High Court Madras

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Part 1 Goodyear India Ltd. v. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. 25

(K.B.K. Vasuki, J.)

2013 (5) CTC 25 I

K.B.K. Vasuki, J.
O.P. No.888 of2010
21.3.20] 3

Goodyear India Ltd., rep. by its Zonal Manager, A. Baburaj •.•••Petitioner

Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. and another ..... Respondents
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996), Section 34(3) -
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of
~J)JtQ)~J:>'_~ct1Qn_12- Petition challenging Award of Facilitation Council
- Limitatinn and Pre-deposit - Whether complied with - Ilnpugned
Award received by Petitioner on lS.1.20iO - Instant Petition flIed on
29.3.2010, within limitation of three months, however without making
mandatory deposit of 75 % of Award amount - Application filed by
Petitioner for waiving pre-deposit, not supported by 2006 enactment -
In spite of several Orders of High Court and Supreme Court granting
time to Petitioner to make deposit; pre-deposit of 75% of Award
amount made by Petitioner only 011 4.6.2012 - Arbitration Petition
filed by Petitioner, thus, came to be in order only on 4.6.2012, i.e, much
beyond expiry of period of limitation - Petition. filed by Petitioner,
held, hopelessly barred by Iimttation and not maintail1able.
Facts : The Petitioner and First Respondent entered into Agreement for supply
of raw materials and consequent supply of finished products. As dispute arose
between parties, First Respondent invoked the relevant provisions of MSMED Act,
2006 and referred the dispute to the Facilitation Council, R2 herein. Both parties
entered appearance and presented their case. Award was passed directing Petitioner
to pay f80.11 lakhs as principal amount with prescribed interest. Challenging said
award, instant Original Petition has been filed by Petitioner.
Held : Even assuming that the argument of the Petitioner is acceptable, here
again, the Petitioner tailed to comply with the statutory requirement :1.'" on the date of
filing of the Petition. The Petition was admittedly filed on 29.3.2010 without any
pre-deposit of 75% of the admitted amount and 75% of the principal amount was
deposited only on 10.11.2010, which is much after the expiry of limitation period
i.e. 14.04.2010. The grace period of 30 days from the date.of filing the Petition
expired on 13.5.2010 as on which date, admittedly no deposit of even admitted
portion of the award amount was made. Though the Application was filed for
waiving the pre-deposit requirement, it was not supported by any provision of law
under MSM ED Act. Further, the application Ior waiving pre-deposit was disposed
, of on 5.10.20 1.0 granting 6 weeks time tor depositing 75% of the entire award
amount. Again. the order was complied with only in part. Thus, the Petitioner has not
complied with the pre-deposit condition either as on the date of filing of the Petition or

Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013 41

26 .- Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) CTC

before expiry of period of limitation specified for filing the Petition and even after the
expiry of the time specified in the order made in the Waiver Application. In view of
the mandatory requirement prescribed under Section 19 of MSMED Act, the
Arbitration Petition cannot be treated as maintainable either on 29.3.2010 or on
13.5.2010 without 15% of pre-deposit. If at all the same shall be treated as in order. it
was only on 4.6.2012, the date on which pre-deposit of 75% of Award amount stands
complied with. TIle Petition is, as 011 4.6.2012, hopelessly barred by limitation and as
there is no provision under Arbitration Act to condone the delay beyond 30 days the
Arbitration Petition is hit by limitation as laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court
and our High Court in the judgments cited below: IPara 16J
Thus, the principles laid down in the authorities cited above, are to the effect that
under Section 19 of MSMED Act, the constitutional validity of which is already
upheld pre-deposit of 75% of the award amount is mandatory for entertaining any
AppeallPetition against the award passed by Conciliation Council. Though the
present Arbitration Petition was filed within the time, the mandatory requirement
has not been complied with either within the period of limitation or extended period
and the Petition is hence barred by limitation. On this score alone, this Original
Petition is liable to be dismissed. [Para 22J
Even otherwise, whatever the grounds available to the Petitioner on factual and
legal aspects and also against the validity and enforceability of the award, the same
can be canvassed only by way of proper Petition under Section 34 of the Act and
when thcrelevant provision of law provides that the Petition shall be entertained
only along with pre-deposit of 75% of thc amount awarded, the Petition ought to
have been filed, after complying with mandatory requirement and on the failure of
the Petitioner to do so, the Petition shall be treated as incomplete and improperly
filed and shall not be entertained and shall be rejected. In view of the same, there is
no challenge against the Arbitral award and the same entitled the awardee to enforce
the same and to withdraw the amount deposited by the Petitioner herein. [Para 25J
Arbitration· and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996), Section 34(3) -
Micro. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of
. 2006), Section 19 - Petition challenging Award of Facilitation Council
- Limitation and Pre-deposit - Petition under Section 34 to be .IUed
within 90 days or within further 30 days, from date of Award or date of
receipt of same - Said Petition to be mandatorily accompanied with
75 % of amount as stipulated in Impugned Award.
Section 34(3) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act prescribes time limit for
filing the Petition to set aside the award as three months from the date of receipt of
the Arbitral Award and the Proviso to Section 34(3) prescribes further grace period
of thirty days for entertaining an Application under Section 34 provided the
Applicant satisfy the Court with sufficient cause for not making an Application
within a period of three months. As rightly argued hy the learned Counsel for the
First Respondent, the combined appreciation of Section 34 of the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act and Section 19 of the MSMED would undoubtedly go the show
that the Petition \1nder Section 34 shall bF filed within 90 days Of within 30 days
thereafter i.e.• within 120 days either from the date of the award or from the date of
receipt of copy of the award by the Applicant and not thereafter and the Appeal or
Petition shall not be entertained, unless the Petitioner deposits 75~ of the amount in

