Important Readings
Important Readings
Important Readings
Background: Transdermal delivery of drug is promising but challenging system is available
for local as well as systemic effect of drug. The prolonged residence of drug formulation
in the skin is important for transdermal drug delivery. Objective: The objective of the
present investigation was to develop a nanogel with reduced particle size in order to
improve the bioavailability of the anti-inflammatory drug, Diclofenac sodium. Methods:
The present study is to formulate nanosizes dispersion of diclofenac sodium by emulsion-
solvent diffusion method and incorporation of gelling agent to produce nanogel. The
formulation are characterized for particle size ranging from 100-400 nm. A drug named
diclofenac sodium used in rheumatoid disorders and chronic inflammatory diseases.
Results: Glycerol: Water (20:80) co-solvent system is selected for preparing diclofenac
sodium nanogels using different polymers and has better permeability coefficient than
alcohol: water co-solvent. Permeation through cellophane membrane was carried
using 0.9% w/v sodium chloride using receptor fluid in franz diffusion cell (1.74 cm2).
Gels containing diclofenac sodium with eudragit polymer shown better permeability
coefficient. Conclusion: Diclofenac sodium nanogels formulated using carbopol with
permeation enhancer has shown better flux enhancement in comparison with nanogels
formulated using HPMC and methyl cellulose. It has been concluded that diclofenac
sodium nanogels using carbopol 940 as gelling agent and Eudragit S-100 has shown
better flux enhancement with propylene glycol as permeation enhancer.
Key words: Diclofenac sodium, TDDS, Eudragit S-100, Glycerol, Carbopol-940,
Cellophane membrane.
Submission Date: 23-03-2017;
Transdermal delivery of drug is promising but of active targeting sites. Nanogels combine Revision Date: 18-05-2017;
challenging system is available for local as the advantage of hydrogels inherting the Accepted Date: 25-07-2017
well as systemic effect of drug. The entry property of nanoscale size. Nanogel network DOI: 10.5530/ijper.51.4s.86
of drug through the stratum corneum may provide high specific form can host and Swati Talele*,
follow the intercellular, transcellular or protect drug molecules. The release of the Assistant Professor,
Department of Pharma-
appendageal route. The intercellular route is drug molecules can be incorporated by ceutics, Sandip Institute of
the more common pathway 1 of the drug providing high-affinity functional groups. Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Nashik,-422213, INDIA.
permeation through the skin. Nanogel can Nanogels are able to carry encapsulated Phone: 9850165808
be termed as dispersion of hydrogel by drug molecules to targeted tissues or cell E-mail: swatitalele77@gmail.
physical and chemical cross-linking polymer structures without premature leakage of
at nanoscale size. Nanogel exhibit properties the drug into the blood stream or other
between those of solids and liquids. It con- tissues. Nanogel has been the form having
sist of small amount of solid components size ranging from 1-100 nm. In oral drug
entangled with polymers dispersed in large delivery, nanogels have been used to protect
volume of liquid in which solids form 3D unstable peptides from harsh manufacturing
network forming the nanoscale size leading and physiological environments and to
to high surface area providing biconjugation enhance the drug absorption at specific
S580 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 4S | Oct-Dec (Suppl), 2017
Talele et al.: Nanogel as Topical Drug Delivery
sites. The nanogel of Diclofenac sodium has been used Measurement of particle size of formulation
as Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID’s) for The mean size of the selected nanogels were determined
its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Oral route by using Malvern Mastersizer 2000 MS. The mean
causes irritation and ulceration of GIT. An improved particle size was recorded.
Diclofenac formula with high degree of skin perme-
ation can be useful in treatment of not only inflamed PH measurement
tissues but also inflammatory pain. The pH measurement was carried out by using calibrated
The present study was conducted to design and evaluate digital type pH meter by dipping the glass electrode and
Diclofenac sodium nanogel which provides prolonged the reference electrode completely into gel system so as
release, increase the residence time of drug on the skin to cover the electrodes.
thereby enhance bioavailability. Drug content
For the estimation of the drug in gel, Diclofenac
MATERIALS AND METHOD sodium was extracted from 1 gm of gel formulation
Diclofenac sodium and Eudragit S-100 was purchased with 50 ml of phosphate buffer 6.8 and mixture was
from Evonik industries, Mumbai. Carbopol 940 and filtered through membrane filter (pore size 0.45 µm).
