RC Registration Procedures
RC Registration Procedures
RC Registration Procedures
Table of Contents
Chapter Title Article Page No.
1 Definitions ……………………………………………….. 1
2 Preparation Of Bid Documents & Advertisement ………. 2-17 3
3 Prequalification ………………………………………….. 18-19 8
4 Regulations for Entering Into Biddings ………………… 20-21 9
5 Submitting Proposals ……………………………….. 22-29 11
6 Bid Opening …………………………………………….. 30-37 15
7 Evaluation Of Bids ……………………………………… 38-46 18
8 Negotiations With Bidders ……………………………… 47-57 21
9 Awarding/Conclusion Of Contracts ……………………. 58-70 25
Execution And Management Of Contracts And Works 71-76 29
Schedule ………………………………………………….
11 Increase And Decrease Contractor's Obligations ………. 77-80 31
12 Direct Purchase/Electronic Purchase/Cash Purchase ….. 81-84 33
13 Bank Guarantees ………………………………………… 85-96 34
14 Payment Of the Financial Compensation ……………… 97-102 40
Procurement Of Needs By Leasing Or Replacement Of 103-104 42
Systems And Equipment With New Ones ………………
16 Penalties ………………………………………………… 105-121 44
17 Contracts Extension ……………………………………. 122-127 49
18 Withdrawal And Termination Of Work ………………… 128-139 51
19 Works Acceptance ………………………………………. 140-145 56
20 Receipt Of Supplied Items ……………………………… 146-147 58
21 Auctions And Sale Of Movable Assets ………………… 148-160 59
Compensation And Evaluation Of Contractors 161-163 62
Performance ……………………………………………...
23 General Provisions………………………………………….. 164-174 63
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 2
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
Chapter 1
Article 1:
Whenever in these Regulations the following terms are used they shall have
the meanings hereinafter indicated unless the text stipulates otherwise:
The Kingdom: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Royal Commission: The Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.
The Industrial City: Jubail Industrial City, Yanbu Industrial City, Ras Al
Khair Industrial City and future Industrial Cities under the Royal
Commission’s supervision.
Chairman: The Chairman of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.
Chief Executive Officer: The Chief Executive Officer at the Headquarter/the
Industrial City.
Contractor: means the Second Party to the contract concluded with the Royal
Commission. Also, may be referred to as the Supplier, Vendor,
Concessionaire, Consultant, Contractor, Investor or Tenant. The
Contractor shall be regarded as one legal entity even if it consists
of many natural or corporate persons, such as, the association,
joint venture or consortium.
Bidding: The process of sourcing the best proposals in the bidding (public or
limited) or auctioning to perform the required work in accordance
with the terms of bidding.
Final Guarantee: A bank guarantee of five percent (5%) of the contract price
submitted by the bidder, and its validity shall be as
specified by the contract.
Chapter 2 Preparation of Bid Documents & Advertisement
Article 2:
The Royal Commission (RC) shall set up a five-year plan for its projects
derived from the master plan of each city, and thereupon an annual plan shall
be developed for the execution of the projects. The projects shall be placed for
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 4
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
bidding according to the RC approved plan whether such projects already have
approved funds in the budget or deemed important by the RC to be placed for
bidding and, according to the RC governing rules, are self-financing.
Article 3:
The RC concerned departments shall undertake the following:
A. Update their projects and works data prior to approval; review the
technical specifications, drawings and plans as well as undertake any
amendment or correction thereto prior to placement of their works in
public bidding, specifically the documents prepared long time ago or the
hardware and software specifications subject to continuous updating.
C. Update their current projects database and link it with the Government
Projects National Integrated Database.
Preference shall be given to the national products, and services and to the
products of national origin as well as to other countries products and services
which are treated same as national products and services provided that the
quality and specifications of the works to be executed shall be observed.
Article 6:
1 Prior to bid opening, the department concerned with estimates shall set
guiding estimated prices for works in the tables of quantities and prices
in conformity with the prevailing market prices, and previous prices
dealt with, and guided by the designer’s estimates. These prices shall be
submitted in a sealed envelope to be opened by the Bid Opening
2 The concerned department shall maintain a comprehensive and
continuously updated directory of prices of materials and services
frequently provided.
Article 7:
In mixed works contracts, the required classification of project shall be
determined based on the major scope of works of the project.
Article 8:
When applying public biddings method, the following shall be observed:
Article 9:
1 The copies of bid documents shall be numbered and stamped by the RC.
2 The price of the bid documents shall be reasonable.
Article 10:
1 The Royal Commission shall provide competitors with clear, complete
and integrated information on the required work. They shall be able to
obtain such information in a specific time prior to purchase of bid
documents. Moreover, sufficient number of copies of bid documents
shall be made available to those who wish to obtain them.
2 Competitors shall be furnished with the necessary clarifications and data
related to the works to be executed and shall be allowed to visit the work
site. They shall also be required to investigate the nature of works, and
the performance conditions and get acquainted with all the data and
details, and the factors that impact their proposals’ prices as well as the
risks that may affect their commitment before submitting their bids.
