This leaflet is for anyone who wants to know more about Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT). It discusses how it works, why it is used, its effects, its side-effects,
and alternative treatments. If you can't find what you want here, there are sources
of further information at the end of this leaflet.
What is CBT?
It is a way of talking about:
how you think about yourself, the world and other people
how what you do affects your thoughts and feelings.
CBT can help you to change how you think ('Cognitive') and what you do
('Behaviour'). These changes can help you to feel better. Unlike some of the other
talking treatments, it focuses on the 'here and now' problems and difficulties.
Instead of focusing on the causes of your distress or symptoms in the past, it looks
for ways to improve your state of mind now.
Each of these areas can affect the others. How you think about a problem can affect
how you feel physically and emotionally. It can also alter what you do about it.
There are helpful and unhelpful ways of reacting to most situations, depending on
how you think about them.
Unhelpful Helpful
The same situation has led to two very different results, depending on how you
thought about the situation. How you think has affected how you felt and what
you did. In the example in the left hand column, you've jumped to a conclusion
without very much evidence for it - and this matters, because it's led to:
If you go home feeling depressed, you'll probably brood on what has happened and
feel worse. If you get in touch with the other person, there's a good chance you'll
feel better about yourself. If you don't, you won't have the chance to correct any
misunderstandings about what they think of you - and you will probably feel worse.
This is a simplified way of looking at what happens. The whole sequence, and parts
of it, can also feedback like this:
CBT can help you to break this vicious circle of altered thinking, feelings and
behaviour. When you see the parts of the sequence clearly, you can change them -
and so change the way you feel. CBT aims to get you to a point where you can 'do
it yourself', and work out your own ways of tackling these problems.
Altered thinking
with extreme and unhelpful thoughts
Altered behaviour
(reduced activity, avoidance or
unhelpful behaviour)
The sessions
CBT can be done individually or with a group of people. It can also be done from a
self-help book or computer programme. In England and Wales, two computer-
based programmes have been approved for use by the NHS. Fear Fighter is for
people with phobias or panic attacks; Beating the Blues is for people with mild to
moderate depression.
The work
With the therapist, you break each problem down into its separate parts, as in
the example above. To help this process, your therapist may ask you to keep a
diary. This will help you to identify your individual patterns of thoughts,
emotions, bodily feelings and actions.
Together you will look at your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to work out:
if they are unrealistic or unhelpful
how they affect each other, and you.
The therapist will then help you to work out how to change unhelpful thoughts
and behaviours.
It's easy to talk about doing something, much harder to actually do it. So, after
you have identified what you can change, your therapist will recommend
"homework" - you practise these changes in your everyday life. Depending on
the situation, you might start to:
question a self-critical or upsetting thought and replace it with a more helpful
(and more realistic) one that you have developed in CBT
recognise that you are about to do something that will make you feel worse and,
instead, do something more helpful.
At each meeting you discuss how you've got on since the last session. Your
therapist can help with suggestions if any of the tasks seem too hard or don't
seem to be helping.
They will not ask you to do things you don't want to do - you decide the pace of
the treatment and what you will and won't try. The strength of CBT is that you
can continue to practise and develop your skills even after the sessions have
finished. This makes it less likely that your symptoms or problems will return.
Change: your thoughts and actions View: events from another angle
Homework: practice makes perfect I can do it: self-help approach
Action: don't just talk, do! Experience: test out your beliefs
Need: pinpoint the problem Write it down: to remember progress
Goals: move towards them
Evidence: shows CBT can work
Further reading
The 'Overcoming' series, Constable and Robinson
A large series of self-help books which use the theories and concepts of CBT to help
people overcome many common problems. Titles include: overcoming social anxiety
and shyness, overcoming depression and overcoming low self-esteem.
Living Life to the Full: Free online life skills course for people feeling distressed
and their carers. Helps you understand why you feel as you do and make changes
in your thinking, activities, sleep and relationships: www.livinglifetothefull.com/
Williams C J & Garland A (2002) A cognitive-behavioural therapy assessment model
for use in everyday clinical practice, Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 8: 172-
Department of Health (2007). Improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT)
programme: computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) implementation
NICE (2007) CG22: Anxiety: management of anxiety (panic disorder, with or
without agoraphobia, and generalised anxiety disorder) in adults in primary,
secondary and community care.
NICE guide (2010) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the management of common
mental health problems.
NICE technology appraisal TA 97 (2008): Computerised Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy for depression and anxiety.
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