Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Mikroalga Air Tawar: Rio Kristian, Sapto Raharjo, Sulastrianah
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Mikroalga Air Tawar: Rio Kristian, Sapto Raharjo, Sulastrianah
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Mikroalga Air Tawar: Rio Kristian, Sapto Raharjo, Sulastrianah
Cell or tissue damage due to oxidative stress can be slowed by giving antioxidants. Antioxidants are
vital substances that may help protect the body against free radicals by neutralizing or mitigate negative
impacts. The human body is naturally equipped antioxidant defenses. but these antioxidants can not completely
prevent cell damage. Body still requires antioxidants from the outside. The purpose of this study was to
determine the antioxidant potential of microalgae species in freshwater.This research is a descriptive study of
the identification of species of freshwater microalgae samples taken with a microscope and testing of extracts
from freshwater microalgae species of antioxidant activity using DPPH method. Microalgae extract as much
2,25ml then homogenized with DPPH as 0,75ml in containers with a volume of 3ml. The containers are then
incubated for 30 minutes in a dark room. Furthermore, the container is inserted into the spectrophotometer to
read absorbance at 519nm wavelength. Results absorbance at the input curves to obtain IC 50 values.The results
that have identified three species of freshwater microalgae namely Navicula sp., Oscillatoria sp., And Carteria
sp. From all three species showed strong inhibition against DPPH with IC 50 values sequentially 41.304 ppm,
23.401 ppm and 51.433 ppm. The conclusions of this study are species of freshwater microalgae are obtained,
namely Navicula sp., Oscilatoria sp., And Carteria sp. has potential antioxidant activity
Keywords: Microalgae, antioxidant, DPPH
Sampel mikroalga yang telah dikultur
diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakteristik
morfologinya menggunakan alat mikroskop,
meliputi pengamatan ciri-ciri fisiknya dan
dibandingkan dengan “Easy identification of
the most common freshwater algae (Vuuren (a) (b)
et al., 2006). Gambar 1. Navicula sp. (a) Hasil
Ada tiga divisi mikroalga air tawar identifikasi (b) Perbandingan literatur
(Vuuren dkk., 2006)
yang teridentifikasi, yaitu bacillariophyta,
Medula Vol. 3 No. 1 Oktober 2015 E-ISSN 2443-0218
(a) (b)
Gambar 3.Carteria sp. (a) Hasil Identifikasi (b) Perbandingan literatur (Vuuren et al., 2006)
Medula Vol. 3 No. 1 Oktober 2015 E-ISSN 2443-0218
Setelah mendapatkan data % aktivitas linier. Untuk memudahkan input data maka
antioksidan maka dibuat grafik antara digunakan microsoft excel untuk mencari
konsentrasi larutan (x) dan % aktivitas persamaan regresi linier. Semakin kecil nilai
antioksidan (y) dan didapatkan persamaan IC50 maka semakin besar aktivitas
regresi liniernya. Nilai IC50 dapat ditetapkan antioksidan. Setelah melakuan perhitungan,
dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi nilai IC50 mikroalga dan vitamin C (Tabel 3).