The document provides SQL queries to retrieve various types of data from Oracle Project Accounting (PA), Oracle Time and Labor (OTL), and Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) modules. The queries can be used to find project details, expenditures, tasks, invoices, timecard information, employee records, organizational hierarchies, and more. Parameters like project IDs, person IDs, and dates can be passed to the queries to filter the results as needed.
The document provides SQL queries to retrieve various types of data from Oracle Project Accounting (PA), Oracle Time and Labor (OTL), and Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) modules. The queries can be used to find project details, expenditures, tasks, invoices, timecard information, employee records, organizational hierarchies, and more. Parameters like project IDs, person IDs, and dates can be passed to the queries to filter the results as needed.
The document provides SQL queries to retrieve various types of data from Oracle Project Accounting (PA), Oracle Time and Labor (OTL), and Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) modules. The queries can be used to find project details, expenditures, tasks, invoices, timecard information, employee records, organizational hierarchies, and more. Parameters like project IDs, person IDs, and dates can be passed to the queries to filter the results as needed.
The document provides SQL queries to retrieve various types of data from Oracle Project Accounting (PA), Oracle Time and Labor (OTL), and Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) modules. The queries can be used to find project details, expenditures, tasks, invoices, timecard information, employee records, organizational hierarchies, and more. Parameters like project IDs, person IDs, and dates can be passed to the queries to filter the results as needed.
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This document outlines various SQL queries that can be used to extract data from different Oracle modules like Projects Applications, Time and Labor, and Human Capital Management. It provides examples on how to query details related to projects, expenditures, timecards, employees and more.
Some ways outlined in the document to query project details include finding project details by project number, expenditures by user, expenditure line items by expenditure ID, task details by project ID, invoice details, and checking project statuses.
The document provides examples of querying timecard details like finding a person's timecard summary for a given period by their resource ID, and getting timecard building block details for a specific timecard.
--Projects (PA module):
--To find the project details of a particular project when the project number is known SELECT * FROM pa_projects_all where segment1=''; (here segment1 is the project number)
--To find the expenditures incurred by a particular user:
SELECT * FROM pa_expenditures_all where incurred_by_person_id= '129192' and expenditure_ending_date='01-MAY-2015'; (Expenditure_ending_date is the timecard w/e date ) (person_id is taken from the below table if the employee number is known)
SELECT person_id FROM per_all_people_f where (employee_number='51801' or
npw_number='51801') and ((sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date) or (effective_start_date > effective_end_date)) and (current_employee_flag='Y' or current_npw_flag='Y');
--To find each of the expenditure lines of a particular expenditure id
SELECT * FROM pa_expenditure_items_all where expenditure_id=(SELECT expenditure_id FROM pa_expenditures_all where incurred_by_person_id= '129192' and expenditure_ending_date='01-MAY-2015');
--To find the expenditure types
SELECT * FROM pa_expenditure_types where expenditure_type=''; (expenditure_type is the expenditure_type from pa_expenditure_items)
--To find expenditure categories
SELECT * FROM pa_expenditure_categories where expenditure_category=''; (expenditure_category is the expenditure_category in pa_expenditure_types )
--To find the task details
SELECT * FROM pa_tasks where project_id=(SELECT project_id FROM pa_projects_all where segment1='') and task_name='OH Allocations';
--To find the Invoice details
SELECT * FROM pa_draft_invoices_all where project_id='' and draft_invoice_num='';
SELECT * FROM pa_draft_revenues_all
where draft_revenue_num='' and project_id=''; (project_id from pa_projects_all)
SELECT * FROM pa_draft_revenue_items
where draft_revenue_num=''; (here the draft_revenue_num is the draft_revenue_num in pa_draft_revenues_all)
SELECT * FROM pa_cust_rev_dist_lines_all
where draft_revenue_num=''; (here draft_revenue_num is draft_revenue_num in pa_draft_revenue_items) SELECT * FROM pa_cust_rev_dist_lines_all where draft_revenue_item_line_num=(SELECT line_num FROM pa_draft_revenue_items where draft_revenue_num=''); (here draft_revenue_item_line_num is the line_num in pa_draft_revenue_items )
SELECT * FROM pa_agreements_all
where agreement_id=''; (agreement_id is the agreement_id in pa_draft_revenues_all)
--To check in the interface table
select * from pa_transaction_interface_all where transaction_source='ORACLE TIME AND LABOR' and project_number='668024-02051' and expenditure_item_date >= to_date('14-May-2015','DD-Mon-RR');
where project_status_code=(select project_status_code from pa_projects_all where project_id='');
select * from PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL
where customer_id = :CUSTOMER_ID3 and agreement_type='Contract' ;
Select * from pa_events where project_id=126412 ;
select * from ap_invoices_all where invoice_id=91403;
select * from RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL where org_id=3428 and name like '%Invoice%';
select * from ra_customer_trx_all where org_id=3428;
--To find the active HR record of an employee
