G - 216 - DMM - Unit 2
G - 216 - DMM - Unit 2
G - 216 - DMM - Unit 2
Stress Concentration
Notch Sensitivity
Endurance Limit
Goodman’s Line
Soderberg’s Line
A typical stress cycle is shown in figure, where the maximum, minimum, mean
stresses and stress amplitudes are indicated. The mean stresses and stress
amplitudes are given by
Size Factor:
Reliability factor:
K f = 1 + q (K t − 1)
The notch sensitivity ‘q’ for fatigue loading can now be defined in terms of Kf
and the theoretical stress concentration factor Kt and this is given by
Kf =
1+q (Kt -1)
Important and previous JNTUK Questions
1. Describe fatigue stress concentration factor.November – 2014, SET –3,
2. Explain the endurance limit modifying factors.November – 2015, SET2,
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH DMM I Unit - 1
Day 13
1. Briefly explain design for finite and infinite life.
The design problems for completely reversed stresses are divided into two
1) Design for infinite life 2) Design for finite life
Design for infinite life: When the component is to be designed for infinite life,
the endurance limit becomes the criterion of failure. The amplitude stress
induced in such components should be lower than the endurance limit in
order to withstand the infinite number of cycles. Such components are
designed with the help of the following equations:
σ a = (f s)e
S se
τa = (f s)
Where σa and τa are stress amplitudes in the component and Se and Sse are
corrected endurance limits in reversed bending and torsion respectively.
Design for finite life: When the component is to be designed for finite life, the
S-N curve as shown in figure can be used. The curve is valid for steels. It
consists of a straight line AB drawn from (0.9 Sut) at 103 cycles to (Se) at 106
cycles on a log-log paper.
Suppose that α1, α2 are proportions of the total life that will be consumed
by the stress levels σ1,σ2 ……. etc. Let N be the total life if the
component. α1 + α2 + α3 + …αx = 1
1) A cantilever beam made of cold drawn steel 20C8 (S ut = 540N /mm2 ) is
subjected to a completely reversed load of 1000N as shown in figure.
The notch sensitivity factor q at the fillet can be taken as 0.85 and the
expected reliability is 90%. Determine the diameter d of the beam for a
life of 10000 cycles.
Day 15
1. Explain Gerber, Soderberg and Goodman lines.
Gerber Line: A parabolic curve joining Se on the ordinate to Sut on the
abscissa is called the Gerber line. The equation of theGerber line is given by
Se + ( )
S ut =1
Soderberg Line: A straight line joining Se on the ordinate to Syt on the abscissa
is called the Soderberg line.
σm σa
+ Se
S se
τa = (f s)
S sy
τ max = (f s)
Problems on different stress factors and previous questions
Important and previous JNTUK Questions
1) Explain the modified Goodman diagram for bending stresses. November
- 2016, SET – 1, [6M]
2) A transmission shaft of cold drawn steel 27Mn2 (Sut = 500 N/mm2 and
Syt = 300N/mm2 ) is subjected to a fluctuating torque which varies from
4) A circular bar of 500 mm length is supported freely at its two ends. It is acted
upon by a central concentrated cyclic load having a minimum value of 20 KN
and a maximum value of 50 KN. Determine the diameter of bar by taking a
factor of safety of 1.5, size effect of 0.85, surface finish factor of 0.9.The
material properties of bar are given by: Ultimate strength of 650 MPa, yield
strength of 500 MPa and endurance strength of 350 MPa. November - 2016,
SET – 2, [10M]
Ans (d = 62.1 mm)
Explain the effect of the following factors on the
1) type of fatigue failure
i) Range of imposed stress
ii) Surface treatment [SET1 10M]