Information Technology Information Model

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Mark S. S i l v e r
Stern School of Business
New York University
M. Lynne Markus
Information Science
Claremont Graduate School

Cynthia Mathis Beath

Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University

Workinq Paper Series


Center for Digital Economy Research

Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05

Mark S. Silver
Stern School of Business
New York University

M. Lynne Markus
Information Science
Clarernont Graduate School

Cynthia Mathis Beath

Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University

Center for Digital Economy Research

Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05


This paper presents a teaching model we have used successfully in the MBA core course in

Information Systems at several universities. The model is referred to as the "Information

Technology Interaction Model" because it maintains that the consequences of information

systems in organizations follow largely from the interaction of the technology with the

organization and its environment. The model serves a number of pedagogical purposes: to

integrate the various course components, to provide a formal foundation for the course

content, to foster practical analytical skills, and to provide a framework for case discussions

and student projects. Moreover, the model is intended to acquaint students with the

. dynamics of information systems in organizations and to help them recognize the benefits,

dangers, and limitations of these systems. The paper includes a discussion and examples of

how the model can be used for proactive and reactive analyses, and it concludes with an

assessment of the model's effectiveness in the core course.


The authors are indebted to Burt Swanson for his contributions to the design of the MBA

core course that produced the model presented in this paper.

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Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05

"The course was not sufficiently analytical." "The course lacked theory." "I didn't

learn anything I can use at work." "I understand the pieces but I don't see how they fit

together." These concerns are typical of those voiced by MBA students reaching the end of

their core course in Information Systems (IS). Indeed, as compared with other core courses

they take conc~rrently(for example, accounting, economics, and marketing), it may be

difficult for students to discern the fundamental principles of the IS course that integrate the

material, that provide a theoretical foundation, and that foster useful business skills. Toward

remedying this deficiency, we propose in this paper a model of information systems in

organizations that we have used successfully in teaching the core course in information

systems at several universities.

We refer to the model as the "Information Technology (IT) Interaction Model"

because it rests on the premise that the consequences of information systems in organizations

follow from the interaction of the technology with the organization and its environment.

Understanding the nature of this interaction, therefore, is central to leveraging the benefits

and avoiding the hazards that information technology presents for organizations. And

learning how to leverage the benefits and avoid the hazards is at the core of the core

information systems course.

The model addresses the interaction of an information system's design features with

five elements of the organization: (1) its external environment, (2) its strategy, (3) its

business processes, (4) its structure and culture, and (5) its IT infrastructure. The model

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Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05
considers the consequences of this interaction for system use, for organizational performance,

for the organization's personnel, and for the firm's future flexibility. Moreover, the model

relates various aspects of the interaction process to the phases of the development and

implementation lifecycles.

By combining these various components, the model integrates the many aspects of the

course, inclucihg such topics as technology basics, what businesses accomplish with

information technology, how IT can change firm and industry structure, how organizations

acquire new applications, how firms manage IT standards, and so forth. At the same time,

the model serves as a formal foundation for the course. And the model builds practical

skills, as well, since it can be used proactively in designing and implementing systems or

reactively to evaluate what transpired after the fact. In particular, the model lends itself to

use in case discussions and in student projects.

While the model is based upon and consistent with our understanding of the

Information Systems research literature, we must emphasize that the model we are presenting

in this paper is a teaching model, not a research model. Our aims in this paper are to

describe a model that we have found useful for pedagogical purposes in the hope that others

will similarly find it worthwhile and to contribute to the current dialogue about teaching

innovation and curricular reform. Of necessity, this model, intended for MBA students,

reflects a simplification of the full set of relationships that would interest researchers and

specialists in the field. We believe, however, that it is flexible enough to serve as a starting

point for discussing many specific theories not explicitly modeled in it, while not being so

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Working Paper IS-94-05
vague and abstract as to be meaningless.

We begin the paper by stating a premise concerning the core MBA course in

Information Systems, after which we present the model. Next we discuss how the model can

be used for proactive and reactive analyses, and we then offer an example of each in the

context of the core course. After discussing more generally the role of the model in the

course, we turn
- to a number of specific pedagogical issues. We conclude by assessing the

model's effectiveness in the course.


Core courses in information systems differ both because of programmatic constraints

imposed by the institution (for instance, the number of contact hours and the sequencing of

the course in the MBA curriculum) and because of content decisions made by the course

designers. Among the content choices that vary from school to school and are currently in

dispute in the IS community are such issues as which topics to cover, how much hands-on

instruction to provide, and if and how to use business cases (Stohr et al., 1990). Although

we have strong feelings about a number of these content choices, our aim is not to debate

here the objectives or content of the core course but to proceed from a minimalist set of

objectives and topics we take as givens. We believe that these givens apply to a large share

of core course offerings today and are likely to apply to even more as the decade progresses.