select * from per_all_people_f where person_id=(select employee_id from fnd_user where user_name like upper('[email protected]')) and (sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date) and (current_npw_flag='Y' or current_employee_flag='Y');
--If employee number is known
select * from per_all_people_f where (employee_number='102874' or npw_number='102874') and (sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date) and (current_employee_flag='Y' or current_npw_flag='Y');
--To get the business group of a person
SELECT * FROM per_business_groups where business_group_id=''; (business_group_id of a person is the business_group_id in per_all_people_f)
--To get the assignment details of a person
select * from per_all_assignments_f where person_id = '127432'; --To get the start date and termination date of an employee select * from per_periods_of_service where person_id=''; --for a contingent worker select * from per_periods_of_placement where person_id='';
--To get the Organization details
select * from hr_all_organization_units where name ='1000130101720000 NEWCASTLE EAST';
--To find the Org Hierarchy
SELECT LPAD (' ', 10 * (LEVEL - 1)) || org.NAME HIERARCHY, org.organization_id FROM hr_all_organization_units org, per_org_structure_elements pose WHERE 1 = 1 AND porg.organization_id = pose.organization_id_child AND pose.org_structure_version_id = 61 and like '201.Financiale Services' START WITH pose.organization_id_parent = 115; (--Orgnization of parent id -- provide the id from which level the downward hierarchy should be displayed)
--To find the qualification types
select * from per_qualification_types where name like 'CA%';
select * from per_qualification_types_tl where qualification_type_id = 7022;
(Qualification_type_id from per_qualification_types)
--To find the preference hierarchies
SELECT * FROM HXC_PREF_HIERARCHIES where BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = 15047 -- and NAME='CA All Employee No Validation' --148140\ and PARENT_PREF_HIERARCHY_ID=148141; SELECT row_id, resource_rule_id, eligibility_criteria_type, eligibility_criteria_id, pref_hierarchy_id, pref_hierarchy_name, resource_type, start_date, end_date, object_version_number, created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login, NAME, meaning, eligibility_criteria, rule_evaluation_order FROM hxc_resource_rules_v WHERE (pref_hierarchy_id = 79120);--73123)
eligibility_criteria_type, eligibility_criteria_id, pref_hierarchy_id, resource_type, object_version_number, created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login, NAME, pref_hierarchy_name, meaning, eligibility_criteria, rule_evaluation_order, start_date, end_date FROM hxc_resource_rules_v WHERE (business_group_id IS NULL OR business_group_id = '1676') AND (legislation_code IS NULL OR legislation_code = 'MY') AND PREF_HIERARCHY_NAME IN ('XXOTL MY Contingent Worker Default Preferences') ORDER BY rule_evaluation_order;
select * from HXC_PREF_HIERARCHIES where pref_hierarchy_id='148141'
select * from hxc_resource_pref_v where resource_id='131632'
select * from hxc_resource_elig_pref_v where resource_id='131632'
select * from hxc_resource_personal_pref_v where resource_id='131632'
select * from hxc_resource_rules_v where name='149802'
Select * from hxc_resource_rules where business_group_id=15047 and name='CA
select * from hxc_timecard_summary where resource_id=93785 and start_time>='01-APR- 2015'; (Resource_id is the person_id in per_all_people_f)
--To find the notifications
select * from wf_notifications where subject like '%Valaidam%Thavane%'; select * from wf_notifications where notification_id = 41085012; select * from wf_notifications where responder='[email protected]';
-- Query to check if timecard is moved to projects
select ppa.segment1 project_number, project_name, pt.task_number, pt.task_name, peia.attribute1 code_of_account, peia.attribute2 activity_detail_code, peia.attribute3 activity_location, peia.expenditure_type, peia.expenditure_item_date, peia.quantity,peia.* from pa_expenditure_items_all peia, pa_expenditures_all pea, pa_projects_all ppa, pa_tasks pt where peia.expenditure_id = pea.expenditure_id and pea.incurred_by_person_id = 93724 --person_id from per_all_people_f and to_date(peia.expenditure_item_date) between to_date('27/sep/2014') and to_date('03/oct/2014') and peia.project_id = ppa.project_id and peia.task_id = pt.task_id and peia.transaction_source = 'ORACLE TIME AND LABOR' --and ppa.segment1 = '700400-99990' order by peia.expenditure_item_date,ppa.segment1;
--To find the OTL COA Lead of a particular task
SELECT * FROM xxhxc_otl_coa_leads WHERE task_id = 6800120;
--To find the task manager of a particular task
select * from pa_tasks where project_id = 166494 and task_number like '70010- CANADA'; (task_manager_person_id gives the person_id of task manager)
--To find the project Manager of a particular project
select pprtt.meaning,papf.person_id,papf.email_address,papf.known_as, papf.full_name,ppp.start_date_active,ppp.end_date_active,ppp.* from pa_projects_all ppa, pa_project_players ppp, PA_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPES_B pprt, PA_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPES_TL pprtt, per_all_people_f papf where 1=1 --and ppa.project_id = 837483 and ppa.segment1 = '662019-20004' and ppa.project_id = ppp.project_id and ppp.project_role_type = pprt.project_role_type and pprt.project_role_id = pprtt.project_role_id and ppp.person_id = papf.person_id --and papf.person_id = 219184 and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date and trunc(sysdate) between ppp.start_date_active and nvl(ppp.end_date_active,'31- dec-4712'); --Yap, Ms. Kwee Hoon select * from per_all_people_f where person_id = 171063; --Yap, Mrs. Mitchele
-- To get the timecard details of a person for a particular period
select * from hxc_time_building_blocks where resource_id = 127432 and start_time = '14-Feb-2015' and scope = 'TIMECARD'; (resource id is the person id)
select * from XXHXC_AP_DETAIL_LINKS where timecard_id = 292584628;