Article 11:
It is permitted to resort to limited bidding, taking into consideration the Royal
Commission public interests, the conditions of execution and the quantity, type
and specialty of works required to be provided. This is done through inviting
companies, establishments and engineering and consulting offices licensed
and qualified in accordance with the procedures determined by the RC in the
following cases:
Chapter 3 Prequalification
Article 18:
When advertising for prequalification, the department concerned with
contracts and procurement shall take the following steps:
Article 19:
When bidding through prequalification method, the RC procedures and
formats of prequalification shall be followed in order to select classified
companies and establishments who have technical experience, financial
capability as well as human resources, equipment and tools necessary for
performance of the scope of work of the projects that the Royal Commission
intends to place for public bidding. These procedures organize the
advertisement method, data collection process and prequalification criteria as
per the contract type. The studies required for prequalification include site
visits to the companies and establishments and their projects sites, as well as
the administering and the supervising entities responsible for these projects if
Chapter 4
Regulations for Entering into
Biddings Article 20:
It is not permissible to deal with the persons listed below as per these
regulations terms:
C. Those prohibited to be dealt with as per the law until they are cleared.
Article 21:
1. Those interested in dealing with the Royal Commission shall have the
following documents and licenses:
Chapter 5
Submitting of Proposals Article 22:
A single proposal may be submitted by associated contractors according to the
following rules:
Article 24:
Proposals shall be submitted on the original formats received from and
stamped by the Royal Commission and shall be in sealed envelopes to
ensure their confidentiality and to be secured against opening. They shall
be sent via registered mail or hand delivered to the department concerned
with contracts & purchasing. The bidder shall be given a receipt showing
submission date and time. Any proposal delivered by the bidder or received
by the department after the bid opening by the committee shall not be
Article 25:
Electronic means may be used for preparation of bid documents and
submission of proposals as follows:
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 13
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
A. Bid documents may be opened for perusal and their contents shall not
be modified. The bidder shall prepare its proposal on the format he
receives, insert its prices in the table of quantities and submit it to the
department concerned with contracts & purchasing along with the other
proposal documents.
Article 26:
1. The bidder shall submit its price according to the conditions,
specifications and tables of quantities approved by the Royal
Commission as a basic proposal. The bidder may not make any
modification or reservation thereto or cancel any of the bid items or
specifications. Non-conforming bids shall be excluded.
2. The bid unit and total prices shall be inserted in the tables of
quantities in local currency unless it is stipulated to use another
3. The bidder may not amend, erase or blot out the price list. Any
correction made by the bidder shall be rewritten, signed and stamped.
5. If the Bidder omits or leaves out any of the bid items unpriced, it
shall be required to submit a separate appropriate prices for such
items without increasing the total proposal price, otherwise the
bidder shall be considered withdrawn from competition.
Article 27:
3. The bid shall be signed and stamped by the bidder. If the bid is
submitted by a company, an establishment or an association, it shall
be signed by the legally authorized representative.
6. If the bidder fails to submit, along with its proposal, any of the
documents required in the bid documents in spite of their availability
at the time of submitting its proposal, or if some of the documents
submitted are not valid, the bidder may be granted a grace period to
complete such documents. If it fails to submit the documents within
the fixed period, the bidder shall be excluded.
Article 28:
The bidder may withdraw its proposal prior to the date of bid opening.
Article 29:
It is not permissible to change the proposal prices whether by increase or
decrease after submission except in cases stipulated in these regulations.
6 Bid opening Article 30:
One committee or more shall be formed to open bids. It shall be composed of
a head in at least grade (12) as per the Direct Hire Program, and representatives
of Supply Management Department, the administering Department and the
Legal Affairs Department. The decision shall provide for appointment of a
deputy head to replace the Head of the Committee in his absence. The
Committee shall perform its duties as per the RC applicable procedures
Article 31:
Bids shall be opened on the date and time specified. The committee shall
complete the opening of all bids in the same session.
Article 32:
A. Proposals submitted after opening any bid and reading its prices shall
not be accepted. The committee may wait for no longer than 15 minutes
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 16
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
before opening bids if it expects the arrival of more bidders for public
B. When using the two envelopes method, the Contracts and Purchases
Department shall receive bids at the specified time. After opening and
examination of technical bids, the bidders whose bids are technically
accepted shall be notified in writing of the time and location of opening
financial bids. The sealed financial bids shall be returned (unopened) to
bidders whose proposals are technically unacceptable.
Article 33:
The Bids’ Opening Committee shall ensure the submittal of the basic legal
documents required by the conditions and specifications documents. It may
exclude incomplete bids and return them to bidders.
Article 34:
3. The Head of the Committee and all members shall document the
contents of bids opened and specify the samples and specifications of
appliances and materials (catalogues) submitted with the proposal,
sign the original proposal letter, bank guarantee letter, and the
minutes in which the Committee records its procedures.
5. Upon completion of its work the Bid Opening Committee shall refer
its minutes and bid documents to the department concerned with
contracts and purchasing for forwarding to Bids Evaluation
Article 35:
Bid opening may be postponed in the following cases:
Article 36:
Bids may be submitted and opened via electronic means as per the Royal
Commission applicable procedures.
Article 37:
The names of companies and firms who submitted proposals in bids and
purchases shall be announced as per the following regulations:
also be displayed in the electronic website and made available for not
less than 15 days.
1. The name, address and activity of the bidding company or firm and
the total amount of the proposal.
C. Works with a total cost of one hundred thousand Saudi Riyals or less
shall not be announced.
Chapter 7
Evaluation of Bids
Article 38:
One committee or more shall be formed to evaluate bids. It shall be composed
of a head in at least grade 14 as per Direct Hire Program and representatives
from department concerned with contracts and purchase, The Legal Affairs
Department, the administering department, department concerned with
estimations and Financial Comptroller. The decision shall provide for
appointment of a deputy head to replace the Head of the Committee during his
absence. The Committee shall perform its duties as per applicable RC
procedures. The committee may seek the assistance of experienced RC
employees or consultants to perform its duties, without having a vote.
Article 39:
It is not permissible for one person to chair both Bids Opening Committee and
Bids Evaluation Committee.
Article 40:
Article 41:
The Bids Evaluation Committee, other purchasing committees and technical
analysis committees shall comply with the technical and legal standards for
bid analysis, and determine the technical and financial capability of bidder in
accordance with the provision of these Regulations.
