The Boy Scouts of the Philippines and Girl Scouts of the Philippines through the Department of
Education launches the National Youth Leaders’ Summit 2018 which was scheduled on February
18-22, 2018 at the Helena Z Benitez National Program and Training Center, Calamba Road,
Sungay East, Tagaytay City.
The summit aims that at the end of the 4-day workshop the delegates will be able to prepare a
harmonized DepEd, BSP & GSP to have an effective youth program that is modern and relevant.
And that the BSP and GSP programs with DepEd’s Vision and Core Values Participants to have an
in depth discussion on relevant issues concerning the youth particularly on Drug Prevention and
Awareness, Adolescent Health, Disaster Preparedness, 21st Century Skills and SDGs Develop
leadership skills and participation in decision making.
A Total of 28 Boy Scouts and 27 Girls Scouts participate in the said event and 10 Adult Leaders
from the Boy and Girl Scouts, with a Total of 75 Delegates. They divide themselves into Patrols
including the Adult Leaders, to wit:
Scouts Adult Leaders
a. Falcon Patrol a. Tikling Patrol
b. Eagle Patrol b. Kwago Patrol
c. Maya Patrol
d. Phoenix Patrol
e. Sparrow Patrol
f. Dove Patrol
During the Opening Ceremonies the National President and the National Executive Director of the
Girl Scouts of the Philippines were present and our very own Secretary General had given an
inspirational message that pierce the inner sensitivity of the audience. Dr. Janry Colonia of the
BLSS Youth Formation Division of the Department of Education gave a message of
encouragement to our Scouts on educational advocacy, and harmonious involvement between
BSP, GSP and DepEd.
The event and its activities were a collaborative effort of the BSP, DepEd and GSP. The activities
were fully implemented as scheduled even though some changes and revisions were made, it
was successfully achieved.
The Scouts and Adult Leaders from the BSP and GSP had formulated recommended Activities and
Projects as their output in the said Summit, these are:,
Scouts International International Friendship Exchange Travel Grant for BSP & GSP
Alliance (INFEX)
Nationalism Workshop on Filipino Heritage Lesson/ Activities in line
The Department of Education through Dr. JANRY COLONIA, Education Program Specialist II, of
BLSS Youth Formation Division, stayed the whole duration to monitor and deliver sessions on Youth
Formation and Substance Addiction, Prevention and Awareness in view on Youth Development.
The National Youth Leaders’ Summit 2018 was a success and our Scouts are looking forward for an
international event that they will again be delegates, to enhance this advocacy and to prepare
this harmonious relationship with DepEd, BSP and GSP for an effective youth program.
Prepared by:
Project Officer
Program Research and Development Officer III
Boy Scouts of the Philippines Girl Scouts of the Philippines
1. Yasser F. Sarona 1. Jade Villanueva
2. Carmelo B. Francia 2. Jhenn
3. Ariel D. Manalo 3. Darvin