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IMRD Format Introduction

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Research is to see what everybody else has seen,

and to think what nobody else has thought. – Albert Szent-Györgyi


The IMRaD format is a way of structuring a scientific article. It is often used in

health care and the natural sciences. Unlike theses in the social sciences, the
IMRaD format does not include a separate theory chapter.

Theses that are structured using the IMRaD format are usually short and concise.
The language will be as plain and as unambiguous as possible. There is no place
in this type of writing for personal views and fanciful language. (Search & Write,

Parts of a Paper: IMRAD

The overall rhetorical shape of a typical RP is shown in Figure 1. The arrows

indicate that the sections are closely connected. In fact, some journal editors
have suggested that authors try to create a strong connection between the
Introduction and Discussion. In addition, authors should make sure that every
method described is related to some results and all results are related to a

Some empirical papers will follow a slightly different pattern in which the Results
and Discussion sections appear in the same section. This eliminates the difficult
task of deciding in which section authors should interpret or give meaning to
their results. In other types of papers, several studies may be discussed, which
results in some cycling of the Methods-Results-Discussions sections. Despite these
and other variations, the basic format remains relevant.

Figure 1 Overall Shape of a Research Paper

Figure 1 gives a useful indication of the broad-narrow-broad or general-

specific-general movement of the typical RP. As the RP in English has
developed over the last hundred years or so, the four different sections
have become identified with four different purposes.

Research Section Overarching Question

INTRODUCTION Why did you start?

The main purpose of the Introduction is to

provide the rationale for the paper,
moving from a general discussion of the
topic to the particular question, issue, or
hypothesis being investigated. A
secondary purpose is to attract interest in
the topic-and hence readers.
METHODS What did you do?

The Methods section describes, in various

degrees of detail, methodology, materials
(or subjects), and procedures. This is the
narrowest part of the RP.
RESULTS; and What did you find?

In the Results section, the findings are

described, accompanied by variable
amounts of commentary.

DISCUSSION What does it all mean?

The Discussion section gives meaning to

and interprets the results in a variety of
ways. Authors make a series of "points," at
least some of which refer to statements
made in the Introduction.
(CONCLUSION) What happens after the study?

This part is merged with the discussion in

the IMRD method.
Table 2 Parts of an IMRD Paper

As a result of the different purposes given in Table 1, the four sections have taken
on different linguistic characteristics. Table 2 shows how the frequencies of
selected linguistic features can vary from one section to another. For example,
we would normally expect the present tense to appear regularly in the
Introduction and Discussion sections, but, depending on the field or type of
study; not to be a major tense in the other two sections. Review Table 2 and then
do the task.

Introduction Methods Results Discussion

Present tense High Low Low High
Past tense Mid High High Mid
Present perfect Mid Low Low Mid
Passive Low High Variable Variable
Citations High Low Variable High
Hedges Mid Low Mid High
Evaluative comments High Low Variable High

As you can see, there are some similarities between the Introduction and
Discussion, on the one hand, and between Methods and Results, on the other.
This may suggest a pattern of more "concrete" inner sections and more
"conceptual" opening and closing sections.

With a partner, discuss the features of RPs in your field. Would you rate the
frequency of the features as high, variable, or low in each of the sections? Use
the chart below. Analyze 3-5 papers in your reference collection (or more, if you
have time) to determine whether your perceptions were correct or correspond
to Table 2. If possible, add another feature of your own to the final row.

Introduction Methods Results Discussion

High Low Variable High Low Variable High Low Variable High Low Variable

Past tense

One of
your own
*Boosters consist of language that is chosen to add strength to a claim. They allow authors to
indicate a strong conviction to a claim. Examples include clearly, obviously, and of course.