We take as a starting point that as a core course--the only course in information

systems many MBA students will take--the course addresses "what every MBA needs to

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Working Paper IS-94-05
know about information systems in organizations." While opinions differ as to what

constitutes this core of required knowledge, at a minimum the course must acquaint students

with the dynamics of information systems in organizations so that they will be able to

function and manage effectively in the now IT-laden corporate and industrial worlds. And to

function effectively, they must recognize that the consequences of information technology are

nondeterministic and not necessarily positive. That is, despite all the excitement surrounding

the potential Gilue of IT for business, the benefits of a given system for a given firm may be

nonexistent and the effects may even be negative. Indeed, the road to information system

success is strewn with information system failures. To succeed, students must understand the

range of potential effects, the set of factors that contribute to these outcomes, and the

connections between them. Put differently, an objective of the core course is the following:

to increase students' knowledge of the potential benefits, dangers, and limitations of

information technology and to equip them to leverage the benefits, avoid the dangers, and

surmount the limitations. We use the IT Interaction Model to accomplish this objective.


The IT interaction model is best thought of as a stylized view of the dynamics of

information systems in organizations. Based on a large body of research findings (for

example, Kling and Scacchi, 1982; Markus, 1984; Markus and Robey, 1988; Orlikowski and

Robey, 1991; DeSanctis and Poole, 1994), the model asserts that the effects of an

information system for an organization emerge over time as the result of the interaction of

the system with the organization. This view leads to a model with four interrelated elements:

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Working Paper IS-94-05
( I ) the implementation process, ( 2 ) the organization and its environment, (3) the information

system, and (4) the system's effects.

We present the model to the students in diagrammatic form as shown in Figure 1.

The schematic, which captures the main elements of the model and depicts the principal

relationships, serves several purposes. It highlights the key components and helps the

students see the relationships among them. It also helps the students remember those
components and relationships. The figure allows us to focus easily on one portion of the

model, without losing sight of how that component fits into the big picture. And it helps the

students appreciate the model's dynamics. Figure 2 accompanies the schematic, outlining

and exemplifying the model's salient features.

In presenting the model here, we use the terminology that we have found most

effective in the classroom. We recognize, however, that in the jargon-rich and rapidly

changing field of information systems, some terms have a variety of connotations and,

conversely, some concepts go by a variety of names. A given instructor, therefore, might

wish to substitute alternative vocabulary for ours to reflect consistency with his or her

preferred terminology or with that of the adopted textbook, What matters in the following

discussion, therefore, is not the terminology, but the underlying concepts. We shall

endeavor to make clear how we use the terms we employ.

What follows is an overview of the essentials of the model. As the term unfolds, we

cover a large body of more detailed material that fleshes out the components and

relationships more fully.

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Working Paper IS-94-05
The Implementation Process

Implementation is one of those terms that has multiple meanings in the context of IS.

For example, used narrowly, the term sometimes refers to the coding phase of development

and other times to specific tactics and strategies used to introduce a system into an

. organization. -Recause we see implementation as an ongoing process throughout the life of an

information system, we use the phrase implementation process in its broadest sense to refer

to all the management policies and interventions associated with the development,

introduction, and use of an information system, from its inception to its retirement (Leonard-

Barton, 1988; Markus, 1990).

The model's treatment of the implementation process neither adopts nor depends upon

any particular view of the systems development process. It is intended to be compatible with

the various versions of the traditional Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) as well as

with such alternative lifecycles as those associated with prototyping or outsourcing,

Consequently, we identify four generic stages in the implementation process: (1) initiation,

(2) acquisition (buildlbuy), (3) introduction, and (4) adaptation. In Figure 1, time proceeds

from left to right, but the process is deliberately left "open-ended" to reflect that adaptation

of both the organization and the information system is ongoing.

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Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05
The Organization and Its Environment

The organization and its environment provide the context for an information systems

intervention. At the most basic level, it is organizational needs that motivate the design of

the system. Nonetheless, organizations are dynamic entities, and once a systems

development project is initiated, the process begins to engender changes in the organization

in anticipation of the new system. This influence is reflected by the arrow in Figure 1

pointing from "Initiation" to "The Organization."

For the purposes of understanding the dynamics of information systems interventions,

we find it useful to distinguish between the organization's external and internal environments

and, within the internal environment, to differentiate four components: the firm's strategy,

its structure and culture, its business processes, and its IT infr-cstructure.

The External Environment

Understanding the external business environment is important because the external

environment provides the context within which the firm operates. For example, such aspects

of the externaI environment as the competitive position of the firm within the structure of its

industry and the firm's relationships with its customers and suppliers will influence its

corporate strategy and its use of information technology. Among the relevant dimensions

for studying the external environment are the competitive structure of the industry, the

relative power of buyers and sellers, the basis of competition, whether the industry is

growing, shrinking, or stable, the state of regulation, and the state of technological

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Working Paper IS-94-05
deployment (Porter, 1980; McFarlan, 1984).

