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published: 21 February 2019

doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00138

Management of Blood Pressure

During and After Recanalization
Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Jeffrey R. Vitt 1 , Michael Trillanes 2 and J. Claude Hemphill III 1*
Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2 Department of
Pharmaceutical Services, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States

Ischemic stroke is a common neurologic condition and can lead to significant long
term disability and death. Observational studies have demonstrated worse outcomes
in patients presenting with the extremes of blood pressure as well as with hemodynamic
variability. Despite these associations, optimal hemodynamic management in the
immediate period of ischemic stroke remains an unresolved issue, particularly in the
modern era of revascularization therapies. While guidelines exist for BP thresholds
during and after thrombolytic therapy, there is substantially less data to guide
management during mechanical thrombectomy. Ideal blood pressure targets after
Edited by:
Fernando Testai, attempted recanalization depend both on the degree of reperfusion achieved as well
University of Illinois at Chicago, as the extent of infarction present. Following complete reperfusion, lower blood pressure
United States
targets may be warranted to prevent reperfusion injury and promote penumbra recovery
Reviewed by:
Vincent Thijs,
however prospective clinical trials addressing this issue are warranted.
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and
Keywords: acute ischemic stroke, cerebral autoregulation, hypertension, ischemic penumbra, embolectomy
Mental Health, Australia
Wengui Yu,
University of California, Irvine,
Stroke is a common neurologic emergency worldwide with an overall growing incidence
J. Claude Hemphill III
[email protected]
particularly in low to middle income countries where there has been over a 100% increase in stroke
events over the past four decades (1). Approximately 85% are ischemic in origin and for the past
Specialty section:
two decades, intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV t-PA) has been the mainstay of treatment
This article was submitted to for patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) presenting within 3, and then expanded to 4.5, hours
Neurocritical and Neurohospitalist since last known well (2, 3). IV t-PA reduces the rate of functional dependence in up to one-third
Care, of individuals, but many AIS patients do not benefit from this treatment (2, 3). Over the past
a section of the journal several years, multiple landmark studies have provided overwhelming evidence that intraarterial
Frontiers in Neurology therapy (IAT) with mechanical thrombectomy, performed within 6 h of last known well in large
Received: 16 August 2018 vessel occlusion (LVO), leads to significantly improved functional outcomes and reduced mortality
Accepted: 04 February 2019 (4–7). More recently, the DEFUSE III and DAWN trials demonstrated that IAT can benefit patients
Published: 21 February 2019 treated out to 16 and 24 h if they have a favorable mismatch pattern on perfusion imaging (8, 9).
Citation: While these breakthroughs have altered the paradigm of acute stroke management and can be
Vitt JR, Trillanes M and Hemphill JC III considered as part of routine care, several unresolved issues remain regarding the optimal treatment
(2019) Management of Blood
of patients presenting with AIS, particularly regarding hemodynamic management. Though blood
Pressure During and After
Recanalization Therapy for Acute
pressure (BP) elevation is common in AIS, the prognostic significance of this is unclear (10, 11).
Ischemic Stroke. Some studies have found a correlation between hypertension and poor outcomes while others have
Front. Neurol. 10:138. reported inverse relationships (12–15). Furthermore, the guidelines for hemodynamic treatment
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00138 following thrombolytic therapy in AIS are largely extrapolated from the IV t-PA trials as well as

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Vitt et al. Blood Pressure in Ischemic Stroke Treatment