Article 42:
The Bids Evaluation Committee and the technical analysis team may ask
bidders to clarify, through the department concerned with contracts and
purchases, any data or any ambiguity in their bids, provided that this shall not
prejudice the principles of equal opportunities and fairness among bidders; and
shall not cause change in essential issues, including the price.
Article 43:
In Procurement Contracts the bidder shall not be considered quoting for
unpriced items, and the proposal shall be excluded if the bidding conditions do
not allow splitting.
Article 44:
Recommendation shall be raised to award the best bid which is technically and
financially acceptable, and conforms to the required specifications as per
minutes prepared by Bids Evaluation Committee which shall accompanied by
a full evaluation including financial, technical and legal aspects for the three
lowest acceptable proposals.
Article 45:
The authorized person may accept the only proposal submitted or the only
acceptable proposal in a bidding if its prices are within the prevailing prices.
Article 46:
The Bids Evaluation Committee shall make its recommendations based on the
majority of members votes. In case there is a tie, the chairman has a casting
vote provided that the different view, if any, shall be referred to in a report
attached to the committee’s minutes.
Chapter 8
Negotiation with Bidders Article 47:
Negotiations shall be held with the bidder who submits the lowest proposal
that conforms to the conditions and specifications and then with the second
lowest bidder and so on, in any of the following cases:
A. If the proposal includes conditions or reservations unacceptable to the
Royal Commission, and to be withdrawn by the bidder.
D. In case of reduction of a part of the work provided that it shall not affect
utilization of the project and that the ranking of the accepted proposals
is maintained.
If the negotiations are not successful as per the above, the competition shall be
cancelled and rebidded.
Article 48:
1. The Bids Evaluation Committee shall verify that the price of the
lowest bid which conforms to the conditions and specifications is
fair. It shall be guided by the recent prices previously dealt with,
market prices and estimated guiding prices.
2. In case bid prices are higher than the approved amounts due to
escalation of prices over the estimated prices as well as the market
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 22
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
Article 49:
If two bids or more are equal in prices after correction, the lowest bid among
the equal ones shall be determined through closed bidding for which bids are
submitted in sealed envelopes, provided that the new proposal price for each
is not higher than the original proposal.
Article 50:
A proposal may be excluded in the following cases:
A. If its price is lower by 35% or more from the Royal Commission’s
estimates or the prevailing prices and it is determined after discussion
with the bidder and financial and technical analysis that the bidder is not
capable of performing the work.
B. If the bidder has a number of other ongoing projects beyond its financial
or technical capabilities which influence the performance of its
contractual obligations.
Article 51:
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (50) of these regulations, the
Bids Evaluation Committee, before recommending exclusion of low pricing
proposals, shall observe the following:
A- Verify that the estimated guiding prices of works are fair and conform
to the prevailing market prices at the time of proposals submittal.
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 23
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
D- Discuss, with the bidder, the basis and standards upon which proposal
prices are specified.
Article 52:
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (50) of these regulations the Bids
Evaluation Committee before recommending exclusion of the proposal of the
bidder whose contractual obligations are high and exceed his financial or
technical capabilities, shall observe the following:
Article 53:
Proposal based on a certain percentage reduction or amount shall be excluded
from lowest proposals.
Article 54:
Bidding may be cancelled by the person authorized for award in the following
A- For public interest, such as the project is no longer needed, or
amendment of the priorities of the project’s execution schedule and
cancellation or insufficiency of the funds or for any other reasons.
Article 55:
1. If the Royal Commission could not award the bid during bids
validity period, bidders shall be notified of the Royal
Commission’s intent to extend the validity period of their
proposals for an additional period of time.
Article 56:
If the bidding is cancelled, the value of the bid documents shall be refunded or
the new bid documents are issued free of charge to bidders who had already
purchased them in case of rebidding. Bid documents value shall not be
refunded to companies or firms that had purchased them and did not submit a
proposal or whose proposals were excluded during bid opening. The amount
shall not be refunded to bidder unless it returns the purchased documents.
Article 57:
The excluded bidder shall be notified by an official letter of the reasons for its
Chapter 9
Awarding/Conclusion of Contracts
Article 58:
The Royal Commission shall prepare its own special contracts formats. Such
contracts (form of contract, general and special conditions and payment
conditions) shall be in the Arabic language and as per the provisions herein.
Another language beside the Arabic language may be used, provided that the
Arabic version shall prevail for contract interpretation. Contract attachments
and documents may be in any language.
Article 59:
Contracting shall be as follows:
B- The Contractor shall guarantee its work against any defects that may
appear during the period specified by the contract conditions. He shall
also guarantee against the partial or total collapse of constructed
structures for ten years from the project’s final acceptance by the Royal
Commission if such collapse is the result of defects in performance
unless the Royal Commission reaches an agreement with the contractor
that structures shall remain for less than ten years.
Article 60:
Contracts may include issuance of a payment not exceeding seventy five
percent (75%) of the value of materials and equipment procured by the
contractor at the work site according to the following conditions:
Article 61:
The total contract value shall include and cover all performance costs as per
its conditions including fees and taxes paid by the contractor. Such taxes and
fees shall not be exempted. Moreover, the RC contractors profits or their
employees income shall not be exempted from the tax except what is excluded
as per a legal text.
Article 62:
The Royal Commission may include, in contracts, specific amounts for
reimbursable costs.
Article 63:
1. The period of performance of ongoing services contracts, such
as maintenance, cleaning, operation and catering contracts,
shall be adequate to the Royal Commission’s need and the
nature of the work, provided that the performance period shall
not exceed five years. This period may be extended in
coordination with the Ministry of Finance if the award of the
follow on contract is delayed.