Firm Strategy

Many information systems projects in organizations today are closely linked to

corporate strategy. In some cases, the information system is a key element of implementing

a strategy; in other cases, it is at the very essence of the strategy. For many systems,

. therefore, firm,strategy is a critical factor. Among the business strategies that are receiving

much attention for their IT implications, for example, are differentiation, low-cost

production, a focus on quality and service, globalization, right-sizing, and just-in-time

inventory and manufacturing (McFarlan, 1984; Ives and Learmonth, 1984; Porter and Millar,

1985; Boynton, Victor, and Pine, 1993; Treacy and Wiersema, 1993; Lucas, 1994).

Organizational Structure and Culture

A firm's internal design elements--its structure and its culture--may influence system

design as well as system success. For example, systems that share data across departmental

boundaries raise special design and implementation concerns and are especially vulnerable to

user resistance due to loss of flexibility (Goodhue, Wybo, and Kirsch, 1992).

By organizational structure we mean formal aspects of organizational functioning,

such as the division of labor, hierarchical authority, and job descriptions. Structure typically

includes whether the firm is centralized or decentralized; whether it uses a divisional,

functional, or matrix organization; and its reporting relationships. By culture we mean the

shared values, basic assumptions, and behaviors of organizational members. Elements of

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Working Paper IS-94-05
culture include whether the organization values individuality or teamwork, whether bigger is

better, and whether risk taking, such as that commonly associated with IT innovations, is

rewarded or reproached.

Business Processes

Information technology, and the procedures associated with it, often represent a major

part of a firm's business processes, such as order fulfillment, materials acquisition, and new

product development. In the past, many information systems were designed to automate

existing business processes. More recently, firms have begun to focus on using IT to

reengineer those processes. Although business processes typically cut across the major

functional divisions of organizational structure, information systems have often been designed

while ignoring that structure. The reengineering movement has helped us realize that, when

designing systems, we must consider both business processes and organizational structure


IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructure is another term that appears frequently in the IS literature, but whose

meaning varies from source to source. For the purposes of the course, we adopt a broad

definition of infrastructure, referring to it as "the capacity of the organization to generate

new IT applications" (Weill and Olson, 1989; Markus and Soh, 1993; Weill, 1994). Thus

defined, it encompasses a large set of organizational IT resources, including computing

hardware, software development tools and programming libraries, databases,

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Working Paper IS-94-05
telecommunications networks, training materials and facilities, and the capabilities of IT

personnel. And thus defined it also clearly has significant implications for the design and

success of an information system.

The Information System

The infc>rmationsystem itself is for most students the most familiar element of the

model. But our definition of information system, while corresponding with the approach

taken in many of the popular IS textbooks, differs from what many of the students entering

the course expect. We emphasize that the system is not just the software or even the

software and the hardware; the system comprises hardware, software, data, people, and

procedures. To portray diagrammatically that the information system is placed into the

organizational environment, an arrow points from the "Build/BuyWactivity to "The

Information System," which is embedded within the organizational rec-tangle. Examples of

information systems for the purposes of the course and the model include such diverse

applications as SABRE, ASAP, OTISLINE, Excel, and Lotus Notes.

System Effects

When an information system is introduced into an organization, the system's features

will fit well or poorly with the various elements of the organizational environment. I f is ibis

inrerucrion of rhe sysrem wirh rl~eorgunizurion r11ur we see US rhe prinrury cll.rern?inunr of the

eflecrs of rlie syreil7 on rhl~orguni:urion. A system that depends on data sharing, for

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Working Paper IS-94-05
example, introduced into an organization that inhibits it, may encounter resistance or provoke

turf-battles. We also believe rl7ar implemenrurion is a key derenninanr of sysrem eflecrs. For

instance, how a system is introduced may affect if and how that system is used {Orlikowski,

1992; DeLuca, 1993). In particular, the implemenrurion process can mediate the eflecrs of

the organizarion-sysrem inreracrion. That is, in cases where the new system is in conflict

with the existing organization, the way the implementation process is handled may facilitate

organizational change and system acceptance or, alternatively, may provoke greater

resistance. These effects of implementation are portrayed diagrammatically by the m o w

from "Introduction" to "Use."

Although not always thought of as an effect, one of the most fundamental results of

introducing an information system into an organization is that the system either is used or is

not. This first-order effect must not be neglected, because it is quite common for systems

not to be used and such nonuse is a major reason for systems' not achieving their design

objectives (Markus and Keil, 1994). And, if the system is used, the question of how the

system is used--when, by whom, for what purpose, and so forth--remains a significant issue.

Systems are often used in ways other than intended, sometimes with positive consequences,

as when a decision support system also serves as a tool for improving customer relations

(Keen and Scott Morton, 1978), and sometimes with negative consequences, as when an

executive information system is used to intimidate subordinates, stifling creativity. So,

understanding if and how a system is used is an essential first step in evaluating system


Center for Digital Economy Research

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Working Paper IS-94-05
The second stage of evaluating effects is to assess the consequences of the system for

the organization. The model focuses on three classes of outcomes: (1) performance effects,

(2) consequences for people (the organization's personnel), and (3) future flexibility.