retrospective analyses (16). Thus, high quality evidence to a mean arterial pressure [MAP] between 50 and 150 mmHg) in
guide management after IAT is lacking. The purpose of order to maintain a more constant flow (28). When pressures
this review is to discuss the physiology and available data fall below the lower limit of autoregulation, surrounding brain
regarding hemodynamics in AIS with particular focus on how parenchyma becomes ischemic and eventually infarcted unless
blood pressure might be optimally managed throughout the CBF is rapidly restored. Conversely, when MAP rises above
revascularization process. the capacity of cerebral autoregulation, a linear increase in
CBF occurs leading to edema and hemorrhage. In AIS, the
disruption of blood flow results in dysregulation of multiple
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY cellular processes which may include autoregulatory mechanisms
within the penumbra, thus making CBF directly dependent
In order to understand the principles of blood pressure on systemic pressures (28, 29). Though early studies using
management during AIS revascularization, it is useful to review radiotracer injection confirmed changes in CBF within the
fundamental aspects of blood flow in cerebral ischemia and ischemic hemisphere in proportion to alterations in MAP, the
infarction. Following complete cessation of cerebral blood flow resolution of these techniques did not allow for differentiation
(CBF) there is loss of normal neuronal electrical activity within of penumbra from core infarct (28). Newer studies have had
seconds due to energy failure, disruption of ion homeostasis various findings, with reports of impaired autoregulation both
and membrane depolarization (17, 18). If perfusion is not globally and within the ischemic hemisphere contrasting with
restored within minutes, irreversible injury ensues leading to a recent study that found no change in regional CBF following
infarction (19). Ischemic stroke, however, is a focal process and alterations in MAP using high resolution positron emission
there is rarely complete loss of CBF. Instead, surrounding the tomography (PET) (30, 31). While these conclusions were
occluded vascular territory exist areas of mild hypoperfusion derived from measures of static autoregulation, in which regional
with intact function, ischemic tissue which remains salvageable changes in CBF were assessed at a single time point after
but with dysregulated cellular processes (termed penumbra), and BP manipulation, recent focus has shifted toward dynamic
infarction with irreversible damage (17). autoregulation using techniques such as transcranial doppler to
Early clinical studies using carotid clamping revealed that the track instantaneous changes in blood flow in response to BP
risk of transitioning from ischemic to infarcted tissue depends fluctuations (28, 30). In contrast to static autoregulation, which is
on both the magnitude and duration of hypoperfusion (17). often preserved in AIS, recent studies have revealed that dynamic
Furthermore, if CBF is reestablished in a timely manner the autoregulation may be particularly vulnerable to ischemic insult
ischemic tissue may be salvaged and restored to normal function. and can remain abnormal for several weeks after presentation
Neurons within the penumbra are highly vulnerable to changes (30, 32). Though impairments in dynamic autoregulation appear
in local perfusion pressure, either from edema, alterations in common across a spectrum of stroke subtypes and may indicate
systemic BP, or changes in cerebral vasoreactivity, and maintain a selective damage to central autonomic control networks, the
relatively preserved oxygen consumption despite lower CBF due clinical relevance remains unclear and is the subject of ongoing
to an increase in the oxygen extraction fraction (20, 21). While investigation (30, 33).
the infarction threshold largely depends on the duration and While reestablishing CBF is essential for survival of ischemic
extent of hypoperfusion, individual factors including vascular tissue, reperfusion itself can contribute to significant neurologic
compliance and collateral vessels between both intracranial injury in the form of infarction, edema and hemorrhagic
and extracranial circulations can influence the resilience of the transformation (34, 35). Reperfusion injury is a complex and
penumbra (17). Following acute vessel occlusion, the perfusion incompletely understood process however several important
pressure distal to the clot falls leading to a pressure gradient in underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms have been identified.
which retrograde flow commences through collaterals thereby Immediately following recanalization there often is a dramatic
achieving a sufficient level of CBF to maintain penumbra increase in CBF, likely as a result of impaired autoregulation
viability (22). In this setting, drops in BP or increases in tissue as well as release of vasodilatory substances, which leads
pressure from local mass effect can lead to an attenuation of to hyperperfusion and the potential for secondary cellular
the collateral gradient and exacerbate ischemia (23). This is injury (18, 36). The magnitude of cerebral hyperemia seems
demonstrated clinically in AIS as patients with more robust to be influenced in part by the duration of ischemia and in
collaterals often have a lower BP, likely from adequate perfusion MRI studies, hyperperfusion following thrombolysis was most
to the penumbra, and improved clinical outcomes relative to commonly observed in areas of pretreatment hypoperfusion
those with poor collateralization (24, 25). Furthermore, the and was an independent predictor of eventual infarction
presence of a robust collateral circulation predicts a higher (36). After recanalization there can also exist a paradoxical
likelihood of recanalization following IAT and, in cases where hypoperfusion state, termed no-reflow phenomenon, which can
the procedure is unsuccessful, there is a reduced infarct volume lead to permanent infarction and is thought to result from
compared to patients with poor collateralization (26, 27). microvascular dysfunction related to astrocyte and endothelial
In the healthy brain, CBF is tightly regulated to meet regional cell swelling as well as increased inflammation and platelet
metabolic demand and this is accomplished through the process aggregation (37, 38). On a cellular level, reperfusion after
of cerebral autoregulation whereby resistance-level blood vessels prolonged ischemia leads to mitochondrial overproduction
constrict or dilate across a range of systemic pressures (typically of toxic reactive oxygen species causing inflammation and

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Vitt et al. Blood Pressure in Ischemic Stroke Treatment

