104TKSTK (24746) Matr. 20318.0001;
W104TXTK (23411) Matr. 20318.0001;
W105TXEX (23403) Matr. 20318.0001;
W105XDE (24835) Matr. 20318.0001;
W106XDE (28089) Matr. 20318.0001;
W108XIT (23402) Matr. 20318.0001;
W108XSP (23408) Matr. 20318.0001;
W123SUK (23413) Matr. 20318.0001;
W123UK (23369) Matr. 20318.0001;
W123XNL (23416) Matr. 20318.0001;
W124XDE (24837) Matr. 20318.0001;
W124XNL (23418) Matr. 20318.0001;
W125TXCH (28194) Matr. 20318.0001;
W125TXEX (23378) Matr. 20318.0001;
W125XDE (24838) Matr. 20318.0001;
W125XFR (24435) Matr. 20318.0001;
W125XSDE (24839) Matr. 20318.0001;
W126XDE (24840) Matr. 20318.0001;
W128XFR (27701) Matr. 20318.0001;
W128XSP (24428) Matr. 20318.0001;
W682XSIT (24813) Matr. 20318.0001;
W683XGIT (24812) Matr. 20318.0001;
W68XIT (24408) Matr. 20318.0001;
W68XSIT (24409) Matr. 20318.0001;
W842XSIT (24818) Matr. 20318.0001;
W843XGIT (24820) Matr. 20318.0001;
W84TXEX (23401) Matr. 20318.0001;
W84TXTK (23410) Matr. 20318.0001;
W84XSP (23409) Matr. 20318.0001;
W84XSP (24469) Matr. 20318.0001;
W857XSPT (26661) Matr. 20318.0001.
W88XIT (23395) Matr. 20318.0001;
WA10XIT (26883) Matr. 20318.0001;
WA10XIT (26883) Matr. 20318.0001;
WA6XIT (26881) Matr. 20318.0001;
WA8XIT (26882) Matr. 20318.0001;
WA8XSIT (26919) Matr. 20318.0001;
WAS6XIT (27052) Matr. 20311.0001;
WAS8XIT (27053) Matr. 20311.0001;
mod.WD118SP page 26
WS105TXEX (23356) Matr. 20311.0001;
WS682XSIT (24826) Matr. 20311.0001;
WS683XGIT (24822) Matr. 20311.0001;
WS68XIT (24594) Matr. 20311.0001;
WS84TXEX (23355) Matr. 20311.0001;
WS88XIT (23349) Matr. 20311.0001;
mod.WD118SP page 27
W63SP (23316) Matr. 20304.0001;
W63TEX (23305) Matr. 20304.0001;
W63XIT (25544) Matr. 20304.0001;
W642TXEX (25548) Matr. 20304.0001;
W64IT (24413) Matr. 20304.0001;
W6521E (25378) Matr. 20304.0001;
WA6IT (26878) Matr. 20318.0001;
WA8IT (26879) Matr. 20304.0001;
WP42IT (27759) Matr. 20304.0001;
WP42IT (27759) Matr. 20304.0001;
WP62EX (27760) Matr. 20304.0001;
N.B. The industrial code will not change on the models with induction motor (see following list).
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WS642TXEX 80233540100
W63XSP 80233890000
AB53XEU 80238820000
AB65XEU 80238830000
AL 64XSP 80239020100
WS43XIT 80244510000
WS53XIT 80244520000
WH66TXE 80253750100
ABS63XEO 80263900000
- EEPROM (the OKO system requires a new setting of load timing parameters). THE NEW EEPROMS REPLACE ALL THE
- BOWL (hopper tube hole shifted forwards);
- PRESSURE SWITCH (changed levels);
- OKO PUMP BOWL BLOWER + BALL (see fig. 2A, 2B and 2C);
- CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR (if provided, it is shorter than the premodification item);
- DRAIN PUMP (without detergent collecting tube connection);
- HOPPER (shifted in front of detergent loading tube connection). Fig. 3A post-modification. Fig. 3B premodification);
- AIR TRAP (different shape);
- PRESSURE SWITCH TUBE (different length);
- DRAIN TUBE STOP (specific);
In particular, the OKO system consists of a spherical plastic component inserted in the tube that connects the bowl to the drain
pump (see fig.2 A).
At the beginning of each wash cycle the washing machine fills water for 10 seconds and activates the drain pump for 2 seconds.
In this way, the water level in the bowl is different from that in the drain tube; this difference increases the thrust of the ball
upwards, closing the bowl-pump connection tube hermetically (see fig. 2D).
This system has the double advantage of:
1) separating the wash water and the water in the drain hose, thus saving energy during the heating phase;
2) and ensuring optimal use of all the detergent.