1.1 Parts of an Introduction

 Rationale of the study

 Sufficient background information to allow a reader to understand and
evaluate the results of present study without referring to previous
publications on the topic
 Review of pertinent literature to orient the reader
 Definition of lacunae and shortcomings in current state of knowledge
 Provision of rationale for the current study
o What gap in knowledge did you try to fill?
o What controversy did you try to resolve?
 Statement of aim of study

1.2 Points to Remember

An introduction must
 Be brief, clear, and to the point
 Be written mostly in the present tense
 (May) State the study group, study design and methods used
(How and why are these better than those of previous studies)
 (May) state the principal result/conclusion
 Include key references supporting background information provided in
this section
 Refer to your previous preliminary work
 Refer to your own closely related papers appearing elsewhere*
 Define any specialized terms, definitions, or abbreviations you intend to

1.3 Introduction: Common Problems
 Historical details
 Too long
 Too general and vague
 Imitative
 Contains ‗discussion‘ material

1.4 Writing the Introduction

Move 1 Establishing a territory Topic generalization
(citations required)
Move 2 Establishing the niche Step 1 A – Indicating a gap
(citation possible) (or)
Step 1 B – Adding to what is
known (or)
Step 2 (optional) –
Presenting positive
Move 3 Occupying the niche Step 1 (obligatory) –
Announcing present
PISF – Possible in Some research descriptively
Fields and/or purposively
Step 2 (obligatory) –
Presenting research
question or hypothesis
Step 3 (optional) –
Definitional clarifications
Step 4 (optional) –
Summarizing methods
Step 5 (PISF) – Announcing
principal outcomes
Step 6 (PISF) – Stating the
value of present research
Step 7 (PISF) –Outlining the
structure of the paper

1.5 Sample Introduction (Part by part)

The following are sample passages from the introduction of Lee (2011). Some
paragraphs in the original text were not included.

Move 1: Research on children’s literacy

development has underscored the
Establishing a Territory (providing significance of the role of parental
background information; use of involvement in the language
studies; describes the current situation, development of pre-school children.
features, and characteristics of area For example, book reading
of study) experiences of children with their
parents have been recognized to be
related to school achievement.
-Related study Almond and Holt (2006) found that
higher levels of reading knowledge
were shown among children coming
from homes with a richer literacy
home environment and that children‘s
interactions with books such as
storybook reading were found to be
related to reading skill and reading
-Related study achievement. Wood (2002) also found
that children who were exposed to
pre-school, parent-child activities
performed best in reading
achievement one year later.
-Related study
While genes could bear on a child‘s
academic achievement, Bryne et al
(2006) showed that print awareness,
vocabulary, and
grammar/morphology were
influenced more by the home/pre-
school environment rather than by
genetic influence. They also found
significant correlations between the
home environment and pre-school
abilities in their longitudinal study
among pre-school twin children in

The positive effects on the

development of children‘s early
-Related study literacy skills may be attributed to the
kind of intervention that parents
provide. Stoltz and Fischel (2003)

examined parental interventions when
their children encountered difficulties
in the text and concluded that
meaningful feedback came from
parents of less skilled readers than
parents of better readers.
Move 2: However, it is alarming to note that
Establishing a Niche (presenting more and more Filipino children could
positive justification) hardly read as indicated in the
previous studies. In response to this
concern, the Languages and
Literature Department of DLSU-D is
embarking on a project that will help
parents in becoming better facilitators
of learning at home.
Move 3: Thus, this study is conducted. Results of
Occupying the Niche the study will hopefully guide the
Step 6 – Stating the value of the project organizers in making decisions
present research about the content of the training.
Results of the study will hopefully guide
the said project organizers in making
decisions about the content of the
training. The said project will also be
an initial move for the development to
involve the community in the
development of early literacy skills
and to build a culture of collaborative
action among members of the

Move 1: Establishing the Territory

Move 1 provides the reader some background about the research topic.
Thus, it is important to remember that before writing your introduction, you should
have already reviewed literature. Move 1 requires you to include current
research findings about the area that you are studying. Hence, citations (authors
and their studies) are necessary. See how this is shown in the following

Example 1: Excerpt from Decision-Making in a Collaborative Writing Task

(Lee, 2010).

