Exporting Aircraft Products To China
Exporting Aircraft Products To China
Exporting Aircraft Products To China
Appendix 2
(Revised – November 15, 2010)
1. INTRODUCTION. In accordance with the U.S./People’s Republic of China Bilateral
Airworthiness Agreement and the associated Schedule of Implementation Procedures,
airworthiness certification of aeronautical products is reciprocally accepted. This document
prescribes the special requirements applicable to such products exported from the United
States to China, and must be satisfied at the time of export for a particular product. It also
contains useful information for U.S. manufacturers before a product can enter into service
in China.
2. CHINESE AIRWORTHINESS AUTHORITY. The responsibility for controlling
flight safety of civil aviation in China is a task of the Civil Aviation Administration of
China. (Hereinafter referred to as CAAC.) The Aircraft Airworthiness Certification
Department (AAD) of CAAC is responsible for certification of civil aviation products.
CAAC-AAD addresses:
All applications for CAAC design validation should be sent to:
For aircrafts and TSO articles (except APUs):
ATTN: Director, Aircraft Certification Division
Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department
Civil Aviation Administration of China
#155 Dongsi Xidajie,
Beijing 100710, China
Fax: (8610) 64033087
Phone: (8610) 64092331
For engines, propellers and APUs:
ATTN: Director, Engine and Propeller Certification Division
Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department
Civil Aviation Administration of China
#155 Dongsi Xidajie,
Beijing 100710, China
Fax: (8610) 64033087
Phone: (8610) 64091308
All applications for individual CAAC airworthiness certificates should be sent to:
ATTN: Director, Aircraft Airworthiness Inspection Division
Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department
Civil Aviation Administration of China
#155 Dongsi Xidajie,
Beijing 100710, China
Fax: (8610) 64033087
Phone: (8610) 64091321
CAAC-AAD, Regional Airworthiness Offices:
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Certification Division
North China Administration of CAAC
Capital Airport
100621, Beijing, China
Fax: (8610) 64596413
Phone: (8610) 64595987
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Certification Division
South and Center Administration of CAAC
Jichanglu Yunxiaojie
510405, Guangzhou, China
Fax: (8620) 86304190
Phone: (8620) 86133331
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Certification Division
East China Administration of CAAC
No.300, Changningqu Yinbinerlu
200335, Shanghai, China
Fax: (8621) 62688434
Phone: (8621) 51126113
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Certification Division
Northwest China Administration of CAAC
No.27 Taoyuannanlu
710082, Xian, China
Fax: (8629) 88793018
Phone: (8629)88793023
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Certification Division
Northeast China Administration of CAAC
No.3 Dadongqu Xiaoheyanlu
110043, Shenyang, China
Fax: (8624) 88294012
Phone: (8624) 88293067
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Certification Division
Southwest China Administration of CAAC
No.8 Shuangliuxian Mumashan Kaifaqu Shenlizhen Yunlinglu
601200, Chengdu, China
Fax: (8628) 85710152
Phone: (8628) 85710145
ATTN: Director, Airworthiness Division
Xin Jiang Administration of CAAC
No.46 Yingbinlu
830016,Wu Lu Mu Qi, China
Fax: (86991) 3804024
Phone: (8691) 3804026
CAAC-AAD, Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Centers:
ATTN: Director, Shanghai Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center of CAAC
No.128 Konggangyilu
200335, Shanghai, China
Fax: (8621) 22322252
Phone: (8621) 22321167
ATTN: Director, Shenyang Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center of CAAC
No.3 Dadongqu Xiaoheyanlu
110043, Shenyang, China
Fax: (8624) 88299189
Phone: (8624) 88293067
ATTN: Director, Fuel and Chemical Certification Center of CAAC
No.17 Nan’erduan Erhuanlu
610041, Chengdu, China
Fax: (8628) 82909931
Phone: (8628) 82909892
According to the Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China; Regulations of
the Airworthiness of Civil Aircraft of the People’s Republic of China; Civil Aviation
Products and Parts Certification Requirements, (CCAR-21); and Validation Procedures
for the U.S. Civil Aviation Products and TSO Articles (AP-21-AA-2009-19),the Chinese
Validation of a Type Certificate for an import aircraft is a prerequisite to issuance of a
Chinese Certificate of Airworthiness. An engine or propeller also should get a Chinese
Validation Type Certificate, unless the engine or propeller is validated as part of the
aircraft. The detailed procedures for issuance of Chinese Validation Type Certificate are
prescribed in AP-21-AA-2009-19. The following are the general procedures.
3.1.1 Application.
An application form AAC-021 (7/2009) (sample enclosed as attachment 1) shall be
completed by the U.S. manufacturer of the concerned aircraft, aircraft engine, or
propeller, and forwarded as applicable to the Aircraft Certification Division or Engine
and Propeller Certification Division of the CAAC-AAD through the FAA Aircraft
Certification Office or Engine Certification Office in which the applicant is located. The
following documents must also be provided to permit the CAAC-AAD to become
acquainted with the type design.
