University of Southern Midanao College of Business, Development Economics and Management

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GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answers on the sheet provide. And read the questions carefully.

TEST I. Ident ify the correct answer.

1. A series of act ivities designed to enhance the level of customer sat isfact ion.
2. This is implemented to enhance customer service by offering quality products, helped bring
about modern manufacturing techniques.
3. The marriage of process and technology for tracking every contact point that customers have
with your organizat ion.
4. It is fixated on achieving internal goals that benefit the company, such as cutt ing costs..
5. Approximately, a large organizat ion (over 1,500 employees) requires how many years to
implement a system?
6. They’re the people who work inside your company and rely on you for services, products, and
informat ion they need to do their jobs.
7. Customers who value a long-term vendor partnership.
8. It is recommended that you use an _____ to lead your service-management training sessions.
9. It provides employees with 24/7 access to training materials, so they can learn on their own
10. A coaching method that uses trial and error.

Test II. Shade “A” if the statement is True. If otherwise, shade “B”.
1. The Moments-of-Truth approach happens only when a service provider has transact ions with
the customers face-to-face.
2. A teacher’s ability to make a subject utterly fascinat ing or boring has a great deal to do with
the way he or she talks about it is a form of communicat ion.
3. Managers who ask the problems in the customer service department especially from the
customers at least once a month is an example of a top-down strategy for customer service.
4. Changes in processes and technology need to be based on external customers’ feedback alone.
5. It is not necessary to quant ify service quality.
6. Awareness building of the implementat ion plan for service improvement includes surveying,
creat ing a team and determining over-all object ives for service improvement.
7. Holding a series of company meet ings to introduce init iatives in making your company
become more customer friendly is the third phase of the implementat ion plan for service
8. Front-line staff members can provide the company with valuable input about how to make
your policies and procedures more customer-centric.
9. During customer panel survey, Set up the room in a circle shape with a table in the middle
where, members of the panel will sit.
10. Conduct ing a survey to customers and staff simultaneously is a waste of t ime because
customers are more important.
11. Regardless of whether you go paper or digital, always limit your surveys to two or three pages
considering the limited time of the customers.
12. As a manager, you need to meet each staff member 3 weeks after he or she completes a
training course.
13. Communicat ion means connect ing with another person to accomplish something.
14. When giving feedback, get the conversat ion off on the right foot by start ing with
close-ended quest ions.
15. Cultural differences affect customer service.
16. Invest ing in e-business solut ions does not guarantee the personal touch.
17. Communicat ion is just about talking.
18. A care token is something you do to let the customer know that you’re sorry for the problem
and are committed to keeping her business.
19. Coaching means working with co-members or with your staff in a collaborat ive way.
20. Brainstorming is a technique designed to express as many different ideas about a specific
subject as possible.

1. Imagine that a customer receives an e-mail from your company that has no greet ing and has
several spelling mistakes, for many customers, It signifies that your staff members are not
professional, your company does not care, and the quality of your product is quest ionable. This
quick judgement is referred to as___________?
A. Customer Percept ion
B. Customer Logic
C. Customer Judgment
D. Customer Service Encounter

2. Who needs to be on the implementat ion team of the service strategy?

A. It should be the top management alone
B. It should be the Front-Line Staff because they have the first encounter with the customers
C. It should be the consultant and top management
D. It should be all members of the organizat ion

3. It describes the interact ion between a consumer and a firm that allows the consumer to form
impressions and memories from the experiences received.
A. Moments of Truth
B. Service Encounters
C. Customer Service Impressions
D. Percept ion

4. It involves select ing a sample from the customers, contact ing them through telephone, email and
in person and asking them about the service they received from your company.
A. Random Survey
B. Company-wide att itude Survey
C. Lost Account
D. Customer Exit Survey

5. A manager of XYZ Company is having a problem with regards to his employees. Rumours are
spreading around about backstabbing, fighting among colleagues that results to decreasing
performance of the company. If you are the manager, what is the appropriate approach in this
matter to find out the root cause?
A. Random Survey
B. Company-wide att itude Survey
C. Lost Account
D. Customer Exit Survey