With the value placed on collaboration in both academic and workplace

settings, teachers are beginning to realize the need for more opportunities where

students can develop collaborative and decision making skills. Writing, for
example, which is traditionally viewed as a solitary activity, could be a venue for
enhancing students‘ writing and collaborative skills (Rochelle & Teasley, 1995;
Storch, 2005; Wigglesworth & Storch, 2009; Yong Mei, 2010). (Lee, 2010)

Topic Generalization Text Related Studies

Writing as a venue for With the value placed on (These are the studies
developing collaborative collaboration in both about collaboration in
skills academic and writing.)
workplace settings,
(Notice that the teachers are beginning
introduction begins with to realize the need for
something that is general more opportunities
in scope) where students can
develop collaborative
and decision making
Specific Focus Writing, for example, (Rochelle & Teasley,
which is traditionally 1995; Storch, 2005;
(This part presents a more viewed as a solitary Wigglesworth & Storch,
specific aspect of area activity, could be a 2009; Yong Mei, 2010)
to be studied.) venue for enhancing
students‘ writing and
collaborative skills

Example 2: Teachers; Questioning Techniques and Student Responses in a

Reading Class (Penalba, 2013)

Topic Generalization Text Related Studies

The importance of Classroom interaction
questioning techniques in involves asking and
classroom teaching answering questions
which are central to the
learning process and to
effective teaching.
Specific Focus Classroom questioning Several studies have
has become an been conducted about
important aspect of it in various aspects and
effective teaching. It is foci, such as the status of
considered as one of the a teacher‘s questions
pedagogical tools in the and the students‘
teaching and learning responses in an EFL class
process. (Toni & Parse, 2012);
teachers‘ questioning
techniques in a

Japanese senior high
school English class
(Nishimura, 2012)

Definitions of terms, or concepts necessary in

understanding the study, are written in Move 1.

Here are some phrases or expressions that you can use in presenting Move 1:
1. Research on children‘s literacy development has underscored the
significance of the role of parental involvement in the language
development of pre-school children (Lee, 2010).
2. Recent studies have shown that with the rapid advancement in
technology, classroom teaching and learning are being redesigned to
meet the demands of the present day digitally-literate learners (Mohanty,
3. In recent years there has been a striking shift in both academic and
popular discourse on the subject of male-female differences.
4. There is greater awareness now than ever before that the languages are
dying at an alarming rate.
5. The concept of political communication is evolving.
6. Studies suggest that people in rural areas observe voting patterns different
from those in cities.

Other examples are:

Recently, researchers have focused on…

The possibility of __________ has been the focus of…
The effect of intelligence on workplace performance has drawn
The study of culture and politics has generated interest…

Move 2: Establishing a Niche

Move 2 is written after you have given a background of your study (Move
1). A ―nice‖ is a recess, hollow part of a wall where a décor can be placed. Just
like in research, you need to find a ―hole,‖ a place for your research in the
discipline under study. Establishing a niche can be likened to ―finding your place
under the sun.‖

In Move 2, you may choose observing Step 1A or Step 1B, followed by
Step 2.

Step 1A – indicating a gab (obligatory) or

Step 1B – adding to what is known
Step 2 – presenting positive justification

You can find the niche by showing that previous research is not complete
or that there are still aspects in the research filed that need further examination.
One of the most common ways is to present a negative evaluation of some
features of a research territory. You also indicate precisely the value or the
necessity of doing the present research.

Move 2 is the hinge that connects Move 1 and Move 3.

By indicating the knowledge gap, you build the demand for current
contributions. Essentially, the gap represents the current contribution that the
study seeks to resolve.
To help you in writing Move 2 of your introduction, here are some
guidelines in terms of language:

1. Use appropriate phrases and expressions that signal the

research gap of the need to conduct the study.
 A considerable amount of research has been carried out
but little research focused on how students make decisions.
 As a result, no study has been conducted in the university

Other linguistic indicators of gaps:

 Contrastive statements – however, but, while, although,
nevertheless, as opposed to, rather than, with few
 Quantifiers and quasi-negatives – limited
 Negatives – one of, not been, no (work, research, data,

2. Use appropriate verbs. Some verbs can be neutral, slightly

negative, or strongly negative. If you think your review of related
literature is not so exhaustive, then do not attempt to use a
strong verb. Consider the example that follows.