Article 64:
The performance periods for construction contracts shall be adequate to the
size and nature of works and the annual funds allocated for payment against
the project.
Article 65:
Proposals shall be awarded by the authorized person within the validity period
specified by the Royal Commission in the bid documents.
Article 66:
The contracts financed by the State’s budget and with a performance period of
more than one year and a value of five million Riyals or more shall be
submitted to the Ministry of Finance for review before execution or as per the
new procedures issued in this regard. If the Ministry does not respond within
two weeks from the date of receipt, this is considered as an approval.
Article 67:
1. The department in charge of contracts and purchases shall set a time for
contract execution.
2. The contract shall be executed between the Royal Commission and the
entity to whom the works have been awarded following their
notification of the award and submission of the final guarantee letter,
and finalizing the award legal procedures.
3. The contract shall be executed by the authorized person as per the Royal
Commission approved authorization matrix.
Article 68:
1. The Royal Commission shall announce the results of the biddings
contracted for execution and whose value exceeds one million Riyals
each, provided that the announcement shall include the following
Article 69:
1. The contract shall be signed in quadruplicate, one copy for the
contractor, one copy for the central archive, one copy for the
accounts department and one copy for General Audit Bureau.
Article 70:
1. The contract administering department shall ensure that the contractor
submits the required insurance documents in the specified time as per
the contract’s requirements.
Chapter 10
Execution and Management of Contracts and Works Schedule
Article 71:
The Royal Commission may pay an advance payment to the contractor not
exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the total contract value against a bank
guarantee for the same amount. The advance payment shall be stipulated in the
conditions and specifications during bidding. This payment shall be deducted
in installments from the contractor’s invoices as per the Royal Commission’s
applicable procedures.
Article 72:
In construction contracts, contractor shall be responsible for detailed review of
the engineering and technical designs, and shall immediately notify the Royal
Commission of any technical errors that may affect the soundness of
structures, or any errors in the specifications or drawings when detected.
Further, it shall review soil investigation reports and recommendations.
However, this shall not relieve the designing or supervising consultant of its
contractual liabilities.
Article 73:
Article 74:
The contractor’s dues shall be paid in installments against works completed
and based on the invoices approved by the Royal Commission.
Article 75:
The Royal Commission shall withhold ten percent (10%) of the contract value
until the initial acceptance of works. This percentage may be reduced to five
percent (5%).
Article 76:
The Royal Commission may withhold contractors’ dues in the following cases:
a. If it became clear that the contractor is not capable of completing the
contract as per its conditions and specifications in the remaining period
with the possibility of terminating the contract and performing the work
at the contractor expense.
b. If the contractor delays payment of the salaries and dues of its workers,
suppliers or subcontractors approved by the Royal Commission beyond
the specified dates although it was notified in writing and after elapse of
the period specified in the notification.
c. Upon the request of any governmental or judicial entity in the Kingdom.
Chapter 11
Increase and Decrease of Contractor's Obligations
Article 77:
The following rules shall be observed in the increase or decrease of the
contractor's obligations, or making any amendment or change to the contracted
A. The additional works shall be within the Industrial City or the
contract scope of work.
Article 78:
Contractor shall not be assigned to perform any works or services not included
in the quantities and items of the contract without a written authorization.
Article 79:
The period of ongoing services contracts, such as maintenance, janitorial,
operation and catering contracts, may be extended provided that the total
amount of extensions shall not exceed 10% of the contract amount.
Article 80:
The contractor’s obligations may be increased by not more than ten percent
(10%) of the contract’s price or decreased by not more than twenty percent
(20%) of the contract’s price, subject to article (77) and using the same price
categories stipulated in the contract. If the contract does not include price
categories, an agreement shall be reached with the contractor to include such
categories in the contract with reasonable prices. The contractor may be
assigned works outside the scope of work of the contract and in the same field
of its classification to perform important and urgent works not exceeding five
percent (5%) of the increase percentage mentioned above, or five million
Riyals (SR 5.000.000), whichever is less.
Article 81:
The Royal Commission may resort to the direct purchase method from one or
several specific sources as it deems appropriate and as per the Royal
Commission applicable procedures and authorizations. However, the
following shall be observed:
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 33
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
Article 82:
Contracting via correspondence (without formulating a contract) may be used
if the contracting value does not exceed five hundred thousand Riyals (SR
500,000). The authorization letter issued by the authorized person shall be
considered as an approval to award and contracting.
Article 83:
The Royal Commission may secure its purchases via electronic methods
provided that the following rules shall be observed:
A- The contractor maintains a good record of dealing with the Royal
Article 84:
The Royal Commission may resort to the cash purchase method within the
limits of financial loan and as it deems appropriate in accordance with the
Royal Commission applicable procedures.
Chapter 13
Bank Guarantees First: Initial Bank
Article 85:
A bank guarantee that ranges between one to two percent (1% to 2%) of the
proposal's value shall be submitted. The bank guarantee and the proposal shall
be valid for a period as stipulated in the bid documents. A specific grace period
shall be given to correct the shortage in the period and the value. The
guarantees of the lowest three acceptable proposals shall be maintained until
the award. In case of submission of a basic proposal and an alternative
proposal, the bidder shall submit a bank guarantee of one to two percent (1%
to 2%) of the higher proposal's value.
Article 86:
1. The percentage and validity period of the initial guarantee shall be
specified in the terms of bidding.
4. If the final bank guarantee of the successful bidder is delayed, then the
concerned department shall request extension of the initial bank
5. The initial guarantees shall be returned to the other bidders after the
award, in case of bidding cancellation or after the expiry of the time
specified for the validity of the proposals, unless the bidder expresses
its interest to maintain its proposal in accordance with Article (55) of
these Regulations.