42 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013

Part 1 Goodyear India ltd. v. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. 27
(KB.K. Vasuki, J.)
tenus of the impugned Award and the Petition under Section 34 shall be entertained
with deposit of 75% of the amount in terms of the Award. The Apex Court. in Lalta
Prasad Khinni La! case referred to the Full Bench decision reported in Lakshmi
Rattan Engineering Works Ltd. v. Assistant Commissioner, Sales Tax. AIR 1968 SC
4R8. wherein the Supreme Court has observed that the word "entertain" means
"admitting to consideration" and the Court shall not proceed to admit to
consideration an Appeal, which is not accompanied by satisfactory proof of the
payment of the rulmitted tax, which is the statutory requirement as laid down under
. law. [Para 9)
Micro, Slnall and Medium Enterprises. Deyelopment Act, 2006 (27 of
2-006), Section.l2 - Award of Facilitation Council - Finality of -
Proceedings before Council, when contested and Award passed on
merits, Award to. be 'final until same is set aside or modified --- Party
challenging said A.ward bound to !Dnlie pre-depostt of 7S% of Award
amount (inclusive of principal and interest both) -- Party not entitled to
spilt Award for purpose of complying witb requirement as contemplated
in Section 19.
Whereas, it is repeatedly argued by the learned Senior Counsel for the Petitioner
that as the correctness legality and validity .ofthe Arbitrdtionaward is being
challenged in the O.P., the same would absolve the Petitioner from his Iiability to
comply with the statutory requirement of 75% oftbe impugned award. It is sought to
be argued before .this Court on the side of the Petitioner that in the light of the
grounds raised against the correctness-of the award; the award is to be treated as
non-est in law, insofar as.Itrelatesto award of-interest is concerned as such deposit
of 75% of principal amount shall be.treated as sufficient compliance of the statutory
requirement of. 75% pre-dcposit()fth~rtyv.ard amount, This Court is, as rightly
argued. by the .learned Counsel for th9 Respondent, not inclined to accept such
contention raised on the side of the Petitioner, The Award having been passed on
merits, after contest, unless and until it is modified or set aside. is deemed to be in
force and the statutory requirement laid down under Section 19 of MSMED Act
shall be only relating to entire .Award iIllPugned in the O.P and the Petitioner has no
right much less any legal right to split the award into two categories vis.• admitted
and disputed portion. for the purpose of complying with the statutory requirement
for entertaining the Arbitration Petition;. As the Award passed is for the principal of
~80.11 ,495/- with interest as prescrib~91.l1lder two Acts, the value of the petition, for
the purpose of filing the Petition, shalt.be both principal and interest as awarded and
not otherwise. [Para 15)
Eden Exports Company, rel?' by its partl'lC:I'~'Mrs. Faiqua Shameel v. Union of India, 2010
(2) ewe 886 ~....•.............•...
:~ 8
K.S.R.T.C. v. Union of India, 2010 (1) KL1'65 ; , 8
Lakshmi Rattan Engineering Works Ltd;y;Assistant Commissioner, Sales Tax, AIR 1968
S(" 488 ••...................:..•.;...•...•..••.........•.
Lalta Prasad Khinni Lal.v, Assititanl Commissioner (Judicial). Sales Tax, Kanpur, 1972
(4) L~CC505 -.~..;•.................••-,..•~~
.............................................................•........... 9, 17
, State of Tamil Nadu v. B.P. Nawab M~k~qai. 1996 (1) ere
95 .....•......•.........•................. 21
Union of India v, PopulasConstructions Co -s 2001 (4~ eTC 213 (SC) 20

Current TamH Nadll Cases 128.08.2013 43

28 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) ere
S. Silambanan, Senior Counsel for S. Rajenf Ramndass, Advocate for Petitioner.
Sa.thish Parasaran, Advocate for Respondent NQ.l.
Prayer : Petitions filed under Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 to set aside the
purported award dated 31 .12.2009 passed by the Second I~espondcnt.

1. This Original Petition is filed under Section 34 of the Arbitration &
Conciliation Act against the award dated 31.10.2010 passed in favour of the
First Respondent MIs. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. by Second Respondent
MSR Facilitation Council and Industries Commissioner and Director of
Industries and Commerce (hereinafter shortly referred to as ~'MSMED").
2. The facts, which are relevant for consideration herein are as follows:
The Petitioner-Company MIs. Goodyear India Ltd and the First
Respondent Mis. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. entered into Agreements on
14.05.1997 and 01.04.1999 thereby the Petitioner-Company agreed to supply
to the First Respondent required quantity of butyl rubber, carbon black,
valve components, chemicals for the manufacture and packing of butyl tubes
by using the Plant and Machinery belonging to the First Respondent. The
First Respondent was entitled to get conversion charges and Excise duty
payable thereon against invoices. The Petitioner in terms of the Agreement
supplied the materials, but the First Respondent, according to the Petitioner
defaulted in supply of finished goods, as such, dispute arose between the
parties, which was followed hy Memorandum of Understanding dated
04.11.2000. There was renewal of supply of raw materials. Again, according
to the Petitioner, there was default in supply of finished goods and the same
was again followed by further dispute and misunderstanding and exchange
of notices between the two. In the meanwhile Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (Act 27 of2006 came into force) (herein
after. shortly referred to as ~~MSMEDAct". The First Respondent by
invoking the relevant provisions of law under Act 27 of 2006 filed a claim
for ~80~3I,9561- against the Petitioner herein before the Second Respondent-
3. The Petitioner-Company filed a detailed Counter thereby seriously
questioning the applicability of the provisions of Act 27 of 2006 for the
claim relating to the period between 1997 to 1999 and by denying the
liability and the quantum of liability and prayed for rejection of the claim
made by the First Respondent. The parties are permitted to tile their Written
Objections and also to advance hearings and oral arguments on the hearing
dates and last of such hearing date was on 23.1 1.2009. The Petitioner-
Company herein and the First Respondent made the claim before the Second
Respondent herein and seriously opposed the niaintainability of the claim '
before the Second Respondent on the ground of non-applicability of

