Appendix H - Strap Beam and Pile Cap Cal

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ATKINS |" -r5y, Hospyal. “Job No. O405- Section [Gacaby (checked by Page ena’ Pyfouny BEAM CHECE™ 7 7 1 /¢ CALCULATIONS Rev. (een bee cue Sachi chee (M2- M3. ) Carp tine Beg Goo x coon. MA L= 1-8" 2.325 Sal sw. = (46.be0-S00) 20.5420 7 = IGKN/, ub BEAM SW. = 0.5K1 x2455 [2 KM/my lve LAD = |o KN/m? XOS = BeEN/ACL Fe 3850x2 = G00 kn (MAK PLE CAREY Feeney epee et t Nie (Gee Ko. age “To KN H l= joob-AS-lo- lo = Foo I . (e+ 2) KLEE SKIS ) 40.9% a> wa Drawing No. gy Swee pu-ooo17.02 ATKINS Section Cacaby (checker by [approved by Bate Date CALCULATIONS: —|_|a}_+ Fy Hepes Sexe ws 995 345 | Rouben H AV 20+ tres « Reseeo | 3 Fuooorr-ce Pitedon Rages ape aT ATKINS |" tow Hosprqac Seaton Easy creed rosea ca swiet TYP, PLECAP CHECK | Date Date a/¥ ic Cee aM WARN CECI ALCULATIONS Rev. pee eles ee ele ea Ke Pe KC NOL 0 PUBS ea | | CS a0 TAR) (CALM As cereal] Nea ciN= rear WerKRD ) cl [ F ZORA | | | t 4 ibe0 2120 KR. a L { Pc | | ctebe Ano cI wee wee, = (S45 nm be Bron Ts Beatkal il i a pe ee Bb. Igy zen 2000 Sob Sees 33R Cc ca ee Fo PRE SHON TEMS] NOE Drawing No. vanes mRAR atkins id pany puoDo17-02 ATKINS |" Job No. Section [cae y [Checked by Raproved by Page cane Bate Bate Dae ¥/¢ Rev. H 1 ry ! eer | {Tt + Patan Check: @ tated Peon = 21h X10 ove x4 * ol tT Bonita < 08) feu > 5M 4H a70l< . + | Hi HH ct | Drawing No. sammemamom ruooorrde oo ®

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