The Cosmic Microwave Background by R Durrer PDF
The Cosmic Microwave Background by R Durrer PDF
The Cosmic Microwave Background by R Durrer PDF
To cite this article: Professor David Matravers (2009) The Cosmic Microwave Background, by R.
Durrer, , 50:5, 604-605, DOI: 10.1080/00107510902884410
Field Theory – A Path Integral Approach, by A. Das, could be a reasonable companion to a lecture course
Singapore, World Scientific, 2006, xiv þ 361 pp., on related topics.
£28.00 (paperback), ISBN 9812568484. Scope: text-
book. Level: graduate. Dr Shashank Virmani
Imperial College London
Field Theory – A Path Integral Approach is a graduate [email protected]
level textbook aimed at teaching field theoretical topics Ó 2009, Shashank Virmani
from a path integral perspective. The book starts with
a review of the basic formalism of quantum mechanics
and path integrals, treating the quantum driven The Cosmic Microwave Background, by R. Durrer,
harmonic oscillator as a concrete example. The book Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, xii þ
then moves onto a variety of applications of the basic 401 pp., £40.00 (hardback), ISBN 978 0 521 84704 9.
formalism, covering fermionic systems and Grassmann Scope: textbook/reference text. Level: advanced.
variables, the double well, supersymmetry, gauge
theories, and the Ising model, among other topics. What are the differences between a textbook and a
The wide variety of topics covered mean that some reference text or manual? It should be an easy question
later chapters can be read almost independently of to answer, at least it is for school and undergraduate
other later chapters, but prerequisites for a student studies, but as things get more advanced the differences
aiming to understanding the core of the book would decrease. For school and undergraduate studies the
include quantum theory, contour integration, at least primary intention of a textbook is to support teaching
some familiarity with the use of Green’s functions to so details are omitted and arguments are simplified to
solve differential equations, special relativity, and communicate with the learner. At the more advanced
statistical mechanics. Some of the chapters require a level there is not much difference between Ph.D.
little more – anyone tackling the Gauge theory chapter, students, post-docs and researchers who need to learn
for example, would benefit from some prior exposure some new material. The Ph.D. student can expect
to Lie Groups. The book would be relevant for any lectures to support learning but the book should be
students who need to be familiar with quantum field useful for self-study. At that level the intention of an
theoretic methods, including nuclear and particle advanced level textbook should be no different from
physicists and condensed matter theorists. that of a junior level text. The contents need to bring
The text arose from a series of graduate lectures together ideas and arguments from the research
delivered by the author at the University of literature in a comprehensive and relatively easily
Rochester. I would describe the book as more of a understood way, almost always at the expense of some
technically motivated compendium of path integral detail and completeness. In contrast a reference text or
methods applied to a variety of topics, rather than a manual should give complete arguments and accurate
physically motivated development of field theory. complete formulae, ideally with enough background
This gives the book the advantage of being concise, for the user to follow the derivations. I raise this
and hence it could work well as a reference for more because an advanced level Ph.D. student said to me
experienced researchers wishing to either refresh their that, Durrer’s book on the CMB [Cosmic Microwave
understanding or quickly understand the basics of a Background] will be extremely useful because all the
new topic. Less experienced students, however, perturbation formulae are derived in explicit form and
would probably require additional guidance from a collected together in one place. She added that she
tutor, as the book sometimes advances at lightning would prefer to learn the subject from a less demand-
pace. This is especially true for those students who ing textbook. My own reading places Durrer’s book as
are not totally at ease with some of the prerequisites, a very useful advanced reference textbook but the
as they would probably also not fully appreciate the demands on the reader’s knowledge of physics and
mathematical subtleties that surround the methods mathematics are high.
used. The study of the cosmic microwave background is
The book is of course written for the usual class of sufficiently important and complicated to justify a
physicist who is prepared to use path integrals, and so detailed text devoted to it. The existence of back-
it will not appeal to those mathematically inclined ground radiation in the universe at a temperature of
physicists who prefer the rigour of a text such as about 10 K that was left over from the big bang was
Streater and Wightman’s treatise on spin statistics. first proposed in the late 1940s. It was later (1965)
However, it may be of interest to those physicists who detected by chance and earned its discoverers a Nobel
need a crash course or refresher in some of the Prize in 1978. Even then the full significance of what
formalism of field theory and some of its key ideas, and had been stumbled upon was not fully appreciated.