Performance, indicated by a "$" in the figure, includes such bottom-line results as profit,

gross revenue, and market share. Consequences for people include such outcomes as shifts

in power and influence, job enrichment, and deskilling. Future flexibility (the infinity sign

in !he figure) rcfers to the ways that the system may enable or constrain future information

systems and strategic initiatives by the organization (Keen, 1991). For example, companies

that have invested heavily in mainframe computer architectures and mainframe-related skills

are predicted to incur great difficulty and expense converting to object-oriented and client-

server architectures (Fichman and Kemerer, 1993).

The consequences of an IS are not necessarily uniform. Some may be desirable while

others may not. Performance effects may be at odds with people effects; for example, a

system might improve profits at the expense of the quality of worklife for company

personnel. Various aspects of performance may clash; increasing long-run market share may

conflict with increasing short-run profit. And the consequences for people may differ from

one person to another; a system that enriches one person's job may deskill or eliminate


A third-order effect of implementing an information system is that as a result of how

the system is used and of its perceived consequences for performance, people, and future

flexibility, adaptations will be made over time to the system, the organization, or both. At

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Working Paper IS-94-05
Frito-Lay, for example, changes due to the hand-held computer project and the improved IT

infrastructure enabled the organization to shift from a one-year planning cycle to a

three-times-a-year planning cycle, dramatically improving the rate of organizational learning

("Frito-Lay, Inc. : A Strategic Transition (C), " 1992). Similarly, it has been suggested that,

as with any new technology, a period of learning, adjustment, and restructuring may be

necessary before the full return on an IT investment is reaped (Brynjolfsson, 1993). The

figure depicts these adaptive effects in the form of a feedback loop at the bottom of the




Before discussing the specific role that the model plays in the core course, we

consider more generically how the model can be employed in the field of Information

Systems, To do this, we must first consider the "interaction" between system and

organization in more depth.

The key concept in understanding the interaction of the system with the organizational

environment is the notion of "fit." Intuitively, one might expect that if a system "fits" the

organization well, then its effects will be favorable, and that if the system fits the

organization poorly, the effects will be unfavorable. But the relationship is not SO simple.

Since systems have multiple effects, some may be favorable while others are not. Even

more importantly, a good "fit" between the new system and the existing organization is not

necessarily desirable. Understanding what is desirable requires considering the design

Center for Digital Economy Research

Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05

Broadly speaking, one can distinguish two design objectives for an information

system. These are, in Hammer's (1990) words, "automation" and "obliteration." Put

differently, the objective of an information systems project might be to create incremental

change, largely by mechanizing or automating the current business processes. Alternatively,

the design objective might be radical change, fundamentally reengineering or transforming a

firm's processes. For the first case, where changes are incremental, success generally

depends on a reasonably good fit with the existing organization, because too great a

mismatch between firm and system may engender resistance and other damaging responses.

In contrast, where the system is an agent for radical change, success depends on a deliberate

clash with the existing organization carefully designed to transform the organization in the

desired manner (Markus and Keil, 1994).

So we can understand a system's effects in terms of the interaction between the

system and the organization as follows: A good fit is consonant with successful

mechanization, while a mismatch offers the potential for transformation. With this

observation as a foundation, the IT interaction model can be used in two fundamentally

different ways:

proactively, to analyze the issues involved in designing and implementing an

information system and to make appropriate recommendations for action, or

reactively, to analyze what transpired after the fact in an IS project and to make
recommendations for improvement.

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Working Paper IS-94-05
When designing an information system, the model can be used proactively in the early

stages of development to anticipate consequences and design system features accordingly.

One way to do this is by first studying the elements of the existing organizational

environment and then contemplating the consequences of the planned system, taking into

account both intended effects to be targeted as well as undesirable side-effects to be avoided.

Following these analyses, the major design choice between incremental improvement and

radical change (transformation) is made. And then throughout the implementation process

attention must be given to the various model elements. In the case of incremental

improvement, this means ensuring an adequate fit between the existing environment and the

system. l n the case of transformation, it entails fitting some elements of the environment

while deliberately clashing with others (Markus and Keil, 1994; Gersick, 1991; Tushman and

Romanelli, 1985). Moreover, in all cases, one must ensure that the implementation process

itself is appropriate and effective. In particular, when the information system is

transformative, implementation must support and facilitate the organizational transformation.

The interaction model can also be used reactively to analyze the outcome of an

information systems project. Such analysis might be useful either for academic purposes or

as part of the adaptive process of revising the system. When using the model reactively, a

good starting point is to ask whether the design objective was to improve or transform. If

the objective was improvement, then the results might best be understood by looking for

places where there may be a lack of fit between the system and the organization. If the

objective was transforination, the results might depend on understanding where there were

fits and where there were clashes. Figure 3 presents a checklist of questions to consider

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Working Paper IS-94-05
when performing such an analysis. Note that not every question--every possible interaction--

will be important for every situation. The challenge is to determine which are the salient

issues for a given project.

These two real-world uses of the model correspond with two uses in the classroom.

