XPS Tech Talk
XPS Tech Talk
XPS Tech Talk
When hearing or reading information infused with scare tactics designed to confuse you about the
properties of XPS insulation, be sure to call the author on it! The information is mostly fictional, resulting
in “MythUnderstandings” for the uninformed target reader. This bulletin will help you debunk these and
enable you to separate fact from fiction.
So, don’t believe competitive industry rhetoric without checking out the facts. Instead, join the many in the
roofing industry who understand these facts and conclude that XPS insulation is superior to polyiso in roof
applications. The XPS industry prides itself on providing accurate and reliable information about the
stable, sustainable, long-term R-value intrinsic to XPS insulation boards. These qualities are recognized
by an array of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Factory Mutual (FM) listings, as well as in the
International Family of Building Codes and their respective Evaluation Service agency approvals for a
wide variety of XPS insulation products, which combined make XPS the best choice for roof insulation.
We do agree with industry competitors on one thing: “… the request for, and use of alternate insulation
materials (i.e., alternative to polyiso) is increasing.” 1 The reasons for switching from polyiso to XPS are
driven by the present high-cost, product unavailability, and service factors of polyiso roof insulation.
XPSA is confident a true and accurate comparison between XPS and polyiso roof insulation products will
lead the roof specialist to the conclusion that when it comes to roof insulation . . .
XPS Covers Everything!™
John Mansville “Marketing Bulletin”, Number M04-093, December 14, 2004, page 1, paragraph 1.
FACT: Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) insulation boards have met—and continue to meet—all International
Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Safety Code (IFS) requirements for roof applications, including direct-
to-metal deck systems.
FACT: XPS is approved for application directly over metal roof deck without an underlying thermal barrier layer
in many situations. Thus, the direct-to-deck application was accepted under the 2003 International Building
Code when thermoplastic polystyrene foam insulation products successfully passed Part 1 of “UL 1256-98 with
2000 Revisions” test standard. This UL standard is specifically referenced in the IBC—without any limitations
regarding sprinklers or re-roofing. Thus, per the IBC, a product and construction assembly passing the test as
designated in Part 1 of UL 1256 allows for the use of foam plastics in direct-to-metal-deck roof applications
without a thermal barrier.
• XPS roof system approvals are based on listings by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), as
detailed in UL’s Roof Deck Construction Numbers: 440 and 457. These listings are not
unlike any other industry’s products in that the listings are specific to a set of materials and
a specific construction technique used during the test.
• XPS roof insulation products passed code-referenced FM 4880 with wet sprinklers. These
systems are currently listed in the “FM Specification Tested Products Guides” section of the
current edition of FM’s Approval Guide.
• XPS roof insulation products meet Factory Mutual Class 1 requirements when installed with
an approved thermal barrier, such as ½” gypsum.
FACT: In contrast, what the polyiso industry is not talking about is that its own industry—not the XPS
industry—currently has fire-related issues with some of its products. Some polyiso listings have been
pulled by UL due to failure in meeting ASTM E 108 and UL 790 test criteria. As a roof insulation customer,
it is important to verify that polyiso roof systems actually meet UL and IBC Code requirements by
passing ASTM E 108 and UL 790.
FACT: Long-term ramifications of making short-term decisions must be based on the entire property
performance portfolio of attributes, especially thermal performance. After all, these are “insulation”
products we are talking about. XPS has not changed its blowing agent, and its stable, long-term R-value
is 5 per inch—results that are verified by actual long-term use—not just laboratory tests.
FACT: XPS insulation does not rely on a facer to give it its superior property performance and it does not
require a coverboard to perform adequately when subjected to foot and roof equipment traffic. All property
performance values are not dependant on keeping the facer intact to perform. This means the roof
specialist can count on the properties to continue to perform over the service life of the product without
worrying about delamination problems.
XPS Tech Talk: “MythUnderstandings” about XPS in Direct Deck Roof Applications Page 3.
“MythUnderstanding” 1
The abbreviation for Extruded Polystyrene Foam is “ExPS” and has the same physical property
characteristics as Molded Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS).
FACT: The commonly used abbreviation for extruded polystyrene is “XPS”—not “ExPS”—which distinguishes
extruded polystyrene (XPS) from molded expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam insulation. The two types of
polystyrene insulation are manufactured very differently and have different properties. Therefore, discussion of
properties and applications for the two types should not be blended together, as is done to confuse the reader
by enticing them to think that the stated properties of EPS are the same for XPS. Simply stated—they are not!