However, previous research in this field has


Verb/Phrasal verb Tone
…concentrated on… Neutral
… been limited to… Slightly negative
…failed to include… Strongly negative
… misinterpreted… Strongly negative
…neglected to consider… Strongly negative

3. Use adjectives in presenting Move 2 as seen in the given

example. Nevertheless, these attempts to establish a link
between secondary smoke and lung cancer are at present
(You can either use…)

a. Controversial
b. Incomplete
c. Inconclusive
d. Questionable
e. Unconvincing
f. Unsatisfactory

See how Move 2 is incorporated in the text.

Text Move 2
Writing, which is traditionally viewed as Despite these benefits, research
a solitary activity, could be a venue for suggests further investigation especially
enhancing a student‘s collaborative on the learner‘s interaction… (Lee,
skills (Storch, 2005). Despite these 2010).
benefits, research suggests further
investigation especially on the learner‘s
interaction… (Lee, 2010)
It is a fact that while introductions in …none has investigated yet how the
academic writing—specifically the introduction sections of dissertations
research articles and Results and and theses are organized and how
Discussions sections—have received dissertations and theses maintain
attention recently, none has credibility and objectivity in the Results
investigated yet how the introduction and Discussion sections insofar as
sections of dissertations and theses are leading universities and the National
organized and how dissertations and Capital Region are concerned.
theses maintain credibility and
objectivity in the Results and Discussion
sections insofar as leading universities
and the National Capital Region are
With this as a mandate, some However, such initiatives emanating
universities responded by from the library do not signify an
accumulating materials designed to adequate action to speed-up the

orient the researchers on the facts, local collection development.
issues, and problems confronted by the
immediate community… However,
such initiatives emanating from the
library do not signify an adequate
action to speed-up the local collection
development. There has to be one
academic unit in the university or
school setting that should focus and
specialize in this activity. (Calairo, 2008)

Move 3: Occupying the Niche

Here you reveal the solution to help fill the gap, answer the specific
questions, or continue a research tradition presented in Move 2. In Move 3, you
state what you intend to fill the gap with by announcing the present research.
Other aspects about the study may be given but they are not required. It is
enough that you present or announce what your study intends to do or has
done. Steps 5, 6 and 7 may be found in some disciplines.

Step 1 (obligatory) – Announcing present research descriptively and/or

Step 2 (optional) – Presenting Research Questions Of Hypothesis
Step 3 (Optional) – Definitional Clarifications
Step 4 (Optional) – Summarizing Methods
Step 5 (PISF) – Announcing Principal Outcomes
Step 6 (PISF) – Stating the Value of Present Research
Step 7 (PISF) - Outlining the Structure of the Paper

Sample Text Step

The purpose of this study is to explore Announcing the present research
whether there is a correlation between
English learning anxiety and -This paper reports…
communication anxiety, test anxiety, -This study analyzed…
and the fear of negative evaluation -This study evaluated…
This study tried to answer the following Presenting research question or
questions: hypothesis
(In theses/dissertations this part should Definitional clarifications
appear in Move 1 since it is important
that readers understand important
…the selected novels written by the Summarizing methods

world‘s brilliant novelists were
subjected to the sociological analysis
expounded by Kennedy and Gioia
(2003) and McAfee (1993) through the
incorporation of Marxist Literary
Criticism. (Cabanias, 2008)
This study hopes to show that the Announcing principal outcomes
analysis of patterns of interaction can
be explained by the participants‘
This study will not only benefit the day- Stating the value of present research
care workers but also the children who
will be under their care.
In this paper, after the introduction, we Outlining the structure of the paper
discuss the theoretical framework of
the study, explain the methodology,
and present and discuss the results of
the study. The last part of the paper
describes the proposed learning


