Mobirise Tutorial
Mobirise Tutorial
Mobirise Tutorial
"title": "TEST",
"theme": {
"type": "secondary",
"components": [
"_group": "Headers",
"path": "components\/header1"
• template.html
• style.less
• thumb.png
A catalog may contain some images, it’s possible to refer to them the ways described below.
From parameters:
<input type="image" title="Image" name="bgImg" value="logo.png">
From a template:
plugins="DropDown, TouchSwipe"
ALERT: The `group` attribute doesn't influence anything at this time and will be used later in
the theme exporting.
The expressions work in interpolation of values, directives and `conditions` within parameters
(check the 'Interpolation in attributes' section). The expressions are the same as in
ECMAScript (JavaScript), but they have some extra features:
• - The context is only local: there are no variables except for the ones declared in the
• - A tolerance to non-declared variables: the script does not fail if there is no variable
or value.
• - There is a filter support (not maintained?).
• - Assigning values is not allowed.
• - Square brackets are not allowed - item['name'] or even item[0] (it can work in
• - Using of loops, conditionals and exceptions is not allowed.
• - Declaring functions isn't allowed.
• - Using of RegExp with literal notation isn't allowed.
• - Creating objects using the new operator isn't allowed.
• - Using of bitwise-operators, the , operator or void isn't allowed.
All tags that cannot be interpreted as parameters are ignored.
A section title
A break line
Text fields
Checkboxes/Radio buttons
The parallax attribute for thefieldset tag shows the on/off parallax switch. If the same
attribute is set for an image, it means that parallax is enabled. If it is absent, parallax is
This parameter supports only three background types image, color and video. The current
choice is denoted by the selected parameter for a corresponding tag. The title attribute
assigns a title for the switch. In the rest, the nested parameters behave like the autonomous
parameters, but they don't require thename attribute.
The value of the bg variable for the previous example looks this way:
"type": "color",
"value": "#073B4C",
"parallax": false,
"image": {
"value": "background5.jpg",
"parallax": true
"color": {
"value": "#073B4C"
"video": {
"value": {
"url": ""
The selected type of background is stored in the type key, and the value is in value. If the
selected type is an image, and the parallax switch is shown in the interface, then the
parallax key shows whether parralax is enabled or disabled. In addition, regardless of the
current selection other type settings can be get by a needed key.
@bg-value: "background5.jpg";
@bg-type: "image";
@bg-color-value: #073B4C;
@bg-parallax: true;
It's possible to access only the current selection through variables. The exception is @bg-
color-value. It can be useful in the cases when the background is an image, but it is loading
slowly or can't be loaded at all. The background color should be set in the contrast with the
As you can see, to get the access to the values, you need to use the hyphen instead of the
dot - bg.color.value in templates and @bg-color-value in CSS.
It's used along with the mbr-map directive.
A hidden parameter
The condition attribute for parameters allows to control visibility depending on a condition.
The mbr-text directive
<div mbr-text>Address...</div>
This directive is set automatically for the following tags: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P.
<div mbr-article>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
<div mbr-buttons>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Button 1</a>
<a class="btn btn-danger" href="">Button 2</a>
<a href="#"><img src="logo.png" height="128" alt="Mobirise"></a>
ALERT: Don't add directives like mbr-if to a parent link, because they can be removed with
the help of an image editor. Use a container if it's needed.
The mbr-icon directive
It specifies an icon.
<div mbr-video>
<iframe src=""></iframe>
The mbr-map directive
A parameter name is used as an attribute value. Only one parameter type is supported: map.
Map representation
Styles are needed during the change of address to make clear what is going on. There's a
simple example:
.google-map {
height: 25rem;
position: relative;
iframe {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
[data-state-details] {
color: #6b6763;
font-family: Montserrat;
height: 1.5em;
margin-top: -0.75em;
padding-left: 1.25rem;
padding-right: 1.25rem;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
top: 50%;
width: 100%;
&[data-state] {
background: #e9e5dc;
&[data-state="loading"] {
[data-state-details] {
display: none;
&::after {
// loader
<div mbr-form>
<div data-form-alert hidden>
Thanks for filling out the form!
