Aaa GCC Ohsa Jun 2013

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higher education & training Department: Higher Education and Training REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA SFE 1906102 T20(E\(J11)T JUNE EXAMINATION NON-NATIONAL CERTIFICATE: ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (13050046) 11 June 2013 (X-Paper) 09:00-12:00 This question paper consists of 9 pages. Copyright reserved Please turn over DHET 2 TEM DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NON-NATIONAL CERTIFICATE: ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT TIME: 3 HOURS MARKS: 200 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION | 1 Answer ALL the questions. 2. Read ALL the questions carefully 3. Number the answers according to the numbering system used in this question Paper. 4. Questions are based on the requirements and application of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (as amended) and the regulations framed thereunder and answers must be confined to these requirements. 5. The words ‘the Act’ as used in this question Paper refer to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (as amended). 6. Answers are written in pencil will NOT be marked. 7. Candidates who are not accepted by the Commission will be disqualified. 8. NO candidate may enter the examination room after half an hour of the start of the examination and NO candidate may leave the examination room until hour has elapsed. 9. Cell phones may NOT be used during the examination. 10. Write neatly and legibly. Copyright reserved Please turn over DHET + T20(E\(14)T QUESTION 1 1.1 Define the following terms as given in the Act: 1.1.1 Employee 11.2 Explosives 14.3 Workplace 12 When the act came into operation on 1 January 1994, an Advisory Council for Occupational Health and Safety was established. State THREE functions of this advisory council. 1.3 The minister may by notice in the Gazette incorporate in the regulations any health and safety standard or part thereof, without stating the text thereof, by mere reference to the number and title of that health and safety standard or to any other particulars by which that health and safety standard is sufficiently identified. 1.3.4 What must the minister do before he/she may incorporate a health and safety standard in the regulations? 1.3.2 What is the legal status of a health and safety standard which has been incorporated in the regulations? 1.3.3. Whatis the effect of an amendment or substitution of a health and ‘safety standard on the standard which has been incorporated in the regulations? (3% 1) QUESTION 2 2.1 Each incident occurring at work shall be reported to an inspector within the prescribed period and in the prescribed manner. 2.44 Name THREE types of incidents which must be reported. 212 Who must report such incidents? 2.1.3 Within which prescribed period must such incidents be reported? 2.1.4 What is the prescribed manner by which such incidents must be reported? (2) (1) (1) (3) (3) [10] (3) (1) (1) a) Copyright reserved Please turn over DHET 22 23 4 TOMI You feel aggrieved by a decision taken by an inspector under a provision of the Act. What may you do in this regard? The Act empowers the minister to grant exemptions from provisions of the Act. 2.3.1 From what provisions of the Act may the minister grant exemptions? 2.3.2. Whenis the earliest date on which an exemption may commence? When shall an exemption lapse? (3x1) QUESTION 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Copyright reserved In what manner must you, as an employer or a self-employed person, conduct your undertaking with regards to other persons (persons other than your employees)? You erected and installed a machine on a premises for use at work. What are your duties with regard to the safety of such a machine? You erected and installed articles on a premises for use at work but the installation is incomplete and not yet safe for use. Another contractor has to install equipment so that the installation can be ready for use. What must you do to ensure that you will not be held responsible for the safety of the final installation? ‘When must an employer have a copy of the Act and the relevant regulations Teadily available on the premises? The chief inspector has directed an inspector to conduct a formal inquiry into an incident which occurred at your factory and the inspector notified you of the date, time and place of the inquiry. 3.5.1 Whom must you advise of the date, time and place and that they must be present at the inquiry? 3.5.2 What must you do when you are of the opinion that certain persons will not attend the inquiry? (4) (3) [10] (ty (2) (2) (1) (3) (1) [10] Please turn over (2) (1) (1) (1) DHET c T20(EI11)T QUESTION 4 4.1 Define the term shiftsman as given in the General Machinery Regulations, 1988, as amended 4.2 What must you do to your premises when the machinery on the premises constitute a danger to persons in the following cases? 4.2.1 Your operations are on the premises 4.2.2 The premises is unattended x1) 43 Your metal press operator has resigned and you have to appoint a new operator. What components of knowledge must you include in the training of the new person you intend to authorise to operate the press? 4.4 What must you do to avoid accidents when machinery is used which requires constant attention? 48 You are the owner of a laundry where you operate 20 washing machines, 10 driers, 8 steam presses and 2 electrode steam boilers and you employ 45 persons What notices must you, the user of machinery, display? 4.6 Define the term adjoining as given in the amended Facilities Regulations of 2004 47 You acquired a small business where three persons are employed on a Copyright reserved premises with no sanitary facilities. The previous owner informed you that he had an arrangement with a neighbour to use his facilities. Is this permissible and, if so, under which conditions? (2) [10] Please tum over (2) (1) a) (2) (1) (3) [10] (2) a) (1) (1) (1) (1) a) (1) DHET 6 T2O(EMSIA)T QUESTION 5 5.1 Define the following terms as given in the Construction Regulations, 2003: 6.4.1 ‘Competent person 5.12 Scaffold 5.2. Who must supervise formwork and support work operations? 