A. Identify the MOVES exemplified in the following texts:

1. ____________________ In the past several decades, analyses of people‘s
reactions to stress level revealed findings significant in making
decisions about wellness programs.
2. ____________________ However, far less is known about the causes of
suicide among very young people.
3. ____________________ This paper is an attempt to explain the role of the
local studies centers in the Philippines, especially their distinct capacity
to collect materials. (Calairo, 2008)
4. ____________________ This study focused on the concept of family from
the sociological perspective as reflected in the selected novels from
the emerging countries. (Cabanais, 2008)
5. ____________________ Popular movie genres at a certain period in a
country‘s history have been considered to be a reflection of the
country‘s state of politics at that time.
6. ____________________ However, until not, few studies in clinical
practices have used both qualitative and quantitative methods in
determining relationships between personality and performance.
7. ____________________ Coherence allows ease in navigating the text,
helping the reader understand textual relationships. These connections
are better understood when there is an explicit use of markers that
indicate the connection (Haberlandt, 1982).

8. ____________________ This study evaluated the learning modules used in
Engl 100 class during the school year 2014-2015.
9. ____________________ The Early Childhood Education review reports of
researches conducted from 1986 to 2007 which showed that dialogic
reading resulted in improvement in children‘s speaking skills (Loningan,
2007). (Lee, 2011)
10. ____________________ The limited number of studies on technology
addiction suggests more investigation in the area.

B. The paragraph that follows is a shortened form of a research introduction.

Underline the three moves.

Various techniques and strategies have been identified and employed

with one aim, and that is, to make students understand and comprehend
the essence of literary texts. One of the important elements deemed
crucial in learning literature is the understanding of the underlying
meaning the particular text is trying to convey. But not many readers are
able to comprehend the literary texts since they are full of riddles with
gaps which are left for the readers to decipher. This leads to multiple
interpretations linking student experiences and knowledge of the subject
matter. This research aims to look at how drawing posters based on poetry
help student teachers unfold the meaning of a literary text.
C. Complete each phrase to make an opening statement for Move 1. Use
your research title for topic.
1. Recently, there has been growing interest in
2. The _________________________________________ has become a favorite
topic for analysis.
3. The study of
________________________________________________________________ has
become an important aspect of
4. A central issue in
_____________________________________________________________ is
5. The relationship between
_______________________________________________________ has been
investigated by many researchers.

D. Write down the purpose or objective of your study (Move 3, Step 1).


In groups, write the Introduction (of IMRaD) of your study. Use short (8.5‖ by 11‖)
bond paper. Remember that the IMRD makes use of a continuous essay rather
than a segmented and sub-labeled paper. For guidance, be sure to write your
Introduction in this order:

1. Move 1: Establishing a Territory

 Rationale of the study
 Sufficient background information on the topic

2. Move 2: Establishing a Niche

 Review of pertinent literature to orient the reader
 Definition of gaps and shortcomings in current state of knowledge

3. Move 3: Occupying the Niche

 Provision of rationale for the current study
o What gap in knowledge did you try to fill?
o What controversy did you try to resolve?
 Statement of aim of study
 Statement of the problem
 Study hypothesis
 Definitions and clarifications of terms relevant to the study

A sample Introduction is provided below for format reference. Take note of how
the Moves were weaved together into a seamless writing.