The reactive approach--ex post analysis of a systems project--lends itself to retrospective

analysis of business cases. Students are encouraged to recognize whether the objective was
improvement or transformation, to consider whether this objective had merit, to contemplate

the full set of consequences (not just the obvious ones of profit or market share), to identify

the salient elements of the model that contributed to these outcomes, and to make

recommendations concerning what could have been done differently. This approach can also

be used for comparative case analyses, to help students examine how different mixes of

organizational factors and system features contributed to different outcomes. The model can

be used either for written case analyses or as the basis for class discussions.

The proactive approach also has multiple uses in the core MBA course. Many such

courses include small systems analysis and design projects, and others include term-long

development projects. In some instances these are "textbook cases, " where students design

systems based on predefined scenarios, while in others they are "living cases," which allow

the students to study the environment and interview the people directly. Either way, the

interaction model can be used proactively to guide systems analysis and design. The

proactive approach may also be appropriate for "action" business cases where students are

presented with a business situation and asked what the organization should do next.

Center for Digital Economy Research

Stern School of Business
Working Paper IS-94-05

To make the IT Interaction Model and its uses more concrete, we describe two

examples of how we use the model in the core course. The first example illustrates the role

of proactive analysis in student projects, and the second shows reactive analysis using the

OTJSLlNE business case.

A Living Case: A Proactive Illustration

We have used the model as a foundation for a variety of student projects including

systems analysis and design assignments (based on predefined case descriptions) and field-

based analysis projects (where the teams found their own sites). One approach we found

especially worthwhile for the students was to engage the class in a term-long living case

where the teams all served as IT consultants to the same client. For each section of the core

course, we selected a different unit in the business school that had expressed a need for IT

support. These units included the planning office, placement center, and admissions office.

Ekrly in the term we devoted one class session to introducing the interaction model and

another to a presentation by the client. The formal charge to the students was to "advise the

client about IT-related problems and opportunities," but the client briefings typically focused

on a particular issue where the client felt IT could be brought to bear. The students were

strongly encouraged to apply the model in making their recommendations. During the term

students scheduled follow-up interviews with members of the client organizations and others

whose input was desired. Class time was allocated as needed to address issues of importance

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Working Paper IS-94-05
to more than one team. At the end of the term, each team submitted a written report and

presented an oral summary to the class and the client.

Examining the differences across teams highlights how the students used the model.

Some groups took a very technical approach to the task, devoting a good deal of their effort

to designing and building prototypes. While their demos were generally slick, other teams

that took a broader and more behavioral approach generally made greater use of the model

and produced richer analyses. The teams varied in their assessments of whether it was best

to automate or obliterate. Some teams made low-tech recommendations, arguing that little

new technology was needed but that changes to the unit's processes and procedures were

essential. Others argued for incremental improvement, automating existing approaches. Still

others argued for more radical reengineering or transformation.

The teams identified an assortment of factors within the organizational environment

that constrained the system design or had the potential to affect outcomes. For example, a

number of t&ms expressed concerns about the ability of the existing IT infrastructure to

support what they saw as the ideal solution to the problem. Concerns about hardware

resources, software compatibility, data availability, and computer skills led some groups to

recommend enhancements to the infrastructure and other groups to scale back their proposed

solutions. Similarly, internal structure and culture were often seen as additional constraints.

Difficulties in sharing data across units, a low-tech atmosphere, and competition among units

for central computer resources were all seen as factors requiring attention. Most groups

pointed to areas where business processes could be improved, if not transformed. And

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although these were units of a nonprofit organization, the external environment also played a

role. Units such as the placement center and admissions office were sensitive to the behavior

of their counterparts at competitor institutions, and this influenced the project goals and

parameters. In their analyses, students were also able to identify sources of potential


Based on the written reports, oral presentations, follow-up discussions with students,
-- -
and feedback from clients, we believe that the model helped the students to appreciate the

dynamics of information systems in the client organizations and to recognize the

opportunities, dangers, and limitations that the client environment posed for the application

of information technology. Of course, since the students' term-long participation reflected

only the initiation stage of the implementation process, they were not able to experience first-

hand the interactions and consequences that would ensue as the projects progressed. For this

reason, we recommend coupling the proactive analysis of the project with reactive analyses

of a number of business cases.

OTISLINE: A Reactive Illustration

The OTISLINE (1988) case is a popular business case that illustrates how Otis used

information technology to enhance its competitive position in the elevator industry. The case

is rich with respect to many aspects of the IT Interaction Model.

In brief, the case describes how Otis centralized its dispatching and monitoring of

service calls, thereby improving the quality of service and achieving a variety of related

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Working Paper IS-94-05
competitive benefits. Our objective in the discussion is to recognize what transpired and to

analyze why. The way we open the discussion is usually to ask if OTISLINE was


Students generally conclude that the system was a success by noting that Otis

strengthened its number one share of the service market (performance). And they point to a

number of second-order competitive benefits that also followed from the system, such as the
edges in manufacturing and selling elevators that OTISLINE produced indirectly. Further

analysis also reveals that OTISLINE served as the springboard for additional technological

innovations that Otis planned down the road. We press the students on this issue of future

flexibility versus current performance, asking questions such as the following: How

dependent is Otis on OTISLINE? How can Otis insulate itself from the risks of dependence?