44 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013


Part 1 Goodyear India Ltd. v. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. 29

(K.B.K. Vasuki, J.)
provisions of Act 27 of 2006. The impugned award came to be passed on
31.12.2009 in and under which, the pIca of the Petitioner herein as the
Respondent therein was rejected and the Respondent-Company was directed
to pay the principal amount of ~80,11,4951- with interest at the rate
prescribed in "the interest on delayed payments to small scale and ancillary
undertaking Ad" from the appointed due dates till the date of coming into
force of MSMED Act compounded with monthly rests on the amounts so
arrived, at three times of the bank rate and notified by the Reserve Bank of
India from the date of coming into effect of the MSMED Act till date of
settlement and order of the Council. The award was received by the
Petirioner-Company 011 15.01.2010. Aggrieved against the award, the
present Original Petition carne to be filed by the Petitioner on 29.03.2010.
4. The Petitioner-Company has in this. Original Petition questioned the
claim made by the First Respondent before the 2nd Respondent not only on
the following legal grounds viz., (i) limitation (ii) jurisdiction of the council
to entertain the. claim (iii) non-applicability of provisions of Act 27 of 2006,
and (iv) the manner in which the award was passed as if without going into
the merits of the claim and without coram but also on merits by denying
their liability and quantum of liability not only in respect of principle but
also interest and also the rate of interest.
5. Whereas, the First Respondent has seriously opposed the very
maintainability of the present Arbitration OP both on the ground of non-
compliance of statutory mandatory requirement of pre-deposit of75% of the
award impugned and also defended the correctness of the award 011 merits.
6. Here is the case, wherein, the award is as stated above for payment of
principle amount of ~80tl1 ,4951- with interest at the rate prescribed in the
Act, for the period from appointed date till coming into force of MSMED
Act. It may be true that the validity of the award is seriously challenged
herein on various grounds, which go to the root of the jurisdiction of the
Second Respondent. The Petitioner-Company has seriously contended that
the award passed by the 2nd Respondent cannot be treated as legal award in
the eye of law, for want of coram and for want of signatures of the members
of the Council and hearing and the award is hence incomplete and invalid in
nature. However, the grounds so raised are to be agitated, discussed and
decided in this OP and until and otherwise the award is varied, reversed or
set aside in the manner known to 1aw the same is deemed to be legal and
valid for all other practical purposes, particularly fOT the compliance of the
statutory requirement laid down under Section 19 of MSM ED Ad.
7. Before going into the correctness of the award and claim of the
Petitioner on merits, this Court is inclined to first to go into the issue relating
to pre-deposit as contemplated under Section 19 of MSMED Act. For better
appreciation. Section 19 of MSMED Act is reproduced herein:
, ,

Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.20t3 45

l ~ __"'______~_
Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) ere
"19. Applicationfor setting aside Decree,Award or Order.- No Application for
setting aside any Decree, Award or other Order made either by the Council itself
or by any institution or centre providing alternate dispute resolution services to
which a reference is made by the Council, shall be entertained by any Court
unless the Appellant (not being a supplier) has deposited with it seventy-five
percent. of the amount in terms of the decree, award or. as the case may he, the
other order in the manner directed by such Court:'
Provided that pending disposal of the Application to set aside the Decree, Award
or Order, the Court shall order that sucbpercentage of the amount deposited
shall be paid to the supplier, as it considers reasonable under the circumstances
of the case. subject to such conditions as it deems necessary to impose." .
8. Our High Court in a batch of Writ Petitions in W.P. 16908 of 2010,
etc. reported in Eden Exports Company, rep. by its Partner, Mrs. Faiqua
Shameei J'. Union of India, 2010 (2) CWC 886, referred to the Division
Bench Judgement of Kerala High Court reported in K.S.R. T.C 1'. Union of
India, 2010 (1) KLT 65 which upheld the validity of Constitutionality of
Section 19 of MSMED Act.
9. Section 34(3) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act prescribes time
limit for fi1ing the Petition to set aside the award as three months from the
date of receipt of the Arbitral Award and the Proviso to Section 34(3)
prescribes further grace period of thirty days for entertaining an Application
under Section 34 provided the Applicant satisfy the Court with sufficient
cause for not making an application within a period of three months. As
rightly argued by the learned Counsel for the First Respondent, the
combined appreciation of Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act
and Section 19 of the MSMED would undoubtedly go the show that the
Petition under Section 34 shall be filed within 90 days or within 30 days
thereafter i.e.• within 120 days either from the datc ofthc award or from the
date of receipt of copy of the award by the Applicant and not thereafter and
the Appeal or Petition shall not be entertained, unless the Petitioner deposits
75% of the amount in terms of the impugned award and the Petition under
Section 34 shall be entertained with deposit of 75% of the amount in terms
of the award. The Apex Court in Lalla Prasad Khinni Lal Case referred to
the Full Bench decision reported in Lakshmi Rattan Engineering Works
Ltd. Jr. Assistant Commissioner, Sales Tax, AIR 1968 SC 488, wherein the
Supreme Court has observed that the word "entertain" means "admitting to
consideration" and the Court shall not proceed to admit to consideration an
Appeal, which is not accompanied by satisfactory proof of the payment of
the admitted tax, which is the statutory requirement as laid down under law.
10. In the instant case, admittedly, the Petitioner has not deposited 75%
of the award amount within 120 days .which is the statutory period
prescribed for filing an Appeal including this Petition under Section 34 of
the Ar~itJ:;ati~n Act. yh,?VSh the ~ppeal is ~led w~thin 30 days. from the ?ate
of receipt of copy of this award, the same is not filed along With 750/0 of the

