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Dumbbell Workout Routine for Abs

Printed on Apr 27 2010

Workout Routine Snapshot

1 Workout Days 4 Abs
0 Cardio Exercises
4 Strength Training
0 Stretching Exercises
Dumbbell Workout Routine for Abs - Day 1
Cardio / Strength Training # of Sets # of Reps Progress Log
Abs | Crunch - Weighted

3 6

Abs | Crunch - Arms Extended

3 6

Abs | Twisting Crunch

3 6

Abs | Side Bend (Dumbbells)

3 6
Detailed Strength Training Exercise Information FitnessBliss.com | Copyright, Blisslogik Inc.

Abs | Crunch - Weighted

Secondary Muscles Upper Abdominals
Starting Position Lie down on your back on a bench and hold a dumbbell on top of
your chest.
Motion Roll your shoulder blades up from the bench and lower yourself
back down after a short pause.
Tips/Caution To avoid pulling with your neck, look straight up instead of looking at
your knees.
Abs | Crunch - Arms Extended
Secondary Muscles Upper Abdominals
Starting Position Lie down on your back, knees bent at 90 degree angles and extend
your arms until they are parallel to your thighs.
Motion Roll your shoulder blades up from the floor until your hands reach
above your knees and lower yourself back down after a short
Tips/Caution To avoid pulling with your neck, look straight up instead of looking at
your knees.
Abs | Twisting Crunch
Secondary Muscles Obliques
Starting Position Lie down on your back, knees bent at 90 degree angles and place
your hands behind your ears.
Motion Rotate your upper body up to one side so that one elbow is in the
air and lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate
sides after your set is completed.
Tips/Caution Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while
returning to starting position.
Abs | Side Bend (Dumbbells)
Secondary Muscles Obliques
Starting Position Stand up and hold a dumbbell with one hand along the side of your
Motion Lean your upper body to the side that holds the dumbbell and bring
it back after a short pause. Complete your set and change sides.
Tips/Caution Try to keep your back straight throughout.

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