“MythUnderstanding” 2
EPS and XPS Manufacturers can achieve a UL Class A rating for exterior fire … but must use an
approved coverboard and a fire-rated membrane to do so.
FACT: The reference made to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Class A exterior rating is not relevant to XPS
direct to deck acceptance. Acceptance of direct to deck XPS at UL is based on an interior fire exposure, tested
in accordance with Part 1 of the UL Standard 1256. “Class A” ratings are obtained from successfully passing
the test procedure ASTM E 108. ASTM E 108 involves a fire test exposure on the top side of the roof. Thus,
direct-to- deck approval tests and “Class A” fire ratings are both important, but are separate fire specification
tests to evaluate separate fire scenarios. In either case, XPS has successfully passed both of these fire
specification tests and as a result hold current listings as IBC and IFS code-compliant systems. It is the
polyiso industry which currently has a problem passing the Class A fire rating test (i.e., ASTM E 108),
which caused UL to withdraw certain polyiso product listings. NRCA recommends that polyiso roof insulation
should use a coverboard in certain situations.3 Regarding a fire-rated membrane, any roof system listed in UL
must state the components necessary upon which the listing is granted.
“MythUnderstanding” 3
Polystyrene foam can pass ASTM E 84 tests, but these test results are misleading because polystyrene
melts and drips into the building and could cause a fire in the building’s interior.
FACT: First, the 2003 International Building Code (IBC)4 states that test procedures, UL 1256 and FM 4450,
must be used to evaluate roof deck assembly constructions—not ASTM E 84. Second, XPS products meet
building code requirements for flame spread when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. However, it is
important to understand that the ASTM E 84 test has absolutely nothing to do with evaluating interior fire
exposure scenarios of roofs. As such, it is not the code-required test standard used to evaluate the
performance of roof assembly systems in a direct-to-metal deck application.
Most of these “MythUnderstandings” (XPSA’s metaphor for misleading and fictional information) are alleged by John Mansville
in its Marketing Bulletin, Number M04-093, December 14, 2004 and by inaccurate or misleading information contained in the
Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA) Advisory, “Polyiso Foam Roof Insulation: It’s More than R-value,
It’s Meeting the Codes”, February 2005, found online at http://www.pima.org/advisories/021505-codememo.htm.
NRCA Technical Bulletin, 2000-3, “Use of Coverboards Over Polyisocyanurate Roof Insulation”, March 2000.
International Building Code, Section 2603.4.1.5 Roofing, which states, “ … A thermal barrier is not required for foam plastic
insulation that is part of a Class A, B or C roof-covering assembly, provided the foam plastid insulation satisfactorily passes FM
4450 or UL 1256.”
XPS Tech Talk: “MythUnderstandings” about XPS in Direct Deck Roof Applications Page 4.
Some currently-distributed information confuses the applicability and scope of fire tests, like ASTM E 84, with
building code standards, such as that contained in Section 2603 of the IBC. The bottom line is that E 84 test
results are irrelevant to actual performance of direct-to-deck systems.
ASTM E 84 is a small-scale test for evaluating flame spread (i.e., burning) across the surface of an individual
material. The E 84 test, and its results, should not be confused with direct-to-deck approval, which is gained
through a “systems approach” test such as Part 1, UL 1256, which is also known as the “White House” test. The
White House test is a more real-world, large-scale test assembly and was the granddaddy benchmark test that
was used to develop and validate the much smaller-scale FM 4450 test apparatus and protocol. The 2003
International Building Code (IBC)5 states that UL 1256 and FM 4450 are used to evaluate roof deck assembly
Although not required by building codes, XPS thermoplastic foam6 was tested extensively in large-scale,
intermediate-scale and small-scale test assemblies to evaluate the possibility of spreading fire via melting and
dripping. It was found not to be a concern by each regional model code evaluation service agency that
examined the data (e.g., ICBO, BOCA and SBCCI). All three subsequently issued evaluation service reports
that accepted the use of XPS in direct-to-deck applications. All three agencies thoroughly investigated the melt
and drip phenomenon, and approved the application in spite of fierce market-driven pressure by competitive
It is important to understand that underdeck fire spread testing assumes that a large scale fire is in progress
inside the building, started and fueled by the building contents. The purpose of the test is to determine if the
roof insulation will become involved in the already-existing fire, contribute significantly to its growth, and spread
the fire away from it’s point of origin. Extensive testing demonstrated that flaming drops of polystyrene occur
only where the existing interior fire, fueled by the building contents, is present to ignite them. In this ‘flash over’
fire zone, building contents are lost and human survival is not possible, all due to the originating fire of the
building’s contents. Away from the interior fire, flaming drops do not occur. All building code groups examined
the XPS melting/dripping data and approved XPS direct to deck.