46 Current Tamil Nadu Cases /28.08.2013

Part 1 Goodyear India Ltd. v, Nortan lntec Rubber (P) Ltd. 31
(K.B.K. Vasukl, J.)
award amount. The perusal of the records relating to. this case and the
particulars furnished by the First Respondent under the caption 'list of dates
and events' would reveal that the Arbitratinn A ward was received by the
Petitioner on 15.01.2010 and the limitation period of three months came to
end on 14.04.2010 and further grace period of 30 days ended on 13.5.2010.
But the present O.P~was filed on 29.03.2010 without mandatory pre-deposit
of 75% of the award amount, The O.P.D. No.142J4 of 2010 was, hence,
returned by the Registry, which compelled the Petitioner to come forward
with an Application Appln.D. No.14215 of 2010 on 05.10!2010 and the
same was disposed of on 5.10.2010 on the basis of the statement made by
learned Senior Co . inseI appearing for the Petitioner to deposit the amount
within six weeks, with further direction issued to the Registry to number the
petition on compliance of pre-deposit of 75% of the award amount, The
Petitioner deposited t60,08,622/'- on 10.1 1.2010, which is admittedly 75% of
only the principal amount of ~80~11.495/- without including the interest as
per the award. The main a.p. was thereafter represented with the delay of
111 days and the delay was condoned by Master 011 23.11.2010 and
thereafter, the D.P. was numbered as D.P. NoJ~8g of 2010 and O.P. was
admitted on 09.12.2010 and stoodadjourned to 21.12.2010 at the instance of
the First Respondent, who took notice on caveat. The matter was again listed
on 24.01.2011 and preliminary objection was seriously raised by the First
Respondent regarding maintainability of the O.P.. without the deposit of
75% of the award amount and the same was decided as preliminary issue by
detailed order dated 07.04.2011. This Court has categorically held that the
Petitioner has deposited 75% principal amount and not 75% of the entire
award amount consisting of principal and interest in compliance with
Section 19 of the Act and unless the Petitioner deposits 75% of the award
amount ofprincipal and interest within six. weeks from the date of receipt of
copy of the order, O.P. will be dismissed. Aggrieved against the same, the
Petitioner preferred O.S.A. No.119 of 2011. The Division Bench of this
Court concurred with the finding of the learned Single Judge regarding 'non
compliance of pre-deposit of 75% of the award amount, however disposed of
the Appeal by granting six more weeks time to the Petitioner to comply with
the mandatory requirement. The same was again challenged by the Petitioner
in S.L.P~ Nos.16919 & 16920 of 2011. The First Respondent herein also
filed S.L.P. Nos.31468 & 31469 of 2011 by questioning the maintainability
of the O.P. on the ground of limitation for non-deposit of 75% of the award
11. In the meanwhile, the First Respondent/Awardee filed E.P. No.1300
of2011 for execution of the Award and pending E.P., the Supreme Court by
an order dated 12.07.2011 granted further period of 8 weeks to deposit the
a..m.(l~. nt in t.enns of th..e order.•.•.
passed in O.S.A.. The First Respon..dent has also
tiled A. No.3037of 2011:in C.P. No.SS8 of 2010 for payment out of
~6(), 8,821/- deposited by the Petitioner to the First Respondent and an order
, .