Sample of Undergraduate Thesis in IMRAD Format : Bariis Lake in Bulan Sorsogon


The town of Bulan is composed of 63 barangays and one of it is Barangay Sta. Remedios
which Bariis Eco Park is located. The name “Bariis” was taken from the name of the grass that grows
around the lake.A tunnel is situated near the lake which they called the “Bariis Tunnel”. It was built
during the Second World War; said to be by Filipinos around the year 1940 to 1941. During the year
1942, Japanese soldier had camped in the area to serve as their shelter. [1] It was also said that the
Japanese hid treasures within the tunnel which is why they killed the Filipino’s captives after it was
built. Some people who lived near the tunnel had said that the tunnel in Bariis also connects to the
tunnel in Barangay San Francisco and Somagongsong and just bar down because of the attempt of
hunters from Magallanes to look for the hidden treasures that had caused the cut off the passage way
going deeper in the tunnel. [2] is a Smoke Free zone and Liquors are not allowed for the conservation
of the Ecotourism destination. The Bariis Eco Park was used to be a regular mountain filled with
trees which has a lake on it. [1] It was Marnellie Guray Ballesteros Robles, who developed the Bariis
Eco Park along with her other programs during his first term as the municipal Mayor of Bulan
Sorsogon with the objective to uplift the tourism potentials of Bulan Sorsogon. The development in
the Bariis Eco Park started on October 19, 2013 with participation of the Department of Agriculture,
LGU and BFAR and other government agencies like DOT. The Local Government Unit and the people
of Bulan described the Japanese World War II tunnel as a silent witness to the atrocities of war, a
strong and defeat of sacrifices and of shattered dreams that should remind those who are living
today that there’s no substitute in living a gratifying life that peace; even if peace is elusive, it is
worth man’s dream. The Bariis Lake has a Fish Cave which has over 20,000 tilapias, a project from
LGU and BFAR. Boating was the best feature that the Bariis has; there were 5 “swan boats” and a
“floating cottage” which is being maneuvered in a parallel motion with someone to manage and pull
the rope from either side of the lake. It is free for everyone, as they only ask for donations. The Eco
Park once offers great sightseeing and exploration.

On December 13, typhoon Nona hit Bulan Sorsogon that left a tremendous impact on Bulan
and the livelihood of Sta. Remedios. Parts of the development that were once made got destroyed by
the typhoon; the restroom, the terrace from the uphill broke down, the tilapias from the fish cave
were fished by locals after the typhoon due to absence of caretakers and mismanagement. According
to the caretakers of the new administration headed by Felix “Billy” Lolos, this happened because the
previous administration of MarnelieGuray failed to allocate the 2015 budget thus, resulted to the
decline of Bariis Eco Park due to insufficient funding to fix the damages made by the calamity. It was
neglected from May Election up until July 13, when the new administration officially seated with
Helen De Castro as the newly elected mayor. Since there was no budget allocated for Bariis on 2015,
the new administration of Bulan Sorsogon were left to no avail but raise Bariis Eco Park by slowly
renovating with the little donation that they get from those who still visits Bariis Eco Park until
the2017 budget allocation on the province.

The Department of Agriculture, coordinated with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) plans to restore the Fish Cave by building a fishpond where in the local
organization of Sta. Remedios will benefit the sales. This would take into action by end of August
2016 after registration of Bariis Eco Park to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Other
proposals are also to be accomplished by 2016 for the restoration of Bariis Eco Park like an
Employee’s House, renovation of the Japanese Tunnel, Floating Cottages, Restroom, and a Function

Hall where weddings, birthdays and other events can be held. By 2017, they aim to fully execute their
plans for the Bariis Eco Park with the purpose of surpassing the developments made from 2013 with
the help of Engr. Benito Marquez, the Engineer who also designed the innovation in Bariis Eco Park
back on its peak and Amando Polo, the landscaper of the Eco Park and restore the lake as reservoir
for irrigation purposes going through the rice fields.

To assists the possible rejuvenation of Bariis Eco Park, the researchers need to know what
the local residents, LGU and other organization’s plan of action in order to restore Bariis Eco Park as
a tourist destination.

The objectives of this study are: to assess the development made in the Bariis Eco Park
before; to determine the condition of how they will restore Bariis Eco Park; to assess the intricacy
encountered by the tourists as to what kind of facilities are present, offered leisure activities and
accessibility of the destination present way back in 2013.Furthermore, the research will attempt to
offer the most appropriate and effective ways on how they will do the restoration in Bariis Eco Park.
Finally, this research may provide opening for reflective thought so that the management of the
Bariis Eco Park may improve efficiently.