Glycerol was gift sample from Loba Chemie Pvt. Ltd., From this, 2 ml was pipette out and made upto 10 ml.
Mumbai. Tween 80 was purchased from S.D. Fine The absorbance of the sample was determined spec-
chemical Ltd., Mumbai. Triethanolamine was purchased trophotometrically at 276 nm. The concentration of
from Spectrochem, Mumbai. Diclofenac sodium was estimated from the calibration
METHOD In vitro Release studies
Preparation of Diclofenac Sodium Nanogel The drug release from the formulation was determined
Accurately weighed quantity of Drug, Eudragit S-100 by using the apparatus known as Franz Diffusion Cell,
(polymer), and Tween-80 as stabilizer are dissolved in which consist of a cylindrical glass tube which was
glycerol while stirring. Prepared aqueous phase contain- opened at both the ends. 1 gm of gel equivalent to 10 mg
ing Carbopol-940 dissolved in water with continuous of Diclofenac sodium was spread uniformly on the
stirring and heat. These drug containing phase is surface of cellophane membrane (previously soaked in
sonicated on Ultra sonic bath sonicator. The drug phase medium for 24 hrs) and was fixed to the one end of
is added drop by drop into the aqueous phase during tube. The whole assembly was fixed in such a way that
homogenization to form emulsion. The emulsion the lower end of tube containing gel was just touches
converted into nanodroplets by homogenizer which (1-2 mm deep) the surface of diffusion medium i.e. 100 ml
formed O/W emulsion. Homogenization was continued of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer contained in 100 ml beaker.
for one hour. Triethanolamine added to form the gel The assembly was placed on thermostatic hot plate with
with continuous stirring to nanogel. Batch A1, A2, A3 magnetic stirrer and maintained at temperature 37°±2°
was prepared at highest rpm 8000 with variation in com- the contents were stirred using magnetic bar at 100 rpm
position. Whereas prototype batches B1, B2, B3 and C1, for a period of 24 hrs, 5 ml of samples were withdrawn
C2, C3 prepared at different rpm 5000, 6000, 7000 using at different time intervals. This 5 ml was diluted upto 10
homogenizer respectively. As shown in Table 1, Table ml of fresh phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) and sample were
2, Table 3. analyze at 276 nm in UV-Vis spectrometer for diclofenac
Evaluation Parameters Skin irritation test: Test for irritation was performed on
Appearance: The prepared gel bases were inspected human volunteers. For each gel, four volunteers were
visually for clarity, colour and presence of any particles. selected and 1.0 g of formulated gel was applied on an
area of 2 square inch to the back of hand. The volun-
teers were observed for lesions or irritation.
All developed gels were tested for homogeneity by visual
inspection after the gels have been set in the container. Spreadability
They were tested for their appearance and presence of Spreadibility is determined by apparatus suggested by
any aggregates. Mutimer. It consist of wooden block, which is provided
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Talele et al.: Nanogel as Topical Drug Delivery
Table 10: Stability data of Optimized Formulation the optimized batch and further experimental design is
Time period Particle Total drug content(%)
formulated. As shown in Table 10.