GurrentTamil Nadu Gases 128.08.2013 47

32 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) ere

was passed on the same day on 22.07.2011 by directing the Registrar

General to invest the amount in fixed deposit, for three months in Indian
Bank, High Court Branch. Thereafter, the Hon'ble Supreme Court by
another Order dated 02.11.2011 directed the Petitioner to deposit further sum
of~l Crore in the Reserve Bank: of India and the same was complied with by
the Petitioner on 08.11.2011. While doing so, this Court observed that in the
absence of deposit of 75% of' the amount, OJ? cannot be treated as properly
tiled. In the same order, liberty was given to the awardee to make an
Application before the Master for payment out or to obtain order in E.P.
No.1300 of 2011 for executing the award. The Order dated 15.12.2011
further' clarified on 21. 12.201 I by directing the Master to consider any
Application filed by the Awardee for payment of pre-deposit in the light of
the Hon "ble Apex Court Order dated 02.11.2011 as referred to above. The
Supreme Court has finally disposed of all the four S.L.Ps. riled by the
Petitioner as well as the First Respondent herein by common Order dated
15.03.2012 thereby concurred with the view expressed by the learned Single
Judge with regard to deposit of 75% of the award amount under Section 19
of the 2006 Act and by extending the time for deposit the amount within the
period of 12 weeks. It is further observed by the Supreme Court that in the
event of pre-deposit being made, the o.P. will be treated to be in order and
may be proceeded with. The Stipr~tneC2P~lrt has ill the same order disposed
of the S.L.P. filed by the First Respondent by granting liberty to the First
Respondent to take whatever objections that have been taken in the S.L. P. in
the O.P. at the time of hearing in the D.P. Thereafter, the Petitioner
deposited a sum of ~2,82~77,540/- on 04.06.2012, pursuant to the order of
the Hon "ble Supreme Court. Thus, the total sum deposited by the Petitioner
i.e., f4~42,86, 162/- on 04.06.2012 is towards 750/0 of the award amount and
the pre-deposit condition laid down under Section 19 of MSMED Act is thus
to be treated as complied with only on 04.06.2012.
12. In this context another serious dispute arose between the parties is
regarding thetotal amount and 75% of the amount payable towards principal
and interest as per the award as on the date of filing of the Petition i.e .., on
29.3.2010 and separate Calculation Memos are tiled on both sides regarding
the principal and interest due as on the date of filing of this Petition i.e.,
29.3.2010 and as on the date of deposit of last payment i.e.. 4.6.2012 in
pursuance of the Order 0 f the Supreme CouI1. Before going into the
Calculation Memo filed by both sides, it is but necessary to reproduce the
operative portions of the Award impugned herein, which read as follows:
"In the light of the above findings, we conclude that the Respondents have failed
to pay for 52 number Bills with due dates from 22.7.97 till 13.3.98 and 7 Bills
with due dates from 25.9.99 till 15.11.99 for a total principal sunlof~80.11.4951.
for goods received by them.
In the foregoing circumstances, the plea of the Respondent fails and the Council
directs that the Respondent-Company shall be ljabl~ to pay interest from the

48 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013

Part 1 Goodyear India Ltd. v. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) ltd. 33
(K.B.K. Vasukl. J.)
appointed due dates respectively as above. The principal amount of ~t$O, 11,495/-
with interest at rate prescribed in the Interest on Delayed Payments to Small
Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertaking Act, 1993 to till the date of coming
into force of the MSMED Act, 2006 and further be liable to pay compound
interest with monthly rests to the supplier (Applicant) nn that amount at the three
times of the Bank rate notified by the Reserve Bank of India from the date of
corning into the effect of MSMED Act. 2006, till the date of settlement and
orders passed by this· Council as above."
13. In the concluding paragraph of the award, the Arbitration Tribunal
has stated the total number of bills to be payable as 52 Bills relating to the
period from 22.7.97 to 13.3.98 and 7 Bills from 25.9.1999 to 15.11.99. The
total principal amount covered under 52 + 7 Bills, according to the Award, is
~80,11,4951- and the same is also referred to in the second part of the
concluding paragraph and the rate of interest awarded is at the rate
prescribed "in the interest on delayed payments to Small Scale and Ancillary
Industrial Undertaking Act". As far as the rate prescribed in the Interest OIl
delayed payments to Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertaking Act,
is concerned, the same was repealed with effect from 2.10.2006 by MSMED
Act. 2712006. Thereafter, the interest became payable. under Section 16 of
MSMED Act. While interest payable as per repealed Act is Ph times of
prirne lending rate (PLR), the same is under Section 16 of the new Act 3
times of the rate notified by the Reserve Bank of India. Thus,as far as
,principal amount is concerned, the same is accepted as f80,11,495/- for the
purpose of calculation. As far as rate of interest is concerned, the same is
calculated at 18% (3 times of 6% as notified by Reserve Bank of India) for
the period from '1..10.2006 till the date of Petition i.e., on 29.3.2010 by the
PetitinnervWhereas, the Respondent calculated the rate upto the date of last
payment i.e.. on 4.6.2012. As per such calculation, the total amount payable
f(jwards principal and interest as per the award by the Petitioner is
f5,90,48,215/- as on 29.3.2010 and 75% of the same is ~4,42~86,161.25.
Whereas, as per the Respondent, the total amount payable is ~.6,05,92,156/-
and 75% of the same is ~4,54,44,117/-.For the Iimited purpose of deciding
the issue relating compliance of predeposit of 75% of the Award, this Court
is inclined to accept the calculation memo made on the Petitioner's side, as
per which, the amount payable towards principal and interest as on
29.3.2010 is f5.,90,48,2151- and 75% of the same comes to f4,42,86,161.25.
14. Next aspect to he considered relating to limitation is whether the
Petitioner deposited the pre-deposit amount and whether the OiP, is filed
within the time Iimit prescribed for filing the Petition i.e. 90+30 days along
With such pre-deposit. The. particulars as furnished above would reveal that
Hie total amount of:{4,42.86,1621- came to be filed only on 4.6.2012. Here is
the case, wherein, the Petitioner filed the Arbitration O.P. on 29.3.2010
without complying with mandatory predeposit of 75% of the-award am~nt.
At the risk of repetition it is stated herein that the limitation period
prescribed under Sfction 34 of the Arbitrp:tion Act i. e., 90+30 qays came to ,