Factory Mutual (FM) tested and listed direct to deck in the 2002, 2003 and 2004 FM Approval Guides as a
Class 2 assembly with sprinkler protection. FM, in 2005, is in the process of changing the listing from the
“Approval Guide” to the “Specification Tested Guide”. When asked in writing by XPSA members what new data
FM possessed that provoked the change, FM responded in writing, “…we do not require any outside stimulus
(to change) our requirements … FM added that “specific information that we have … if any, would be
confidential.” XPSA also wrote in December 2003 for an explanation of why the testing we were promised
would lead to a bona-fide FM approval was being denied only after the huge expense of the testing program
was incurred and paid to FM. To date, XPSA has not received even the courtesy of a response to its
December 2003 letter. Further, XPSA members have not received any information from any source regarding a
hazard created from melting XPS in an actual roof fire scenario.
FACT: BOCA Evaluations Service (now merged into the ICC structure, along with the other former
regional code-bodies: ICBO and SBCCI) was very sensitive to this competitively-motivated attack and was
very thorough in its process to analyze test data and results—including the “melt and drip” phenomenon.
In a letter to BOCA during this thorough review process, internationally-renown fire expert, Jesse Beitel of
Hughes Associates stated, “IBC Code-approved standard for evaluating fire spread across a roof
assembly UL 1256, Part 1 tests demonstrate that thermoplastic insulation used in roof assemblies allow
for heat energy and combustible gases to escape through the roof. If contained, this combination of
International Building Code, Section 2603.4.1.5 Roofing, which states, “ … A thermal barrier is not required for foam plastic
insulation that is part of a Class A, B or C roof-covering assembly, provided the foam plastid insulation satisfactorily passes FM
4450 or UL 1256.”
Thermoplastic materials are made from resin polymers that when exposed to heat, soften and melt. XPS is a thermoplastic
XPS Tech Talk: “MythUnderstandings” about XPS in Direct Deck Roof Applications Page 5.
energy and gases are critical to underdeck fire spread inside a building. Polystyrene foam insulation is a
thermoplastic material composed of more than 90% air. This means when exposed to flame, it shrinks,
then melts. And at temperatures greater than 850 degrees Fahrenheit, it self-ignites.” Continuing on, Mr.
Beitel explained, “While polystyrene droplets may fall into the already-developed fire below, they do not
ignite unless there is direct flame contact. White House tests clearly show that even though most of the
polystyrene roof insulation will melt over the area of the 100’-long test structure—only the material falling
directly into the fire plume below will burn.
“MythUnderstanding” 4
ICBO requires a building with direct-to-deck XPS roof applications to be completely sprinklered. ICC is
considering adopting a similar policy.
FACT: ICBO Acceptance Criteria AC 142 no longer exists. It was originally developed as an “alternative
equivalent” to the Uniform Building Code to govern the acceptance and use of direct-to-deck foam plastic in roof
applications for jurisdictions primarily located in the western half of the United States,. ICBO ES is now merged
into the ICC structure and no longer enforces this criteria because it has been superceded by IBC code
acceptance of the UL 1256, Part 1 test criteria.
FACT: If ICC is considering adopting a similar policy for direct-to-deck assemblies, the XPS industry has not
been contacted to explore the policy in any peer-review, consensus-making process. Further, ICC has not
submitted any public code-change proposals at the recent hearings in Cincinatti, OH. If ICC were considering
this, the time was most ripe to do it here at its code-development forum. This is simply wishful thinking.
FACT: It is true that the code bodies in general have always expressed concern about the sprinkler “trade-off”
code issues … but these concerns relate to a large set of various construction systems and buildings and are
not limited or focused on direct-to-deck assemblies.
It is important to note that human life cannot be sustained at temperatures of 212°F. Thus, even if droplets begin to
appear, the hazard was already sufficient enough to cause death. Thus, the flaming droplets do not pose a safety
hazard to human life. This argument is simply a red herring.
XPS Tech Talk: “MythUnderstandings” about XPS in Direct Deck Roof Applications Page 6.
