Horizontal Tank Calibration Using Excel

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The document discusses the generation of calibration charts for horizontal petroleum storage tanks using Microsoft Excel. Geometrical (dry calibration) and liquid calibration methods are described for measuring tank volumes. Excel was found to provide results comparable to specialized calibration software at a lower computational cost.

The volume of petroleum products in storage tanks can be measured through either liquid calibration, which involves directly measuring volumes at incremental heights, or geometric calibration, which uses tank dimensions and mathematical equations to determine capacities.

Geometric (dry) calibration and liquid calibration are the commonly used methods. Geometric calibration involves gathering accurate measurements of tank dimensions to compute volume capacities mathematically. It is the most widely used method.

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Generation of Calibration Charts for Horizontal Petroleum Storage Tanks

Using Microsoft Excel

Article  in  Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India · July 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s12647-017-0224-6


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5 authors, including:

Agboola Olayinka Peter Ikubanni

Landmark University, Omu Aran, Kwara state, Nigeria Landmark University


Rotimi Ibikunle Adeolu Adesoji Adediran

Landmark University Landmark University


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MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India
DOI 10.1007/s12647-017-0224-6


Generation of Calibration Charts for Horizontal Petroleum Storage

Tanks Using Microsoft Excel
O. O. Agboola*, P. P. Ikubanni, R. A. Ibikunle, A. A. Adediran and B. T. Ogunsemi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria

Received: 23 August 2016 / Accepted: 10 July 2017

Ó Metrology Society of India 2017

Abstract: Petroleum and petroleum products are expensive commodities due to their global demand as a major source of
energy. As a result of its expensiveness, there is need for proper inventory to know what is going in and coming out of the
storage tanks. Proper inventory is achieved by accurate measurement through the generation of a calibration chart for every
storage tank. Calibration chart (tank table) gives the needed information about the level (height) and the corresponding
volume of the petroleum product in the storage tank. Geometrical method (dry calibration) is the most widely used method
of computing tank table using the field data such as circumference, shell or plate thickness, length of barrel and lap/butt
strap while taking the necessary correction factors into consideration. Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool in Microsoft (MS)
office package used for computation and programming through the use of visual basic for application. In this study, MS
Excel was used to generate two different charts which were compared with the charts generated from customized spe-
cialized calibration software from Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS software) and the results were found to be within
the statistical controlled limit.

Keywords: Calibration; Chart; Storage tanks; Tank table; Microsoft Excel

1. Introduction Various approaches are being used in geometrical method

of calibration. The most modernized and technically-based
In the petroleum industry, crude oil and its refined products among them is 3D Laser scanning method as described by
exist generally in liquid or gaseous form. This bulk fluid of Knyva et al. [6]. Dou et al. [7] proposed a model for
crude oil and its products require accurate measurement. determining the tank’s position in the generation of tank
Such accuracy eliminates disputes about the receipt of capacity table and the study focused more on vertical
refined product or crude oil into terminal storage and on storage tanks.
delivery, while promptly alerts operators to unnecessary Generally, horizontal storage tanks can be classified as
product losses [1]. surface horizontal tanks or underground horizontal tanks.
Storage tanks and barge tanks can generally be cali- This can further be sub-divided into flat-ended tank,
brated either by liquid calibration approach or geometric elliptical-ended tank, conical, spherical and hemispherical
calibration [2]. Liquid method of calibration involves the tanks. According to Dan [8], the commonly encountered
determination of volume at the incremental heights of a tank shapes are flat, elliptical, spherical and hemispherical.
tank by transferring a known quantity of liquid to a vessel Mathematical equations have been developed for all these
or withdrawn from a vessel [3]. commonly encountered shapes through which the volume
Geometrical method of tank calibration (popularly at various heights can be computed. Sun [9] asserted that
known as dry calibration) is applied to both horizontal and determination of tank capacity is not as simple as it may
vertical storage tanks [4]. It is a process of gathering appear because of some other factors which are different
accurate measurements of the tank dimensions in order to from the common correction factors such as temperature,
use mathematical approach to determine its capacity [5]. shell thickness, heads/ends. In a bid to accurately deter-
mine the capacity of horizontal storage tanks, the volume
of the straight cylindrical section is first determined before
adding it to the volume of the ends. This is easily done for
*Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] straight/perfectly horizontal tanks. However, it poses a

