Arrange Paperwork
Arrange Paperwork
Arrange Paperwork
Arrange Paperwork
The evening before, review all your guests who are due to check out
and arrange all their files together. Send express checkout forms to all
the appropriate guest's rooms. Note your customer's names so you
can greet them by name in the morning.
Report Back
Report any complaints and suggestions to your supervisor. Refer any
future reservation requests to the reservations department.
If front office personnel have collected and posted guest late charges in an appropriate and
timely manner, then the guest checkout can proceed without any bottle necks. However,
when the cashier or front desk clerk must make several phone calls to the restaurant, gift
shop, and switchboard to verify charges, delays and disputes can occur.
The objective of the checkout process is to process the guest’s request for settlement of his or her
account as quickly and efficiently as possible. The lodging establishment also wants to maintain a
quality - control system for both the guest and the hotel: posting error scan mean erroneous charges
for the guest and lost money for the lodging establishment.
Throughout your career in lodging management, you will be called on to develop operational
procedures. First set your objectives and keep them simple. Accommodate guests and maintain
necessary data to provide the lodging establishment with information for the income statement. The
steps outlined for guest checkout show how easy it is to establish operational procedures when you
keep these goals in mind. The narratives that follow elaborate on each step in the guest checkout.
ncidental comments about a cold room, low water pressure, leaky plumbing, or damaged furniture
should be noted and passed along to the appropriate department heads.
Because guests often do not verbalize complaints or compliments, all lodging properties should have
guest comment cards available as an optional source of communication.
In many leading lodging chains, the chief executive officer answers these cards personally. The
general manager of an independent lodging property can provide a similar personal touch by
acknowledging negative comments. A good public relations program can be enhanced by addressing
any minor problems experienced by the guest that might indicate lack of concern. Also, concern for
guest satisfaction impacts the financial success of the hotel.
Retrieving the Room Key
Lodging properties that use a hard - key system must request the return of the hard key. The security
of the guest as well as the financial investment in the hard - key system mandates that this procedure
be a part of the guest checkout. Guest security is jeopardized if keys are lost or not returned. A 200 -
room property with approximately five keys per room that must be constantly replaced will find that
a great deal of money is being spent to maintain the key supply. Some properties require a key
deposit, returnable upon guest checkout.
The hotel with a PMS and / or an electronic key system can easily change the electronic code on a
key for future entrance to the guest room. Although the initial financial investment in such a system
is substantial, security is the ultimate objective in adopting this technology.
The guest and the cashier should both review the folio. The cashier reviews the obvious charges:
room fee and tax for the number of nights spent in the hotel (day of arrival through last night),
incidentals (such as movie rental, personal phone calls, or purchase sat the gift shop) paid for by the
individual rather than a corporation, and the like. The cashier must inquire if late charges were
incurred at the restaurant or any other hotel department or if any last - minute phone calls were made.
The guest must also be shown a copy of the folio for a final review. The front office manager should
provide cashiers with a list of procedures to follow if charges are questioned. Typical questions
concern charges for phone calls that were not made, meals that were not eaten, gifts that were not
purchased, flowers that were not received, laundry that was not sent out, or in - room movies that
were not viewed. Using the list provided by the front office manager, the front desk clerk or cashier
may adjust these charges up to a certain dollar amount.
A thorough cost - control procedure to track the total adjustments by each employee can help to keep
such adjustments in line. Large dollar amounts that are questioned by the guest should be referred to
the front office manager. The adjustments option of the checkout module in a property management
system can be used to make these changes.
After a guest arrives at the hotel, the front desk agent should complete the guest
registration process. This is to make sure that the guest registration is completed
as per the hotel standard and also to collect important guest information’s.
Guest is also asked to sign on the printed registration card as a statutory
requirement and also to verify that the details provided on the registration card is
When Guest arrives at the reception to check in:
Great the guest.
Enquire the Last name / First name of the guest.
Search for the reservation record and print registration card ( if the same is
not pre printed )
Present the Registration Card to guest for verifying / reconfirming preprinted
details Like :
First Name, Last Name.
Arrival Date. Time.
Departure Date, Expected time of departure.
Room Rate.
Room Number.
Room Type.
Method of payment.
Billing instructions.
Meal Plan
Request for ID Proof for local guest and Passport and Visa details for
Following details to be completed:
Company Name.
Address Home / Business
City, Country
Postal Code
Telephone / Fax / Mobile numbers.
Email address.
Contact Number / Person in case of emergency.
Purpose of Visit.
Passport details:
Passport Number.
Nationality and country of residence.
Date of Birth / Anniversary Date.
Passport Issue date and Expiry Date
Place of Issue of Passport.
Visa Details:
Visa Number
Visa issue date and Expiry date.
Visa Place of issue.
Type of Visa.
Proposed duration of Stay in the country.
Arrived from.
Proceeding to.
Explain to the guest regarding late checkout policy if any.