6. The Royal Commission, at its own discretion, may release the initial
bank guarantees before the award, if after bid opening and disclosure of
the prices, it is clear that the prices of these proposals are high, or
violating the terms and specifications, that debar the award of the
Article 88:
1. If a final bank guarantee is required in the contract, it shall be submitted
within the specified period in accordance with Article (87) of these
2. The department concerned shall extend the final bank guarantee period
before its expiry date for reasons specified for that according to these
Article 89:
1- The final bank guarantee shall not be required within the period
specified for submission in the following cases:
A. If the contractor procures all the required items and finally accepted
by the Royal Commission.
C. If the contractor performs part of the works and accepted, and its
price is sufficient to cover the value of the final bank guarantee, the
covering amount of the guarantee shall not be paid unless after the
contractor performs its obligations and finally accepted by the Royal
4- In public auctions, the value of the final bank guarantee shall be 50% of
the value of the agreement and it shall be submitted upon award. In
sealed envelopes, the final guarantee shall be 25%.
5- The final bank guarantee shall be retained until the contractor performs
all its obligations set forth in the contract or the agreement.
Article 90:
With respect to initial and final bank guarantees the following shall be
A. They shall be as per the text and conditions approved by the competent
Article 91:
The bank guarantee shall not be required in the following cases:
A. Initial and final bank guarantees in direct and cash purchasing.
Article 92:
The advance payment guarantee shall be at least equal to its amount, and shall
be valid until the recovery of the total amount of the payment. The department
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 38
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
concerned shall notify the bank issuing the guarantee to reduce its amount by
the same percentage that has been recovered from the advance payment
according to the invoices and without any request from the contractor.
concerned shall ensure that the local bank abides by the terms and
rules of bank guarantees specified by the Ministry of Finance.
2. The guarantee may be issued by several banks, and each bank shall
be committed to pay a specified percentage of the guarantee amount.
3. The guarantee shall be payable upon the first request by the Royal
Commission without the need for a judicial verdict or an arbitration
committee decision.
b) These amounts shall not be entered into the cashier account or financial
records and shall be available at the request of the department in charge
of the contract, and shall be spent by the department concerned.
c) The Royal Commission shall notify the contractor to replenish the spent
amounts immediately. If he delays in replenishing, the amount shall be
deducted from its accruals, or its accruals shall be withheld until it pays
the amount.
d) The cash deposit shall not be used or confiscated for purposes other
than those for which it is allocated.
e) The cash deposit or its balance shall be refunded to the contractor after
the completion of contract against the receipt issued to the contractor.
Chapter 14
Payment of the Financial
Compensation Article 97:
If it is decided to pay advance payment to the contractor in accordance with
provisions contained in Articles, (71) and (92) of these Regulations, the
following rules shall be observed:
1. Availability of the necessary cash flow in the allocated fund.
2. The contractor shall submit a bank guarantee for the advance payment
before its issuance.
Article 98:
Contractor's accruals shall be paid progressively as the work proceeds in
accordance with the Article (74) after deduction of any penalties or other
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 41
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
deductions according to the contract conditions; the payment period shall not
exceed thirty (30) days from the date of approval of the payment order.
Article 99:
The computations for construction contracts shall be based on the actual
measurement of the quantities, items and numbers executed.
Article 100:
Without prejudice to what is stated in Article (75) of these Regulations, the
final invoice shall be paid after the contractor has completed all its contractual
obligations, return of Royal Commission Property and submittal of the
following certificates:
1. A certificate from Zakat and Income Tax Department demonstrating
that he had paid the due Zakat or Taxes.
Article 101:
The contractor, after the approval of Royal Commission, may assign his
accruals under this contract to a third party, without prejudice to the terms of
contract and the rights of the Royal Commission.
Article 102:
The contracts' value shall be paid in Saudi Riyal, and may be paid in any other
currency after coordination with the Ministry of Finance. The proposal
currency shall be stated in the bid documents. The contract value shall not be
paid in more than one currency.
Chapter 16
Article 105:
In procurement contracts, if the contractor delays the performance of its
contractual obligations, a penalty of one percent (1%) of the value of the
delayed items shall be imposed for each week of delay, provided that the total
penalty amount shall not exceed (6%) of the total contract value.
Article 106:
1- If the procurement authorization is immediately effective, without
specifying a period, the delay penalty shall be effective after one week
of the date of authorization.
2- Delay penalty shall not be applicable to periods less than one week.
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 44
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
Article 107:
The penalty set forth in the contract shall be applied, provided that the total
value of such penalty shall not exceed (10%) of the contract total value if the
contractor delays or defaults in implementing its obligations in any of the
following contracts:
A- Supervision contracts.
Article 108:
In contracts referred to in Article 107 of these Regulations the conditions of
contract shall stipulate the manner of the application of the penalty, to cover
all aspects of the default or delay in the implementation and application shall
be gradual. The penalty shall be proportionate to the degree of violation,
whether a lump sum, or a certain percentage of the value of the item in which
the default occurred, or in another way adequate to the nature of the item in
which the default occurred.
Article 109:
In addition to application of the penalty to contracts mentioned in Article 107
of these regulations, the value of unimplemented items and services or that
have been implemented contrary to what has been agreed upon whatever their
value might be, shall be deducted as unperformed items such as poor standard
of performance represented in poor implementation or shortage of technicians,
labor, materials or equipment required for implementation.