With the introduction of this new component, the detergent collecting tube is no longer required and the pump has one hole only
to convey water from the tank.
For the correct operation of the OKO system, it is important that the drain hose of the washing machine remains fixed to the back
of the unit with a plastic clamp (to this end, the clamp withstands a 25 kg load; see reference 1 in fig. 4); otherwise, the drain hose
must absolutely reach the height of the clamp. (minimum 60 cm.)
mod.WD118SP page 29
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n1040286: Shock absorbers with 8.15 mm fixing hole.
From serial number 30127.0001, for appliances produced in the Comunanza factory, the shock absorbers will be fixed to the tank
unit cradle using: the 8 mm diameter screw code 093750 in place of the 10 mm screw code 030446, and related locking nut code
030443 in place of code 030680.
The items affected by this modification are:
Code 093848 - Tank unit cradle 46 lt ;
Code 093878 - Tank unit cradle 40 lt.
Code 093884 - Shock absorber 80 N
Code 093885 - Shock absorber 120 N
The premodified shock absorbers code 086515 and 086372 will continue to be used, whereas cradles code 064518 and 066074
will be used until stocks run out, after which they will be replaced with the new items after widening the shock absorber fixing
holes to a diameter of 11 mm.
mod.WD118SP page 31
· Detergent loading tube (washing machine SAT code 092161and combined washer-dryer SAT code 092273);
· OKO pump bowl tube (models code 092174, Snella models with induction motor code 094312);
· Hopper (for rotary slide drawer SAT code 092176, for linear slide drawer code 092314);
b) From serial number 30312.0001, all washing machines produced in the Comunanza factory have been equipped with the new
LB2000 EVO II range bowl (see fig. 03), in place of the LB2000 EVO version (see fig. 02), with the following difference:
Two LB2000 Evo bowl codings have been created in order to reduce the number of bowls managed by the After-sales Service
(see fig. 04):
1) LB2000 Evo bowl kit coding (Table 01);
2) LB2000 EVO II range bowl kit coding (Table 02);
All bowl codes (with related interchangeability), are indicated in fig. 04 TAB. 03 attached to this Note.
Starting from serial number 30325.0001, for all the versions of Evizzate SNELLA LB2000 washing machines produced in the
Comunanza factory the diameter of tapered porthole must seal return 28 cm. Starting from this serial number all the washing
machines must be supported with door seal and fixing ring in old version.
Starting from serial number 30616.0001, for all the washing machines Evizzate LB2000 produced in Comunanza, the diameter of
tapered porthole must seal return 28 cm. Starting from this serial number all the washing machines must be supported with door
seal and fixing ring in old version.
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mod.WD118SP page 36
n1040300: Short heating element for 46 l.
From serial number 30606.0001, all washing machines with 46 litre tubs, codes 094283, 094273 and 094279, have been equipped
with shorter heating elements, which required the heater retaining bracket hole to be moved back (see fig. 01).
As the tub replacement mainly concerns premodification appliances, it was decided that with those supplied as replacements the
retaining bracket will remain in the old position. Therefore, if the tub needs replacing, it will not be necessary to also replace the
heating element or make the hole and position the retaining bracket.
mod.WD118SP page 37
When replacing the heating element pay particular attention to the serial number of the appliance and therefore the choice of the
SAT code.
The new heating elements have been included in the documentation of all models affected by this modification.
If the heating element retaining bracket needs to be shifted, it must be removed and then the new hole must be made in the tub
using a 4.2 mm bit, taking into account that the distance between the two holes must in any case be 43 mm.
To plug the old hole use the s/steel TMT M4 X 12 screw (screw kit code 037132) with vellumoid washer and the self-locking
flanged nut code 037135, bearing in mind that the head of the screw must protrude and that its tightening must not cause the
vellumoid gasket supplied with the screw to break.
mod.WD118SP page 38
From serial no. 40427.0001, shock absorbers have been fixed to the tank unit cradle with two 11 mm pins code C00110163 (see
fig. 01 and 02 enclosed) in place of the 8 mm screws code 093750 and relevant locking nuts code 030443, on all washing
machines and dryers produced in the Comunanza factory.
The items affected by this modification are:
1) The cradles have the same Service code, as they can be used in place of the new ones after widening the shock absorber fixing
holes to a diameter of 10 mm.
Code 093848 - Tank unit cradle 46 lt
Code 093878 - Tank unit cradle 40 lt.
2) The new shock absorbers, with fixing bushing having no s/steel spacer, are not managed as they are interchangeable with the
premodified items (make sure they are CIMA type, as the managed items), fixed with M8 screws code 093750 and related
locking nut code 030443 (see figs. 05 and 06).
