Liebherr Hydraulic Cylinders

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Rugged, Durable and Customised

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Hydraulic cylinders by Liebherr

2 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Since 1958 the Liebherr Group has been developing and producing hydraulic
cylinders at the main site in Kirchdorf an der Iller. The product portfolio reaches
from standard cylinders for high dynamic requirements to large heavy duty cyl-
inders and suspensions through to high-stress lightweight and special cylinders.

The customers of Liebherr benefit from well as environmentally-friendly prod-
the decades of experience and con- ucts and manufacturing processes, are
stantly expanding product portfolio. top priority.
High quality, customer satisfaction, as

Flexibility Engineering know-how
Customised products thanks to Decades of experience
state-of-the-art technologies for tailormade solutions

Quality Broad range of services
Quality awareness for Expertise in hydraulic systems
highest standards

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 3

State-of-the-art technologies enable individual customer requirements to be implemented
in customised products. A diversified and flexible machine fleet forms the basis for this. The
ultimate goal is to guarantee efficient and flexible production with short lead times.

4 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Customised products thanks to
state-of-the-art technologies
Wide production range High innovative strength
Liebherr is able to manufacture hydraulic cylinders with At Liebherr innovations and creative ideas can not only be
a stroke length up to 8,000 mm. The production is distin- found in the products, but also in the continuously developed
guished by a vertical range of manufacture. All production processes. The focus is on reproducible and stable processes
takes place in-house, from the complete machining of piston in order to meet the highest quality requirements.
rods on special machining centres, to very efficient deep-hole
drills and precise honing of the tubes through to the cylinder
installation, inspection and painting.

Modern welding technologies

Robotic welding systems with automatic clamping, centring
and joining of the components guarantee consistently high
quality with the most efficient working method. The diverse
materials are welded together without additives into a high-
strength structure by means of friction welding.

Honing, peeling
Complete machining Friction welding and roller-burnishing
Piston rods and cylinder tubes are machined During friction welding piston rods and rod Liebherr performs the finishing of the cylinder
in ultramodern lathe / milling machines. heads are fused at an upset force of up to running surfaces in relation to size, shape
Several manufacturing steps are completed 300 tonnes into a homogeneous structure. and surface. Depending on the product, this
at the same time in one process. An The result is a quality comparable to a forged is carried out by means of peeling and roller-
automatic tool change during machining part. This particularly efficient process burnishing or honing to an internal diameter
ensures short lead times. is used for diameters up to 130 mm and of 600 mm.
lengths up to 3,000 mm.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 5

Engineering know-how
In close cooperation with our customers, hydraulic specialists show an interest in customer
requirements in an open-minded way and find individual solutions which meet the respective
requirements. Supported by modern CAD systems and simulation processes, the result is
high-quality and reliable products in every detail.

6 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Decades of experience for tailormade solutions

Sealing systems and coatings High-performance software

Sealing and guiding elements are carefully matched to the During the design stage the development engineers are sup-
respective application. In addition to the surface quality, the ported by modern 3D CAD systems and diverse calculation
high manufacturing accuracy of the components is also deci- methods. The increasing requirements of the end products
sive for the proper and lasting function of the hydraulic cylin- require detailed know-how about components and materials.
ders. The resulting optimal pairing guarantees high availability This is why state-of-the-art simulation processes are already
and a long service life of the products. An optimal coating used for the product development. In addition, the simula-
of the piston rods provides protection against corrosion and tion results are compared with reality within the framework of
wear. Liebherr offers common chrome and nickel-chrome intensive testing. Accurate solutions corresponding to cus-
coatings, as well as a variety of customised special solutions. tomer requirements are created in this way.
Liebherr accurately matches the selected coating and seal-
ing system.

Design using
finite element method (FEM) Lightweight design
Liebherr designs hydraulic cylinders and their individual parts using the Special requirements in relation to weight and capacity of the hydraulic
finite element method. By calculating the ideal force and stress curve, cylinders are realised for example through thin-walled cylinder tubes
components can be designed to minimise weight and high safety factors and hollowed piston rods. Stability and function are guaranteed with
can be observed. the use of high-strength materials.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 7

The name Liebherr is synonymous with quality. Each step of the value-added process is aligned
accordingly. The foundation for a high-quality product is already laid in the development.
Other elements of the comprehensive quality management system include the intensive
supplier support, the permanently operational quality assurance, as well as the continuous
improvement of all business processes.