CTC-3 2013 (5) Current Tamil Nadu Cases • 3 49

34 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) CTe

end on 14.4.2010 and a.p. was returned on 20.4.2010 for compliance of

statutory requirement of deposit of 75% of the award amount and the
Petition was represented along with the Application for waiving pre-deposit of
75% of the award amount and the same was disposed of on 5.10.2010 and the
first 311101111t of f60,08,6221- towards 75% of the principal amount came to be
deposited only 10.11.2010 i.e., much after 90+30 days limitation period fur
filing Appeal against the Arbitral award expired. Thereafter, the entire 75% of
principal and interest as per the award and as per the calculation made by the
Petitioner as referred to above, came to be deposited on various dates, only in
pursuance of the order of the Supreme Court on 2.11.2011 ~ i.e., ~I crore on
Kl1.2011 and further sum of ~2.82.77,540/- 011 04.06.2012, thereby total
amount t4.42.86, I62/- came to be deposited by the Petitioner only on
04.06.2012. The Petitioner was given time for complying with pre-deposit of
75% of principal and interest on more than one occasion and further time was
granted in OiP. by uur High Court as well as in S.L.P. by Hon'ble Supreme
Court. In spite of the same, conditional order was not complied with.
15. Whereas, it is repeatedly argued by the learned Senior Counsel fur the
Petitioner that as the correctness legality and validity of the Arbitration Award
is being challenged in the D.P., the same would absolve the Petitioner from his
liability to comply with the statutory requirement of 75% of the impugned
Award. It is sought to be argued before this Court on the side of the Petitioner
that in the light of the grounds raised against the correctness of the Award, the
Award is to be treated as non-est in law, insofar as it relates to award of
interest is concerned as such deposit of 75% of principal amount shall be
treated as sufficient cornpliance of the statutory requirement of 75% pre-
deposit of the award amount, This court is, as rightly argued by the learned
Counsel for the Respondent, not inclined to accept such contention raised on
the side of the Petitioner. The award having been passed on merits, after
contest, unless and until it is modified or set aside, is deemed to be in force
and the statutory requirement laid down under Section 19 of MSMED Act
shall be only relating to entire award impugned in the O.P. and the Petitioner
has no right much less any legal right to split the award into two categories
viz.• admitted and disputed portion, for the purpose of complying with the
statutory requirement for entertaining the Arbitration Petition. As the award
passed is for the principal of ~80, 11~495/- with interest as prescribed under
two Acts, the value of the Petition, for the purpose of filing the Petition, shall
be both principal and interest as awarded and not otherwise.
16. Even assuming that the argument of the Petitioner is acceptable, here
again. the Petitioner failed to comply with the statutory requirement as on the
date of filing of the Petition. The Petition was admittedly filed on 29.3.2010
without any pre-deposit of 75% of the admitted amount and 75% of the
principal amount was deposited only on )0.11.20 10, which is Inuch afte~;>the
expiry of Iirnitation period i.e. 14.04.2010. The grace period of 30 days i}Om
the date of filing the Petition ex~ired on 13.5.2010 ~ on which date,
admittedly nd deposit of even admitted portion of the award amount was

50 Currant Tamil Nadu Cases

Part 1 Goodyear India Ltd. 'II. Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. 35
(K.B.K. Vasuki, J.)
made. Though the Application was tiled for waiving the pre-deposit
requirement, it was not supported by any provision of law under MSMED Act.
Further, the Application for waiving pre-deposit was disposed of on 5.10.2010
granting 6 weeks rime for depositing 75% of the entire award amount. Again,
the order was complied with only in part. Thus, the Petitioner has not
complied with the pre-deposit condition either as on the date of filing of the
. Petition or before expiry of period of limitation specified for filing the Petition
and even after the expiry of the time specified in the order made in the Waiver
Application. In view of the mandatory requirement prescribed under Section
19 of MSMED A~ the Arbitration Petition cannot be treated as maintainable
either on 29.3.2010 or on ] 3.5.201 0 without 75% of pre-deposit. If at all the
same shall be treated as in order, it was only on 4.6.2012, the date on which
pre-deposit of 75~o of award amount stands complied with. The petition is, as
on 4.6.2012, hopelessly barred by limitation and as there is no provision under
Arbitration Act to condone the delay beyond 30 days the Arbitration Petition
is hit by Iirnitarion as laid down by the Honble Supreme Court and our High
Court in the judgments cited below:
17. M/.'i. Lalla Prasad Khinni La/ i,. Assistant Commis .•sioner (Judicial),
S{Ue.s Tux, KanplIrand another, 1972 (4) see 505, is the case relates to
U.P. Sales Tax Act which deals with the Appeal against the Order of
Assessment. Under Section 9 of the Act, the Appeal shall be filed within 30
days and the Proviso to this Section says that 'no Appeal against the
assessment shall be entertained unless satisfactory proof is adduced of the
payment of tax admitted by the Appellant to be due". Sub-section (6) of
Section 9 provides that Section 5 of Indian Limitation Act, 1908 shall apply
to Appeals under the Act. The relevant Rule 66(2) says that "the
Memorandum of Appeal shall be accompanied by adequate proof of
payment of the fee payable and a certified copy of the Order appealed
against and the chalan showing deposit in the treasury oftbe tax admitted by
the Appellant to be due or of such instalrnents thereof as might have become
payable" and Rule 66(3) says that "if the Memorandum of Appeal is not in
order, it may be rejected or be returned, after necessary endorsement on its
back about its presentation and return to the Applicant for correction and
representation within the time to be fixed by the Assistant Commissioner
(Judicial) or be amended then and there ". Tn the case cited above, one Lalta
Prasad Khinni Lal, a IIindu Undivided Family filed an Appeal on
21.10. 1965 against the assessment order which resulted in increase of the
admitted amount of tax liability. The Appeal was filed, 3 days before the
expiry of period of limitation prescribed for filing such Appeal. The
admitted tax amount was paid only on 27.5.1966. Therefore, the Assessee
filed an Application under Section 5 of Limitation Act praying tor
condonation of delay, if any, in filing the Appeal. The Me III 0 randum of
Appeal was rejected tor non-compliance of deposit of admitted tax amount
within the period of Iimitation. The Writ Petition filed under Article'~26 of
the Constitution of India was also dismissed on the ground that though the

Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013 51

36 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) CTC

Appeal was filed within the time, there was delay in making the necessary
deposit of the admitted tax and the delay could not be condoned. When the
same was challenged before the Hon 'ble Supreme Court, the Supreme Court
has, in view of applicability of Section 5 of Limitation Act to such Appeals,
observed that the Appeal became entertainablc on 27.5.1966, the date on
which, the necessary document showing deposit of the full amount was
made, but it only suffered from the defect that it was barred by time on that
date and in view of Section 9(6), the assessee could file an Application for
extension of time and the rejection of the Application is on the erroneous
ground that the Courts below have no jurisdiction to entertain such
Application. The Hon 'ble Supreme Court has set aside the order of the High
Court and remitted the matter for fresh disposal. While doing so, the Hon'ble
Supreme Court in Para 5 of the Judgement categorically observed that the
Appeal is deemed to have been properly tiled on the date on which the
amount of admitted tax is paid and if it is beyond the period of 30 days, the
Appeal will be barred by time.
18. The important factor to be noted in the case decided by the Supreme
Court is that there is no outer limit prescribed for condoning the delay as in
the present case. Therefore, Section 9(6) entertains the Application filed
under Section 5 of the Limitation Act without any outer limit. Whereas, in
the present case, the outer limit 'fixed beyond the limitation period is only 30
days and not. beyond that. If the observation of the Supreme Court is viewed,
in the light of specific provisions of law, the present Arbitration Petition
should be treated as having been preferred only on 4.6.2012 and in the
absence of any Application for condoning the delay and in the absence of
any provision for condoning the delay beyond 30 days, the Arbitration
Petition shall be treated as barred by limitation as on 4.6.2012, the date on
which condition of pre-deposit of 750/0 stands complied with.
19. It lTIUY be true that this Court and the Supreme Court have periodically
extended the time, with an observation that in the event of the order for deposit
of statutory requirement being corn plied with, the Arbitration Petition will be
entertained. But the Apex Court has in the same order granted liberty to the
Respondent to contest all grounds available to them, including that of question
of limitation, as such, this Court is, for the discussion held above, compelled to
hold that the Petition is barred by limitation.
20. The Supreme Court in the decision reported in Union of India v.
Popular Constructions Co., 2001 (4) CTC 213 (SC) : 2001 (8) see 470,
observed in Para 16 that " ...an Application filed beyond the period mentioned in
Section 34, sub-section (3) would not be an Application in accordance with that
sub-section. Consequently by virtue of Section 34( 1). rcq~urseto the COUIt
agai nst an Arbitral Award cannot be made beyond the periodprescribed", It is
further observed in the same Para 16 that now the cons~taence of the tUn¢

expiring under Section 34 of the 1996 Act is that the Award becomes
immediataJy enforceable without Any further act of the Court", '

52 Current Tamil Nadu Cases /28<08.2013

Part 1 Goodyear India Ltd. v, Nortan Intec Rubber (P) Ltd. 37
(K.B.K. Vasuki, J.)
21. The same principle was followed hy our High Court in the decision
reported in State (if Tamil Nadu I'. E.P. Nawab Marakkada" 1996 (I) CTC
95, wherein, the case relates to Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act. The
impugned Assessment Order was passed 011 30.12.1988 and was served on
Assessee on 1.2.1989. The period of limitation under Section 31 of the Act

I was 30 days and the Appeal should have been filed on or before 3.3.1989,
after paying the admitted tax. The Appeal was filed on 1.3.1989 and the
admitted tax was paid only on 30.3.1989. Under tlie First Proviso to Section
31 of the Act, the, Appellate Authority has power to excuse the delay for
sufficient reasons only upto 15 days beyond the last date for tiling' the
AppeaL Whereas: there was delay of 28 days in payment of admitted tax.
The Appellate Authority refused to condone the delay and dismissed the
~etition seeking such condonation. The same was challenged before th~
Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal, The Tribunal allowed the Appeal and
remanded the case before the Appellate Assistant Commissioner holding that
there was no delay in filing the Appeal and the payment of the admitted tax
beyond the period of limitation was of no consequence. Against which,
T.C.509/1995 was tiled by the Revenue. The Full Bench of our High Court,
after referring to various judgments of the Supreme Court, our High Court.
and other High Courts arising out of the same issue, arrived at a finding in
Para 24 of the judgment that "we were therefore firmly-of the opinion that if
there was no payment of the admitted tax within the period allowed for
condonation of delay in preferring an Appeal, no Appeal could be said to
have been filed. It was only when the payment of admitted tax was-made that
the Appeal couldbe said to have been filed. We also made it clear that the
words Uno Appealshould be entertained under this sub-section unless it was
accompanied by satisfactory proof of the payment of the tax admitted by the
Appellant to be due .....~' as already stated in Para 14 supra were interpreted
to mean that the payment of the admitted tax should be made within the time
or the extended time prescribed tor filing an Appeal, even though the
satisfactory proof might be produced later before HIe Appeal was taken up
for the first time for consideration. Consequently it followed that if the
payment of admitted tax was. made beyond the period of 30 days prescribed
for filing of an Appeal and beyond the period of 15 days in respect of which
a1one, the Appellate Authority has power to condone the delay then the
Appellate Authority has to necessarily reject the Appeal as barred by
limitation". The Full Bench of our High Court has accordingly set aside the
order of the Tribunal, thereby restoring the order of the Assistant
Cornmissioner. holding the respecti ve Appeals as barred by Iimitation.
22. Thus, the principles laid down in the authorities cited above. are to
the effect that under Section ] 9 of MSMED Act, the Constitutional validity·
of which is already upheld pre-deposit of 75% of the award amounr ..~
mandatory for entertaining any Appeal/Petition against the award pasScd.§l'r
Conciliation Council. Though the present Arbitration=Petition was fi~ "".".\,,~. ,

Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013 53

38 Current Tamil Nadu Cases 2013 (5) eTC

within the time, the mandatory requirement has not been complied with
either within the period of limitation or extended period and the Petition is
hence barred by limitation. On this score alone, this Original Petition is
liable to be dismissed.
23. However, for the purpose of complete adjudication. other grounds
raised on the side of the Petitioner to be looked into are that the irnpugned
Award was passed without requisite quorum. It is contended by the learned
Senior Counsel for the Petitioner that the copy of the award was signed by
Chairman and not by other members of the Council Chennai Region and
hence is without jurisdiction and is invalid and unenforceable. Whereas, the
original minutes and Award was signed by the Chairman and other Members
constituting the Committee. It is also sought to be argued on the side of the
Petitioner that the issue was permitted to be argued by the Council not on
merits, but only on legal groundsvWhereas, the Council passed the award on
merits, thereby holding the Petitioner herein liable to make payment with
interest without affording any opportunity to the Respondent to argue on
merits, the issue relating to quantum 'of liability of the Petitioner to make any
payment to the Respondent,
24. In this regard, the attention of this Court is drawn to the issues (a) to
(d) framed for determination of the council i.e. in the Award impugned
herein (a) jurisdiction (b) limitation (c) Applicability of MSMED Act 2006
to the instant case, and' (d) to what effect. The learned Counsel for the
Respondent contended that the parties were directed to raise grievance and
counter-claim and advanced oral and written arguments on all aspects and
the council decided to proceed all the issues under the Award impugned
herein and there was no room for raising any grievance as raised herein. In
support of such contention, the Respondent also produced the copy of
Minutes of Council Meeting held on 23.11.2009. The perusal of the same
reveals that as many as 46 cases were taken up on 23.11.2009 in the
presence of requisite quoram and orders were passed in 1 I cases and amount
was fully settled and case was closed in 4 cases and part amount was
received in two cases and the minutes was signed by all members attended
the Council meeting. The perusal of the minutes revel that the claim arising
out of which is the Arbitration Petition was taken up as Sl. No.18 and both
the Petitioner and Respondent-Company appeared for the hearing before the
Council and both the parties orally reiterated their written submissions and
the hearing was closed and orders were reserved. Further the perusal of the
typed set filed on the side of the Petitioner on 26.11.20 I 0 would reveal that
the Petitioner herein filed detailed Counter on merits and also filed Written
Submissions. but reiterated the arguments only on issues on legal grounds.
25. Even orherwise, whatever the grounds available ttt'tbe Petitioner on
factual and legal aspects.and also against the validity and enforceability of
the Award, the same can be canvassed only by Way of proper Petition'under

Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013

Part 1 V.I. Yocoob v. Big Mosque, rep. by its Secretary 39
(S. Nagamuthu, J.)
Section 34 of the Act and when the relevant provision of law provides that
the Petition shall be entertained only along with pre-deposit of 75% of the
amount awarded, the Petition ought to have been filed, after complying with
mandatory requirement and on the failure of the Petitioner to do so, the
petition shall be treated as incomplete and improperly filed and shall not be
entertained and shall be rejected. In view of the same, there is 110 challenge
against the Arbitral Award and the same entitled the Awardee to enforce the
same and to withdraw the amount deposited by the Petitioner herein.
26. In the result, this Original Petition is dismissed and the amount
deposited by the Petitioner to the credit ofO.P. No.888 of2010 with accrued
interest less statutory charges in connection with such deposit if any is
directed to be paid (0 the First Respondent and such payment shall be subject
to outcome of and subject to adjustment ill Execution proceedings initiated
for enforcement of award by the First Respondent.

[: ,2013
S.Nagalnuthu, J.
C.R.P.(PD) No.3415 of2012 and M.P. No.1 of2012
V.I. Yocoob ....• Petitioner
Big Mosque, rep. by its Secretary, Mettupalayam-ri-t l 30 I, Coimbatore
District ....• Respondent
1908 ~._Q(J,2_Q,8.},.J)~ctiQn_I_S.l -
{;J~d~_._~f._!;jyjJ..~ror.edure, Petition to
reopen case - Whetber necessary - When Suit was posted for
judgment, Application filed to reopen case for purpose of tiUng
Application to impfead Wakf Hoard -- Application allowed - Ot·del"
challenged in Revision - There is no need to file Application to reopen
case - At any stage, Application can be filed to implead any pnrty -
Application tiled to implead party already numbered - Direction
issued for disposal of Application to implead - C.R.P. dismissed.
Facts : Revision was filed against the Order allowing Application seeking to
reopen the case. when. the Suit was posted for judgment, Applicatigll was flledto
reopen so as to enable the Plaintiff to file Application to implead • .I+{'igb
Court held
that there is no necessity to tile Application In reopen and that the Application tv
implead can be filed at any stage.

Current Tamil Nadu Cases 128.08.2013 55

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