The study wanted to assess the restoration of the Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon.
Specifically, it will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) What is the status of Bariis Eco
Park in terms of Attraction, Promotion, Services and Facilities; (2) What problems encountered by
local residents of Bariis Eco Park; (3) What are the measures recommended to address the
maintenance of Bariis Eco Park in terms of Attraction, Promotion, Services and Facilities

The study of Bariis Eco Park in Bulan Sorsogon aims to benefit the Local Government Unit
(LGU); the result of the study will contribute to the idea of conceptualizing plans regarding future
restorations of tourism attractions. This will serve as a reference when they have to look for aid
while making plans about restoring the destination as a tourism destination and help LGU look for
remedies for conflicts that may arise. It will also help the Department of Tourism (Region V) to
recognize potential destinations and will assist in giving recommendations that can be of use for the
DOT in terms of restoring tourism sites. The outcome of this study may also give DOT the chance to
add again Bariis Eco Park as a tourist destination in the list and will probably help the country to gain
more tourists that will lift the tourism economy of Bulan, Sorsogon and the Philippines in general.
This study will also provide awareness to the local residents for they themselves are involved and
will have enough knowledge on how they will help the place maintain its beauty and develop at the
same time.

It will help the residents to strategically develop a plan of action for future restoration and
proper maintenance and will manifest the learning that they may have in promoting their very own
place with consistency.

Aside from restoration, this study will help in conceptualizing maintenance and troubleshooting for
unforeseen damages and calamity that may occur not just in Bulan Sorsogon but the entire country.

This is also beneficial for tourist who would like to know how a tourist destination can
regain its beauty. And also, this study can help educators widen their knowledge about destinations
like Bariis Eco Park. They can use this study as a tool for presenting a destination which renews its
light as a destination and can share it with their students. Students are also the beneficiary of this

study; this will give them an idea on why and how a tourist destination can reach its decline stage
and how it restores itself. The present researchers also will gain additional information of what they
are studying at the present and will have knowledge about restoration and maintaining a certain
destination at the same time. Also further studies may materialize because of the added facts and
ideas in this study. Lastly, Future Researchers can use the outcome of the study will serve as their
basis for further studies specially in restoring tourist destinations and further understanding of how
can they do it accordingly.

The coverage of the study will focus on the status of Bariis Eco Park, problems encountered
in maintaining the services and facilities and visitor’s arrival. Also, the problems encountered in
implementing promotion and development program and the measures recommended in addressing
the problems.

Based upon George D. Gann and David Lamb’s theory article (+AJM theory), Ecological
Restoration: SER international and IUCN Commission Movement on Ecological Restoration. They
explained their theory on how one degraded biodiversity can be restored and boosts human
livelihood. And with Josh Sidon’s research on USCG Research Shows Economic Impacts of Ecosystems
Restoration Project proves George D. Gann and David Lamb theory that with the rejuvenation of the
degraded lands show that this collaborative projects can sustain our local economies and may attract
investors to that could support jobs and livelihoods. Also according to David J. Velinsky article, Dam
Removal: Challenges and Opportunities for Ecological Research and River Rejuvenation when the
organizations took eyes on dam removal to restore the degraded rivers imports new challenges for
watershed management but opened opportunities for advancing the science ecology. Peng S, Ren H,
and Zhang Q some Chinese researchers. On their research about Theories and Techniques of
Degraded Wetland Ecosystem Restoration, in this research that was conducted at South China
Institute of Botany in Goungzhou. Theories such as self-design vs. Design Theory, succession theory,
invasion theory, flood pulsing theory, edge effect theory, and intermediate disturbance hypothesis,
can be used to as direct approach to the restoration of wetlands. Based upon Douglas A. Wilcox and
Thomas H. Williams article about Techniques for Restoration Local Wetlands, the success of
restoration is demonstrated by the sustainability, productivity, nutrient-retention ability, invisibility,
and biotic interactions within a restored wasteland.