(a) Recommendation letter forwarding application and a general description of the
product from the FAA to CAAC.
(b) A general description of the design features and basic specification of the
product. For aircraft, a three-view drawing should be included. For engines,
operating characteristics and operating limitations should be included. For
propellers, operating principles and operating limitations should be included. If the
product is a derivative of a model already validated by CAAC, a description of the
design difference between the two products should be provided.
(c) A copy of the FAA type certificate and type certificate data sheet for the aircraft,
aircraft engine, or propeller.
(d) A copy of all FAA special conditions, equivalent safety items and exemptions
from the airworthiness or noise requirements.
(e) A compliance checklist with the certification basis indicating for each item of
the requirement how it was complied with (by test, analysis, calculation, design
provision, flight test, etc.), and the title and number of the corresponding
substantiation document (report, drawing, specification, etc.).
(f) Any other material deemed necessary by CAAC-AAD should be available.
3.1.2 Acceptance of Application.
CAAC-AAD will issue a Notification of Acceptance for Application after the application
is accepted. The airworthiness examining fee is stated in the Notification and should be
paid. CAAC-AAD will establish a project team to do the certification work.
3.1.3 Initial Familiarization Meeting.
The U.S. applicant, with the assistance of the FAA, may be required to arrange a
familiarization meeting with the CAAC-AAD.
3.1.4 Certification.
(a) The project team will establish a type validation basis based on the FAA
certification basis and the Chinese requirements and special conditions for
acceptance of the aircraft type, and will perform an engineering review in the U.S.
through meetings with the aircraft manufacturer and FAA representatives.
(b) In addition to on-site engineering review, the project team may notify the FAA
that they would like to review the Manufacturer’s quality assurance system, if it is
(c) After finishing the on-site review, the project team should sign final validation
meeting minutes with the applicant and the FAA, which would at least cover the
following information:
1. Purpose, location and date of meeting;
2. Name of all the attendees;
3. The CAAC validation basis, and the compliance checklist for the difference
from the FAA certification basis if applicable;
4. Main points of the validation activities accomplished at the applicant’s
5. Certification review items;
6. Action Items;
7. A draft validation data sheet;
8. List of the data to be provided to CAAC by the applicant, and the mailing
address of the receiver; and
9. A determination of Post Validation Type Certificate activities.
(d) The documents to be provided to the CAAC-AAD project team will include, but
are not limited to, the following applicable data:
1. Substantiating data (e.g. design data, technical specifications, analysis and
computation reports, test programs and reports, flight test programs and
reports, etc.);
NOTE: Requests for substantiating data must be coordinated with the FAA
managing Aircraft or Engine Certification Office, as applicable, and mutually
agreed in accordance with the BAA SIP.
2. FAA approved Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) or equivalent;
3. FAA approved Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) or equivalent;
4. FAA approved Configuration Deviation List (CDL) or equivalent;
5. Continued airworthiness documents such as maintenance program,
Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR), and Airworthiness
Limitation Document (ALD), etc.;
6. All Airworthiness Directives issued by FAA for the product being
7. A list of all Service Bulletins or equivalent documents related to the product
being validated;
8. Maintenance Manual (MM); and
9. Structural Repair Manual (SRM) and Supplemental Structure Inspection
Documents (SSID); and
10. Operating Manual and Installation Manual for engines and propellers.
NOTE: Unless the TSO appliance has received CAAC installation approval, no above
appliance can be installed on Chinese Registered aircraft.
中 国 民 用 航 空 局
1. Name of applicant
2. Address of applicant
7. I certify that the statement of this application and attachments furnished herein are correct and
without any error.
(Signature) Date
中 国 民 用 航 空 局
2. Address of applicant
4. Proposed Installation on
□ A certifying statement from the applicant through FAA, with certification by FAA, that the
performance of the appliance complies with the applicable TSO;
□ All the data pertaining to the proper installation, performance, operation and
maintenance of the appliance;
□ Other specific technical data, as jointly agreed between CAAC and FAA, needed to
demonstrate compliance with a TSO, such as a first of a kind TSO, or unique
applications of a TSO appliance; and
□ Any approvals of deviations granted by FAA.
6. The point of contact:
Name Tel.
Title Fax.
E-mail ZIP
7. I certify that the statement of this application and attachments furnished herein are correct and
without any error.