triggering the release of extracellular matrix metalloproteinases dynamic BP changes may be particularly injurious to vulnerable
(MMP) which enzymatically degrade the endothelial basal ischemic tissue.
lamina and increase microvascular permeability (39, 40). Loss of In clinical studies, dynamic fluctuations in BP have been
blood brain barrier (BBB) integrity in turn leads to vasogenic identified as a strong prognostic marker in AIS and increase
cerebral edema formation and in clinical studies is a strong the risk of intracranial hemorrhage following IV t-PA (12). BP
predictor for hemorrhagic transformation and poor neurologic variability may be particularly harmful in the setting of large
outcome following revascularization (41). territory infarcts, where it has been independently linked to
worse clinical outcomes (12, 48). In one study, patients with
BP variability seemed to have worse outcomes in the presence
BLOOD PRESSURE IN ACUTE STROKE of robust collaterals despite otherwise similar hemodynamic
profiles (48). The reasons behind these findings are not entirely
Elevated BP is common in patients presenting with AIS, with clear, however it may be related to increased transmission
one study involving more than 250,000 patients demonstrating of fluctuating pressures to the ischemic penumbra. While the
a systolic blood pressure (SBP) > 140 mmHg in approximately impact of BP variability seems to be more apparent in the
three-fourths of patients (10). Severe hypertension is also initial stages of ischemia, one study found day-to-day variability
relatively common with nearly 10% of patients presenting with over the course of 1 week was higher in patients with poor
SBP > 200 mmHg (42). Multiple observational studies have outcomes at 1 year (14). Overall, it appears that ischemic tissue
identified elevated BP as a risk factor for cerebral edema, may be particularly susceptible to fluctuations in systemic BP,
hemorrhage and generally worse clinical outcomes following likely as a result of impaired autoregulation and narrow ischemic
AIS (43–45). However, this association does not necessarily thresholds, leading to either hypoperfusion with infarction or
indicate a causative relationship. Instead, hypertension may be a surges in perfusion with resulting edema (15, 28). Table 1
marker of stroke severity, such as in the case of carotid terminus summarizes results from several observational studies related to
occlusion or poor collateralization, where spontaneously elevated blood pressure and ischemic stroke outcome.
blood pressure may serve as a compensatory mechanism to
maintain cerebral perfusion (25, 46). Under which circumstances
these mechanisms become maladaptive and contribute directly ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE
to cerebral injury remains uncertain and requires further HEMODYNAMIC MANAGEMENT
clarification through clinical trials.
In several cohorts, a U-shaped relationship exists between Current Practice Guidelines and Stages of
BP and outcome in AIS in which both extremes of BP have Management
prognostic significance for death and disability. In a retrospective In the 2018 guidelines for management of AIS from the
analysis of the International Stroke Trial, patients presenting American Heart Association (AHA), BP may be permitted up
with SBP 140–179 mmHg had the lowest likelihood of death to 220/120 mmHg in patients presenting with AIS who are
or dependency at 6 months with a nadir at around 150 not candidates for either IV t-PA or IAT and do not have
mmHg (42). For every 10 mmHg above a SBP of 150 mmHg, another contraindication to an elevated BP (16). In patients
patients had a 3.6% increase in the risk of death and a 4.2% where such a contraindication exists, such as an acute coronary
increased risk of recurrent stroke within the next 6 months. For event, decompensated heart failure or preeclampsia, lowering the
patients with a SBP > 200 mmHg there was more than a 50% BP should be individualized, with an initial decrease by 15%
increase in the risk of stroke. Conversely, relative hypotension recommended. For patients who are eligible for IV t-PA therapy,
was also detrimental with a 17.9% increased risk of death for it is recommended that the BP be maintained below 185/110
every 10 mmHg drop below 150 mmHg; patients with SBP < mmHg during the infusion and 180/105 mmHg for the following
120 mmHg had the worst outcomes and a higher incidence 24 h. These thresholds are largely extrapolated from thrombolysis
of coronary events. Similar findings have been reported in trials in myocardial infarction as well as pilot data prior to the
other studies with slightly different BP thresholds conferring National Institute of Neurologic Disorders (NINDS) t-PA Trial
the most favorable outcomes. In work done by Vemmos and and have subsequently been validated in retrospective studies
colleagues, the best outcomes were observed with SBP values where higher BP significantly increased the risk of hemorrhagic
around 130 mmHg while in a study from the Mayo Clinic, transformation (2, 16, 45, 50). In contrast, there is a paucity
the optimal threshold for SBP seemed to be in the range of of prospective data to help guide the management of BP in
156–220 mmHg with a nearly two-fold increase in risk of IAT, particularly when considering the extent of post-procedural
mortality with episodes of hypotension (47). Similarly, in work recanalization. Aside from the ESCAPE trial, all the pivotal
done by Castillo et al. patients had lower mortality and more thrombectomy trials used a BP cutoff of 185/110 mmHg, as
functional independence when presenting with a SBP near 180 patients were also potential candidates for IV t-PA, making it
mmHg, with final infarct volumes being highest among patients challenging to extrapolate the impact of different hemodynamic
with SBP well above or below this value (15). Interestingly, targets (4–7). As such, the current AHA guidelines recommend
abrupt declines in SBP (>20 mmHg) were identified as the maintaining the BP below 185/110 mmHg, but acknowledge the
strongest predictor of poor outcome and were associated with lack of randomized controlled trials to substantiate this position
a larger final infarct volume of over 60 ml, suggesting that (Class IIb recommendation) (16).

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Vitt et al. Blood Pressure in Ischemic Stroke Treatment

TABLE 1 | Observational studies examining impact of blood pressure in acute ischemic stroke.

References Patients Observed optimal Main findings

blood pressure

Leonard-Bee et al. 17,398 patients with AIS enrolled SBP 140–179 mmHg U-shaped relationship between baseline SBP and outcomes such that for every 10
(42) in IST mmHg below 150 mmHg there was an increase in early death by 17.9% and death or
disability at 6 months of 3.6%. For every 10 mmHg above 150 mmHg there was a
3.8% increase in risk of early death. Low SBP independently associated with fatal
coronary events.
Castillo et al. (15) 304 patients with hemispheric BP 180/100mmHg U-shaped association with increase in poor outcome by 25% for every 10 mmHg
AIS below SBP 180 mmHg and 40% for every 10 mmHg below SBP 180 mmHg.
Decrease in SBP > 20 mmHg associated with highest final infarct volumes.
Vemmos et al. (49) 1121 patients admitted for AIS or BP 121–140/81–90 U-shaped relationship with 40% mortality for SBP<101 mmHg and 46.7% for SBP
ICH and enrolled in “Athens mmHg >220 mmHg. Mortality 45.8% for DBP<61 mmHg and 50% for DBP>120 mmHg.
Stroke Registry” Low admission SBP associated with heart failure and coronary heart disease while
high SBP was associated with lacunar stroke and history of HTN.
Stead et al. (47) 357 patients presenting to ED BP 155–220/70–105 U-shaped associated with worse outcomes noted for DBP < 70 mmHg or >105
with AIS mmHg mmHg and for SBP <155 mmHg and >220 mmHg. MAP 100–140 mmHg was
associated with the most favorable outcomes.
Ishitsuka et al. (43) 1,874 patients with first ever AIS BP <165/90 mmHg Linear relationship between post-stroke BP and outcomes such that higher BP was
associated with higher risk of neurologic deterioration and poor functional outcomes.