Article 110:
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 45
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
If the contractor delays the completion of the work in the construction contracts
and fails to deliver complete work on deadlines, it shall be subject to a fine of
delay, provided that the total deducted fines shall not exceed ten percent (10%)
of the contract value, and calculated based on the daily average cost of the
project by dividing the contract value by contract duration in days as follows:
a- The penalty against the first period of delay shall be equivalent to 1/4 of
the daily average cost for each day of delay until the longer period
reaches either 15 days or 10% of the Contract Period.
b- The penalty against the second period of delay shall be equivalent to 1/2
of the daily average cost for each day of delay until the delay for the two
periods reaches either 30 days or 15% of the Contract Period whichever
is greater.
c- The penalty against the third period of delay shall be equivalent to the
full daily average cost for each day of delay following the longer period
mentioned in(A) and (b) of this article.
d- If, in the judgment of the Royal Commission, the delayed portion of the
work will neither prevent the full utilization of the work at the specified
completion date, disrupt the use of other facilities, nor adversely affect
the use of that part of the work completed, then the penalty shall be
applicable to value of delayed works in accordance with the method
applied in computing the penalty applicable to original works, provided
that the total amount of penalty shall not exceed 10% of delayed work.
Article 111:
Application of penalty in mixed contracts shall be as per contract classification
subject to Article 7 of these Regulations.
Article 112:
In case of withdrawal of work from contractor after expiry of contract period,
a penalty against the period following the expiry of the contract period up to
the date of withdrawal shall be imposed, provided that it shall not exceed the
total delay penalty mentioned in these regulations.
Article 113:
The delay or default penalty shall be deducted from the contractor's accruals
when due. Deducting of not more than (10%) from the value of each invoice
against delay penalty due from the contractor may be sufficient. The remaining
penalty amount shall be deducted from the final invoice.
Article 114:
The contractor shall incur the project's supervision costs during the delay
period during the contract validity, on basis of the costs of the supervising
consultant contract. If the supervision is undertaken by the Royal Commission,
the costs of supervision during period of delay shall be calculated at the rate
of eleven percent (11%) of delayed works value.
Article 115:
If the consultant staff are supervising more than one project for the Royal
Commission at the same time, fees of the consultant staff for the delayed
project shall be computed as follows:
Monthly supervision fees for delayed project =
Employee(s) monthly salary X Project Value
Total value of the projects supervised by Consultant (Not accepted)
Upon specifying the total monthly supervision fees for the project, the
supervision costs shall be deducted from the contractor's accruals on basis of
the period of delay.
Article 116:
In case of extension of contract period, contractor shall be exempted from the
supervision costs of the period of extension.
Article 117:
In case of expiry of contract original period and the contractor has not
completed the work, the number of staff of the supervising consultant shall be
reconsidered and an agreement shall be reached with the it regarding the
number and cost of the supervisory staff required according to the phase of the
project as well as the type and volume of remaining works.
Article 118:
1. It is permissible to impose a penalty against each phase of completion
of work in which the contractor delays the work if the contract
schedule provides for specific date to complete each phase.
2. If contractor delay extends beyond the final date for the completion of
all works of the contract, the contractor shall bear the costs of
supervision (if any) during the period of delay at the rate of eleven
percent (11%) of the value of the delayed works.
Article 119:
Prior to applying fine and collecting its value, the contractor shall be notified
of the delay or default attributed to it and granted a period of time to be stated
in the letter of notification to correct the error in cases where possible, or to
prove that the delay or default is due to reasons beyond its control and without
negligence or default on its part.
Article 120:
The Royal Commission may exempt the contractor from the fine, provided that
the delay is due to force majeure, or for justifications acceptable to the Royal
Article 121:
The Royal Commission may apply the penalties contained in the Government
laws in accordance with the Royal Commission applicable procedures, and
their value shall not be considered within maximum delay fine.
Article 123:
1. It is not permissible to issue change order or a letter of authorization to
extend contract period or notify contractor of extension of its contract
in any case other than those specified under Article (122) of these
Regulations, without approval of the authorized person.
Article 124:
In cases specified under Article 122 of these Regulations, the request for
extension shall be technically and legally studied by a specialized team to
determine the reasons of the delay and due periods for each individual reason.
The study results shall be submitted to the concerned committee, and then the
recommendation shall be forwarded to the authorized person.
Article 125:
The suspension letter to contractor shall be issued by the authorized person to
suspend the contractor's works or part thereof, and the contractor shall be
notified by a letter specifying the date of start of suspension of works or part
thereof, and shall be notified to resume the works after removal of the causes
of suspension.
Article 126:
Without prejudice to Article 122 of these Regulations, the contractor shall be
compensated for the entire duration of the total suspension with similar
duration. If the suspension is partial, the contractor shall be compensated with
duration commensurate with the impact of the part suspended on the progress
of the project based on a technical report prepared by the department in charge
of the contract.
Article 127:
In addition to the content of Article 126 of these Regulations, the contractor
shall be compensated for each continuous 30 days of total suspension by three
days period for purpose of mobilization and preparation to resume the works,
provided that the total compensation period shall not exceed forty-five days.
Chapter 18
Withdrawal and Termination of
Work Article 128:
If the contractor delays in signing the contract without an acceptable excuse, it
shall be issued a warning letter sent by registered mail. If he has not come to
sign the contract within fifteen (15) days from the date of warning notification
the work will be withdrawn from it, according to the provisions of Article 129
of these Regulations.
Article 129:
The Royal Commission may withdraw contract / purchase order partially or
wholly in the following cases:
A- If the contractor fails to provide the final bank guarantee within
the specified period after the award of contract.
Article 130:
In the cases where the Royal Commission may terminate the contract, a written
notice shall be sent to the contractor and shall be granted a period of fifteen
days to remedy the default, or provide evidence acceptable to the Royal
Commission that he is able to remove the causes of default.