Request the guest to sign on the Registration Card.
Scan / Photocopy of Passport and Visa copy and attach to the registration
Front office assistant to also cross sign the registration card on the provided
Update the guest details collected on regard to the Profile of the guest.
File Registration card.
Training Summary questions:
Q1. Why it is required to complete guest registration process upon guest check
Q2. What all details to be collected on registration card?
Q3. What all details to be collected from the passport?
Q4. Should the front desk agent sign on the regard?
Q5. What all details to be updated back on the guest profile?
Q6. What all details to be reconfirmed on registration card?
heck in procedures
Mr Y we hope that you enjoy your stay with us, for any
further asistance with your room or the hotel or the local area please
contact us here in the reception or dial 0 from your phone
Keep the guest always informed about what are you doing
(Madame just one moment I am going to make a copy from
your passport and bring it back for you, Sir just few minutes
am going to check if your room is ready or not yet, in few
minutes I will come to help with the checking in).
''Hospitality is a Peoples First Business''
Process Street's Hotel Check In Procedure Template has been specifically designed to work
as a guide for the front of office staff, to standardize the check in process, making the
process consistently efficient.
The Hotel Check In Procedure Template template has organized the hotel check in process to a
series of steps outlined below:
Greet Guest
Determine Availability
Registrations Process
Collaborate Information
Enter Details
Confirm Details
VIP Guests
Confirm Baggage
Assign Mode of Settlement
Advanced Payment
Assign Room and Provide Keys
Wish the Guest an Enjoyable Stay
At the beginning of this checklist, you will be presented with a set of specialized questions
designed to make sure the hotel check in process runs smoothly. The questions are given as
sub checklists, short answers, or yes/no drop-down menus. Certain questions have been
conditioned to guide you through the correct process path for the specific circumstance.
The Hotel Check In Procedure Template considers different categories for each guest, to infer a
guest 'type'. Guest 'types' are labeled as 'pre-booked guests', 'walk-in guests' and 'VIP
Selecting a specific guest 'type' will present subsequent conditional steps constructed to ensure
proper actions are taken depending on whether the guests have pre-booked or not, or are
considered VIP.
Other conditional steps, such as whether the guest wants to pay in advance, or whether the guests
carry hand luggage only, have also been integrated into the Hotel Check In Procedure Template.
What can be considered as of most importance is the benefit standardization has towards
achieving faster and more efficient customer service.
The hotel industry is considered a 'peoples first business', therefore customer service is vitally
important for success, especially in the current climate with an increased demand for improved
and superior customer experiences. In 2019, 86% of customers were willing to pay more for
better customer experiences.
By implementing Process Street's Hotel Check In Procedure Template, you will reap the above
benefits by ensuring your check in procedure is standardized.
In this Hotel Check In Procedure Template, you will be presented with the following form
fields, for which you are required to populate with your own specific data. More information
for each form field type is provided via linkage to our help pages:
Short Text
Let's start by recording the hotel details, your details and the details of your supervisor or
Hotel name
ZIP code
Greet Guest:
Firstly, you will need to consider whether or not the guest is a 'Very Important Person' (VIP).
VIP guests will trigger a slightly different check in process than non-VIP guests. Selecting Yes
or No from the dropdown form field will start the appropriate process.
Is the guest considered VIP?
It is important to treat guests well, and not every hotel will make a distinction between VIP and
non-VIP guests.
Check off the task from the subtasks form field once it has been completed to move on in the
Greet the guest, for example, 'good morning', 'good afternoon', 'good evening'
As the front of office staff, you are the guests first and the last point of contact. Ensuring
excellent first impressions are vital upon the guest's arrival. To do this, front of office staff need
to be excellent communicators, positive, patient and empathetic to ensure an outstanding
customer experience. Big smiles provide a warm welcome and maintaining eye contact assures
your full attention.
Whether the guest has reserved a space at the hotel or not is a conditional question. If the guest
has not reserved a room at the hotel then they need to be registered. If the guest has reserved a
room at the hotel, then pre-entered details need to be confirmed.
This is a conditional step. Select Yes or No from the dropdown form field and the appropriate
process will begin.
With the rise of hotel booking sites and phone applications such as Hotel Tonight, booking in
advance is becoming easier for guests. More and more last-minute advance bookings are
becoming possible.
Determine Availability:
Before you can consider a room for a walk-in guest, you must ensure rooms are available. This
should be the first step for walk-in guests to prevent time wastage.
This is a conditional step. Select 'Yes' or 'No' from the dropdown form field and the appropriate
process will begin.
Suggest alternatives
If there are no rooms for walk-in guests, then the check-in procedure has now ended. Kindly
state no rooms are available, but provide advice and help, suggesting alternative places for the
guest to stay.
If there are no rooms available, politely apologize to the guest and suggest alternatives for their
Maintain excellent customer service at all times to represent and promote your hotel brand even
to non-customers.