6. A huge group of clients of JMD Telecommunication Company is unsat isfied with the current
service provided by the company, and decided to disconnect their accounts. JMD Company has no
idea what’s the reason behind this problem. As the staff of the company, what will be the best
way to address this problem?
A. Random Survey
B. Company-wide att itude Suvey
C. Lost Account
D. Customer Exit Survey

7. A type of quest ions which aims to gather general informat ion.

A. Yes or No Question
B. Poor-to-excellence Questions
C. Degree Quest ions
D. Excellence-to-poor Questions

8. JM Pizza House’s customer survey showed a consistent problem with the delivery. The manager
discovered that the root cause is that the different departments involved do not communicate
from one another. How will manager be able to dramat ically improve the situat ion?
A. Provide an open channel for communicat ion
B. Give them a training
C. Fire those people who failed to do their task
D. Talk to them by departments anyway it’s the least costly

9. A company is facing a serious and sever problem about its personnel. The company wishes to
conduct a training to address this issue. Who do you think is the most qualified to conduct the

A. The manager should be the one to carry this out as he knows his employees very well
B. The outside consultant is the most qualified because he has no political t ies.
C. The HR Department because they know the appropriate approach in this issue
D. The Employees as they are the one who created the issue.
10. You’ve not iced that Mary is not always wearing his name tag as well as her ID inside the company.
As the supervisor, what would be the best way to tell Mary to wear her ID and nametag?
A. “Mary, you haven’t been wearing your nametag and ID. You Have to wear it any t ime when
you’re in this building
B. “Mary, I think you’ve forgotten to wear your ID and nametag”
C. “Mary, you have to wear your ID and nametag. You must follow the policy”
D. “Mary, I think it is important that we have to wear our ID’s and nametags”

11. Which of the following portrays a service standard?

A. Wearing uniform at all t imes including ID and name tags
B. Showing empathy with an upset customers
C. Neglect ing customers request when busy
D. Avoiding customer complaints
12. The following are the steps in the coaching process, except;
A. Preparing yourself
B. Understanding the situat ion
C. Preparing the coaching session
D. Conduct ing the coaching session
13. Judy suggests that Jim read Chapter 16 of the Customer Relat ions Book. To maximize Jim’s
learning experience, Judy sets up another meet ing so they can discuss what Jim learned and any
quest ions he may have, after he reads the chapter. Judy is using what coaching method?
A. Relying on reflect ion and discussion
B. Taking passive instruct ion
C. Observing role models.
D. Learning by experience.

14. Which of the following is not an example of service standard?

A. Be emphat ic with an upset customer
B. Answer the phone within three (3) rings
C. Return all customer calls within 24 hours
D. Always apologize the customer is upset

15. Which of the following is service quality?

A. Don’t mind the angry customers
B. Always apologize the customer is upset
C. Return all customer calls within 24 hours
D. Take personal responsibility for helping the customer

16. Which of the following is the wrong not ion about customer service?
A. Customer service is the job of the market ing department alone
B. Customer service is a philosophy
C. Customer service can be used as a compet it ive advantage
D. Customer service is the new market ing
17. Which of the following is not true about customer focused companies?
A. Recognit ion is earned by staff members who balance job efficiency with customer sat isfact ion.
B. Promot ion is based on good service skills and on seniority.
C. Training the staff is a high priority, focusing on technical and interpersonal skills.
D. Bottom-line of the management fixes always win out over long-term solut ions

18. A co-worker comes up to you and asks for a printout of a report. In ten minutes later, you turn
around and go to that same co-worker and ask for help with a project. In this case, who is the
service provider?
A. You
B. Either of you
C. Both of you
D. Nobody because it’s not the concept of customer service
19. One of the first and most important step in becoming customer centric is
A. to take steps knowing your weakness/es
B. to understand the financial condition of the company
C. to hire a consultant
D. to hire more people and train them
20. Imagine that you are an owner of an Ice Cream Parlor. You have conducted a research and it was
found out that most of the Ice Cream eaters are becoming health conscious. And you’ve finally
decided to create another line of healthy Ice Cream flavours. How will you determine if your
strategy is effect ive?
A. Establish metrics
B. Sales has increased
C. Market share has increased
D. Market ing act ivies have improved

1. What are the steps that make the process of creat ing SERVICE ENHANCER? Explain each briefly.
2. How to develop service standards? Enumerate and Explain

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