O. O. Agboola et al.

very difficult task for inclined or tilted tanks because there shell temperature. Though, there are two possible methods
is need to take into consideration the effect of tilt [10]. Tilt of physical measurements which are external and internal
is not always a desirable condition in the installation of measurement, however; the scope of this paper is limited to
horizontal tanks but it may be intentionally done in some external measurement because most of the storage tanks
rare conditions which include enhancing free flow from abide by external measurement except the insulated tanks
one section to the other. Correction for the effect of tilt and where internal measurements are adopted.
its optimization was given by Wei et al. [11] where a model
of oil volume marking for a tilted oil tank was validated. 2.2. Circumferential Measurement
Calibration of a horizontal storage tank should be done
once in every five (5) years [12]. Tank capacity table, which Horizontal tanks consist of two heads commonly called
is the output of tank calibration process, is a set of data ends. Amid the two heads is a cylindrical section called
relating the filled volume of storage tank to the gauge height/ barrel. It is important to note that for a flat-ended tank,
level. MS-Excel has been used over the years for mathe- there is only barrel but no head.
matical calculation instead of manual calculations [13]. Circumferences were measured at 20, 50 and 80% of the
When a correct program is written on a spreadsheet, the barrel length by winding a strapping tape round the shell at
output would definitely be right. Sanjid and Chaudhary [14] these various sections. The strapping tape was firmly held
designed a software for the calibration of angle block and under tension using ‘‘little John grip’’. The circumferences
validated it with the results obtained from MS-Excel calcu- obtained for two different Tank A and Tank A1 are as
lation. Validation could be done by comparing already shown in Tables 1 and 2.
existing method(s) with the new proposed method. Chunhui
and Johnson [15] researched into the bilateral comparison 2.3. Shell Plate Thickness
between NIM’s and NIST’s gas flow standards and found
that all the data are in compliance with ISO 9300 empirical The thickness of every section of the barrel as well as the
equation within its 0.3% expanded uncertainty limit. end thicknesses was taken using UTG for spot scanning.
Having searched extensively in Nigeria by meeting with The scanning was simultaneously done on the tank barrel.
the renowned calibration companies to know if there are The field data obtained was shown in the Tables 3 and 4,
commercialized softwares for Tank calibration, it was dis- respectively for Tanks A and A1.
covered that none ever existed up till date. However, most
companies combine various standards such as API, IP and ISO 2.4. Slope Measurement
together to do manual computations. In order to reduce this
rigorous task, the use of API 2551 was adopted in this work in No slope was found in Tank A because the value obtained
addition to the exact mathematical findings of Dan [8] to as both assumed shallow end and deep end were the same.
generate calibration charts using MS Excel programme. This However, for Tank A1, negligible tilt value was observed.
research aims at generating calibration charts for horizontal The observed value obtained in shallow end was 765 mm
cylindrical storage tanks using simple Microsoft Excel pro- while 759 mm was obtained at the deep end.
gramme. The programme interface is user-friendly. This
makes the task of generating calibration charts simple. 2.5. Temperature

Master tape was certified at 23 °C but the field measure-

2. Materials and Methods ment was carried out at about 29–33 °C for both Tanks A
and A1.
Geometrical calibration involves different linear measure-
ments such as knowing the circumference, shell plate 2.6. End Measurement
thickness, tilt/slope etc. Equipment such as strapping tape
is used to obtain the circumference of the tank. Ultrasonic By visual inspection, Tank A has a conical shaped end with
Thickness Gauging (UTG) model TG110L machine was average cone radius of 78 mm whereas Tank A1 was an
used for determining the shell thickness while leveling elliptical ended tank with a dish radius of 52 mm.
instrument was used to determine the degree of tilt.