Article 131:
In cases other than default of the contractor, the Royal Commission may,
according to its wish terminate the contract wholly or partially in the events
such follows:
(a) If there are new developments which make the Royal Commission
believe that there is no need to complete the remaining works of the
contract, or wishes to postpone them.
(b) If the Royal Commission needs to rebid the remaining works of the
contract according to specifications different from the original
contract specifications and this can not be achieved through change
Article 132:
1- If the contractor delays, slows or refuses to receive the work site in
construction contracts, it shall be notified by a registered letter. If the
site has not been received within fifteen days (15) from the date of
notification, the department concerned with contract shall prepare a
legal delivery minutes and inform the contractor of the same. It shall be
notified to begin implementation within fifteen (15) days from the date
of notification. If it has not commenced the work after elapse of
this period, works may be withdrawn from it in accordance with Article
129 of these Regulations.
Article 133:
The work will be withdrawn, wholly or partially, from the contractor by a
decision from authorized person according to recommendation from the
committee concerned, and the contractor shall be notified by a registered letter.
Article 134:
The departments concerned shall withhold the accruals of the contractor whose
works have been withdrawn for default and extend the guarantees submitted by
the contractor to maintain their validity until a final decision is taken to confiscate
them in order to cover their claims against the contractor until final financial
disposition of the project works. The contractor shall be banned from
participating in the new competitions for a period not exceeding five years.
Article 135:
In the event the Royal Commission has decided to execute the works at expense
of contractor from whom works have been withdrawn, execution shall be in
accordance with the same conditions and specifications upon which the contract
was concluded with the contractor whose works have been withdrawn.
Article 136:
1- A minutes shall be prepared jointly with the contractor whose works
have been withdrawn, or its authorized representative, substantiating
the project's status at the time of withdrawal, together with available
tools, materials and equipment on site. If the contractor or its
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 55
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
3- The Royal Commission shall have the right to use materials equipment
and machinery to complete works withdrawn after their condition has
been substantiated as provided for in paragraph (1) of this article,
provided that materials cost and equipment and machinery similar
rental rate shall be assessed according to the prevailing prices (In case
there is a need to use them).
4- The contractor whose works have been withdrawn has the right to
recover the materials, equipment, machinery and items belonging to it
and not included in the settlement after settlement of its accounts and
payment of amounts due from it.
Article 137:
The Royal Commission may administer by itself the project or works contracted
for, or it may assign that to a consulting office if it sees that it will be more
beneficial for the project than withdrawal.
Article 138:
In the event the contractor (individual) dies and his heirs are not desirous of
continuing performance of the contract, in accordance with (Article 129, para. f)
of these Regulations, the contract shall be rescinded and all performed works and
materials available on site shall be inventoried under a minutes signed by the
heirs attorney-in-fact or their representative. The final guarantee shall be released
after all rights and obligations resulting from the contract have been settled.
Article 139:
Before approval of assignment of the Contract or part thereof, the following shall
be observed:
(a) Identify the causes of assignment request, and whether there are other
contracts assigned by the Contractor before, under a declaration
submitted by the Contractor to the Royal Commission.
(d) The assignee shall meet the conditions of contracting with the Royal
Chapter 19
Works Acceptance Article 140:
1. In construction contracts works shall be initially accepted after the
contractor has submitted a notice of completion. The Department
concerned with the contract shall start inspection and acceptance within
15 days from the date of receipt of the contractor's notice.
3. In case the department concerned could not accept the project for reasons
not attributed to the contractor or for reason attributed to the RC, the
department shall prepare inspection minutes (to determine the condition)
jointly with the contractor or its authorized representative to determine all
works completed in the project.
Article 141:
If the contract period expires in the construction contracts and the contractor has
not handed over the works, the department concerned shall form a technical
committee to inspect the works and prepare a minutes (to determine the
condition) jointly with the contractor to determine completed works, percentage
of progress and causes of and obstructions delaying performance. In case the
contractor or its authorized representative fails to attend during inspection after
has been notified in writing, it shall not have the right to object to the minutes
Article 142:
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 59 of these Regulations, the project
in construction contracts shall remain under the contractor's warranty for a period
of not less than one year starting as of the date of initial acceptance. This period
shall start in relation to the project deficiencies (if any) as of the date of their
initial acceptance.
Article 143:
1) The contractor shall undertake during the warranty period referred to in
Article 142 herein, to repair and replace deficiencies in used materials,
or in execution of works.
Chapter 20
Receipt of Supplied Items Article 146:
Without prejudice to the contents of the Royal Commission Warehouses
regulations, contractor shall deliver the items to the warehouses of the Royal
Commission, or to the place designated for delivery according to the contract.
Article 147:
1- The Department concerned shall temporarily receive items that require
inspection and an interim receipt notice shall be issued accordingly stating
items supplied. Items interim receipt date, if they are acceptable, shall be
considered the final acceptance date.
3- If one item or more of the supplied items has been rejected, the supplier
shall be notified via registered letter of the rejected items and reasons
thereof and they shall be withdrawn and replaced within the period
specified by the department concerned.
The Royal Commission shall not be held responsible for what might occur
to the items such as loss or damage after the elapse of the period set for
their withdrawal.
Chapter 21
Auctions and Sale of Movable Assets
Article 148:
The Royal Commission may waive surplus movable assets to government
agencies. The Royal Commission will inform the government entities in the same
area of the types and quantities of the items, and set a time to express their interest
in the items. If they do not respond during that period or do not receive the
movable assets and move them within a period to be determined by the Royal
Commission, the Royal Commission may donate them to charitable societies or
public utility entities or sell them.