AIS, acute ischemic stroke; BP, blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; IST, International Stroke Trial; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; HTN,
hypertension; ECASS, European cooperative acute stroke study.

The overall approach to AIS treatment is multifaceted and acute drop of > 30 mmHg was associated with poor functional
relies upon optimized systems of care to identify, triage and outcomes while an acute drop of > 60 mmHg increased the risk
treat patients presenting with acute neurologic symptoms with of death by 2-fold (55).
the goal of reestablishing cerebral perfusion and minimizing For patients who are candidates for IAT there is considerably
secondary injury. In order to appreciate aspects of hemodynamic less data to guide management of initial blood pressure. However,
management in AIS, it is constructive to separate it into several insights are apparent through retrospective analyses. In
stages of treatment beginning with the initial assessment, the Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia (MERCI)
during revascularization, and post-intervention (see Figure 1). trial, patients presenting with SBP > 150 mmHg were less likely
Each stage presents slightly different considerations regarding to achieve recanalization compared to those with lower pressures
hemodynamic management as well as physiologic optimization despite similar thrombus characteristics (56). Since higher BP
strategies aimed at maximizing the chances of good recovery. is often associated with poor collaterals, these findings may
signify that these patients have a maximal pressure gradient
Phase I: Initial Assessment against the clot leading to impaction and more challenging
Hypertension is very common in AIS with 21–50% of patients retrieval (25). The impact of elevated SBP in IAT may not
presenting with blood pressure higher than the threshold be related solely to revascularization success, however, as one
eligible to receive IV t-PA (11, 42, 49). The largest concern cohort study found that lower admission SBP was independently
regarding t-PA therapy is the risk of hemorrhage which was associated with more favorable 3 month outcome even after
approximately 6% in the initial NINDS t-PA trial and has largely statistical adjustment for complete revascularization (57). In
been validated in subsequent analysis when adhering to the the Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular
same protocol BP thresholds (2, 51, 52). An analysis of the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands (MR
SITS-ISTR (Retrospective Analysis From Safe Implementation CLEAN) trial, a U-shaped relationship was apparent between
of Thrombolysis in Stroke-International Stroke Thrombolysis SBP and poor functional outcome, with a nadir (most favorable
Register) trial demonstrated a linear relationship between SBP BP) of 120 mmHg, and a 21% increase in the relative risk
and symptomatic hemorrhage with the risk being four times of hemorrhage for every 10 mmHg above this value (58). It
higher for patients with a SBP >170 mmHg compared to those should be noted that there was no interaction between BP and
at 141–150 mmHg (53). In light of this data it is prudent the benefit of IAT on clinical or radiographic measures, thus
to achieve the 185/110 mmHg threshold for patients who are indicating that thrombectomy is safe and effective across a range
deemed eligible for IV t-PA therapy. However, caution must of BP. Similar results were noted in the Endovascular Treatment
be applied to avoid significant fluctuations in blood pressure in Ischemic Stroke registry, where there was a 3.78 and 1.81
which may be associated with adverse events. In the NINDS times higher risk of mortality for SBP <110 mmHg and >180
t-PA trial, patients treated with BP-lowering agents had more mmHg respectively compared with 150 mmHg (59). Similar
abrupt declines in BP and worse outcomes at 3 months compared to other studies in AIS, the extremes of BP appear to have
to hypertensive patients not treated with medications (54). In negative prognostic implications for patients eligible for IAT
subsequent analysis, an overall decline in SBP > 50 mmHg or an irrespective of recanalization success. Significant need exists for

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Vitt et al. Blood Pressure in Ischemic Stroke Treatment

FIGURE 1 | Schematic of hemodynamic management during different phases of revascularization for acute ischemic stroke. (A) Computerized tomography (CT)
angiogram demonstrating non-opacification (red arrow) of the right middle cerebral artery (R MCA) consistent with large vessel occlusion. Mean transit time increased
within the territory of the R MCA with preserved cerebral blood volume consistent with penumbra. (B) CT revealing hemorrhagic transformation within the R MCA
territory. (C) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) demonstrating increased signal on Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) within the R MCA territory consistent with an
acute infarction. (D) Absent reperfusion (red arrow) within the R MCA (Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) Score of 0). (E) Complete Reperfusion within the R
MCA (TICI Score of 3). *American Heart Association/American Stroke Association 2018 Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke.
‡ Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Expert Consensus Statement: Anesthetic Management of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Stroke.