Initial 165 98.2 ± 0.029 CONCLUSION
After storage (40°C ± 2°C and 75% ± 5%RH)
Nanogel formulation containing Diclofenac sodium
1 Month 162 95.72 ± 0.861
was successfully prepared and shows effective as well as
2 Month 160 94.3 ± 0.85 better carrier for the transdermal/topical preparation.
3Month 164 93.25 ± 0.903 The formulated nanogel was optimized for homogenicity,
particle size, pH, drug content, in vitro drug release,
Table 11: Evaluation Parameter of marketed product skin irritation test, spreadability, extrudability, and
Evaluation Parameters Market product (Serrini) viscosity. Administration of this through dermal route
Appearance Clear bypass the disadvantages of oral route and maintain
Homogenicity Homogenous the consistently plasma levels for the therapy for single
Particle size (nm) 168 dose. The initial release rate from each formulation was
pH 6.5 ± 0.2 very rapid, this may be due to incomplete gel formation
Drug content±SD 96.8 ± 0.02 in the earlier time period, but the release became slow in
In vitro drug release (%) 95.72 ± 0.0784 latter period after complete gel formation. The release
Skin irritation test No irritation
profiles exhibited an inflection point, which indicated
Spreadability ( 6.6 ± 0.5
gel formation on the diffusion membrane in donor
compartment of diffusion cell. During gel formation,
Extrudability (g) 275 ± 0.7
formulation got converted into the gel phase and thus
Viscosity in cp at 50 (rpm) 9400
drug release became slow. The results showed that the
formed gels had the ability to retain diclofenac sodium
for the duration. The production of the formulation is
Stability batches evaluation also proved to be better and cost effective in comparison
The stability studies were carried out on optimized for- with oral dosage forms.
mulation. The samples were stored at 40oC±2oC and
75%±5% relative humidity for three months as per ICH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
guidelines. After 1, 2 and 3 months samples were with-
The authors are thankful to the management, principal
drawn and tested for appearance, pH, particle size, drug
and the staff of Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sci-
content, spreadability, extrudability, viscosity.
ences for their kind help and support.
Stability data of Optimized Formulation
The evaluation parameter performed for the trial CONFLICT OF INTEREST
batches (B and C) are the same as done for the above There are no conflict of interest.
prototype batch (A) and they are appearance, homo-
geneity, particle size measurement, pH measurement,
drug entrapment efficiency, drug content, in vitro drug
release, skin irritation study, spreadibility, extrudability, nm: Nanometer; GIT: Gastrointestinal tract; gm:
rheological study, stability batches From the evaluation Gram; ml: Milliliter; kg: Kilogram; cm: Centime-
parameter result of trial batches we found Batch-A1 as ter; rpm: Revolutions per minute; ICH: International
the optimized batch and further experimental design is Conference on Harmonisation; μm: Micrometer; mm:
formulated. Figure 5. Milimeter; sec.: Second; μg/ml : Microgram per milili-
The evaluation parameter performed for the trial ter; Gram centimeter per second; RH: Relative
batches (B and C) are the same as done for the above Humidity.
prototype batch (A) and they are appearance, homo-
geneity, particle size measurement, pH measurement, REFERENCES
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Preetam Nikam: Obtained his post-graduate in 2013 from Department of Pharmaceutics, Savitribai
Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra.
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Talele et al.: Nanogel as Topical Drug Delivery
Dr. Ghosh: Has accomplished his Doctorate in Chemistry from the University of Mississippi,
USA after completion of M. Sc. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has 5 years
of postdoctoral research experience from the renowned universities of the USA along with
teaching experiences. Dr. Ghosh has total 16 international publications and presentations in high
impact international journals & conferences. Dr. Ghosh has research experience in the area of
electrochemistry, polymer sciences, and advanced materials for renewable energy applications,
spectroscopy and analytical chemistry.
Chaitali Deore: She is a student of Master Degree in Quality Assurance Department of Savitribai
Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra.
Dr. Anil Jadhav: Is currently working as Principal at Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Nashik, Maharashtra. He is Gold medalist of RGUHS during M.Pharmacy . Dr.Jadhav has 48
National and International publications in high impact factor journals, also has 2 books in his credit.
Dr.Jadhav is reviewers of many National and International journals. He has research experience in
the area of Phytochemical investigation and pharmacological activity.
Cite this article: Talele S, Nikam P, Ghosh BD, Deore C, Jaybhave A, Jadhav AG. A Research Article on Nanogel
as Topical Promising Drug Delivery for Diclofenac Nanogel. Indian J of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 4S | Oct-Dec (Suppl), 2017 S587