Article 149:
The items with total estimated value not exceeding (SR500,000) will be sold in
the way the Royal Commission deems appropriate to achieve its interest. The
items with the total estimated value exceeding the above amount, will be sold in
public auction in accordance with the by the Royal Commission applicable
Article 150:
If the auction is in sealed envelopes, the bidder shall submit with its proposal an
initial guarantee of two percent (2%) of bid value.
Article 151:
If the bids are by far less than estimations, or nobody bids for the auction, the
following shall be taken into consideration:
a- If there is nobody bids for auction, the items shall be advertised again, and
if there is nobody bids for auction in second time the items shall be
disposed of.
b- If the highest offer price in the auction is less than the estimated prices by
twenty-five percent (25%) or more, the items shall be advertised again after
re-estimating them. If a suitable price is not obtained, the items may be
Contracts, Purchases, Procurement, and Implementation of Works Regulations 61
KIANGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA اململكة العربية السعودية
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
الهيئة امللكية للجبيل وينبع
Article 153:
Without prejudice to Articles 148 to 152 of these Regulations, and the contents
of warehouses Regulations of Royal Commission, the authorized person shall
form an estimation committee of not less than three members, to estimate the
value of items and movable assets to be sold, taking into account the condition,
cost, life span …etc and other elements affecting estimations. The estimated
prices shall be put in a sealed envelope.
Article 154:
The estimated prices envelope shall be opened by the chairman of the sale
committee only in the presence of committee members after auction bids opening
or after the end of public auction.
Article 155:
1- A committee shall be formed of not less than three members for conducting
the public auction or bids opening and evaluating the proposals for the
items to be sold in the auction through sealed envelopes.
4- In case of public auction, the committee shall prepare a minutes after the
end of the auction in which the auction procedures, price of the successful
bidder and the bank guarantee submitted are stated. Then, the minutes shall
be submitted by the committee to the authorized person to approve
Article 156:
If items or movable assets will get damaged quickly while in storage, they may
be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Article 148 of these
Article 157:
Awarding of auction shall be made within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days
(excluding official holidays) from the date of bids opening or closing of the public
auction. If such period passes without awarding the auction, the bidder may
revoke its proposal and return its bank guarantee by submitting a letter to the RC
within ten (10) days from the expiry of the period specified for the award. Any
bidder who does not submit its revoke letter within such period shall be
considered agreeing to continue with its offer.
Article 158:
The successful bidder shall pay the auction value within ten (10) days as of the
date of being notified of the award approval. If payment is delayed, it shall be
issued a warning notice via a registered mail. If payment has not been made
within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice, its bank guarantee shall be
confiscated and auction will be awarded to the next bidder.
Article 159:
After payment of the value of sold items and movable assets, successful bidder
shall move out items within the period stipulated in the sale agreement. In case
of delay, it shall be given a warning notice via registered letter to move them out
within a period to be determined by the department concerned (maximum similar
period). If it fails to move them out, they shall be sold to the next bidder with
deduction of the difference between the two prices from the first bidder
The Royal Commission shall not be held liable to any loss or damage in sold
items and movable assets after expiry of the period specified to move them out.
Article 160:
Licensed brokers may be sought to conduct a public auction against a commission
paid by the successful bidder. The commission shall not exceed the common
percentage, with a maximum of 2.5% of sale amount.
Article 161:
The Royal Commission may study contractors compensation requests and decide
on acceptable settlement to the two parties according to contractual terms and
Royal Commission approved procedures before resorting to the judicial
Article 162:
In case of amendment by increase or decrease of customs tariff, fees, taxes, or
officially quoted materials or services (following date of proposal submittal), the
contract value shall accordingly be increased or decreased by the amount of
difference (as the case may be). Payment of difference due to increase shall be
made under the following conditions:
(a) The Contractor shall prove payment of customs tariff, fees, taxes or
officially quoted materials or services based upon increase categories
for supplying materials specified for the contract.
Article 163:
The Royal Commission evaluates its contractors performance during
implementation of its projects according to the contractors performance
evaluation program approved by the Royal Commission in accordance with the
approved procedures.
Chapter (23)
General Article
The Royal Commission Board of Directors issues financial and administrative
powers to the Chairman of the Royal Commission to decide on the competitions,
purchases, auctions, real estate investment, and implementation of works. The
Chairman of the Royal Commission may delegate some of his powers to Royal
Commission officials.
Article 165:
In the event the delegated person exceeds his powers, the matter shall be referred
to the person who delegated his powers to take the action he deems appropriate,
whether by approving the action taken or taking another action.
Article 166:
The Royal Commission and other entities may act on behalf of each other under
an agreement signed by the two parties on contracting and implementation
Article 167:
The Royal Commission, when needed and after agreement with the Ministry of
Finance, may implement some of its projects not listed in the budget.
Article 168:
The Royal Commission may lease a real estate or part thereof against construction
of facilities in accordance with conditions and specifications set out by the Royal
Commission, then the ownership of such facilities shall vest in the Royal
Commission in accordance with the Royal Commission established procedures.
Article 169:
Contracts may include insurance conditions (against different risks) through
insurance companies licensed to practice insurance activities in the Kingdom,
provided that insurance requirements shall be incorporated in competition
conditions. This is not applicable to the purchase of goods as long as the supplier
is contractually committed to deliver complete and sound goods to the Royal
Commission before receiving its dues.
Article 170:
In case the insurance company pays insurance compensation, it may not pay
insurance value to contractor or affected party unless after the Royal Commission
Article 171:
The Royal commission may include furnishings and furniture items within
construction contracts.
Article 172:
These Regulations are updated whenever needed.
Article 173:
The Royal Commission internal procedures are updated to conform to these
Regulations and modifications issued thereto.
Article 174:
These Regulations shall be effective as of the date of their approval.
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