prospective trials evaluating which patients may benefit from studies are warranted to evaluate the impact of fluid resuscitation
blood pressure augmentation prior to treatment. Based on the regimens in patients presenting with AIS and dehydration. In
available trial data as well as observational studies demonstrating the meantime it is reasonable to ensure patients are not volume
worse outcomes and less successful recanalization with higher BP, depleted, particularly if there has been prolonged downtime, and
it is reasonable to lower the BP in the acute setting to less than treat with parenteral fluids as needed to target euvolemia.
185/110 mmHg, particularly if patients may also be candidates
for IV t-PA therapy. Phase II: During Revascularization
Another important aspect to consider when evaluating AIS For patients undergoing IAT, predictors of poor outcome include
patients in the initial setting is intravascular volume status. In higher National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score,
several observational studies, up to half of patients presenting lower Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS),
with AIS are dehydrated (defined as an elevated BUN to carotid terminus occlusion, and failed recanalization (65, 66).
creatinine ratio) and this has been correlated with increased As in other aspects of AIS, elevated BP during IAT has been
in-hospital mortality and placement in institutional care at associated with worse outcomes with one large observational
discharge (60, 61). Patients particularly at risk for dehydration study identifying maximal intraprocedural SBP as the strongest
include the elderly and women, who presumably have lower hemodynamic predictor (66). In this study, patients who had
muscle mass, and those prescribed diuretics prior to presenting favorable outcomes had an average maximal SBP of 164 mmHg
with stroke (60, 62). In AIS, hypovolemia may impair CBF to compared to patients with unfavorable outcomes, who had an
susceptible regions of ischemia and negatively influence collateral average maximal SBP of 181 mmHg. These findings highlight
vessel development (63). While a 2015 Cochrane Review found the vulnerable state that exists within reperfused tissue due to
no difference between colloid or crystalloid parenteral fluid impaired autoregulation and BBB disruption with increases in
regimens on outcome in AIS nor any data to guide the proper systemic pressure contributing to secondary injury. However,
volume or duration of therapy, the studies were not designed to caution must be applied before aggressively lowering elevated
assess for treatment benefit in the acute setting or for patients BP as intraprocedural drops in BP are strongly correlated
who possessed serologic markers of dehydration (64). Further with less favorable outcomes. In one study, drops in MAP of

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Vitt et al. Blood Pressure in Ischemic Stroke Treatment

greater than 40% were identified as a particular risk factor who underwent GA and in both the Sedation vs. Intubation
for persistent neurologic deficits (66, 67). Given the apparent for Endovascular Stroke Treatment (SIESTA) and General or
detrimental effects of either extreme of intraprocedural BP, Local Anesthesia in Intra-arterial Therapy (GOLIATH) trials,
the Society of Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical GA was associated with higher rates of functional independence
Care recommends SBP be maintained between 140 and 180 at 3-months (78–80). While the time to groin puncture was
mmHg during IAT with careful investigation of any episodes of slightly prolonged for GA, the overall time to reperfusion was
hypotension that may point toward end-organ injury, bleeding or significantly decreased and rates of successful recanalization were
volume depletion (68). improved in the GOLIATH study, highlighting the potential
With the emergence of IAT as a prominent treatment for benefit of GA in improving procedural success (78). Another
patients presenting with LVO, multiple questions have arisen key insight from these trials is the importance of aggressive
regarding optimal treatment practices including whether general intraprocedural BP control with regard to patient outcomes.
anesthesia (GA) or conscious sedation (CS) is preferable for While GA was associated with more frequent drops in MAP
patients undergoing thrombectomy. CS offers the advantages of > 20% from baseline compared to CS, there was no significant
allowing for neurologic assessment throughout the procedure difference in large falls in MAP (either defined as >40%
and eliminating delays associated with anesthesia induction. decline or MAP < 70 mmHg) between GA and CS (78, 80).
GA on the other hand may reduce the risk of aspiration The striking discrepancies of these findings compared to prior
and eliminates patient movement thereby potentially making observational studies may be related to increased vigilance over
the procedure safer and more technically feasible (68). Early intraprocedural hypotension and strict protocols to maintain a
observational studies found a strong association between GA and narrow SBP goal of 140–160 mmHg and MAP > 70 mmHg
increased time to intervention, procedural complications, ICU (78, 79). These trials provide overwhelming evidence that both
length of stay, and rates of tracheostomy (69–71). Furthermore, CS and GA are reasonable approaches in the management
in the North American SOLITAIRE Registry, treatment with of patients undergoing IAT so long as there is strict control
CS was associated with a 40% higher probability of good of BP and systems in place to ensure minimal delays are
clinical outcome and a three-fold lower risk of death compared encountered while preparing patients for the interventional suite
with GA (70). and throughout the recanalization procedure. Furthermore, in
While these studies seem to provide compelling evidence that cases where potential contraindications for CS exist it may be
CS is preferred over GA, several important methodologic issues more advantageous to start with GA rather than converting the
must be addressed. First, these were all retrospective studies and type of anesthesia emergently in a less controlled environment.
possess significant selection bias as patients treated with GA were This is emphasized in the GOLIATH trial where four patients
more likely to have higher NIHSS scores, lower ASPECTS, and initially assigned to CS had to be converted to GA due to
were more likely to have carotid terminus and vertebrobasilar movement or loss of airway protection and ultimately sustained
occlusions as well as premorbid coronary heart disease (69, 70, extensive infarcts (78).
72–75). In several studies, after controlling for baseline stroke
severity with ASPECTS or NIHSS, the negative impact of GA Phase III: Following Revascularization
was no longer statistically significant (72, 73). Second, a common The AHA ischemic stroke guidelines recommend maintaining a
observation in many of these analyses was that GA is associated BP < 180/105 mmHg for at least 24 h in patients treated with
with significant hypotension and fluctuations in blood pressure, either IV t-PA or IAT to promote perfusion to ischemic territories
particularly during the induction phase of anesthesia (70, 73, 75, while mitigating potential risks of intracranial hemorrhage
76). In a study by Davis et al., an intraprocedural SBP > 140 (16, 53). In patients treated with IV t-PA alone for LVO,
mmHg was associated with good outcomes however this was these recommendations make sense from a pathophysiologic
only achieved in 4% of patients treated with GA compared with standpoint as individual recanalization status is often unknown
60% receiving CS (75). Likewise in the MR CLEAN trial, GA use in the clinical setting and in studies where angiography was
was associated with larger drops in MAP with longer episodes performed the rates of early revascularization are only around
of hypotension despite increased use of vasopressors (76). These 20% (81, 82). Conversely, IAT is associated with recanalization
observations highlight the impact that anesthetic agents can have in 70–80% of cases and this can be readily confirmed
on vascular tone and the potential for precipitating hypotension during the procedure by complete anterograde reperfusion or
in AIS. However, these risks are not isolated to GA alone. In reperfusion in more than half of the previously occluded territory
a study evaluating patients treated with CS, lower MAP prior (Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction [TICI] scores of 3 and 2b
to recanalization was found to be an independent predictor respectively) (83). In these patients, the risk of reperfusion injury
of outcome such that for every 10 mm Hg decrease below with pressures approaching 180/105 mmHg could conceivably
100 mmHg there was a 28% reduced probability of favorable exceed that of hypoperfusion with lower BP targets.
outcome, while a MAP drop of >10% conferred the highest risk After successful recanalization, there is often a significant
of death or disability (77). spontaneous decline in BP over 12–24 h compared to patients
Recently three randomized controlled clinical trials have been with persistent occlusion (84, 85). For both recanalized and
published comparing the impact of CS to GA in patients treated non-recanalized patients, sustained elevations in BP over the
with IAT. In contrast to prior retrospective analyses, patients first 24–48 h after treatment have been identified as a risk
treated using CS did not have better outcomes compared to those factor for intracranial hemorrhage as well as worse functional