Table 1 Circumferential measurement of Tanks A

2.1. Field Measurement
20% 50% 80%
The three (3) basic measurements made on site were the
Circumference (mm) 9464 9463 9464
circumference, shell plate thickness, tilt/slope (if any), and

Generation of Calibration Charts for Horizontal Petroleum Storage Tanks Using Microsoft Excel

Table 2 Circumferential measurement of Tanks A1

Tc is the calibration temperature of master tape, Ts is the
20% 50% 80% reference temperature, C coefficient of expansion for mild
steel 0.00000645 ft/ft/Degree Fahrenheit.
Circumference (mm) 9476 9477 9479
The average circumference of each course shell is then
multiplied by the temperature correction factor to obtain
Table 3 Average thickness and Length of barrel for tank A the corrected circumference for each course.
Average thickness (mm) 6.0
2.9. Correction for the Effect of Shell Plate Thickness
Length of barrel (mm) 6000

Required internal circumference c ¼ co  2pt ð2Þ

Table 4 Average thickness and Length of barrel for tank A1
where co is the corrected outer circumference, t average
Average thickness (mm) 8.0
thickness of each shell plate.
Length of barrel (mm) 7500

2.10. Correction for the Effect of Tilt/Slope

2.7. Computation of Tank Capacity Table
Two corrections are usually made for the effects of tilt.
Volumetric quantity as a function of height (level) can be These include:
calculated from the exact mathematical findings of Dan [8].
  sin a
Both ends of the tank must be identical and assumed to T1 ¼ yD L2R  L2L  ð3Þ
have the same dimensions for the equations to be valid. If 2
one end is elliptical, the other must be elliptical with the   cot a
T2 ¼ y2  L3R þ L2L  ð4Þ
same dimensions. However, the equations can be combined 3
to deal with volumetric calculations of horizontal tanks LR length of high end, LL length of low end, D diameter of
with ends of different shapes. the cylinder, y slope
In this computation, the two ends were treated together as
a single section while the cylindrical barrel was also treated 2.11. Correction for the Effect of Butt Strap
separately. The two sections were combined together to give
the required volume of horizontal cylindrical tanks. This correction is not normally applied to horizontal tanks
Generation of any tank capacity table starts from except when the number of weld per ring exceeds 5.
skeleton chart and consideration of different correction However, this is usually taken into consideration in the
factors. Some of these correction factors are: calibration of vertical storage tanks [10]
1. Effect of temperature. qffiffiffiffiffi
2NtW 8Nt t
2. Effect of Shell plate thickness. Deduction ¼ þ =d ð5Þ
d 3
3. Effect of tilt.
4. Effect of butt strap (usually applicable to vertical where N is the number of butt straps or projections per ring,
storage tanks). t is the amount of rise (thickness of straps or projections),
W is the width of straps or projections, in inches, d is the
nominal diameter of tank in inches
2.8. Correction for the Effect of Temperature
2.12. Overall Tank Capacity Table
The petroleum industry uses 60 °F (or 15 °C) as standard
temperature for petroleum products. The master tape could 2.12.1. Volume of Barrel
be calibrated to this temperature using the equation:
Correction factor ¼ 1 þ ½ðTs Tc Þ  C ð1Þ The barrel is cylindrical in shape, so its mathematical
derivate is the same irrespective of the attached ends. Exact

Average Cicumference (mm): Shell thickness (mm) Select the End

Length of Barrel (mm) Radius (mm) Difference of level(mm) Temperature

Fig. 1 Interface for MS-Excel programme for horizontal tank calibration

O. O. Agboola et al.

Table 5 Chart for Tank A Table 5 continued

Level (mm) Excel prog. SGS software % Deviation Level (mm) Excel prog. SGS software % Deviation
Volume (L) Volume (L) Volume (L) Volume (L)

0 0 0 0.00 2780 41,380 41,403 0.06

10 14 14 0.00 2790 41,473 41,496 0.06
20 39 39 0.01 2800 41,564 41,587 0.06
30 72 72 0.01 2810 41,653 41,677 0.06
40 110 110 0.01 2820 41,740 41,764 0.06
50 154 154 0.01 2830 41,824 41,848 0.06
60 203 203 0.01 2840 41,906 41,931 0.06
70 255 255 0.01 2850 41,986 42,011 0.06
80 311 311 0.01 2860 42,063 42,088 0.06
90 371 371 0.01 2870 42,138 42,163 0.06
100 434 434 0.02 2880 42,210 42,236 0.06
110 500 500 0.02 2890 42,279 42,305 0.06
120 570 570 0.02 2900 42,346 42,372 0.06
130 642 642 0.02 2910 42,409 42,435 0.06
140 716 716 0.02 2920 42,469 42,495 0.06
150 794 794 0.02 2930 42,525 42,552 0.06
160 873 874 0.02 2940 42,577 42,605 0.06
170 956 956 0.02 2950 42,626 42,653 0.06
180 1040 1040 0.02 2960 42,669 42,697 0.07
190 1127 1127 0.02 2970 42,708 42,736 0.07
200 1216 1216 0.02 2980 42,741 42,770 0.07
210 1307 1307 0.02 2990 42,766 42,795 0.07
220 1400 1400 0.02 3000 42,780 42,810 0.07
230 1495 1495 0.02
All values under volume for both Excel programme and SGS software
240 1592 1592 0.02 are rounded off to the nearest whole number. However, the full val-
250 1691 1691 0.02 ues
n  were used for the o computation of % deviation
SGS volumeExcel prog volume
260 1792 1792 0.02 SGS volume  100 before rounding up to 2 decimal
270 1894 1894 0.02 places
280 1998 1999 0.02
290 2104 2105 0.02 mathematical equation of horizontal cylinder with respect
300 2212 2212 0.02 to its height is given as
310 2321 2321 0.02
Vcy ¼ Cross - sectional area; A  length; L
320 2432 2432 0.02    pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