Is Otis blinding itself to other, better approaches that might be invented in the future?

Next we ask what made OTISLINE a success. It is usually agreed that OTISLINE

met the firm's strategic business need and was responsive to the competitive problems Otis

faced in the elevator service industry. But we probe further. While the system may have

been a good strategic fit, consonant with the demands of the external environment,

OTlSLINE represented a transformation within the organization. Otis moved from a highly

decentralized handling of elevator service, controlled by the field office managers, to a

highly centralized approach. Many of the immediate and future benefits of OTISLINE

follow from this radical change, which was not just a redesign of the business process of

dispatching, but a transformation of managerial control within the firm.

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We probe still further. The case notes that Otis was only able to implement

OTISLINE so rapidly because a critical database was already in place. So OTISLINE's

success was attributable, in part, to having necessary infrastructure already in position to

support the new system. We also encourage the students to consider the implementation

process; they generally note a number of implementation factors that further contributed to

OTJSLINE's success.
- -.

At this point, the discussion may seem complete to many students, but we have not

yet considered the effects on people. These effects varied by position. Centralized

dispatching meant replacing local dispatchers with new ones at the central site. For

mechanics, the improved dispatching made their lives better in some ways, but it also

subjected their performance to greater monitoring. And field office managers found

themselves bypassed as service data flowed directly to corporate headquarters, which began

to intercede in local service operations. So, the consequences for people in the organization

were very mixed. In this, OTlSLlNE is similar to many systems, we believe, which is why

we find it so effective to use this case in conjunction with our model.

We use the IT Interaction Model to present our conclusions. Among the conclusions

we reach is that OTISLINE was a good fit with strategic need, but that it was not the

technology or the fit alone that produced the successful outcomes. Having an appropriate

infrastructure and employing a good implementation process also contributed. And {he key

ingredient was transforming the organization through centralization. While this

transformation had a positive effect on performance, it had a variety of negative effects on

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many people's jobs. This conclusion can support a discussion of alternative system design

features or alternative implementation strategies that might have produced different results.


We can summarize the role of the model in the course as follows. The IT Interaction

Model is both a foundation for, and an integration of, virtually all the material we cover

during the term. Like many IS core courses, we structure the course around the following

main topics:

the basics of information technology (hardware, software, databases, and


IS development (the traditional systems development lifecycle, prototyping,

outsourcing, and end-user development), and

IT applications (transaction processing systems, interorganizational systems, decision

support systems, groupware, expert systems, and more).

Each of these topics is reflected prominently in the model, yet interwoven with the others as

it is in the business world. Consider some examples:

The busies of rechnology come into play in at least three ways in the model.

Technology concepts matter for assessing the IT infrastructure, for describing system

features, and for examining the relationship between the capabilities of the existing

infrastructure and the demands of the proposed system. Indeed, the model helps those

students who might otherwise be resistant to the technological component of the course

appreciate why they need to learn this material. For example, OTISLINE provides an

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excellent illustration of the importance of voice technology (automatic call distribution)

complementing computing technology (databases).

The sysrems development portion of the course is reflected by the implementation

process time-line that runs across the top of the model. The model portrays an abstracted

process comprising four generic phases, but systems development and implementation receive

proper and complete attention during the course. In particular, our treatment of these topics
7 A

pays special attention to the systems analysis and design phases and to implementation tactics

and strategies. We point out the importance of process, noting that the implementation

process, too, affects system use, consequences, adaptation, and success. The implementation

process structures the model visually just as, in the real world, it is the process that carries

us from the existing organization to the new system to the effects of their interaction.

Our objective in the IT applicurions section of the course is twofold. One goal is to

acquaint students with the range of application types they are likely to encounter in the

workplace. The other aim is to familiarize them with the dynamics of these various

applications in organizations. We rely on the model heavily to realize this second aim. In

the paragraphs that follow we use expert systems, group decision support systems, executive

information systems, and interorganizational systems to illustrate briefly this use of the


In addition to explaining the routine characteristics of expert systems (Leonard-Barton

and SvioMa, 1988)--what rule-based expert systems are, how they work, what tasks they are

suited for, and what benefits they offer the organization--we use the interaction model to

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provide a more penetrating analysis. What are the consequences of an expert system for

people in the organization? Is such a system job enriching or deskilling? Are the

consequences the same for the expert and for the novices? How might this system constrain

the organization's future flexibility? For instance, might the system lead to deskilling, which

in the long r u n could lead to a loss of knowledge and expertise for the firm?

Similarly, we use the model to probe the features of group decision support systems

(GDSS). One GDSS feature that has received much attention is the possibility of sharing

ideas anonymously (DeSanctis and Gallupe, 1985; Nunamaker, Applegate, and Konsynski,

1987; Jessup, Connolly. and Galegher, 1990: Valacich, Dennis, and Nunamaker, 1991).