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 6 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 138

Vitt et al. Blood Pressure in Ischemic Stroke Treatment

outcomes (86–89). Similarly, blood pressure variability is more reasonable in an attempt to prevent further ischemia particularly
common in patients with poor or incomplete recanalization if there is evidence of a fluctuating neurological examination in
and has been correlated with larger infarct size, intracranial the context of changes in systemic BP.
hemorrhage, and worse outcomes following thrombectomy (85,
89–91). Since the majority of these studies are observational, PHARMACOLOGY
questions remain regarding the causality of these relationships.
For example, work done by Delgado-Mederos and colleagues Various agents are routinely used to manage hypertension in
found that blood pressure variability was associated with stroke however clinical trials utilizing BP agents in AIS have been
increases in DWI lesion growth, though this relationship was inconclusive with some reports of marginal or no benefit while
only present in patients with absent recanalization, calling into others suggest a risk of more severe disability in treated patients.
question whether blood pressure variability itself is a risk factor Studies using angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
for cerebral injury or a marker of more severe stroke (85). or calcium channel blockers within the acute hypertensive phase
Despite these limitations, several interesting observations have of AIS have demonstrated significant acute reductions in blood
been made when comparing patients based on recanalization pressure however this was not accompanied by changes in
status. In a Portuguese study of patients following thrombolysis, death or disability at 14 or 90 days (94–96). Moreover in the
individuals with poor recanalization exhibited a U-shaped beta blocker stroke trial (BEST), the use of either atenolol or
relationship of BP and outcomes with a nadir of 120–130 mmHg, propranolol immediately following AIS was associated with a
similar to other reports in AIS, while those with successful trend toward increased mortality, particularly among elderly
revascularization demonstrated a linear relationship with more individuals (97). In keeping with these disparate findings a 2014
favorable outcomes occurring at the lowest pressures (<110 Cochrane Review of 26 trials found insufficient evidence to
mmHg) (88). These results indicate that the balance between support immediate resumption or routine administration of BP
hypoperfusion and reperfusion injury may be shifted in patients agents during the acute phase of stroke (98). It is important
following good recanalization such that the risks of exacerbating to note that many of these trials included participants with
ischemia is lessened under physiologic parameters while higher primary intracerebral hemorrhage and none were specific to
systemic pressures directly contribute to cerebral injury. Similar patients treated either IV t-PA or IAT, further underscoring
findings were reported in a large cohort of patients following the need for trials specifically evaluating BP targets following
IAT where the mean SBP for intracranial hemorrhage was revascularization therapy. One trial which may aid in bridging
lower following successful recanalization (170 vs. 196 mmHg) this gap in knowledge is the ENhanced Control of Hypertension
indicating a difference in thresholds for reperfusion injury ANd Thrombolysis strokE stuDy (ENCHANTED) which is a 2 ×
depending on the degree of vessel recanalization (92). 2 randomized controlled trial with one arm evaluating the impact
Though randomized trials of BP control following IAT are of early intensive BP lowering to a SBP of 130–140 mmHg in
lacking, Goyal et al. published a single center’s experience patients who are eligible for thrombolytic therapy (99). Given
with different BP targets following IAT over 4 years. the current clinical equipoise of different agents on outcomes, the
Following good reperfusion, patients were either assigned selection is often driven by therapy-specific adverse reactions and
to permissive (<220/110 mmHg or 180/110 mmHg if IV t-PA availability. In general, agents with a fast onset of action and short
also administered), moderate (<160/90 mmHg) or intensive duration are preferable in the acute setting to rapidly achieve
(<140/90 mmHg) BP targets in a non-randomized fashion hemodynamic goals and avoid prolonged periods of hypotension.
(87). While patients in the moderate and intensive groups Table 2 summarizes the pharmacology of several of the most
received antihypertensive agents more frequently, the 3-month commonly used agents for acute blood pressure management.
mortality rate in these groups was significantly lower (6.5%)
compared to those with a permissive threshold (28.7%). Due Labetalol
to the non-controlled retrospective study design, confounding Labetalol is a mixed α and β adrenergic blocker often used to
between BP targets and cohort populations cannot be excluded control blood pressure post-AIS. Though it has less β-1 activity
and as such the results must be viewed with care. Regardless, compared to other beta blockers, labetalol can exert negative
this study provides evidence that a lower BP threshold may be chronotropic effects thereby limiting its utility in patients with
beneficial in patients who have achieved good recanalization significant bradycardia (100). However, it has minimal impact on
status. With the establishment of IAT as the standard of care either CBF or oxygen consumption making it a suitable agent for
for LVO, prospective multicenter studies are now warranted to patients with AIS or other intracranial pathology (101).
better evaluate optimal BP targets in patients with complete,
partial or absent recanalization status following attempted Nicardipine
thrombectomy. In the meantime, it may be reasonable to target As a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, nicardipine is
a lower BP goal for patients with excellent reperfusion (TICI more selective for vascular rather than myocardial calcium
2b/3) and minimal infarct volume, as was the case in the DAWN channels and generally exerts a neutral effect on heart rate (102).
trial where patients were assigned to an intensive (<140 mmHg) When compared to labetalol, nicardipine allows for faster and
goal in order to prevent reperfusion injury (93). In cases where more controlled reduction in BP with significantly less variability
there is incomplete or poor reperfusion, substantially less data (100, 101). Despite these apparent advantages, head-to-head
exists to help guide management. However, a higher BP target is studies have found no differences in clinical outcomes between