FACT: All large scale, UL 1256 Part I XPS tests (i.e., the White House test) were conducted and passed at
accredited laboratories without sprinklers. ICBO ES only imposed the requirement for sprinklers after it was
proposed by the XPS industry as a means to end the seemingly-endless opposition to the direct to deck
concept put forth by the polyisocyanurate industry and FM. This industry’s position is, “Who can be against
FACT: In 2005, ICBO became a defunct code, and the criteria that once existed (AC 142) that required
sprinklers is also defunct. The current 2003 International Building Code (IBC) is fully updated and includes the
revised UL 1256 standard, thus fully adopting large scale testing (Part I) that was passed without sprinklers.
That test standard was not in the old ICBO code which enabled the negotiation process that resulted in
“sprinklers”. Section 2603. of the 2003 IBC states that a thermal barrier is not required in a Class A, B or
C roof assembly that also passes FM 4450 or UL 1256. The requirement to pass FM 4450 or UL 1256 was in
ICBO and all of the old codes. It is not new. The IBC says nothing about the use of sprinklers in conjunction
with direct to deck, and, there are presently no proposals in the code change process to change that fact.
FACT: FM 4450 is a smaller-scale test also conducted on an assembly of roof materials. There are
assemblies, with thermal barriers, containing EPS or XPS that pass FM 4450. The fact that the direct-to-deck
concept is tested using UL 1256, Part I, not FM 4450, is a well-known and code-accepted fact. UL 1256 Part I
is a very large scale test, conducted outdoors, capable of replicating large-scale fire performance. Such fire
performance cannot be measured using the small-scale, in laboratory, test standard FM 4450, or, UL 1256 Part
II, also a smaller scale test. All listings, both FM and UL, are very specific regarding the brand of components
including all types of foam plastic insulation, XPS, EPS and polyisocyanurate alike.
“MythUnderstanding” 5
It is very difficult to prevent hot asphalt from flowing between joints of the coverboard on a polystyrene
foam roof application. Polystyrene will melt when it comes in contact with hot asphalt…” or solvents in
adhesives can penetrate through the coverboard and melt the underlying polystyrene insulation.
FACT: XPS is used with hot asphalt systems and with solvent-based, fully adhered systems. As with all
roofing systems, proper installation procedures must be followed. It is well-known that hot asphalt and solvent-
based adhesives can damage polystyrene roof insulation. When proper cover boards are used, joints are taped
as necessary, adhesives are applied at the proper coverage rates, materials are handled and stored properly on
the jobsite. This results in XPS roof insulation that has been, and is still, used successfully in hot and fully-
adhered roofing systems.
“MythUnderstanding” 6
Mechanical fasteners should not be used in direct contact with polystyrene due to it’s ‘cold flow’
properties. These properties cause the polystyrene to flow away from the pressure of the mechanical
fastener and plate and will cause the fastener to ‘sit high’ in the board…”
FACT: This is yet another “red herring” allegation. There have not been any complaints from the field regarding
“cold flow”. The physical properties of XPS products comply with the industry’s material standard, ASTM C 578.
XPS insulation have been used in mechanically attached roofing systems for over two decades directly under
suitable single ply membranes and in direct contact with stress plates without one complaint of “cold flow”
behavior. For the past several years, it has been very common for XPS to be installed under TPO membranes
with only a fire slip-sheet separating the two materials.
XPS Tech Talk: “MythUnderstandings” about XPS in Direct Deck Roof Applications Page 7.
In addition to extensive field experience, laboratory testing conducted by Owens Corning and shared with the
Single Ply Roofing Institute (SPRI) demonstrated that the density, compressive strength, and the ability of XPS
to maintain pressure on stress plates is well-suited for mechanically-attached roofing systems. The testing
involved long-term mechanical fastener and stress plate loading, and the results showed it retained pressure
measurements long-term. These allegations regarding XPS in mechanically-attached roofing systems are
unfounded and contrary to the extensive in-service record of XPS roof insulation used in these systems.
“MythUnderstanding” 7
In order to achieve FM/UL approval, the polystyrene insulation must be installed over a thermal
barrier…A layer of 2.5” polyiso has an R-value of 15.3. A comparable system would require a 3.5” layer
of EPS with an R-value of 14.59 … (Extra labor, materials, handling, longer fasteners)…renders the
polystyrene insulation system more expensive than polyiso.”
