Jota San Joaquina

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LA JOTA SAN JOAQUINA (Visayan) Pil ppd ‘The “Jota” dances were very popular during the Spanish regime, This version from San Joaquin, Iloilo, is lively and colorful. Like the “La Jota Moneadefia”, each dancer holds a pair of bamboo eastanets in each hand, COSTUME: The Girl wears Maria Clara style, and the Boy, barong tagalog, and black trousers. MUSIC is divided Into three parts: A, B, and C. COUNT: One, two, three to « measure. FORMATION: Partners face each other about six feet apart. When facing the audience, the Girl stands at partner's right side, One or more pairs may take part in this dance. INTRODUCTION Music Introduction (a) Step R foot forward, hands in front parallel to each other at waist level, elbows close to the walst, knuckles doven, click eas- tanets (et. 1), knuckles up, elick eastanets (et, 2), knuckles down, (et. 8) (b) Put weight on L foot in rear, and close R foot to Lk Click eastanets with knuckles up (et. 1), pause (cts. 2,3) 2... 1M click castanets Music A, Partners face each other. (a) Three sway balance steps with a close (R, L, R). Arms in 4th, position, R and L arm high alternately. Click castanets on every count... eM {b) Three-step turn left in place. Click eastanets in front of chest four times (cts. 1, 2, 8, 1), pause (cts. 2 3) . 2M (c) Repent all (a and b) starting with L foot and turning right in (b) a 8M =-u— Music B, Partners face each other. (a) Step R foot forward, forearms in front and parallel to each other at waist level, elbows close to the waist, knuckles down, click castanets three times (ets. 1, 2, 8) .. + 1M (b) Put weight on L foot in rear and close R foot to L. Click eastanets once, knuckles up (et, 1) pause (dts. 2,8) ...... 1M (e) Face left so that partners turn R shoulders toward each other. Four waltz steps sideward, R and L, alternately (toward and away from partner) ;L arm in Sth. position clicking castanets on every count, R hand on waist ......e0.00 Partners face each other. (4) Repeat (a) and (b) ..... (e) Partners face right, so that L shoulders are toward each other. Repeat (¢) waltzing inward and outward alternately six times, R arm in 6th. position, L hand on waist. Click eastanets on every count .. Partners face each other. (f) Repeat (a) and (b) ....cseee ESE-ESE Music ¢. . Partners face each other. (a) Step R foot sideward (ct. 1), step L foot across the R, in rear (et. 2), step R foot sideward (et. 3), Click castanets in front of chest (ct 1) pause (cts, 2 8) . we 2M (b) Stamp L foot in front (no weight). Click eastanets. im ‘front of chest on (ct. 1), pause (cts. 2, 8) .....sseeeeeeeecee 2M * ne Foured. - (c) Repeat (a) and (b) two more times, to left and right .. 4M (d) Three-step turn left, to proper places. Click castanets in front of chest four times (cts. 1, 2 8, 1) pause (ela, 2, 8) . (e) Repeat all (ad) but making a half turn left, right, left when stamping in (b) and turning right in (d) to proper places . 8 M —Wwe ‘Music A, Partners face each other. (a) Repeat figure I (a) moving counterclockwise to part ner's place 6M (b) Repeat figure I (b), Finish facing each other . (c) Repeat all (a) and (b). Finish in proper places Musie B, Partners face each other, (a) Waltz steps sideward R and L, arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left with a forearm turn, click casta- nets on every count (cts. 1,23) c.eceesesseceereceeeees BM (b) Waltz turn right obliquely forward, covering one side ‘of an imaginary square, click castanets in front of chest four times (ets. 1, 28, 1), pause (ets, 2, 3). Finish the turn in one 4ine facing each other, Girl facing away, Boy facing audience vee AM 2M (e) Repeat. (a) and (b) going to partner's place (a) Repeat in (b), Finish in proper places . (ue) starting with L foot and turning left sates: BM 81 v= ‘Music C. Partners face left. {a) Repeat figure II (a) and (b) moving obliquely sideward Hight. (See diagram below) .. 2M (b) Repeat (a) to left, making small steps only (c) Repeat (a) to right, taking big steps go that dancers finish in their partner's place .. (a) Repeat figure III (a) . (e) Repeat all (a-d), but making a half turn left, right, left when stamping and turning in (d) finish facing each other peerrres . aM SALUDO Music Finate (a) Both execute throe.step turn right in place, click casta- nets 3 times (cts, 1, 2, 3). (b) Girl: point L foot in front, R arm in reverse ‘tion, L hand on waist (ets, 1, 2 8) Boy: Step L foot forward, arms as in figure I (a) lick ceastanets on (et. 1), pause (cts. 2, 3) (1 M). 82

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