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TABLE 2 | Intravenous antihypertensives for AIS.

Drug Dosing Administration Onset of Duration Clinical pearls

action (min)

Labetalol 10–20 mg IV over 1-2 min IV bolus, infusion 2–5 2–4 h Bradycardia, contraindicated in >1st degree
heart block and cardiogenic shock
Hydralazine 10–20 mg IV, repeat every 4–6 h PRN IV bolus 10–20 Up to 12 h Tachycardia, drug-induced lupus
maximum 40 mg erythematosus, increased intracranial pressure
Enalaprilat 0.625–1.25 mg IV every 6 h IV bolus <15 Up to 6 h Contraindicated in patients with history of
angioedema related to an ACE inhibitor,
caution in bilateral renal artery stenosis, caution
in hypovolemia
Nicardipine 5 mg/h IV, uptitrate 2.5 mg/h every IV infusion 5–15 4–6 h Contraindicated in advanced aortic stenosis
5–15 min, maximum 15 mg/h
Clevidipine 1–2 mg/h IV, titrate by doubling the IV infusion 2–4 5–15 min Hypertriglyceridemia, contains soy, avoid in
dose every 2–5 min until desired BP patients with defective lipid metabolism, limited
reached; maximum 21 mg/h data with use > 72 h
Sodium 0.3–0.5 mcg/kg/min IV (best to avoid IV infusion 1–2 2–3 min Cyanide toxicity, increased intracranial pressure
Nitroprusside doses above 2 mcg/kg/min)
Glyceryl Trinitrate 5 mg/day Transdermal 30–60 Duration of Contraindicated with phosphodiesterase-5
application, inhibitor, tachyphylaxis, possible increase in
typically 12–14 h intracranial pressure
Urapidil 10–50 mg IV followed by 4–8 mg/h IV bolus, infusion (also 2–5 Up to 4 h Nausea, dizziness, headaches.
available oral for Contraindicated in aortic isthmus stenosis or
maintenance therapy) arteriovenous shunt

the two agents and the cost associated with nicardipine therapy is ICP making enalapril potentially beneficial in patients with
substantially higher (101, 103). intracranial pathology (110). A limitation however is the
long duration of action, 12–24 h, which limits the ability
Clevidipine to titrate the agent to specific BP goals (107). Furthermore,
Clevidipine is a newer dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker caution must be applied when using ACE inhibitors in the
which is also included as a treatment modality in the AHA setting of tPA administration as there is an increased risk of
2018 guidelines (16). Similar to nicardipine, clevidipine generally orolingual angioedema which is uncommon though can be
does not decrease heart rate and in retrospective analysis has life-threatening (111).
similar efficacy in lowering BP though requires less volume to
be administered which may be optimal in patients with volume Sodium Nitroprusside
overload (104, 105). Since clevidipine is formulated in a lipid Sodium nitroprusside is a potent venous and arterial vasodilator
emulsion, there is an inherent risk of hypertriglyceridemia and often used as an infusion in hypertensive emergency (112).
pancreatitis for which there is a recommended a daily maximum However, due to its vasodilatory effects on cerebral vasculature,
of 1,000 mL (or about 21 mg/h per day) (106). sodium nitroprusside can lead to increases in ICP in patients
with impaired autoregulation by increasing the volume of blood
Hydralazine within the intracranial vault (113, 114). Additionally, the sodium
Hydralazine is a direct acting vasodilator that is often used nitroprusside compound contains cyanide which can accumulate
for hypertensive emergencies (107). Despite its effectiveness in leading to toxicity (112). Patients at risk for this include those
lowering BP, hydralazine can increase intracranial pressure (ICP) administered moderate to high doses as well as those with
while simultaneously lowering MAP, leading to decreased hypoalbuminemia or undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (115).
perfusion pressure and increasing the risk of ischemia In summary, despite the potent anti-hypertensive properties of
(108). Additionally, hydralazine has a prolonged and often nitroprusside, the potential for impacting cerebral blood volume
unpredictable effect on BP which can contribute to precipitous and ICP make it less ideal in AIS and other forms of intracranial
drops in pressure and significant variability (109). For these pathology. However, it can be considered in cases where other
reasons, hydralazine is less preferred in AIS however can be agents are not available or are contraindicated due to patient-
considered when other agents are not available. specific characteristics.