8 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Quality awareness for highest standards

Supplier management Certified company

Extensive meetings with suppliers and quality audits form the
basis for the high quality of Liebherr hydraulic cylinders. The DIN EN ISO 9001:2008:
expected quality and short delivery times are ensured from Guarantees a functioning quality management system and
the beginning through controlled processes with the sup- the continuous improvement process in the company.
pliers. Requirements extending beyond the current industry
standards apply here. EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011,EXC4 i.a.w. EN 10190-2:
Qualified to manufacture hydraulic components with the
Central quality and process management highest requirements, for example components, which are
All operational processes are subject to constant inspections used for earthquake protection of nuclear power plants.
and improvement. Employees in the individual areas work
hand-in-hand so that processes run smoothly and are inte- DGRL 97/23/EG-AD 2000:
grated seamlessly in order to keep lead times short and ef- Permits the manufacture of pressure equipment, such as
fective. Before the products are released for delivery, they are hydraulic accumulators.
subject to a comprehensive check.
DIN EN ISO 3834-2:2006:
Operational quality assurance Certifies the compliance of comprehensive quality require-
The consistently high component quality is guaranteed by ments for fusion welding of metallic materials.
comprehensive and intensive initial sample and random sam-
ple checks in addition to the inspection in the process. State-
of-the-art testing methods, such as computer-aided 3D
measurement methods are used here. Batches are tracked
consistently for safety-relevant hydraulic cylinders.

Weld inspection Test benches Certificates
Welds are inspected by ultrasonic inspec- The reliability of the hydraulic cylinders is The certification is effected in conjunction
tions, x-rays, or penetrant testing in order to ensured through a complete functional and leak with recognised and well-known testing,
guarantee the highest quality. test. The test results are recorded automati- certifying and classification bodies.
cally. This ensures complete documentation.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 9

Broad range of services
The entire range of services from Liebherr in the area of hydraulics, from the individual
component to the system solution, offers great flexibility. Customers can also choose from
a comprehensive range of services. From advice on customised development to services
such as commissioning and maintenance, customers benefit from the high application
expertise of Liebherr.

n e e r i ng
E ngi

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Control Hydraulic cylinder


a nc
power unit




g an
o nin
Co m m

Hydraulic cylinders for mobile Control and Hydraulic

and stationary applications sensor technology power units

10 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Expertise in hydraulic systems

In addition to hydraulic cylinders for mobile and stationary applications, as well as suspensions,
Liebherr also offers tailormade hydraulic power units and other components for hydraulic
system solutions. For each task the optimal sensor technology solution is also developed.
Here Liebherr uses tried and tested sensor technology components from well-known
manufacturers and complements these with innovative in-house developments if needed.

Hydraulic cylinders for mobile

and stationary applications Control and sensor technology Hydraulic power units
• Stroke lengths up to 8,000 millimetres • Controls from the Liebherr Group • Drive power up to 75 kW
• Nominal diameters up to • Limit and proximity switches, • Capacity up to 2,000 l
500 millimetres as well as position transducers • Operating pressure up to 600 bar,
• Operating pressures up to 630 bar • Depending on the application: also higher upon customer request
• Lifting speeds up to 1 m / s Use of innovative in-house • Flow volume upon request
• Operating temperatures from developments • Main components from Liebherr or
-40 °C to +80 °C according to customer specifications
• Chrome coatings, nickel-chrome, • Customised development
HVOF and many others and assembly
• Corrosion protection for continental • Different pump types available
and maritime environments • Equipment with monitoring elements
• End of stroke cushioning and accessories such as control and
(the piston side and / or the rod side) accumulators possible

Engineering Service Commissioning and maintenance
Liebherr offers comprehensive engineering The global service network of Liebherr Professional employees in customer services
services for the development of applica- ensures proximity to customers at all times. provide competent advice and develop the
tionspecific solutions and is available to its The high availability of original spare parts best solution for each customer. Experienced
customers as a competent partner. and the Liebherr Reman programme ensure technicians provide support during commis-
very long product life cycles. sioning and maintenance.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 11

Examples of use

12 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr


For heavy duty use Reduced weight for high productivity

For mining applications, hydraulic cylinders have to cope Through weight reduction, particularly for bucket cylinders
with high static and dynamic forces. These requirements are and stick cylinders of a mining excavator, its productivity can
taken into account by a robust design optimised for durability be increased significantly. This is why Liebherr offers diverse
and with the special selection of materials, which are based concepts for weight reduction depending on customer re-
on decades of experience. Liebherr manufactures the piston quirements, also for highly dynamic applications.
rods, for example, from high-strength forged parts.

Life cycle management

Both the hydraulic cylinders and the suspensions for min-
ing applications are designed so that they can be processed
up to three times within the framework of life cycle manage-
ment. A service life of up to 80,000 operating hours is thus

Suspensions in a mining truck Attachment cylinders Steering cylinders
An additional use of a piston accumulator is The large cylinders designed for high dy- Thanks to the absolute reliability and
not required with the compact design and the namic and static loads are used for example durability, Liebherr cylinders are ideal for
use of an oil-gas mixture. as lifting or stick cylinders or bucket rams. safety-critical use as steering cylinders.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 13

Examples of use

14 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Building construction and civil engineering