Such anonymous communication offers potential advantages as well as potential

disadvantages. For example, while anonymity might promote greater participation and more

effective brainstorming by reducing inhibitions, it might also suppress participation since

individuals are not rewarded for their contributions. Whether anonymity produces good or

bad results, therefore, may depend upon whether the organizational culture encourages or

stifles open communication and upon whether the organizational reward structure favors

individual or group performance. An organization might set anonymity on or off in

consonance with its existing structure and culture, or it might do the opposite, using the

system, together with a careful implementation process, to transform the structure and


Executive Information Systems (EIS) are rapidly turning into "Everybody Information

Systems," proliferating throughout the firm as a means of sharing valuable corporate data

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("Trickle-Down Systems," 1990). In some firms, efforts toward corporate-wide information

systems may be stymied by inadequate technological infrastructures. In others, the

infrastructures may now be robust enough to support such data sharing, but structural and

cultural barriers may still block it. A system intended to promote a more informed, data-rich

business environment may instead evoke resistance accompanied by the withholding and

falsifying of data. Here, again, success may depend upon a well managed transformation of
the organization.

Interorganizational Systems (10s) that electronically link one firm with another

(Malone, Yates, and Benjamin, 1989; Cash and Konsynski, 1985) are also growing rapidly in

popularity. Whether a given firm will benefit from hooking up with its suppliers and

customers electronically, however, and what the most appropriate type of connection will be

(for example, an electronic market versus an electronic hierarchy, a proprietary versus a

standard ED1 protocol, and so forth) depend upon such elements of the external environment

as the concentration of sellers in the industry, the relative power of buyers and sellers, and

the basis of competition. The Reynolds Aluminum Supply Company case ("RASCO: The

ED1 Initiative," 1990) illustrates a number of these issues nicely.

In addition to these main topics--technology, development, and applications--two

themes that run throughout the course are (1) the strategic use of information technology and

(2) business process reengineering. As we have seen, the model captures these themes as

well. Strategic use of technology is reflected in the external view of the organizational

environment. And reengineering is at the center of both the proactive and reactive uses of

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the model,

Given the model as an integrative framework for the course, the students emerge with

a better understanding of how the pieces fit together and why each is important for a sound

understanding of information systems in business. And by presenting the students with a

formal, causal model of information systems in organizations--albeit in the form of a

schematic and not a set of equations or propositions--we convey the message that the course

and the subject are not a collection of loosely related topics but an integrated whole resting

on a well-defined theoretical foundation. It is reassuring to the students to be able to point to

the model as the core of the course. If the students grasp the model, they can feel

comfortable with their understanding of the theory that underlies IS. And our use of the

model also makes the students aware of what we expect them to take from the class.

The way we employ the model in the course fosters a number of important business

proficiencies that should serve the students well in the workplace. As "the line takes the

leadership" (Rockart, 1988) and the partnership between IT professionals and line managers

grows, MBA's are likely to participate in information systems development projects in a

number of significant ways: as project sponsors, as members of the design team, as

managers of development, as end-user developers, and as project funders. At a minimum,

managers should expect to be interviewed during systems analysis and design. Experience

with proactive use of the IT interaction model will enable them to serve more competently in

these capacities, increasing the likelihood of positive consequences and decreasing the

chances of negative ones. Systems will always have unanticipated effects, but the more

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people understand about the dynamics of information systems, the better they will be able to

minimize these unanticipated effects, to recognize them when they occur, and to cope with

them. As citizens of wired organizations, MBAs should expect to encounter first-hand the

consequences of their firms' IT undertahngs. Experience with reactive use of the model will

enable them to comprehend how a given system is affecting them and their organizations and

to recommend any necessary corrective actions. This combination of proactive and reactive

analytic ability should prepare the students well for the demands of the workplace.


In this section, we briefly discuss several additional pedagogical issues that have not

already been addressed: at what point in the course the model should be introduced, the

independence of the model from the particular sequence of topics, and the relationship

between the model and other MBA core courses.

First, we advocate introducing the model early in the core course. Some instructors

may wish to present the model at the outset of the term to lay a foundation for what is to

come. We find that it is often useful to defer introducing the model until the students have

encountered some basic course material and have analyzed at least one business case. This

approach serves to motivate the need for a model and to provide a context for appreciating

the issues the model raises. OTlSLINE is a good choice for such a case. The case can be

discussed in class prior to introducing the model, and it can then be used as an illustration

while presenting the model.

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Second, the IT interaction model does not depend on a particular sequence of topics.

Many core courses begin with technology basics, then discuss the development process, and

conclude with specific types of applications. Others follow different orders, and still others

integrate the topics (for example, by spreading basic technology concepts throughout the

discussion of applications or by teaching development approaches in the context of particular

classes of applications). Over the years, we have varied the order of presentation, but were

still able to employ the model successfully. The model represents an additional level of

course structure and can therefore be applied no matter what sequencing of material is used.

