ASME Code Case 2600 PDF

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Approval Date: January 29, 2008
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committee took action to
eliminate Code Case expiration dates effective March 11, 2005. This means that
all Code Cases listed in this Supplement and beyond will remain available for
use until annulled by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committee.

Case 2600 (4) wedge refracted angle

Use of Linear Phased Array S-Scan Ultrasonic Exami- (5) usable wedge sweep angle
nation Per Article 41 (6) angular sweep increment
Section V
(7) scan pattern to ensure coverage
Inquiry: Under what conditions and limitations may lin- (e) A scan plan shall demonstrate by plotting or by
ear phased array ultrasonic examination be used per using a computer simulation that the examination angles
Section V, Article 4 when using an S-scan2? are appropriate for the configuration being examined, and
that the required volume of the weld and adjacent base
Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that weld material is covered.
examinations may be performed using S-scan phased array (f) Scanning shall be performed using a linear scanning
ultrasonic techniques using linear scanning, provided that technique with an encoder. Each linear scan shall be paral-
all of the following requirements are met: lel to the weld centerline at a constant standoff distance
(a) Amplitude control linearity checks shall be per- with the beam perpendicular to the weld centerline.
formed on each pulser-receiver circuit in the ultrasonic unit.
(g) A minimum of two S-scans shall be performed at
(b) All individual beams used in the examination shall
be calibrated to provide measurement of distance and two different index points form the center of the weld.
amplitude correction over the sound path employed in the (h) When multiple linear scans are required to cover
examination. the required volume of weld and base material, overlap
(c) The focal law3 to be used during examination shall between linear scans shall be a minimum of 10% of the
be used for calibration. overall linear array length used.
(d) In addition to the essential variables listed in (i) A-scan data shall be recorded for the area of interest
Table T-421, the following parameters shall be considered in an unprocessed form with no thresholding, and at a
essential variables: minimum digitization rate of five times the examination
(1) search unit element pitch, size, number, and gap frequency.
dimensions (j) Data shall be displayable in A-scan, D-scan, and
(2) focal range (identify plane, depth, or sound path S-scan formats.
as applicable)
(k) Beam angular sweep increment employed shall be
(3) virtual aperture size (i.e., number of elements,
such that the beam overlap in the area is at least 50%.
element width, and effective height)
(l) Scanning speed shall be such that data drop-out is
A linear scan (also called one-line scan in some industries) is a single less than 5% of the linear scan length and there are no
pass scan paralled to the weld to be examined at a fixed distance from adjacent data line skips.
the weld axis.
An S-scan (also called a sector, sectorial, azimuthal, or swept angel (m) Data acquisition shall be set at a maximum of 1 mm
scan) may refer to either the beam movement or the data display. When (0.04 in.) increments for material less than 75 mm (3 in.)
used to refer to the beam movement, an S-scan refers to the set of focal
laws that provides a fan-like series of beams through a defined range of
thick, and a maximum of 2 mm (0.08 in.) for material
angles using the same set of elements. As a data display, an S-scan is a equal to or greater than 75 mm (3 in.) thick.
two-dimensional view of all A-scans from a specific set of elements
corrected for delay and refracted angle. Volume-corrected S-scan images
(n) A-scan recorded data need only be retained until
typically show a pie-shaped display with defects located at their geometri- final flaw evaluation has been performed.
cally correct and measurable positions.
(o) The probe shall be maintained at a fixed distance
A focal law is defined as a phased array operational file that defines
the search unit elements and their time delays, for both the transmittal from the weld centerline by a fixed guide or mechanical
and receiver functions. means.

The Committee’s function is to establish rules of safety, relating only to pressure integrity, governing the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks and
nuclear components, and inservice inspection for pressure integrity of nuclear components and transport tanks, and to interpret these rules when questions arise
regarding their intent. This Code does not address other safety issues relating to the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks and nuclear components,
and the inservice inspection of nuclear components and transport tanks. The user of the Code should refer to other pertinent codes, standards, laws, regulations or
other relevant documents.

PDF RELEASE 1 (2600) BPV – SUPP. 5

CASE (continued)

(p) For each examination, the required information of (3) wedge angle
T-492 and the following information shall be recorded: (q) An angle beam examination shall be performed in
(1) search unit type, element size and number, and accordance with T-472.1.3 for reflectors transverse to the
pitch and gap dimensions weld axis.
(2) focal law parameters, including as applicable, (r) This Case number shall be shown on the Manufactur-
angle, focal depth, element numbers used, and angular er’s Data Report.
incremental change

BPV – SUPP. 5 2 (2600) PDF RELEASE

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