Enalaprilat Glyceryl Trinitrate

Enalaprilat, the active metabolite of enalapril, is an intravenous Glyceryl trinitrate, or nitroglycerin, is a nitric oxide donor that
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor which can lower primarily causes venodilation, as well as arterial dilation at
BP without impacting cardiac chronotropy (107). Additionally, high doses, thereby effectively reducing preload and BP (106).
ACE inhibitors are thought to be neutral with respect to Glyceryl trinitrate is most commonly used for acute myocardial

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infarction and unstable angina due to its ability to reduce cardiac was associated with short-term improvement in the NIHSS
oxygen demand, but there is recent literature evaluating its use in over half of patients without any associated complications
in AIS. In the ENOS (Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke) Trial, (124). A subsequent pilot clinical trial using IH in patients with
which primarily took place in Europe and Asia, the investigators large diffusion-perfusion mismatch demonstrated a significant
studied the use of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate patch in AIS or improvement in NIHSS, cognitive scores, and hypoperfused
hemorrhagic stroke patients at a dose of 5 mg daily for 7 days tissue over 3 days compared to controls (125). In light of these
compared to placebo. While transdermal glyceryl trinitrate was findings, further studies are warranted to determine the clinical
effective in lowering blood pressure, there was no significant utility of IH. This is the focus of the randomized multicenter
improvement in functional outcome at 90 days (116). Of note, SETIN-HYPERTENSION phase III trial (NCT01600235) which
there is literature from primarily small observational studies that aims to determine the safety and efficacy of phenylephrine in
suggests nitroglycerin may increase ICP, although the clinical patients with non-cardioembolic stroke.
significance of this is uncertain (117).
Urapidil is an antihypertensive agent available throughout Hemodynamic management in AIS is an involved and complex
Europe and Asia and recommended by the European Stroke process that aims to balance the competing interests of
Initiative (EUSI) though it is not currently approved by the supporting CBF to the ischemic penumbra while avoiding
United States Food and Drug Association (FDA). Urapidil reperfusion injury. Decades of observational studies have
is a unique antihypertensive agent which exerts peripheral demonstrated a U-shaped association between BP and stroke
vasodilation through alpha-1-adrenoreceptor antagonism as outcomes. However, studies aimed at controlling hemodynamics
well as sympatholytic effects via serotonin 5HT1A receptor have been inconclusive. In the setting of thrombolytic therapy,
stimulation (118). Animal studies have also demonstrated the pendulum may shift from a higher risk of hypoperfusion
potential neuroprotective effects of urapidil thereby further to that of reperfusion injury, therefore making BP control
increasing its potential for treating patients with AIS (119). particularly paramount. This is especially relevant in IAT
While urapidil has generally be considered to have neutral where rates of LVO recanalization are substantially higher
effects on ICP, more recent studies including two patients than in other treatment modalities and revascularized patients
with head injury as well as a cohort of normal volunteers could benefit from lower BP thresholds to prevent intracranial
suggest that administration of the agent may lead to increases hemorrhage and cerebral edema. Well-designed prospective
in ICP (119, 120). multicenter controlled clinical trials are now warranted to better
understand the relationship between various BP goals during
Induced Hypertension and post-embolectomy with particular focus on interactions
In animal models of AIS, induced hypertension (IH) improves with recanalization status. In the meantime, careful monitoring
CBF to the ischemic territory and reduces final infarct volume and management of hemodynamics is essential for prevention
compared to normotensive controls (121, 122). Phenylephrine of significant hypo- or hypertension as well as minimizing
is often utilized in this setting due to its pure α-1 receptor BP variability in order to best promote tissue recovery while
agonist properties which causes peripheral vasoconstriction preventing secondary injury.
without significantly impacting the cerebral vasculature thereby
improving perfusion pressure (123). Though IH is sometimes AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
used in clinical practice, particularly if there is evidence of
changes in the neurologic exam across different blood pressures, JH and JV manuscript concept and design. JV initial manuscript
little clinical data is available to substantiate its use. In a 2001 pilot draft. MT and JH critical review of manuscript and addition
study using phenylephrine in patients with AIS, targeting a BP of sections. All authors reviewed, edited, and approved the
of at least 160 mmHg or a 20% increase relative to admission final version.

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