<form class="mbr-form" action="[email protected]" method="post" name="My
Mobirise Form">
<input type="email" class="field" name="email" data-form-field="Email"
placeholder="Email" required>
<a data-app-btn='true' type='submit' class='btn'>SUBSCRIBE</a>
The name attribute of the form is responsible for a title of a submited form.
The action attribute may contain an e-mail or a handler script URL.
Elements input placed inside a form should contain a unique name attribute.
It's possible to add <label> for form inputs. To bind them, it's necessary to add the for
attribute to a label and add a proper input name as the value.
Also there is a possibility to control visibility of html elements inside a form depending on
the visibility of certain inputs of this form. It's necessary to define the data-for attribute with
a name attribute of a needed input as a value. Only one dependency can exist at this time.
<h1 mbr-if="showTitle">Header</h1>
<div mbr-if="showTitle || showText">
<h1 mbr-if="showTitle">Header</h1>
<div mbr-if="showText"></div>
showTitle = true
showText = false
blockType = "flat"
<span class="with-title"></span>
<span mbr-class="blockType"></span>
<span class="flat"></span>
<span class="flat-style"></span>
Interpolation in attributes
Any attribute if it contains a syntactically correct expression inside double braces {{ ... }}
becomes active and changes dynamically by changing parameters.
<div style="background: {{bgColor}}"></div>
<div data-video-src="{{bgVideo.url}}"></div>
$(document).on('', function(event) {
// this code will be applied to every added component
// to access the component, can be used
Events are needed only for work with the program, and a site would operate normally
without them. It means that events should be used only when it's absolutely necessary.
The most proper way for using of events is when it's necessary to use some third-party
library or script.
Let's take a look at a circle progress bar. We have a parameter of a range type here:
And a template:
I.e. a progress value is used in percents in a data-progress attribute. And during a call:
$('.circle-progress').circleProgress() a jQuery plugin generates a progress bar based
on the value of the data-progress attribute. It should work this way:
$('.circle-progress').each(function() {
value: $(this).attr('data-progress') || '0%'
} );
The thing is that this code should be applied not only during loading, but also when a
component is added. So we do it this way:
function initCircleProgress(card) {
// we search .circle-progress inside a block and call the circleProgress() method
$(card).find('.circle-progress').each(function() {
value: $(this).attr('data-progress') || '0%'
} );
$(document).on('', function(event) {
This code should work during a project loading and while adding a component. What can
we do with the change of the progress value?
ALERT: It is recommended to avoid using value of changed parameters, it's better to take
them directly from DOM, this method will help avoid a lot of problems.
During initialization some libraries start tracking events (for example, onScroll or onResize of
a browser window), and they has a special method to reset all to initialization state. It's
important to remember that:
$(document).on('', function(event) {
There is one issue left: what if a site is opened in a browser but not in the program. How to
call an event?
function initCircleProgress(card) {
$(card).find('.circle-progress').each(function() {
value: $(this).attr('data-progress') || '0%'
} );
if (isBuilder) {
$(document).on('', function(event) {
}).on('', function(event) {
}).on('', function(event, paramName) {
if (paramName == 'progress') {
} else {
}); Event
It happens when a component is added or it loads from a project. It's possible to access the
added element using Event
It happens when a component is removed. Using, you can access an element
to be deleted. Event
$(document).on('', function(event, oldPrevCard) {
// this code will be executed for a dragged component
// - a dragged component
// oldPrevCard - a component that was located above a dragged component
before the dragging
}); Event
$(document).on('', function(event, paramName, value, key) {
// this code will be executed when a parameter is changed
// - a component in which the parameters have changed
// paramName - a parameter name
// value - a value of a parameter
// key - a value to be changed (rarely used)
key can help with the work with a background parameter, for example: when parallax is
changed, there is an array as a value: {type: '', value: '', parallax: '', ...} and in
this moment we don't know what is changed exactly: a background type or a single
attribute. It means that we should keep a previous state to follow changes or reset all
changes and set the new ones - that isn't good too. The key parameter can help in this case:
$(document).on('', function(event, paramName, value, key) {
if (paramName == 'bg') {
switch (key) {
case 'type':
// a background type is changed
case 'value':
// change of the color or image or video location
// (it depends on the background type)
case 'parallax':
// parallax is enabled/disabled
}); Event
Happens after editing of icons, images or videos. Example:
$(document).on('', function(event, type) {
// - an edited item
// type - a type of an edited item