Contemporary Physics 605
The equipment available was limited to detecting the devoted to parameter estimation brings in a number of
radiation and measuring its temperature. It was soon statistical techniques in current use and takes us to the
found to conform to expectations; the spectrum is source of the most exciting new results at the interface
black body with a temperature of 2.725 K. The great between theory and observations. The chapter ends with
advance came in 1992 when, with greater resolution a brief discussion of different possible sources of
available and with precise analysis, temperature varia- structure in the CMB such as topological defects. The
tions across the sky were measured. This was a last two chapters deal with topics, which are not
remarkable achievement because the variations are of currently central to the subject but are becoming
order 10–4 K and earned its discoverers a Nobel Prize increasingly important as resolution becomes finer.
in 2006. In order to identify the source of these They are lensing of the CMB radiation and spectral
variations in the radiation background we have to distortions on the CMB by scattering. There are
know about the paths of photons from the big bang to exercises (36 in all) at the end of each chapter, which
the detector. According to models of the evolution of extend or compliment the material in the chapter;
the universe the photons were coupled to matter in the answers to 6 are given in an Appendix.
early, extremely hot, phase of its history. Matter itself I have a few grumbles. A glossary of symbols with
was in the process of accumulating near the small over- definitions would be useful because many letters are
densities arising from quantum fluctuations during used and sometimes with different roles in different
inflation. The distribution of these small fluctuations chapters. It is a nuisance that the references to
formed the seeds for the matter distribution today, e.g. Jackson’s book, Classical Electrodynamics, are to the
in galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Also at about a 1975 edition and not to the revised edition of 1998.
temperature of 3000 K the photons decoupled from There are some typographical errors which, in time,
the matter distribution taking with them an imprint of will be noted on the author’s web site; it is a pity that
the matter distribution. It is this imprint that we detect more time was not spent on the editing and reading the
in the cosmic microwave background. The interplay of proofs. Finally the index is rather brief for a textbook
theory and data works in a beautiful way and has lead or handbook.
to better and better estimates for the parameters in the For researchers and students who want an up to
models of the universe and in linking the very large, the date and solid foundation on the theory behind the use
universe today, to the smallest scales of quantum of measurements of the cosmological microwave
physics which determined the original patterns in the background to calibrate cosmological models, Durrer’s
background radiation. book fits the bill. Although the pages are dominated by
In Durrer’s book the first chapter contains a rapid calculations and formulae it is pleasant to read and I
run through the standard background to modern enjoyed working with it.
cosmology covering the isotropic and homogeneous
universe models through recombination and decou- Professor David Matravers
pling, nucleosynthesis and gives a brief outline of University of Portsmouth
inflation models. This section is expected to be covering [email protected]
ground that the reader has seen before. The contents are Ó 2009, David Matravers
complimented by an Appendix on General Relativity
which is also very brief but comprehensive. The second
chapter deals with perturbation theory in detail at first
order and mainly in the longitudinal gauge. The way Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, by J. Freidberg,
gauge invariance in perturbation theory is explained is Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, xvii þ
brief and adequate for first order perturbations but it is 671 pp., £75.00 (hardback), ISBN 0521851076. Scope:
hard to extend it to higher orders. The chapter is monograph. Level: senior undergraduates, beginning
detailed and contains useful insights and examples. postgraduates and researchers.
Chapter 3 describes the sources of fluctuations during
inflation, the seeds for the structure seen in the cosmic With the recent start to the construction of ITER, an
microwave background. Chapter 4 covers kinetic theory international project to build a fusion machine which
leading to the perturbed Boltzmann equation and a full is intended, for the first time, to demonstrate energy
system of perturbation equations for a LCDM cosmol- gain in a magnetically confined plasma, this survey of
ogy. Chapter 5 deals with polarisation, which is a slight fusion energy and the underlying plasma physics is
diversion from the main focus of the book. The very timely. It is becoming increasingly clear that we
treatment makes use of the representation theory of need to wean ourselves away from dependence on
spin-weighted spherical harmonics, a brief study of fossil fuels and advances in fusion science over the
which is the subject of one of the appendices. Chapter 6 last decade, together with the launching of the ITER