FACT: R Values for EPS (molded expanded polystyrene foam) are much lower inch-for-inch, than those for
XPS (extruded polystyrene foam). For example, an XPS direct to deck system with 3” of foam thickness would
yield a long-term R-Value of 15. As explained in preceding sections, both UL and FM have successfully tested
the direct-to-deck application of XPS and issued reports and/or listings that detail those results. In many, many
situations, a thermal barrier layer is not required. Thus, this is a cost that can, and is being, eliminated for many
roof and re-roof systems. A cost factor not mentioned by the polyiso industry is the need for a coverboard in
many of its roof assemblies. This is a recommendation of the National Roof Contractors Association due to
delamination problems witnessed in the field.
FACT: Regarding R-value, XPSA recommends the use of long-term, aged R-value—a concept that is
much confused and long-abused by the polyiso industry. The XPS industry has long-recommended the
use of long-term aged R-value of 5 per inch measured at a mean temperature of 75oF for XPS. (This is
the temperature required to report per the cellular polystyrene foam insulation industry standard, ASTM C
578). Thus, a reliable, long-term, water resistant, R-15 can be achieved with 3” of XPS. (For more
information on long-term R-Value, please ask for a copy of the XPS Tech Talk Bulletin on Sustainable R-
Value or check LTTR information contained on XPSA’s website, www.XPSA.com.)
R-value can be measured at different mean temperatures and using different techniques/test procedures
for “aging” the samples. For example, XPS measured at a mean temperature of 40oF has a value of R-5.4
per inch compared to R-5 per inch at 75oF. Aged R-values measured in accordance with the procedures
defined by the standard CAN/ULC S770 yield results for XPS products ranging from R-5 to R-5.5 per inch
when measured at 75oF, depending on the sample thickness (i.e., a total of 1”, 2”, 3”, or 4” thick). XPSA
recommends that specifiers use R-5 per inch as the long-term R-value for XPS insulation products.
These results have been verified by actual field samples and by the ASTM C 1303 test method. It
remains to be seen whether the long-term R-values currently being reported by the polyiso industry will
stand the test of time—for now these are simply laboratory results from a Canadian standard test.
“MythUnderstanding” 8
The physical properties and thermal performance of polyiso is superior to that of expanded
polystyrene … with the implication that XPS and EPS have identical properties.
Although XPS properties have not been published by competitors in their allegations about polystyrene
foam insulation used in direct-to-deck roof systems, the reader may infer that EPS and XPS share
identical properties.
XPS Tech Talk: “MythUnderstandings” about XPS in Direct Deck Roof Applications Page 8.
It is important to understand that XPS has superior properties to both polyiso and expanded polystyrene
foam (EPS) in the following ways:
Compressive Strength: XPS compressive strengths range from 15 psi to 100 psi, with 18 and 25 psi
used most often in traditional insulation located below the membrane in conventional roofing applications.
Polyiso is often specified as an 18 psi compressive strength material. The difference is that polyiso must
rely on a facer to achieve this property. XPS does not.
Water Moisture: At least one polyiso manufacturer has published a bulletin that shows polyiso products
with a water absorption rate as <1.5% compared to EPS at 3.0% or 4.0%. The table fails to clarify that
polyiso, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 209, has a much less severe exposure than the water
absorption test, ASTM C 272, used to test polystyrene foam insulation products per its material standard,
ASTM C 578. Even under the more severe test exposure conditions of ASTM C 272, XPS has a water
absorption value of 0.3% (that is “point 3 percent”). Therefore, the XPS value for moisture absorption rate
is five (5) times less than that of polyiso even though XPS is measured and tested under much more
rigorous absorption conditions and does not require a facer to achieve this property.
These comparisons become more amazing when one considers that polyiso is tested using a less
rigorous test procedure on a product with a facer intact to assist in its ability to resist absorption—a facer
that can, and does, delaminate in real-world roof applications. In contrast, XPS is tested without any facer
or laminate.
XPS roof products are superior to polyiso in many, many ways. The reliable, long-term and stable R-
value claims for XPS, high moisture resistance, high compressive strength and the array of UL, FM and
code approvals for XPS, have always made XPS the best choice for roof insulation. As stated by JM in
the opening paragraph of their bulletin, “…the request for and use of alternate (to polyiso) insulation
materials is increasing.” The reasons for switching from polyiso to XPS are only partly related to the
present unfavorable cost and service factors in the polyiso. XPSA is confident that many in the roofing
and construction industry are re-examining the facts—especially the comparison between XPS and
polyiso roof insulation choices. After such reflection, we hope you will join the many who have already
concluded that XPS roof insulation truly has the best life-cycle value, and will remain XPS consumers in
the future.