Code 093884 - Shock absorber 80 N
Code 093885 - Shock absorber 100 N
To remove the shock absorber from the tank, first extract the pin with a few hammer taps (see fig.03) until it is aligned with the
tank bracket and then pull it out with a pair of pliers (see fig. 04).
(To refit the shock absorber use a new pin. Insert the pin until the toroidal edge is aligned with the bracket.)
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n1040371: The T4 mechanism type 4.
From serial number 30612.0001, the T4 mechanism has been introduced on some oscillating units.
The new tub units are perfectly interchangeable with the premodification ones and therefore maintain the same SAT codes.
mod.WD118SP page 41
The modification especially concerns the basket cross element and the tub cross element assembly that are specific for the new
For servicing the products both the premodification tub cross element assembly (code 074213) and the new assembly (cod.
096077) must be managed; their use is indicated by the serial number of the relevant product.
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Electric schemes and links
Cod. 16001542200
mod.WD118SP page 44
Legend: 16001542200
mod.WD118SP page 45
L Line or Lamp THF Operating thermostat
LB Low Level THR Adjustable thermostat
LN Normal Level TM Motor earth
LS Pilot lamp TMB Main cabinet earth
M Earth-symbol TMP Motor thermal protector
MC Spin cycle motor TMS Thermostop
MI MOTOR WITH PULLEY TP Thermal protector
ML Wash cycle motor TPS Drain pump earth
MO Terminal Board TR Heating element earth
MP Door dip-switch TS Safety thermostat
MR Thermal Lock TT Timer earthing connection
MT Timer motor TTH Earthing Thermostat
MV Motor fan TV Tank earth
MV -Ras Dryer heating element ZBN Timer
mod.WD118SP page 46
Electric schemes and links
Cod. 16001546001
mod.WD118SP page 47
Legend: 16001546001
mod.WD118SP page 48
L Line or Lamp THF Operating thermostat
LB Low Level THR Adjustable thermostat
LN Normal Level TM Motor earth
LS Pilot lamp TMB Main cabinet earth
M Earth-symbol TMP Motor thermal protector
MC Spin cycle motor TMS Thermostop
MI MOTOR WITH PULLEY TP Thermal protector
ML Wash cycle motor TPS Drain pump earth
MO Terminal Board TR Heating element earth
MP Door dip-switch TS Safety thermostat
MR Thermal Lock TT Timer earthing connection
MT Timer motor TTH Earthing Thermostat
MV Motor fan TV Tank earth
MV -Ras Dryer heating element ZBN Timer
mod.WD118SP page 49
Electric schemes and links
Cod. ce029000
mod.WD118SP page 50
Legend: ce029000
mod.WD118SP page 51
LN Normal Level THR Adjustable thermostat
LS Pilot lamp TM Motor earth
M Earth-symbol TMB Main cabinet earth
MC Spin cycle motor TMP Motor thermal protector
ML Wash cycle motor TP Thermal protector
MO Terminal Board TPS Drain pump earth
MP Door dip-switch TR Heating element earth
MR Thermal Lock TS Safety thermostat
MT Timer motor TT Timer earthing connection
MV Motor fan TTH Earthing Thermostat
MV -Ras Dryer heating element TV Tank earth
Mzbn/MTA zbn timer motor ZBN Timer
mod.WD118SP page 52
Electric schemes and links
Cod. lg041600
mod.WD118SP page 53
Legend: lg041600
mod.WD118SP page 54
LN Normal Level THR Adjustable thermostat
LS Pilot lamp TM Motor earth
M Earth-symbol TMB Main cabinet earth
MC Spin cycle motor TMP Motor thermal protector
ML Wash cycle motor TP Thermal protector
MO Terminal Board TPS Drain pump earth
MP Door dip-switch TR Heating element earth
MR Thermal Lock TS Safety thermostat
MT Timer motor TT Timer earthing connection
MV Motor fan TTH Earthing Thermostat
MV -Ras Dryer heating element TV Tank earth
Mzbn/MTA zbn timer motor ZBN Timer
mod.WD118SP page 55
Electric schemes and links
Cod. se083400
mod.WD118SP page 56
Legend: se083400
mod.WD118SP page 57
LN Normal Level THR Adjustable thermostat
LS Pilot lamp TM Motor earth
M Earth-symbol TMB Main cabinet earth
MC Spin cycle motor TMP Motor thermal protector
ML Wash cycle motor TP Thermal protector
MO Terminal Board TPS Drain pump earth
MP Door dip-switch TR Heating element earth
MR Thermal Lock TS Safety thermostat
MT Timer motor TT Timer earthing connection
MV Motor fan TTH Earthing Thermostat
MV -Ras Dryer heating element TV Tank earth
Mzbn/MTA zbn timer motor ZBN Timer
mod.WD118SP page 58