As Maria C. Ruiz-Jaen and T. Mitchell Aide said in their article, Restoration Success: How is it
Being Measured. Rating and evaluating the succession rate of a restoration project they are able to
determine how successful a project would be and by this we can assess and develop more projects to
get a much better success rate. The study of J. A. Harris also tackles with the evaluation of the
succession in restoring ecosystem through measuring soil microbial community we can assess the
degradation and the effects of management design to reverse its effects. With these techniques we
can evade failures and boost the chance our success.

With all of the techniques and theories that we have read in all of the articles we can
conclude that all of it is relevant in our research that may help us in the Restoration/Rejuvenation of
Bariis Lake. And with so many techniques that we have observed we have a higher chance of success
to restore or maybe improve the lake and boost the job opportunity and the economy of the

This study is anchored of the Tourist Destinations Life Cycle Theory of Butler. According to
Butler’s research there are seven stages of tourist area life cycle model that is one of the most cited

and continuous areas of tourism knowledge. The first stage is the Exploration; destinations always
starts as unknown and undeveloped area that tourist explores and experienced. Second stage is the
involvement; this is the stage where local residents are involved in providing primarily facilities for
the visitors, and this is also the stage where local investment and advertisement of the area start.
Third is Development; the facilities will improve and investors will start to invest to the destination
for the development, changes in the physical appearance will be noticed but the local involvement
and control of development will decline. Fourth will be the Consolidation; the rate of visitors will
decline, but total numbers will still increase and total visitor’s numbers will exceed the number of
permanent residents. Fifth stage is the Stagnation; the capacity levels for numbers of visitors will
have been reached or exceed. The area will have a well-established image but it will no longer appeal
to the visitors. The next stage is the Decline; the area will not be able to compete with the newer
attractions so will face a declining market. Last stage will be the Rejuvenation; there will be a big
change to the destinations to uplift again the negative trends in visitor’s arrivals.

The tourism area life cycle stated by Butler shows that Bariis Eco Park, being in the declined
stage has potential to be back to its former condition.With this study is looking forward for the next
stage which is rejuvenation. Attraction, promotion and services and facilities will be a great factor for
restoration. In order for the destination to go back into competition, the last stage must be taken into

The conceptual framework of this study is based on the problems stated in this chapter. The
conceptual framework was illustrated in Figure 1, which is shown in the paradigm.

The study is focus on the restoration of the Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon. To assess the status of
the restoration, the researchers will use a survey questionnaire in the gathering of the primary data
that is based on the problem of the study. The assessed data will be converted into information that
will be of great use in the rejuvenation stage of the Bariis Eco Park as a tourist destination.

This paradigm will serve as guide to how this study will work. First, in order to answer all
the questions regarding the problem, the researchers provided a questionnaire that will define the
status of Bariis Eco Park.The assessment made will later then be used in order to restore the
developments made before and surpass that. As well to suggest possible actions that can be made in
order to fully implement stable maintenance and management in the Bariis Eco Park, Bulan

Survey Questionnaires
will be used to gather
BARIIS ECO PARK the information,
Bulan, Sorsogon Butler’s Destination
Life Cycle

Assessment of the restoration of

Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon

Figure 3 Conceptual Paradigm

After careful review and analysis of various related literature, there were foreign and local
literature and studies that had bearing on the present. However, there seemed to have no study
assessing the restoration of the Bariis Eco Park in Bulan, Sorsogon particularly its present status,
problem it encountered by local residents in terms of attraction, promotion, and services and
facilities. This is the gap that the study asserts and which the present study would like to bridge.

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined:

Attraction-something interesting or enjoyable that people want to visit, see, or do. Used as
something referring to Bariis Eco Park.

Facility -such a building or large piece of equipment that is built for specific purpose. This was used
to refer what Bariis Eco park offers other than the destination itself.

Promotion- something (such as advertising) that is done to make people aware of something
and increase it sales or popularity. In the current study, this was used to emphasize the need of the
place to come up with a good result at the end of the day.

Services- things that are given in a certain time for someone or something. The study used
this terms to refer to those things offered by Bariis Eco park.


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