330 2544 2544 0.02 Vcy ¼ L  R2 cos1  ðR  hÞ 2Rh  h2
340 2658 2658 0.02 R
350 2773 2774 0.02 þ ð T1 þ T2 Þ ð6Þ
2660 40,122 40,143 0.05
where R radius of the cylindrical barrel (mm), h height
2670 40,236 40,257 0.05
(level) in mm measured from the dip point, L length of
2680 40,348 40,369 0.05
barrel in (mm), T1 and T2 are the corrections for the effect
2690 40,459 40,480 0.05
of tilt as shown in Eqs. 3 and 4.
2700 40,568 40,590 0.05 Equations (3–6) above is converted to Litres (L) by
2710 40,675 40,697 0.05 multiplying with 10-6.
2720 40,781 40,803 0.05
2730 40,886 40,908 0.05 2.12.2. Volume of the Ends
2740 40,988 41,010 0.05
2750 41,089 41,111 0.06 As earlier stated, the two heads were treated together as
2760 41,188 41,210 0.06 one. The three heads commonly encountered are discussed
2770 41,285 41,308 0.06 below.

Generation of Calibration Charts for Horizontal Petroleum Storage Tanks Using Microsoft Excel

Table 6 Chart for Tank A1 Table 6 continued

Level (mm) Excel prog. SGS software % Deviation Level (mm) Excel prog. SGS software % Deviation
Volume (L) Volume (L) Volume (L) Volume (L)

0 0 0 0.00 2780 51,746 51,795 0.10

10 17 17 -0.02 2790 51,863 51,912 0.10
20 49 49 0.02 2800 51,977 52,027 0.10
30 90 90 0.01 2810 52,088 52,139 0.10
40 138 138 0.01 2820 52,197 52,248 0.10
50 193 193 0.02 2830 52,303 52,354 0.10
60 254 254 0.02 2840 52,406 52,458 0.10
70 319 319 0.02 2850 52,506 52,558 0.10
80 390 390 0.02 2860 52,603 52,656 0.10
90 465 465 0.02 2870 52,697 52,750 0.10
100 544 544 0.02 2880 52,787 52,841 0.10
110 627 627 0.02 2890 52,874 52,928 0.10
120 714 714 0.02 2900 52,957 53,011 0.10
130 804 804 0.02 2910 53,036 53,091 0.10
140 898 898 0.02 2920 53,110 53,166 0.10
150 995 995 0.02 2930 53,181 53,237 0.11
160 1095 1095 0.02 2940 53,247 53,303 0.11
170 1198 1198 0.02 2950 53,307 53,364 0.11
180 1304 1304 0.02 2960 53,362 53,420 0.11
190 1413 1413 0.02 2970 53,410 53,468 0.11
200 1524 1524 0.02 2980 53,451 53,510 0.11
210 1638 1639 0.02 2990 53,482 53,542 0.11
220 1755 1755 0.02 3000 53,500 53,561 0.11
230 1874 1875 0.03
All values under volume for both Excel programme and SGS software
240 1996 1996 0.03 are rounded off to the nearest whole number. However, the full values
250 2120 2120 0.03 were used for the computation of % deviation
n  o
SGS volumeExcel prog volume
260 2246 2247 0.03
SGS volume  100 before rounding up to 2 decimal
270 2374 2375 0.03 places
280 2505 2506 0.03
290 2638 2639 0.03 Volume vs Height
300 2773 2773 0.03 50,000
310 2910 2910 0.03
320 3048 3049 0.03