Third, although our model uses concepts found in other core MBA courses, such as

strategy, structure, and culture, it is not our intention in the core IS course to teach such

subjects. Depending on whether these courses are taken by the students previously,

concurrently, or in subsequent terms, the level of detail that we employ in presenting the

components of the organizational environment vary. For example, in some instances we may

make a formal distinction between structure and culture while in others we may not. For

those MBA programs focusing on cross-functional integration of the curriculum, the model

provides an excellent opportunity for collaborative teaching with the management core



Based on our experiences at several universities, we believe that the IT Interaction

Model is a useful mechanism for addressing a number of practical teaching concerns as well

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as for achievtng our matn course objecttves. With respect to the pedagogical Issues. the

model unifies what IS often percel~~ed

as a "topics" course. the model offers a formzl

foundation for what students somettmes consider a "soft" or "nonrigorous" subject. the

mode1 provides a consistent framework for case analyses, dtscussions, and group projects,

and the model fosters critlcal bustness competencies. Slnce introducing the model several

vears ago, the feedback we have received has shown a marked reduction in student concern

about these matters.

With respect to the course objectives. recall that the course goals are to acquaint

students with the dynamics of information systems in organlzattons and, in particular. to

increase students' knowledge of the potential benefits. dangers, and limitations of information

technology. equipping them to leverage the benefits, avoid the dangers, and surmount the

I~mltations. Based on the way students progress through the term, as evidenced in case

discussions, written case analyses. and student projects. we believe that the model

accomplishes these objectives. While students tend to enter the course as "technological

determinists' (Markus and Robey. 1988), the model shows them that information technology

is just one of many inlportant contributors to information systems outcomes and that an

assortment of factors interact to produce results. At the beginning of the term, students often

focus on technological issues and positive outcomes. h4idu.a~through the course, the focus

tends to shift in the other direction. such that they are inclined to see only the limitations and

the organizational dangers. By the end of the term a balance is achieved.

One concern we have is that some students may be memorizing the model rather than

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learning to apply jt effectively. Just as jn other courses students may memorize equations

and invoke them by rote. we have noticed that some students absorb the IT Interaction hlodel

onlv superficiall!.. These students include all the buzzwords in their written analyses and

class participation, but they do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts. For

example. the better analyses and comments focus on the subset of model elements that are

salient for the case at hand. The weaker ones. however, list all the components without

conveying significant insight. We combat this tendency in a number of ways: through oral

and writren feedback, by providing a series of written assignments and case discussions so

students can develop their analytic skills. and through group projects so the more

perspicacious students can share their insights with their peers.

The model is most successful when used for both business cases and student projects

W e believe that the model is effective for analyzing most IS cases. but because there is a

dearth of IS business cases, and because the existing ones were written independently of the

model, finding a complementary set of cases that are rich with respect to the model is

difficult. Writing IS cases while keeping the model in mind would therefore be helpful. For

example, if the students were provided with rich and thorough description, they could be

challenged to identify which model features are the salient factors in the case.

\4Je have found the IT lnreraction hlodel to be a valuable roo1 for teaching the MBA

core course in information systems in a number of academic settings. Our hope is that as a

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teaching model that encompasses the full range of applicable topics. highlights the critical

issues. and focuses on the essent~alrelat~onships.while remaining independent of particular

content cholces. the interaction model xllll prove useful to others as well. We believe the

model can also s e n e as a vehicle for ad~ancingthe ongoing dialogue concerning the design

of the IS core course.

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1N3 VU N0 I/\ N3 1V NkJ 3 1:
& t e Z i Digiia.l Economy Re3errcl
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Working Paper IS-94-05


* Competitive Structure of the Industry

Relative Power of 6uyers and Sellers
Basis o f Competition
Technological Deployment


Low-Cost P r o d u c t ~ o n
- 3 o i n g Global
Just-In-Time InventoryiManufacturing


Centralization vs. Decentralization

Functional, Divisional, or Matrix Organization
Reporting Relationships


Individuality (or Teamwork)

Bigger is Better (or n o t )
Risk Aversion (or Risk Taking)


Order Fulfillment
Materials Acquisition
N e w Product Development


Computing Hardware
Software Development Tools and Program Libraries
Telecommunications N e t w o r k s
Training Materials and Facilities
Capabilities of IT Personnel



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Working Paper IS-94-05

* Was the sysiem's design objective t o IMPROVE the organization incrementally

or t o TRANSFORM i t ?

* What are the sysiem's FEATURES? What does it d o ?

H o w does the svsrem FIT the firm's external BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT?

H o w does the sysrem FIT the firm's STRATEGY,

* H o w does the sysiem FIT the firm's BUSINESS PROCESSES?

H o w does the sysrem FIT the organ~zationalSTRUCTURE and CULTURE?

Can the organization's IT INFRASTRUCTURE support i h e system?

a H o w and h o w effectively was t h e system IMPLEMENTED?

. W h o USES t h e sysrem and h o w d o they USE it? A s intended'

* What are the CONSEOUENCES of the system for PERFORMANCE, PEOPLE, and
FUTURE FLEXIBILITY' Did t h e system accomplish its objectives?

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Working Paper IS-94-05

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