Granulomatous Epididymo-Orchitis: Diagnosis by Fine Needle Aspiration
Granulomatous Epididymo-Orchitis: Diagnosis by Fine Needle Aspiration
Granulomatous Epididymo-Orchitis: Diagnosis by Fine Needle Aspiration
Tropical Doctor
2018, Vol. 48(1) 17–20
Granulomatous epididymo-orchitis: ! The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
diagnosis by fine needle aspiration
DOI: 10.1177/0049475517711017
Tuberculosis is the leading cause of chronic granulomatous epididymo-orchitis in the Asian population. A retrospective
analysis of 40 patients diagnosed with granulomatous or tubercular epididymo-orchitis on fine-needle aspiration (FNA) was
carried out. May Grünwald giemsa, haematoxylin and eosin and Ziehl Neelsen stained smears were evaluated. Of 40 patients
studied, aspiration smears showed epithelioid cell granulomas with caseation in 17, granulomas alone in 19 and caseation
only in four. Acid fast bacilli were seen in 15. Cytologic diagnoses rendered were tubercular epididymo-orchitis in 15,
granulomatous inflammation suggestive of tuberculosis in six and granulomatous inflammation in 19. FNA may readily
diagnose tubercular epididymo-orchitis and may avoid unnecessary orchidectomy in a good number of patients.
Fine-needle aspiration, granulomatous epididymo-orchitis, tubercular epididymo-orchitis
or epididymal swellings is shown in Table 2. Epithelioid (PCR) testing was not done owing to cost constraints.
cell granulomas (Figure 1), caseous necrosis (Figure 2), All the patients were started on anti-tubercular therapy
mixed inflammatory cells, Langhans’ giant cells, fibro- (ATT) comprising rifampicin, isoniazid (INH), etham-
blasts, granulation tissue and epididymal cells were seen butol and pyrazinamide in standard doses for two
in varying proportions. Careful search for AFB on months with continuation of rifampicin and INH for
ZN-stained smears showed positivity (Figure 2) in 15 another four months. After initiation of ATT, local and
patients (37.5%). PAS smears searching for fungal constitutional symptomatic relief with a gradual
elements in AFB negative patients were all negative. decrease in scrotal swelling was seen in all but one
Findings of healed pulmonary TB were observed on patient in whom orchidectomy was performed.
chest radiography in four patients. The Mantoux test
was positive in 26 while ESR was raised in 19. Of 16
cases with a clinical diagnosis of testicular neoplasm,
biopsy was done in four and an orchidectomy specimen A painless, solid testicular or scrotal lump is generally
was reviewed in one instance. The histopathological considered malignant with only rare exceptions,2
diagnosis in all these cases was granulomatous inflam- which may be grouped under infective and non-infective
mation suggestive of TB. Polymerase chain reaction causes of granulomatous epididymo-orchitis.5–7 Its varied
Presumptive Patients
Symptoms and signs clinical diagnosis (n (%))
Table 2. Correlation between material aspirated and cytologic features of smears in testicular/epididymal swellings (n ¼ 40).
Cytological features
Epithelioid cell
Material aspirated; granuloma Epithelioid cell AFB status;
patients (n (%)) Caseation with caseation granuloma patients (n (%)) Aspiration diagnosis
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Tropical Doctor
2018, Vol. 48(1) 20–24
Incidence and risk factors of biliary ! The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
fistulation from a hepatic hydatid cyst
DOI: 10.1177/0049475517717177
in clinically asymptomatic patients
Biliary fistulation from a hepatic hydatid cyst is its most frequent complication. If unrecognised, this may cause difficulties
during and after surgical intervention. Our study looked into its incidence and also the possible risk factors in a retro-
spective investigation of 60 patients (34 women) who had undergone surgery or percutaneous treatment. Demographics
and anatomical characteristics, such as cyst type, location, number, diameter and laboratory findings were examined.
A full 50% had biliary fistulation, with increased risk if the cyst diameter was 8.8 cm.
Hepatic, hydatid, echinococcus cyst, biliary fistula
MD, Department of General Surgery, Adana Research and Teaching
Centre, Baskent University, Adana, Turkey
Corresponding author:
Nezih Akkapulu, Department of General Surgery, Adana Research and
Teaching Centre, Baskent University, Dadaloglu Mh. 39 Sk. No. 6 Yuregir,
MD, FACS, Department of General Surgery, Adana Research and 01250 Adana, Turkey.
Teaching Centre, Baskent University, Adana, Turkey Email: [email protected]