330 3189 3190 0.03 30,000

340 3332 3333 0.03 20,000 y = 1E-07x2 + 16.042x - 2674.2
350 3477 3478 0.03 R² = 0.9957
2660 50,169 50,214 0.09 10,000
2670 50,312 50,357 0.09 0
2680 50,453 50,498 0.09 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
2690 50,592 50,637 0.09 -10,000
Height (mm)
2700 50,728 50,775 0.09
2710 50,863 50,910 0.09 Fig. 2 Volume against height for Tank A using Excel programme
2720 50,996 51,043 0.09
2730 51,127 51,174 0.09 2.12.3. Conical Ends
2740 51,255 51,303 0.09
2750 51,381 51,429 0.09 A conical-ended tank has a cone rise cr measured from the
2760 51,505 51,554 0.09 centre of the cylindrical section to where the cone ends.
2770 51,627 51,676 0.09 Conical end is sub-divided into three distinct sections:

O. O. Agboola et al.

Volume vs Height R  h
M ¼ ð11Þ
50,000 R
40,000 cr cone rise (mm), R radius of the cylindrical section,
h measured height/level (mm) and Vcn conical ended vol-

ume [8].
20,000 y = 3E-06x2 + 16.042x - 2673.8
R² = 0.9957 2.12.4. Elliptical Ends

0 For elliptical ended tanks, ellipsoidal radius er is measured

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 from the centre of the cylindrical barrel
Height (mm) h
Elliptical volume; Ve ¼ per h2 1  ð12Þ
Fig. 3 Volume against height for Tank A using SGS
where Ve elliptical volume, er elliptical radius (mm),
h measured height/level (mm).
Volume vs Height
2.12.5. Hemispherical Ends
Volume (L)

y = -6E-07x2 + 20.054x - 3328.9 When two hemispherical ends combine, they give a com-
20,000 R² = 0.9958
plete sphere. Hence, the volume of hemispherical ends Vh
0 is given as:
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
-20,000 ph2
Height (mm) Vh ¼ ð3R  hÞ ð13Þ
Fig. 4 Volume against height for Tank A1 using Excel programme where Vh hemispherical heads volume, R radius of the
cylindrical section (mm), h measured height/level (mm)
1. When the measured height h is less greater than zero
but less than the radius of the cylindrical barrel R (i.e. 2.13. MS Excel Programme Interface
0  h\R).
2. When measured height h is equal to the radius of the The interface where the inputs are supplied is shown in
cylindrical barrel R (i.e. h = R). Fig. 1.
3. When radius of the cylindrical barrel R is less than the
measured height h but h too less than or equal to 2R
(i.e. R\h  2R). 3. Results

The volumes of the conical end at these three sections Information from Tanks A and A1 were fed into both the
are given in mathematical form as: MS-Excel programme and SGS software and the
For 0  h\R, chart generated for each of the tanks are displayed in
2cr R2 K Tables 5 and 6 respectively.
Conical end volume Vcn ¼ ð7Þ
For h = R,
4. Discussion
2cr R p
Conical end volume; Vcn ¼  ð8Þ
3 2 From the Tables 5 and 6, the maximum deviation and
average deviation for Tank A are 0.07 and 0.03 respec-
For R\h  2R,
tively while the maximum deviation and average deviation
2cr R2 for tank A1 are 0.11 and 0.06 respectively. The above
Conical end volume; Vcn ¼  ðp  K Þ ð9Þ
3 deviations are consistent with the provision of 0.3% vari-
ation of the indicated volume [12]. Adetokunbo [16]
reported on the effectiveness of geometrical method of tank
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
K ¼ cos1 M þ M 3 cosh1  2M 1  M 2 ð10Þ calibration where it was observed that the maximum
M deviation noted for chat obtained from SGS and chart from

Generation of Calibration Charts for Horizontal Petroleum Storage Tanks Using Microsoft Excel

Volume vs Height Calibrator and Calibration Companies are therefore

60,000 encouraged to take the better advantage that MS Excel
50,000 offers.
volume (L)

30,000 y = 6E-06x2 + 20.054x - 3328.4

20,000 R² = 0.9958 References

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algorithm is understood, computation is easily done.


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