Durable and reliable Stability

Since the market launch of mobile cranes and excavators in The highest requirements are also satisfied in lightweight
the 1950s, hydraulic cylinders have been proving their per- hydraulic cylinders from Liebherr, e. g. for cranes and other
formance in these machines. They are now used in a variety equipment with road approval. High-strength materials in
of different cranes, civil engineering machines and construc- thin-walled cylinder tubes or hollowed piston rods provide
tion machines and fulfil diverse functions in these fields. The stability and safety.
comprehensive know-how of Liebherr guarantees durability
and reliability. Sealing systems
At Liebherr the sealing systems are optimally coordinated
Intelligent sensor technology to the respective application and selected so that they are
For additional precision and safety, Liebherr hydraulic cyl- maintenance-free and leakage-free. So-called tandem seal-
inders are equipped with end position cushioning, position ing systems, consisting of primary and secondary sealing,
transducers, limit and proximity switches, as well as other ensure maximum durability.
sensor technology, according to customer needs.

Pull cylinders Ballast cylinders Support cylinders
Pull cylinders are used for example for Ballast cylinders carry ballast weights in These cylinders are used in numerous mobile
tensioning mobile crane ropes. mobile cranes and thus fulfil a relevant safety construction machines for reliable support.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 15

Examples of use

16 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Maritime applications

Customised solutions Coating against corrosion

In the maritime industry individual solutions are sought for To respond to the rough ambient conditions in maritime envi-
demanding projects. Liebherr brings comprehensive en- ronments, Liebherr has the right piston rod coating for every
gineering know-how, project expertise and reliability. The application. For example, nickel-chrome and fused coatings
experience of the Liebherr Group in the maritime area is the are used, which have been tried and tested in maritime ap-
basis for products with convincing quality. plications.

Approvals Maritime paintwork

Certification and classification by internationally recognised Special maritime paintwork for tough corrosion protection
approval authorities serve as an external benchmark of qual- rounds off the individual customer solution. Here the cus-
ity for Liebherr. Partners in the maritime area include Det Nor- tomers benefit from the many years of experience within the
ske Veritas - Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL), Bureau Veritas, Liebherr Group.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Lloyds Register of
Shipping, among others.

Example of application Luffing cylinders Synchronised cylinders
In maritime cranes luffing cylinders are Liebherr offers tailormade luffing cylinders Synchronised cylinders are used for adjusting
responsible to raise and lower the crane for offshore, ship and mobile harbour cranes. the horizontal position in diverse applications.
boom. At the same time synchronised Components made from highstrength materi- In the maritime environment special piston
cylinders ensure the proper positioning of als with reduced weight, which are manufac- rod coatings provide optimal protection
the tube gripper. tured with precision processes, satisfy the against corrosion.
high requirements. Tubes are honed on the
inside, for example.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 17

Examples of use

18 Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr

Machinery and plant construction

Diverse and flexible range Individual equipment

For machinery and plant construction Liebherr develops Liebherr offers a suitable choice for every environmental
tailormade solutions according to the specific requirements situation from the wide range of available piston rod coatings.
of the customer. For quick availability and simple integra- In addition to electronic position transducers, hydraulic cyl-
tion Liebherr offers a standard range for applications up inders can also be equipped with compatible clamping units
to 350 bar, with which cylinders can be quickly and easily and other sensors.
configured. Hydraulic cylinders from Liebherr are not only
designed to be easy to maintain, but are also optimised for
minimal friction and wear. A compact design and clever detail
solutions also contribute to the quality of the cylinders.

Drive cylinders for

injection moulding machines Hydraulic power units
Drive cylinders are responsible for moving tools. In the screwed design, With the application-specific design of the hydraulic power units,
the cylinders are suitable for applications with high speed and high Liebherr guarantees the reliable hydraulic supply of stationary plants.

Hydraulic Cylinders by Liebherr 19

Liebherr Components

Gas engines Diesel engines Fuel injection systems Axial piston hydraulics Hydraulic cylinders

Large diameter bearings Gearboxes and winches Electric machines Remanufacturing

Human machine interfaces Control electronics Power electronics Control cabinets Software

From A to Z – the components division of the Liebherr to our customers at Liebherr-Components AG and the
Group offers a broad range of solutions in the area of regional sales and distribution branches.
mechanical, hydraulic, electric and electronic drive system
and control technology. The efficient components and Liebherr is your partner for joint success: from the product
systems are produced at a total of ten production sites idea to development, manufacture and commissioning
around the world to the highest standards of quality. right through to customer service solutions like remanu-
Central contact persons for all product lines are available facturing.

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Sales worldwide Sales North America Sales Russia Sales China

Liebherr-Components AG Liebherr-Components North America Co. Liebherr-Russland OOO Liebherr Machinery Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
P.O. Box 222, 1465 Woodland Drive, Saline, Office 2, Bolschoi Palaschewskij 13/2 Building No. 1, 88 Ma Ji Road,
CH-5415 Nussbaumen / AG MI 48176 USA 121104 Moscow, Russia 200131, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, V.R. China
 +41 56 296 43 00  +1 (734) 944 6334  +7 (495) 280 18 94  +86 21 2893 8039
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