Registration Process:
Obtain the required information for walk-in guests during the registration process. Check off the
below information once it has been obtained from the guest.
The below information is a general standard and may not be specific to your hotel. Consider
additional information needed specific to your hotel business.
Passport number
Permanent address
Date of arrival
Proceeding to
Date of departure
Date of issue
Place of issue
Collaborate Information:
Make sure to consider a range of possible room options so you are fully transparent in respect to
what your hotel has to offer. The below subtasks list general room differences to be considered.
Please regard other room options specific to your hotel.
Number of adults
Number of children
Number of OAP's
Number of rooms required
Guests have different preferences in regards to the rooms they want. Introducing choice and
flexibility will give guests the freedom to design their hotel experience, providing better
customer experiences. Providing good customer experiences is vital for your hotel's business
Consider room options specific to your hotel not included in the above.
Collaborate room preferences to draw up a list of optional rooms. Not all of these options will
meet the entirety of the guest's preferences, but a compromise and best fit can be reached with
Allocate room
Once you have obtained the required details from the guest and ran through the possible room
options, you then need to allocate the room most fitting to the guest's needs. Be sure to record all
the needed information during this room allocation and checking in process.
Use the below subtasks as a guide to ensure important and relevant information is recorded
when booking a guest into the Hotel. Make sure to add additional information needed specific to
your hotel.
Room number
Room rate
Billing Inst
Billing to
Passport number of billing to
Booked by
Confirm details:
It is important to run through pre-booked information to make sure no details have been lost or
incorrectly recorded. Use the below subtasks as a guide to ensure relevant and important
information has been obtained. Run through this information with the guest to double check its
The below is a general guide of information needed for checking a guest into the hotel. The
information is not specific to a given hotel. Please consider any additional information specific
for your hotel.
Confirm registration details
Company (if appropriate)
Permanent address
Date of arrival
Arriving from
Proceeding to
Date of departure
Registration certificate
Date of issue
Place of issue
Room number
Number of adults
Number of Children
Number of OAP's
Room type
Room configuration
Number of each bed type per room, e.g. single, double, king
Room rate
Some pre-booked guests might have paid in advance. This is a conditional step. If the guest has
paid in advance upon booking, they will be passed through the relevant stages in this process,
different from the stages required if the guest has not paid in advance.
Confirming the guest has paid in advance is a critical step, do so with care.
VIP guests:
Inform relevant staff members of VIP guests arrival date and time
Some hotels will arrange pickups for VIP guests with advanced knowledge of their arrival. It is
important to make sure the arrival date and time of the VIP guest are checked and confirmed.
This will ensure planned pickups are on time.
Once the pick up has been arranged and confirmed, all relevant staff members need to be
informed in advance of the VIP's arrival.
Greet the guest, for example, 'good morning', 'good afternoon' and 'good evening'
As the front of office staff, you are the guests first point of contact. Ensuring excellent first
impressions is vital. To do this, front of office staff need to be excellent communicators, positive,
patient and empathetic to ensure an outstanding customer experience.
It is important to obtain the required information for VIP guests during the registration process.
Check off the below information once it has been obtained from the guest.
The below information is a general standard and may not be specific to your hotel. Consider
additional information needed specific to your hotel business.
Full name
Passport number, date of issue, place of issue
Permanent address
Date of departure
Room number
Number of persons
Many hotels obtain the above information from VIP clients over a welcome drink.
Taking the guests luggage to their room is helpful, and provides the excellent customer service
they seak.
Confirm baggage:
Guests with hand baggage only are deemed as a threat to leave the hotel without settling
the bill, therefore advanced payment from such guests is needed. This is a conditional step
that enforces advanced payment if the guest has hand luggage only.
Label baggage
By communicating that the guest carries hand luggage only to relevant staff members, it reduces
the likelihood of issues occurring during the guests stay.
This is a conditional step. Selecting Yes or No from the dropdown menu will bring you to the
appropriate next step in the process.
Does the guest want to pay in advance?
If advanced payment is an option, it is important to let the guests know this and provide them
with the option to pay in advance.
Depending on how the guest would like to settle the bill will determine how you will process
payment during the check out procedure. Making a note will create a swift check out procedure
with this pre-knowledge.
Different guests will like to pay by different means. For example, some guests would like to
settle the bill by a cash payment, others using a debit card. It is important to establish the guest's
mode of payment in advance to avoid confusion durnig the check in procedure.
Assign Room and Provide Keys:
An appropriate number of room keys/cards/codes has been provided for each room
Make sure to record the number of room keys/cards which have been provided, to ensure they
are returned during the check-out process.
Keeping a record on the number of room keys handed out to guests will aid the process of
obtaining all keys during the guest's check out.
The guest should be successfully checked into your hotel. The required details obtained, and the
room allocated should meet the guest's requirements. It is important to run through the check in
details one last time to confirm the booking information before wishing the guest and enjoyable