(Signature) Date
AAC-020 (7/2009)
Attachment 3 – Airworthiness Review and Inspection Record
Airworthiness Review and Inspection Record of Civil Aircraft
(Standard Airworthiness Certificate)
航空器型号: 航空器序号:
Aircraft nationality
Aircraft type: Aircraft Serial No.:
I. The integrality and validity of continuous airworthiness document (the aircraft continuous
airworthiness document should indicate that it is in accordance with the continuous airworthiness document
set during type certification, and these documents have been provided by the holder of the type certificate、
supplemental type certificate or the manufacturer to operator. It usually includes the following items)
Inspection result
序号 检查内容 备注
No. Inspected item 是否满意 Remarks
Document No./
Satisfy or not
Edition order/Date
航空器飞行手册(AFM) □ 满意 □ 不满意
1 Aircraft flight manual □ Satisfaction
□ Dissatisfaction
主最低设备清单(MMEL) □ 满意 □ 不满意
2 Master minimum □ Satisfaction
equipment list □ Dissatisfaction
□ 满意 □ 不满意
3 □ Satisfaction
Maintenance review board
□ Dissatisfaction
□ 满意 □ 不满意
4 □ Satisfaction
Weight balance manual
□ Dissatisfaction
机组使用手册(FCOM) □ 满意 □ 不满意
5 Flight crew operation □ Satisfaction
manual □ Dissatisfaction
维修计划文件(MPD) □ 满意 □ 不满意
6 Maintenance plan □ Satisfaction
document □ Dissatisfaction
AAC-198 (01/2008)
航空器维修手册(AMM) □ 满意 □ 不满意
7 Aircraft maintenance □ Satisfaction
manual □ Dissatisfaction
□ 满意 □ 不满意
8 □ Satisfaction
Structure repair manual
□ Dissatisfaction
补充结构检查文件(SSID) □ 满意 □ 不满意
9 Supplementary structure □ Satisfaction
inspection document □ Dissatisfaction
线路图册(WDM/AWM) □ 满意 □ 不满意
10 Wire diagram manual/ □ Satisfaction
Aircraft wire manual □ Dissatisfaction
□ 满意 □ 不满意
11 □ Satisfaction
Illustration parts catalog
□ Dissatisfaction
) □ 满意 □ 不满意
12 □ Satisfaction
Failure isolation
manual/Trouble shooting □ Dissatisfaction
□ 满意 □ 不满意
13 □ Satisfaction
Engine manual
□ Dissatisfaction
动力装置安装手册(PBM) □ 满意 □ 不满意
14 Powerplant build-up □ Satisfaction
manual □ Dissatisfaction
□ 满意 □ 不满意
15 □ Satisfaction
□ Dissatisfaction
AAC-198 (01/2008)
二、 有关适航性证件/记录和技术资料的符合性
II. Conformity of the relevant airworthiness certificate/record and technical document
序号 检查内容 Inspection result 备注
No. Inspected items 文件号/日期 是否接受 Remarks
AAC-198 (01/2008)
三、 航空器现场检查
III. Aircraft site inspection
序号 检查内容 Inspection result
备注 Remarks
No. Inspected items 结果描述 是否接受
Result description Accept or not
External fuselage inspection
国籍登记标志与 CCAR-45 的符合性 □接受 □不接受
1 Conformity of nationality registration mark □ Accept
and CCAR-45 □ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
2 □ Accept
Clear external marks
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
3 □ Accept
Clean/ appearance condition
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
4 □ Accept
Static tube/pitot tube are not blocked
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
5 □ Accept
No signs of liquid leakage
□ Unaccepted
勤务盖板安装牢固、通气系统正常工作 □接受 □不接受
6 Access door is firmed installed and □ Accept
ventilation system works normally □ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
13 □ Accept
No visible leakage on strut, retractor
□ Unaccepted
actuator, turning actuator, turning
metering valve, every pressure indicator
in normal range
操纵钢索无断股、断丝 □接受 □不接受
14 No broken strand or thread in control □ Accept
cable □ Unaccepted
轮胎无划伤、无磨损超标 □接受 □不接受
15 No scratch on tyre and the wear are not □ Accept
out of standard □ Unaccepted
刹车片磨损指示销无超限 □接受 □不接受
16 The wear indicator pin of brake slice is □ Accept
not exceed the limit □ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
17 □ Accept
Service curve sign is in position and clear
□ Unaccepted
液压管路之间有空隙,无磨擦 □接受 □不接受
18 There is space between hydraulic pipes, □ Accept
and no scratch □ Unaccepted
AAC-198 (01/2008)
□接受 □不接受
19 □ Accept
Exact information for engine plate
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
20 □ Accept
No damage on engine’s air inlet
□ Unaccepted
风扇叶片无损伤或变形,与机匣内壁无磨损 □接受 □不接受
21 No damage or deformation on fan blade and no □ Accept
worn with the inner wall of case □ Unaccepted
反推门安装牢固无变形 □接受 □不接受
22 T/R shell is installed firmly, without any □ Accept
deformation □ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
23 □ Accept
Exact information for propeller plate
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
24 □ Accept
Hub is installed firmly
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
25 □ Accept
Inspection of propeller pitch has been finished
□ Unaccepted
□接受 □不接受
26 □ Accept
Clear mark for the top of propeller tip
□ Unaccepted
斧、绳、防烟镜或防护性呼吸设备 PBE、信号
Other reviews and inspections that the airworthiness inspectors consider as necessary for
identifying that the aircraft complies with the approved type design and is in a safety condition.
The inspection content and conclusion are recorded as follows:
AAC-198 (01/2008)