5.3 What are the design criteria for formwork and support work structures? 5.4 When must formwork and support work structures be inspected? 5.5 Apart from the provisions of the Driven Machinery Regulations for {ifting machines, state THREE additional requirements in the Construction Regulations when tower cranes are used on a construction site. QUESTION 6 61 Define the following terms as given in the Pressure Equipment Regulations, 6.1.1 Risk-based inspection 6.14.2 Fire extinguisher 6.1.3 Modification 62 Who may recharge a fire extinguisher? 6.3 Who may inspect and test a transportable gas container? 64 You have modified an accumulator operating at a pressure of 800 kPa, which changed the original design conditions. What must you do with regard to identification of the accumulator? 65 A ntl a bank of steam generators to provide steam for the processing plant. 6.5.1 What are the prescribed inspection intervals for a fire-tube steam generator? 6.5.2 What are the prescribed inspection intervals for all piping and pipelines under steam pressure? 66 A manufacturer of steam generators (boilers) determined that a specific Copyright reserved ‘steam generator model, which is already in use, has a latent defect. What must the manufacturer do? (1) [Mo] Please turn over DHET a T20(E\ IIT QUESTION 7 7.1 Define the following terms as given in the Electrical Installation Regulations, 2008: 7.4.1 Point of consumption (2) 7.4.2 Point of contro! (1) 7.4.3 Point of outlet (1) 7.1.4 Supply terminals in relation to machinery (1) 7.2 You own two buildings on two adjacent premises, A and B, in an industrial area. You are conducting an engineering manufacturing business. from premises A and are leasing premises B to an electrical contractor who operates his business from there. 7.24 Who is responsible for the safety, safe use and maintenance of the electrical installation in the building on premises A? 7.2.2 Whois responsible for the safety, safe use and maintenance of the electrical installation in the building on premises B? (2x1) 2) 7.3 No person may do electrical installation work as an electrical contractor unless that person has been registered as an electrical contractor with the chief inspector or by a person appointed by the chief inspector. What are the requirements to register as an electrical contractor? 2) 7.4 You have employed an electrical contractor to do the electrical installation of new offices constructed on your premises. The work is nearly complete so that the installation can be connected to the electricity supply. When may you connect the electrical installation in this building to the electricity supply? a) [10] Copyright reserved Please turn over DHET 8 T20(E\J11)T QUESTION 8 84 Where more than five persons are employed at a workplace, an employer 8.2 8.3 shall provide a first-aid box for the treatment of injuries or for an emergency. 8.1.1 Name EIGHT items of first-aid equipment which must be contained in the first-aid box. 8.1.2 State THREE factors you have to consider when determining what other equipment you must have in the first-aid box. What safety measures, other than working from a ladder, must you take when a person has to carry out work in an elevated position? Name TWO measures you have to take in terms of the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces to expedite the evacuation of a workplace in case of fire. QUESTION 9 91 9.2 9.3 94 Copyright reserved Define the following terms as given in the Lift, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations, 2010: 9.1.1 Registered lift inspector 9.1.2 Modification (2*1) A goods lift that will serve three landings is under construction in your factory. 9.2.1 After completion, when must the lift be inspected and tested? 9.2.2 At what intervals must you have the lift inspected and tested after it was put into use the first time? 92.3 Name TWO other reasons why you must have the lift inspected and tested after it was put in use the first time, Define the term respiratory protective equipment as used in the Lead Regulations, 2001. A section in your factory is zoned as a respirator zone due to the high concentration of lead in the air. Name THREE steps you have to take regarding this respirator zone. (4) (3) a) (2) [10] (2) a) a) 2) (1) (3) [0] Please turn over DHET 9. T20(EMIAIT QUESTION 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Define the term biological agent as used in the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents (HBA), 2001. ANNEXURE B to the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents contains a list of biological agents classified according to hazard and categories of containment. What must you do when employees are exposed to a biological agent that has not been assigned a classification? You made a risk assessment to determine if any of your employees might be exposed to a hazardous biological agent. When you made the risk assessment, you took into account all available information including the nature of work, nature of dose, suspected route of exposure, period of exposure and the like. Name FOUR types of information you have to consider when you conduct the risk assessment Define the term private use as given in the Explosive Regulations, 2002. You have to excavate a trench on your premises to lay a high voltage cable in a rocky area and need to contract someone to use blasting material for the removal of the rocks. What must the contractor prove to you before you may permit him to use blasting material? TOTAL: Copyright reserved (1) @) (4) (1) (2) 10] 100

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